P3TOB- TWC.'.- ' Prior to tho departure of the Klks on their special train ut h: p. tomorrow afternoon the new K!k band of 24 pieces, in now uniforms. will parade on Main struct, nt 1 : 4 ."j p. in. and give a concert at the Cham ber of Commerce building corner. Lunch will bo served on tho train, which will atop at Central 1'oint and Gold Hill. Kolnu anil returning, to accommodate tho members of llie lodgo residing in those communities. All superannuated and disabled Klks not taking in the trip to (Irants I'ass will meet at the clubhouso tomorrow night for a rummy convention. New Columbia yar:ia in light col ors for summer scarfs and sweaters. Handicraft Shop. 37 Tablets and scratch paas mado of news print, for school and office use for sale at this office. tf .lack Aitken was ono of tho Med- fordltns In l'ortland on Monday and Tuesday. Tonight, band danco, la-piece or- chestra. Admission free. Dancing It to 12 p. m. $1.01). Public Invited. :t2' Eastern guests at tho Medford In clude John I'louffo of Kaco, Mo., C W. Scblefer, L. K. Davis and II. Wjixolhaum of .Vow York clly, and (i. A. I.ancy of Chicago. Among other guests at Mr. and Jlrs. Paul Win stead of Klko, Nov., and .1. II. Knurr and A. Ilurgoynu of Seattle. Splendid valuus In children's wash dresses for summer. Handicraft Shop. 37 Now under now management, The Apparel cleaners and dyers, bailers, tlood work, lowest prices, holer ser vice. Guaranteed. Wo called and deliver. Phono 223-J. 42 'llr. nnd Mrs. L. II. Pankey of Prospect wore visitors In the city yesterday and guests nt the Hotel iiolland. Tonight, band dnnce, 15-plece or ' chestra. Admission freo. Dancing !' to 12 p. m. $1.00. Public Invited. H 2 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller of Gold Hill are tho guosts for several days of Mr. and Mrs. Williuni Meyer at Ashland. Plain nnd fancy ribbons for trim mings. Handicraft Shop. 37 Dolco-Llght Eloctrlclty for ovory farm. J. E Dartlott, Medford Hotel, Medford, Ore. A number of surprises are in store for thoso who attend tho May day ball Saturday at tho Natalorium. This affair is expectod to ho ono of tho big ovonls of tho season. Tonight, band danco, 15-plece or ' chestra. Admission freo. Dancing U 1 to 12 p. m. $1.00. Public Invited. 32 Now under now mauagemout, The : Apparel cleaners, dyors, hatters. Hood work, lowest prices, bettor ser vice. Cluarnnloed. Wo call and de liver. Phono 223-J. 35 Jerry Jerome arrived homo last night from n short business stay a! Portland. 'Hand . mado laces. Handicraft Bhop. : 37 Tho Chamber of Commerce 1b a clearing house for community thought nnd action. Join. tf Your spring suit best woolons. reasonable prlcos. Kloln tho Tailor, East Main, upstairs. Tonight, band danco, 15-pleco or chestra. Admission free. Dancing a to 12 p. m. $1.(111. Public Invited. 22 May Day danco nt lloaglo, Satur day, May 1st. Music by Majestic orchestra. 35 Tho ton men who wore caught in Iho Illegal fishing raid mado by Klsh nnd (lame Wardens Dalley and Walk er at Iho Anient dam Monday nlgbl woro tried in the court of .lust lie of Iho Ponce Ilollnian at (iranla Puss yostordny afternoon nnd Ibis morn lug, and fines of from $5(1 to $7.' oneh, and costs wero Imposed on them. Soino wero convicted only for conspiring, ns they wero standing on tho bank nnd watching tho Illegal fishing within tho prohibited legal limit. Tho wardens report that there has been n great i hango In sentiment among Grants Pass people and now Illegal fishing is generally condemn ed In thai city. IPocottug Hemstitching ' Handicraft Shop. 37' Old phonographs nnd record! bought, sold and exchanged. Doug lass. 101 S. Central. Phono (115-,!. ' (Hidden arsenaln of lead. The best to be had. - Conner's "Warehouse. At the concert to bo given by tin Kill a band a l 4:15 Tliundiiy nfter ronn 'll" e-l!hu';!;r'!lr Medl'ord popu lace is iciteevfe 1 nt;t to hurl h:;ni i;lll;.-t:ill !( for fi'lir (if rlo';';lnu the new I'and i-r ivitvi' iln and thus inr: T.uir::', !1:' lirr;im'y, a:d he- au: of the liabll.ty of missing the targe! and breaking the chamber of com merce windows. Ilosjieetful silence is especially rniiuested during th.' selection played by Iho trombone iiuaiiet, and the whlirielree solo. If you have a refrigerator for sale phono SH2-M. 31 (Hidden arsenate of load. The best to be had. Connor's Warehouse. " Among hotel guests are Miss 51 M. Hall or Portland and Kd. S. Wine I rout of San Kraneiseo at tho 51 ed ford, and II. M. Plerson and W. J Gurbarg at the Holland. Tonight, blind dance, 15-plece or chestra. Admission free. Dancing !' to 12 p. m. $1,110. Public invited. S2" It was learned today that ( . ! . Elliott has Just sold tho dwelling nnd three ncres of ground on the l'oothlll road west of tho city known as th Mrs. (loffo place to Kdwiird W. Carl ton, who It Is understood mado the purchase for his sisters, tho Misses Carlton who will nrrlvo hero Satur day frotn southern California where they ho,ve been spending tho winter, and take possession on May 1st. Mr nnd Mrs.- Elliott expect to move to California for Mrs. Ellloit's health ft, I. OgRS at DeVooV Porter J. IXcff left Sunday for Ban Louis Obispo, Calif., where he will defend Hugh .Moore, the Gold Hill youth, on tho charge of burglary on which he was Indicted following his being acquitted of the charge of mur der. It will he remembered that about a vcar ago Moore and a con federate broke into a hardware store which they woro just leaving when intercepted by a policeman, who was shot and killed by the confederate. Palace Grocery, .'.toffatt & Launs pach, proprietors, one of tho neatest and most sanitary grocery stores in Medford. Give us a trial. 35 Hemstitching 10c per yard, thread furnished. Singer Shop, 115 West Main. Colonels Wm. H. Brooks of Port land and G. V. Stevens of Washing ton, ). C, the United States army officers who addressed the Chamber of Commerce forum this noon, urriv ed in the city on the morning train and will depart for Portland this evening. They visited the army re cruiting station this forenoon. Tonight, band dance, 15-plece or chestra. Admission free. Dancing ! to 12 p. m. $1.00. Public invited. 32 Awnings mado to order and put up. All kinds of repairing. Douglas, 101 South Central. Phone (1 15-J. Tonight Is the night of tho Itogue River Valley Hand benefit danco at the Natalorium, and the outlook is for a very large attendance. Admis sion is free and many non-dancers plan to drop in, hear the fine hand orchestra and watch tho dancing. Palace Grocery, Moffatt & Lallns pach, proprietors. One of t lie neatest and most sanitary grocery stores in Medford. Give us a trial. 35 Carl Jeschko, nigh grade watch and cloc krepalrlng. 9 Fir street. Among tho puests from a distance at the Holland aro C. 3. and O. J. Johnson of Allegheny, Pa., E. II. Eh berty of Los Angelos, "W. A. Goetz of Spokane and It. J. Stewart of Spo kane, i didder arsenato of lead the best to bo had. Conner's Warehouse. 41 See Medford Land & Insurance Agency, successors to D. It. Wood & Co., Km 209 Liberty Bldg., for fire Insurance. tf A. W. Walker and wife, Paul Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walkor, all of Medford, who have been spending the past few days In l'ortland, stopped in Hoscburg yes terday and spent last night at the I'mpiiiia hotel. They continued on their way homo this morning.' They find tho highway In a vory muddy condition but manager to get thru without aid. lloaoburg Nows-Uc-vlew. Paxson's "Superb" Dahlias. Cata logue for postcard, or phono 11, It. II. Paxson, Central Point. 17 (Hidden arsenate of lead. The best to bo had. Connor's Warehouse. Calll'o;'alans at the MetUord are .1. K. Wiirrens of 1 1 tit. (1. 14. Truniiin of Yreka, and Carl Wiegelt, M. S. ltosenbladt, Clias. Wcinslienk, A. 10. Dragon and L. T. Woods of San Fran cisco. 'drain bay. Walking Feed Store. 31 For the host insurance soo Holmes tho lusurance Man. (Mr. nnd Mrs. Soth M. llullls turned this morning from n pleasure trip to southern California. Ilavo 350 boxes of fine firm extra fancy Nowtowns at $2.00. Hear Creek Orchards. 34 Auto Paint Shop Painting nnd rnvarnlshlng, satisfaction guaranteed Phono 235-11. 221-211 North Fir. L. G. Sprlnklo, prop. 33 (Hidden arsenato of lead. Tho best to be bad. Connor's Warehouse. Tho many friends here of ('has. II. King, the former Medford mini of Schustopol, Calif., who is in tho apple growing and shipping business there, will be iutoresied to know that be last week in San Francisco was elect ed grand royal arch of tho grand chapter Hoyal Arch Masons, which means that In six years ho will bo Iho grand high priest of the order, tho highest girt within tho body. For years Mr. King conducted tho Med ford book store which he sold out to AITred Miller. In speaking of his election tho Sohastopol newspaper says: "Mr. King is ono of tho best known Masons of thin section of the .-dale, and Ihis lived in Sebaslopol for some years pas;, llels active in all iho Masonic bodies 'of this section, and his preferment is decidedly pleas ing to thoso of tho Masonic frater nity." Have 350 boxes of fine firm extra Taney Nowtowns at $2.00. Hear Creek Orchards. . SI (Hidden arsenate of lead. Tho best to be had. Conner's Warehouse. Mr. unci .Mrs. Seeley Hall who have been visiting in Portland for several days leave that city for home today, making Ihe return trip In a new car. Hrlng your clean cotton rugs to this ori'lce and get cash for them. 32 HEAL SKIOISEASES Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat ing, Antiseptic Liquid It is unnecessary for you to Ruder villi eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, obtained at any drug store tor Tux, or 51.00 (or extra largo hot tic, nnd prompt ly applied will usually e,ive instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and wxithes the skin and heals quickly and clleclivcly most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, (lisapiicaring liquid and is toothing to the most delicate skin. U is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and save all further distress, Tl Ii. W. Hum Co., CltvclinJ. O- WEEKS & ORR UNDERTAKERS Jny Ilione 287 Night Phones v. '. Weeks, 2C7-J-S A. K, Orr, 227-J-8, MEDFOttT) flfXTC TftTBUNE, Mr. and Mrs. John Yates and chil- dren of Alberta, Ca., are guests at the Nash, as aro also J. D. Lonz of Selma, Col., und J. McCormlck of San Francisco. (Hidden arsenato of lead. The best to bo had. Connor's Warehouse. When you want any hauling, mov ing, etc., dono call 407-Y, Koizur ISrothoiB Transfer and Storage. 3'J Miss Josephine Koppes has been spending Iho week In Eugene, the guost of llolen lirown und Cunevleve Spriggs nt Hendricks ball. After visiting Eugene friends Miss Koppes will go on to Portland. Delco-Light Eloctrlclty for every farm. J. E. nartlott, Medford Hotel, Medford, Oro. (Hidden arsenate of lead. Tho best to he had. Conner's Warehouse. Included among the Orogonlans who aro registered at the Medford are Mr. nnd .Mis. C. .1. Dunn of Kla math Falls, C. 1). Thompson and L. E. Falkenhagcn of Grants I'ass, and the following from Portland: M. M. Hall, A. J. Ness, Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Harbort, T. F. -Mesch, G. F. Slegen thaler, J. L. Shaw, Joe II. Wilson, C. G. Dibble, V. R. Wagner and M. C. Hatton. Drink Llthla Mineral water for rheumatism, stomach and kidney troubles. Ordor from Jackson County Crcamary. Llthla M moral water by the case. Jackson County Creamery. A delegation of Odd Fellows from Gold Hill will attend tho Grants Pass lodge session of that order tonight when there will bo work In tho third degjeo. (Hidden arsenate of lead. Tho best lo be had. Conner's Warohouso. Machines rented and repaired. Singer Shop, phone 215-It. All kinds dry wood, phono 305. Hay Blackburn. Secretary Will G. Steel, of the Chamber of Commorce, has recently received word from his old friend, Kev. J. C. Holllns, former pastor of the M. E. church at Medford, stating that he was going as a delegate to the general conference at Dos Moines, Iowa, and from thero would go on a tour of the cast, delivering a series of lectures on Oregon In behalf of tho Northern Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads. Ilo will mako use of n big collection of storoopticon views, including a lot of pictures of Crater Lako park which Mr. Steel used somo years ago In a sorlos of lectures In Washington, D. C, and which always drew immense throngs wherever shown. Eugeno Guard. Have you tnod the Llthla Minoral wator from tho Jackson County Creamery, It has groat medicinal value. Kodak finishing, best work for lowost prices. Jap Art Store. 51 II. L. Walthor loft last night for Seattle where ho will spend several days on business. If you have somo clean cotton rags around tho house you want to turn Into money phono or bring them to this office nt onco. 32 dlroken forgings and castings, all shapes, all metals, nil sizes, welded, reinforced and guaranteed. Vulcan Welding Works, 39 South Front St. READY for Instant use in oil cbokstoves, oil heaters or lamps. Amk your domlor tor Pearl Oil cloan burning and oconomloel. munjiirj Oil Co, (Caliroml.) V. II. Walker, Special Agent Stun (laril Oil Co., Modfnrd, Ore. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED A medium sized refrigor- utor In good condition. Phono M12-.M. 34 FOlt KENT Furnished rooming house, 10 rooms and bath. Will II. Wilson. Phono 4t7. 32 modern six-room nnusa, closo in. Thono fili'J. 34 1011 SAI.K Ford touring car; ex cellent condition. 319 South Grape. ' I 31 FOR SALE ('bickering Itros. piano in good condition. 342 North Ivy. WANTF.D Salesman for Medford and vicinity. Commission contract only, for spare timo or full time. We will teach you to sell income Vrotection through our freo school of Instruction anil help you build n business of your own. Massa chusetts Ponding and Insurance Company, Accident and Health 1-H'Pt. Saginaw, Michigan. Capital $1,500.00(1. 33 'T' BP- Our way of Dry Cleaning is nieihan leaily thorough and it saves wear nnd tear on tho articles. Suits, gowns, everything in fabrics cleaned. Call Phono I'll. - ,1 vv-j ,. ra I SfEDFOTTO, OKEC-OV "WFDXERDAY." lAPTtTL 2S,102a With the lower water In the river ' commercial fishing at Grants Pass Is fast Improving. Monday night eight boats brought in two tons of Chinook salmon and Sunday night 3500 pounds of these fish were brought in by tho boats. . Wo write fire Insurance. Iledden & Cunaday, 33 N. Central, phono 720 Orres, tailors for men and women. High grade only. Ashland, Oro. Mrs. . C. Clark leaves this even ing for Bridgeport, Conn., having been called there on account of the Illness of her sister. You ought to Insure your auto with Redden & Canaday, 32 N. Cen tral. Phone 720. Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlore for NuBone. Phone 585-J. The first high school baseball game of tho season is being played this afternoon between the Ashland and Grams Pass, teams' on the lattcr's grounds. Pickens Motor Co., formerly Auto Exchange, best bargains in used cars. Large stock to select from. 13 North Grape. 34 Prompt reliable service, satisfac tion fully guaranteed. City Cleaning & Dyeing Co., 401 South Riverside. Phono 474. The Daughters of the American Revolution will moet with Mrs. C. W. McDonald, 823 East Main street, Saturday afternoon, May 1st, at 2:30 o'clock. For eye, eai, nose, throat see Dr. Heine, Liberty Bldg. Glasses fittod. Houses for sale. Jackson County Building & L-jan association. For Sa'e- New and second-hand machines. Singer Shop, 115 West Main, phone 215-R. Orres, the ladles' tailor, will be at Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine woolens, latest styles always. tf Smaller Cars -and the World's Most Popular Tires 30 x 3 Goodyear Double-Cure Fabric, All-Weiithcr Tread 30 x 3Yz Goodyear Single-Cure Fabric, Antl Skid Tread. We Cany a Complete Line GOODYEAR TIRES, TUBES AND ACCESSORIES Medford Service Station Corner Main Street and Pacific Hi-'hwav. "We handle GOODYEAR Economize by using scratch padsi tor use. Get them at this office. t Suits sponged and pressed, 75c. Our delivery at your scrvico. City Cleaning & Dyeing Co., Ph'one 474. Slabs for smudging. Ray illack- burn, phono 305, South Fir street. 33 25 cuto littlo May Day pets for salo at 910 W. Tenth street, Medford. 35 Notice Have just put in a new Electric Thor Washer. Your washing done promptly. MRS. S. P. 1CLIJOTT, Second nnd Oak street. Central Point. Ore. 35 AMERICA'S HOME SHOE P01ISH i&Av protects andpresevves all leathers. AlwaysJQ BL ACK-TAN-WH ITE -OXBLOOD - BROWN $2350 Beg. XJ. a complete line of TIRES AND TUBES .Stiff After you eat always take. 'ATOMIC Irmantb" relieve Heartburn,BloallCMi Feeling. Stops indigestion, food ounnR. re jMjatma, sad all tfjotnaay inieeriei cautwd oy Acid-Stomach ' EATOtNIC le the bwtremody. Tennofthou Boad9 wcndtrfully benefited. Positively guar antoU ti iiloace or wo will refund niuiiey. Coil aad get a big box today. You will Heath' Dnin Stnrp. Mfirifnrri. Orenon 1 Bl Is Wax and Oils that's; it polishes,- No tiresbearing the Gooctyear name, not even the famous Goodyear Cords which equip the world's highest-priced cars, embody a higher relative value than do Goodyear Tires in the 30x3-, 30X3V2-, and 31x4-inch sizes., In' these tires owners of Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell and other cars taking the above sizes are afforded a measure of per formance and service such as only the world's largest tire factory devoted to these sizes can supply. All that this company s experience and methods have accomplished in these tires is available to you now at the nearest Goodyear Service Station. Go to this Service Station Dealer for these tires, and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes, He has them. Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes that reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more V 4 merit. 30x3'. sue in water- $50 Complete Stock of GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES , Carrieilat all times. Sec us, before buying. Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. 8. fat. pile. Medford Auto Co. SMILES instead of FROWNS With thef; INCOMPARABLE EDEN It has Exclusive Features So Desirable Free Trial Convenient Payments "We Brighten Your Home" PEOPLE'S ELECTRIC STORE 212 W Main Phone 12