;! J.i ' i " I' t'l '.I ' .' V: r PAGE EIGHT' REDfOKU JTSTC TRIBUTE. MEWOKD. OREGON. TUESDAY. 'APRIL 27. 1920. 21 TANK EXPLOSION GATES GARAGE Thru a peculiar accident In the C E. Gates Auto company garage Mon day afternoon a man whose name is unknown suffered a badly lacerated wrlBt and Frank Roberts, superlntcn. dent of the garage, got a bump In the solar plexus which prevented his re turning to work today. Mr. Roberts was soldering on the gas tank of a tractor in which it seems that a small quantity of gaso line had not been removed, when the gas ignited with a loud explosion which shook the building and broke a few windows, one end of the tank blowing out and striking the man on the wrist who stood several feet away watching Mr. Roberts work The other end of the tank was driven bard against the lattcr's tum-tum. BY HIS NEIGHBORS LARGEST LEPER COLONY IN WORLD HAS ITS CLUBS,THEATRE AND MOVIES Dr. W. 1). Wood .. Dr. W. D. Wood of lllllsboro, can didate fur secretary of state, is In Jackson county thin week visiting old friends and making new ones. The following estimate from a group of Influential citizens in lllllsboro lndl cates what they think of him in his home town: (Dr. Wood has the wido knowledge the practical ability, the keen judg ment and unwavering determination and dcslro for practical economy in state affairs, necessary to fit him for the performance of tho duties of Sec retary of state. Alwnys gcntlcmnnly and courteous, yet firm and coura geous in his convictions he will bring to tho discharge of his duties, if elected, broadmindednoss, clarity of vision, practical oconomy, and good judgment, togothcr with an accurate . knowlodgo of stato business and stnto needs. His election to the offlco of secretary of stato will guarantee nn economical, progressive and effoctlvo service In behalf of the stato in tho discharge of tho duties of that offlco We Invite your investigation of his qualifications for this office, and our hope is that his candidacy will appoal to you as tho ono bent fitted for the place and thru you to othors of your community and Hint ho will recclvo your actlvo support. GEO. II. BAG-I.EY K. 1). TONOl'K JOHN A. TllORNBlTHOll J. W. BUUTE THOMAS CONXEMj C. U. IIUCIIANAN. AT Pat Dulley and Ed Walker spent last night at tho Anient (I tun much to the sorrow of ten illegnl fishermen who wore caught In the act. Tho men caught In the raid were from Rose- burg and (irants Puss, and somo of them pleaded guilty tin soon as placed under arrest. Tho others were to bo arraigned in court ut Grunt 3 I'ass this afternoon. The fishermen yvero all caught fishing lnsldo the legal limit bolow the dam, according to a long distance tolephono mcssago received here early this afternoon. WAR LOOMS ON PACIFIC (Continued from Page One) "Wc xhotild not otilv linvc one liulf of the nnvv Ihero." .Mr. Lodge re plied, "but we hIiouIiI litive 11 rupuble. mdcticntlciit fleet on the l'ucitr. coast." WASHINGTON". April 27. The house bill upproprintintr .300.000.000 for deficiencies in coverntnent opera tion of railroads nl .!).000.000 for miscellaneous deficits was passed to lny by the smntc ninl ,-ent to eon ' fercacc , 1 Panorama of Cnllon Island and Its Harbor. The largest leper colony In the club houses, their open air thea- may do to help the lepers. Alroad' ..d 1? ,,',ndor 'h American flag, ter, and their motion picture en- the lepers have n Christian E.i'- c""?n- .Phllll)D,n9, Elands, tertalnments. Their own brass deavor Society and a Women ' So 8.000 of tho 2.000,000 lepers on band of 25 plays a welcome to all clety as part of tbelr commi'sitr the earth have been quartered visitors, and festivities follow their life ' since 1906. When the flag was arrival. Most of the natives till the They are practically cut off from carried to the Philippines, leprosy soil or are otherwise usefully occu- the world. Their monev his Wo was rampant. Lepers worked in pled. They live In nlpa houses and coined for their exclusive use cheese factories, grocery stores and have their own Ice and electric Their mail Is handled by a non tobacco factories, and as coachmen. Dlants. leprous employe before it goes school teachors and clerks. Quiet- These are the conditions report- aboard the mall steamer Their ly tho Government opened Its col- ed to the headquarters of the In- money orders are boueht'from a, ony at Cullon and brought there all terchurch World Movement by rep- non-leprous clerk who carries' the lepers In the territory. An ex- resentatlves making a study of the them outside the colonv. But the porlmental laboratory was set up. leper colony. The study Is being flag links them with the country ChaulmooRra.oll was discovered, conducted to ascertain what the which has given them core under nnd through Its use 23 lepers were Protestant Churches, through the the most admirable conditions that discharged as cured In 1915. closer co-operation which Is the have existed for lepers In the hl rhe lepers at Cullon have their large purpose of the movement, tory of the world. G. KELLY WINS IN CONVENTION AFTEf A BITTER CONTEST BELLIXGIIAM". Wash.. April 27. A ficht over the indorsement of Guy E. Kelly, former speaker of the house, of Tacomn. for national committee broke out in the caucus of the Kins county delegates, held here this morn ing, prior to the opening of the stato republican convention. The caucus, after an attack hnd been made on Kelly's record us director of the cen sus in Tacoma in 1910. and as speak er of the house, voted in favor of nn indorsement of Kelly's candidacy for national committeeman on the floor of the convention this afternoon. The attack on Kelly was made by Elmer E. Todd, former assistant Unit ed States district attorney of Seattle, former Senator Ralph Nichols, presi dent of the senate in 1917 when Kelly wns speaker of the house and Georre Hummens. An exception in the .-use of the unit rule was made in favor of Todd, Nichols and Btttmuens, who. under the caucus agreement, will be given freedom of action in the con vention. Todd said that he could not "'stul tify himself" by voting for a mnn whom he had prosecuted as an of ficer of the federal government. Although Kcllv was acquitted of con spiracy, he said, his subordinates were convicted. Senator Nichols assailed Kelly's record in the legislature in connection with the building and loan association bill. Defense of Kelly was made bv J. J. Sullivan, a war veteran, who said that tho ex-service men of the state hail unanimously indorsed liis candidacy in a caucus last night. Portland, than It did the last six months of the year while tho depa, -ment was located In Salem, accord Z to a report prepared by Conrad Stafrin. retiring adjutant general, filed with Governor Olcott. BAKER, Ore.. April 27. Every teacher and janitor in school district No 5 will receive a bonus of $100 In n.QCani vear's salary auauion 10 iu j"--- , . as the result .of an election held here Saturday. . Complete official returns 170 votes in favor of tho bonus and eight against it. PORTLAND. Ore.. April 27.-Rou. ert I). Inintin. president of the liiman. Poulson Lumber company, and one of the best known lumbermen in tlo northwest, died at a hospital here to. day, niter un illness of several months. Mir. Ininun was operated oti lust week for tin affliction which do velopcd following influenza. Mr, n. man wns about (id years old und a ntt tive of Ohio. F PORTLAND, Ore.. April 27 When prices for udmission to Pacific Const league baseball games in Portlund lyere advanced nt the opening of tlie season, Judge W. W. MVC'rodic, own er of the Portion dcltib, fixed the ud missiunl'or women nt 30 cents, a ten per cent tax of four cents milking the cost -10 cents. Then til cgoverninent stepped in and declared tltu women should pay n tax of seven cents, the same ns tho men lire rennired to nuv on a fill-cent admission ticket. Tliis wns said to be on account of the fact that n woman takes up just ns much room in tho grandstand ns does a mnn. Today Judge MeC'reilie reduced the prieo of admission for women to 311 cents, which with a seven-cent tax. will not increase tho -JO-ccnt total admission cost. Juekson County Building & Loan Association to I). K. Jl'llurd, et ux. Land in block 1. Han's Add. to Me.lford 1.1 John A. Martin, ct ux, to Chns. Nelson. Land in DLC 59-37-2W ........... 10 C. II. Pierce, et nl, to J. C. Kmeriek. Lot 8, block 3 Ken dall's Add to Sfcdford COO Dell E. Millard, et ux. to How ard E. Warner, et ux. Lund in block 1, Burr's add. to MM ford 025 C. E. Terrill (Sheriff) to the Pioneer Educational Society , Lots 17 nnd 19. block "I" R. R. to Ash Inn d fi-'i Clyde L. Martin to Charles Nel son. Lot !), Mace Sub 10 O. A. Stearns, ct ux, to Wesley Yogeli, et ux. Land in g:i-:i8-iw - 10 riomcr W. Barron, ct ux. to Em ma Wing. Part of NW of Sr 5-40-2E .-..-..-... ... 10 Harmon A. Predonburtr, ot ,ux, to J. A. Mot'fatt. Land in Park Add. to "Medford 1000 Effio Lttclla. Tavlor. ct til. to R. P. Bolz. Land in DLC 41-38-1W r , 10 Rnlph Waldo Elllen. ct ux. to .Farm Bureau., co.-operativo exchange . Lot J, block 3J, MM ford :.. .. LATEST NEWS OF THE STATE (PORTLAND, April 2 7. Krcd Pet erson and Russell Shawhan, both of whom are said by the police to have several penitentiary 'torms behind them and a long list of safecracking jobs charged against them, were in dioted yesterday by tho federal grand Jury on allegations ot altering gov ernment war savings stamps which were stolen from the Scio State Bank of Scio, Ore. TONIGHT YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE Another Side-Splitting Laugh Hit by the Captivating Stars of "23y2 Hours' Leave" The Sunday and Monday Crowds Said: "What's Your Husband Doing?" IS FUNNIER YET STARTS TOMORROW i FOR 30 YEARS Q nnumbeicd thousands have b LAlaughed cS cried, have been. Chi-uied ana exaitea cy uus : of American dramas! SALEM, April 27 It cost the stato of Orogon nearly twice as much to conduct the adjutant general's of fice during the first six months of o(jni) the year 1919, while it was located In III! IN M SOFIA CONSTANTINOPLE. April 25. Monslgnnr Dorotho, as nctlng Oroek patriarch, has sent a message to the San Kemo conference protesting against tho claim ho understands the iioly Seo has made that tho church of St. Sofia at Constantinople go to the Roman Catholic church, lie roller ates tho contention that tho edifice Is a Crock orthodox structure, and should bo the cathedral of the Greek patriarchate. (burnished by Itie JucKson County Abstract Co.) Heal KMnto Transfers Mat hew Knos to Hopo E. (Jundros, lots 9, 10. 11. blk. 3. Kendall Add! Antioucttc IV Pciitt to John Morris, et ux. W- of X E, XT, of XE XV of SK lti- :tii '' ? ASPIRIN FOR COLDS Name "Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin say Bayer Init on "Raver Tablets of Aspirin" in 'Uytr pAckagr," containing proMt ilirrct ioni for CoM, Tit in. Hci!afhet Neuralgia, Lun.b.iRo, and HlicuniiUism. Name " Ha Ttr' ntc.in genuine Apirm preacri' vA br phyiria for nin-trm yrar. Handy tin boxrs of V2 tnMets cost fiw crnt. Aspirin trail mark of Barer Manufacture of Mouoacctic- a.ci dealer of Salic ylicacii H MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price, No Mater What the Price MANN'S Sensational Sale of Men's Clothing and Furnishings I at Mann's Annex Wednesday I MEN! You can save moneyj j while this merchandise lasts I Note a Few of the Many Bargains WORK SHIRTS Best quality, all sizes. $1.19 I V 1CLA- JCJ i- - H "While they last each H MEN'S SUITS H Hart. Schaffner & Marx H all wool suits, $75.00 val- H lies. "While thev JOp H last, each .'. FLANNEL SHIRTS Hj Good quality in prey and j khaki. From $2!50to?5 H KHAKI PANTS Men's best quality Khaki H la11'3 E9 QO pair QU.VO H MEN'S GARTERS ;.V' values 2!)c Men's Arm Bands, 3"x: values 2'2C OVERALLS Mpu'b Union Made Waist Overalls. AVhile $00 thev last .iO MEN'S TIES Four-in-Hand $1.")0 values 98c $3.00 values ?1.9S MEN'S HOSE Men's fine grade Cotton Hose in black and brown, special OAp mr MEN'S MAKINAWS lest quality. On sale 12.00 to $19.50 Mann's Annex 44 NORTH CENTRAL AVE. Next to Schieffelin's Old Stand Cuthbert Building MEN'S HATS Fine quality. Cheap to- day at $5.00. "While they f each $3.50 p . MEN'S CAPS jj All pood styles and color?. Up to $1.50 values. "While S they last, OQp M each OUv MEN'S SHIRTS 1 500 Men's Negligee shirts with and without collars, $3.00 values. ff-l AO W Special, each V lv0 CASHMERE HOSE 1 Fine quality. Cheap at 50c WORK GLOVES (!ood quality, 25c values, j)air ....15 S (2 pair for 25c) f V-JAS-A-HESNE a. superb picturQatiori ofit; R I A LT O NEW SHOW TODAY -Plays Thru Thursday Thou Shalt Not . "Ihe 13th Commandment" Featuring ETHEL CLAYTON What is the Thirteenth Commandment? If you are a woman ' you ouqht to know: if you're a man you'd better see this " amazing picture and qet wised up. (Be sure to bring "her." though!)' AND A Sennett reel to make you laugh, A Cartoon too but that ain't half We show a Topics of World Events And let you in for 25 cents. LIBERTY COMING BRYANT WASHBURN-"T00 MUCH JOHNSON" ,1