Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 27, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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The season for -writing every now
and then "yesterday was the hotti 'it ; Ralph Hill of Philadelphia will pre
day of the year" opened Monday; side at the conference and there will
when the maximum temperature of!
81 degrees was reached, but the
balmy air and warm sunshine, fol
lowing the recent cool Kpell made it
seem much warmer. Ted ay was
much cooler with an absence of sun
part of the time due to cloudy condi
tions. Fair weather is the prediction
for tomorrow.
Tablets and scratci pans made of
news print, for school and office use
for sale at this office. tf
Band dance tomorrow night, l.V
piece orchestra. Admission free.
Dancing $1.00. 31
At the Natatorium tomorrow night
will be held the dance for the benefit
of the Hogue Itiver Valley band, and
it will bo well woith the while of
Medford people, even those who doj
not care to dance, to walk down to
tho "nat" Just to hear the band's
fine orchestra of 1. pieces. Admis
sion is freo and dancing costs $1.00
Tho proceeds go toward furnishing
this splendid new hand with uniforms
and other equipment.
Clidden arsenate of lead. Tho best
to be had. Conner's Warehouse.
Now under new management. The
Apparel cleaners and dyers, hatters.
iood work, lowest prices, beier ser
vice. Guaranteed. We called and
deliver. Phone 22.V.T. 4
Exalted Ruler Alendorfer of the
Elks made tho announcement this
noon that the KIks special train will
leave Grants Pass next Thursday
night, between midnight and 1 a, m.
and positively not later than tho tat
ter hour, thus insuring that the
members of the lodge will arrive
hack home by 2 a. m. Friday morn
ing and probably before, as It will
take the train only an hour to come
down from th3 Pass.
u lid den arsenate of lead. Tho host
to bo had. Conner's Warehouse.
Hear the big orchestra at tho Nat
tomorrow night. Band Boys Benefit
dance. Ill
W. A. Brodio of Washington, D. C.
and A. H. Kundell of Bowagaic,
(Mich., aro visitors in tho city and
guests at the Holland.
Delco-Mght Electricity for every
farm. J. E Bartlett, Medford Hotel,
Medford, Ore.
Now under now management, The
Apparel cleaners, dyers, hatturs.
Good work, lowest prices, hotter ser
vice. Guaranteed. W'e call and de
liver. Phono 223-J. , 25
.... Br. W. D. Wood ot Hillshoro, the
well known state senator who bus
, quito an acquaintance in Medford
and the county, is here for u few
days looking aftur his caudidacy for
tho repUhlCiirt nomination for secre
tary of state, ncconipanied liy' S. 1.
8mltr,"ttlKo; of inilfiboro. They are
guests at tho Holland.
The Chamber of. Commerce Is a
clearing house for community
thought and action. Join. tf
The big -dance of the season, Ifi-
piece orchestra, tomorrow night a;
'. Medford Nat.-. .'! I
1 Akj you reading nbout tho gold
.rush from Jacksonvillo to Boise in
1861, written by a well known Jack
son county pioneer? Tho lun'ond Jn-
Htullmeut will bo printed in next Siin-
day's Sun. Also tho two prize papem
in tho army essay contest. If you
aren't a subscriber to tho Sun you
t are missing something every wmd
1 0nly 15 cents a month or $1.00
, year.
May Day dance at Beagle. Satur-
(', day. May 1st. Music by Majestic
, orchestra. :i'
Old phonographs and records
bought, sold and exchanged. Pong
lass. 101 S. Centrul. Phono GHi-.l.
Among the Gran Is Pass people
- spending Monday in the city were
James T. Chlunock, Frank (', liiani-
. woll, Merrle C. Dyer, Desmond Itnd-
- ford, J. Wolke and Chaa. Kaudull.
- - Ctllddon arsenate of lead. Tho best
Mo bo had. Conner's Warehouse.
i Help tho band hoys by com Inn to
, tho danco tomorrow night at (he A' at
The regular communication or
' Heamns chapter, order of the Kusteru
fStar will bo held Wednesday night,
'and there will he initiation.
' Hemstitching 10c per yard, thread
" furnished. Singer Shop, 115 Wesl
' Main-
; Awnings made to order and put
Mip. AM hinds of repairing. Douglas.
J 10 I So::1!i (Vtihnl. Phone i 1 .
' Po-tliMil niMi regisi'recl at the
Med lord are Al. I,. Gi;e!le, I. eon K.
lieniHil'.i, Max KriedeMihi'l. 1.. W. Im
mc.n. .1, It. O'CuiUior. C. .1. Tinker.
W K. H-'UdKiw, G. F. Hh'gniilhaler.
-A. L. P.ramwill and D. J. Irvin and
- i. E. Shoroimhmun.
'ir cute little May Day pets for
bale at HI 6 V. Tenth street, Medford
Kllldder arsenate of lead the hwi
to he bad. Conner's Warehouse. 41
Tho names of tho honor snnlenti
of tho senior class of tho Medford
high schol have been announced:
'Jean I.oomis received highest hon
' ors, with h r four year's avuruge
yi 6-10. Wilbur Godlove received
second honors, his four years aver
age being !1 2-1 o. Kuth Campbell
ranked third. Her average is !!.
'The highest honor for tho senior year
'is held bv Joe llolrgang. His average
Is 9.1. Seveu of the students had
'averages above DO. There was only
one student wi:h an average grade
( below 80.
Seo Medford l.antl & Insuranco
Aeohcy. successors to I). H. Wood &
'Co., Km. 209 Liberty Bldg., for fire
Insnrnnco. "
K. Durkltind of Oakland. Calif., is
'hcrp for a few days visit with his son.
'Or. A. Burklund.
Glldden arsenate of lead. The heat
p be iadv Couner'H Warehouse. :
Albany lias been selected definite
ly as the location of the Young Peo
ple's Summer Conference of tho Pres
byterian church of Oregon, which
will be held in Bryunt park in that
city July 22 to 29. Key. William
be from 10 to 15 instructors.
For the best insurance see Holmes
the Insurance Man.
L'ii cute little May Day pets for sale
at 1UH Went Tenth street, .Medford
C. A. WVhb of Crescent City, T. II
WriKiit of Sacramento and L. K. An
derson of Seattle are guests at the
Nash hotel.
II. I. emcs al DeVoe'L.
Auto I'aint Shop Painting and
revarnishing, satisfaction guaranteed
I'hone 2 3TI-H. 221-241 North Fir.
L. G. Sprinkle, prop. 33
(Having been delayed in travel by
poor connections for some time, High
Jinks, the J'an High Schoolic. Circus
is finally scheduled to arrive in
Medford May 7. The circus is grow-
ing rapidly in size and popularity and
will undoubtedly Include all of Med
ford and possibly southern Oregoa
by the time It arrives. The company
is advertising for circus bands, ani
mal trainers, and there is even room
for a few more high class perfor
mers in the big show and side shows.
The parade will leave the high school
building at 7:15 p. m. Tho course
has not yet been definitely decided.
Medford Hi Times.
Clidden arsenate of lead. Tho best
to be had. Conner's Warehouse.
Bring your clean cotton rags to
this office and get cash for them. 32
Californiaus at the -Medford are E.
C. Heck of Los Angeles and P. A
Schallhorn, A. Cohn and Mrs. J. Mc
Britlc of San Francisco.
Glldden arsenate of lead. The best
to be had. Conner's Warehouse.
Wbtm you want any hauling, mov
ing, etc., done call 407-Y, Keizur
Brothers Transfer and Storage. 39
An event in which many arc show
ing no little interest is tho May Bay
ball which will he held Saturday at
the Nat. Many novel features will
be introduced as a surprise for those
who attend. Indications points to a
record breaking attendance.
Belco-Llght Electricity for every
farm. J. E. Bartlett, Medford Hotel,
Medford, Ore.
Midden arsenate of lead. Tho best
to bo had. Conner's Warehouse.
Edgar I Infer who has been in busi
ness in San Francisco for some time
past is in the city on a short visit.
Drink Lithlu Mineral water for
rheumatism, stomach and kidney
troubles. Ordor from Jackson County
Lithia Mineral water by the case.
Jackson County Creamery.
. Tho swimming season Is on at
Grants Pass according to tho Courier
of that city, which says: "The warm
weather is bringing out tho almost
forgotten Hwfmmlng suits. Tho first
one of tho season was seen today on
its way to tho rfvor, in company with
a number of lads. Swimming in the
Applegato is already In swing,
cording to reports. Tho water at
thiH time of' tho year is very closely
related to ice?"
Glldden arsenate of lead. The bout
to he had. Conner's Warehouse.
Machines routed and repaired.
Singer Shop, phono 215-H
L. Myron Boozer leaves today for
San Francisco where ho will attend
the annual meeting of the board of
directors of tho San Francisco Theo
logical Seminary on Wednesday. On
Thursday tho directors particlpato in
tho commencement exerrcises of the
seminary at San Anselmo. Mr. Booz
er represents the synod of Oregon on
'he board, lie will return as soon as
tho .duties calling, him south permit.
All kinds dry wood, phono 305.
Uay Blackburn.
Have you tried the Blthia Mineral
water from the Jackson County
Creamory, It has great medicinal
Koland Flaherty, manager of the
farm bureau exchange, who left Sat
urday ulhht to tako three car loads
of hogs to the Portland market in
not expected back in tho city until
Kodak finishing, best work for
lowest prices. Jap Art Storo. M
Wo write flro insurance. Hodden
& Canaday, 32 N. Central, phono 720
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Westerhind
left early today in their auto for a
trip south, not knowing Just where
they are going except that they will
wind up somewhere in southern Cali
fornia. They will be gone as long a;,
they feel in the mood for traveling.
Broken forglngs and castings, all
shapes, all metals, all sizes, welded,
reinforced ami guaranteed. Vulcan
Welding Works. Hit South Front St.
Orres. tailors for men nnd women.
High grado only. Ashland, Ore.
Sometimes one must go away from
home to Irani t ho news as witness
(he following in the Portland Jour
tint: ' Siskiyou heights is tho home ot
.1. t. Logan who is a week-end guest
at the Multnomah hotel. On the
heights Logan has an extensive pear
orchard, on whose trees aro produced
some of the most luscious fruits ot
the southern Oregon country. For
Siskiyou heights is near Medford.
which gained fame as a pear produc
ing territory long before it did as a
commercial center. Pears used to be
a poor commodity from a financial
standpoint, but improved nnd tin-
i proving methods of marketing and
a growing demand are putting the
prices up to a point where the grow
er can get a little profit for his labors
and investment."
H you have some clean cotton rags
around the hoftso you want to turn
Into money phono or bring them to
this office at once. 32
You ought to Insure your auto
with Redden & Canaday, 32 X. Cen
tral. Phone 720, ,
EaBtern guests at the Medford In
clude A. F. Dillen of St. Louis and
E. J. Haas of Chicago. Sam Golden
of Seattle is also at the Medford,
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for
NuBone. Phone 585-J.
Pickens Motor Co., formerly Auto
Exchange, best bargains in used cars.
Iarge stock to selecf from. IS North
Grape. 34
Tho new uniforms for the Elks
band of 20 pieces which makes its
debut on Thursday, promise to create
a sensation. They are of an entirely
distinctive cut and quite different
from tho old style hand uniform.
Much interest is being shown in the
band's initial appearance on Thurs
day. Prompt reliable service, satisfac
tion fully guaranteed. City Cleaning
& Dyeing Co., 401 South Hlverside.
Phone 474.
Your spring suit best woolens.
reasonable prices. Klein the Tailor,
East Main, upstairs.
In the report received by the Jack
son County Cow Testing association
from Dairy Husbandman E. L. West-
over of O. A.. C. for the month of
April, the herd of J. it. McCratken is
rated as one of tho six herds in the
state which has the highest fat pro
duction. For eye, eai, nose, throat see Dr.
Heine, Liberty Bldg. Glasses fitted.
Houses for sale, Jackson County
Building & L jan association.
For Sale- New and second-hand
machines. Singer Shop, 115 West
Main, phone 215-R.
Callfornians registered at the Hol
land are Mrsr. C. Conn of Redding.
M. W. Cross of Long Beach, Mr. and
Mrs. L. D. Llndsley and IL E. Cole
man, Jr., of 'Los Angeles and M. P.
Colliton of San Francisco.
Economize by using scratch pads
for use. Get them at this office, tf
Margaret Anglln anu company who
gave one of tho finest legitimate per
formances ever seen In Medford In
their presentation of "The Woman
in Bronze" at the Page last night,;
left this morning for Eugene where
the play will bo given tonight. The
attraction opens its Portland engage
ment on Wednesday night. Miss
Anglln's fine acting was ably supple
mented by a talented and well bal
anced company.
Orres, the ladles tailor, will he at
Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine
w col ens, latest styles always. tf
Captain Homilly Feddin of London
and family, tourists, left last night
for Seattle very well pleased with
their sojourn In the valley and at
Trail. Yesterday afternoon whllo the
English author ani artist was fish
ing with Toggery Bill at the river, in
making a shortcut they came out of
a cluster of trees and shrubbery to
behold In tho distance snow-covered
Mt. Pitt shimmering in the sun, a
sight the like of which the captain
said ho had never had the good for-
tunti to enjoy before, ' and" which
would ever live In his memory.
Suits sponged and pressed, 75c.
Our delivery at your service. City
Cleaning & Dyeing Co., Phono 474
A minor freight wreck at Wolf
creek today delayed the south hound
passenger train due here at 9:3.') a.
m., and it did not reach the city until
11:10 a. m.
Slabs for smudging. Uny Black
burn, phone 305, South Fir street. 33
Among the new incorporations fil
ed at Salem yesterday was that of the
Young Women's Christian association
of Medford, capital of $3500, with
tho following Incorporators: John C
Mann, E. E. Goro, Emma K. Stearns,
Abby Kendall Thomas, Ora L. Bar
nett and Ilattio V. Hurd.
Carl Jeschko, high grade watch
and cloc krepairing. 9 Fir Btrect.
The regular monthly meeting of
Medford Post of tho American Le
gion will bo held on Tuesday night,
May 4th at Moose Unit. A. J, Vance
is chnlrmau of the commltteo on en
tertainment and has a treat In store
for those who attond. . 1 .
cjitioii liv Ireland for memhersliiit in
the League of Nations, news of which
bus j;ist reached Washington, will
t-iill attention to the little known I'-irt
that Ireland is now a completely in
dependent .-(ate. The application
stales that Denmark voluntarily ne
eorded independence to the Islan.i
liovermucnt in December, l!MS.
Three other slates have filed appli
cation for ndmi-ion lb the lentrue. the
irpuhlie of Georgia, San Marino and
lU'CHARKST. April 27. Russian
soviet troops would rather so w
spring crops than go into battle, and
this was one of the reasons for the
failure of the offensive against the
Polish front, in the opinion of Simon
Petlura. peasant leader or I'kraine.
lie spent a short time here on his
way to the Prague conference and
"Those who remained with tho
bolshevik colors," he said, "got tho
spring fever and quit fighting."
Hay lliooe 227
Xljlht Phones K. W. Weeks, 227-J-2
4, K, Orr, SS7-J-3,
DOUGLAS Mic LEAN and DORIS MAY uiikni fnm the TriOS. H. IMCE PWurtuio.
" lj;Lst 'J luics 'i'onipht at Jtiulto Threitcr.
SPOKANE, April 27. Possibility
that two additional Spokane women
may hve married Richard Huirt Lob Angeles, Cal., in connec
tion with charges of bigamy, was
indicated today with the identifica
tion of photographs of Huirt as those
of the eame man whom they married
under various names.
SPOKANE, April 27. Possibility
that Mrs. James Craemer of this city
may have been imarried at Couer
d'Alene, Idaho, in 1917 to Richard
Huirt, held in Los Angeles in connec
tion .with allegations of. bigamy, was
indicated, it was believed today, with
Mrs. Cracmer's , .identification of
photographs and- specimens of
Huirt'.s handwriting as .those of the
man she married, up .James r. Crae
mer. , .
.Mrs. Craemer said her husband,
who was her fifth, disappeared four
months after their marriage after
having obtained several thousand
dollars of her money. She said she
refused to make a will in his favor
and to go on a long automobile trip,
as he asked her to do.
SPOKAXK. April '27.-Bernard
liindlev, 11 vear ol" ate, a M honlboy,
was found earlv tinluv in the furnace
room of a hieal hotel where he was
ompluved, .'-hot through the heart.
The coroner said lie had committal
suicide. The Imv's father, Alha A.
lamllev. declared his son had been
falsely accused of ha vim; stolen a
small amount of money from n room
in the lintel. His body was found hv j
his brother,, also employed nt the
SAX SALVAIIOK, Kepublic of Sal
vador, April L'7. ..Men, woujen ami
children nuinlieniiL' 80(1 were killed
in the recent tihtim; in Guatemala
I'itv duriiiL' the revolt which resulted
n Ihe overthrow of I'ro-idcnt Manuel
Kslrada t'nbivra. ai-cordills; to lat.l
adviees. Numerous adherents ol
Cabrera were killed in their own
houses, the adviees sav.
Many (luat' iimlans who lied from
lluJ country are returning' and arc
be.iiiL- rci-eived with ent'iu-iasin.
ml and -,Sapolio,-The
Ideal forToilet and Balh
X'li nnnna rem
Broken Timw Area rat rlj OnpUcated
duiio i- over mar
306 E. Main, Upstair
DES MOINES, la.. April 2". Two
men were killed, iwo are missing and
five were injured by an explosion in
the cnRineroom or the Des Moines
city gas plant early today. The ex
plosion shook buildings all over the
city. All industries dependent upon
gas fuel aro at a standstill and thou
sands went break fastlcss. The cause
of tho explosior. has not been an
nounced. It will be several days if not weeks
before gas can be turned into the city
mains again, it was said. Property
loss is estimated at $200,000.
m "Here we
m .1 i
Wc arc the sole agents for the famous Mariiu-llo
toilet articles.
Ralph Woodford c2fiuiatWaOif
IF you don't, then you have to carry more
money about than you could afford to lose.
When you lose a First National pock'.t
checkbook, all you have to do is ask. us for
another, and you arc out nothing.
Which is best, a "Nationalized" bank ac
count or a hiding place for your inonev?
Vho First National Bank'
I'OKTLAXD. Ore.. Anril 2i.
I'nited States District Judiie Bonn to
day isMiwl an order for a subpoena
duces tecum. urdcriiiL' produi-tmn ol
nil records of the Columbia ltivcr
Shipbuildintr corporation and llu
Northwest steel company for a fede
ral srrand iurv investigation of al
leged frauds in connection with ibe
construction of vessels for the emer
gency fleet corporation.
The companies, according to Ibe
order, must turn over all of their
records to the unind jury lor exami
nation. The motion for the order was made
yesterday upon the opcniiiL' of cou't.
and the entire dav was spent in arau
intr tho motion. Charges that tnc
present department of justice inves
tigation of local shipyards is inspired
by certain politicians in WashiDfton,
D. C, who are nlleircd to be seekius
to further the presidential ambitions
ot Attorney Uenernl rainier, weie
made during arguments yesterday by
Dan J. Malarkey of counsel for the
shipbuilding companies.
Xotiiicntion that they must eive up
their labor union affiliations or lose
their positions with the city were re
ceived by members of the teachers.
and firemen's unions through the
mails today. The notifications were
sent out lollowmir a conference be
twecn representatives of tho board of
supervisors, the board of education
and the California state buildiin
trades council to discuss the 'sub ject
BEN'.NETT Leah Belle Bennett,
daughter ot Mr. and airs. C. A. Ben
nett, was born in 'Wenatchee, Wash.
are, in tip-top shape"
VES, and that's the way
Chesterfields always arrive
crisp, fresh and in prime shape '
for smoking. It's the extra wrap
per of moisture-proof paper that
does it. Your Chesterfields never
become too moist or too dry.
July 23, 1303, died at her home In
Medford, April 27, 1920. Heart
trouble was tho cause of her death
She with her parents moved to Jackl
son county in 1909 and has resided
in or near Medford since that time.
Leah had ocen sick ror aoout a year.
Funeral services win no held from
Weeks & Orr's undertnklnj; parlorr
at 3 p. m., Wednesday, April 28
Interment at I. O. O. cemetery.
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone
costs only a few cents.
With your fingers! " You can lift off
any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between
the toes, and the hard skin calluses froq
bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little
at any drug store; apply a few drops
upon the corn or cnllus. Instantly It
stops hurting, then shortly you lift that
bothersome corn or cnllus right off, root
and all, without one bit of pain or sore
ness. Truly 1 No humbug I
Mr. Good Goods Says:
Our GOODS are GOoD;
36 in. Fancy Silks' ,
at f
$1.98, $2.48 and $2.65
a yard .
New arrivals every
week of the latest mod
els in colored voiles,
guaranteed to "tub."
Vanity Shop
Next.Rialto Theater.
Our way of Dry Cleaning is mechan
ically thorough and it saves wear
and tear on the articles. Suits,
gowns, everything in fabrics cleaned.
i Call Phono all.
Circular work ol all kind ,
Mailing L1U ' ,
Tunnell & Edwards
J05-S08 Liberty Building
Medford, Oregon,