usimmn kitte TrrmimP!. wttototit). orcrcr.os. moxday. aptnl 2c 1020. otioo of KMN.-lnl Election iFor Issuing Koad Honds for Jack-' son County, Oregon. 5 Notice is hereby given: That on Friday, the 21st day or May. U120. at the polling places in the different precincts in the County of Jackson, gtate of Oregon, a Bpet-ial election ill be held to determine whether the County Court for Jackson county, jDregon, shall issue bonds of Enid county to provide for permunent road tonstruction, to the amount of five liundred thousand ($500,000.00) ' Imllars, to mature: ' f One hundred thousand ($100. iDOO.OO) dollars, par value, ten years from the date thereof. I One hundred thousand COO. 00) dollars, par value, iears from the date, thereof. One hundred thousand jtiOO.00) dollars, par value, ears from the date thereof. One hundred thousand ($100,- tlftoen ($100. twonty ($100,- "(100.00) dollars, par value, twenty- live years from the date thereof. J One hundred thousand ($100,- idOO.OO) dollars, par valuo, thirty , years from the date thereof. The total amount thereof to he issued in one year, if the County . i'ourt of said Jackson county, Ore- l.f,ll an nluc nn1 tn l,,.- . o.. ...... ,11- Jterest at the rate of fivo per cent per timnum; and the funds so raised shall jlie expended in building four pernta- lent roads in said county, described s follows, to-wit: Two hundred thousand ($200,- 000.00) dollars shall he expended on lie road known, and commonly Jdosignated as the "Crater Lake liigh- fway," more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of Jackson nnd Roosevelt streets in the City of Medford, Jackson County. Oregon, thence in a northeasterly di rection along the route, now staked out, following the present road as near as practicable through the Town of Eagle Point, Jackson county, Ore gon, thenste following the route now staked out in a northerly direction passing the - present Keeso Creek school in said county and state, and terminating at the town of Trail, Jackson County, Oregon, said ter minus being liiOO feet east and 1120 feet south of the section corner com mon to sections 33 and 34, Township ;!3 South, Kango 1 West of the Wil lamette Meridian, and Sections 4 and 3, Township 34 South, ltaugo 1 West of the Willamette Meridian. One hundred - thousand ($10(1,- fflOOO. 00) dollars shall be expended on the road Known, and commonly designated as the "Illue Ledge High way," more particularly described as follows, to-wit: (Beginning at a point in the Town of Huch, Jackson County, Oregon, on the present road, said point being 2100 feet south, and ISuO feet east of the section corner common to bee Hons 23, 24, 27, and 2ti, Township ,1.8 South, Range 3 West of the Willam ette Meridian, thence northeasterly following the present traveled road as near as practicable to a point on the summit of Jacksonville Hill, Ihonce in a northeasterly direction a'.ong the route now staked out uloug the stream known as Jackson urecK and terminating at a point on Cali- ifornla street in the Town of Jackson ville,' Jackson County, Oregon, said point being 550 feet south, and 14 00 feet east of the section corner com mon to sections 29, 30, 31, and 32 in Township 37 South of Range Two .West of the Willamette Meridian. One hundred fifty thousand ($150, 000.00) dollars, shall bo expended on the road known, and commonly designated as the "Ashland-Klamath Falls Highway," more particularly described as follows, to-wit: g Beginning at a point on the Pacific jiigunu; I t.V ICC. MM. n.w ......... .... corner common to Sections 29, 30, 3lV and 32, in Township 39 South, Range 2 East of the Willamette Me ridian, in Jackson County. Oregon: thence in an easterly direction nlong a route now staked out and being graded over the Green Springs Moun tain, and terminating at a point on the Jackson County-KIamath County line, near where the present Ashland Klamath Falls road crosses said line in Section 36, Township 39, South Range 4 East of the Wrillamette Meridian. Fifty thousand dollars($50,000.00) shall be expended on the road known nnd commonly designated as the "Bybee Bridge Road" more particu larly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the pres ent traveled" road, known as the By hee' Bridge Road, which point is 19 chains east of the southwest corner of Donation ;Land Claim No. 55, in Section 2, Township 37 South Range 2 West, Willametto Meridian, in Jackson County, Oregon; thence in a northeasterly direction over the stream known as Bear Creek; thenca in a Northeasterly direction to the stream knowm as Rogue river, cross ing said Rogue river at the point known as "Bybee Bridge"; thence in a northwesterly direction, following In each instance the present traveled road as nearly as practicable for a permanent road and terminating at i the section corner common to oec .1 tions 29. 30. 31. 32. Township 35 Ti South. Range 2 West Willamette f Meridian The termini of said nhove rtoscrin- LISTEN Kully throe-fourths of tho annual income of this valley comes from tlio Apple and Pear Orchards In'tlin fnliim tlio cost of develop ment will bo doubled. Ergo, now is tho time to buy ; Bearing Orchards and realize an lmmedlnto Income. Wo offer today ISO acres, 7 miles from Pacific Highway, with K"(' Improvements, 14 Acres in Bearing Pears 20 acres alfalfa, 0 acres In (Train balance in pasture, for $12,000 on Good Terms v Rogue River Land Co. Since 1902 4, Office Hotel Nash Corner d roads as herein directed is defin .e and certain. Tho Una ..,..... scribed between the termini thereof in eacn road, shall be as herein or ddercd, an shall follow the most Practicable roilto fnr n ............ . road, and each of said roads shall ue a permanent road and highway nrougn said Juckson County. Ore gon. Uated April 2i;th. 1920. CHAUNCEY HLOREY, County Clerk for Jackson County, iregon. summons for Publication in Foreclo sure or Tax Lien In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. City of Medford, a Municipal Corpor ation, riaintilf vs. Anna Bonnuy, Fred Carlson, and all other persons nnd parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in and to the hereinafter described premises. Defendants. To Anna Bonncv. Fred Carlson and also all other perstvns and parties un-j Known claiming any , right, title. estate, lien or interest in and to the real estate hereinafter and In the complaint described, tho above nam ed defendants: Jn the uamo of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby notified that the City of Medford, a municipal corpora tion, is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 2097 Issued in the 23rd day o; .March, 1915 by the tax collector of the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, for the amount of thlrty-fivo and 32-100 ($35.32) Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for tho year 1913 together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon tho real property assessed to' you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situato in said county and state, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: ' Being south 50 feet of lot seven (7) in block three (3) of Cottage Addition to Medford being property described in Deed Records of Jack son county, Oregon, in Vol. SO at page 195, the same being in Cottage Addition to the city of Medford, Oregon, according to tho official plat thereof, now of record. Yen are further notified that said City of Medford has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of Interest on said amounts as follows: 1913 tax. paid March 23, 1915 tax receipt No. C. D. 2097; amount, $35.32: interest In per cent. 1914 tax, paid Dec. 10. 1915: tax receipt No. 04403; amount, J2S.72; interest, 15 per cent. 1915 tax, paid October 5, 1916; tax receipt No. 11085; amount, $30113: interest, 15 percent. 1916 tax, paid May 5, 1919; tax receipt No. 13i)6o; amount, J34.o9; interest, 12 per cent. 1917 tux, paid May 5, 1919; tax recoipt No. 22908; amount, $28.12; interest 1 2 per cent. - 1918 tax, paid January 12, 1920; tax receipt No. 21974 ; amount $24.89: Interest. 12 er cent. Said Anna Bonncy os the owner ol the legal title of His above doscribed property as tho same appears of rec ord, and each of the other defendants above named are hereby further noti fied that the City of Medford will apnlv to the Circuit Court of the county nnd state aforesaid for a de cree foreclosing plaintiffs lien against tho property above described. and mentioned in said certificate. And vou. and each of you, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days from the date of the service of this summons upon yon exclusive oi the day of such service if personally served within the State of Oregon, and within sixty days from the first publication of this summons, exclu sive of tho day of said first publica tion if served by the publication thereof, nnd defend this suit or pay the amount due as above shown, to gether with costs and accrued Inter est, or for want tlioreot decree win he rendered foreclosing tho Hen of said taxes and costs nganst the land nnd premises above named, free and clear from any and all right, title, estate, lien, or interest that you, or either of you, may have or claim therein or thereto'. This summons Is published by or der of the Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county oi Jackson and said order was made nnu ilnted this 13th day of March, 1920. and the dato of the first publication of this summons is the lath day oi March, 1920. All process and papers in tins pro ceeding may bo served upon the un dersigned residing -within the State of Oregon at the address hereafter mentioned. FRED W. M EARS, Attorney for I'lainiin. Address Liberty Building, Med ford, Oregon. To the Stockholders of the Rogue Itlver rruu. ami i-1-.miu.u Association V(ln to harnhv PlVOTl that the ...niinn rtf llm Pnirne River iiiuiuui, ..... .---n Fruit and Produce association for the election of directors, ami trans action of such business as may pro perly come before such meeting, will be held at the office of the company on Main street, Medford, Oregon, the 8th day of May, l'Jzu, ai a o ciui.-n p. m. . ROGUE KlVKit i-in i " PRODUCE ASSOCIATION By R. C. Washburn, President. G. B. Dean, Secretary. Dated Medford, Oregon, April 17, 1920. A HOME ItOfil E RIVEIt VALLEY the nearest approach to tho ideal that can be found. We are respon sible, we know this section thorough ly, we have a very comprehensive list of properties, including City Homes, Stock Ranches, Dairy Farms and Orchards. Wo invite your correspon dence or a call at our ofLcc. BROWN & WHITE Rent KMiHe, Insiirnnro, Rentals nnd Iakuu . Mi;il OIt!, OKLliOX" IIELr WAXTKI) FEMALE WANTED -Woman to cook on ranch $50 a month, l'hone 597-11-0. 34 WANTED Good cook, small family; has help of second maid; perma nent rosition. Address .Mail Tri bune, Box 43. 31 WANTED Cook, two in family; no laundry; no children. Wages $40 to $50, according to exper ience. Phono 099 or 41 Ross Court. 31 WANTED Two women for helpers in boarding house, $55.00 per month. Write T. W. Benton, I'enoyar, VlaWeed, California. 31 WANTED Oirl for general house work. 15 Geneva street. Phone 817. 33 WANTED Cook for logging camp, (lood accommodations. Big Pines .umber Co. WANTED Girl for general house work. Slo East .Main. Phone 431-R. WANTED Roof pamtlng, coloring, auto painting, house painting. Med ford Painting Co., 30 South Grape. 30 HELP WANTED M.-VLE WANTED Bus boy. Hotel Medford Cull, do not phone. WANTED At onco, saw mill men nnd loggers. M. J. Lumber Co., Glendale, Ore. . 33 WANTED Men, $3.00 per day and board. Phono CS5-J-3. 33 SELL NURSERY STOCK FOR US- Good territory open. Terms attrac tive. Write for contract and in formation ' immediately. Salem (Nursery Company, 1030 Chcnieko- ta St., Salem, Oregon. 30 WANTED A pastry cook nights, wages $5.00, 10 hours. Rex Cafe. tf WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Carpenter work, contract or by the day; estimates furnished free. Call Carpenter. Phone 931. 3 5 WANTED Plain sewing. 3S8-.M. 204 South Grupo. Phone 31 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A horso that is suitable for orchard and gnrden work; will pay cash for one that BUits. A. J. Marshall, Medford, R. 2, Box 97. 31 WANTED 2000 to 5000 feet of sec ond hand barn lumber. Box 50, R. 1, Talent. 35 WANTED To hear from some party who knows of government land to ho homesteaded. Box II, Mall Tribune. s 34 WIANTED To rent by May 1st or soon thereafter us possible, 5 or 6 room modern bungalow, unfur nished, best of care guaranteed; by young couple. Address Box II. M, Mail Tribune. 30 WANTED Good clena rags, ford Printing Co. Med- WANTED Phonograph repairing of every description. Douglass, 101 South Central. Phone 615-J. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 83 WANTED 900 lawn mowers to sharpen on our new grinder. Lib erty Repair Shop. Phone 201-J. WANTED Will pay top market prices IOT wool anu iuuuuir. ou us before you Bell. Medford Junk Co. Phone 283-J. WANTED Carpet weaving and cleaning. 201 South Riverside. Phone 356-J. Fluff Rug Factory. WAIN'TED Automobiles for repair by expert auto mechanic. Clark Chllders, opp. Nat. Phone 26. 336 WANTED To buy good clean cotton . rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED Home moving and re pairing Phone 488-M or 4-88-X. tf FARM LOANS PAY OFF YOUR OLD MORTGAGE on your farm or orchard by replac ing your loan with us oh the ex : tended payment plan at 6 inter- est. McCurdy Insurance Agency tP FOR RENT Close In furnished apartments for light housekeeping. Hot anu com water. RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS 217 South Riverside..- Phone 457-J 30 SOME BARGAIN !120 Acre Grain Ranch All fenced. 20Q acres In cultivation small house, spring water; Price $S.500. $2,500 cash. See or write us at once for stock or grain ranches. MI OVALE REAL ESTATE CO. Midvnle, Ida. 31 WHY Irrigated Alfalfa Grain Fruit Ranch A Home Place 100 Acres All in Cultivation JZoad to be paved this year.- Good improvements. This place is partly irrigated, lias a good orchard and some alfalfa. For immediate sale this place is offered at $12,000. Terms on part. Be sure and see this before buying. J. C. BARNES Phone 781-L FOR SALE MISCELLAXEOVS FOR SALE 730-L. (las range hone 31 FOR SALE Dry wood on ground. Jack Martin, Coleman Creek. 32 FOR SALE Three ton of alfalfa hay. E. L. Walx. 32 FOR SALE Bosc scions. i'hont f.ll-R-5. 31' FOR SALE Kule plants 50c pel- hundred. Phone 19-F-2. Mrs. E. K. Robley. 30 FOR SALE One largo tent 20x20 cheap.- Douglas, 101 South Cen tral. Phone 615-.T. FOR SALE Almost new 5". ft. awning. Complete garden seed drill with fertilizer attachment. Throe warehouse trucks. Howe platform scales. Three-quarter It. p. single-phase' electric motor. Ralph Waldo Eldon, Russ Mill. FOR SALE Now buggies, open or top. Bargains for Tew days. W. E. Nicholson, phone 534-Y. 33 FOR SALE Fine collections of agntes. Mrs. C. Carey, Talent, It. 1. Phono 10-F-ll. 35 FOR SALE Fivo room house, to be moved, price for quick sale, $200. Phone 833-X. 31 FOR SALE Furniture. 413 West Second. Phono C47-L. FOR-SALE Two Btory house. In quire 40 Cottage street. 30 TOR SALE International Corres ; pondence School electrical course complete-with five volumes. -a A bargain for cash. Phono 532-M. 30 FOR SALE Kingsbury piano in good condition, $lu0. 114 Tripp street 30 FOR SALE A-one Yellow Dent seed corn. Phone 591-J-2. 'OR SALE Medium sized tent, and irons, heater nnd furniture. 705 Palm street. Tel. 4C5-J. EOR SALE Oats for feed, cheaper than barley. All kinds of feed and field seed. Seed corn, cane seed best grade of ulfalfa and clover seods. Price right. Jesse L. Rich ardson, Central Point Feed Store 34 FOR SALE Sand nnd gravel, sedi ment and team work of all kinds Phone 425. 39 FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing nnd teaming work done. Phone 912-J, Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street. FOR. SALE POtn1'KY AND EGOS FOR SALE Eggs from my bred to lay Leghorns at reduced price for balance of the season. W. J. War. nor. " FOR SALE Hutching eggs at re duced prices. My regular pons Tancred White Leghorns .at $l.uu per setting, $5.00 per hundred. Special pen $2.00 per setting. R. V. Cruui, phono 597-R-l. 31 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT House at fiOl West ' Jackson. Call after 5 p. m. 32 FOR RENT Two room furnished ibuiigalow, stiitublo for couple only, no children. Phone 449-M. 30 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms on ground .floor, suitame for two people. 345 North Bart lett. Phone 753-M. FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Gen tlemen only. 335 Apple treet. 31 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms at 222 South Holly. Mrs. .1. prhomas. 32 FOR RENT Nlco front room for gentleman. 227 South Central avenue. 29 FOR RENT Roomr. 236 South Central. Phono 528-J. 46 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartments. 113 East Eleventh. Phono 897. 31" FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Good milk cow, fresh and heavy milker, at home ol Frank G. Owen. Phono 741-.1-2. 31 LOST LOST Gold Eversharp pencil. Re ward. Kinder leavo at Medford (Domestic Laundry. Phone 160. 30 LOST' Tortoise stien colored spec tacles with lenses cracked. If found please retnrn to Tribune office, tf 6 FARM LOANS O. C. Boggs Atty. for State Land Hoard 20 N. Peach St. MOXKV TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN O. N. Wilson, 708 West Fourth, phone 400-L. 43 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 240 aero stock ranch nine miles out. Lot me show you. Alex Anderson, 40(1 lleaity or phone X24-X. Medford. 35 FOR SALE Two story modern bun galow, six rooms, bath room, toi let on each floor, two large dress ing rooms, cluspis, etc. Dutch kitchen anil plenty of built-ins; electric light and heat. Cement block well-house with electric pumping plan:. Garage with ce ment floor. Woodshyd and ware room combined. Chicken house and yard. ' block in grounds. All cement walks. Has many beauti ful shade trees; Hawthorne, Cork '.Elk, Weeping Birch and numerous other imported trees. Uoses and fine. lawn. City improvement as sessments all paid. Everything in best of .-ondition. An extraordin ary bargain. Terms. Tor details apply ut oncn to Fox & Tox, Cen tral Point, Oro. 32 FOR SALE By owner, five room modern houso on West Eleventh street; in good condition, l'hone - 5S3-M. 4 1 FOR SALE (1) Colonel Sargent's former residence at 810 South Oakdale, Medford. (2) Oakdale Cash Grocery Store and 50 foot lot south of it. (3) Bearing pear orchard of nearly seven acres, south part of Medford. (4) Two lots on Fir street, suit able for warehouse (5) Two eighties of timber land neur Griffin creek with consider able hig timber on them. Prices low: easy terms. Seo Colonel 11. II. Sargent, Jacksonville, Oregon. 3 1 FOR SALE My modem six room homo on West Main street, fur : nished or uiif urnishod. Phone 798-M or seo owner, 1517 West Main. Mrs. L. P. Black. 31 FOR SALE Six room modern house desirable locution, two blocks from post office. Inquire 121 North Grape. 52 FOR SALE 11 acre orchard In Ash land, partly in city limits; apples, i cherries, peaches; modern eight- room house, all city conveniences ' nnd wonderful view of valley. City water for irrigation. Seo owner. Mrs. L. P. Black, or phono 798-M. 31 FOR SALE Rnnci. Willi crop, at a i sacrifice. 118 acres with 25 under i cultivation: smnll house, goou '. burn, nil under fenco, in addition ; to this property will lncludo a 40- ; acre crop on land adjoining, ail for the price of $3000.00. See Sam . Coy at Eaglo Point, or his agents, Brown & Whlto, Holland Hotel : building. ' FOR SALE Twenty-two acres good soil one mile from Medford, ten acres full bearing orchard, balance suitable for alfalfa. Modorn bun- : galow with bath. Good barn nnd outbuildings. Price only $0500, i and $2500 will handle. AddreBS ; Box 1054, Medford, Oro. WANTED Parties looKlng fcT cheap land, near a town that has tne record of raising tho flnost borrlcs in tho west; also the bust veget ables, trult, nuts, hay and grain, Bate from frosts, snow or floods. Land from $20.00 up to $300 per acre, unimproved. Improved land from $150 to $500 per acre, right on canal. For further information wrlto M. L. Southard & Sons, Real Estate and Loans, Lebanon, Oregon 38 FOR SALE Bungalow with five rooms, inclosed slooplng porch, "bath, toilet, fireplaco, hardwood floors in living room and dining room; cast facing; ground lOOx 140. Price $2600.00; one-half cash will handle. Also1 have a nice little three room bungalow, with bath, toilet, electric light; barn, chicken houso; ground 100x140. Price $1800; can be handled for $500. See Ben : nett Invostmont Co., 102 WeBt Main street. FOR SALE By owner, both Phoenix and Medford property with excel lent location. Inquire Bert Stan cliff, Phoenix. 33 FOR SALE Forty acroB unimproved land. 8ams Valley. Inquire B. M. ' Witto, 219 South Holly street. 33 FOR SALE Ono of the niftiest and most complete little bungalows in the city: six rooms, strictly mod ern, built-in features and cabinets, two fireplaces, laundry trays, back porch enclosed In glaBS, wired for electric cooking, gas, woodhouse, . garage, hot water heating plant. ' If you want something up to tho '. minute you will buy this. See : Bennett Investment company, 102 West Main. FOR SALE Eighteen acres of land opposite Oak Grove school house on Jacksonville road. For Informa tion write D. V. Turner, GeneBCo, ' Kansas. 330 FOR SALE Nice attractive little bungalow;four rooms, large screen porch, bath, toilet; fire place; garage, chicken house; lot 60x140. Price $2250.00. Bennett Invest ment Co. SOME BARGAIN .I'JO Aero Grain Ranch All fenced, 200 acres In cultivation, small house, spring water; Price $8,500, $2,000 cash. See or write iib at once for stock or grain ranches. MIDVAIVK REAL ESTATE CO. Mldvalo, Ida. 41 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK l-'Ult SALE Olio brood sow and two shoals. Jai'k .Martin. Coleman Creek. 32 i FOR SALE Twenty of the very best milch cows. Those i-ows can't lit i' boat: come and see fur yourself. I Walsh's place on Boss Lane, two ! miles northwest of Medford. 5.". I FOR SALE A few fresh milk cows, olflclally tested. Hall' lllilu south of .Medford on Adkins place. Schul. Bros. 35 FOR SALE Milk cow and good calf. One and one-half miles northeast I Medford on Boyden Place. R. Muskopf. 35 FOR SALE Three heller calves Call -102 East Twelfth or phono 190-M. 31 i''OR SALE Good work team, bays. Belgian stock, age S and 9, weight 2 750 lbs.; harness and a good wagon. F. II. Bragg, 846 East INinth street, Medford. 33 FOR SALE Work horse, weight a bout 1300 lbs., good condition. $05.0(1. Phone 25-K-2. 32 FOR SALE Jersey cow. Horse, six years old, weight 1500 lbs. Phone u-F-4. 30 FOR SALE Five nice shoals. M. J. Norrls, one nillo west of Phoenix. 34 FOR SALE Four good, milch cows. C. C. Chapman, phono 452-.M. 30 FOR SALE One 3-yenr Shorthorn bull, one year Shorthorn bull, one 2-year Shorthorn bull, threo 2 year Hereford bulls. All regis tered, price $150 and up. Phono 9-F-7 Jacksonville, or write Ches ter C. Kubll, Jacksonville, Ore. 33 FOR SALE Ono span six year old mares, weight 1500 each, sound ami well broke. Phono 36 5-U-2 nt noon or 5 p. m. Golden Crest Or chard, Talent. 31 FOR SALE 200 Angora goats about 160 nannies and 4 0 wethers, (o kids now nnd inoro to como, all for $1000 for quick snlo. F. W. Moore, phono 201-J, Ashland, Oregon. 40 FOR SALE W-eaned Duroc pigs, $5.00 each. Schuchnrd Orchard. Phono 611-R-3. 39 FOR SALE Twetve milch cowb: tbeso nro all solected cowa. The best of milkers; also Bix yearling heifers. Walsh's place, on Ross Lano, two miles northwest ol Med ford. 333 FOR". SALE Pure brod Duroo-Jorsey sows with spring litters: also bred sows; also a few halt grown pigs. - Inquire of foreman at Modoc Orch ard or D. R. Wood, Medford. FOR SALE Two good spring wag ons, suitable for one or two horses Also flno saddle. Walsh's place, on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Medford. 231 AUTOMOISTLES FOR SALE One ton truck very cheap. Phono 784-X or call 48 ! North Orange. 33 FOR SALE 1917 Ford roadster In i first class shape. Just been coni : plotely overhauled. Patton and Robinson, ' Inc., 112-South Rlvor ; sldo. FOR SALE Fordson tractor plow, . 2-bottom, 12-Inch Oliver. Slightly used. Cheap. Patton and Robin son, Inc., 112 South Riverside. FOR SALE Bulck chassis, flint-class shape; good tires. Would make good bug or light delivery truck, $450. Hanson & Keyt, Valley Garage, 30 North Holly.. FOR SALE illulck truck, 1 ton, pnoumatic tires. Truck through- : out is in first-class shape;- will sell Tor $1350. Hanson & Koyt, Valley - Garage, 30 North Holly. FOR SALE Cheap, 1918 Ford totir- ing car. Call at Phoenix Garage. 30 FOR SALE Used Maxwell five-passenger car. Good condition. Price $4 00. Page Dressier Co., Nash Block. A BARGAIN For soineono who wants a new car at a reducod price. A 1919 Mitchell, run 3000 milos, . good tires and paint, with some extra equipment; one now ' cord ' tire. Hanson & Koyt, Valloy Gar . ago, North Holly.' tf FOR SALE See our prices on over hauled Ford cars, licenses paid; liberal terms. ' McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, roomy five passenger car, new top, cord tires, runs and looks like new; self starter of course. McCurdy-Bowne : Motor Co., temporary location Cra- : ter Lake Garage, 18 BoutU Fir street. NOW ; 12fj acres,- rich hottom land, 50 acres In crop. BtilldlngB except house. 10 miles from Paclflo highway, near Wimcr. Owner says for quick sale, $6,000. " 120 acres, well Improved, with first water right for 27 acres; In crop. Now for $5,000. 140 acres. Improved, 50 acres sub- Irrigated; strong rich land, S miles up Rogue river. Should sell for $7,000. Ownor says sell now, $6,000. Seo us for furthor particulars; also bargains in City nnd Itnncli Property Flrn Insurnnco and Farm Loans. . HURD- LAND & INVEST MENT CO. ' Garuett-Oorof Chlg. I1USIXESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors MTRirrYTjitOS. 4i VAN " VORISp Abstracts of Title. Cuthbert Bldg., Rooms 3 and 5, North Central Ave. Auto Supplies. LAT1ER AUTO SPRING CO. W are operating tho.iurgest, oldest and best-equipped plunt In the Pa cifio northwest. Use our spring! when others fall. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St.. Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. W. E. PIIIPPS Attornoy at Law, 425-420 M. F. & H. Bldg. Office phone 372; residence phone 32S-M. ELIJAH H. HURT) Lawyer. 213-1 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett Coroy Building. Building Materlnls. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Btreots. 869 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. Ev M. Wilson, C. P A. Attention given to anything in Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. M. F. & . H. Building. Medford. Phone 157-R. Instruction In Muslo. FRED ALTON HA1GHT Teacher ol piano and harmony. Halght Musli studio, 318 Garnott-Corey Bldg.' Phone 72. Mineral Baths MINERAL BATHS Dr. Hawloy, Chl. ' ; ropractic Physician, First National J Bank building. Entrance, room 6, Ashland, Oregon. Physicians and Surgeon,. DR. A. BURKLUND, ChlropraotU physician, ' St. Mark's building, acute and chronic coses. Offlct hours 10 a. m. to 12 m.' 2 to J p. m. Telephones Office 454, rea 750-J. A BURSELL, M. D.; D. C. Splnol gist, Physician and Surgeon, Sp cialty Physiological Methods. SOW 10-11 M. F. & 11. bldg.. Phone 8ft. Tako elevator to 3rd floor. 82S ROBERT W. STEARNS Physician and Surgeon, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Office hours 9-12, 2-4. Ob flee phone 39. Residence 93S. ': . DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician n surgeon; Practice limited to eye; ear, nose and throat. Eyes scion, tiflcally tested and glasses su plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. H R. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft H. Bldg. Phone 567 , ... DR. F. G. CARLOW " DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIS PHYSIOIANB 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 904-Li. Residence 26 S. Laurel Street DR. McMORRIS M. DOW, Phyalcla .. j and Surgeon Practice limited to - surgery and hospital obsterics. ' . Special attention given to diseases - of womon. Offices 806-7 M. F. ft H. Bldg. Residence, the Dow Ho 1 pltal. Prhn tors and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the ' best equipped printing 'office In : Southern Oregon. Book binding, ' looae leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. it North. ) ' FlrSt. i Transfer. BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CCs ' Office 42 North Front St. Phone i 815. Prices right. Service guar ' anteed. ; , Undertaken - JOHN A. PERL Undertaker r Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 18 South i Bartlett. Lady assistant. Anton mobile Hearse Service. Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner.' Lodges. L O. O. R Mmlford lodgs No. SI, Meots overy Monday night at 7:t0, O, T. Parker, N. G., W. L. MUler, tecrs- i tary. i llngue River Encampment No. S0- 'Moots 2d and th Fridays at 7:J0 ft..-. m. b'nmuol Bateman, C. P., X O. How- - ard, scribe. Ollvu Hlicknh lodge Mo.' J8 Meet 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Nan nlo Hull, N. O., Annie, J. Bateman... sccrotnry. -Visitors cordially Invited to all moetlnirs. MONET TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans, money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 63-M. 81 North Grape street. ' ' MISCELLANEOUS JUST ARRIVED A large shipment of wool sacks; fleece twine for sals cheap. We are also in the market for both wool and mohair.' John' son's, 45 South Front. Phone 302. FOR SERVICE Jersey bull. F.' H. Dresaloi, UM-. Ii'.uuiJ m.-tv, vil hi-.'iiiii.'ji!