REAL ESTATE IS AGAIN ACTIVE IN .CENTRAL POINT CENTRAL POINT, April 20'. One of the new business places recently opened in Central Point is a re;il estate office on Xfinin street, next door to the Central Point post offi Guy Tex and Qeortfe Fox uttend to the .business there, and since their entrance into that now thrivimr ociu put ion, many verv important deals I to be on tho boom now, much of the lund is ehnncinsr hands and there promises to be much to keep the local real cstnte dealers busy. v. u. , aimpson, popular clerk in Tuber's store here was on the sick list several days last week and was irrcnt- ly missed at the popular business place where he daily serves the popu lace. Ivan Arnold, vounsr son of Mr. an Mrs. If. II. Arnold ot this city, who has been amonir Iowa relntives for the past several months, is in Central Point now and will remain in the val ley permanently. Early risers here for tho past sevc ral mornincs have seen on all sides the britrht gleam of tho siuudccpots which have been illuminating; the or chards and protcctin? them from the frost tho past week. No considerabl damage has been done to the fruit bv the frosts thus far. but all orehurd ists aro 0Jtcrcisinr the createst care for tho prevention of any irrent loss of fruit, and the black smoke, which envelopes the place each niorniirj w:ll probably continue to banc ovor the eitv until all dancer of frost is passed. The irood housewife ycarnini: for spriin? house uleuiiiuir. will well put it otf until June. A merry croup of younc people, members of the Grants Pass hieh school, bent on pleasure, some hikins and others riding, made their appear ance hero Friday evening visited several of tho confectionery stores and then joyously continued their merry way. There promises to bo little excite ment at tho comma: primary election here. Very little enthusiasm has been shown and there has not been much talk concerninir tlte important ques tions amone: the voters. . Jldwnrd Kahler of Portland was in Central Point, looking after businens matters and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kahler here. . . There was an auction sale of house hold goods here, Wednesday aftornoon under tho direction of the able auo tionoor, Georgo L,. Nenle. A good crowd was present and all tho goods brought good prices. . . -Tho J. N. Smith ranch hero recently purchased bv L. L. Lovo was more recently sold to Mr. livers of Rose bud. Mr. Myers and son arc now busy putting in tho crops on tho lien place. Mrs. M. M. Cooksev, who spent the winter with her daughter in Portland has returned home. Mrs. Cooksev was accompanied home by her friend, Mrs Paulson, who will visit some time here. The senior class play given here Thursduy evening was one of the largest attended and most enjoyed entertainments that was over given here. It was a great success in every way, add' much favorable comment has been made upon the skillful way in which' each participant acted his Part. A goodly sale was realized from the sale of scats as tho buildin, was packed. Mr. Love, the new owner of the Snowy Butte orchard and ranch here, formerly owned bv F. K. Hopkins, re cently arrived at his new home and is now looking" after the interests of southern Oregon's most fumous or chard, j,. D. A. Lyons, for many years one of the city dads of this eitv, resigned THIS NURSE ADVISES Women Who Are 111 To Take Lydia E. Pinkham' . Vegetable Compound. East Rochester, N. Y. "I have used Ljdia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- pouna ior scTerai years and think it line. I am a prac t i e a 1 nurse and when I get run down and nervous I take the Vegetable Coni- found. I also have rouble with my bladder when I am on my feet and Lydia' E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash re lieves that. I have recommended your medicine to several young ladies who hare all benefitted by it." Mrs. Aosrs L. Bellows, 306 Lincoln Ed., East Rochester, N. Y. Young women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion should take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been re stored to health by this root and herb remedy. Write for free and helpful advice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con fidential ) , Lyna, Masa. Women only open, read nd answer such letters. that office not long ago and has now moved' his family to the suburban home recently purchased bv him. where he will follow tho vocation of a fanner for tho next few vears. Seldon Hill was elected at the last meeting of the citv council, council man to fill the unexpired term of D. A. Lyons, who resigned his offico a short time ago.. Mr. Hill will take his seat in the council the first Mon day in May. Mrs. Miistv, a well-known resident of Central Point, who had been very ill at her home for the past several months, quietly passed nwav Monday morning. Mrs. Musty was loved by all who knew her and will be greatly mourned. To her devoted husband and children Central Point extends her sincerest sympathy. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. HowleO. Saturday even:ng after I had writ ten the Eaglets Mr. George V. Looslcy and tamilv ot Fort Klamath; Harry Lewis, who had been out to Klamath county and W. S. Baker of Dcrhy came in to spend the night. Sunday morning broke on us, not as gloomy as we have had during the past few weeks, but rather dismal for one who had anticipated going out and having a good time on the banks of our beautiful Southern Oregon streams, but nevertheless, it was not so disagreeable, but what quite a goodly number of tho pleasure, loving citizens of tho towns and cities came out for a ride and dinner Among the first of thoso who stopped at tho Sunnyside was Miss Lena H. Wilson, Mrs. Fred Neil nnd her two boys, Joe and Kay ot Ashland. They had come to meet Mrs. Neils bus band, who was here looking after Mr. Looslcy's Cattle. Then Mr. nnd Mrs. C. B. McRcynolds. Mr. and Mrs. N, J. Merrell and daughtor. W..A. Sum mers, D. R. Wood and wife: Miss Dye, Fred Arncs, Miss Ethel Anderson of Mcdford nnd A. J. Florcy, Jr., Miss Jane Hinmnn, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hm man and Mrs. It. A. Gill of Mcdford. Instead of the usual greetings, when our guests arrived Sunday morning, about the first thing was "Whnt has become of the Eaglets f" Have you quit writing for The Mnil' Tribune t Why were thcro no Eaglets, in the pnper all last weckf T" etc. ' And the only explanation that I could give was that The Medford 'Mail Tribune was getting to be so popular and has such n wide circulation that the leading business men and women are demand ing space for advertising so that the Eaglets wero. simply crowded out, Hut that rewrote,, regularly every cdnesdav and hnturday. .. It is n matter of historv that that is the first week during the last two decodes and morfc but whnt the Eaglets have made their appearance in The Daily Mail Tribuno or its predecessor under a different name, for I have written regularly every week almost since ihe pnper was first published as. the Med ford Monitor. Mrs. Adamson of Trail, tho wife of tho mail carrier on the Eagle Point Persist houte, came out Suturdav and spent Sunday with her husband nnd daughter, Mrs. Theron Taylor and went up home on the stago Monday morning. John Warner, formerly of Trail. but now of Portland came out on the stage from Medford and went up home to visit his mother, Mrs. John Warner of Trail. Mrs. Ralph Stanley of Lako Creek and Mrs. Ira Limgate and her sister. Mrs. Ed Cowdon, were shopping nnd visiting friends here Monday morn ing. . Mrs. Walter Meyers of Hav Creek came in Monday morning to bring nor cream and eggs and reports that she has not had as great success with her chickens as she anticipated ns after they were hatched, disease cot among them and she had lost .quito a lot of them, but that her turkeys wore doing fino and that the first batching wero well feathered out and were very largo for their age anil that she also is raising a nunntitv of ducks. If Mrs. Meyers don't make a success in life with her cows, hnm, turkeys ducks and then as a side product, pigs, with her husband to help with all their energy and perse verance I don't know where some of thnsn who sit. nrotind nnd titke Hw- world easy and snv that they won't milk cows because thev huvo to gel up too early in tho morning and won't care for chickens because thev are liable to dio after they arc hatched, etc.', will come off. William E. Uutlcr and his father. W. C. Butler, were transacting busi ness in our town Mondnv. W. E. Butler was having some repair work done on his auto in the Homes and MucDonnld garage. H. T. Pnnkev and E. R. Oatman. the two fruit tree inspectors wero out last Monday inspecting the trees ant' looking over the fruft prospect. They report the prospect good for fl crop of fruit hut that the crop will not likely be ns heavy as it was last vcar. Pete Young and W. C. Pool were nmong the business cullers also Mon day. C. II. Toncv, who owns a fine ftirm on Rogue River, near MoLcod, who has been spending the winter in Oak land Cnl., came in to the Sunnvsidc Monday nnd remained until this Wednesday morning and went up home on the Eagle Point-Persist stage and J. H. Shaw of Aberdeen, Wash., came in on the jitney Mondnv. on his way from Lou Angeles, nnd took n roo mat the Sunnyside and 18 ljere at this writing. U IS Con ' WEVTVKD mm TB1BUR1, UEUFOKD, OKEfiOy, MONDAY. 'APRIL 2fi, 1020. siderably interested in the agate busi ness. N. J. Hoiges and son. Nedborn of Medford. were here for dinner Mon day, Thev had started to go to Butte Falls in their car, but on learning the condition of the road between the Heese Creek school house and vestals, thev concluded not to try to make the trip. Floyd Pierce was on the streets Monday for the first tinfe for months. He has to use crutches, but has high hopes that he will eventually have the use of his lee that was mnsbed. set and rebroken. Now both legs seem to be the same length. While ho was hero ho asked me to send his sub scription in for the Weekly Mail Trib une, and so did C. II. Toney and I am sending in both subscriptions .with this letter. C. E. Bellows nnd Snm Coy wero both in town Monday on business, and so was Mrs. Hamlinton Watkins and Mts. Mcrritt of Rceso Creek. - Mr. Afilon Conlev commenced to haul lumber from tho P. & E. depot ror air. jacoD monia. nr. moiua is hauling lumber to replace his house that was burned down some time ago. Chnrles, Dorsv and Ruth Given Guaranteed by were in town Monday to register so they can vote at the primary election on the 21st of Mav. Roy Ashpolc does the registering. , F. D. Dills of Yakima, Wash., eamo in Monday evening, took a room and the next day went to work helping to put up a lot of fencing for Frank Rhodes. George Hollenbeke. who has been here and nt the hospital in Mcdford for the past month with blood poison in his hand has so fur recovered . as to be nblo to go home to Prospect Monday. Plonev Leabo, who has been work ing in n box factory at Hilt, came in and took a room Mouduv night.- II-.! was laid off pn account of tho strike on the railroad. Ralph Ttickrc of Brownsboro and Nobel Zimmerlev came in on tho stage and Nobel went on up to Butte Fulls on the stage. Tho P. & E. railroad seems to be doing some business. Thev brdnght out five cars of saw logs Tuesday for Mcdford. William Holnian and family have moved into tho house belonging to Mrs. Marvin Wood and this morning went, or rather started for Derbv. If which means Cigarettes you but it .is a question whether thev can get through for the road is almost im passable. Misses Ella Bel ford and Juliana Ilornik were attending to business in town Tuesday. 1 have a lew more items but lliev will keep through for mv next, us this letter is too long already. Chicaqn Schools Resume. CHICAGO. April 2(i. Public schools resumed this morning after a week's vacation forced by the strike of school engineers. Sure Relief INDIGESTION 4 I 6 BCLL-ANS I Hot water Sure Relief RE LL-ANS Wfor indigestion that if you don't like LUCKY STRIKE can get your money back from the dealer. You Can't Rub It Away; Rheumatism is in the Blood Linincnt3 Will Never Cure. If you nra afflicted with Rheu matism, why waste time with lini ments, Utiona and other local appli cations that never did euro Rheu matism, and never will? Do not try to rub tho pain away. Try the sensible plan of finding the cause of the pain, and go after that. Remove tho cause, and you remove the pain. You will never be rid of Rheu MARINELLO We arc the sole agents for the famous Marinello toilet articles. Ralph Woodford cjQieialmiWi rropriotor -rv PEN your package tear off part of part of only. It's much the best way to keepyourLuckyStrike cigarettes in good shape. j The special thing about the Lucky Strike cigarette is the toasted flavor. It's toasted. And it's wonderful how toasting improves real Burley tobacco. Arc ynuapipe smoker? Then try Lucky Strike pipe tobacco. Made from the finest Burley tobacco, that money can buy.vThe , toasting process seals in the Barley flavor and takes out every bit oi bite. It's toasted. , ' I , i fXTTB PITS matism until you cleanse your bloou ol two germs that cause tho disease. S. S. S. has never had an equal as a blood purifier and scores of sufferers say that it has cleansed their blood of Rheumatism, and re moved all trace of the disease front their system. Get a bottle of S .S. S., and get on the right treatment to-day. Spe cial' medical advice free. Address Medical Director, 111 Swift Lab oratory, Atlanta, Ga. , lilt. n:vA- MAlNW-ninTYltt" OSTEOPATHIS PHYSICIANS ; 416-417 Qarnett-Corey Bid. : Phone 904-L. Residence 20 S. Laurel Street . McMORRIS M. DOW, Phyclolaa ind Surgeon Practice limited to urgery and hospital obBterlca. tLLtt.5 - lv.6?tS H": the the top