Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 26, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    raCTH FOUR
Medford Mail, Tribune
Office, Mall Tribune Building, xtf-17-X
nurw rir Bireeu fnone do.
' A consolidation of the Democratic
Time. The Medford Mall, The Medford
Tribune, the Southern Oregoni&n. The
Aanlana Tribune.
, Tbe Medford Sunday Bun la furnished
subscribers, desiring a seven-day dally
B. 8. SMITH, Manager.
Dally, with 8unday Sun, year H.00
Dally,-with Sunday Sun. month. .86
Dally, without Sunday Sun, year- 6.00
'Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .50
Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 1.50
. Sunday Sun, one year 1.60
BT CARRIER In Medford. Anhland,
Jacksonville, Central Point. Phoenix:
.'- Dally, with Sumlav Sun. venr 17 SO
' Pally, with Sunday Sun. month.-. .6
Dally, without Sunday l?un, year.. t.00
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60
Offlolal paper of the City of Medford,
uirioiai paper or jacKeon county.
Kntnrfld ah finnft.plnnii mattm.
Medford, Oregon, under the aot of March
e, isii.
Sworn dally average circulation for
II months ending April 1919 ..J. 074
' FUll Leased Wire Servtne. Th Ammn.
elated Frees Is exclusively entitled to
the . use. .for republication of alt news
dispatches credited to It or not other
wise credited in this paper, and also the
qiwh puoiisncu nerein. ah rights
8f -republication of special dispatches
sreln are also reserved.
I Ye Smudge Pot
j . B Artku Fmj
'The Nowborg, Oro., citizen who
boasts that he paid Herbert Hoover
a dollar a month for work, will prob
ably turn down a $ 10,000 a year fed
eral Job If his formor hired man is
elected president.
; The Eugono Register reports that
Vfcrlo Olson Bpent Wednesday In
Salem, visiting his brother who Is
very bad."
Perhaps you have noticed that the
most prominont Polo general is Gen
eral Stunkor. Ho Is a regular Pole
cat. , '
It Is very well to toll tho strangers
that this town Is koon for Art in
things dramatic, but tho opera house
receipts indicate that Art does host
when applied with a barrel stave.
1 r i
ro-bloctlon of Senator Cioorge
E.- Chdmborluln is now assured be
yond tho shadow of a doubt. Tho
administration has announced Its de
sire for his dofoat.
;,.( - r-
Wearing overalls to roduco tho he
of J. would make hotlor times, if
somo of tho ovorall kids would pool
off their (12 Bilk shirts.
Tho Christian faith of Armonln
was exemplified with a vim Saturday.
They rojolco at aocurlnic recognition
as a republic from tho nlllos, and
ask for nothing but guns, with which
to wage war on tho Turks.
. Devils Lako, North Dakota, shows
a de'creaso In population, according
to the consuB report. This can be
attributed to Fred '.Morrkk who mov
ed away from thoro.
... Now Jorsoy will hold Ha prosldon
tlnl primary tomorrow, aitd slKna In
dicate (hat Hiram Johnson will be
(xNTitinrTiox no.v
.' Iubunuo( la.) Times Journal.
Pet Wolf Hpent Tuesday in
, Worthluglon. (117 Kato St,
(Oregon inn)
$1350 Hoslaiiranl, good lo
cation; receipts $7li a day; look
i this up at once; It won't last.
rA'ii Henry bldg. K.K.
TAJ Civ GKOChER wns always a man of few words. Bui
shoi-tly after his honse won the Eiifrlish Derbv h
made a speech to a group of Tammany politicians "who
vjhui'u nun ai his country estate near Dublin, and amoli
oilier things he said:
Ovby won on brains. That's what wins all races, in
politics as well as on the track. This man Hughes might
make a good drum major in the Salvation Arm)', but he
won i iaht long, j ie doesn't know any more about politico
than horse races. Tammany wins on brains, because Tam
many out tiuiiKs tlicse Sunday school reformers and white
necktie hymn singers. Tammany knows that tho rooi,le
Ml J. . , . . ...
win vote xor me man mat puts butter on their bread,
and Tammany bread is always buttered. They talk a lot
about bosses, but no one bosses the people. The people
mereiy naye tne sense to know .on winch side their bread
is buttered, and they vote that way."
Nevertheless, Hughes won. But the svstem which the
former J ammany chieftian outlined still holds good, and
is uaseu upon a siirewd appraisal ot human nature. Tarn
many a system m Crokers time was briefly to give the
voters a free picnic in public and then engineer a generous
rake off, for their own pockets in private. The essential
principle involved was that discovered by P. T. Barimm
mat me iieopie love to be humbugged.
The success of Ibis system depends upon the apathy of
the public toward public affairs, the indifference of' the
masses to the detaills of politics. There ha been marked
improvement in tins direction the past few years, but there
is still much to be desired.
Take the present presidenlial eamnaiirn for example.
The American people are to select a manager for the larg
est and most important business in the world. One might
expect the individual to show a fraction of the concern he
would show it Ins private business were involved. But
there is no indication of this to date.
jono of the candidates arc being analyzed for their busi
ness capacity, their efficiency and skill as demonstrated
in the pastbut if current discussion is a criterion, the nub-
lie is entirely concerned with the most trivial and irrele
vant details, whether or not General Wood has a tumor
of the brain, Lowden lived on hh wife's money, Hoover
was knighted by. King George, McAdoo was Marv Pick-
ford's attorney, Johnson wrote a letter to Lenine, etc., etc..
airthe inost delerious nightmares, which tho most supers
ficial investigation' would dispel, aiid many of which, if
true, would have no vital bearing upon the fundamental
issue. '' .
Hoover was right when he said all the candidates con
sidered are good Americans, dewcrving well of their coim
try, tne only important matter ior.tlie people to decide, is
which, in light of the circumstances', is the best.. There is
no question ot General Wood's physical vigor, Lowden 's
financial independence, Hoover's Americanism, McAdoo's
legal ethics, or Johnson's loyalty, the "only' question is
wnicn man Holds tne higher pronusc ot being best quali
fied for the presidential job." '-'-V
A little more substantial, clear-headed analysis of the
candidates at this time, and a little less of the childish gos
sip which is going the rounds, would go far toward showing
air. (.rocker again, that lie is wrong.
What We Know and What We Do
' OTTAWA, III.. April '(!. Shcril'l
(.'. S. Avers uiinouni'ed today Hint llir
Ottawa jail will lie turned into n lioti-i
because prohibition has emptied it ot
Results from
;. Internal Baths
'"'Mrs. Ceo. Sliilihow. CnrlhiiKo. R,
wrltos Tyrrell's 'Hygienic lnstlluto
of New York, as follows:
- "With reference to your M. 11. 1.
Cascade' will say 1 wouldn't pari
with mine under any circumstances.
it IS simply wonderful what It did fof
mo less than a year ago. 1 was In
very poor health, short breath, dlirl
nos, headache, heartburn, rheumallr
pain and bloating, but ufter using the
Dr. Tyrrell Tonic and '.!. 31. I,, t'as-
cado' for a few weeks faithfully,
thoso Ills havo left mo and 1 feel like
a now person.
Tho "J. H. 1,. Cascade" cleanses
tho lower Intestine Us entire length
and keeps It always freo of poisonous
wanto. ;
Thousands testify Hint Constipa
tion, incllgostlon, Stomach Troubles,
illllousnosa, -Headaches anil nil the
many serious troubles which they
cause aro absolutely relieved anil
prevented by this Nature Treatment.
' Tho West Side Pharmacy will be
glad to show you the "J. II. p. Cas
cade" explain its simple operation
and will give you. free on request, an
Interesting little book by Dr. Chas.
A. Tyrrell of New York, a noted spec
ialist on Internal Ulnthing for 25
years In that City. Clip this out as a
reminder to ask for tho booklot at
your ijrst opportunity. Adv.
-ftrwalt Mason
T FAIN would chant a song to spring, in soul-inspiring
words; but of that theme one cannot sing and not
refer to birds. And birds are but a false, alarm when
all is said and done; if you have lived upon a farm, you
know they eat up nion. They scratch up seeds and care
no hoot that seedstul'fe cost, like sin; they spoil a lot of
priceless fruit by pecking holes 'therein. I cannt.c
spring a vernal wheeze that with due passion throbs,
but l.iiiust boost the springtime breeze that fans the
thingumbobs. That lovely breeze along the street is
smashing things today; it's spoiled a thousand miles of
wheat by blowing soil away. It whoops and blithers
till it's hoarse, and, while we stand and gaze, it may at
tain cyclonic force, and kill a score of jays. 1 can't trans
cribe my blissful dream of spring and all its joys, with
out some mention of the stream that makes a babbling
noise. Said stream has overflowed its banks and
drowned a thousand nheep, and fanners stand, in
mournful ranks, anil rear anil swear and weep. '
What One Banker Has Done for
Salem Oregon
To the editor;. Please insert the
enclosed regarding the Inter-church
world movement. This is only one
example of the attitude many leading
religious periodicals and ministers
are taking. All Christians should
prayerfully seek God's guidance, and
study to know (he right, before en
tering Into this movement.
(An editorial under date of Jan
uary li'J, 1IKM, in The lVcsbyterlnii,
of riiilndelphln.)
"Wo know that the world of today
Is in a state of great unrest and is
virtually turned upside down. The
church also is greatly confused, does
not see tho way to discharge Its sol
emn and all-Important duties under
tho conditions, and Is more and more
being drawn into unauthorized and
frenzied movements.
"We know that the great Metho
dist church has pledged, but not yet
collected, the fabulous sum of about
tll2.0)0,000 In connection with its
Centenary, and at tho same time lost
50,000 members.
"Wo are told that the Presbyterian
church has reached the highest per
capita contributions in Its history
and has eoniparod with any of ItB
evangelical sisters, and at the same
time lost from its church member
ship more than 28,000 souls, and
from Us Sabbath schools there has
been a loss of about 70,000. We
havo not the figures from other de
nominations, but the reports from
these two great churches are certain
ly vory serious. . .,
, v
"Wo havo road that tho great Co
lumbus (Ohio) exposition cost tho
Methodist church about $1,300,000,
and the income from It was about
$300,000, leaving' a deficit of one
million dollars.
The survey shows that the homes
and hospitals aro overcrowded and
have been closed to many who aro In
dlro need.
'This groat Interchurch World
Movement moans great salaries and
expenses. More than this, great con
ventions are being held ar much ex
pellee, and there are now planned
forty-eight state conventions, the
dologates to be Invited by the author
ities in Ne"w York, and the expenses
to bo paid out of great central funds.
Tho purpose of this, Involving thou
sands upon thousands of dollars, is
simply to show what needs to be done
and how to do it, but not even a fin
ger Is to be usoCjtp, help bear, the
burden. ; ' ; i.'; ', '
"In the meantime, .tho Btirvey of
the Methodist church shows that
ninety-two .per cent of their minis
ters who aro doing": the roal work of
tho church ate getting an average of
$907 por yearrjihis jncludos their
parsonages. JVo' bavoVijot seen tho
records for other denominations but
they are not likely1, to vary essential
ly. How caii,,thefl'e..nien work, how
can thoy jive on this support? They
cannot work; thoy cannot live.
; H '-',?;..','i;. ; '
"Reports are comlngto this office
that pastors' wives are compelled to
go out from therr homes to teach
school and do other work In order to
help support tholr- families. Tho
church has no right to expect the
blessing of God on such extravagance
on the one hand, and such heartless
injustice on the other.
"We know that tho great move
ments have called pastors from many
churches. At the Atlantic City con
vention there was a whole host of
vigorous young ministers who have
been taken from their churches to
push the great what-tc-do and how-
to-do movement, while In every city.
and almost every town and country.
there are numbers of pastorless
"Our Lord sent His apostles and
ministers out to preach. Paul declar
ed ho was not sent even to baptize
but to preach. Preaching, personal
preaching, Is magnified In the New
Testamont and the history of the
Now the Interchurch World Move
ment is conducting at the Madison
Square Garden, New York, (the lar
gest place of public assembly in the
United States), the great pageant de
veloped and used by the Methodists
at Columbus, with such a colossal
deficit. Tho white elephant has been
loaded on to the Interchurch World
Movement. Aro they, too, to enjoy a
"The miracle plays had a full test
In the Middle Ages, and after the full
test they wore rejected because of
their Inherent profanity in attempt
ing to put into human caste that
which belongs only to the "divine
Desplto a certain restraint which ap
pears In this performance, It is a
clear evidence of modorn degeneracy
toward tho corruptions of the Middle
"Wo need go no further with de
tails. Have we not In some of these
things explanation why tho young
people aro leaving tho church and
why such a slump In mem
bership Is it not all-sufficient to
make tho head sore and the heart
"The bishops of the Methodist
church (South) rcfusod to endorse
this movement and their general con
ference will not meet for two years.
Tho Methodist church (North) has
not assumed responsibility for It and
tholr general conference will not
meet before May. The great Baptist
church of the South has refused cn-uorscment.
"Is it not time that all the evan
gelical ehurches would relieve them
selves of the responsibility for such
frenzied movement before it Is too
later and rpturn once more to the
care ofihe great cause and commis
sion thru tholr regular courts and
agencies?- , If we go on at the present
reckless rate, what must the outcom
be? . .
"In the sky of modern ,Protestan
Usui a portentous cloud rises abov
the horizon, showing the pride of big
money, mighty organization, and low
spirituality. This cloud Is already
larger than a. man's hand."
Were made to assassinate liim.
Toward the last, he said, the liol
sbevik troops showed better morale
than Koli'hnk's men. Ihev also had
ono machine cun lor, every 20 men,
he snid, whereas the Kolchak nrmv
had onlv three with every battalion.
almost GOO men. Uurimr the retreat
of the Kolchak army, a 2000-mile re
tirement. thev were driven before ma
chine muis. but seldom before. rifle
fire. General Siikharott, the All-
Russinn war .minister nnd chief of
staff, he said, "Inst the nrmv at
Omsk without a -fight,".
Increase Labor Funds.
' WASHINGTON, April 20. Tho
'senate adopted bv a vote of 34 to 22
an amendment bv Senator. Harrison,
democrat, Mississippi. t increase tin
appropriation fur the rivers and hnr
bors bill to $24.()(I0.()00. '.
B I LI 0 US'!
Quick I Get Liver and
Bowels Right with .
Furred Tonpue, Had Tnsto, Indiges
tion, Sallow Skin, and Miserable Head
aches) ' come from n torpid liver and
sluggish bowel?, -which on use the Btom
nch to become filled, with undigested
food, which sours nnd ferments, form
ing ncidrt, gnsc, and poisons. Cascarets
tonight will give your bilious liver nrnd
constipated bowels a -thorough cleansing
and 'straighten you out by morning.
Cascarets never sicken or inonvenienco
you like nasty Cntomel, Suits, Oil, or
griping JMlls. They work while you
sleep.- .
"World's Greatest
Divine Healer'
( Xon-Scctarinn )
Last vctuf'.we lost two hundred nnd
fifty thousand ! bnbici;,- -find over
twenty thousand mothers. . died in
ehildlirlh--nnd the poyerhnicnt did
nothimr. However,' concress did
spend forty-seven -ituillion dollars to
save hoes nnd eatUt.frora preventable
di.scas'es. "A hill now bcfors'oonirress
appropriates money to suvo babies
and mothers. - The same bill was
killed in the a last comrrcss. The
women' of .tho country should bom
bard -trancroHS in support of the bill.
Women and men in every eonsres
sional district, -should, pledire candi
dates for conuress t support the bill.
Let women use their' new power of
volitur to this end. r
The United Slates trovernmcnt pays
no attention to (he health and lives
of unit hers nnd babies. t, docs pav
attention to the health and lives of
hots nnd cattle. Lust year our auv
crnmcnt spent fortv-scven million
dollars to protect farmers nirainst
avoidable losses of hosrs nnd cuttle.
It did not spend n cent to save
mothers and liabics from avoidable
death and wo lust two hundred nnd
Oonecrninsf tho public spirited of
fer of A. N. Hindi to build houses in
Vt'cst Siilcui lit co!-t to help soive
Salem's linusiiii; problem, the Kimcnc
Guard remarks: "Pmvn in Salem,
where the lack of housim; facilities
very acute, A. N. liush. head of
the pioneer bankini; house of l.ndd &
Hush, announces that he is prepared
to build line hundred five-room
buic-alows nnd dispose of them to
hoso iti need of homes on very casv
terms nnd at n low rate of interest.
The snlc object of this move, it is
civon out, is to relieve the scarcity
of hoincs which is seriously hindcr-
im; the Krowth of the citv. nnd it is an
idea characteristic of Nfr. Hush, n
wealthy citizen, whose fortune has
been devoted to the iipbuilditnr of the
community in inniiv substantial ways.
Always it has I n tlie backing
his lmnkimr institution that has
broiiL'ht fruit industries, packins;
pluntc. paivr mills and a variety of
other industries to Salem, nnd slood
back of them once thev were located
there until Iheir success was as
sured. That this broad policy of
community buildinir is sound in a
business sense is shown bv the f ie!
that the institution ndnptinir it has
i-'ri'wn Inrvcr nnd stroncer as the cih
has expanded commercially nnd in
dustrially. There are in every com
munity wealthy men who murht well
emulate Mr. Hush in constructive in
vestments nnd by ndnptinir a policy
of helpfulness to those who arc en
cased in Iccitimnte commercial nnd
industrial activities, and do it, too. in
n quiet way, ns if it was the most
natural thine in the world to do. just
IIS the Slllcm linnl.,,. i. ....,
I seemed In view it,"
NEW YORK How an army of 80.
000 Kolchak troops "melted nwuv"
by desertion to the holshtl.iki, fol
lowing' a speech made to prisoners of
war by Leon Tmtr.kv, in Omsk, Si
beria, two davs after that city's
evacuation bv the All-Hiissian forces,
was told here today bv Major General
I. Thord-Orav, a furmer officer of.the
British. Canadian and All-Kussinn
armies just returned from, Vladivos
tok. Trotzky. he said, nddressinir the
prisoners as "comrades,' said thev
would he welcomed by the red nrmv
if they cared to join. Captive of
ficers, he said, who wanted to return
to Kolchak would be eiven sufe es
cort nnd 2000 rubles each. A num
ber of the prisoners accepted the of
fer and, returninu lo their own lines,
fifty thousand new-born babies and
twenty-three thousand mothers died
in childbirth.
The Brotherhood of American Yeo
men pays a mother a sum of money
on tho birth of a child a sufficien
sum to enable her to secure propc.
medical nttention nnd a nurse.
few other like institutions do the
snme. About the onlv thine the public
does, outside of charity, is to uto
vide a penniless mother with a city
physician, usually a Ihird-rato doc
tor who is worked to death and con
senuentlv neitlects individual easos
Protect inn of maternity nnd in
lnncy by the stnte is reeoenized n
a principle of eovernment in every
treat country in the world except
our own. Women arc rccarded ns Hit
natural eonscrvers of human life
Their enfranchisement has been uiacd
not only becauso it is nist. hut be
cause the weapon of the vote will arm
them more cttectivelv to protet
women nnd children, to improve I he
race. .Now that American women nre
practically enfranchised, will thev
use their political power for this nnr.
poser I he Yeoman Shied.
lold what. Trotzky hod done. Within
two weeks, tiencrnl Thord'Ornv said
ioieiioK had practically no nrmv nnd
a lew months later was executed.
(i. neral Thord-Gav went to Si
ncna with n lanndian expedition and
was taken prisoner bv the Bolshevik;
when they captured Vladivostok. He
lure Ion vine, two attempts, he s:iiil
1 1 'hy suffer the discomfnrls
emoarrassments of a Goitre t
O. G. C. preparation lor goitre hat bene
wra oi an yt
,p'r ."""' tondrwl dollar, (or an
onrralion to rrraove a soilrc wh. n O ti C
tarl"',ni,''rWrlr mU 'x" ""
. i j'T0".!1"' or mom-r will he
"i. Wmclor booklet.
Addre ty-pt. 7.
Seattle. Washington ,
hnti Health Evangelist
Hotel Nash
One week, April 25 to May 2nd. Heal
ing; J0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m.
dally. This la your one great oppor
tunity. See him If possible. He
opened his lectures at Moose Hall,
last night to a good sized and in
tensely appreciative audience, and
many made engagements to meet him
for healing today, and some to tako
him out in autos to see those wh
were unable to be brought to him
Hear him tonight at .Moose Hall Sub
ject, "Threefold Law." 7:45 o'clock
Admission free.
for the democratic nomination tor'
sheriff at the May primaries. I n
stand on my record of a little over a
year in the sheriff's office, prior to
my entering the service. (
Adv. RALPH JEN-SaNGs,; ,
Count Clerk ' '
I announce my candidacy for rv
nomination for County Clerk on tha
republican ticket subject to the decli.
Ion of the people at the coming prt.
marles, and hope my record in thli
office the first term Is such that I
am entitled to your support this year.
- County Assessor.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for tbe re-nomination to the office
of County Assessor for Jackson coun
ty, by the Republican' party at the
primary election May 2lBt, 1920.
School Superintendent -I
hereby announce myself s candl
date for nomination for County
School Superintendent on the repub
lican ticket. 0. W. GODWARD.
I hereby announce nlyself as candi
date for County School Superinten
dent, on the republican ticket, at the
primary election. May 2 1st. I am tor
progressive education, the education
that prepares for life, and for giving
the rural schools the very best ad
vantages possible. I favor more nor
mal enhnnt. fie Araimn
AdT. A. 4. HANBY.
r hnrnwttl, annniinm mvflelf AO. ran.
dldate tor nomination, on the republi
can ticket, for County School Super'
Intendent. SUSANNE W. homes.
County Coroner
I hereby announce my oandldacy
for nomination on the republican
ticket for the office of County Cor
oner. It elected I promise econom
ical management of the Coroner's of
fice. JOHN A. PERL. '
County Treasurer
I hereby announce myBOlf as a can
didate on the republican ticket for
the nomination for the office" ot
County Treasurer, promising to ad
minister tbe duties of tbe of flee on an
efficient business .basis.- ". ..
Adv. A. C. WALKER.
I hcroby announce myself as can
didate for nomination for County
Treasurer on the republican ticket!
I nm an exnerlenced business man.
AQV, W .. 13. OTIEiLAjIO. .,
I hereby announce my candidacy
on tho republican ticket tor County
Treasurer, subject to the primary,
May 21.
E. P. CHANDLER, Rogue River. "
(Adv.) '
Connty Commissioner 1
T am a candidate for the nomina
tion for county commissioner oh the
republican ticket, subject to the pri
mary of May 21. I have lived, in
Jackson county a number of years,
understand the needs of tho county
and If chosen will promise an eco
nomical, efficient business adminis
tration. I havo always been a good
roads booster. A. B. KINNEY.
District Attorney.
I hereby announce myself as a can.
didate for the office ot Prosecuting
Attorney ror Jackson county. Oregon
on the republican ticket, subject to
tne wibu of the voters at the comtne
primary election. If nominated and
elected I will see that the laws are
Justly and honestly enforced. Re
spectfully yours,
Believing thai m successful man
agement of the office of District At
torney has shewn m ' tnoronehlv
qualified, and that I can serve the
people of Jackson county. In that
capacity best, I announce my candi
dacy for re-election on the republican
ucsei at tne Alay primaries.
Adv. O. M. rorehth
1 hereby announce my candMacv
for nomination on the ranuhllran
ticket for the office of Prosecuting
Attorney. If elected I pledge myself
to an impartial enforcement of the
iaw- F. P. FARRELU
I hereby announce mr undMeT
for re-nomlnatlon for the offlco nf
snerirt on the republican ticket, sub
ject to the May primaries. I feel
that my record as a publlo official
during the first term entitles me to
re-nomination and re-election.
1 hereby announce myself a renub.
Mean candidate for sheriff of Jackson
connty, at the May primaries. Sev
eral years experience In this line of
won, including last six months of
lsis in tbe tax collection depart
ment, thoroughly qualifies -me to ad
minister the duti s of the office In an
efficient manner. -
( have decided to make tho race
I announce my candidacy for the
office of County Commissioner" on the
republican ticket, subject to the will
of the voters at the primaries, May
21, 1920. If elected I promise an
economical, fair and impartial ad
ministration of the duties of the of
fice. I have always been for good
roads. (Adv.) COURT HALL. , .
Upon the solicitation ot friends I
date for County Commissioner, sub-,-
lect. to Mflv nrlmnrlen. T nm n pond
roads enthusiast and think business
methods can provnil in county af
fairs. VICTOR BURSELL. :.,
Adv. R. F. D. 2, Medford.
I am a candidate for re-nominatlon
for Joint representative dt Donglns
and Jackson counties, on the republi
can ticket, at the primary, May 21.
I am for good roads and have helped
frame the present good roads legists- '
tton. If nominated and elected I pro
mise to devote my energies to the
prosecution of those Interests of the
district I represent and the state of
Oregon. (Adv.) W. H. GORE.
democratic Nomination
District Attorney
May Primary. 1920.
Powell Si at O'Farrell,
GVose -io Theatres
dnd Shopping District.
Antwly beautified Hlit Mmmt
awmitt the visitor to Sta Fru
ciscol New fomishmft of tmutva)
ciuna tnd comfort. lobby deaif nd
to provido lK Mmotphete of
ramrioM Home and rw Dining
Room, considered one of tbe most
interesting in America ill con tn bote
lo row welfare I li is K only hotel
with running Ice Water in very room.