UtEDFCJRTJ SD&E TRIBUNE, MTCDFOKD. OKEGONT. SATURDAY, 'APIaTTJ 2!. 1920. Baby. Sleeps at Night when the stomach works naturally and bowelsmovefrccly. Mra.Winskw'sSyr - up is especially recommended for quick ly overcoming wjnd colic, diarrhoea, conittpation, flatulency, and other dis orders Kelp baby's digestion by giving 2 : MRS.. WIN SLOWS SYRUP '- TU Isfuli' ndChiWrtn'i Remittor and note the health-building sleep that ' follows. Nothing better for teething time. This remedy contains no opiates, narcotics, alcohol or any harmful in- Ercdients. The formula is on every otUe of this safe, vegetable regulator. . At all druggtttm 1 , B FATHER CRAMMER ( Xim-Sfi'tarian ) mrnm Divine Healer Ot Colorado, oi 25 years ago, and ptyled.'. b'y the newspapers "the world's groatest divine healer" lias been drawing great ''crowds at the people's . Auditorium in Portland, Grand. Opera Mouse in Salem, and Kugeno and other places, and healing hundreds of people of all kinds of diseases. :Ho carries records of many Wonderful cases of healing from Den ver, Seattle, Salem, Eugene and many other, places. I In the larger places crowds are be ing, turned away from the opera jiouses and hotels daily, unable to see him on account of the rush. Some jiave waited as high as four days to pet to see him. He is prevailed upon almost every available moment to go but In autos and taxies to- see those who aro unable to come, or be r,ougt to. him. The Father will be at Hotel Nash, .ledfpr.d. Saturday,' April 24, to May , .AU who wish to be healed may see him, 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. pi. daily. ither wilt 'begin his course of lec ures at Moose Hall, Sunday, Apr. 25,' kt7:4o. Admission free. AH invlt- Bd. subject, "ino sacrea inre. aqv. FEED Save money on ., chicken eed'by buying "from us. Scratch Food r:::.:;-.:..$4.50 fcgg Producer ...........1. 3.65 pevelpping Maslr :.::... 5.00 Wheat ....... 4.50 t Shell : ' i: 2.C0 REV. J. K BA1L11E GIVEN 1 HEARTFELT FAREWELL. PHOEI I -MONARCH Seed '& Feed Co. !. '-' ' 317 Cast Main Strimf Licensed City Scavenger. 1 All refuse immediately removed on Ihort notice. Weekly visit In real Jence districts. Dally business dl irict. Phones B0S-R. f J GOOI CLOTHES ' I Make Tbum KLEIN The Tailor Seldom has there' been such a warm expression of good will mani fested on the uart of the people of this vallev to any one as was shown lust night in Clyde Hall, Phoenix. The members of the Phoenix Pre bvteriau church and conurcantion and other residents of the community gathered in larcre numbers to express their feelings in terms of unalloyed loyalty toward I!ev. J. K. Baillio, D. D. and Mrs. Baillie, who for the past ten years have made their home there. Now that the time is drawins noar at hand when these much respected friends uro to chanao their residence to Los Aneeles, the heartaches are rapidly developing. But there is a very consolins feature of the nature of the heartaches. Both Dr. and Mrs. Baillie "have fought a eood fieht" and "have kept the faith," thouah there is no sien that thev ha.vo fin ished their course.' Quite tho con trary, for Dr. Baillio has acquired the habit of preaching for so many yeurs in accordance with Christ': Sermon on the Mount that "all thincs whatsoever ve would that man should do to vou, do ye even, so to them" that he will not ensilv be able to with draw from this practice. Nor will he attempt it, but rather,, because of his lonn-establishod custom ho enn lie counted on to "walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, beimr fruitful in every cood work, and increasing in the knowledec of God."' This is a day of concentration and co-operation, and in both these re spects Dr. Baillie is fortunate in hnv ine the uufuilinv assistance of his sood wife. '" ' " I Li tnn&ilija roeoirnifion of'tho liiuli esteem in which tho concreirution hold them, Dr. Boozer handed to Mrs. Bail lie a beautiful gold wrist watch and to Dr.. Baillie a scarf pin, and set of cuff links..., .Bath of the reoipients acknowledged the gifts in word of heartfelt appreciation and manifested in every, way the lush, value they place upon Dr. Buillie's parishioners after this lonir term of service. ' - It seemed fitting to tho 'officersT'of.. tho church' that Dr. arid Mrs. Baillie should carry with them some token of respect in the form of a writton word which they, might carry witlf them to present as occasion might justify, and accordingly the following was placed in Dr. Bailie's hand, after being rend to those who had gathered ; "To Whom it May Concern : "This will introduce to vou Hoy. J. K. Baillio, D. D., and Mrs. Baillie, who for the past ten years have made their home in Phoenix, Oregon. "During this entire period Dr. Bail lie has held the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church of Phoenix, nod both he and his able wife have Won the love and esteem, the respect ami confidence not only of tho people of the community in which thev have re sided, but those of the entire Rogue River vallev as well. "Dr. Baillie is one of those 100 per cent Americans whose services stand out as indispensible to tho growing needs of a world torn asunder bv the ravages of. war, and fortunate indeed is that community which is able to gain his counsel. ' ' "A man of thoy finest Christian character, a prince among men. Dr. Baillie has ever stood for the right even in the face of daring odds. Ue is a man with a heart which beats in sympathetic rvthm with the op pressed and the afflicted, and he is untiring in his efforts to lend com fort and aid where his services are needed. "Mrs. Baillio has always been a strong support to her husband1 in Itlie work he has undertaken,, and ns a leader in - the- woman's organizations it the' church and community her ft'li viecs have been unexcelled. She has proven herself a tower of strength in the Missionary Society and Red Cross activities and has at nil times shown herself willing, readv- and ef ficient respecting the case in hand. "We, the undersigned, represcntini: the various organizations of " thj. church and community, bespeak for Dr. and Mrs. Baillie the esteem and confidence which thev have so worth ily merited from us. . . - ' . ' "JOHN S. BONAR, "Clerk of Session. . "C. C. HARTLEY, "President Board of Trustees v '. "HENRY W. FRAMK "Superintendent Sunday School "MRS. M. N. NORRIS "President Women's Missionary society. "MRS. HENRY W. FRAME, . "President Ladie's Aid Society "LEONARD CHAP1N BROWN "President Young People's Society Christian Endeavor. "MRS. WILLIAM CARLASS "President Red Cross Society." Cut This Out It Is 'Worth Money Gut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mall It to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package con talnlng Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kid ney Pills for pain In sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathar tic Tablets, a wholesome and thor oughly cleansing cathartic, for consti pation, biliousness, headache, and St. Mark's Bpiscopal Cor. North Oakdale and Fifth Sts. 8 a. m. Holy-communion. ""10 a. m."6unday school. ; 11 av in. Morning prayer. 7:30 p. m. Evening service and In struction. I Wm. B. Hamilton. First Spiritualist Church (Meetings 2 and 8 p. ra. Althoa hall, corner Main and Cen tral streets. The public 1b invited. Free will offering. Rev. J. R. Still well and wife, speaker and reader. Catholic Church South Oakdale Ave. First mass Sunday at 8 a. ni. Second mass at 10:30 a. m. -dJenedictlon at 4:30 p. m. Rev. John Powers, rector. Rvang.-Luth. Zlon's Church Fourth St. below Oakdale Avo. Rev. Dr. W. R. Morenz-Oeser, Pastor. Res. 518 West Fourth St. . . Jubilate Sunday school 10 a. m. pivine Borvice 11 a. ra. Catechetical instruction for confir mation every Saturday afternoon ut 2 o'clock. You and yours are cor dially invited. Central Point (Brick) Church 10. Sunday school. 11. Mo riling worship. Subject, "Pilate's Question." Special music. 6:30. Young 'peoplo's union. (7:30. One half hour of song sorvice Sermon: A continuation of the study ot Jonah tho prophet, or some les sons from Ills book. -Watch tor our announcement of the burning of tho mortgage this coming week, and plan to attend this special service, 10 . II. Edgar, pastor. " ' First Christian Church Corner Ninth and Oakdale. " Bible school 9:45. 13. W. Paul, supt. Preaching 11 a. m. Subject, "The Ne'vy" "Birth." Special music. Anthem,', "Consider the Lilies," J. H. Herbert. Christian Endeavor 6:30. Miss Jessie Wilson, leader. Evening servico 7:30 p. m. Sub ject, "A Church in the 2 0th Century of tho First Century Kind." Happy song service, a violin solo; and vocal duet. "Rock of Ages" sung by D. E. Millard and Geo.- Maddox. - You are welcome to our services. Baptist Church A church with a cordial welcome to all. : . . 9:45 a. in. Sunday school. ClasscB for all. .Everybody welcomed. F. W. Mcarsi-supt. .- - ., '. 11 a. in. Morning service. Preach ing ty the Rev. W. B. Stewart. Sub ject: "Our Needy Brother." .i:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting. All young people cordially invitod. 7:30 p. m. Evening service. Rev. W. B. Stewart will preach on the subject: "Christ and Him Crucified." A large attendance is requested. 7 p. m. Thursday. The Golden Link class will have charge of "The Sur vey." Prayer meeting sorvice will follow the survey.. ' Free Methodist Church ; Cor. Tenth and Ivy streets. "Straight is the gate and narrow Is the way that leadeth unto life; and few there be that find it." We can not reach heaven through some re ligious notion of our own but because we have met the conditions in' tho word of God. All are Invited to at tend our services which' are as fol lows: ' Sunday school at 10, a. mi1- Preaching services at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Class meeting at noon. Young people and children's meet ing 6:30 Pj m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30. p. m. - Rhoda Burnett, pastor. Res. 337 West 10th Btreet. Phone 426. Methodist Kpiscopnl Church, South -v- Cor-Main and Oakdule. Dr. Joueft P. Bray, pastor. - punday school at 10 a. m: Dr. Frank Ttoberts, supt. We have a school that you will bo pleaBod to be in-; ,. :. '" 'Preaching at It a. m.' kni 7:30 j. m., by. the pastor. Topic for the morning .hour,, "Tho Christian ;Home." Did you ever stop to think what your neighbor thought of your ' - New Grocery Store Service our. motto. All kinds of Vegetables. Palace Grocery Moffat & Launspach 132 W Main. Phone 109 Give us a trial. Christian home. In this sermon you will got both sides of the question. The doors of the church will be opened for membership at end of the morning service. Special music and congregational singing. A home church for "you aro always welcome." First MothiHlist KpLsroal Church Cor. Fourth and -Bartlett. Rev. J. Randolph Sasnett, pastor. Sunday school 9: 4o. Preaching 11 a. ni. by Dr. S. A. Danford, district superintendent. Epworth League 6;15. A meet ing for all young people. Harold Wiley, leader. IPrcaohlng by Dr. Dnnford at 7:30. (Morning anthem, "Christians, the Morn Breaks Sweetly O'er Thee" by Shelley. Soloist, Miss Anderson, ilr. MacDonough and .Mr. Canaday. Duet, "Doubt iNo More" by Hughes. Mr. MacDonough and Mr. Pierce. Evening anthem, "The Heavens Are Declaring" (Iiccthoven-Buck). Soloist, Mrs. Bliton. Tenor solo, Tenor solo, rec. and Aria, "If With All Your Heart" from (Elijah) by Mendelssohn. Mr. F. C. ICdmcades, Miss Helen Philbrook, pianist. Dt-' rector, Mrs. May Jordan MucDonough First Church of Christ, Scientist Branch of the mother church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Services are hold every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Pro bation After Death." Sunday school at 9:45. All under the age of twenty arc welcome. Wednesday evening meetings, nt whkeh testimonies of Christian Sci ence healing are given, at 7:30. Women Made Young Dright eye3, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may bo yours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL Church edifirc, 2 U .N'orlh Oakdale. Tho read in k room, which fa in the M. F. & H. bklg., is open from 1 to 5 daily except Sundays and holidays. All authorized literature may be read or purchased. The public is cordially invited to attend the services, and visit the reading room. Carl First Presbyterian (liuivli Cor. Main and Holly Sts. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Brommer, supt. aiorning service at 11 a. m.( ser mon, "Seen in the Face of a Flower." F.vonhiK service at 7:110 p. m.t bct mon, "Tho .Mortgaged Future.' The morning music will be, selec tion by the quartet choir and a duet by William Vawter and Huth War ner. In the evening Miss Huth War ner, -will sing a solo. Peter, a good fisherman, made his biggest catch after listening to a I pood sermon. Perhaps Sunday liior j ning would be a good time to hear J tho sermon in one of our churches, i Kver think about it? J William Vawter, director of music. jMrs. 11. K. Marsh, organist. L. My I ion Boozer, minister. How's This? V?e offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medlrire has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty Ave years, and has become known as th most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catatrh Medicine acts thru the Blood ou the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blcod and healing the die easad portions. After yon have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine fur a short time you will seo a ffreat improvement In your general health Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at onre and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio, r Sold by all Druggists, 75c The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the enemies of life end looks. In uso einco 1696. AH druggists, three sizes, . ., Look for tke ntmi Cold Med1 on mrerj box and accept no imitation These be mighty practical days and it's up to every man to keep on the economical side of every proposition. New motor cars are scarce, so make Well KeeD 'mu'ln,esel,tc'ai,Jo- 'Andyonr Ford car will Y 1 Ford meet all demands if yoit"Havfe"i!te"kcBp'.lt in good m, running order. Don't monkey with your car. It Vcll is a bit of valuable nieclianium and ought to he ' handled by men who know it. Bring your Ford car to ns for repairs when needed. ' " C. E. GATES AUTO CO. MED FORD, OREGON Insist on Genuine Ford Parts. Meals Cooked Automatically These people have just returned from an all-day auto trip and are taking .their dinner out of their automatic stove. The pleasure of coming home at the end of a long trip to a piping hot dinner ready.to serve can only be appreciated by those who have experienced it. V ; Miss Grace Bogue of the Westinghouse Co. is demonstrating how it can be done - at People's Electric Store 212 W. Main St. 1:30 to 5 p. m. California - Oregon Power Company 128 East Main SI. (lugglsh boweji. V