PSCTE Biff ' BTEDFUKi? MjOB TRIBUTE. ftTETWRP. OftflfiOy. FRIDAY. 'APRIL 2.0, 1920. TO COLLECT BAKING STORIES Makers of Rvzon to Publish Book Of Baklnq Experience. Now York,- April 22. To give housekeepers throughout the country a chance to compare experiences In home baking, the Cenerul Chemical Company will issue u booklet of ac tual experiences with Hyzon Baking Powder. So striking has been the succesB of women with this baking powder In the two million American homes where the Kyzon lluking Book is used, that the manufacturers have decided to publish u number of Ky' zon experiences us told by the women themselvoB. .Manuscripts should bo written on one Bide of the paper only and sent with the name and address of the writer to the rood Department, Cien- erul Chemical Compuny, 2fi Broad Street, New York, N. Y., before June 1. This Is not a prize contest, but all accounts published will bo puid for according to their merit at ratos ranging from S!i to $r0 each. Kvery- one who sends an account of ltyzon experiences will recoivo a copy of the new hook when It Is published. The accounts should be concise and at the sumo tlmo include all in terestlng detailB from the time the recipe was mixed according to direc tions in the ltyzon Baking Hook to the time the finished dish was served. Tito now Ryzon flaking Book (orlg Inn! price 1 1.00), containing 250 practical recipes, will be mailed, postpaid, upon receipt of 30 cents in mumps or coin. Or ff you will pur chase two or more pounds of ltyzon at once from your grocer, sending ua hlB namo und address promptly we ' will mall you a Kyzon Baking Book froe. General Chemical Co., Food Department, 20 Broad St., New York, N. Y. Adv. E I BE FATHER GRAMMER (Xoii-Hccturimi) Divine Healer i i Of Colorado, of 25 years ago, and styled by tho newspapers "the world's greatest dlvlno heulor" has hoen drawing great crowds at tho People's Auditorium In Portland, Grand Opera Houso in Snlem, and EilReilo and othor places, and healing hundreds of people of all kinds of diseases. Ho cnrrlcs records of mnuy wonderful caBos of healing from l)en vor, Seuttlo, Salem, Eugene and many other places. In tho Inrger places crowds aro Do ing turned away from tho . opera houses and hotels dally, unable to see him on account of flio rush. Some have waited as high as four days to get to boo him. (Ho Is provntled upon almost every avatlahlo moment to go out In autos and taxies to see those who aro unubla to come, or be brought to htm. Tho Father will bo at Hotel Nash, Mcdford, Saturday, April 24, to May 1. All who wish to bo healed may boo him, 10 to 12 a. m. und 2 to 4 p. in. dally. Father will begin his course of lec tures ut Moose Hall, Sunday, Apr. 25, ut 7:45. Admission free. AH invit ed. Subject, "The Sacred Fire." Adv. GIM CHUNG China Herb Store TTorb cure for onrut'ht licminchc. Cftt nrrh, illpthtTlii, muv throat, ImiK trouble. ktilni'Y trouhU, stomach triuihlo, hnirt tioubli1, chills tin,! f-vtr, frumps, coukIih, poor rlreiiiiiuon, t-uriiiiTHMt'H. tumors criickcri Itri'uM, i-ori's all kltuls of goiters NO OPKItATlONS. Mi .lforcl, DriKotl. Jun. 13. 1917. This In to tvrtirv (hat I. tho 'imlcrfllirn. Kl. hud vt'ry st'Vfre slotnucti troullt and had Ivocn bolliiTd for virftl yesrs and Inst August ivim not ixiKctMl to live, nnil lit'ttrliiK of (Jim Chun, (whose lttrh Htoni is itt :m Hmilh I' runt mreft, MtHl ford), 1 dfohlt'il to ttcl hiTbs for mv Ntonuicb trouble, nncl I HturnM to feollnit Deltcr tin soon iih i umimi mem nmi tiMny Hut a well man ami ran hoarttly reioin rornt iiuyon,' ufflUMoil as 1 was to see Ulm chtinK and try hi Herbs. (Hlgneil) W It JOHNSON. , Witnesses! ' "3'm. Lewis, KiirIo Point, V. I,, Cllll. belli. IViKle Point. I. A. An,l,r"H, Me.lfonL H. B. Holmes, MjiRht Point. S, K. Atoore. Kuelo Point . V. Melntyre. Kaitle Point. Oeo. Von iter Helen, liable Point. ThnB. K. Niejols. KuKle Point. The annual meeting of the congre gation of the First Presbyterian church held last evening in the cha pel of tho church was a very happy occasion for the largo company pres ent. As tho reports of tho various societies of tho church wore read it was evident that notable progress was being mnde In tho orgunlzed life of tho church. The session reported a substantial increase In tho member ship und a general tone much In ad vance. Tho outlook for steady growth Is bright. Tho trustees added greatly to tho happiness of the hour when thoy pre sented tho congregation with a can colled mortgage for $2500 that has been hanging over tho church for eight years. Thoy reported a tie croase in debts tho past eighteen months of nearly $5000 leaving tin church with u debt of less than a thousand dollars which will be grud uully reduced during this yeur. They recommended a raise of $500 in the salary of tho mlnistor which was vot ed with manifest enthusiasm. The Woman's Missionary society Woman's association, Sunday school and young ladles' guild all gave re ports of good work accomplished that represented earnest and successful effort. Tho opening of the Presby terian Club house for young people was a notublo achievement of the year. Added equipment will make this building on tho corner of Holly, and Ninth streets, the center of help ful activities. Tho officers of tho congregation for the new year aro: Hldors, J. 1 Cooley, E. X. Warner, C. T. Sweeney, D. W. Luke, C. J. llrommer and Chas Dunlnp, Deacons and deaconesses, John Carpenter, Kdgar Wight Bruce McKoowu, Mrs. E. A. Welch and Mrs. It. W. Clancy. Trustees, C. E. Gates, Will Watt, John tloodrlch, C. K. McDonald and F. J. Ivewman. Mrs. Frank Isaacs, treasurer. A commlttea was appointed to burn the old mortgage during the morning service next timidity. Mrs I'runk Isaacs was seloctod to apply (ho mutch to the document. FOR DISTRIBUTION IS HOOVER'S SUGGESTION lielntive fo the control of market inir, Mr. Hoover declared: "We have too mnnv people encmied in distribution of i'ootl supplies. Thi, is pitrticultirlv true in the retail busi ness. The iiiimliers engaged m oik trihulion have, naturally, increased rapidly tltirinir the war inflation nml speculation. In Hiirli period much profit is earned liv tho simple process of makinir up tlio prico of iroods on le shelf to the cost of replacements. : Mr. Hoover declared in favor of eo-operativo marketing and said that us it "docs not reduce mitintivo or competition, 1 hnvo never seen ih botrv of socialism in it." lie u reed nn exhaustive and prat: ticnl invi'stiirntion of the treat boards of trade, with n view to extendiniT their legitimate functions or prevent ing their abuse. "We want to improve our machinery of production and distribution," he said, '"hut do not want to tear it down nor do wo want it owned or run for the benefit of n few. It will never function on the basis of altru ism. If we would hnvo it function properly wo must promote Hint equal ity of oiiortunitv which allows every member ol this community to attain that position to which Ins abilities and liaructcr entitle him.'' . Oreuon (i rower. BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR GOOn CLOTH K8 I Slake Them KLEIN The Tailor Tho I'reshytnrlan Sunday school will cidebralo with a birthday party Saturday evening, April 24, from 7 to 9 in honor of tho pupils In the main room that hnvo hail a birthday in January, February and March. In dividual birthday enkes will bo pre sented. An Interesting program will be given made up of solos, readings, and slight of hand performances, games and a candy pull. Kvery teacher Is expected to be present and all pupils aro Invited. JOYFUL EATING Unless your food is digested with out the altermath of painful acidity, the joy it taken out oi both eating and living. HI-MOID are wonderful In their help to the stomach troubled with over-acidity. Pleasant to take relief prompt and definite. MADE BY SCOTT A BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOT T3 EMULSION .O.O.F. AI E s evidence of the abiding confi dence which the members of the Odd Fellows lodge of thU city have In a prosperous future for Medford, a deal was closed this week whereby the lodge acquires the lot on the , cor ner of Grape and Sixth streetB. Tho lot is 70 by 110 feet, and, ad joining tho property now held by the lodge on which its building is locat ed, makes a very doslrublo acquisi tion. . Tho purchase of the property was governed by two views, one thut it was a first-class Investment: second, that it provldos an excellent location for a fine lodge building when, in the future, the order shall feel Justified in erecting such a homo. It Is con templated when a new building Is to be erected, it shall bo an ornament to Medford and a most satisfactory home for the local order. For the present, no changes will be made In the building now on the premises. This move reflects tho rapidly growing interest in the Medford I. O. O. F. In all its branches. Tho sub ordinate and Hebekuh brunches especially have made very substan tial gains In membership during the past six months, and are now engag ed In a good-natured rivalry to see which shall flrBt reach the two hun dred mark. ' APPLEGATE BASKET BALL TEAM DENIES BUTTE FALLS ITEM To the Editor: We feel that the people of the Appleirate valley (-should have a ehnwe to defend themselves from an attack made by Butte -Fulls, through vour paper, ho wo would be pleased to have you print the enclosed letter. LEON OKKKNBACIIER. To the Butte Falls Correspondent in The Jfedford Tribune: Your nnid-nlinuinir item published in u recent copy of The Tribune iust came to our attention,, and will say you don't know what you are talking about or else have no respect for the truth. ' Yon stnted our bovs were ex-sol diers and cowpunchcrs or full urov.n men from 22 to 31) vears old. which isn't so. The followine was our line up: Lester Smith, ii'-'e 18; Kiehnn"; Head. 18; Leon Offenbuclier 1": ecne Will lti; Lance, Of fenbitcher 1. All of them are bundi fide hiiih school students. You pass the buck to the reteree and snv what would have har-nened il -vuu could have hud an even break: the official record of the game shows three fouls were called, two on Applcgute and one on Butte Fulls. We do not feel that vou Dovs or principal and school would buck von in vour assertions, but to make tn wav clear for vou we will' chullenze vou to a sumo to bo pluved in Med ford or Jacksonville with anv compe tent referee and anv time von wish if vou will aive us u week's advance notice. , Your boys plavcd like true sports men and we admired tliem very much, but to tell the truth nbout ihe Kiunc won't hurt them nnv. . LKON OFFKN BA CH Eft. Captain of A. V. H. S. Basketball Team. LAXATIVE A$et People The Itching and Sting of Blazing, Fiery Eczema Seems Like the Skin la on Fire, There is a harassing; discomfort caused by Eczema tnat becomes a torture. The itching; is almost unbearable, and the skin seems on fire with the burning irri tation. A euro from local applica tions of salves and ointments is im possible, because such treatment can only allay the pain temporar ily. The disease can only be reached by going deep down to its source. The source of Eczema is in the blood, the disease being caused by an infection which " breaks out through the skin. That is why the most satisfactory treatment for all so-called skin diseases is S. S. S for this remedy so thoroughly aleanses the blood that no impuri ties can remain. Get a bottle to day, and you will, see results from the right treatment. Write for advice. Address Medical Director, 110 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. rwut? nunc r-,ii oaf. is constioatioo. .Thebow- i els become weak and unable to perform their functions without aid. For this purpose only the mildest and gentlest laxative should be used. The use of harsh cathartics aggravates the trouble and makes the constipation worse. Chamberlain's Tablets are a favorite with people of middle age and older on account of their gentle action. riiinrtJiiwagaaaroa i im NEW SCHEDULE INTEEXJRBAN AUTO CO. " Adopted Monday, March 29. ASHIAXD MEDKOBD Daily except Sunday. Uwe HciKoni 7 : 1 &, 8 :u0, 6 :4fl, 9 :30 10:15 11:00 o. in, 12:00 noon; 12:45, 1:10, 2:15, 3:00, 3:45, 4:30, 6:15, 0:00, 7:00 p. m. 8:45 p. ui. Saturday only; 9:20 p. tu. dully; 10i30 p. m. Saturday only. Lwc Awhhml 7:15, 8:00, 8:46, 9:30, 10:15, 11:00 a, m.j 12:00 noon; 12:45, 1:30 2:15. 8:00, 3:45. 4:30. 5:15. (1:00, 7:00 p. m.; 8:45 p. m. Saturday only; 0:80 p. in. daily; 12:16 midnight, Saturday only, Sunday Only 11:00 u. m.; 12 noon; 1:00, ), 5:00, 0:30, 9:30 p. m. 0:00 10:00. 11:00 t. tn.: 19 noon: 1:00. 2 tOO, 8:00, 4:00, 5:60, 0:80, 0:30 p. m. Waiting Trtom AMnM. Fi SM fhnrmar. 9:00. 10:00. 2:00 8:00, 4:0 Lt Wnilonl 8:00, ,,,), JS:e . ml 13:00 noon: 1:80, 8:00, 4:30. Hits K. Suturdar onlr T:,0 p. 9t f, pi. itib, U.turd.7 only 10:30 p. p. . , , SatunUr Only ' Lean Jat-kiKmrlllt 7: JO, 8:80, 10:0. 11 :M . in,; 1:00, 1:00, 8:15, S:00 7:0 f, Bk Btt urtlay only, 8:00 m. Svnday Only I.tar. Kwlford 1:0. 10:0 a. B.l lll noon; 1:80, i:00. 4:30, 9:3Q lOllO ta. Lwe Jackaonilllc 10:00, 11:90 a, . !:. S.0, 4:00, 7:00, 0:40 p. JO, orflc and welting room Ho 0, fiontfa Frost, Nash Hotel building. . , JacESoOTillt Waiting Boom ftt aUUrll (3aaV fectfonery. , Fhon. 0t. IftvlfrtM, Or '':.A?fr,''v..?vAv?'' - " - r0r? ... -A 7 A World Survey Osir churches know the needs that must bo met. They know exactly how every dollar very penny will bo used for the great cat good without waste. A world survey was made by thc churches that astounds husines. men iu its thoroughness. Coun.y after county was studied; the coun tries of the world were visited aud leported in minute detail. IIow the Intcrchurch World Movement Originated Our churches said: "The task of meeting the urgent needs shown by the world survey is too great for us to do individually as denomi nations. We must do this work together." So thirty great denominations are cooperating earli keeping its own purpose and identity but all working together under the name of the luterohurch World Move ment. Because of this cooperalion, it is estimated that over one million dollars will be saved alone iu elimi nating waste and duplication. Did you know that 3c is MORE than the churches average from each member per day? WE AMERICANS may be thoughtless. Sometimes we may appear selfish. But when a great need arises, no one can say that we have ever shirked. Ask any son of France. Ask any soldier of Great Britain. Or ask any Armenian mother or a girl with a red cross on her sleeve or one with a tambourine in her hand. , And now the churches come to us for help; our churches. Not begging. Not asking almsi But with heads lifted high facing a task so worthy that we, as loyal Americans, ought to feel it a privilege to help. Here is the Plain, Unvarnished Truth We don't need to be told that the church is the heart of the Nation. We admit its influence for lasting good in our children. We see its stabilizing influence on our com munities. We know a little of its great hospitals, its homes for children, its schools and colleges here and abroad. But most of us do riot realize how pitifully inadequate the suppoit of the churches is when compared to the urgent needs. pn ' Jcss than 3? a day! In spite of the great tasks which we expect our churches to carry out those of us who give to the church and the number is all too few are 'now giving an average of less than 3f a day for all church purposes. Less than 3 a day. . Shall our churches go on? It is for you to say. Without your help the work of your church must be 'iust that much less. Give and give from your heart as well as from your pocketbook. WOiilD MOVEMENT This advertisement made possible by the cooperation of 30 denominations - 128 Kat Main St.