I KEDFORD 5I3TD TRTBTTNT5, MEDTOKD. OTJEClON', THURSDAY. APKTT; 22. 1920. Ask for 'HILL'S FJVE MILLION USED IT LAST CASCARA&BQUININE Standard cold remedy for 10 yean m uuici mrm uic, aure( no opiates DrciKt up a cold in 24 nours relieves grip in 3 dava. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top witn Mr. Hill's picture. At A" Drug Stmwm ! BOW'S YOUR BLOOD? Pimples and Eruptions Mean Bad Blood People who have impure or impover ished blood should be careful to take nly a temperance remedy made of wild roots and barks, such as Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is nd has been for nearly 50 years. Ingredients printed on wrapper. I ?n flr8t day you start to take this Tellable medicine, impure germs and accumulations begin to separate in the blood and ore then expelled through the eliminative organs. In place of the impurities, the ar teries and veins gradually get fresh vitalized blood and the action of this good blood on the skin means that pimples, boils, carbuncles, eczema, lash, acne nnd many skin blemishes will disappear. Then yon must re member that when the blood is right, the liver, stomach, bowels and kidneys become healthy, active and vigorous and yon will have no more trouble with indigestion, backache, headache. Get Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to-day at any medicine deal ers, in tablet or liquid form, or send 10c. for trial package to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Oakland, Calif. "A relative was poisoned, hor blood turned to water ; the doctors gavo li'ir up, said she could never bo cured. Hho Anally took Dr. Pierce's I! old on Medical Illscnvnrv. nnrt it cured her. I have hnti sir nnnriiliina J f nilitll luib U1U III a i , nervous state, with y loss of sleep and I I ' appetite. Doctor Medical Discovery nnd Pleasant Pellets uiou in.-. i Kuini-u pounds. iMUS. Mae Tuudow, 4034 Suiter Street. Big Reduction on Used Cars For the next ten days we "Will give a lo per cent reduc tion On the prices of our used cars. We have some excep tional good cars, that will be sold at a bargain, and sold on easy terms. One Franklin Touring car $300 Ttlin new core urea DoWJ) Ono 1918 Chevrolet $300 Down One Appcrson touring car $250 run twelve thousand miles Down One 1910 Oldsmobllo 8, $1000 1 . IIIta ' , " Down $400 vuu v(rj twiii ....... tv Down 1010 Maxwell, run twelve nunurca iruics. nctcr ajrn been off of paving, Just p40U as good as now Down 1013 Cadillac a fine car $300 for stage runs j)o 1010 2-ton Federal, $900 Down Ono Dodgo touring $450 Down One Overland, good con- $300 dltlon, run 8(100 mile DoWl Seely V. Hall Motor Co. Opposite M. F. ?; II. llldg. Stoves Wanted We want 50 second hand stoves and ranges, also 100 IRON BEDS What have you to offer? . Cash or Trade We buy whatever you have to sell. Mordoff&Woolf PEOPLEV YEAR XX IS FAVORABLE TO THE SCHOOL TAX BILL Tho following resolutions, present ed by Beaver Creek committee were unanimously adopted: Whereas, information shows our educational system to be In a critical condition and In need of immediate financial aid, and Whereas, there is great need of taxation for that, which is the com mon good of all, and Whereas our school district has made provision to secure $620 for which to maintain our school for the entire year, which sum shall bo in sufficient, and Whereas, a two mill tax. upon tho taxable property of this county will bring an additional sum of at least $350 to each school district for each teacher employed in the elementary grades, which sum is greatly needed to emihle many districts to secure teachers, to buy necessary supplies, and thus to enable them to give their children an elementary education. Therefore, be It resolved, that this school board, school patrons nnd teacher assembled at Beaver Creek school this 14th day of April, do adopt these resolutions and pledge ourselves to support the elementary educational bill providing for a two mill tax upon all taxablo property of this state for elementary school pur poses. MRS. A. D. McKEU. KMX EST McKKH. EDNA H. COKE. U. S. A. IS MENACED BY ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 22. Tho people of the United States are grave ly menaced by the continued spread of tuberculosis according to speakers at tho annual convention of tho Na tional Tuberculosis association which was-formally opened here today. Tho association is planning a nation-wide fight against the disease. Dr. Victor C. Vaughn of tho Uni versity cf Michigan, president of the association, in an address, asserted that "nearly lOO por cent of the adult inhabitants of our cities are al ready infected with, tuberculosis.' Living conditions must be bettered to improve tho situation, the speaker said, nnd this can only he affoeted by the migration of the masses to the rural districts. LATEST NEWS OF THE STATE SALKM, Ore., April 22. Blossom dav in Jfnrion "county, when thous ands of persons are expected to flock to this c ty and he taken in uutomo biles to fruit districts near the citv. and when seaplanes will circle over head bearing spectators through the skies, was definitely set for next Sunday, April 25, bv the board of directors of the commercial club, it wus announced today. Inclemency of the weather prevented having lilos som day last Sunday nnd it wus post poncd until next Sunday. , PORTLAND. Ore.. April 22. Jack Thompson, Tulsa, Okm., negro heavy weight pugilist, after making nn al tempt to fight in the third round of his bout scheduled ten rounds with Pred Pulton last night at Milwaukic. assimilated a light blow and went to the floor. There he remained until the referee gave the decision to Pul ton. Spectators were sorely disap pointed at the showing made bv both men. PORTLAND. Ore.. April 22 The propclor steamer Astorian made n round trip between Portland nnd As toria yesterday, n d:stnnce of 220 miles, in 14 hours and 10 minutes in eluding four stops besides the termi nal slop at Astoria, defeating Georginna, a vessel of a similar tvpc in an all dav run. PORTLAND. Ore.. April 22. Vic tor Sunlit and his wife, .lulin. radical Russian aliens, are nt liberty today under! $1.00(1 bonds each, pending final determination of proceedings brought ngainst them bv Chief Im migration Inspector Honhain for the'r deportation to Russia as undesirables Bail was posted late yesterday. PORTLAND. Ore.. April 22.- Therc nrc 101.126 voters registered at the courthouse, the largest number Multnomah county has ever knnwr.. according to the official count. Thi is 1H')8 greater than the registration for the general election in the fall of 1018. when the total reached nO.TtiH. A republican gain of :r88 voters and a democratic loss of 47o are shown in the last two years. PORTLAND. Ore.. April 22 Crops of nil kinds in Oregon nre backward but no injury is reported as n result rtP lltn ..rtl.l tt-nf wonthfr. neenrd'n to the weekly crop summary of the Portland weather bureau. Conditions have been generally fa vorahle for winter wheat and onts and earlv sown spring wheat, but warmer weather is needed in places. Snrin seeding is proceeding very slowly. PROGRAM OF WORK FOR THE I OR IS OUTLINED IN OETAIL These proerams are the result of n thought survey of the entire mem bership of the Med ford Chamber of Commerce, ns obtained through n se ries of croup meetings. It is an ex pression of the most urscnt and ob vious needs of the community at the present time. In the natural course of events other projects, unforseen, will present themselves for immediate consideration and the decisive 'action of the chamber. The accomplishment of the projects included in these proarams will de pend upon tho intelligent leadership on the pnrt of the officers nnd di rectors and enthusiastic co-operntion on the part of tho membership. They present n broad and comprehensive field for organized community en deavor. Major l'rogrnm of 'Work The following subjects received particular attention, indicating that there was already a volume of public opinion in favor of their accomplish ment. The Chamber of Commerce is, therefore, to find immediato and wide support in its activities d'rected along these lines. Community Grounds Kndeavor to ncciuire through eountv nnd municinal authorities, grounds suitable for county fair, aviation field, recreation park, auto camp nnd similar corre lated communitv activities. Industrial Development Kncour agc growth nnd expansion of present industries. Develop timber ami .mine ral resources. Secure packing plants and agricultural by-product indus tries. Agriculture, Hurnl Relations Work with Jackson County Farm Bu reau and government agents to de velop ngriculture nnd assist in secur ing adequate irrigation. Road Program Secure the adop tion of a comprehensive road pro- 1 rnnsportation Kradicate traffic completion. Transportation Eradicate traffic inequalities nnd discriminatory freight rates. Develop additional transporta tion facilities. Community Spirit Stimulate a loyal communitv spirit through meet ings, and by other menus, to the end that there mnv be complete co-operation between all cit zens of Medford and the adjoining rural sections. Forum and Discusslonnl Program Introduction : These are projects that rennire dis- ats Th sion of Grape-Nuts - Then think how this sturdy wheat and bai ley food builds health and strength. No waste, and it makes its own sweetening. Is a "wonderful food Sold hy grocers everywhere! Made by Postum Cereal Co. Battle Greek,Mich IB COMMERCE cussion and winning of a larger in terest nnd support before thev can be undertaken to ndvaiitage. . A singlenieetiiig of the forum may indicate n degree of interest in n topic that will justify its immediate trans fer to the major program and the ap pointment of a committee to begin work. Citv Planning and Beaulifieation Submit to the citizens of Medford the. advantages of systematic citv plan ning nnd the importance of Citv Bcnutificntion. Advertising Present tho value of proper publicity in the up-building of the community. Tourist Development Promoto a plan to attract tourists. Housing I nitintc a building pro gram to relieve the housing shortage. Y. St. C. A. Consider tho need for n modern Y. M. C. A. Re-loeato County Scat Kndeavor to secure the transfer of the eountv seat to Medford. Improve Schools Work lo estab lish the highest possible standard of efficiency for the public educational system in Medford. Communitv House Consider n communitv house ns a service mcmo r al of the lato war. Modern Police System Impress upon the municipal authorities the need of modernizing the police system. Street Kxtension Have the citv council 'provide more railroad cross ings to render all portions of tho city easily accessible. Supplementary Activities The following subjects were pre sented, hut not bv a sufficient num ber to warrant their being placed in the major program of work. Thev may be introduced into the activities of the organization as public atten tion is attracted to them nnd ns here is opportunity to carry them out. Legislative Legal interest rate, minimum wage scale for women, traf fic regulations, taxation. Public Welfare Amusements, band baseball team, pure millf. Trado Improvement Trade nt homo campaign, sjiecial sales, win dow lighting. ' Internal Projects fdr Chamber Better quarters, former residenee di rectory, fish nnd gnme bureau. Miscellaneous Armory, city hall, real cstute board, insurance. With Medford trade Is Medford made Sweet Crisp Delicious! the first impres E G. IN JACKSON CO. Jackson county will cast a strong voto in favor of the proposed eon.-ti-tutional amendment raising the bonti iug limit from 2 to 4 per cent, ac cording to tleorge T. Collins of Med ford. manager of Mason, Khrman & Co.'s branch houses at Medford ami Klamath Kails, who has been at the Multnomah hotel. "Medford proposes to issue $5011, 000 road bonds, winch now is im possible under the 2 per cent limM." snid Mr. Collins. "If the proposed amendment carries we intend to issue these bonds and demand stato and federal aid, getting one dollar from the stato for each ono which Jackson eountv puts up and then matching this amount with federal aid, taking advantago of the unclaimed funds set aside for Oregon by the government nnd thereby gaining three dollars for each ono which we subscribe for ro; improvements. "Medford Chamber of Commer hud a drive for members and funds nnd now has 400 members and has raised $18,000 to which will he added nn additional $2000. in the near in turo. Our roads include the import ant Pacific highway road into Crater lake, road to Sams valley and another into Applcgnto valley and their tribu taries. "The improvement of these roads requires money which would bo im possible to get under the present law. Portland Orcgonian. LONDON, April 6. Whothor tho church should provido women confos- sors Is a question with which the Lambeth conference of the clorgy of Groat Britain, to bo held In July, Is threatened. ;At a meeting of the National Union for Equal Citizenship, Miss Edith Plcton-Turbervillo said letters had been received from girls plead ing for women confessors in high Anglican churches. Tho Rov. Henry Ross, vicar of a largo London parish In a recent In tervlew said women would not con fess to women. "There is tho psychological objec. tion," he snid "that oao woman would not trust nnothor to keep n secret, Substitutes Often Worthless It is a well-known fact that LycHa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the most successful remedy for woman's ills obtainable. Actually thousands of women have proved this to be true. Notwith standing, some women make the mistake of trying something else, said to be just as good, simply because it is new. Is it not foolish to risk tho possible had results of such experiments nnl is it not bettor to depend upon a med icine that you know is reliable a medicine that lias liad no equal for more than forty years ? Head what these Women Think About It North East, Mil.' I was in ill ho.ilth four or tiro years ami doc tored with ono doctor aftnr miotlior but none holpod mo. 1 was irregu lar ami hail such torrlblo pain iu my back, lower part of my body ami down each sido Unit I liutt to go to bod thruo or four d ay h ovory mouth, 1 was vory tiorvous, tirod, rnuld not nlonp nnd could not oat without Rot ting sirk. A frloiul askivl mo to tnko byiliaK. I'inkhum'H Voj;ot:Ulo Compound and I am sorry I did not tuku it sooner for it has holpod mo wonderfully. I don't havu to ro to bt'il with tho pain, can eat without hchig sick ami havomoro strength. 1 recommend your uicillcino and you aro at liberty to publish my testi monial." El.17.mKTH W HA VII it, It, It. 2. Kortti East, Md. Be AViso Accept Nothing But ' LYDIA E. PINK M A M JM EPIC INE "L rj i nn Gnu Itnngo and mowHircii nnd controls tho hent. No mora RucMing nt tho toinpcrntiiro for cooking nnd bailing. You select tho temperature you want. Hot tho wheel nnd your lioat will stay at thnt oxact point no more, no Iohh. Como in and let us explain this device (o you. Oregon Gas and Electric Co. Modford, Ore. Fifth and North Riverside The Dow Hospital Graduate Nurses Only Special Attention to X-Ray Cases. REPUTATION NEW SCHEDULE INTERURBAN AUTO CO. Adopted Monday, March 29. ASHLAND M F.DFOUI) Daily ex'rppt Bimdiiy. I,rv Meilfonl 7:U, :Cm, fl:4B, 6:80, 10:16 11:00 a. m, i'l.UO ti'ton; 12:4ft. !:&', ;O0, 3:4', 4:30, 6:1ft, 0:UO, 7:U0 p. m. A:4.i p. in. Saturday onlv; 9:30 JJ. tn. dully; L0:H0 p. m. Haturduy only. Leave AiMantl 7:1S, 11:00, 8:45, 9:S0, 10:1.0, 11:00 a. in.; 12:00 tiwin: U:4r, 1:30 2:1.1, S:00, 8:4;i, 4:10, 6:15, 0:00, 7:U p m.; H:ta p. m. Halimlay only; :S0 p. tn. daily; li:li) iniJriiKttl, Hlunljy only. Snnnjf Only 0:00, 10:00, llroo a. m.; 1? noon; 1 :90, 1:00 3:00, 4:00, b.vO, 6:Mi, 0:30 p. m. 9:00 10;00, 1 1 ;00 a. m.; 12 noon; 1:00, 1:00, S;00, 4:00, 6:00, 6:20, IhAO p. m. Waiting room A"Mii'i, bi'Jc rtiarm-icj. Utica, N. Y " I was all run down and had no energy or ambition and no strongth to do my work. I went to tho doctor's ollico ovory other day and could hardly crawl to get tlioro and back. My li unhand wanted mo to try bydia 13. i'inkham' s Vpro tahlo Compound and ho got mo a bottlo and in two weeks this modi ciuodid mo more good than tho doc tor's inodiclno h:id ilono in ton. I kept on until 1 had taken ten bolt lot and folt liko a new woman. Now I do all my own work besides all kinds of dressmaking and sometimes paper hanging. I will recommend Lydia 13. I'lnkhaiu's Vegetable Compound as long as I live and you may pub lish my testimonial." Mrs. K. O. Taxnkr, bit! 1'laut St., Utica, (. Y. The Lorain Oven Heat Regulator' Tolephone 11 SATISFIED CTSTOMKIS3 Are what mako our reputation so high among those in need of the bettor class of mill work. Those who get their mill work from us know that we .do not consider tho transaction ended until their satisfaction Is as sured. You'll have the same .knowledge after a trial. MKDFOKI) PLAXIXG MILL JACKSONVILLE MKDFORD Dully fxopnt Sunday. r.cavft Mrdfor-I 8:00, 0:80, 10:80 I. !. 12:00 noon; 1 ::10. 8:00, 4:30, fi:30 p. m. Hntiinlay only 7:30 p. m.; 9:80 p. m. dally. Saturday only 10:30 p. in. S;itunl.y Only LMre J:iokaonvitIe 7:20, 8:30, 10:00, ll:lt a. m. ; 1:00, 1:00, 3:46, 6:00 7:00 p. OL St uidny only, 8:00 p. m. .Sunday Only Iavt Modfnnl tf:00, 10:30 a. ra. 11:00 liiMin; 1:30, 4:00. 6:30, 9:30 10:30 p. m. I.eurc JurkxAnvltlr 10:00. 11:30 a, m. 1:S0, 3:Mi, 6:00, 7:00, 9:60 p. m, Office and waiting room Ho. 6, South Front, Nfiid) Hotel hulldintc. Jrtfknonvtlle Waiting Room at Retft's 0on fprtiomry, I'bo'iv 309, McHqM. Oro. .