rem roun wnmmn fnrm tkjbune. medford. oRKfiON. thrsdat. ap'rttj 22. -usa MEDFORD MAIL, I3IBUXE AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PV-HLlmtKU KVBlil AFTJiRNOON EXCEPT El'MiT ET THE MEJjrOIOJ pfl'NTIN'O CJ Office. Mall Trifccnt t-jlldluj. it-21-JV North Fir itrtL Pl,oo 76. A consolidation of the Democratic Tlmea. Trie Mfdford Mall. The Meo-forO Thbima the fcoutfctrn OrtffonlAiL Toe Aaclajjd Tribune. A worthV cause Th Medfvrd Sunday Bun It furnlbiJ ROBERT P.UHU Editor B. a SMITH. Marmgtr. VTTBSCXZPTXOV TZUUI BT MAIL, IN AIA'ANCk.: Dal J 7, with Pucday Bun, year f.00 ' 2ly. with Eundfay Fun. moi.tii .15 "Dally, without Sunday Ban, yetr- 1. 09 LaJiy, without Sunday Hun, mouth -lb Wwkly Mall Tribune, one year., l.fcv Sunday 8un. err, --ar 1.6 BY CARRIKIt In Wtdford. Ashland. Jacluwrjvlll, Ctntmi Point, Pbot-nlx: lelly. with Funday Futi, year ITfli Laily, with Sunday Sun. month .6 Dally, without Sunday fc'un. year.. I Oti Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .60 Official paprr of the City of Mt-dford. Official pajx-r of Jackon County. Entered aecon4-rlasi matter at lied ford, Oregon, under the act tf Uarcb ft. lfcT. 8 wom dally average circulation for six montbi ending April HI 9 1,074 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. 'Tun Leased Wire JServlea. The Asso ciated rreai 1b exclusively entitled to the. use for republication of all news dispatcher credittd to It or not other wise credited in this paper, and also tne local newi published herein. All rlghta of republication of special diBpatcnea bercin are also reserved. -! ; ; j Tribune's Daily I Health Hint Bv Harriet '.uewiir "Ob. yes, lhev'JI have it anyway; They'd better be exposed todav. Jo Ignorance t,u arc-nts Bay. A bow of white upon the door, A little voice is heard no more: Another point on ignorance' score." This in ouoted from the Ohio Pub lic Health Journal. Children do not "have to'' huve the to-called children's diseases. Thev can e through life very comfortably without them. The time is not so Jong past when we said that these dibeascK "brought out-' some myster ious poison iii the blood. Alas, the only real poison in the blood of the neiv-born is not so easily gotten lid of. Better keep clean bovs and run no chances of putting the poison into your children. But ehiJdren's diseases are as pre ventable as uuy of the other contutr ioub discuses, and btrict quarantine and keeping your youngster away from sick children as well us beiiig careful -who kisses it is much tile wiser plan ihau putting all into the same bed when one has it, because. forsooth, thev will get it eventually why not now ? ' These diseases arc curried in the mouth, oil of them, and thev are caught some time before thev break out. So your little tribe mav (til huve taken it when the first comes down. Vet this is not necessary, and may not be. Keep the sick one awav from the rest, and run the chance of the others escaping. MILLIONS of dollars are being sent abroad to help the suffering people of foreign lands. This is a necessary and a noble work, but more important are the suffering at home. There are at this time something' like 3-j5.CK.mj United States soldiers, sailors and marines who are permanent ly disabJi-d, tins disability Laving been incurred eithei through wounds or disease in their country's service. Pro vision has been made bv the United States government for training these men so thev mav resume some useful and productive service, but not onlv is the sum allowed inade quate, but through the senseless obstruction of govern mental red tape, thousands of young men entitled to this aid, are unable to secure it. A Carry-On association has been formed in New Yorl City to relieve this deplorable situation, and correct what amounts to no less than a governmental crime. Not onlv have these men most gloriously earned the care they do not get, but every neglected case is adding to the already alarmiii!? -epidemic of Bolshevism, anarchy and unrest. which if not checked will ultimatelv destroy our Ameri can civilization. Here is a eauwe, which must appeal to every right think ing American. Jt is not only a cause for sympathy, it's a cause lor action, r or rJU ner week lroni each man s allow ance this association supplies good wholesome food, a room, dental and medical care, clothes, laundry and necessary transportation. This leaves to each man a sufficient amount to keep up his insurance and cover the necessary i n c i d e n t a 1 e x i e n s e s . The organization is conducting no drive. Its working force is composed of unpaid volunteers, and it depends for its maintenance upon voluntary contributions. In conclusion, let us emphasize the need is immediate. These men, after sacrificing their health and efficiency for their country, now show the spirit and determination to refit themselves for useful living, but the medium is not provided, at least not adequately. It may be natural to curse governmental red tape, and condemn the political hodge podge, with which the country is inflicted. That relieves the feelings, but it doesn't help these boys. Xo, a genuine emergency exist's, and the only way to meet that emergency is with money. The movement has the sanction of the government, it must have the sanction, we feel sure, of every individual who understands it. Con tributions should be made payable to James A. Blair, .Jr., treasurer of the National Allied Belief Committee, 2 West 45th street, New York. TRAIL HEMS 'Dave Pence has purchased tho George Storm place which ho will run in addition to his own place. Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Todd spent. Sunday vlBitlng J. K. .McDonald and family who are staying In the Rogue Klk hotel during tho owner's ab sence. Mrs. Van Hoffner who has been seriously 111 Is Improving rapidly. Mr. and .Mrs. Hutchinson of the Bar 8 ranch spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and .Mrs. Oscar Stewart of tho Kogue Klver ranch. W. O. McDonald, owner of tho Itoguo Klk hotel Is In .Medford and is expected homo soon. Mr. Knglo passed thru with a fmall bunch of sheep on his way to the Evergreen ranch. K. K. Hutchinson spent Sunday visiting with Mr. Will Houston and family. Ladies! Use Buttermilk To Beautify Complexions This Delightful Vanishing ('renin Containing True Untie ruillk ' Is t.uuriuifetNt to Make You Ixs.k Vounger or Money Hack. o fy Walt Mason THE HELPFUL RAIN mQSB FOR MONTHS our state was dusty, no water fell thereon; the wheat was brown and nrsty, dried oi.t, the sickly lawn. And oft we got together, with briny in our eyes, and cussed the sinful weather forecast guvs. And pessimism brooded among us, far and near, and it, alas, included much language punk to hear. Sometimes the clouds assembled and made a bluff at rain; then how we stood and trembled, and hoped and hoped in vain! The fool winds come a-whooping and blew the clouds away; and we, with spirits drooping, went weep ing to the hay. And all our faith was shaken in every thing below; our world had lost its bacon, our heritage was woe. And then at last the water came tumbling from on high; Old I'luvius, ho shot her from somewhere round the sky. All night the rain was pouring and splashing on the lea, and soon the rills were roaring in tumult to the sea. And then you should have seen is, how merrily we strode, and nitidholes strewn between us, as we went up the road! Then all our griefs were banished as cheap and. tinhorn fakes, and pessimism vanished in less than seven shakes. Herbert Hoover's Americanism 4 !t a r in ft 1 1 quantity at any pharmacy by simply asking for Howar u" Butter m t 1 k Cream ami man KiRu it daily into tho face, nwk arms and IihixIh. Tho direct ions arc Hiinple and it coata bo littlo (hut any girl or woman CBn afford it. Your complexion mum quickly show a decided improvement Or your dealer Is authorized to return your money without question should you bo dissatisfied. INo mattor whether you aro trou bled with wrinkles, hard little lines around tho mouth and eyes, coarse, jjaUow, faded looking skin, or simply roughness and redness caused by wind and nun, you will find that all theeo trials quickly disappear with tho use of this old-fashioned beauty recipe brought up to dale. Howard's liuttormflk Cream is .only sold on a positive Ruauinteo of jtatlafaction or money back. Howurd Bros. Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y.i Adv.1 1. A real American. A man or action and vision. 2. Son of a blacksmith; reared on farm; orphaned at early ae. 3. Spent his boyhood at Newborn and Salem, Oregon. Worked way thru school. 4. World famous ciiKineer and sucicssful business man at twenty five. l. Krlend of humanity in stricken Kurope. Children there will not for Kt. 6. When the war brolio out, K.0, o(iu men were working under his di rection In various pans of tho min ing world. 7. As food administrator, hend of tho Belgian relief, and after tho war in the American relief commission on really essential propositions.' Smx York Tribune: "The one war fimiru whose repute has not slump ed." Statement of Mr. Hoover Issued Keb. 2$, "We are making de elded progress toward the determin atlon of the attitude of the great political parlies on the solutions of tho greatest business and social is sues for tho next election. For in stance: "Penrose has declared that 1 am not his kind of a republican. "Bryan has declared that 1 am not his kind of a democrat. "Hearst has declared that I have not his variety of patriotism "1 at once agree with those gentle men. Having now disposed of this and worbl economic council led and ; momentous matter, let us gut on directed some of the greatest enter prises of all time. A great executive. s. Selects big men to aid him and invites their counsel. 9. Lends by force of tho bigness with the Issues." Seattle Post-Intelligencer; "The rank and file of tho republican party will welcome Herbert Hoover, Into the field. The Issues which ho will of his Ideas, his knowledge of facts, I support are preciselv the issues bis common sense. Is never a dicta- j which the republican" party must tor- espouse if it expects to win in No- UK Ono whom tho office seeks vein her." not who set-ks the office. Will Irwin, in Saturday Kvening 11. Has a wider knowledge nf:p0st: 'In his wam, equally in his world economics, politics and dlpb- habits of mind, ho remained as macy probably than any other living American as the flag, baseball or American. Charles K. Hughes: Hoover was "att onco financier, diplomat and statesman." St. loiiis Star; "Hivorced from po litical boss ism and has set the pace for talking frankly with the public corn-on-tho-coh. Palo Alto. Calif., was for him home, London only a stopping place. " Portland Telegram: "Hoover has given the American people something to think about. In the solution of Industrial, social and economic prob and be re j ecu altogether the idea of internatiocalifm. . What Type of Man lo We Want for "Our problems are economic, stra;ghi business problems. We need men In office with the constructive! engineer bugijesf iyp of mind for rebuilding the world is a job of construction, a business job. "WLa: ih:s country doe? not need is a man on- horseback. What this country does need is a man on foot. "The right man must have the courage to cut loese: the determina tion to walk with the people; the vision to see clearly into the future and the nerve to shake off the en tangling alliances of the past." That is the language of the Satur day Evening Post. is what many, many people are thinking. Hoover's social philosophy a worthy Euccef&or to Roosevelt. (Quo tations are from Mr. Hoover's state ment of December 11. IMP:) 1. "Labor, with hand or mind, is the only excuse for membership in community. "The object of all national economic policy must be to maintain and improve the standard of living of the whole population." 3. ' There is no equality of oppor tunity if some are to work six hours and others twelve.' 4. "There can be no equality of opportunity if the ownership of the tools of production and service is to become frozen to a narrow group of holders." "The social philosophy of the Cnited States is that every individual should within his lifetime not be handicapped In securing that partic ular niche in the . community to which his abilities and character en title hitn. C. "We have no frozen class dis Unctions." "Our plan does not enable us to take otir neighbor's home over night, but it does enable us to build one of our own." H. "This program requires some militancy against imported social diseases." But he equally reminds us that tools of production are capital. saved labor for the future and that the major impulse to savings is their future earning power their yield of interest." 10. "Democracy's conception of the state Is one that, representative of all the citizens, will in the region of economic activities limit itself In the main to the prevention of eco nomic domination of the few over the many." Grave Weaknesses Which Mr. Hoover Has Pointed Out 1. Over-centralization of federal government. - 2. Knormous federal industrial activities vet to be demubilized. :i. Decrcasinir , nroduetivitv. 4. Ynst credit, inflation specula tion and waste. - t. K.xecKKive ma ruins between producer and 'cohnm'er. G. . An .enommusC debt and heavv burden of taxation. 7. Slender margin bv which civ:U ?ation survive intern-'tinallv. Some Klcmcnts oMIoover's Program 1. Koualitv oT ?port unity, to all; avoiding react ion; on the one hand i;nd social sm on the other. This the ureat American ideal. 1 lievival of joy eraftsman-liii bv spirit of en-operation of labor am capital in production and cood will in their unit il interests, for collective baruainin-' and checking over-urowth of tvrunical domination on either side. 'A. Above all the farmer's return from production must be sufe-euanl ed. This is the first consideration of :tll prosperity. i. An earnest advocate of the Leu cue of Nations, but with reserve tiyns sufe-truardini America's vitrl interests mm traditions. 5. Favors inheritance tax. but be lieves those taxes In 1 which are narked to the consumer and hin.plv add to the biub enst of livinc. i. 1'nqmtlif ied hostility to child labor. 7. A national budget svMem. H. Kccroiipiti!.' of all federal do parlrnents involving public works. Hoover's Republicanism Minneapolis Journal: 'IIis ideas are 1. sound republican doctrine." William Howard Taft : "That Hoo ver affiliations have ahvavs been with the republican party has been known to many." To the Women of Oregon When men told Mr. Hoover he could not secure food saving bv vuInnt:TV method, he replied that thev did not kn w the womanhood of America. His appeal to the women. is bX-torv, Thev were his rirtner-! iri ' their irreat tliHll iilt service ot the war. Ilis leadership won their . full confidence. Thev know him' in action. "" And the Hoover Kepubliean club makes nn appeal to the women of the tale. Ho not lail to vote at the pri mary. ote whether you acree with us or not. liut it' you believe as we! lo that 'Mr. Ifimver edionld be the I nominee of the republican jMtrtv. leave no effort unbared between now and May 'Jl to achieve that end. Let us nuke it indeed n imnular irovoT-nmcn. And to the .Men as Well It is said that the voters are in litferent. These are possjblv the most tremendous times in hUtorv. Vote whether v.m acree with u or not. The prin r cs will be nine- tenths of the battle. No natriot mav -hirk.- And if von believe in Mr. Hno ut. there are none too many davs left to make v-mr influence fr't. Kleetin a president is vour iob. IKMiYKIi KKIM BLICAN CUB OK OliKHON 2& rr- ". TV 1 l YEAR Readers Guard Your Home with PABNT fEYER has there been a better reason for preserving your property than at the present time. High costs of construction have gTeatly increased the value of homes and buildings, no matter how old they might be. Paint GOOD Paint, will do more to preserve and increase the value of your property than anything else you can possibly invest in. It is the greatest safeguard against the ravages of time and weather. It is the best kind of insurance. Guard your home and buildings with' FULLER Paint and other products. Back of thorn are 71 years of paint-making experience. Thousands of property; owners have used these products for years. Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Tour Town W. P. Fuller & Co. Northwest Branches at Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise s MARINELLO We are the sole agents for the famous Marinell.i toilet articles. ; ' -. Proprietor THERE NEVER WAS A BETTER TIME NOR REASON FOR SAVING THE fdrsiglited person is ikv feathering his financial nest by building up a bank ac count, lie, is Anticipating the time when con ditions may change. Why don't YOU do the same tiling? A "Nationalized' account here will enable you to be prepared for both emergency and opportunity. vne First National Bank' Mddford Oregon Mr 111 "u POLITICAL CARDS. Sheriff I 'hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomlnatlon for the office cf sheriff on the republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel that my record aa a public official during the first term entitles me to Mrs. Albert Xoth and child have ?nnn 111 I n trnva fn, a waAL'. lems he .stands for American Ideals.' visi wi rt.,alivoi ,, tri011(K IMRtrtct Attorney. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Prisecuting Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, on the republican ticket, subject to the wish of the voters at the coming ! re-nomination and re-election. primary election. If nominated and I Aqt. C. E. TERRILL. elected I will see thai the lawa are! Justly and honestly enforced. . Re- I hereby announce mvself a rennh- spectfoily yours, i itcan candidate for sheriff of Jackson aar. - m. a. ua.naliay. ! county, at the May primaries. 8v- eral years experience in this line of Believing nat mys jcressful man- work, including last six months of agement of the office ot District At-1 1919 In the tax collection depart- torney nas snewn mr thoroughly i ment, thoroughly qualifies me to ad qualltied, and that I can serve the ' minuter the dutl s of the office In an nomination for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion of the people at the coming prl marlea, and hope my record In thia office the first term la such that I am entitled to yonr support this year. Adv. CHAUNCEY FLORE Y. County Assessor. I hereby announce my candidacy for the re-nomination to the office of County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by the Republican party at the primary election May 21st, 1920, Adv. J. B. COLEMAN, 6chool Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for County School Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. G. W. GODWARD. Adv. I hereby announce myself as candi date for County School Superinten dent, on the republican ticket, at the primary election. May 21st- I am for progressive education, the education that prepares for life, and for giving the rural schools the very best ad vantages possible. I favor more nor mal schools for Oregon. I Adv. A. . HANBY. I herewith announce myself as can didate for nomination, on the republi can ticket, for County School Super intendent. SL'SA.WNE W. HOMES. County Coroner I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican tickef for the ofice of Connty Cor oner. If elected I promise econom ical management of the Coroner's of fice. JOHN A. PERL. Adv. County Treasurer I hereby announce myself as a can-' didate on the republican ticket' for the nomination for the office ot County Treasurer, promising to ad minister the duties of the office on an efficient business basis. Adv. A. C. WALKER. I hereby announce myself as can didate for nomination for County Treasurer on the republican ticket. I am an experienced business man. Adv. W. D. WELCIL I hereby announce my candidacy on the republican ticket for County Treasurer, subject to the primary. May 21. E. P. CHANDLER, Rogue River. ; (Adv.) County Commissioner I am a candidate for the nomina tion for county commissioner on the republican ticket, subject to the pri mary of May 21. I have lived in Jackson county a number ot years, understand tbe needs of the county and if chosen will promise an eco nomical, efficient business adminis tration. I have always been a good roads booster. A. E. KINNEY. Adv. I announce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner on the republican ticket, subject to the will ot the voters at the primaries, May 21, 1920. If elected I promise an economical, fair and impartial ad ministration of the duties ot the of fice. I have always been for good roads. (Adv.) COURT HALL. Upon the solicitation of friends 1 have consented to become a candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to May primaries. I am a good roads enthusiast and think business methods can prevail In county af fairs. VICTOR BURSELL. Adv. IJ. v. V). 2, Medford. Representative I am a candidate tor re-nomlnatlon for joint representative of Douglas and Jackson counties, on tho republi can ticket, at the primary. May 21. I am for good roads and have helped frame tho present good roads legisla tion. If nominated and elected I pro mise to devote my .energies to the prosecution of those interests of the district I represent and the state ot Oregon. (Adv.) W. H. GORE. RAWLES MOOKE for Democratic Nomination District Attorney Mav Primary, 1980. Stenography Multigraphiog Circular work of all kind Hailing LliU Tunnell & Edwards 106-308 Liberty Building' Medford, Oregon. people or Jackson county. In that capacity best, 1 announce my candi dacy for re-election on the republican ticket at the May primaries. Adv. o. M. ROBERTS. efficient manner. Adv. JOHN B. WIMER. J have decided to make the race for the democratic nomination for sheriff at the May primaries. I will tand on my record of a little over a I hereby announce my candidacy tor nomination on the republican j year In the sheriff's office, prior to ticket for the office of Prosecuting my entering the service. Attorney. If e'.ected I pledge myself , Adv. RALPH JEWivr.q 10 an impartial eutorcement of tbe law. Adv. F. P. FARRELL. County Ocrk I announce my candidacy for re- WESTON'S Camera Shop the Only Exclusive Commercial Photographer in Southern Oregon. Negatives made any time or place bv appointment. Phone 147-J. Wo'M Ho th rest. J. B. PALMER Medford. 208 East Main Street, "