FA(R BIS " r BLEDJDKD IMAIli TKIKUNB. STEDFOIED., OTITXl OX. ' TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1020. Will. Rogers Ready-Roper Cepyright Goldwyn Picture! Corporatfoa By Ralph Barton . iJE JNFRON 3 0F HIS WIYES LOS ANGEI.HS, April 20. The entangled lnutrimonlul alliunccs or James R. Hulrt, alleged bigamist, were still. occupying the attention of sheriff's deputies here and In adja cent counties today, while telegrams continued' to arrive from other sec tions of the wc3t, throwing addition al light on the methods whereby tho man Is believed to have acquired twenty-nine wivos of whom' ten ure missing? Tho list varies from day to day, further Investigation occasional ly shutting off a numo but new en tanglements are uncovered almost as rapidly as false leads are worked out. . Hulrt is still In the county hospital today, recovering from woundH re ceived in two uttempts to commit BUiclde. The physlcluna at tho hos pital Bald he could probably talk to the officers and perhaps be confront ed with throe wives who ure awaiting his recovery, some time today or to morrow.; i . . IS AGREED UPON THEATRE PATRONS ADVISED TO SEE THREE FACES EAST Very often, theatrical attractions come to Medford, play to a very small audience, then alter thev have left you will hear these remarks, "If we had only known it was noinir to lie so Kood. we Wouldn't have missed it I'nr anvUiimr." Wo have ooininir to our oca! theatre Wndnnsdtiv unrlit I 'n.. ban anil llnrris attraction, "Three races Kiist, which inn for one solid Voir ill New York, but tlinf !,,. means little to us, ns the attraction IS new til I )i ortnuf m,wI tlx, ...w. .!..l. t stands do not net the publicity until inter tho attraction has pleased a small audience and irono. Keveriil ui' our local citizens saw "Three Faces KnSt" in Portland lust, won!; nrwl have hmildlt. rnum-viiliiinu l'.ti Wnl. nesdav's performance', also a number oi our noys, while in the service and in NCW Voi'k. SlIVV Hlis filltMief iim nri.l pronounce it grout. The local miinime- meiu says the company and hIiiko equipment come intact from New York and the nrnducfinn is liniinil fn be talked , about after its perforni ance Wednesday night, and those Wishing a theatrical treat lire iiilvU'ml lo make curly reservations. WASHINGTON, April 20 Increns cd pay for coiuinundiiiir officers and the enlisted personnel of the arm navy, murine corps, const euurd, atiil public health services was agreed upon toduv by house and senate con ferees.! , The .amount, duration and oilier details.' oli the increase remain to be worked out. The house conferees re ceded in favor of tho general princi pics of tho senate mciisurc, which provide for a '20 per cent advance lor nil "members of all the service. The house incusure provided a rais. of !11 per cent for only the enlisted personnel of the navv. Under the senate bill the increase was to bo permanent while I lie house measure limited it .to one year. Arren Ctoons corns SrmsmNB. After Dkstondenct cours Joy." : ArTKB SlCKNEKH COMER llHAl.TIl. I Arras Weakness comes Stuenoto. In the spring when you're "all in" fagged out blood thin, if you will turn to Nature's remedy, a tonic made from wild roots and barks, which has stood fifty years 3 the best spring tonic you will find strength regained. No need to tell you it's Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, put up in tablet or liquid form, and sold by every druggist in the land. After a hurt! winter shut up indoors, your blood needs a temperance tonic, a tissue builder and blood-maker such as this "Medical Discovery"of Dr. Pierce's. Seattle, Wash. "I was in a general run-down condition. Had bad ! blood, disordered stomach, kidney trouble and nervousness. I took, three bottles of Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Medical Discovery and five ;or six bottles of 'Favorite Pre . scription' and was c o m pi e t e 1 y cured. ; Have never been sick a day since." Miw. Mahy Hahkins, No, 907 Twenty-seventh Ave. L E NKW YORK, April 20. Vice Pre sident Marshall today boforo tho As sociated' Press advocutod freedom of speech and; of tho press ns guaran teed by the constitution, but said ho bolloved In "soaking It to tho follow who causes troublo In the republic by what lie says." lUrglng less publication of crlnie nows, ho said newspapers should pour oil on tho troubled wutors of unrest' by "speaking of tho fine things ln-this Aniorlean llto of ours." LATEST NEWS OF THE STATE PORTLAND, April 20. Word wns rccolvod horo today by the First I'resbytorinn church from Rev. Har old Leonard Uowmnrt of Chicago, In forming tho trustees that he had de cided to accept the call to tho local pulpit and would preach his first ser mon on July 11. PORTLAND, April 20. lloon Cu son, local attorney, whoso son wns killed In the Portland police Blntlon during n scufflo with pollco officers two weeks ago, has published an open letter, In which he domands punishment of tho policemen for the death of his son. A coroner's Jury found young Caaon's death to bo accidental. SALKM, Ore., April 20 The Hank of Commerce lit Oregon City has filed with Will 11. 'Itennott, slato superin tendent of banks supplementary arti cles of Incorporation Increasing Its capitalization from $.'0,000 to $100, 0011, and tho Klamath State bank of Klamath Palls has filed articles In creasing Us capitalization from $"l.- 000 to 41.-iO.000. Census Returns N.D. PARMER TELLS Tl "The only way to keep the non-partisan league nut of Oregon is to keep your nionev in your pockets and sign no checks," was the parting advice of Arthur Foster, tho Civile. N. 1). farmer at the close of bis address last night in which he exposed the costly workings, of llie non-partisan league of Norlb Dakota, which has fettered that, state with its colli nil for veurs past. Mir. Poster, who is an uble and con vincing speaker opened the eyes of his audience wilh his revelations from first hand experience anil his state ments were bneked up with facts and figures. The audience was a small, but representative one, only about 100 being present from the citv and immcdialo vicinity .including a nun,-, her of bankers, and business mid pro fessional men, who after hearing Mr. Foster's address, together wilh their general previous knowledge of the non-partisan league, strongly feel thai. Oregon docs not want to permit that orgiiiiizalion to gain n foot-hold in Oregon. Tho non-parlisnu league controls all the slate offices. Hie legislature, state banks and most of the news papers of North Dakota, and since its control of several voars past has tripled (he laxes of that state and increased Hie tux limit to the skv. The stale tax bus been increased .'100 iier cent during the pnst four vears. Not only does the league control the ma.iorily of I he newspapers, but it bus put innnv of the newspapers which opposed I hi! league, out of business. One salient fact brought out lv Mir. Poster incidental to Ihe league's controlling all the state banks wns that through I be league's machine.. tions every citv, town, township und county in North Dakota must deposit its funds in llie main state bank, and no stato examiner is allowed to ex uniino tho hooks and records of this bank. Another feature of interest be brought out and asserted positively was thai (be leaders of the North Da kota non-partisan league are nb-o-lulelv disloval and are traitors to the country, ullhough the ninin body of Ihe league is loyal. The leaders arc all men of exceptional ability also, he staled. Mr. Foster .said flint the slato of Washington had becomo infested wilh the non-partisan league propaganda, so lunch so that tho league adher ents would probably capture the state offices and legislature nt the coming election. The league is trying to tin a f,iot-holil in Oregon and he pointed out that the best wnv to keep it out was as related at the boginniiiEr of this storV. State Senator Waller Pierce of f.a I fliande briefly addressed the meeting! ir. behalf of his divided session plan for the legislature. ON 26TH OF APRIL From roports coming In from all ovor tho county there Is a treat in store for tho ladles of Medford and vicinity who are Interested In sewing and garment construction. April 26 27 are dates given' Medford. .Miss Biles from O. A. C, assisted' by the home demonstration agent Miss Flor ence Poolo, Is conducting this school, fr you bnvo clothing problems, plan to uttend this school. If you wish to muko a garment at this school, he sure to vrlto or telephone tho chair man and enroll for same, if you are planning on making something for yourself, you must have a dress form. The chairman for Medford is Mrs. Hal Piatt, 815 East Jackson, phono 598-R. The program will he as fol lows: Monday morning, Commercial pattorns;afternoon, Problems in gar ment construction. Tuesday morning Finishing and decoration; afternoon, Textile lectures. " ; ' This school will bo held In the Red Cross rooms from II to 12 n, m. and from 1 to 1 p. m. These Instructions aro free und anyone Is at liberty to uttend.. Miss Biles can handle any number ut lectures but not more than 20 at ono time for laboratory work, so If you are planning on mak ing anything, It Is nocossary to enroll as soon ns posslblo. ,7For the benefit of ladles who want to bring lunches und put In all the tlino possible, tea and coffee can bo made In the rooms, for everything is very convenient. Thru tho courtesy of Ihe Singer Sew ing Machine shop, 115 West Main street, we will be provided with the best of machines for this occasion. Do not let other thine prevunt you from attending these schools for they surely are worth while. i . , i" SALEM REPORTS FIRST .: SLEEPING FATALITY SALEM, Ore., April 20. The first death to occur In Salem from erceph alitis 'Bleeping sickness" was re corded here today with the death of John Tonlo, 23 a Bulgarian, in a lo cal hospital. Tonlo has been at the Vhat"to.doTopN 1 ' Pope's Dlapepsln" by neutraliz ing the acidity of the stomach, in stantly relieves the food souring nnd fermentation which causeB tho mis-ory-muking gases, heartburn, flatu lence, fullness or pain in stomach aim intestines. . , I iA few tablets of "Pape's Diapep sin" bring relief almost as soon as they reach the stomach.' They help regulate disordered stomnchs bo fa vorite foods can be 'eaten without distress Costs so little at drug stores, Ad. hospital ono week, and altho under to awake at any time from the strange constant care of physicians, he failed sleep. HEADQUARTERS FOR SAVINGS IF the First National Bank gained no great er reeogiiition than that of "Finaneial Home for the Thrifty," we believe we would feel satisfied that we had contributed no small benefit to the community at large. Cet your youngsters into the habit of bring ing their savings here for deposit. pie First National Bank" Medford Oregon III Mr MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on tho package, then you aro sure .vour child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its fruity taste. Full directions on ouch bottle. You must sny "Cali fornia." Adv. WASHINGTON. Anril Ln. C,.s., ('arv. lad.. ,"i."i.;tU. increase :IS.J V2 or L'Jll. l imt cent. Ada, f "kill.. H.(ilJ. increase .1iill:l or S I.'-' per cent. Devil's Lake. X. I).. 31-10. decrease 17 or ,;i per cent. Newbcivh, . V.. :t(l.''72. increase L'.-lliT or S.( per cent. Dunkirk. X. Y.. l!),:l.l(l, incre.-ivc -I l." or l.J per cent. "I help take the tire out of tire trouble" Chesterfield LIGHT up ! Atta boy ! Even the toughest job seems easier if you can "draw" on Chesterfield. Those line Turkish and Domestic tobaccos and that can't - be copied Chesterfield blend "satisfy" as no other blend of tobaccos ever did before. t t t t f T T t t. t. f t f r t t y ?. t t t f Y T r I I I t ? ? f f r r ? ? f f t y ? The Fordson Will Increase Your Farm Profits The real secret of successful business is keeping down the overhead expense. Apply buriness methods to your farming. Cut the overhead. Cut it to the lowest point by using the Fordson. Come in and let us explain Our easy payment plan G. E. Gates Auto Co. 't t y t y-: T t T T T y t y t y t T t y y T f $: t y T t y T J T t I I I t t X