r FXCFE ETOTIT ftEbfOHU mrc ttctbttftc. ivrrcnpom. QftflfloX monday. april 19, 1920. T The "Bayer Cross" means genu- Jno Aspirin prescribed for 18 years. Aspirin created a sensation, when in . troduced by Bayer over eightesn year ago. Physicians at once proved its won derful -elfieioncy in the relief of pain, The genuine, world-famous AKpirin, in "Bayor Tablets of Aspirin" is safely taken by millions for Colds, Headuehe, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Euriiche, Tooth ache, Neuralgia, Aching Joints, Neuri tis, and Pain generally. Be mire the "Bayer CrosB," which ia the mark of true "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," is on enrti genuine package and each genuino tablet. . Boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents and contain proper directions. Druggists aho sell larger "Mayer" pack ages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Munoaceticacid eater of Salicylicacid MAlfj OUIUJtS ItKC'li NOW DApp MONDAY rAvL APRIL 26 Curtain 8:30 Direct from a ICccord Kim at Kan FniiM'iwco MARGARET in the play that has CREATED A POSITIVE FURORE "The Woman of Bronze" (ircnlcst, Jlniinnllc Triumph of thu Past Decade. l)y Puul Koster (from tho French) llnw to Nernio Tickets Xoiv: Address letters, make checks, postoffico money orders to (.!. A. limit, Mgr. l'ngo tlioaler. Add 10 por cent wur tax to price ticket desired, lucloos self-addressed mumped envel ope. ' Eve's Kloor, $2.r,0. llalcony 4 .rows t-. 4 at $ 1.50, :1 at $1; finllery, reserved, at. r, lie LIBERTY Q TONIGHT LAST TIME MARGUERITE CLARK A G I R L NAMED MARY Starts Tomorrow For Three Days DOROTHY DALTON "Hia Wife's Friend" LIBERTY ANGLIN I FIRS! FROST ON E So far as reports hail been re ecived at the comity intent's ofi'c up to early this afternoon, the heavy frost of Sunday morning did no eon sidornblo damage, ulthouirh a mini nimn temperature of 127 degrees was reached ill Medl'ord nnd imniedie.le vicinity, and of 2't degrees in the Pear Creek and Central Point sec lions. It was the first heavy frost of tile season and smudging was gene ral in Hie valley. A number ot ori'liardists, including tho Hear Creek orchard, began smudging at midnight and kept it up until all -danger was past in the morning. The escape from n killing frost was very fortunate as it looked for sonic time as though the mercury would drop to 'JO degrees, hut it stopped Calling at 4 a. in., at 27 degrees mid held there. Jt seems that most orchards of the valley can stand a temperature of '2'j or 120 degrees with out damage. Sunday n killing frost for the val ley was predicted by the San Fran cisco weather bureau for this morn ing, greatly worrying the orchardists, hut lifter lliis prediction was re ceived, a wanner wuvestruck the val ley and hence Frost Expert Young was able to give out the welcome news in the evening that all danger was past. 17 ARE KILLED IN LITTLK HOCK, Ark.. April 10 Suvcnteen persons were killed ami probnhlv u score seriously injured during tho storm which swept throuuh (ho northwestern part of tin; .slate Inst nidit. LITTLK HOCK, Ark., April 10. A score, of people were, killed and many injured in storms which swcpl several counties in northwest Arkan sas Inst nijj'ht, according to messages received over demoralized wire serv ice. At Harkoy valley, 32 miles north of Onnville, seven people, six of thorn members of one i'nmilv, were reported killed with many persons hurt and at. lliekevville sixteen miles south of Clnrli.sville, three., persons were re ported killed mid many hurt. VICTOR BURSELL FOR The latest addition to tho list of county candidates is Victor Bursoli, who asks for the nomination tor coinilv commissioner on the republi can ticket. This makes thrco candi dates for this office. ill'. Ilursell has lived in .laekson county 117 years, and at present owns a fine farm between Medford anil Central Point, where he recently built a new home. lie understands the needs of the farmers, stockmen and business men of the county mid stands for a practical adiiiinistralion of Mount v affairs, lie is a good rimds enthusiast, has niade a study of the saine, and has built, at his own ex pellee, a good gravel road from hit ranch to the county road. LATEST NEWS OF THE STATE rOKTLANI), Ore., Aprl .1!). Two years in state's prison was the sen tence imposed here today upon Joseph Lnmidv, convicted April A of viola tion of the state criminal syndicalism act. SALKM. the.. April 19. - Chester Harness, a trusty, employed at tiiv wood camp of the state penitentiary, escaped early today. Harness is vears old mid under sentence from Baker county J'rom two to five vears tor hurylarv. SALKM', Ore., April 1!) O. l Hot! slate treasurer, it is understood, was one of the wilncs.se called he! ore the Marion county irrand iurv today when it met to continue investigation of alleged houd transactions hot ween the treasurer's office and a Portland brokerage firm. NEW R. R. STRIKE THREATENED (Continued from Page One) manenlly the places of strikers who tailed to report up to yesterday noni., Mr. Mautell said. All railroads in this section coin menced to mow freight from hadh congested terminals todav. Yirttie.'h normal paoicier schedule- were maintained. The Hudson tubes, connecting Man hattan and New Jersey cities wet still lied up. The federal unnid iurv was eon vened at Newark. J., today to con sider alleged radicj'l activities anion.: (lie strikers, Margaret Anglin Who Comes to the Page Theatre in "A Woman of Bronze" -,: a- l' - , i :4J frf ft m Ov - i ? . ' . t $ w ,( " ' K A wjr , f k 'i , 1 3 i '. XyT Kf f 9M& i a f w w d U.S. LE OFFICIAL REPORT WASHINGTON, April 10. The pa tient, long suffering, hard working, and oft ridiculed army, mule has at list come to his enconi in an appre- iation from the nuartermaster gene ral. "The low down," on the army mule came today in an oiiicuu pumn :ai.u. There were more than 4.",()(l() of him engaged with the iirmv overseas, and more than 100,000, with the troops in the United States, and the arinv mule lived "P to his established reiiutat'on for enduring, sacrificing and dying like a soldier. Thev were not all American mules. Seven thousand came from Kngbind and HOOD from rrunco and aiiotuer 11,000 from Spam. "There was no comparison, savs the (piartermastcr generals an nouncement, "between the small and poorly nourished mule secured in Spain, and those purchased in south ern France and the powerful, upstand ing, inealv-noscd product of the mid dle west. "Tbede were limes during the final stages of the world war when it was focessarv to keep mules on the move '18, til) and sometimes 712 hours, with hnrdlv more than a pause. Then it. was possible to feed only .". sina'l amount of grain and a few handfuIN of hay. ruder this strain the mule went forward, giving bis all uncimi-plaiiiiuglv. I . 1. .. I .. I I ly- run when hitched to a wagon, but in variably iloes no Jiai'iu to himself ov the wagon. When tired he makes his loudilioii known bv uiiltling. How- ever, tins i ii ii J : t did not conic to the I'nro (hi rim: liiu In vs ot St. .Mihieh juhI in (hii Arirtiini A muni nuinv Ijinntu's Uwao ilv- 1 df voted to their horses sav "jrosh j darn a male anyway," on ireneral pnu- mile, lint the annv loves and iiilmires liiin for services rendered and would ! like to see lnru net the (tiMmmuMi service ind:il. ! SAIjKM, Ore., April VX -An m - plication hns Ihmmi tiled with (lie stat. eni:inecr hv the (irants Tass irria-j tion district for the appropriation of j i00 second feet of water from Koue! Kiver for the development of power! with which to operate pumps in eon-1 licet inn with the irrigation of land I within the irriiratinn district. E; Mustcrole' Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints Drives Out Pain You'll know why thousands use Mustcrole once you experience tho glad relief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard, lictter than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Wrings case and comfort while it is being rubbed on I Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Millionsot jars arc used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, painsand aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest ( it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size 5S2.O0. l tie nunc nan ainvs ui-cii '"'".o (lie credit of having his full uuola j IeS of brains, but at times it seemed l"'1 had more than bis share, lie niav!c! ifii TAX IS DECLARED L WASIIUMGTOX, April 19. Tho supremo court today held unconsti tutional tho New ilexlco state act of l!ll!) levying an exciso tax upon tho sale and use of Rasollno insofar as it affects gasoline still in the original containers in which it was shipped into tho state. WASHINGTON, April 1!). In de ciding a belated appeal, tho supremo court today held- that transportation by tho owner of intoxicating liquors into a dry stato by means of his own automobile was a violation of the Iteed "bone dry" amendment. The opinion was rendered in government appeals from federal court decrees quashing part of an indictment Mgaiust Kverett I. Simpson, who was charged with carrying intoxicants from Wyoming into Colorado. Associate Justice Van Dcvantor, in rendering tho opinion, said tho tak ing of intoxicants from ono state to another was interstate commerce, no matter how transported. Murder Conviction Stands. WASIIIXtiTON. April 111. Con viction in New Mexico of K. W .Hlau cett on charges of murdering Civile lleArniour will stand as a result of the supreme court's action today in dismissing appeals brought bv him. Itlaneelt was sentenced to death. raw m THE SENIOR CLASS OF Will present jtl IRS wd Krfi Kj '' .rj( Every act Page !l You can't miss IV i frr'--. ' ' """""" 'iniiufiii 1 1 mi 1 "A BACHELOR'S - - - - ROMANCE" )Fi Because of the switchmen's strike there is a shortage of casolino in the city, which bids fair to become acute if the railroad freight embargo continues. The situation is such as to cause auto owners to worry, and tho fact that there is u shortage of gasoline in California makes the out look .somewhat dubious for ample gas supply this summer, if tho present situation is not remedied. The Associated Oil company ran completely out of gasoline Saturday, but received a car load this morning. and hns three more cars en route if the railroad situation permits them to get through. The Standard Oii compnnv has only enough on hand to supply its own regular customers, ur.d therefore refused to sell any to the customers of the Associated com pany's service stations Saturday ur.d Sunday. TOTAL LOSS DUE TO T. CONTROL . TO OYER ONE BILLION WASHINGTON, April li)! Total loss to the government growing out of federal control of the railroads was estimated todav bv the house ap propriations committee at $1,112!), 000,000. This includes the $12125. 000,000 estimated ns guarantees to the roads under the terms of the transportation aet- WASHINGTON. April 19. Reduc tion of $:IO,000,0(IO in the $-120,000,-000 asked bv the railroad adminis tration to wind mi its affairs was made today bv the house appropria tions committee. The new appropria tion would bring the total funds granted Ibe railroad administration to $1,780,000,000. DONT PUT OFF It's the neglected cold, cough, tender throat or tonsils, that debilitate and leave the body disposed to serious germ diseases. i. SCOTT'S EMULSION should be taken at the first sign of lowered resistance, cold or cough. The energizing virtues ot Scott's bring essential nourishment and help to the weakened system. Give Scott's a trial. acett & Bowuc, nioomSeld, N. J, IANNOUNGEMENT P A clever, humorous comedy of a bachelor who fell in love with his beautiful ward - FOUR BIG ACTS is a show in itself, bubbling over with humor and fun at the Theater April 23 I it! It's the event of the season. And the tickets arp nnlv viviiv Vkj JLXXy 35c 55c 85c 1 1 ii i ii 111 in min H h i mi mi mi i hi itn i I IN BY TONIGHT The office of the Chamber of Com merce will be open this evening to permit the return of the road bond petitions which must he presented to the county .commissioners tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. It will be necessary that all who have petitions turn them in at this time, ns it is far better to have too many signers to the petitions thnn not enough. The next few days will be taken up bv the county authori ties checking up the signatures and their next act will bo to dace tho measure upon the ballot. All who arc interested in road con struction nnd who have not signed MlssiiR any ItiiiHo program is unwise. TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY BLIND HUSBANDS lleing the story of a "flannel nightie" hus band, his wife and a love ' buzzard. - Sunsliino "llcr Privnto COM I. NO! "The ireat Air ltolibery" R I ALTO PAGE ' NOTK: Curtain 8:15 sharp THE GRIPPING Pi AY OF THE MOST FASCINATING MysTERy pLAy EVER WRITTEN. i ' the New yoRK L coMPwy WITH i".aj AiRU(e m, s u eiu "Wonderful play and cast," verdict last night's big audience. Portland Oregonian, April 16th. Sents Xow Selling Floor $2.00. war tax, . MEDFORD HIGH their class play in - 3C the petition may do so at the Chami her of Commerce thin evening, ',1 4 CALOMEL! It's Mercury I Quick silver I Shocks the Liver Danger 1 You're bilious, but take "Cascnrets"! 1 You have a throbbing sensation in your t. heaj, a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes; your lips V are parched, your bowels are constipated. Ko'woncler you feel foggy, mean and ill- tempered. You need Cascarets tonight. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance 1. to yourself and those who love you, and I don't resort to harsh physicB that irri- tate and injure. Bomcmbor that most disorders of the stomach, liver and i bowels aro ended by morning with y gentle, harmless Casoarets they work J whila you ileep, neror grip,, shock, 5 sicken or inconvenience you. They're f grand! Aim Comedy Husband' WRD.OI n COMlX(i It. Oraier Ijoekcar li ' : Jo ono seated I -wj -ry During prologiio J ST t 41 TIIU SISORET SERVICE COHAN W V i present llalcony $1.30, $1.00, 50c, plus SCHOOL lr,1 VMFfffflAf6