rpmE jrrmrr wktTj Trnmnm, mrmrm, "tm-KCGS. vrnfiXY, appjl' ig, '3920. NOW! Tile picture of pictures. JuKt usk uiiy ono of the multiludu who have nlrcmly M'CII il. WO MVS OI- ei.i: si:i iacit v Al'DIKXCKS ,, 'il y' y 4l CECIL B, DE MILLE'S "MALE AND FEMALE" KOtMIKI) O.N .1. M. IIAICKIU'S l'A.MOl'S l'l,AV TIM') AlttllltAltMO CltlCHTON" COMING "BLIND HUSBANDS' MARINELLO We arc the sole agents for the famous Marinello toilet"artielcs. nitlph Woodford clCueiillmOOif Proprietor L MAY PUT ENTIRE TICKET IN FIELD There in the possibility of the democrats of Jackson eoimtv putting 11 full ticket in the field fur the com ing primary election. This was de veloped ut the luncheon of democrats held Thursday at the Hotel Medfoid, which was culled hv W. X. Camp bell, county chnirinan at the behest of .Mrs. Hose CI, Kchietfelin, state committeewomuji for the party in Oregon, and Mrs. Satchwell. county chairman of the women democrats. The luncheon was attended bv 40 persons, one-third of whom were, women. II. ('. Harnett was toast master. The political situation was talked over informally and Chair man Campbell appointed a commit tee to select candidates to fill nut the important places on the ticket if that course is followed. If it is not the democrats will write in the names o( selected ones of their political faitli at the election. As the situation stands at present Kawles Moore, candidate for the democratic nrfnii nation for prosecutim.' attorney is the only democrat out in the open at the primary scekins: office, but. it is reported Dillon Hill Will run for coun ty commissioner. flftfergQifttdL.-l, l.aurin 10. 1 Unman of Port land, former city electrician of Hert ford, is now fast recovering from his recent operation at the Sacred II curt hospital. 'Mrs. Illinium who accom panied him hero from Portland, was the Ki'est ,ot Miss Calla Diesel In Ashland yesterday and Wednesday. The .Myers Cleaning Works have installed n complete plant at Central Point and have .Madson, tho expert cleaner and dyer in charge. 20 Portland guests ut the Holland cvre It. O. llrady, J. ,T. Downs, J. IS. C. Ciregg and W. W. Morkle. The Uluo Bird electric washer, tho acme of perfection, Is coming to Mod lord. Mrs. John C. Lowdcn of Watklns, who recently had a major operation performed lit the Dow hospital, re turned to her home yestorday con valescent. Drink LIthIa Mineral water for rheumatism, stomach and kldnoy troubles. Order from Jackson County Creamery. Watch our window for Friday and Saturday specials. Weeks & Orr. 22 Another one of those popular week-end dancing parties will be giv en at the .Medford -Nat tomorrow evening. The large hall with its elaborate decorations and wonderful floor will be used, and the Imperial orchestra will provide the newest dance music. There will be no charge for dancing till after !):30 p. in. and no admission charge ut the door. A. I,. Hill has returned from Ban Francisco where he visited his daughter and son who are attending educational institutions in that vic inity. Delco-LIght Electricity for every farm. J. E. Bartlett, Medford Hotel, Medford, Ore. JJccause of the high water In the river only two boats were out Wed nesday night at Grants Pass for the opening of the commercial fishing season. One boat caught 17 salmon that weighed 300 pouuds and the other caught seven that weighed 100 pounds. 'Broken forgings and castings, all shapes, all metals, all sizes, welded rein forced and guaranteed. Vulcan Welding Works, 39 South Front St. " C. A. Mulone of tho California Oregon Power company, has return ed from u business trip to Klamath Falls. Have you tried tho Lithia Mineral water from the Jackson County Creamery. It has great medicinal value. lloy Davis and Mr. Dewey of Pros pect, arrived In tho city Thursday and are guests at the Holland. Tho tux collecting department of the sheriff's office is still busily en gaged In mailing out tax receipts to those persons who paid their taxes by mail. This task will not be com pleted for some time yet. Tr'ho Klka lodgo had a very large attendance last night Including 13 members from Grants Pass, and two candidates were initiated. Further arrangements were made for the big lodge meeting which will bo hold at Giants Pass on Thursday, April 29th. N. D. FARMER TO SPEAK AT THE NAT MONDAY NIGHT Arthur Foster, of Clyde, N. D., will speak at the Xatatoiiuin at 8 o'clock next Monday evening on the subject of the Non-Partisan league. Mr. Foster is a farmer in North Dakota, the seat of operations of the Non-Partisan league, and well quali fied to handle this very vital subject This meeting Is being held under the auspices of the Oregon State Taxpayers league, who areinitiating a campaign to combat the entrance of the Non-Partisan league into this state. I It Is desired that a strong reprc sentation of ranchers and orchardists attend this meeting, as Mr. Foster's messago is of particular importance to them. vmn V. Hoeson and Miss Edna Wells were married at .Yreka, Cal., April 14 and will visit San Francisco April 1-i aim w'i ""' I and other cities before they return. E ,j jcKce and William Ander Mr. Beeson has a nice ranch about fl0I1 aie visitors in the city from .na frnt Tiilont. where they ex pect to make their home. m. wens. LAST CHANCE FOR STRIKERS (Continued from Page One) order. The lodges are -l"i(i, of which John (irunau, president of the "out law" Yardmen's union, was a mem her: (iil7, u stockyards local and l!18 of San Francisco. More than 700 strikers in Chicago were thus removed from union membership losinir their seniority and all other rights. Among Calltornians in the city who are guests at tho 'Medford are Wm. Grant of Vacaville. W. 11. Train er of Sacramento, A. M. Klein and Mr. and Mrs. A. Cohen of Los An geles, Geo. W. Sill, Paul Maladin, A. Ualich and Paul Alega of Watson vllle, and the following from San Francisco: J. P. Uowden, S. Straus, G. C. Cowles, II. It. Weaver and E. A. Gilbert. WEDDING BELLS father of the bride, is superintendent of the county poor farm. Tt,ejr many friends join in wishing ineia much happiness. Jacksonville. NO "SHAKE UP" IN CASCARETS You'll Not Bs Sick', Upset and Sorry Next Day if Yotf Jake "Cascarets" for Liver and Bowels Caa carets never gripe, sicken or in convenience one like Solta, Oil, Calomel or harsh Pills. Feel bully! Be efficient! Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, con stipated. Remove f,he liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated,. your breath bad and I stomach aour. Why not spend a few 'cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy the niceaf, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever experienced? They don't shake you up and keep you in misery all day. They work whilo you sleep. Switch to gentle Cascarets 1 Enid Bennett savs: "Come on: let's raise the devil, and she tried hard to be "sporty" like the other weman the woman in the suitcase. How she does it all makes the best Bennett picture vet released. AN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD OFFERING NOW PLAYING! ENID BENNETT IN "THE WOMAN IN THE SUITCASE" COMEDY AND PICT0GRAPH LIBERTY PAGE , XOTK: Curtain 8: 15 sharp NO OHO K4MttCl Ihiring pruloguo WED)1 APR.A TII.K GHIl'Pl.NCJ I'l.AV OF TUB ' SROIUOT KBHVtOK THE MOST FASCINATING MysTERy PLy EVER WRITTEN. THE vlV yORK COMPMy WITH ''Cleverest play so far produced.'.' N. Y. Sun. "Holds interest to the last." Chicago Examiner, COHAN & present m v r b ir m Moor $2.00. liiilcony $1.50, $100, rOc, plus war Cx. Sent snlo Monday HOW TO SKC'l'ltU TH'KUTS NOW: Letters, clieclcs, postal money order to Oeo. A. Hunt, l'ajto Theatre, add to per cent war tax and In close s(anie(l, Keif-addressed envelope. MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price: No Matter What the Price MANN'S The Men of Medford Are More Than Pleased With the Big Sale 1 of Men's Clothing and Furnishings Now Going on at 1 I MANN'S ANNEX I i If You Haven't Been There Come Tomorrow. We Can Save You Money on Every Article That You May Need i 1 JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS OFFERED FOR SATURDAY-SHOP EARLY IN THE DAY H WORK CLOTHES AT LESS THAN H FACTORY PRICES P WORK SHIRTS Bent qunlitv. All .siy.os. Miule good iind full. 1 Cheap at iM.nt). Saturday, (J H OVERALLS Mens union-made "Hoss of the Head" Waist Overalls. Hest grade made. On sale Saturdav 5 Bib Overalls, same make, Jj?2.(9 E This is less thaive can buy them at the faetorv todav. H Canvas (i loves 15 (12 lor 25r) H HICKORY SHIRTS This is the hest. wearing shirt manul'aetured and lliev are hard to find. Client) todav at !f !!.!)(). On sale Natifrday , each $2.48 ....$1.48 11 sixes-'. $3.00 KHAKI PANTS 5 en's hest quality Khaki Pants, all sixes-'. Saturday E pair H Youth's -Khaki Pauls, pair $2.00 H WORK PANTS ade of splendid materials, worth about double what we ask. baturday jiair $3.00 HART, SCAFFNER & MARX ALL-WOOL SUITS AT ABOUT HALF PRICE dust about 1") of these suits left. You can have them while they last at $45 to $55 Capp's and Sons voting men's Suits. All good styles. On sale at $-15.00 Some Nifty Ties Cheap. 2") dozen Men's Silk Ties. All good colors, $l.r0 values. On sale ' QQp Saturday, each 701 12.") dozen Men's Exclusive. All-Silk four-in-hand Ties, lieautiful patterns. ffl QO ;U)0 values. Saturday, each pl.70 Suit Cases and Hand Hags on sale at great re ductions. Suspenders Extra fine qualitv. Cheap at fl.00. Saturday, Men's Umbrellas All good quality at very low prices. Men's All-Wool Jersey Sweaters. Cheap to day at $7.r0. Saturday Jq Men's Hats 100 extra fine irrade wren's Uats. One sale Saturday $5.50 $G.OO $6.50 ALL-WOOL OVERCOATS WINTER WEIGHTS Will pay you to buy one for next winter at the prices we are selling them. From $19.50 to $40 00 Heavy Mackinaws at less than Mill Prices $12.50 to $17.50 BUY YOUR UNDERWEAR HERE We Save You Money Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, cheap 85c at $1,125. Saturday, each $2.25 )rawers. $2.50 Men's Spring and Summer weight Union Suits. Cheap at ijtt.OO. Saturday, each Clastonbory all wool Shirts and Drawers Cheap today at ijfl.SO. On sale Saturday, each Great values in heavy winter underwear. It will pay you to stock up for next winter at the prices we are giving. See them. BIG VALUES IN GOOD HATS Men's extra fine soft Felt Itats in a groat range of colors. All sizes, Everv one of these hats are worth $3.00. On sale Saturday, each SHIRTS FOR LESS Men's Negligee Shirts. All good colors .and sizes. Cheap today at $2.50. . frl Ca On sale Saturday, each Men's Negligee Shirts with collars attached. Made of good madras, Cheap at ff 1 flfi ! S $3.00. Saturday, each J 1.70 Men's extra fine quality Shirts, with stiff cuffs, in white and fancy stripes. Cheap at s $13.00. While they last Saturday, ( 00 Men's gray Flannel Shirts, all sizes. Cheap at $3.00. On sale Saturday $219 MEN'S HALF HOSE CHEAP j Engineer's and Firemen's Hose in black and gs brown. Cheap today at 35e. On IQr 3 sale Saturday, pair .'. A g Men 's extra fine grade fast liiack Cotton Hose in all sizes. Cheap todav at 35c. OQp On sale Saturday, pair ..." " Men s Shaw Knit and heavy Wool Hose. Cheaj) today at 75c. Cftr WORK GLOVES 500 pair of Men's Work Cloves in all styles, best qualities. These Cloves are worth more than we ask, 50 to $3.50 pair MEN'S COLLARS Slidewelt Linen Collars. Dest qualitv. Cheap todav at 30c. On saie Saturdav at. each 1S (3 for 50 Manns Annex 44 N. Central Ave. Next to Schieffelin's Old Stand, Cuthbert Bldg. Saturday, pair GREAT SALE OF MEN'S CAPS f Men's Caps, up to 85c values, Saturday ISc each E Men's Caps, up to $1.25 values. Saturdav, each S9 " 9 - HANDKERCHIEFS BELTS ( Men's Soft Linen Finish Ttamlkm.. :M01.S its, good quality, g chiefs ....$3.50 is. i Mi'.'in toi .if n. 1. , . . j- wm ics, snug price. otui; on i uiAUM A each Ju 1 1 1 1 1 P I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll inn lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhl I