fcKUFUKD STTm TRIBUNR, MRDFORTl. OttEfiOX, FTiTDAY, APTtTL lrt, 1020. Market New Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., April 1G. Cat lie steady, no receipts account strike. Oiiotutions iiiiclmimeil. IIoj.'Si steailv: no receipts account strike. 'Quotations unchunL'ed. Sheep steady; no receipts account strike. Quotations unchunucil. Butter PORTLAND. Ore., April lb Rut, ter weak. Cubes, extra, 58M,(r"i!rc-. parchment wrapped, box lots, (i lc; cartons, C4c; half boxes, half cent more; less thnn half boxes, le more, lintterfnt. No. 1 chuniinir renin (i'J (SC3c f. o. b. station; 04e Portland. Enid Iteiuictt at LUxa-ty "Let'sraise the devil," she laugh ed, as she tried bo hard to be "spor ty" like .her compunion. Yet she was playing the biggest, finest game of her life. And when the man sho honored most on ' earth came that night to meet "lome live little girlie" the scene that followed is one scene you won't forget. Enid Bennett achieved one of the great successes of the year in "Step ping Out." Now in "The 'Woman in the Suit Case," she has another Inti mate, real, live, love story that goes to the heart of every home. It turns Into vivid drama the socrets of a man or woman you know! Liberty theatre tonight yind to morrow. "A Film of Unusual Merit" Certainly Mr. DeMillo has fash ioned a film of unusual merit in ".Mule and Female." Full houses have paldhomago to It at the Ilinlto theatre during- Its past three days showing. There are things In this picture that are of value to everyone In Medford, and it Is one that should be attended, no matter what the cost. There only remains tonight, to morrow matinee and night, to see the screen .sensation all Bedford is talk Ing about. ' ' ' ,..', Order to Show Cause In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. In the matter of the Guardianship of the persons and estate of Chester Wayne Diess, and lra Earl Diess, minor persons. 'It appearing to the court from the petition of Henry Gordon Diess, guardian in the above entitled mat ter, that it is necessary and will be beneficial to the above named minors that the real estate of said minors hereafter described, and 'all thoreof, should be sold; Now therefore the next of kin of said minors, 'Henry Gordon Diess, and all persons Interested in the estate of said minors, are hereby di rected to appear before this court at the Court 'House in Jacksonville, Ore gon, on the 8th day of May, 192ft, at - The Noed of the Valley la Thoroughbred Stock We have among our offerings the Ilnnch Mudo to Order for this purpose. Only three miles out and otae mile to Pacific Highway. 30 acres alfalfa. 15 acres grain seeded. Well fenced with woven wire, and cross fenced. Under ditch and a ridge running through the bottom lands affords Ideal building sites for house, barns, paddocks, etc. 63 acres, $200 per acre. ' Sec us at once about this. Rogue River Land Co. Since 1902 Office'Hotel Nash Corner Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block Medford '.. OVER 100 ACRES IN PRODUCING PEARS BEST QUALITY PEAR LAND WATER CAN BE IRRIGATED LOCATION CLOSE IN NEAR R. R. PRICE IS VERY ATTRACTIVE Page-Dressier Co. The Best Fire Insurance : If vou wish fo buy or sell any kiml 10 o'clock a. m., and show cause whv a license should not be grained lor the sale of such estate. The following is a description of the real estate above referred to: An undivided two-thirds of Lot 'Number Five (.", ) in .Block Number Six (6), In Sledden's Second Addi tion to the City of Eugene, in l.ane County, Oregon; an undivided ons sixth Interest in and to the East half of the Southwest muinr iha i, nth- east quarter o( the .Northwest quar- ier, aim me soutnwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Six (CI. Township Thirty-eight (3S) South. Range Four 1 4 1 West, of the Wil lamette 'Meridian, in Jackson Countv, Oregon. It is hereby ordered that this Order to Show Cause be published for three successive weeks in the Medford Daily Mail Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation In Jackson Coun ty, Oregon. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, April 1G, 1920. G. A. GARDNER, County Judge. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Carpenter work by day . or contract. Call Carpenter, phone 031. 21 WANTED An experienced laundress wants washing to do. Will wash anything. Will come and live in your home for $15 and wages of 3c a week thereafter. No meals or jitney fare. Phone 90 and ask for Mrs. Thor Washer. ITKLP WANTED FKMALE WANTED Capable person to do plain cooking, no washing or Iron ing; no children. Wages $50.00 per month. Phone CS5-R-4. Mrs. L. W. Stansell. . 2G WANTED Girl for general house work. Slu Hast Main. Phone 431-R. WANTED Two expertenced wait resses, wages Jlo.UO, 6 days a week. Hex Cafe. 23 WANTED An experienced laundress wants washing to do. Will wash anything. Wll'. crme and live in your home for $15 and wages of 3c a week thereafter. No meals or jitney fare. Phono 90 and ask for Mrs. Thor Washer. WANTED Roof pamtlng, coloring, auto painting, nouse panning;, ivieu ford Painting Co., 3G South Grape. 3G WANTED Waitress at the Hotel Medford. Call in person. Don't phone. A SAFE INVESTMENT A ' ' GREAT ..SPECULATION ONLY 80 RODS FROM TRIGONIA WELL NOT UNDER LEASE 62 ACRES - Nearly all cultivated. All under ditch. Good land ana a, bargain. Only $6000,. You might, within 90 days, have a property worth mil lions. For fruit, alfalfa, srrain it is now worth much more than price asked. Page-Dressier Co. Nash Block. Phone 282 THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE If you wish to buy or sell any kind oi real estate. For Sale 20 Acres Joe Brown has decided to sell his beautiful home on Koss Lane. First class buildings of all kinds, including nice Bunga low, Barn, Hog bouse, Ga rage, "Woodshed, Milk House with Separator, and Poultry bouse.' 60 bead bogs, 2 cows, Z horses, all kinds of farming equipment. A fine crop of Alfalfa, corn ground in splendid shape, a garden that cannot be boat, some fruit and fine shade trees, flowers and lawn. If vou want a beautiful home, a good income, and live in the country, but close to town on good roads, come in and see nie personally and get my price and terms. JOE BROWN Of Brown and White, Hotel Holland Building nEI.P WANTED MALE WAiSTK.D Men. $3.u0 per day and board. Phone, 6S5-J-3. aa-" SELL Nl'IiSKRY STOCK FOR I S Oood territory open. Terms attrac tive. Write for contract and in formation immediately. Salem Nursery Company, 1030 Chemeke ta St., Salem, Oregon. 30 WANTED Coal miners, muckers. Phone 655, or call at 31 South Orange after 6:30. 30 WANTED Middle aged man to tend garden and do light work around place. Steady Job. Phone II. W. Bingham, 597-J-3. WANTED A pastry cook nights, wages So. 00, 10 hours. Rex Cafe. tf WANTED Teams and men. Moon ft Co'., near Port Orford, Curry coun ty. Teams $10.00 per day; Cali fornia hay and grain, hay $34.00 per ton, grain $72. Good men $5.00 per day; board $1.10; work road construction. Moon & Co. 320 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Good clean rags, lord,, Printing Co. Med- WANTED Phonograph repairing of every description. Douglass, 101 South Central. Phono G15-J. WAiNTED Horse suitable tor use on spray rig. Phone 40S-J-1. 23 WANTED To buy. vili pay top price for baled grain and alfalfa hay. Phono 200 or call at Mon arch Seed Co. WANTED To tako cure of one or two small children. Write box 11, care Mail Tribune for appointment. 25 WANTED To buy small modern house and lot. Installment plan. Address Box G M, Tribune office. 22 WANTED To buy seed corn and black amber cane seed. Phone 597-J-3. WANTED To rent five room house with garage, steady renter, on or before May 15. Address No. 5 South Front. WANTED To let logging contracts. Team and truck proposition. Will let separately if desired. Easy log ging and good chance for right par ties. Big Pines Lumber Co. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. S3 WANTED Second-hand office desk. People's Electric Store. 38 WANTED 900 lawn mowers to sharpen on our now grlndor. Lib erty Repair Shop. Phone 2G1-J. WANTED Will pay top market prices for wool and mohair. See us before you sell. Medford Junk Co. Phone 283-J. . WANTED Carpet weaving and cleaning. 2 01 South Riverside. Phone 35G-J. Fluff RJg Factory. WAINTED Automobiles for repair by expert auto mechanic. Clark & Chllders, opp. Nat. Phone 26. 33G WANTED To buy good clean cotton rags. , Medford Printing Co. WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Blk. Medford Alfalfa --IStock--Dairy 240 Acres 70 acres in Alfalfa, 80 acres in grain and corn; this year's crop 300 tons alfalfa. "' 70 acres of Alfalfa now under irri gation. Water rlflht for full 240 acres is ALL PAID It's a big money maker 20 Per cent this season. Location On Pacific Highway no waiting. Now Producing. The price is right $24,000.00 Page-Dressier Co. Inquire of Mr. Fansher. WHY Irrigated Alfalfa Grain Fruit Ranch A Home Place 100 Acres All in Cultivation Road to be paved this year. Good improvements. This place is partly irrigated. Has a good orchard and some alfalfa. For immediate sale this place is offered at $12,000. Terms on part. Be sure and see this before buying. . J. C. BARNES Phone 784 -L FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 6 Bargains G. 1 long shuttle Singer, $35.00. .1 round hahhin Singer, $55.00, 1 round bobbin Singor, $45.00. 1 new Royal, $25.00. 1 White, $15.00. 1 Hurdlck, $10.00. lAU drophead . sewing machines. Singer Shop, 115 West Muin, phone 215-R. 23 l-'OR SALE Spool donkey engine. Phone 6S5-J-3. 33 FOR SALE Rang.., healer, washing machine and furniture. 705 Palm street. Tel. 405 .1. FOR SALE 'Haled alfalfa and grain hay: also baled barley straw. Il'bone 201-X. 23 FOR SALE Rabbits. Call 5 o'clock. Phone 575-L. 24 FOR SALE Brand new Todd Check Writer, latest $55 model. Our price $12. .Medford Book Store. 23 FOR SALE One horse, 1 1 years old. weight 1500 lbs., sound and true; one Jersey heifer, fresh in about two weeks; one 5-foot mower; light wagon with bolster springs and shafts; ono light gooseneck dray, capacity ono ton; three orch ard ladders; ono set of harnoss; ono 12-inch plow with extra share; one pair of heavy shafts, one light pair shafts; one corn sheller; one sickle grindor. Wnllaco Woods, 1115 West Ninth street. 24 FOR SALE About 200 feet of G rfoot chicken wire in graded mesh. Will sell for half price. Also chicken house. Phone SGS-L. 23 FOR SALE Victor hornless phono graph, excellent condition, $20.00. Another Victor, good order $10.50. tCabinet phonograph, plays all rec ords, brand new, $40.00. Douglass. 101 South Central. Phono G15-J. FOR SALE Good cord wood and tie proposition. W. L. Hart, tllondaln. Oregon. 2 7 FOR SALE Four good used tires and tubes, slzo 351, at a burgatii. Clark & Chllders. 23 FOR SALE Ono oak mission desk, $40.00; ono overstufl'er real leath er rocker, $45.00. 00G Wtest Main. 22" FOR SALE Seed corn. Also apple chunk wood. Phono 403-X-2. 23 FOR SALE Now pj.-.no, vargain for cash. Phone 632-M. FOR SALE 75 horsepower Holt tractor. Orchards Co., Ltd. Phone S51 between Cand 7 p. m. 25 FOR SALE 75 folding chairs 4 0c each. Mrs. Powers, Talent. 23 FOR SALE Sand and gravel, sedi ment and team work of all kinds. Phono 425. 39 FOR SALE: Sana,,: gravel, sediment . and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912-J, Samuol ! Batenian, 302 Maple Btroet. FOR SALE New 25 ft. tower, tank at a bargain. People's Electric ' Store. 38 FOR SALE Carload of vetch and grain hay. Phone IT. W. Bingham 597-J-3. tf FOR, SALE l'OUlTKY AND EGGS FOR SALE .Hens. Phone 370-J. 24 FOR SALE 'Pure bred Whito Wyan dotte eggs for hatching. Phone 331-W. 37 FOR SALE Pure bred Plymouth Rock eggs $1.00 per setting. Phone 3G4-J. 26 FOR SALE R. I. Red and White Leghorn eggs ana cmcKS. book orders early. Mrs. F. II. Dressier. Phone 777-L. 332 FOR SALE Superior S. C. White Leghorn eggs. Bigger eggs and larger birds.. 1st cross famous O. A. C. layors with Isaacson's beauti ful prize winners. Trap-nested and raised right. Settings of 15 eggs, SI. 50 and $2.60; $8.00 per hun dred. Cockerels for sale. Gus Brommer, phone B89-J-2. Route 3 Medford. 318' LOST LOST Boys' mackinaw on Wash ington school grounds. Roturn to Holland Hotel. Itcward. zz LOST Fox terrier. Finder please Return 1057 Court street or phone G2o-.I. Reward. a LOST Tortoise snon colored spec tacles with lenses cracked. If found please return to Tribune office, tf TAKEN XV TAKEN UP Ono roan throo-year old marn branded S. S.. on right shoulder. Geo. Olllman. 3 'A miles north of Medford, Diddle road, a FARM liO.INS PAY OFF YOUR OLD MORTGAGE on your farm or orchard by replac ing your loan with-us On the ex tended payment plan at 6 inter est. McCurdy Insurance Agency. tf 20 N. Peach St. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartment, $!-. 21 Olson street. FOR RENT Pleasant furnished apartment. Phono 750-.T. 2ij FOR KENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR KEN'T- -Light housekeeping South Central. 23 rooms. 32: FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 407 Realty street. 2G FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Five room furnished bungalow. Phono 5S0-.I-1. FOR RENT Medium sized modern house, partly furnished, closo In. See II. A. llansconl,' 520 Palm street. 22 FOR KENT FI R.MH11E1) ROOMS FOR RENT Rooms. Central. Phono 52S-.I. South 4G FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Twenty-two acres good soil one milo from Medford. ten acres full bearing orchard, balance suitable for alfalfa. Modern bun galow with bath. Good barn and outbuildings. Price only $0500. ind $2500 will handle. Address Box 1054, Medford, Ore. Y.'ANTEU Parties looking tor chenp land, near a town that has the record of raising the finest berries in tho wost; nlso tho host veget ables, fruit, nuts, hny and grain, Biifo from frosts, buow or floods. Land, from $20.00 up to $300 per acre, unimproved. Improved land from $150 to $500 per ncro, right on canal. For further Information write M. L. Southard & Sons, Roal Estate and Loans, Lebanon, Oregon 38 FOR SALE Bungalow with flvo , rooms, inclosed sleeping porch, 'bath, toilet, fireplace hardwood ! floors in living room and dining room; east facing; ground 100X : 14 0. Price $2500.00; one-half ' cash will handle. Alsrj have a nice llttlo three room bungalow, with bath, tollot. electric light; barn, chicken house; ground 100x14 0. Price $1X00; can bo handled for $500. See llon- nett Investment Co., 102 Wost i (Main street. FOR SALE A bargain; modern five room bungalow, on lot about 50x80 ' feet or longor it desired. Two ; screen porches, big garage, paving 1 paid. Seo J. H. Cochran, or Pago I DreBslor or Holmes. J. 11. Cochran'. i Ha FOR SALE Nlco five-room founga 1 low'on pavoment. Phono 547-L. FOR SALE By owner, both Phoenix and Medford property with excel lent location. Inquire Bort Stan cliff, Phoenix. 33 FOR SALE Forty acres unimproved lnnd. Sams Valley. Inqulro E. M. Wllto, 219 South Holly Btreut. 33 FOR SALE One of tho niftiest and : most complete little bungalows in tho city: six rooms, strictly mod ern, built-in features and cabinots, ! two fireplaces, laundry trays, back I porch enclosed In glass, wired for 1 electric cooking, gas, woodhouso, garage, hot water heating plant. If you want something up to the . minute you will buy this. Seo Bennett Investment company, 102 Wost Main. FOR SAL.E Elghtoen acros of land opposite Oak Grove s.:aool house i on Jacksonville road. For informa tion write D. V. Turner, Gonesco, Kansas. 330 FOR SALE Nice attractive little bungnlow;four rooms, large screen porch, bath, toilet; tiro placo; garage, chicken house; lot 50x140. Price $2250.00. Bennett Invest ment Co. FOR SALE If you are looking for a homo, and quality, price and terms interest you call at 820 West Twelfth street. P. E. Wynkoop. 321 SOME BARGAIN two Aero Grain Ranch All fenced, 200 acres m cultivation, small house, spring wator; Price $8,500, $2,500 cash. Seo or write us ut onco for stock or gruln ranches. M1DVALE REAL ESTATE CO. Mldvnlo, Ida. 31 NOW 40 acres well Improved, 15 acres rirst-clasB bottom land, inmiiy orcn ard, noar O'acific illlghway'. $1000 cosh. 40 acres, buildings, somo fruit, 15 acres In cultivation, closo to Pacific Highway and high school, $1000. 10 acres. Improved, five acros orch ard in bearing, balance In crop, one milo Pacific Highway and high school, Talent irrigation district, for 30 days, $2100. We Have the lluys, Now. See ua for other IIUYH. AIbo FARM l-OANS HTJED LAND It INVZST MINT CO. FOR RENT Closo In furnished apartments for light housekeeping. Hot and cold water. 1UVEK.SIKE APARTMENTS 217 South Rivorside. I'booo 457-J 30 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK (FOR SALE SO head one and two- old Angora gouts. PllOIK GS -J-3. FOR SALE Seven 1250 pound horses, five 1 loo, two mules and a number of good ponies, all gentle i anil true to work. If it's a horse -wo can fit vou out. Vinson Stable, phone .s I o. 2 3 FOR SALE Weaned Duron pigs, $5.00 each. Schuchard Orchard. Phone Ul l-R-3. 27 FOR SALE Six fine Jersey cows, all freidi but two. Also one cream separator. Phono 16-F-14. Il-'i't Standi!'!', Phoenix. 2 0 FOR SALE Six iieautlful fresh milch cows, six gallons each per day. Walsh's place on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Medrurd. I 20 FOR SALE 200 Angora goats about 1G0 nannies and 40 wethers. GO kids now and more to come, all for $1000' for quick sale. F. W. Moore, phono 2G1-J, Ashland, Oregon. 40 FOR SALE Horse and team young mules. Tlireo Angora goats. Ber keley Orchard:. 2,'l FOR SALE Four extra good work horses, harness, wagon.. Enquire W. D. Stediunn. 25 'OR SALE Ono span mules and harness, wagon, 3 broad tiro, with bod and wood rack. 100 Whito and Itrown Leghorn lions. T. F. Smith, 244 Grant street, Ash land. 23 FOR SALE 200 Angora goats, about 100 nannies and 4 0 wotltorH, Go kids now and more to come, all for $1 000 for quick salo. F. W. Moore, Ashland, Oro. Phono 201-.I. 24 FOR SALE IG half blood merino bloekfuco two year old ewes, two bucks and their 81 lambs. Some thing good. E. E. Foss, Talent, Ore. Phono Ashland 372-R-12. 22 FOR SALE 150 hend ewos and lambs. W. E. Thompson, Gold Hill. 23 FOR SALE Ono 10 year old work horso, weight nbout 1300. G. CL Gaold, phono 25-R-2. 23 FOR SALE Four sows and 21 young pigs, $125.00. Juntos Anderson, Gold Hill, ono milo up Sams Valley road. 22 FOR SALE Vreaned Duroc pigs, $5.00 each. Schuchard Orchard. H'hono 01 l-R-3. 39 FOR SALE 150 head Btock cattle, i Inqulro of W. C. Daley, Eaglo ! Point. 23 FOR SALE Twelve milch oows: these are all selected cows. Tho best of mllkors; also six yearling heifers. Walsh's placo, on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Med ford. 333 FOR SALE Puro bred Duroc-Jorsey sows with sprlug litters; ulso bred fiows; also a few half grown pigs. Inqulro of foreman at Modoc Orch ard or D. R. Wood, Medford. FOR SALE Two good spring wag ons, suitable for ono or two horse Also fine saddle. Walsh's placo, on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Medford. 231 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE $2500.00 flno Stutz 4 passonger touring car. Eleven hundred dollurs under present cost. A beautiful car and a bar- gain. Will give nny demonstra tion. Addross 'Box 4 8, Mull Tri bune. 22 FOR SALE Overland treck in good condition $350. G17 Eust Eighth street. 20 WANTED Tho host Ford touring car that $400 cash will buy. Cull mornings, room 19, Riverside Apts. 24 FOR SALE UBod Muxwoll five-puB-aenger car. Good condition. Price $400. Pago Dressier Co., Nash Ulock. A BARGAIN For Bomeono who wants a' now car at a reduced prlco. A 1919 Mltcholl, run 3000 miles, good tiros and paint, with somo extra equipment; ono new cord tiro. Hanson & Koyt, Valley Gar age, North Holly. tf .'OR SALE Cheap,. 1 Ford tractor, 1 Ford light delivery. Both In gwod running condition. W. O. Webster, phone 571-J-5. 23 FOR SALE 1910 Ford touring, front scat cut down; just tho car for camping. Good rubber. Cash $125.00. Leaving the city. See R. Hi. Evnna, 1017 Ninth street. FOR SALE See our prices on over hauled Ford cars, licenses paid; liberal terms. McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co. FCR SALE At a sacrifice, roomy fivo passenger car, now ton, cord tires, runB and looks like now; Belt starter of course. McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co.. temporary location Cra ter Lake Oarage, 18 South Fir street. FOR SALE Uulck runabout, four cylinder with Bolf-Btarter; excel lent condition mechanically; prac tically new tiros and a new top, at a sacrifice. McCurdy Bowne Mo tor Co., temporary location Crater Lake Garage. USED CAR cleurlng hou.ie, buy for cash, sell on terms. Plckens-Merrill Motor Co., 18 North Grape. tf MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO IX)AN O. N. Wilson, 708 West Fourth, phono 4G0-L. 43 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Cuthbert Bldg., Rooms 3 and 5, North Central Ave. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We nre operating tho largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwost. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under writ ton guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. W. E. PIIIPPS Attorney at Law, 425-420 M. F. & H. Bldg. Office phono 372; residence phone 325-M. ELIJAH II. HURD Lawyer, S 13-14 Garnett-Corey Bldg. PORTER J. NEFF AttOTnoy-at-law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford Nation Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett- Corey Building. Building- Material. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth BtreetB. 259 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. ' Wilson, C. P A. Attention given : to anything In Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting mothod. M. F. & H. Building, Medford. Phone 157-R. Instruction In Music FRED ALTON HA1GHT Teacher ot piano and harmony. Height Mualf studio, 318 Garnott-Corey Bid. Phone 72. Mineral Iiathg 1 MINERAL BATHS Dr. Hawley, ChW ropractic Physician, First National : Bank building. Entrance, room 6, Ashlnnd, Oregon. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURKLUND, ChiropractM physician, St. Mark's , building, acute and chronic casee, Offlc hours 10 a. m, to 12 m. 3 to i p. in, Telephones Office 454, res, i 760-J. A BURSELL, M. D.; D. O. Splnolo. gist, Physician and Surgeon. Spa. cinlty Physiological Methods. 80S ' 10-11 M. F. & H. bldg. Phone 89. ' Take elovator to 3rd floor. 82S ROBERT W. STEARNS Physlola and Surgeon, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Office hourB 9-12, 2-4. Of fice phone 39. Resldonce 933. DR. J. J. EMMEN'S Physician ant ' surgoon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes acle ' tiflcally tested and glasses supt piled. Oculist and Aurlsi for 8. : K. R. Co. Offices M. F. ft H. C14 . Bldg. Phone 607. DR. F. G. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIS PHYSICIANS 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bids. Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Street DR. McMORRIS M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon Practice limited to surgery and hospital obsterlc. Special attention given to diseases ot women. Offices 306-7 M. F. ft. H. Bldg. Residence, the Dow Ho -pltal. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In ' Southern Orogon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO". Office 42 North Front St. Phons 815. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PERL Undertaker Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 28 Boats Bartlett. Lady assistant. Auto-, mobile Hearse Service. Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner. Lodges. L O. O. F. Medford lodge No. 8 J, Meets every Monday night mt 7:S0, C. T. I'arkor, N. O., W. L. Miller, note tary. TloguA nivor Encnmpment No. 80 Mods 2d and 4 tit Fridays at 7:50 p. m. Kamuel Uuteman, C. l, L O. How aril, scrlhn. Olive Kbekah lodge No. 18 Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Naa- . nle Hull, N. O., Annie J. Battmtn. ecrelnry. Visitors cordially Invited to all meetlnKii. MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 63-M. 31 North Grape street. . MISCELLANEOUS JUST ARRIVED a large shipment of wool sacks; floece twine for salo cheap. Wo are also in the market for Both wool and mohair. John son's, 45 South Front. Phone 302. FOR SERVICE Jersey bull. Dressier. F. H. oi real estate. . . .