9 -1 WATC TttmUTIT!. SfTTDFORB. OKEfiOX, FTCTDAY. APT?TL 10. 1020. PXGE SIX Sure Relief 12 ELL-ASMS 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief FOR , INDIGESTION Quick Action Cora Cure "Geta-It" Stops Pain Instantly and Corn Soon Lifts Eightv0ff. A few drops of "fiete-It" quenches Corn pains like water quenches Are. Gives you Immediate relief. I'eels It On? The corn boglns to loso lta prip at once. In a day or two It Is eo looao that you can lift it off, roots nnd nil, 'twlxt thumb and finger. That's tho last or it, aa millions ljavo found out. It In tho Himplo, effoctfve and common-senna way to be rid of corns. '"Gots-It," tho nover-falllnpr. ftuar Titeed, money-back corn remover, tit but a trifle at any drug store, 'dby U). Lawronco&CJi)., Chlcugo, . Sold In Meatnra nnd rocommona ed aa tho world'a beat corn remedy by Leon D. Haskina, Modford I'har macy, Strang's PruR Store, Heath's Drug Storo, Wosl Side Pharniacy. ' The stranger's first im pression of our city U gained from our hotels. The Hotel Holland Is doing its part to help build a greater Mcdford A hotel depends greatly on tlie local support it receives. The Hotel Holland and Cafo will appreciate your patronage. Management of Carl Y. Tengwald PABCO It's a Floor Covering The Best Made Waterproof and Wear-Iiesis(insr 1000 YARDS TO SELL at 89c yard Mordoff & Woolf . 22-26 South Fir Minnesota No. 13 1 Seed Corn We offer liaud-pirkcd and tipped local rown seed corn MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 317 East Main Strut. Oet the papers to build Urea, luo CROPS AT TABLE v TAW,H ROCK. A.'.ril (!. Tli April show erf. nrc novinir :i uruat stimulation to irrowimr crni. sui-li ii.s 'rain. minims mid nllnlta, wliicli an: lonkinu' much lic-1 tcr lliau I lie have l'or several vcui'H at. this season Kunncra liavt; about l'inihod .tile. HdtMliiiLr i)t alf'all'a 'and , are . now husv preparim; mound fur putatge ami corn. . A Idler l'roni Miss Kenj , Ii'ei'l states' that lur lather died on April 4 at Abraham, I'tnli, ol' blooil poison iic The Keid I'uinilv resided in tlii: I'oniiuunit v sonio ten years ncii nnd were liiclilv rcspuck'il liv their many neighbors. ; The rajieh reeentlv purchased by I.oren (ireuoy has been seeded !i main and a I la 1 In. but will not be occupied until lull, when .Mr. (Iron orv and family will move from thu Altaic, district into their new home' and thus become n valuable addition to our neiiddiorhond. Hundred;! of people Iroin lae valley towns y,c out this way last Sunday to until' flowers and many beautiful buqiigts oi white liimbs tongues were secured Harry, Nealon, who. bus much faith in the oil possibilities of this valley spent u pint of last , Sunday inspect iinr the oil well at Kern Valley. Smudge Jiots Jiavc been placed in readiness bv sonic of our orchardists but from present weather indications will not be needed. Koland Flaherty, secretary of t,lh Fni-ut llureau,. was out this wny, Jnsl. week, irett nir Iioks lined up for their next shipment. An interest inir news letter sent out liv the department of; nirriculture Kivcs the piirchu.siiii; power of . an acre of wheat at-the present time nnd before the war bv frivimr a loinr list of articles nnd the number of each an aero of wheat will buy at the present timo and previously. It is noticed that where tho bliviim power of the wheat has increased to anv exleut it is uenernllv with articles Hint a fanner buys verv few of, and Hie increased cost of producing the wheut is not considered. . A londintr chute has been erected on the Hcesc place nnd fivo lanre trucks are busv hnulinir puinuuicc to surface tho road between Ami to and Central Point. This is tho first time pummaccsoil has crossed the river for road dress inir ami thoso of us who have seen it used for this purpose, believe that there is no soil in the vnllev thn excels it and few that eoual it. Coarse ptimmncc, when propeilv packed, is not offeclcd bv water and has enone.li mil so that it is never slippery, contains no rocks, so is al ways smooth nnd durinir the heat of Hummer irlii7.es , over nnd becomes harder as tho travel increuses. air. lucyors, who a lew years njro farmed tho Wvkoff ranch, was sluiR- ii)Lr bands with old friends in t hi: district alst Sundnv. Mr. Mvers lias HisjMised of his ranch property near Uosebiinr and is now looking for a suitable locution in the Hol'iic Kiver vnllev. Kthel Wilcox and lli'S. Davison at tended the rresbvterial nieelinu' :il I cntral I'nint lust week. iMelliorn Atkins ol l.akeview spent a few lavs of last week yisitiirj mends and relatives in this distnet. Will l.vdiard has taken a loiriiin? contract near Jacksonville. Mr. anil Mrs. Clark Collins nni' habv id' Modford were visitors in Ihi.j district. Tuesday nveiiiiiir. Clark is demonstrating with a new Allen ear. If. C. Washburn bus returned to his orchard property here, after an absence ()' several months spent in many different parts of the coimliv. Mliss Sue liViliartl, who is tcaohin;; i private school in Mcdford, enjoyed several days, vacation Inst .Week, which she Client: ill borne. i REESE CREEK RIPLE1S llloni, to .Mr. and .Mrs. Will Morrltt April 12th, m eight and a half lb. daughter. .Motlior nnd daughter (ire iloln k nicely. Tom Vestal nml wife have been visiting In .Medford for a few days prior to going to housekeeping on their ranch above Kecse creek. Topi expects to work on the Itutto Falls load. .Miss Muriu Meyers and a few of her friends tamo out from .Modford Sunday morning nnd spoilt the day with Mr. and .Mrs. W. K. llnmmel. Mr. Hummel and Marshall Mintor are working- on Mr. Hnmmel's wind mill, raising and placing it In position. Key. John Sltlle preached Sunday afier Sunday school. Mr. Kli Stille and Kev. J. Stille sang a duet. "Cast Thy llreud Vpon the Waters." C. K. Hellows was solicit Uir for the Farm Hurona last week. Mr. lowls of Central Point, the sheep man. was out this week look ing after his flocks. Paiiers Reduced to 8 Paqes j CINCINNATI, ()., April Hi. Cin inunti afternoon newspapers an 1 nouncc that ow iiur to the shortage of j news print paper, editions will be liiaitj'd to cuiht pae.es until the situa-l tiou is relieved. Wjtb MeUfgra traa? s JJodfprd made men &; do "big wotk. i "I've tried a lot of overalls, hut of all I'vo worn, &lve mo DJue Buckles every time. They always &ive lon& wear," President of (he Iowa Corn and V Small drain Growers' Ass'n. m J Jmmmmmm i Ml PRED McCULLOCH -a- is one of the biggest corn growers in his state Edward Gibson is the champion riveter of the U.S. Shipyards James Heberer runs the Twentieth Century Limited these men know their jobs from top to bottom. And they know what to" wear on the job. . They know how much good, strong, comfortable overalls mean when you do big work. That's why all three wear Blue Buckles. That's why more men wear Blue Buckles than any other overall in the world. Tough, longest-wearing denim, sewed with wide, double-stitched seams, goes into every pair. Blue Buckles are big and roomy. They never rip or bind. First-class workmanship makes every detail about Blue Buckles right. They have heavy riveted brass buttons, best quality buckles and loops, a solid back-band, big, convenient, reinforcedpockets.'and extra wide suspenders. All Blue Buckle coats have free swing, raglan sleeves. Ask your dealer for Blue Buckles. "There's heavy work at the shipyards. That's why I atick to BIuo Duskei. They're aureto give long wear and com tort." , , To Dealers: If you want to know where to get Blue Buckles, write to .Blue Buckle Overalls, Lynchburg:, Va., and we will give you the name of your nearest jobber. P , L ly o o o CIamnion Riveter JrWJriftiSaiJ "3;tt . P vf st 0 " wear Blue Bucklea on every run. Thy'ro tough as raw hide and fit easy all tho timo," Engineer of the Tmntiath Century Limited Biggest Selling Overall In the World 8 BEST FOR HOME SHINE? f A"E THE LEATHER 8 f Tun mo 7Aini: mf'Arri H E B Also PASTES ond LIQUIDS for Black, Taa aii J White Shoe P B. H THB F. P. PALLET CUKrUHAUV.NS L1U uvrrftLu, p. . m UTfW DISORDERS of the stomach and constipation are SJf trie most common diseases of children. To correct them you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Tablets. One tablet at bed time will do the worjc and will make your child bright and cheerful the following morning. Do not punish your children by giving them castor oil. Chamber lain S l ablets are better and more pleasant to take. Medford Planing Mill Corner llth and Firt Streets. Phone 184 Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Cabinet and General Mill Work. i Estimates Cheerfullv Given' Fifth and North Riverside Telephone 11 The Dow Hospital Graduate Nurses Only Special Attention to X-Ray Cases. GIM CHtJNG -China Herb Store . , , TIerl, cure for carnche, hendacho, eat nrrlj, ulpllicrla, sore throat, lunK trotlbln, kiilney trouble, stomach trouble, heart trouble, chills and fever, cramps, coughs, poor circulation, carbuncles, tumors, cracked breast, cures all kinds of goiters. NO OPKUATIONS. Medford, Oregon. Jan. 13, 1917. ' This Is to certify that I, the undersign1 ed. bad very severe stomach trouble ana had been bothered for several) years arid Inst AuRust was not expected to live, and hearliu; of Olm ChunR (whoso Hero Store is at 214 South Kront street, Med ford 1. I decided to Bet herbs for mr stomach trouble, and 1 started to feellnK belter as soon an I used them and today am a well man and can heartily recom nient anyone afflicted as 1 was to B Oim Chung and try his Herbs. IslKiie.l) w n JOHNSON. witliesses: I'm. Lewis, EaRle Point. W. L. CUIhiroth, EaRli? Point. M. A. Anderson, Medford. S. B, Holmes, Kaffle Point. V.. Moore. Kaslc Point k .1. V. Mclntyre. KaRle Point.- ; Oen. Von d. r Helen. Kagle Point 1 hos. K. N'icjols. KaKle Point. Operators of coal properUes In Utah and Wyoming advise ' buying your winter supply now. The Idea Is spreading that the coal commission may award the miners a further ad vance in wages, as well as to malts other concessions that will further materially increase the cost of pro ducing. We can now fill your orders wit different sizes of SPRING CANYON UTAH COAL - ' ' Dry Wood of All Kinds on Hand . .n, WISEMAN & SCHEFFEL i lrUpne2 631 So, Front 6i