Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 16, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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    ItEDFUKD !CTaTE TRIBUNR, SlfiUFOKH. ' "OTCEfiOy. FRTDAV. WVUTfl 1fi. 1020.
Mill FIV1 "
Lift OffCorns!
"Freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or Callus
right off with fingers No pain!
Drop llttla Prcciono on an aching
eom, inntmtly that corn stops hurt
ing, then you lift it right out. It
doesn't hurt one bit. Ycb, magic!
.Why wait! Your druggist eells a
tiny bottle of Freezone for a few cent,
sufficient to rid your feet of every
hard corn, soft corn, or com between
the- toea, and callufle9, without sore
ness or irritation. Try it! No humbnp1
Fresh Vegetables
for Saturday
We will have a com
plete line of vegetables
for Saturday trade.
Personal Attention
Prompt Service
H. E. Marsh
Phone 252 Grocer Phone 252
WE hope all customers of the First National
have that feeling in regard to their banking
Nothing has been spared to make it com
plete, nor do we spare a 113; personal effort to
make our service helpful.
All accounts here are "Nationalized"
Vhe first National Bank'
Medford Oregon
I at
Medford, Oregon
Monday, April 19, at Vinson's Feed Stable
1 o'clock P.M.
Bulls all testod for tnbcrculosis and arc guaranteed breeders. All
are registered in the. American Haioforll Aosjc'itlon.
5. K. HOLLA WAV, Owner.
OOL. A. U STKVKXSOX, Auctioneer.
For details see O. I. Paulson, Snles Mnn-wcr. ; , Holland Hotel.
Adopted Monday, March 29
Daily eicfpt Sunday.
Leave Medford 7:15. 8:00, 8:45, 0:80,
10:15 11:00 a. m, U:fl0 noon: 12:45, 1:80,
2:15, 8:00, 3:45, 4:30. 5:15, 6:00, 7:00 p. m.
8:45 p. tn. Saturday only; 9:30 p. m. daily;
10:80 p. m. Saturday only.
I.eate Aahland 7:15, 8:00, 8:45, :S0,
10:15, ii:oo a. m.; 12:00 noon; 12:45, 1:80
2:15, 8:00, 8:45, 4:80, 6:15. 6:00, 7:00 p. m.;
8:45 p. rn. Saturday onlr; 9:80 p. m. daily;
12:16 midnight, Saturday only.
Snnday Only
9:00, 10:00, 11:00 a. m.; 1! noon; 1:00,
1:00 3:00, 4:00, 6:00, C:30, 9:30 p. m.
9:00 10:00, 11:00 a. m.; H noon; 1:00,
2:00. 8:00, 4:00, 6:00, 6:80, 9:30 p. m.
JValtlnj room AJ.bnd, East Siie riiarm.17.
Daily except Sunday.
Leave Medford 8:00. 0:30, 10:80 a. m.;
12:00 noon: 1:30, 8:00, 4:30, 6:80 p. m
Saturday only 7:30 p. m. ; 9:30 p. m. daily.
Saturday only 10:30 p. m.
Saturday Onlr
Leave Jarkaonvillc 7:20. 8:30, 10:00, 11:30
a. m.; 1:00, 2:00, 3:15, 6:00 7:00 p. m, Sat
urday only, 8:00 p. m.
Sunday Onlr
Leave Medford 9:00, 10:30 I. m.; 12:00
noon: 2:30. 4:00. 6:30. 9:30 10:30 p. m.
Leave Ja'.kfionville 10:00, 11:30 a. m. 1:80,
3:30. 5:00, 7:00, 9:50 p. m.
Offi and waiting; room So. 6, South Front,
Nath Hotel building;.
Jack.onville Waiting Room at Reter'l Cod
fertlonery. riiotir 30P, MecHord, 0r,
ASHLAND. April A free inir
liiuiiciit is slated to take uluee in
this eitv on Thursday. April "ill. This
preliininarv mitiec is iriven out well
in iidvanee so that all innv stutlv their
respective parts and be ill readiness
to champion their respective views.
The scene will be the l'resliyteritin
church, tlioiiKh the uatheriiiL' will nut
be n denominational one, imil it is to
be hoped that nunc will remain away
simply because the raliv is held with
in the walls of sacred edifice. Nol
only all deinoninations, from a ro
liir.ous point of view are invited, but
also secular orennizntions and poli
tical parties it is hoped will be repre
sented. Moreover, the call is an
urgent one. to both men and women.
No partisanship will be displayed, and
absolute fair plav will uovern cither
casual debate or prepared artrument.
This free parliament invites the at
tention of every citizen and all par
ties and creeds arc mired to partici
pate, and it is proposed to conduct
it alontr lines to such i loiricnl eon-
lusion us will nl'ford an ideal sympo
sium ot religious, eoiicauonui. social
ind political opinion, freely expressed
to such an extent as will reflect the
best sentiment both theoretical unci
practical. This rratlierinir will not be
exclusively an Ashland conununitv
affair, but includes Jackson county
in its scope as to attendance and in
The foretroiiiir refers to the mid
year mcetinir of the Jackson County
Women's Christian Tenipernime tn
ion, u Catherine; which will lei;ali.e
the :ililb anniversary of the organi
zation's history as applied to this
county. The convention will be railed
to order lit 10 a. m.. routine busi
ness matters to follow the. tievotional
hour. Remember, the date is J bur:
dnv Anril 'U. mill sessions will be
held in the Presbyterian church tlim
city. In the afternoon political can
didates, reirardless of party affilia
tion will be invited to "rise up in
meeting" and testify to the faith,
which is n them, such testimony t'
begin at 2 -111) o'clock, nnd it is taken
for grunted that the expressions from
the witness panel must necessarily be
brief and to the point. About a dozen
district nnd county officers are to be
nominated at the coming primaries,
and up to date, the "1 leaven-born
ratio of fifteen-to-onc" applies nu
niericnllv to cundidatos for these po
sitions between republicans and demo
crats respectively. In order
none of theso may feel slighted, the
invitation list is extended specifi
cally to them all as follows: Joint
representative, W. II. (lore: county
representatives. E. V. Carter. Hen
Sheldon; district attorney, G. M.
Roberts, IL A. Cnnadav, Frank r"ar
rell, liawles Mioore; sheriff. C, E. Ter
rill, J. H. Wimer: school superinten
dent, Miss Susiinne Homes, (I. W.
Godwnrd, A. J. Hanby: clerk, Chimn
cey Florey; assessor, J. H. Coleman;
treasurer, A. C. Walker; surveyor,
Frank Rhodes; commissioner, A.
Kinney, Court Hall. Even the candi
date for county coroner, John l'erl,
is not omitted from tho invitation
I'st, although this does not imply that
the interesting sessions of the W. C.
T. U. will ill any wise partake of the
nature of a coroner's inquest. The.
lone democrat, provided he puts in an
appearance, will be given iust ns re
spectful and attentive hearing ns his
republican opponents, for the W. C. T.
U. knows no party lines.
The great organization stands for
the highest ideals in the business nori
social life, also for religious, intel
lectual nnd mornl uplift, coupled with
u steadfast advocacy in behalf of the.
best educational advantage, temper
ance also being a cardinal principle.
It demands the highest stimdards in
private, as well as public life. Witn
it patriotism and prohibition are
synonymous terms. Hence, in those
filling positions of public trust, it
exacts a measure of faithfulness nnd
efficiency commensurate with the
responsibilities involved as between
the official and private citizen, nnd
does not consider it presitnrptuous to
require a declaration of principles in
regard to policies as applying not
only Xn u technical enforcement of
the law,' but also as to the sincerity
of purpose and energy with which
such problems shall be dealt with.
A formal program of this anniver
sary gathering will be issued in due
season. .' In the meantime, the regis
tration books for the primary clee
tion will close April 20, and all who
Anthony Paul Kelly's melodrama
Threo Faces East" will be staKed
for the first time in this city ul the
Pugo theatre Wednesday night, April
Playgoers who delight in works in
volving mysteries or la war dramas
dealing with the machinations of
spies, should wolcomo the announce
ment, for 'Mr. Kelly's creation is so
dexterously contrived that It not
only holds spectators in suspense as
to tho identity of the masquerading
spy, but contains such a stirring epi
sodo as a Zeppelin raid on London.
roduced In New York a year ago
last August, tho piece kindled so
much interest that it remained there
Bovoral months.
Tho action In "Threo Faces East"
begins in Berlin, where the head of
the (lormnn cspionago system sends
a young woman to London to obtain
formation regarding nrilisli mili
tary plans. Tho later scenes are laid
in tho British capital unci lllustrato a
battlo of wits between English and
Gorman secret sorvico agents. Nu
merous persons are snspocted of be
ing engagod in trafficking with the
enemy, and onlookers are kopt gues
sing as to whether or not this or
that one is the roal spy. fXot until
tho donouoment Is tho Identity of tho
culprit disclosed with surprising effect.
Interest in the developments of the
artion Is heightened by tho admirable
manner in which the play has been
staged by Mossrs. Cohan & Harris.
Among tho principals In the cast aro
Violet Homing, Slerion Gray, Charles
Harbury, Frank Westorton, William
Jeffrey, Frank Sheridan, Otto iX1o
moyor, Herbort Evans and Maurice
3 " "He says I'm a good skate"
A REAL pal that's Chesterfield. Look
at its record. Threo million smokers-
less than five years on the market!
words explain it "They Satisfy."
Our expert buyers In the Orient select for
Chesterfields only the finest grade of tho
four choicest varieties of Turkish tobacco.
To theso are added the best of mild but
full-bodied Domestic leaf.
Hut, in the end, it's the blend that makes
Chesterfields "satisfy." And the blend our
private formula cannot be copied.
Extra wrapper of moisture-proof
paper seals in the flavor.
vote at such election on May '21. must
register before the aforesaid date in
'Diamond Dye8M Turn Faded,
Old Apparel into New.
Don't worry about pcrfcob resulU.
Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to frfve
a new, rich, fadeles color to any fab
ric, whether it be wool, ailk, linen, cot
ton or mixed gooda, dresses, hlousei,
stockings, skirts, children's coats, feath
ers, draperies, coverings.
The Direction Book with each package
tells so plainly how to diamond dye over
any color that you can not make a mis
take. To match any material, bare druggist
ehow you "Diamond Dye" Color Cri,
You ar
e a Stockholder
in the greatest business
in the world
YOU are going to do an act this month whose in
fluence will carry around the world. j
j t !
1 It will seem a simple thing to you merely mak-!
ing a gift in the Interchurch World Campaign. j
i But in Church hospitals'all over the country sick
people will be made happier, for part of your gift will
go to them.
; In scores of children's homes supported by the
Church more children will have a chance. r
- In China where there is one doctor to every 400,000,
i people (America has one to every 712) the Church's
medical forces will be strengthened and encouraged.
Babies who might have died
In India where a third of the babies die before
'; their second year, the lives of babies will be saved.
! Church schools and colleges will share your
' gift half of America's 450,000 students in insti
tutions of higher grade are in Church Institu
tions. In preachers' homes where preachers' wives
have patched and darned and wetted their work
.with their tears, life will be happier and better.
.80 of the preachers now are paid less than
$20 a week.
These are some of the things your money
rwill do. And this is
What your money will not do
It will not put two Churches where only one
should be. The Movement means thirty de
norninations pledged to prevent duplication
and waste.
It will not be spent in useless overhead. At
least a million dollars will be saved by the merg
ing of thirty campaigns into one united eftbrtv
Your life will be at work'
in every land
Whether you are a Church member, or wheth.
cr you merely contribute, you will put your life
to work through the Church in every corner
of the World. And long after your life is over
its influence will survive and serve.
Theso are the terms in which to think of the
Wo have thought too long about it in terms
of little things, hot us get a picture this month
of its world-wide sweep. Let us stop thinking
of ourselves as givers of pennies.
Weare fellow-workers with Almighty God .
stockholders in the greatest business in the
United Financial Campaign April 25th-May 2nd.
World Movement
3 pafctteatyaa of thim adnrUmaent made posibln through tho ooopormllon ot thirty deoomlotiionm
WW"! .I mi 1,11,1 , . iitwkmmmmkmmmmmmmmm