rA un worm MTXWtmT) MC TRIBUNE. ETETyFORTJ, OTTECiONY FRIDAY. jVTPTRTTj tfi, 1020. Medford Mail, tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUULIKIIKD UVHKT AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY BY Tills MEDFORD PCl'NTINa OO Office, Mftll Tribune C'llldlng, 26-27-28 Norm rir eiroei. i-none to. A connolid.it Ion of the Democratic Times. The Mi dford Mali. The Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregonlaa. The Aanianu iriuuno. The Medford Kundny Hun Is furnished subscrlbors desiring a seven-day dally ntwH paper. ROBERT RTTIIU Editor 6. S. SMITH, Manager. DBSCarPTIOIT TEBMI1 BY MAIL, IN ADVANCE: Dally, with Hiimltiy Sun, year.. ?8. 00 Dally, with Sunday Kiin, month .65 Dally, witho'il Sunday Sun, ypur.. 5.00 Dally, without Sunday Hun, month .50 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 1.50 Hundny Sun, one yonr 1.50 m i;a nu i Kit in Mffirorci, Anniami, Jacksonville. Central I'olnt. Phoenix: Dally, wllh Sunday Sun, year 7.D0 Daily, with Sunday Hun. month 65 Dally, without Sunday Sun, y-ar.. 6.00 Dally, without Sunday Hun, month .60 Official paper of the City of Medford. urriciai paper or Jackson county. Entered as second-class matter at Meurord, Oregon, under tho act of March Sworn dally average circulation for six months ending April 11119 8,074 MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Full Sensed Wire Service. The Asso ciated Press Is exchiMlvely entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches crediti'd to It or not other wise credited In this paper, and also the local news nubllithfd herein. All rlirhtn of republication of special dispatches n are in are uibo reserved. ' ii i iii i , in i Ye Smudge Pot j By Arthur Ptv- ) Tho switchmen's Htriko Is bucked by tho "Friends of HusHian IJlierly", a sister orKHnizutloti to the Society for SomMiiK Amoricu To Hell. The "Friends operate thru one William 55. Foster, a gent with a genius for agitating, who keeps out of jail thru a pull or lack. In Portland Ihero resldoa a man by tho name of Zantac, the same hav ing a familiar .sound. Tho Johnson vote in Illinois proves among other things, that a lot of people havo lead pencils. Reports that tho upplo crop is a failure- in Missouri will not be fully appreciated until tho frost danger is past olscwhero. Tho population of Kansas shows an increaso according to tho census. This Is surprising for a state whoro thoy freeze to death In winter, roust to death In summer, and havo to sleep with tho windows down the rest of tho year to keep from being blown out of bed. Reports from Gonora in JIoxIco, whore- a new republic Is being built say that In tho struggle for freedom tho inhabitants wero carried away in their zeal, and stole everything thoy could got their hands on belonging to nn American. THE GOSPEL OF WORK HPIIKODORK X. VAIL, former president of the Ameri can Telephone company who died today, was a living mutation ot that radical philosophy, which m certain quarters, lias heeome so lashionahle. This country is a" plutocracy, proclaim the radicals, where, the poor man has no chance, where native ability and individual aspiration are lost in the soulless scramblt for private gain. The only remedy is complete destruc tion of the capitalistic system,' control by the proletariat, tlie nielleniuni ot the inert mass. Under such a svstem Theodore X. Vail would have died unknown and the modern telephone would have died with him. Alexander fitaltani Hell invented tin: telephone, but it was ail, a young man ot :(), who made it. lthout that American atmosphere of personal initiative, without that incentive which a system ot reward for achievement allows this man who died as the controlling figure in one of the world's greatest industries, would have died, as he began, a humble telegraph operator, of little value to himself and ot less value to the world. Moreover it is not in money is measured, but in service. The that Mr. Vail's greatness elipipng of coupons never interested him. The house on' his :5")()() acre farm at JJvdon ville, Vermont, although beautiful was a home rather than a palace, .rond ol good music books and pictures, he was still more loud ol the outdoor lilt, lie liked to plav, and he played hard, but his passion was work. Work, that good Anglo Saxon word, so unpopular with the Holsheviki zealots of todav, was for 8f years the guiding symbol of Theodore N. Vail's life, lie worked to improve the system of human communication, he worked to improve the productivity of the land, he worked to the very moment of his death on t he problem of securing wire less telephone communication with Europe. Xo lesson could be taken lo heart more profitably today than the lesson of this successful, useful and reallv siinpk e. Of course, Mr. Vail was unusually endowed physi cally and menially, nut i no rad. remains max. no American who would follow his example, could entirely fail, and the opportunities for the exceptional individual are perhaps is great today as they were nearly a century ago. Work, that; is what the world needs today, not only work to gain, but work to give; not only the joy ol: material possessions, but the joy of useful service. The signifi- ince ol: the ail career, is the emphasis placed upon the service, rat Her t nan t lie reward. vnd, as almost ineviiamy happens, he got both in exceptional measure. The befit inswer we know to llliani 1). Jlavwood is the historv ol I'heodore X. Vail. '.Thoro 1h vory littlu originality among tho candidates. All arc for "an efficient administration and good roads." "Man Insano, Thinks llo la Drunk" ( 1 Id 1 1 no I.os A iikcIch Times). If you road tho Miory in I ho papers you know his name was W. W. Drink-wator. So Japan plana to imltalo ('for mally, and tako a rhanco with a world war. Japan may not bo able to Imltalo tioriunny, and atop if when sho starts losing. The world has loarnod something from tho Inst ono, and thoro wilt tin nothing left to nrgun about a! tho finish. YANKEE WnESTLER THROWS THE FRENCH CHAMPION JUNCTION CITY. Kas.. April Hi. Allen Kustare of Wakefield, Kas.. threw Salviilor Chevalier, Krrnrh heavyweight ehnmitinn, and winner el' that title in tho iuler-nllietl sanies in I'nris last, sprintr. in straight falls Willi ii loe hold here lasl tm:ht. The tilno was 15 minutes nnd i!l minutes. Ralph Cowgill, president of the Wood club," has filed in I tie republi can stato primary, as eandldate for roprosontut ive from Jaeksun county. ThiB makes tho ropuhlienn delegation to bo voted on, to consist of W. 11. tioro, 1:. V. Carter, Hen Sheldon anil Mr. ('owglll. People Not ice It. 1 )i i ve Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply (arc will not embarrass von much longer if you net a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, The skin 'Should Ix'Rin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. , Cleanse the blcxxl. lxnvels and liver with l)r. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the Kucccssf ill substitute for calomel , there's no sickness or Jain after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that which calomel docs, and just as cliec tively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who tikes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with a "dark brown taste." a bad breath, n dull, list less, "no K'xxi" feeling, constitution, torpid lier, bad disposition or pimply face. Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable) compound mixed with olive oil : you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards six-nt years among pa tients alllicted with liver nnd bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the Immensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better you feel and look. 10c and Zm. Wslt Mason DEAFNESS MY 1'IARS don't work the way they should; my hearing isn't extra good; and agents come most every morn to sell some patent, audihorn, some strange contraption, painted. blue, to make me hear as well as you. 1 shoo said agents from my door and tell them to come back no more. To buy such traps I'd be a loon; my deafness is my greatest boon. The fellow with a weary tide with fungus on it, it's so stale, will pass nn: by before he'll tell hjs story when he has to yell. T miss so many tales of woes, so many chestnuts all men know, so much of gossip mean and punk, so much of scandal mongers' junk, that I'd despise the meddling men who brought my hearing back again. And when I seek my clinch at night, I'm like a child, I sleep so tight. The noise that keeps you all awake, my gentle slumbers cannot break. I do not. hear the rounder yell, I do not hear the milkman's bell; the chugging motors scorching by can't make your uncle bat an eye. I'm satisfied, the way I am; you see me merry as a clam, and if 1 heard as well as von, no doubt vou'd find me grim and blue. How About YourCatarrh? Do You Want Real Relief? Then Throw 'Away Your Sprays nnd Other Makeshift Treat ment. Why? Simply because you have overlooked the cause of catarrh, nnd all of your treatment has been misdirected. Remove the cause of the clogged-up accumulations that choke up your air passages, nd they will naturally disappear for pood, liut no matter how many local applications you use to tem porarily clear them away, they will promptly ro-appear until their cause is removed. S. S. S. is an nntidoto to tho mil lions of tiny Catarrh Reims with which your blood is infested. A thorough course of this remedy will cleanse and purify your blood, and remove tho disease germs which cause Catarrh. For fi-ce medical advice write to Chief Medical Adviser, 101 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Gu, The BANK OF ABSOLUTE SAFETY The Medford National Bank WE WORK j "NN" it li our Depositors as well as for them, ex- E tending to each patron the benefit of our inti- mate knowldege of local conditions, and the helpful service of our excellent facilities. Resources $1,350,000 H Watch Us lirow YOUR BANK j Hacked by the federal Ueserve System w: s. c. iilllhl The ideal way of wash ing del tea to thing is (ha vay the Eden washes every umg. Washes everything without rubbi i :!! The favorite of thousands of good housekeepers because the big sanitary zinc cylinder of the Eden lifts all clothes, blankets and linens gently up and down through hot suds in the same way careful women wash their daintiest silks and laces. The Eden takes all the rub out of the tub and cleans everything better than rubbing. The grimy overalls of the hard worker, the splattered clothes of the children, or stained table linen leave the Eden as clean as new with a very much longer lifo ahead for not having been beaten and rubbed and frayed in' the out-of-date wash board way. . worker, the splattered clothes Uj'.tll JFh tle children, or stained table fi.'.jf p'S M$$a& linen leave the Eden as clean 6$? tea' ;7 v, as new with, a very much MiA xraufeJr- j0x longer lifo ahead for not having f ' ''hn. W bcen beEltcn ancJ rubbed and m I i S5s B vtt' J frayed in" the out-of-date wash- k'a .J Try an Eden M py-.. -r- Try an Eden next washday free. Z-Lj I ' " S WSJTSSEati K Telephone, write or see us and $'' xr1 1 1 X!rS$Hwj arrange a free demonstration 'v A (v i'j&wiifrW i'"'1 without obligation to buy or y 'l""J 0lCr CXPCn8C" Jf PEOPLED ELECTRIC 5TORE 212 W. Main A. B. Cunningham, Prop. Phone 12 From $1725 $1525 F. O. B. Medford c L E T R A C TANK-TYPE TRACTOR Added Power Same Weight Lower Price necause a roatly increased output means a lower ntauufai-iurini: cost no can offer n hcUer Clctrac ami still roiliuv the cist lo joil. Itiirns "Ras." kcrosono or distillate. Does more kinds or work, more lnys n t,o jew, at lowest, cost. You can't go wronR on it. With more power and improved construction, the lltjiv model will prove to any tanner, any where, that I'letrnc farmini; Is mvlitahlu farm In K. A binger motor and added strenRth; no extra weight and no more friction, saving you all the power we've added. The rietrac is the right size ami type for almost any farm, the one tractor adapted to all con ditions. It has proved its ability to stand up to Its work. And now that the public has recog nized its worth, it Is out in from to stay. The new H-lnrh track one-third wider mean3 a lighter tread and stronger grip on the ground. It s a tractor that has nil-year service built into It. one that cuts farming costs by handling nil jobs well, not just a few. Turns short and works the corners clean. Com pait and low set. Ideal for orchard work. Trav els faster and does more thorough plowing. And over U'fto distributors and dealers, with repair stocks near you, are backing It up to make every Clctrac owner a booster. One car late models Just received In Medford ItlMK .AMI SI'.K Til KM. BEST POWER FOR ANY PURPOSE HUBBARD BROTHERS POLITICAL OAItnB. Dlstrlo Attorney. I hereby announce myself as a can. dldate for the office of Prosecuting Attorney ror jacKson county, Oregon, on the republican ticket, Bubject to the wish of the voters at the coming primary election. If nominated an! elected I will see thai the laws are Justly and honestly- enforced. R. spectfully yours, Adv. H. A. CANADAY, Relieving 'hat mv successful mn. agemont of the office of District At torney has shown rnn thoroughly qualified, and that I can serve the people of Jackson county, in that mnnritv heat. I announce my candi dacy for re-election on the republican ticket at the May primaries. Adv. G. M. ROBERTS. 1 heroby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican tlckot for the o-fflce of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected I pledge myeelt to an Impartial enforcement ot the law. F. P. FARREU Adv. Sheriff I hflrabv announce my candidacy for rn-nomlnatlon for the office of sheriff on the republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel that my record as a public official during the first term entities me w re-nomlnatlon and re-election. Adv. C. E. TERK.ILL. I hereby announce myself a repub lican candidate for sheriff of Jackson county, at the May primaries. Sev eral years experience in this line ot work. Including last six months ot 1919 in the tax collection depart ment, thoroughly qualifies me to ad minister the dutl s of the office In an efficient manner. Adv. JOHN B. WIMER. County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re nomination for County Clerk an the republican ticket subject to the decis ion ot the people at the coming pri maries, and hope my record in this office the first term is such that I am entitled to your support this year. Adv. CHAUNCEY FLOREY. County Assessor. I hereby announce my candidacy for the re-nomination to the office of County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by the Republican party at the primary election May 21st, 1920, Adv. J. B. COLEMAN, School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for County School Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. G. W. GODWARD. . Adv. . I hereby announco myself as candi date for County School Superinten dent, on the republican ticket, at the primary election, May 21st. I am for progressive education, the education that prepares for life, and for giving the rural schools the very best ad vantages possible. I favor more nor mal schools for Oregon. Adv. A. A. HANBY. I herewith announce myself as can didate for nomination, on the republi can ticket, for County School Super intendent. SUSAXXE W. HOMES. County Coroner I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of County Cor oner. If elected I promise econom ical management of the Coroner's of fice. JOHN A. PERL. Adv. County Treasurer I hereby announce myself as a can didate on tho republican tlckot for tho nomination for the office of County Treasurer, promising to ad minister the duties ot the office on an efficiont business basis. Adv. A. C. WALKER. I horoby announce myself as can didate for nomination for County Treasurer on the republican ticket. ; 1 am an experienced business man. Adv. -W, D. WELCH. County Commissioner I am a candidate for tbe nomina tion for county commissioner on the republican ticket, subject to tho pri mary of May 21. I have lived in Jackson county a number ot years, understand tho needs of the county and if chosen will promise an eco nomical, efficient business adminis tration. 1 havo always boon a good roads booster. A. E. KINNEY. Adv. I announce my candidacy for the offico ot County Commissioner on the republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primaries, May 21, 1920. If elected I promise an economical, fair and impartial ad ministration of the duties of the of fice. I have always been for good roads. (Adv.) COURT HALL. Representative " I am a candidate for re-nomination for Joint representative of Douglas and Jackson counties, on the republi can ticket, at the primary. May 21. I am for good roads and have helped frame the present good roads legisla tion. If nominated and elected I pro mise to devote my energies to the prosecution of those interests of the district I represent and the state of Oregon. (Adv.) W. H. GORE. RAWLES MOOKH for democratic Nomination District Attorney War Primary, jjjq,