nzm Bra 'BTOTTFOETl VTKTTi TRWTJKV). KTTTFrmn. OTCEGONV TTTTTKTtAY. APTCTL 1.". 1020, I' become serious. In the Spring Time Any fool knows enough to carry n umbrella when' it rains, bat the wise man is he who carries one when it is only cloudy. Any man will send for a doctor when he gets bedfast, but the wiser one is he who adopts proper measures before his ills During a hard winter or the following spring one feels run-down, tired out, weak and nervous. Probably you have suffered from a cold, the Grip or flu, which has left you thin, weak and pale. This is the time to put your system in order. It is time for house-cleaning. A good, old-fashioned alterative and temperance tonic is one made of wild roots and barks, without the use of alcohol, and called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, in tablet or liquid form. This is nature's tonic, which restores the tone of the stomach, activity of the liver and steadiness to the nerves, strengthening the whole system. First put up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years ago, now procurable at any drug store; or send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package. MINERS PLEASED; T CONVENTIO L The stranger's first im pression of our city gained from our hotels. The Hotel , Holland Is doing its part to help build a greater Medford 'A hotel depends greatly on the local support it receives. The Hotel Holland and Cafe will appreciate your patronage. Management of Carl Y, Tengwald PABCO It's a Floor Covering The Best Made Waterproof and Wcur-llesistinir 1000 YARDS TO SELL at 89c yard Mordoff & Woolf 22-26 South Fir (!. E. Ktowt'll, who is mining nnt'i' noi-r nf the OiTL'on Hiiri'iiu nf Minus imil h'i.Jiij'v, iins riiturni'il finm nl Irntlin;.' tin' mt iTimt ioniil minim; i vi'iitiiui which just I'lusi'il nt Seattle enthusiastic over the fact that Hit convention vuteil to hohi its next iiiectinv year at I'ortlanil. W. 1 Itohinsoii. engineer of the Itlne l.eil'.'e mine, was the only other delcjinte present Irom this section. The convention is held aiiniiallv to cons:ilcr nucstioris ilealim; with com iiiercini ii iu! legislative interests ol miners, anil ilclcjales were nresenl irom lintisii ( oiiiuilna. AlasKii, Ore- cm, Washington, Maho anil Cali lornia. It wiih intunlv thriiich the el torts nf Henry I'Vrks, ilirector of the Ori'mni Hiirean of Mines anil (Jeo louy. that the next convention will he helil at I'liiilanil, as it is ileemeil that ilrcsmi ami I'm-llmul need the educa tioiial lienetit that the convention would bring. It is planned to make the Portland convention one of the largest and best ever held hv the organization, at which the need ol' capital and good organization to develop the mines of Oregon will he leatiired prominently GIVE ENDORSEMENT OF W. D. WELCH'S SERVICES Wo iiiiilerHtanit f lit Mr w n Welch Iiuh filed nnnllciilifin ff Pm office nf County Treasurer on the republican ticket. W'O WiHll to fnkft Ulln nrrnulnti In oxpress our entire satisfaction with mo serviecB ronilereil us by Mr. Welch, who has been In our employ for tho' past three years ns office inamiKor. We take nlonHllro tn rnnmnninnil- lllf? him to the vnlnm of Jiirkiwin county ns HONKHT. i'ih!Stii inns anil CAI'AIIIH and worthy of their Hiipport. DENNRY & COMPANY. Adv. Per M. K. Hoot. Mgr. SAMS VALLEY Minnesota No. 13 Seed Corn We offer hand-picked and tipped local grown seed corn MONARCH Seed & Feed Co. 317 East Main StrMt. Stenography Multigraphing -Circular work of all ktnd Mailing List Tunnell & Edwards 80C-308 Ubnrty Building Moiltord, Oregon. uVInny of us who bad thought spring established wqio Homewhat surprised Weilnesdiiy morning to furo our mir roiinillnE mountains nil bedecked in snow. Hov. Edgar ot Central Point, do llvored an Interesting sermon Sun day nftornoon. Tho minister prom ises to mako an effort to bo Willi us oneo a month : so with air. Froilon burg filling In between wo may be nolo to enjoy services mora ofton In tho future. Jlr. Straus finished last week so liciting for tho Armenian fund nnd believed with tho other solicitors thoy had almost roncbod our nuotti. Also llr. Straus found almost cvory Humor willing to join the Kami Ilur eau Kxchungo. 'Mrs. Wilcox, son and daughter Harry and Miss Ethel, all of Table Kork, attended religious services here 6untlny. Mrs. Zimmerman was suddenly talien ill early Sunday morning. Friends hope for n speedy recovery. vi m. i.ewis or Central Point, en tilled "Sheep King of Jackson coun ty,- was looking up Romo sbeeo In this precinct this week. Misses Clnwsnn nnd Duncnn were two of Central Point's prominent young ladles who nttendod church horo Sunday; nlso In their company was Mrs. Edgar, wifo of the minis ter. .i. I j. tNonion or tuuio Hock, was a business visitor in this section Tuesday. k C Ii. W'llbite, our energotlc young merchant lately pin chased u now Iteo truck. Mr. Sihnlz was visited Sunday by his father and brother of Medford. Miss Kntlipilnn Nenlnn was ro- lerleil ns lonelier for tho full torm of school. W. w. Edington and family nt tended the funeral of the little Mvers baby at Rogue Itlver Stindav. Krlends extend their deep sympathy to Mr. nnd Mrs. Myers in their recent sorrow. Overall Club Formed. .EAST ST. l.Ol lS, HI., April 1'.. An inerall club has been formed here bv 1,'itl persons. The rules ul the club rl'iiuires its membei-s to wear denim on all days except Siiinluvs. Johnson Leaves for Rome. PAHIS, April l.-i. lioberl 1'ndi r wood ,lohn-.on, the new American am bassador to Italy, will leave Paris to day tor Koine. STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire with or without Driver. JAMES LESLIE : . Nash Hotel Could Not Slaod Slralglit It does not tako long, when the kidneys aro out of order and not do ing .their work properly, for poison ous holds to accumulate In the system and cause nches and pnlns. p. c. I)n niond, 2SB5 W. Ilu St., Clovnland, O.. writes: "I caught cold nnd It settlod In my kidneys. My baok und sides were sc luiiio nnd sore I could not stand straight. 1 used Foloy Kidney; Pills with good results and tun glad to testify tiv their helping powor." ! WARMTH. STAIM and MAMF8- 1 LtVI ' for everything that nmds preserving and beautifying ND to-day, as during the past 71 years, the name "FULLER" means tne same high standard m Taints, Varnishes, Stains, Enamels, etc. 1 During this long period of time, in all conditions of wenr.hpiv spnann in and season out, FULLER Products have proven their superior lasting and beautifying qualities. Thousands of homes and buildings have withstood the test of time and the elements and are giving the maximum of service through "FULLER Paint Protection." For exteriors and interiors, the FULLER line meets every possible need. There's a special FULLER product for everything that needs preserving and beautifying. Some of tho FULLER Products , HOUSE PAINT FLOOR PAINT PORCH nnd STEP PAINT SHINGLE STAINS SILKENWHITE ENAMEL for interior woodwork DECORET combined stain and vnrnish in nil shades for rcf inlshing furniture, etc. VARNISHES DEKOfiATO the Sanitary I Kalsomine 'AUTO ENAMEL Never was there a better time or better reason for painting than right now. High cost of everything makes your investment iri' home or building worth a great deal more than formerly. FULLER Paint and other products are the best investment for the protection of your property that you can possibly make. They save a great deal more than they cost. Look Up a , FULLER DEALER in Your Town W. P. Fuller & Co 1849-1920 Northwest Rranch Houses at Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise, ir2f p Roots IIIJLI a J ; M$ 7 YEAR . mi , All Knights and their friends are invited Pythian Sisters Hard Times Ball K. OF P. HALL Thursday, April 15th GOOD MUSIC GOOD TIME , PRIZES GIVEN FOR BEST COSTUMERS GOOD CLOTHES I Muko Them KLEIN The Tailor 12 East Main St. MEDFORD IRON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP iliso agent for Fairbanks an4 Morei Eneinea. 17 South Rlvumlrt Fifth and North Riverside Telephone 11 The Dow Hospital Graduate Nurses Only Special Attention to X-Ray Cases. HEREFORD BULLS at AUCTION Medford, Oregon Monday, April 19, at Vinson's Feed Stable 1 o'clock P. M. lliilln all tostiil fur tnWiviilosis ami niv Kiinriinti-eil Ineiilers. Alt ni-o n-filstori-il lit the. Ameiliim llerefonl Assoelnilon. 0. H. llOI.I.AW.W, Ohiht. tyii. A. U STIA i:XS()X, Aiiotlimeer. For iletiills mh O. I. I'nul.Min, .Sale,! Manntrer, nt IIiiIIiiikI lintel. Medford Planing Mill Corner 11th and Firt Streets. Phone 184 Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Cabinet and General Mill Work. Estimates Cheerfully Given Operators of coal properties In Utah and Wyoming advise, bnylng your winter supply now. The Idea Is spreading that the coal commission may award the miners a further ad vance in wages, as well as to make other concessions that will further materially Increase the cost of pro ducing. We can now fill vnnr nrdnra wlfS different sizes of SPRING CANYON UTAH COAL Dry Wood of All Kinds on Hand WISEMAN & SCHEFFEL Phono 212 531 Bo. Fromt St. NEW SCHEDULE INTERURBAN AUTO CO ASUI.AM) Mi;i)lX)Hl I PHv rxrept Siinil.iv. I.t'av MiM font 7:U., H :(H), S:4.r, 9 -SO, ll:K" 11:00 n. ni. 1J:00 tiiHin ; H:i.. 1 :.SO, 3:00, 3:tr. 1:30, ::l.-. 6:00, 7:00 n. m. p. in. W.iuir.!ny otilv; V ;$Q p. m. tidily; lO:Ui p, m. SMturduy only. I.p.ivf AOtlant) 7:1 "i. S:00, 8:45, 0-30 10:1,-., 11:00 a. m.; 12.00 noim; 12:45. l-3o' 2:1.;, 3:00, 3:45. 4:30, ft:15. :00, 7:0O p. m.; :4,. p. m. Satiihlnv mil)'; 9:30 p. m. dailv 12:10 miJnigtn, Sjtunlay duly. Sunday Only 9.00. 10:0O, 11;,mi m.; 13 noon; t ;0o 1:00 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:30, p:Jo p. m. 9:00 10:00, 11:00 . m.: 11 nnnn- i.aa !jt:0O. 3:00, 4:00, j",;00, fi:af 9:30 p. m. Wiiituitf rwm AsliUuJ, fcjt SiJe J'hiiruucy.' JA(KSOXVII,MMKI)FOIU) laily evept Kun.lay. I.-nve Mclfonl 8:u, o:30, 10:30 1. m : 12:00 noon; 1 ::t0. 3:00, 4:30, 6:30 p. tn Suturday only 7:30 p. in.; U:30 p. in daily Mtunlay only 10:30 p. m. . v Satonl.iy Only Lav .larknnvllU- 7:'J0, S:30, 10:00. 11-80 lm-: 2:0. 6:00 7:00 p. m. Sar urday only, 8:00 p. m. , Suniliiy Onlv I'CiVp Mrtlfonl U nn 1 n ."ia . . . . Iiooit; 3:So. 4:00, 5:30. O-'so in.A S.30, .,:00, 1 :00. 9:60 d. tn. ' (ltfi, ....1 Jar ksofiville Waning Room at Itetrr'a Coo iLitntnrry. i'liouc 309, Medford, Ore. Union Sales Stables and ' ' VETERINARY HOSPITAL Horses bouffht. solrl nnrl exchanged by D. S. Litt3. Dr. G. A. Gitzen, former government veteiinarian. 148 No. Riverside, Medford Phones Office, 810: resi dence, 776-R. 1