CHS. RAY AUTO SALESMAN . IN "ALARM CLOCK ANDY" His mninsprinir was riirht, but lie lrV3 Tan slow.1 lieforo ho pruil stutter his sales talk, his "prospects" always ordered Iroia somebody else. TJiat was before u eirl trot to tin Kcnng iviui ins iiuuri iiiui wound him lip tight. : men a loiir-iiusiiini; ' nnmau'er touched the sprinir or Andy's ire and Ziufr-g-Krff!!!!! Yon won't Bleep while this show runninsr. A picture that stands for "Good Time." Opens a thrco-day run nt the Liberty today. TOM MIX CLOSES HIS RUN HERE TONIGHT Tom Mix's new play. "The Spend Maniac." which is action from start ; to finish nnd abounds in daredevil feats by this clever star, ends its run at the Ifialto theatre tonight. The nuto raco in which the fearless hero is upset irivos an unusual thrill, and the hoxine match into which he leaps ir. thu cause of humanity to battle with n champion puirilist shows Mix as clover with his hands ns he is with his famous cunsi Those who lovo action nnd romance can't afford to miss this picture. Cecil B. Dc Mille's stupendous pro duction "Mnlo nnd Female" opens a four-day onsrntrement tomorrow. Famous Play Picturlzed. . Another famous. plav appears on the screen. Cecil B. De Mile has imiipieu tir jnmes ni. name's tamous .1110 Aamiranio unchton" and re named it "Msile and Female." Said to be ono of the screen's' most lavish productions, it will bo shown at the liinlto theatre tomorrow nnd the re mainder of the week. Conld Not fetaml Straight It does not take long, when the kidneys are out of order and not do ing their work properly, for poison ous acids to accumulate in the system and cause aches and pains. . D. C. Da mond, 2865 W. 30 St., Cleveland, O., writes: "I caught cold and it settled in my kidneys. My back and sides were bo lame and sore could not stand straight. I used Foley Kidney Fills with good results and am glad to testify to their helping power." HELP WANTED MALE SELL NURSERY STOCK. FOR US Good territory open. Terms attrac tive. Wtrite for contract and in formation Immediately. Salem ... Nuraary Company, 1030 Chemeko . ta St., Salem, Oregon. 30 WANTED Ranch .hand, ley Orchard. Eden Val 21 WANTED Man to work on a small ranch about four miles out of Bed ford, Board and room furrniBhed. . Phone 28-R-l.- - : -- 21 WANTED Coal minors, muckers. Phone 655, or call at 31 South Orange after 6:30. 30 WANTED Fry cook; $3(.00 a week, nine hour shift. Must bo exper ienced. Gusher Cafe. : WANTED Middle aged man to tend , garden and do light .work around place. Steady job. Phono H. W. . Bingham, 597-J-3. - - WANTED A pastry cook nights, wages $5.00, 10 hours. Rex Cafe. . -. '- i .! .. ,1 ' tf WANTED Teams and men. Moon & Co., near Port Orford, Curry coun ty. Teams $10.00 per day; Cali fornia. hay and grain, hay $34.00 per ton. grain $72.. Good men '"- $5.00 per day; board $1.10; work road construction. Moon ft Co. 320 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Carpenter work by day or contract. Call Carpenter, phone 931. ' .- .- 24 WANTED An experienced laundress wants washing to do. Will wash .... anything. Will come and live in your home for $15 and wages of . 3o a'1 week thereafter. No meals or i Jitney fare. Phone 90 and ask for ':'' Mrs. Thor Washer. PAGE-DRESSLER CO. Phone 282 Nash Block Medford Over 100 Acres Best Commercial Varieties , of Pears A Wonderful Buy ' The Price , . is : Right , , . A Producing, Money-Making Investment PAGE-DRESSLER CO. Help Your Digestion hen ncid-distresaed, relieve the digestion with , . Kmiqid Dissolve easily on tongue as pleasant to take OS candy. Keen your stomach sweet, try Ki-moids f MADE BY SCOTT GOWNS . MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION HEW WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl for general East .Main. houso- work. S15 431-R. Plione WANTED Two waitresses. $15.00 u ween, six aays. Gusher Cafe. wA.vriD Two experienced wait resses, wages $15.00, 6 days week. Hex Cafe. 23 WANTED XVoman or girl to work at sacred Heart Hospital. 21 WANTED An experienced laundress wants washing to do. Will wash anything. Wil'- ccmo nnd live in your home for $15 and wages of 3c a week thereafter. No meals or jitney fnro. Phono 90 and ask for Mrs. Thor Washer. WANTED Roof painting, coloring, uiilu punning, nouso painting. niou ford Painting Co., 36 South Grape. 36 WANTED Waitress at the person. Hotel Don't Medford. Call in phone. Page-Dressier Go. Phone 282 Nash Block Medfortl Call and . make appointment for showing of ' property. Some very flood Investments in ..; ORCHARDS ALFALFA TRACTS V DAIRY RANCHES STOCK RANCHES " DIVERSIFIED RANCHES WITH ORCHARD AND; ALFALFA Our listing is very large. We can show the, best 'and at the lowest figures. No trouble to show vou over the best valley in the world. Now is the time to invest. Land will never again be offered in this section at as low figures as at present. Page Dressier Co. If you wish to sell or buv any kind of Real Estate. The Best Fire Insurance The Need of the Valley Is Thoroughbred Stock We have among our offerings the Jtunch Mndo to Order for this purpose. Only three miles out and one mile to Pacific Highway. 30 acres alfalfa. 15 acres grain seeded. Well fenced with woven wire, and cross fenced. Under ditch and a ridge running through tho bottom lands affords ideal building sitc3 for house, barns, paddocks, etc. 03 acres, $200 per acre. '' See lis at onco about this. Rogue River Land Co. Since 1902 Office Hotel Nash Corner gRPFOFcP m TKTBOTTB. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rent a private auto without driver, by the dav, for sev eral days. Ford car preferred. Call Government Irrigation Census jAgent, Hotel Holland. 19 W ANTE D To buy five or Bix room bungalow, close in. In answering give address of property, your phone or address, price and terms. Box C. F. M., Tribune. 21 WANTED Hoard and care for two children aged four and two years Phono Red Cross 456. 2u WANTED To buy used victrola with records. Large size. Box 90, Mail Tribune. 21 WANTED To hear from party hav ing a good cream separator for sale. 1-hone ti85-R-3. IS WANTED To buy small modern houso and lot. Installment plan. . Address Uox Q JI, T-ibuno office. 22 WANTED To rent six or seven room modern house,- closo in. Call 32 or address Box 54, Mail Tribune 20 WANTED To buy seed corn and black amber cauo seed. 1 Phono 597-J-3. WANTED To rent five room house with garage, steady rontor, on or before May 15. Address, No. 5 South Front. WANTED To let logging contracts. Team and truck proposition. Will lot separately if desired. Kasy log ging and good chance for right par tics. Big Pines Lumber Co. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 83 WANTED Second-hand office desk. People's Electric Store. 38 WANTED 900 lawn mowers to sharpen on our. new grinder. Lib erty Repair Shop. Phone 201-J. WANTED Will pay top market prices fcT wool and mohair. See us before you sell. Medford Junk Co. . Phone 283-J. WANTED Carpet weaving and cleaning. 201 South Riverside. Phono 3D6-J. Fluff Rug Factory.. WANTED Automobiles for repair by expert auto mechanic. Clark & Childers, opp. Nat. Phone 26. 336 WANTED To buy good clean cotton rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED Rouse moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf FOB RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Medium sized modern house, partly furnished, closo in. Seo H. A. Hauscom, 526 Palm street. 22 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Room; . gentleman pro- forrod. 503 South Oakdalo. 19 FOR IUGNT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RE-NT Good pasture for fifty head of cattle. W. E. Mani, R. R. 4. 20 FOUND FOUND Pair of ladies' kid glovos. Owner enn have same by calling at ' Mail Tribune office and paying for ad. ' 21 LOST LOST Tortoise snelv colored spec tacles with lenses cracked. If found please return to Tribune office, tf Used Automobiles For Sale One aood Ford Tourina Car One Buick Light-Six Tour ina Car. One Saxon Six Tourlnq Car. One 1919 Chevrolet Roads ter. One Rco Truck. Price $300. One.. Buick.. Tourina.. Car. Price $500. Look Them Over. Tumy Motor Company . 123-125 So. Front St WHY Irrigated Alfalfar-Grain Fruit Ranch A Home Place' 100 Acres , AH in Cultivation Road to be paved this year. Good improvements. This place is partly irrigated. Has a good orchard and some alfalfa. For immediate sale this place i.i offered at $12,000. Terms on part. Be sure and sec this before buying. ' ,,, ; ji,-..;' J, C BARNES Phono 78I-I CTEBTOTIP, OkEftON, .TUESDAY, HUL MOXF.V TO LOAN. MONEY TO IvOAX o. N. Wilson, 708 West Fourth, phone 460-L. 43 FARM 1OA.NS PAY OFF YOUR OLD MORTGAGE on your farm or orchard by replac ing your loan with us on the ex tended payment plan at 67c inter est. McCurdy Insurance Agency. tf FOR SALE MISt'ELlAVUOUS FOR SALE Child's Phone 701-X. folding enrt, 19 FOR SALE Heavy velvet rug 18X12, two fluff wool rugs, lurgo size; ono extra heavy flno brass bed, one me dium fine brass w, two hair filled box mattresses, one full sine hair mattress, Victor talking machine one inlaid table, several strips of good carpet, two cheap beating moves, two gas ranges, electric oven, two eheap mattresses, full size, drophead sewing machine, ono small Alaska refrigerator. Single iron bed and springs, book shelves, one lot of framed pictures, etc. Douglas, 101 South Central. Phone eio-j. ; FOR SALE Piano, victrola and oth er furniture. 213 South Central. 20 FOR SALE 75 folding chairs 40c each. Mrs. Powers, Talent. ' 23 FOR SALE Seed 600-IS-2. ' Phono 19 FOR SALE Cheay window frame. 36x58 or 60, with pulleys for push, cords and iron weights. 723 West Eleventh or phone S86-X. 18 FOR SALE 'Kitchen range, six cov ers, warming oven, burn coal or wood. One oak bedstead . and springs. Also one folding cot bed. Call after 5:30 p. m. at 411 King street. Phone S3S-W. 20 FOR SVLE Smith Form Truck at . tachment. Inquire Tel. 834-L. 19 FOR SALE Sand and gravel, sedi ment and team work of all kinds Phono 425. 80 FOR SALE Kimball piano; sacri fice; must sell; no reasonable offer refused. Inquire Phoenix Garage, Phoenix, Ore; " IS FOR SALE Sana, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phcne 912-.T, Samuel Bateman, 302, Maplo streat. - FOR SALE New 25 ft. tower, tank at a bargain. (People's Electric Store. . '. . 38 FOR SALECarload of vetch and grain hay. . Phone H. W. Bingham 697-J-3. . .w . tf FOR 8ALB tranu, gravel, sediment and dirt Plowing and turning work done. Phone 912-J. FOR SALE POULTItr AND EGOS FOR SALE Pure bred Plymouth Rock, eggs $1.00 per setting, Phone FOR SALE R. Ii Red and White Leghorn eggs and chicks. :. Book orders early. Mrs, F. H. Dressier. Phono 777-L. , ,; 832 FOR SALE Superior S. O. . White Leghorn eggs. Bigger eggs and larger birds. ' 1st cross famous O, A. Cr layers with Isaacson's beauti ful prize winners. Trap-nested and raised right. 'Settings or 15 eggs, $1.50 and $2.60;. $8.00 per hun dred. Cockerels for sale. Ous Brommere phone E89-J-2. Route 3 Medford... ' 318 For Sale ! Bargain Hunters Please Note , A non-rosldcnt offers for immodl nto snlo 12f4 acres on tho Jackson- vlllo Road ndjollrig Medford city limits right up close to sub-divisions and within a row hundred ynrds' of pavement and sidewalk. There is an 8-room house on the place, brick milkhquso with cement floor nnd largo barn, woodshed, chicken house, etc., good well and pump and house Is roughed in for modern plumbing; plenty of shade trees. Terms V8300.(0, half cash, balance 7 per cent. . . ... ' BETTER HURRY ' ' You could not buy tho materials in tho buildings alone for this price. Seo my agents ' , Brown & White HOLLAND HOTEL 20 N. Teach fit. i 920. in FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE At a bargain. 40 acres on Evans creek, four utiles above Wimor, three-room" houso, necos sary outbuildings, four acres in wlnier wheat, five acres slashed ready to' burn, 20 acres can bo put under plow. Enough good timber to pay for tho placo. Logs can bo sold to mill on place adjoining. iWator right for flvo acres goes with tho placo. On rural routa. ' Thone In house. Two living springs one can bo piped to house. Would make an ideal goat or hog ranch. Lots of outside range, a dozen nnd a bnlf of laying Rhode Island hens and rooster; also about 40 little chicks goes with tho place. Early garden up and potatoes planted. Some chicken feed, farm tools and furniture. If you want this great bargain grab quick. All goes for $65lcash. Must bo sold this month. W. H. Davis, Route 1, RogUe River. 21 FOR SALE liungalow with fivo rooms, inclosed sleeping porch, fbnth, toilet, flroplnco, hardwood floors in living room nnd dining room; cast facing; ground lUOx 140. Price $2500.00; one-half cash will bnndlo. Also1 have a nlco llttlo three room bungalow, with until, toilet, electric light: barn, chicken houso; ground 100x140. Price $1800-; lean be handled for $500, Seo Bon nott Investment Co., 102 West Slain street. FOR SALE A bargain: modern five room bungalow, cn lot about 50x80 feet or longor If desired. Two screen porches, big1 gar a go, paving paid. See J. II. Cochran, or Pago Dressier or Holmes. J. II. Cochran. .23 FOR SALE Flvs acres timber land about one and half mllos west of Talent. Henry Burnotto, P. O. Box -113,-Talent. ... .. . : 21 FOR SALE Flvo .' lots and two houses in Talent, Bonry Burnotto, Box 113, Talent. ' 21 WANTED Bearing pears and alfnl fa, olOBe In; good level land, good improvements, equipped, or gener al farm farther rut with part level and erne alfalfa, running water, good improvements, sheep, stock, equipment, from $6000 to $10,000. Offer In exchange cue of the best businesses in Douglas county no ' competition, sales about $20,000 per year, can be doubled with more capital. Doscrlbo fully, location, price and all conditions in first let ter or no attention paid. B6x. 1122 Rosoburg. 21 FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 aores of . timber, team, wagon and harness. : Box 20, Mail Tribune.. 19 FOR SALE Small ranch with water, also good stock ranch, for $3500. 820 West Twelfth street. 19 WANTED 'Parties looking for cheap land, near a town that has the record of raising the finest berries in the west; also-tho best veget ables, fruit, nuts, hay and grain, safe from frosts', snow or floods. Land from $20.00 up tb $300 per acre, unimproved, improved land from $160 to $500 per acre, right on canal. For further information write M. L. Southard Sons, Real Estate and Loans, Lebanon, Oregon . ( ' - , 38 FOR SALE Nice five-room bunga low on pavement. Phono 647-L. FOR SALE By owner, both Phoenix and Medford oronerty with excel lent location. Inquire Bert Btan- ; cliff, Phoenix., . 33 FOR SALE -Forty acres unimproved land. Sums Valley. Inquire E. M. ' Wltte, 219 South Holly street. 33 FOR SALE One of tho niftiest and most complete little nungaiows in tho city: Six rooms, strictly mod ern; built-in features and cabinets, two flreplacos, laundry trayB, back porch enclosed In glass, wired tor electrlo cooking, gas, woodhouso; garage, hot water heating plant. If you want something up to the minute you will-buy this. Boo Bennett investment company, 102 west Main. FOR SALE Eighteen acres of land ' opposite Oak Grove school house . on Jacksonville road. For informa tion writ? D. V.. Turner, Gonesco; Kansas. . ' 830 FOR SALE Nice attractive little . ibiingaIow;four rooms, large screen . porch,, bath, tollot; fire placo; garage, chicken house; lot 50x140. Price $2250.00. Bennett Invest ment Co. ' ' FOR SALE It you are looking for a home, and quality, price and terms interest you call at 820 West Twelfth street. . P. E. Wynkoop. 321 SOME BARGAIN ' - 8!40 Aero Grain Ranch Ml' fenced, 200 acres In cultivation, small house,, spring ' water; Price $8,500, $2,500 cash.; Bee or write us at once for eWck or grain ranches. I JllbVAIiE REAL ESTATE CO. ' . Midvalc, Ida. 31 TAKE UP TAKEN UP On Main . street in Medford, lilack cockerel ddg' With long tail. Has- tan leather strap collar. Owner, may 'have same by calllng'thief of Police, proving property and paying charges. 19 FOR RENT . ' Close in furnished apartments for light housekeeping. . Hot and cold water. I JUVMWIim APARTMENT . 217 South Riverside. Phone 457-1 0 Ml FOR SALB: LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 200 Angora goats, about 100 nannies and 40 wethers, CO kids now and more to come, all for $1000 for quick salo. F. W. Jiooro, Ashland, Ore; Phono 2 61-J. 24 FOR SALE Team horses and haiy ness; nlso goose eggs. Phono R-13-X. .21 FOR SALE Young heifor, soon. 859 East Ninth. frosh 19 FOR SALE 48 hair blood merino blockface two year old owos, two bucks nnd their 81 lambs. Some thing good. B. E. Foss, Tnlont. Oro. Phone Ashland 872-R-12. 22 FOR SALE 150 head ewes and lambs. W. E. Thompson, Gold Hill. 33 FOR SALE Ono 10 year old work horse, weight about 1300. G. G. Gould, phono 25-R-2. 23 FOR SAI.H Four bows and 21 young pigs, $135.00. .Tames Andorson, Gold 11111, ono mllo up Sums Valloy road.- ' 22 FOR SALE Four first class milk cows. .. Inquiro W. F. Stuncllff, Phoenix: , 19 FOR SALE Vrcar.ed Duroo pigs, ...$3.00 cnch. Sqhticliard Orchard. Q'hone 011-R-3.-. . . ,39 FOR , SALE -no, head .stock , cattle. Inquire of V.. C,,,. Daley, Eagle Point. : , - - 23 FOR SALEr Registorei: pure bred Red Polled bull, 4 years old; Bplendld animal. Seo Foreman at Modoo Orohard or D.' R. Wood, Medford. . . FOR SALE Twelve milch cows: . those are all selected cowb, . The boat of milkers; also six yearling heifers. , Walsh's placo. on Rons Lano, two miles ndrthwost of Med fWd. .. . , ,, , . 833 FOR SALE Pure bred Duroc-Jersey sows with spring litters; also bred sows; also a few half grown pigs. Inquire of foreman at Modoc Orch ard or D. it. Wood, Medford. FOR SALE Two good spring wag ons, suitable for one of two horses. Also fine saddle, Walsh's place, on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Medford.' t . $31 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE UBed Maxwell fivo-pas-isenger car.! Goot) condition. Price $4i: (Page .Dressier Co., Nash Block. 1 ; . ; 1 ; , , . ; 1 , FOR SALE One Ford oar with Als ton rings, two tearwhoolBi ono front sprlrtg.' dins no fenders, seat or plank, 'Burns lots of gns. , Hard . to crank. Carburetor busted half way through. Engine, missing; hits rti'two.' Three years bid;' fodr in tho spring. Mas shock absorber's and everything. Radiator busted; sure does leak. Differential's dry; you can hear it Bqeak.. Ten spokes misslny; front all bent. Tires blow ed out; abi't worth a cent, Got lots of speed; ' will . run like the deuce; burns either gnu pr tobacco juice.' Tires all off; been run on the rim. : A durn good Ford toy Uie shape it's In... "Clark & Childers, 127 LNbrth Riverside. , .20 A BARGAIN For somoono who wants a new dar at a reduced price. A 1019 Mitchell, ruh.,a000 "inllo,, good tiros and paint, with . some extra equipment: one now., coril - tire. Hanson & Koyt, Valloy Gar age, Norm Holly. . ti " FOR SALE Cheap. ,1 Ford tractor, 1 Ford light delivery, uotn in . gfqd running condition. ,W. O. .Webster, phone 57.1-J-5. . 23 FOR BALE 1916 .'Ford touring, front seat cut down; Just the car for camping.' Gbqd rubbor. Cash $425.00. Leaving tho city. See R. ID., Evans, 1017 Ninth street. FOR SALE '1920 model Chevrolot cdi", tun 1300 inllee. Phone 403J-? S . '?. , . . , , 20 FOR SALE See our prices on over hauled Ford cars, licenses . paid; liboral terms.; McCurdy-Bownp Motor Co. ,'s '. ,, FOR SALE At a sacrifice, roomy five passenger car, new top, cord tires, runs and looks like new; self starter of course. McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co., temporary location Cra ter Lake Garage, 18 South' Fir street. FOR SALE Buick runabout, four cylinder with self-starter; excel lent condition mechanically; prac tically new tires and a new top, at a sacrifice. McCurdy Bowno Mo tor Co., temporary location' Crater .Liake uarago. 1 : v USED CAR oieuring houso, buy for cash, sell on terms. PIckooSrMerrlll Motor Co.. 18 North Grape. tf NOW Business property worth double the it .. ; Price. Corner ?Szlb'6 iC 'with' briildfhs, $5011(1. Corner 125x100 feet, with buildines $7000. Corner 100x100 fect with buildings $2.-00. 100 acres well improved, worth double the nmount asked $3o00. 110 acres improved chenp nt $6000. Owner will take $.'1000 cntih, nnil'i bulunce timo or cxchiiuKO lor goon niodefti btlhKnlow fllcnr. ' NOW SAY WE DO NOf HAVE THE BUYS HTJRD LAND INVIST MINT CO. ataettrsr cldfr ft feast BUSINESS DHIECTORY. Abstractors MURRAY I1H03. & VAN VORI8 Abstracts of Title. Cuthhort Bldg., ' Rooms 3 and 5, North Central Ave. Auto Supplies. LAilER AUTO SPRING tO.Wt are operating the largest, oldest' and best-equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. . Use our springs when ethers fall. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. W. E. PH1PP3 Attorney at Law, 425-420 M. F. & H. Bldg. Office . phone 372.; residence phone 32U-M. ELIJAH H. HURD Lawyer, i 13-11 . Garnott-Coroy Bldg. ... A ' , . . PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 nnd 9, Medford National Bank Building. ' A,' E. REAMES Corey Building. . -Lawyer, Garnett- nullding Materials. MEDFORD OEMBNT BRIOK U -BLOCK WORKS specialize In all " kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. 159 Expert Accountant. WILSON A Uni TINfT , . CO. B. M. Wilson, c. F A. Attention given to anything In Accounting and Id' come , Tax requirements. Look' Into . our simplified accounting method. M. F. ft H. Building, Medford.- Phone 15 7-H. Instruction In Musis. KHED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano and harmony,- Halght Musi studio, 318 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 72. : , MihAral Rnths MINERAL BATHS Dr: Hawley, ChW ropractlo RhyBtcIan-, First National Bank building:''' Entrance, room' 5, Ashland, Oregon. - Physicians aj&Surgeon. DR. A.. BURKLUND, . Cblropraetle physician, ' fit. , Mark's building, acute and oUrouto cases. Oftic hours 10 a, m. to 12 ta. , 2 to I p. m, Telophonos Office 454, ren 750-J. ,., ;. ,::'.r'..,.:.:. , v. A BURSELL, M. D., P. C. Splnole- gist, rnysician ana Burgeon,' opf clalty Bhyelologlcal Methods. 80i 10-U M. F. & II. Bldg. ; Phone . -Take elevator to 3rd floor. ' 310 ROBERT W. STEARNS Physicl Ml and Surgeon, Jackson CAttnty Bank Bldg. Office hours 9-1?, 2-4. Qt flo phone 89, , Residence. 983. DR, J. J. EMWENSPhysiclau ana surgeon, xrucuce iiuiiiea 07 ear, nose and' throat, ' Eyes sclen-. tlflcally tested and, glaase aun plied. Oculist and Anrlst for S. R R. R Co.. Qf flees It. F. tf H. O14 Bldg. Phono 667. DR. fVG. CARLOW ' '.rll,e-4l7 Garnett-6ey Bldg. Phone fM-U - Residence 26 S. Laurel Street DR, MoMORRIS M. DOW, Physloiaa and Surgeon practice limited to surgery and hospital - obsterlcs. Special attention given to dlaeaiei of women. Offices 806-7 M. F. H. Bldg. Residence, the Dow Hos pital. . '''',''' '" ' ' ilhia and Publishers. ''V"J;' : MJEDFRD "pRINTlWfrcOhastha best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, : loose leaf ledgers, billing yatema, Portland prices. IT North 1 Fir St: ';.; . ' - . -: ,'i' Transfer, V ' EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO", ' Office 42 -North Front St. JPUonjj 816. Prices right,' Service guaf anteed. Undertakers .'JUli, JOHN A. 1'KRIi . . Undertaker . Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 18 Boutk Bartlett. . Lady assistant. VAnte mbblla Hearse Service. AUW,An buance Service, Coroners : r- C Lodges. I ft - f. P MrirnM lrMlffA NtVI Mets every .Monday night Isht t 7. it). 0. T. Parksr, N. O., W. .1 Miller, BMr. lArv. Rogue River Bncampfnent NAJOJi Meets ail, and Friday at f:IO . m. .Bamuet Bntoman, C. P., L. O, How . ard. scribe. : - - . ',, Olive lll.okah lodge No. 98 Meets ' let and Srd Tuesdays 'at f p. m, Nan nie Hull, N. , G Annie J, Bateman, Vleliors cordially invited- to all nl'ntlnae. - ' .. MOIVET TO tOAS' ( ' ( TO LOAN J. B. Andrews -leans money on real estate and buys mortgages and v Liberty bonds. Phone 63-M. Jl North Grabs street. . t 1 --rrr L " V L-U MISOEL1.ASSOU8 JUST ARRIVED A large shipment of wool sack's; flcefe twine fdr sale ' cheap, We are also in the market for both wool and mohair, John son's, 4 0 South Front. Phone 302. FOR SERVICE Jersey bull. r. K.