I JTEDPOTIT) INXTT) TRTB1JN"TC. firETVFOTir), O'REG'OX, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1920. pote SEC GET PEP AND COLOR BACK! N THINGS MILITARY IS Take "Cascarets" Tonight for Your Liver and Bowels and Wake Up Clear, Rosy, Fit No Gripe I Fed bully! Be efficient! Don't stay sick; bilious, headaeby, constipated. Re move tiie . liver and bowel poison whicb is keeping your skin sallow, your bend dizzy, your tongue coated, your breatb bad and stomach- sour. Why not spend a few cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy tho nicest, gentlest laxative-ca-tbartic you ever experienced T Cascarets never. griperaicken or inconvenience one like Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh Fills. They work wbllo you Bleep. A TRIAL Will CONVIfiCE TrV til TTQTHING that we could say would so thoroughly.' : A j. convince, you of the value -of-Chambcrlain'c Tablets as a personal trial. We can tell you ' of thousands who ;have been permanently cured of chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver, but this will have little weight with you as cor.ijr.-cd to a personal trial. That always convinces. " iPublic Auction Sale "' , .y. The iindoraignfed'yill" offer for sale fit .Public Auction on April 0 1920, 4 No. Central Avenue , at old stand of Ulrieh and Ryan, a largr lo.t of House hold Furniture of all kind and descriptions, inclwl- i ing carpet, Jiiieoleuni, stoves and. various other ar ticles' .too. numerous to mention. ; Sales commence at 1 o'clock of said day. '', , TERMS CASH ;iiiWiam Ulrich ' Auctioneer. Entirely apart from the beautiful lines which give it grace and harmony, the BIG-SIX is far out of tho ordinary from a mechanical Standpoint. The more of a" mechanical expert you are,' the more you will ap preciate this fact. ''.j ''.'..' ' GO-IT. P. detacliable-lioad motor, intermediate trans mission; .12fi-iiich wl i eel base, providing ample room for seven adults. All Studebaker cars are equipped with Cord Tiros r-anothcr Studebaker "precedent. j HINES i& SNIDER : South Fir Street, Medford, Orogon. 1 'This is a Studebaker Year" - ; Garage Open All Night NEW SCHEDULE INTERURBAN AUTO CO, Adopted Monday, March 29. AH.II,ANI MKMXHtl t ' Trjitlv KiN pl Hiintiy. ' 1Sv WH(imlV:l.. tcoo, 8:4.',, 0:1.0, 1 0 : 1 T. 11:(M n. in, 12:00 iwon; 1 1 : 1.1,' 1 Ujlrt, 3:lO, :(;.. 4:30, f.;i;, ():(, 7:UU i. m. M4il . in, Hutiinlitv oiilvi V:3l) h in. tlatlv; IU:Ki) p. m. Hutunljy only. ;lave AsM.nit T;..'., K:nn, ; 0:10. 0:jr, H;iio a. m.; 11:00 nixm; U:ir., l;SG 2:ir.,.S:0. 8:4... 4 :0, i:U. (I.UO. 7:00 p m.; Hllfi p. nt. KatiinUy tmlv; 0 :U0 p. in. dally; 11:13 miiluiglit, Sai unlay nly. ' i' ' . Suu.luy Only n-ffO, 10:00, IImmi a. m.; 13 noon: 1:00, ?III0 4:00. 6.UI), C;S0, W:S0 p. III. !:0l 10:00, 1 1 :r0 . m.; 1 turin. 1:00, !, :uu, i:OU, eKHi, 0:3U, V;30 i JACKSO.VI!J,K MtiOKOllO t lilT except Sunday. ; l,ttvr Mrtlford tt:0n, 0:X0, 10:30 a. m.; 13:Uff ikkiii; 1:110, 11 :o0, 4: SI). ;:0 p. in Sutunlur only 7:SU p. in. i 11:110 p. lit. tUily. .Nrttuniav only 10::U p. in. Siituntiiv Onlv l.av Jin konviltf7 :20, 8:30, 10:00. 1 1 :S0 a. in.; 1:00, 1M0, S :!;., i;00 7:00 p. m. Sat uidiajr only, :0U p. in. . , HiiikIhv Or.ly l.fave MMlmI :0ii, 1:30 a. m.) 11:00 iimn; 2:S0. 4:'o. ft:30. 0:30 10:3(1 p. m. Kcavu .l.irkMtnvilli -10;00. U:3u a. m. 1:30, 3:Htf. .1;0p, T:(0, flri.O p. m, f Hi n?nl wiiitiiif ritom No. ft, South Front, Nlith llot.'l liiiillliijr J.i.komiUe Wulihiff K-kmii ut Ilctcr'a Con- it'i-iioiit'rr, v Waiting: room AxliUm!, Kaat ttJa IWiiucy. 1'Iioik" J0i, U.dfo.J, Or. ASilLAND, April D.-One hundred or more i8-thogoal Bet or; moinber shlp in First -company; Coast Artil lery, of thlB city, our military contin gent, which is now moot comfortably housed in the armory, and the morale of the men is Ju&t as fino as the phys ical' surroundings of their new quar ters are attractive, while ultimately all the cc'mpany equipment will lie first 'Class -and up to requirements of iho military code. During tho busy war days neglect marked the armory environment, but a" groat change is taking place both liiaiUo and outside of tho big building. A requisition lias been made on the state' for money 10 finish the concrcto work In the basement, the purklng and shrubbery are receiving attention, and the gen eral appearance of tho entire premf lses Is noticeable as showing great Improvement. "Heretoftt-o the struc ture and Ha surroundings huvo re celved merely casual (attention, but now a regular caretaker Is employed, with the result that all theae details are bolng attended to with thorono3s characteristic of military . precision. Ah an iiistunco of the caro and fore thought being exercised in regard to this public property, It Is only neces sary to state that at a recent meeting for drill the men'were admonished to ecjiif (k themselves With rubber-scled shoes in order to avoid marring the fine new floor, a precaution which savors of establishing regulations on a ."war footing." Neither Is discipline being overlooked. It is what might be termed vigorous without being un reasonably rigid, the intent being to cc'nvlnce' both officers 'lyirt rank and I'llo of tho Imperative necessity in obeying orders. Instead of respond ing in a desultory sort of a. way as of yoro, discipline 1s enforcing 'disobe dience to general orders in the faco of even a court martial as an alterna tive. Hence there Is a spirit of wil lingness to "get there," displayed in a manner as alert' as it Is typically military and progressive.' ' ' ' Captain Millard Grubll, unwilling that exacting duties in the local post cf flee should in any wise conflict with tho responsibilities incumbent upon him as commanding officer of the organization, latoly resigned, with the result that First Lieut. Wm. .f. llriggs has been elected to the cap taincy .' Lynn Mowat, secretary of the Commercial club, will succeed to the rank of first lloutenant. All those young fellows are ex-sovvlce . men, bright and alert, hnving been' school edin the arts of war practically, and on a peace footing are exponents of applying bCBt methods as to future "preparedness." '''-' I ' The social status of the command Is not being overlooked, and portions of the armory are ' assuming the j aspect of a comfort station to such an extent have robins been reserved and furnished In this respect for the convenience of both the military and American Legion men for their tastes and inclinations aro identical, and there promises to'bo nn era of close fraternization in tho happy merger of these elements. 'II. : T. Elmore is president of the social organization; Blmer Morrison, vice-president, and Eric Weron, secretary. In the liear future entertainment and Other dom- mltlees will be- nnnownced, for bo it known that the boys "have entqred society" nnd will keep opeh' house soml-occnsionally at Armory head. quarters toy way' of relaxation from arduous duties In following tholr storn obligations as sons of Mars Sam' McMalr, H. B. Illnth(Jrne und Ray Clary constitute a house com mittee, who will see to It that the camp fires will bo kopt lighted, and also that there" will be an noundance of commissary supplies. A recruiting commutes has already liegun to line up tho company numerically In tho grenter Ashland classification of one hundred or more. lA project Is undor way to metgo the Ashland nnd Modford military units in un Occasional event, military or Boclal, elthor In or out of doors; A drill or hiko, for instance has been succeatod In tho way of maneuvers, supplemented by a social reunion now and then, it being token for granted that "onr allies" of tho neighboring city will bo only too1 willing to join with our local boys In tlieso compet itive features and friendly associa tions. '' I I BLUE LEOGE ROAD Knsiincei? J. A. Klliolt of the foreft roads service, is speuilinsr tho wijuk hero lookiiur over the ltliio Leihtc von (I Irnm Knell to the cotinlv line and the Crater lj-;o ronil from Pros pect to the imrk line. In couhkuiy with I'. J. Seymour, iroverninent on irinper in cliaise of work hero, Mr. Klliott hnx uone over tho roads nnd interviewed the county connnission- ers. 1 he Ulue Ledsc road will ,be lntiy anil it tins been derided t6 niaeadem the six miles' of bad roiid from l'rosix'i t north as soon, as it is traded, l'rowa, von dor IlelR-n nl Natwiek will commence itrml ins this road this week. ' ' Tho county court has also nrranaed to have the bad road from I'msped south six or seven miles Sprinkled and kept in first class sliaie this summer. THE GASOLINE SITUATION T ' . - r"-,.""'l ' ' If ' ' ThH Necessity of Coriervatibfi .k . is. ', ' .'.. fy, ',' V . ft, .-'-C t ? i . i. a V'' 1 : ; There exists today on the Pacific Coast an acute shortage of gasoline. As this Company has pointed out on several occasions, the condition is due to insufficient production of crude oit and a greatly ihcfeaied consumption of gasoline by industry and by owners i of pleasure cars; ' 'n . - ,: ; , i "., .. .... -':! -r--' r ' .':""" .'''"': ' ' ti y.l Gasoline is a vital factor in the life of lie community, industrially and otherwise, arid it is of the greatest importance, at this juncture, that it be used with the utmost discretion, that 'essential defifif enients irlay , sup- plied. - '.! !l:' . '. IP: - The present is by no means the season of ma'Ximum demand, which comes later in the year. The condition, therefore, is likely to be continuing, rather than transitbry.s. .m. -. . . - , . '. ... :: "i'':,.., , .... l-li'. ' Responsibility for meeting the situation does not rest solely upon the oil industry. The public also has a serious duty in the matter.' , On its part, the Standard Oil Company is straining its resources and or- . : gahization to increase the supply of gasoline. In the field it is working . for the 'maximum production of crude oil. In the refinery it is working for the maximum production of gasoline' frbnthe crude oil and it is spend- ing large sums of money on equipment for new processes, of its own dis-! covery arid development, whereby a' 'still greater yield of gasdlirie will be obtained; " ';?;us. f ;;v. tA.vvxr . The point already has been reached where gasoline must be conserved most carefully. That is a duty of the public! In consumption of this pro- , duct, essential industries must necessarily come f&tpleasure utUSatSfn " ' ;' ' thereafter.' ; v 1,7 -' -'4-; w;- ' , 'A f ..;..-i.;.v'-'- .- ; ,. i'iaUyl Already the company has taken steps toward protecting the supply for the vital needs of industry which, if lessened, would affect the business life- of the community. There is how the danger of a curtailment of supply 'ti ; . rion-esseritials such as pleasure cars. j' . 'r '.- ' ' " -!A::V e , :'- - - ri.-'. i.' f '.., ,: : .'pi ." 'i.; ..- The assistance of the public, therefore, is imperative. Until lately, gaso-., ' ; line has been abundant, and its lavish and' extravagant use has been1 pbs-; ' ".' sible.: That time is past. ' ;- - -''"-'':- g-o. . ; , , K . ... - Buy as httle gasoline as possible. , " , ; ' ; i ; ' Use what you must Waste rone STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' 7 :-V ,'' (CALIFORNIAK w , , operators of coal property : in Utah and Wyoming advise - buying your, winter sunjly now. . Tho idea ia spreading that the coal commission may award the minora a further ad vance in wages, as well as to make other concessions that will further materially Increase the oost of pro ducing. We can now fill your ordora witl. aicrerent 8ir.es of SPRING CANTON. UTAH " ' COAL ' Dry Wood of All Kinds on Hand WISEMAN & SCHEFFEL I'bone S42 , 631 80. Front Rt. Licensed City Scavenger. .....Aa. i .... ---ii -1 ' .' lit Ail retusa luiniedlaUily femoiea on short notice. Weekly visit in resi dence districts. Dally hualnesa district.- Phones 605-li, -... . LICE Will your chicken!! lay e(tgs if they aro full of lico and uiiun? , . NO. (let busy with ' - Phenolene A. powerful dip nnd disinfectant, And rid your house of these egg robbers. MONARCH Seed 8c Feed Co. 317 East Main StrMt. Fifth and North Riversidd Telephone 11 The Dow Hospital . "VI ; t Graduate. Nurses Only . ; - . ' iT; is Special Attention, to X-Ray Cases. Stenography . Multigraphing Circular work of all kind Mallini Llita : 'V;; Tunnell & Edwards 306-30S Liberty Building Medford, Oregon. ' I Medford a1iinf :jill V .Corner 11th arid pjl Streets Phone lli Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Mouldtogs, Cabinet and General Mill Wort ;: ' , . . . . '.'.. . ' .. ' . "' ' Estimates Chijerfullj-Given - l" BEDFORD IRON WORKB FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOF aiiao acent for Tiirbaaka ana Mora .. .Bneine 17 South Blwrildi - W REX TAXI ' - VtTAtrv. OA cr V; l F03TR 4 WWJAII I -' Cat,,' V- i:t. Am -TilT