r PAGE KLUHT'' LEI OF T SACRAMENTO. Oil.. April (!. Public schools will lie dismissed earlv today, public offices pncriillv vvili close nnil business virtually will lie suspended hero this afternoon that nil who choose mav witness the uanie between the Sacramento and Seattle teams of the coast league which opens the baseball season here today. The park's ReiiUnir capacity, which has been enlarged to accommodate 32,000 persons, is expected to be taxed. There will Jie an informal pa rndo to the pnrk and SlUvor lirown will toss the first ball. It was indicated Seattle's butlerv would be Gardner or Ilrenton and Itoliror. Mails and Cadv will open for Sacrament o. SAN FRAXC1SCO. April 0. The San Francisco team of the Pacific Coast Leairuo today oiwns the l'J'20 baseball season with tho Yornon Tieers, last year's pennant winners. William II. McCarthy, president of the lenuue, was to pilch the first bull , to Chief of Police White behind the plate. LOS ANGKLKS. Cul.. April (1. Oakland will ippose the I.os Atureles team nt the opeuini; of tho Const loacrue season hero today. A parade will precede the erninc and Mayor S"v- (ler will pucii the lirs I hall, winch will bo previously dropped from an airplane. If nnv member of either team succeeds in ciitchinir the bull, which will ho dropped from a heicbt of 250 feet, he will bo awarded a sil ver loving cup. lOverv reserved sent in the stands had been sold yesterday. HUN TOWNS OCCUPIED. (Continued from Page Ons) evacuated the neutral zone, and de clares no one will ho affocted by tho presence of tho Kroneh as long as or der Is maintained. Tho proclamation makes tho following provisions tor pujillc order: .' State nf Hii-RO .Frankfort, Darmstadt, Offenbach, HochBtndt, Ko'onlgstoln and DIoburR, MOTHER! ''California Syrup of Figs" .Child's Best Laxative Accopt "California" Syrup of PIrs only look for the name California on tho packago, then you nro sure your child Is having tho heat and moHt harmloRB physic for tho little stomnch, livor and bowels. Children love Its fruity tasto. Full directions on ouch uottlo. You must suy "Cali fornia." Adv. HEARTBURN or heaviness after meals are most annoying manifestations of acid-dyspepsia. Iti-MOIDS pleasant to take, neutralize acidity and help restore normal digestion. MADE UY SCOTT & BOWNE ' MAKERS OP SCOTT'S EMULSION as well as all towns nnd districts within the circle of tsross Gerau Lang Schwalbach and Wiesbaden, with tho exception of Bieurlch, are declared under a state of siege. German authorities and public ser vices will continue to function under French military officials and strikes will not be tolerated. People are temporarily forbidden to circulate in the various comniuni ties from nine o'clock at night until five in the morning. Wore than five persons must not collect In streets or in private or public meotings without authorization. Newspapers are temporarily sus pended and permission must be given to uso the telephone or telegraph. Postal censorship Is temporarily established, wireless Installations must be dismantled and tho use of carrier pigecnB Is forbidden. Arms Surrendered All arms and grcnados must he de posited in city balls within six hours after tho posting of tho proclamation but regulur police will he allowed to rotain sabers and revolvers. Safety guards must disarm. Any Infraction of these rules will result In court martial. 'The general commanding the army of the Rhine," tho proclamation concludes, "counts on the public pow ers and tho population to understand the necessity for the above measures and hopes repression will not be necessary." PARIS, April 0. French Boldlors today occupy tho German cities of Frankfort on Main and Darmstadt, 16 miles south. Forces commanded by Genoral Do Coutto, which have been holding the Muyence bridgehead were ordered forward by Marshal Foch following tho efforts on tho part of the French government yesterday to Induce tho llorlin governinont to withdraw its forces from the noutral .one along tho eastern bank of the Hhlno, whore they had been ordered to disperse communistic units that for tho past fortnight have conducted a revolt in the Kuhr valloy. Stirring scenos at Alayenco yester day aro described by Henry llidou, military critic l.'f tho Journal des De buts, in a telegram to his paper. He says that during the afternoon troops activity begun and soon automobile trucks and field kitchens begun mov ing eastward, accompanied by Moroc can troops with machine guns. (icrniaiiH Must I'ay Chief Intorost In the situation as ovidoucod by nowspapors hore Is whether the ullles will support Franco nnd to what extent. This uucry was put to Premier Millorund by the Echo do Paris lust night, the premier anBWorlng: "Knglund was victorious and so was France. I am confident every thing will work out perfectly." Asked who would pay tho expense incident to occupation M. Millorund replied: "Why, Germany, obviously, since it was sho that by her acts obliged us to resort to coercion." Occupation ot Frankfort, Darm stadt and other German cities in tho neutral zone Is generally Indorsed by Journals of all shades of political opinion. It Is recognized tho opera tion will ho risky and burdonsomo but unavoidable in viow of tho ten dencies of tho Her I In govornmcnt. Critics of tho promler, howovor, do ploro Hint fact thut tho allies aro not participants in the movement. Cim tVmvlnco Wilson "France will onfe'reo respect of tho Versailles troaty hut tho allies will not help to do It," is a caption ap pearing In today's cdHion of tho Oeuvro, tho Inference drawn being that tho purely platonlc nature of tho allied support is due to failure on the part of M. Milleraud and his aides to meet tho exigencies of tho situation. "Pertinnx," political odltor of Kcho do Paris, says more cCncreto support will be forthcoming as a result ot the premier's statement issued last night. He says If. Millorund "feels capablo of convincing President Wilson, him self, If ho Is still guidod by rules of logic." "Mr. Wilson's memorandum of March 29," tho writer continues, "said dispatch of moro Herman troops Into tho Ruhr region must, In his opinion, ho Justified by tho ccurso of ovents. Wo do not expect passive acceptance of an accomplished fact from our nllles but tho confident as- STARTS TOMORROW WILLIAM FARNUM TONIGHT Last Time BASl"S STREET CALLED STRAIGHT) "W O LV E S of the NIGHT" A play worthy of (lie star a star worthy of tho play. A story that carries the spec tator into the great Northwest, into the heart of South America, and into tin whirlpool of Wall Street. lRIALT0i! slstance to which they have accus tomed us." .Militarism Warned Premier Mlllernnd's note on the subject of occupying German cities east ot the Ithine declared the Berlin government "had given way to pres sure by the militarists," and that the sending of military groups Into1 the neutral zone was not justified by the situation.. It was pointed out that the movement of French forces would be of a "coercive and precautionary nature," and could not bo deferred and the premier declared1 If Germany bad carried out the disarmament clauses of the Versailles treaty neith er the Kupp revolt nor the Ruhr revo lution would have occurred. PARIS, April 6. Marshal Foch had a conference this morning with Promior .Millorund. Later tho pre mier received Hugh C. Wallace, the American ambassador. (HOME, April 6. Populo Romano says today that at a cabinet meeting Monday the government decided to extend to France, Italy's moral sup- pdrt In the (French occupation of Frankfort and other German cities. Tho cabinet agreed, however, that under no circumstances would Italy bo a party to any military measures against Germany, the newspaper states. Occupation Was Forced PARIS, April 0. Premier Miller- nnd today formally notified Dr. Von Mayer, the Gorman charge d'affaires, of the action of the French govern ment in ordering the advance and In formed him that -as soon as there had been complete evacuation of the neu tral zone by tho German troops tho French would evacuate tho cities they had been ordered to occupy. Tho pre mier's note read: "I)y my letter of April 2, I asked you to make insistent representations to your government to obtain the 1m mediuto withdrawal of the Gorman troops which unduly penetrated tiie noutrul zone fixed by article 'i'i of tho treaty of Versailles. "My request having obtained no re sult up to this time I have the honor of informing you that the general commanding in chief of the army on tho Uhlne has received orders to oc cupy Immediately tho cities of Frank fort, Homburg, Hanau, Darmstadt and Dloburg. This occupation will end as soon as the German troops shall have completely evacuated the neutral zone." Xo Violence Jlcportcd IFRAINKFORT, April 6. (By As sociated Press.) Frunkfort was occu pied without incident by French troops early today and with tho cav alry in the lead, followed by tho In fantry nnd tho artillery, the occupy ing forces prossod rapidly beyond tho city. They met with no opposition. lly ten o'clock in tho morning the cav alry bud reached Bckenbelm (three miles north of Frunkfort). Tho entire operation was expected to ho com pleted during tho day. . Tho occupation takes tho form of an extension of the Fronch lines around the "bridgehead of Mayonco, a distaitco rf about 18 miles. Tho ox- trcmo limits of tho advance form a somi-clrcle similar to but larger than that ot tho original zone of occupation. Tho only German troops encoun- tored In Frankfort by tho Fronch were Slchorholtswohr, or volunteers, who surrendered. They probably will be simply disarmed and released. Tired Feet? IWhy have them? Sonk foot In warm bath, dry and apply Turpo, the only Turpentino ointment. Apply night nnd morning. Try it. Turpo THI TUBKHTMC OiNTMIKT, Better than Pills YOU WILL NEVER wish to take another dose of pills after having once used Chamberlain's Tab-1 lets. They are easier and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild in their action and more reli able. They leave the bowels in a natural condition, while the use of pills is often followed by severe constipation, requiring a constant increase in the dose. Every bottle guaranteed bv vour druprerist. THE H'V RHOW OF THE i i Thursday Q vorli5 imjvi miss it. April I V IT CANT Bti DONE. TAKE THE KIDDIES TO SEE JIOGS. HE W1L1 BRING JOI TO THEIR. LITTLE HEARTS. Prices 50c, 77c, $1.00, 9 1. no, plus 10 per cent war tax. Seats now soiling. Ilov office open 112 (o 45 to 7. 30 PEOPLE. 21 MUSIC NUMBERS The World's Biggest Hits for the Sum of Two Bits. i i iii Ti t i iimii m iP S-..i- Today-Tomorrow-Thursday WALLY i 11 11 TTTPv .JlIiJin "Hawthorne of the U. S. A." And Look at the Fun 'The Star Boarder' Mack Sennett's Newest Gloom-Buster Featuring Ben Turpin Louise Fazenda and "Teddy." "Teddy" has a highly emo tional role THIRTY MINUTES OF FUN IT'S AS CLEAN AS A WHISTLE AND FILLED WITH FUN POS-I-TIVE-LY NOT A WAR PICTURE! ! Adapted from James B. Pagan's play in which Doug Fairbanks starred on the stage some years ago. COMING FRIDAY ROBERT WARWICK : O, YES! NEARLY FORGOT TO TELL YOU Lila Lee, Theodore Roberts, Harrison Ford, Tully Mar shall, Charles Ogle, Edwin Stevens, Guy Oliver arc in the big supporting cast. I $25,000.00 Worth of Men's Clothing and Furnishings I On Sale Saturday, April 10th i JOIN THE CROWDS THAT WILL ATTEND THIS SALE ALL GOOD, RELIABLE MERCHANDISE NO JUNK HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS BEST MAKES OF HATS, TIES, UNDERWEAR AND SOCKS ALL GO IN THIS GREAT SALE AT ABOUT ONE-HALF PRICE H Shop Early and Often MANN'S ANNEX 44 N. Central Next to Shieffelin's Old Stand Everybody Will Be There