r MBnwmp STrre Tremor. yrFrrvronTj. oi?F,rjo. ttt-stuy. 'aptitl r. 1020. t 7 'EH? ews Livestock . PORTLAND. April Cattle steadvr reeeimn - , iuui uiiu puip- fed steers $U0 11.75; choice $10.50 11; good to choke $.50-ii 10 50 medium to good $8.75 6 9.75 i fair to uu.uni n.-aij s.io; common to fair $6.25 7.25; choice cows and heifers $89.; medium U'good $C.507.50; fair to medium $5.50 & 0.50; canners $35.50; bulls $0 8; prime light calves $15 (ft 17; medium light $10 & 14; heavy $ 7 (J 10; Blockers and feed ers $7.00 ((f S.G0. Hogs steady; recoipts 39. Priuie mlxed,$16.50l7; medium $lcry 10.50 rough heavy $12&li!; pigs $131G.50. .... JSheep steady; no receipts. Spring lambs $18 20.; eastern $1(1. 50& 17.50; light valley $15.25 C"i 10.50; heavy $H.25&.15.25; common to iiiuuium iiiy i4.oo; yearlings $ 14.50 lib 1 5.25: wpfhuru 1 1 J fit. l A r.n. ewes $ 10 13. Butter PORTLAND, April 0 Butter weak Cubes, extra BOc; parchment wrap ped, box lots 63c; .cartons 04c; half boxes half cent more; less than half boxes lo more, llutterfat No. 1 churning cream 02 j 03c f.o.b. station 04c Portland.. I ,' . ' ' - Eggs PORTLAND, April 1. Selliiw price, case fount. :M(a.3h;; bnviiw 7rice. :18c: sellimr price candled, 40c; selected eundled in cartons, 4'Je. . ; , Poultry I Hons 32(ffi.T"V. broilers, 40(u!-I3r; f, turkey, f2553; ceese, 22(23c; ducks, 40(u)1"k!. Grain and liny s Wheat, government basis, $2.20: ' barley, $70.0(1;- oats, $b'l(J(j2."'0; .corn no. 3. yellow. $(j:).50. Hav. buvimr nrioo, ti tliv. $28(iT- ? .10; aU'all'u, $32.00 ; uriii,'$:i0; clover ; $3o.i SCburtlkws - (Furnished by the Jackson -County , 'Abstract Co.) Ileal Estate Transfers Mi'' T. Murphy et Ux to C. W. Stein et ux, lot 0, and 34 feet of north side of lot 1,0, folk. 1, Cottrage Homo Addi tion to Medford 10 AVm. Fox to John L. Drlncr et ux, lot 8, NW of SV sec. 2, ' Itp. 39, R. 1W..., 1425 iiy J. Vun Fossen et ux to iMyrtlo V. Lowden, lot 3, blk. 3,,Al"u Add. to Ashland 400 Ell Albert to James B. Hurt et ux.-BE of sec.' 21, tp,36; " ' CRV 2W 10 Loren 11. Gregory et ux to , ilenry L. Gregory; land In sec. 30, tp. 30, R. 1 W, 20 acres 10 Mrs.: Addle Wright to Archie Qulsenberry, strip SO .feet wide off W. end of lot 10, Cooksey Add. to Central Point l M.' N. Long et ux to Newsomo Harrison, 'NE 4S feet of lot 4;.blk. 23, Chitwood Tract to Ashland .'. 1 J. O. Isaacson et ux to William Mayfleld et ux, lots 10-11 , Cooksey Add. to Central Point 10 Joseph Reid et ux to Harold A. ' Simpson, SB of SW, SW of SE sec. 20, tp. 35, R. 2E 1 Harold A. Simpson et ux to William A. lmes, SE of SW, S,W of.SE sec. 20, tp. 35, R. 2E , 2000 Ivan'1 L. Smith et al to W. J. Smith, W of V of 6IS, ' E.J4 of E of SW sec. 21, :tpi 35, R. 3W 10 Harry D. Casey to IN'ewsom Harrison, land In Chitwood Tract, Ashland 10 Calvin E. Wilson to Clyde M. , (Hamilton, et ux, las 7-8 Mathews Add. to Ashland.... 800 JVIabel i Palethorpa to City of Ashland, N'M of lot 7, blk. 0, Ashland . 40 Walter Kitto et ux to Jastcn . Har.tmnn, land in. Jackson ville 10 Gottlieb Elksnat to Jason iHartmnn, land In Jackson ville 10 Roland D. Flaherty et ux to ' Jackson County Bldg. '& Loan Assn.. lot 9, blk. 5, Ross Add. to Medford 10 j f Could Not Stand Straight I It does not take long, when the 1 kidneys are out of order and not do- Ing their work properly, for poison . ous acids to accumulate in the system J and icause aches and pains. D. C. Da 's mond, 2865 W. 30 St., Cleveland, O., I writes: "I caught cold and it settled g in my kidneys. My back and sides Ji were sc lame and sore I could not stand straight. I used Foley Kidney J Pills with good results and am glad to testify to their helping power." COCKROACHES CASILT KIU.IO TODAY BY USING STEARNS' PASTE AIM ICU DIITpT to WATER BUGS RATS AND MICE - aWMtoDM. Tn altM, U MOt.t. " ' ' w ORDER FROM TOUR DEALER INVJTE BERKELEY. TEAM TO' j THE WESTERN MEETj CHICAGO. April (i. The I nivcr- sity ot Lnlilornia track team, which let'eated lllimiis in dual meet at Bcrki'k'V. ( alil'iirnia. lut Satuniav will be tt'iidercil a special invitation to rnmiH'te in the western cunl'ercncp track and field "nines at Ann Arbor June ". HRUP WANTED MALE WAINTED iHoys over 10 Western Union Tel. Co. 15 East Main street. 15 WANTED Dishwasher, once. Cafe Holland. Apply at WANTED. Hoy over 10. llakery.' , Pullman : 14 WANTED Fry ccok, $4.00 0 hour shift. Gushur Cafe. WANTED t-a, pastry, cook, nights, wages $5.00, 10 hours. Hex Cafe. tf WANTED Men, $3.00 and board Phone C85-J-3. 14 WANTED Man Tor ranch , work. Good board. Phone 04, Guy Con nor. WANTED Teams and men, Moon & Co'., near Port Orford, Curry coun ty. Teams $10.00 per day; Cali fornia hay and grain, hay $34.00 per ton, grata $72. Good men ; $5.00 per day ; board $1.10; work road construction. Moon & Co. 320 KAHM liOAXS PAY OFF YOU'R OLD MOltTClAClli on your farm or orchurd by replac ing your loan with us on the ex tended payment plan at 0 inter est. McCurdy Insurance Agency. if POLITICAL CARDS. District Attorney. I beroby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson county, .Oregon, on the republican ticket, subject to the wish of the voters at the coming primary election. If nominated and elected I will see that the lawa are justly and honestly enforced. Re spectfully yours. Adv. H. A. CANADAY. Believing that my successful man agement of the office of District At torney has shewn me thoroughly qualified, and that I can serve the people of Jackson county, In that capacity best, I announce my candi dacy for re-eleatlon on the republican ticket at the May primaries. Adv. G. M. ROUERT8. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected I pledge myself to an Impartial enforcement ot the law; V.V. FARRELL. Adv. Sheriff , I hereby announce my candidacy tor re-nomination for the office cf sheriff on the republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel that my record as a public official during the first term entitles me to re-nomlnatlon and re-election. Adv. O. E. TERRILL. I hereby announce myself a repub lican candidate for sheriff of Jackson county, at the May primaries. Sev eral years experience In this line of work, Including last six months of 1919 In the tax collection depart ment, thoroughly qualifies me to ad minister the dutl a of the otflce In an efficient manner. Adv., JOHN B. WIMER. County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re nomlnatlon for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion ot the people at the coming pri maries, and hopo my record in this office the first term is such that I am entitled to your support this year. Adv. CHAUNCEY FLOREY. County Assessor. I hereby announce my candidacy for the re-nomlnatlon to the office of County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by the Republican party at the primary election May 21st, 1920. Adv. . J. B. COLEMAN, School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for County School Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. O. W. GODWARD. Adv. I hereby announce myself as candi date for County School Superinten dent, on the republican ticket, at the primary election. May 21st. I am for progressive education, the education that prepares for life, and for giving the rural schools the very best ad vantages possible. I favor more nor mal schools for Oregon. Adv. A. -T. HANBY. I herewith announce myself as can didate for nomination, on the republi can ticket, for County School Super intendent. SfSANNE W. HOMES.. County Coroner I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on tho republican ticket for the office of County Cor oner. If elected I promise econom ical management of the Coroner's of fice., , , , JOHN A. PERL. Adv. RAWLES MOOltE for Democratic Nomination District Attorney . May Primary, 1920, HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED An experienced laundress wants washing to do. Will wash anything, wti' come and live in your home for $15.. and wages of 3c a week thereafter. No meats or jitney fare. Phone 90 and ask for Mrs. Thor Washur. WANTED Experienced waitress. Also cashier. Ilex Cafe. 13 WAXTKD Experienced girl capable of taking churge of office and sten ographic wcrk. Give references. i County Agent, Grunts Pass, Oregon 1C WANTED Roof painting, coloring, ; auto painting, house painting. Meil . ford Painting Co., 30 South Grape. 3 0 WANTED Waitress at the Hotel Mcdt'ord. , Call in persui. Don't ' phone. WANTED Woman for general housework, three in family. 115-Y, Mrs. Elliott.' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Kiiom and board in good I family. Mrs. G. II. West. Ans. ! Uox 45, Blall Tribune. 15 WANTED 'Iudy rocmer to. help evenings. 200 Cottage st reet. 14 WANTED Those having Victory bonds to sell, write me and state . cheapest cash price. Irvin Dahack, General Delivery, Medford, Ore. 15 WANTED To let logging contracts. Team and truck proposition j. Will let separately if desired. Easy log ging and good chance for right par- ties. Big Pines Lumbcr;Co. :. WAWTW) Setting hens. 3-F-14. , Phone 13 WANTED To huar from owner cf good ranch for sale. , state cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, ' Minneapolis, Minn. - . - 83 WANTED A second-hand fireproof safe. IMust bo In good condition and ample proportions. Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., Box 418, Ashland, Oregon. WAINTED Second-hand L't'l'ico desk. People's Electric Store. 3S WANTED 900 lawn mowers to sharpen on our new grinder. Lib erty Repair Shop. Phone 201-J. WA'NTED Pasture for n goat for tho summer. Box M, Tribuno Of fice. 14 WANTED Two first class milk cows Call J, Brommer, phono 5S9-J-2. 11 WANTED Will pay top market prices for wool and mohair. . See us before you sell. Medford Junk Co. Phone 283-J. WANTED Carpet weaving and cleaning. 201 South Riverside. Phone 350-J. Fluff Rug Factory. WAINTED Automobiles for repair by expert auto mechanic. Clark & Guilders, opp. Nat. Phone 26. 336 WANTED To buy good cloan cotton rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED House movlnj and re . ' pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Fine investment paying 'big interest on more than prico , asked. E. H. French, phono S19-L. 17 WANTED Live wire with $500 cash can secure one-halt Interest in a fine paying business. Answer Box 127, Mail Tribune Office. 17 Used Automobiles For Sale One bood Ford Tourina Car One Buick Light-Six Tour ina Car. One Saxon Six Tourina Car. One 1919 Chevrolet Roads ter. One Reo Truck. Price $300. One.. Buick.. Tourina.. Car. Price S500. t ' ': - V'.' Look Them Over. Tumy Motor Company 123-125 So. Front St. WHY CASH WANTED MIST HE SOLI) IDEAL DAIRY. AND ORCHARD TRACT 47, AOIU-:S PACIFIC 1IIGIIWAV IRRIGATED Lies liWwccn tlio Pacifier Highway mid Hie raili-ond Just out of Tal ent, (inn'llu cant slitM. Perfect for irrigation. East front on high way. Twenty acres of pours ten years old, produced last year net Iji I.OOO. Never hud a failure from frost. 'J" ucri'S Ideal for ulfaRa. CASH COUNTS WITH ME. On account of business Interests r-l.scwlir-ro It Is absolutely ncccs snry thut this bo sold at once. . If you have i-asli wo can do business. Would consider dividing this placo Into three fifteen acre tract, hut would want all sold. If interests! In getting an Ideal homo place cheap, sec owner, J. C. BARNES IMiono 7H4-Ia FOR SALE lll&Alj ESTATE FOR SALE Six room bungalow and bath. Small furnished buugalow. Price right. E. 11. French, phone M9-L. . . 17 FOR SALE New imuc.alnw, modern, four rooms and balh, larile screen porch, fire-place, lot ,-,ux215, close in, east side. Price $1600. i25 East Ninth street. Is FOR SALE Fine Investment waving big interest on more than price asked. Huugulow uf six rooms and bath, small furnished bungalow. Price right. Apply E. H. French. 17 FOR SALE Or exchango for Los An geles property, 4 IX South Oakdalu. Seven rooms and balh, garage, woodshed, paved street. T.'.xl 40. Easy tonus. Owner here for few days. W. M. Hunt, llote'l Medford. 18 FOR RENT OR SAl.lv Five ucre orchurd tract just outnule city llm- . its; fair 'buildings. See J. W. Wake field, phono 17-R. 17 FOR SALE 10 acres, two acres Ring cherries, fivu Nuwtown apples, lo ' (years old. threo acres brush; orch ard in highest state of cultivation. 1 M miles from postoffice, half mile from paved highway. Box 565 or 320 'North Main street, Ash land, Ore. 17 7ANTED Jl'arties looking for cheap laud, nenr a town that has the record of raising tho finest berries in tho west; also the best veget ables, fruit, nuts, hay and gruln, safe from frosts, snow or floods. . Land from $20.00 Up to $300 per acre, unimproved. Improved land from $150 to $500 per acre, right : on- canal. For 'further in format ion ' -write M. L. Southard & Sons, Real Estate and Loans, Lebanon, Oregon 3S FOR SALE Cheap, gooi framed house six rooms, first class rustic lumber, good windows and doors, : first house east ot R. it. crossing, Tolo. This bargain only four days. Apply to M. Morgan, Tolo. 13 FOR SALIC Nice five-room bunga low on pavement. Phono 547-L. FOR SALE Flvo room plastorod house, with bath. 106 East Twoirth street,-Medford, Ore., $ 1200.00; one-half cash, balance two years time at O1 per cent interest. Pago & Dressier, Agents, Medford, or Mrs. Ida Jacks, Albany, Ore. 14 FOR SALE Modern six room house two blocks from post office. , In quire 121 North Grape street. 13 FOR SALE By owner, both Phoenix and Medford property with excel lent location. Inquiro Bert Stan cliff, 'Phoenix. 33 FOR SALE Forty acres unimproved land. Sams Valley. .Inquire E. M. Witto, 219 South Holly street. 33 FOR SALE One of the niftiest and most complete little bungalows in the city: six rooms, strictly mod ern, built-in features and cabinets, . two fireplaces, laundry trays, back porch enclosed In glnss, wired for electric cooking,- gas, woodhouso, garage, hot' water' 'heating plant. If you want something up to tho minute you will buy this. Sec Bennett Investment company, 102 . West Main. ' - FOR SALE Eighteen acres of land opposite Oak Grove school house on Jacksonville road. For informa tlon writs D, V. Turner, Genesco, Kaunas. i i 330 FOR SALE Nice attractive little " bungalow; four rooms, large screen porch, bath, toilet; fire place; garage, chicken house; lot 50x140. " Price $2250.00. Bennett Invest ment Co. ' 1 FOR SALE If you are looking for a home, and quality, prico and terms , Interest you call at 820 West Twelfth streetr P. E. Wynkoop. ' 321 F.OH RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished seven-room modern house one block from post office; fino lawn and shrubbery. Call at Room 207 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg. Phone 361-U tf BROWN & WHITE REALTORS ' HOLLAND HOTEL BUILDING.. City residence and business 'property.' 1 Stock and grain ranches, Orchards and dairy farm's, " Poultry 'and berry ranches Rentals, Loans and Fire Insurance brown;& WHITE HOLLAND HOTEL BUILDING 20 N. Peach St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS . j FOR SALE Sand, gravel. KMimPnt! and dirt. flowing and teaming work done. Phiiie 912-.I, Samuel Butemau, 302 Maple street. " FOR SALE l'jnk and white peony roots. 304-.I. IS FOR SALE About two ton non-ini-j gated Yellow Dent seed corn. L. Neidenueytr, phono 21-F-3, Jaek-i sonville. 17 FOR SALE A bargain, spun of good live llambletoniuu mures, weight 2200, guaranteed to be gentle anil true. Practically new 2 Webber wagon, also harness, all for $235, or will sell separate. W. N'. Carl. Applegate, phone through Provoll. 17 FOR SALE- Still have few canary gingers luft. price $2. 5il each. Mrs. C. IJ. Morgun. two miles south of Gold Hill on Willow Springs road. 14 FOR SALE Small null dresser, 111 . most.now. Call 450-11. 11: FOR SALE Wheat straw in bain, half mile south of town, $5.00 ton. ! Phone 5-F-2. Hi FOR SALE Single buggy cheap. L. ; .1. Sleppy, Talent. 10 FOR SALE A Victrola. For partic- ulars call 5S-R. 15 FOR SALE Now 2 5 ft. tower, tank at a bargain, i'eoplu s Electric Store. 3S FOR SALE Tier wood, hard and : soft, at old brick yard near Jack j sonville, $3.00 per tier, any t amount. Ask tho man thut livus ! at brick yard. 1 4 FOR SALE Lot ot new long handle i pruning shears, $1.00 each. Dotig " las, 10 1 South Central. FOR SALE 2S volumoB History of tho World, well bound. $3.0(1. ! Douglas, .101 South Central. FOR SALE Hay. Phono 500-R-2. 11 FOR SALE Carload of vetch and grain hay. Phono II. W. Bingham ; 597-J-3. tf FOR SALE tranu, gravel, sediment ; and dirt. Plowing and teaming ; work done. Phons 812-J. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Oakland touring cur, ; just overhauled. Phono 884 or 045-W. - ; ' 15 FOR SALE Reo Four touring car, model it, new top, cord tires, excel lent paint and mechanical condi tion. Central Point State 'Bank. 10 FOR SALE Used can. ot all kinds i on easy'terniB. o:ark a Chlldurs, i 127 North Riverside, opposite Nat. I . 13 FOR SALE See our priccB on ovor ; hauled Ford cars, licenses paid; liberal terms. McCurdy-Buwno Motor Co. FOR SALE At a eacrlflco, niomy five passenger car, now top, cord tires, runs and looks like new; self ; starter of course, McCurdy-Bowne 1 Motor Co., temporary locution Cra ' tor Lake Oarage, 18 South Fir street. FOR SALE Buick runabout, four . cylindor with self-starter: excel lent condition mechanically; prac tically new tires and a now top, at a sacrifice. McCurdy Bowno Mo '. tor Co., temporary location Crator Lake. Garage. USED CAR clearing house, buy for cash, sell on terms. Plckons-Merrlll ' Motor Co., 18 North Grape. tf FOR KENT HOUSEKEEPING . . ROOMS FOR RENT 'Modern furnished ' housekeeping -room, 315 North Bartlctt. Phone C58-R. FOR' RENT Housekeeping rooms,, close In, nice and cool for Buiumur. Phono 19'JJM. 13 FOR' RJ5NT Furiilshod housekeep ing rooms, 322 South Central. 13 FOR KENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment, close In, 113 East Eleveutn street. Phono 897. . 14 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Room. 19 North l'euch. ,1'honn 041-11. 18 WHEN A Good Stock Ranch including full equipment from branding irons to mow er and. rake mid motor car (an be offered for ONLY $6,000.00 It's' time to sit up and take notice. Liveable house, good fairbiU'ii, consdcrable hay land and. more than $1,000 worth personal. See at once Rogue River Land Co. Since 1902 Office Hotel Nash Corner FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Tosgenhnrg milk goat, soon fresh. For particulars uddresh P. O. Box 170. Jacksonville, Ore gon. 14 I'OR SALE 50 head stock emtio. Inquire of W. C. Daley, Eagle Point. "A jFOR SALE I'is. two milch cows, and eight head of heifer cows. F. C. Holibuugh, Talent. 13 FOR SALE Span of horses four and five years old. 1 032 West Eleventh street. .1. W. Wolff. 13 FOR SALE One team.' harness and wagon. Also household goods. Geo. Wolff, Route 1, Orchard Home. 13 FOR SALE Fresh milk cow. .1. 1). Duncan. Old French ranch. Phoe nix. Phono 10-Fj5. 13 FOR SALE- Duroc bt.nr, 14 months old, weight about 350 lbs.; pure bred but not registered. John A. Anderson, phono 1113, Central Point 10 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Ex ceptionally fino. Phono uOO-R-S. 14 FOR SALE Three extraordinary good fresh milch cows,, seven gal lons each per day. Walsh's place on Ross Lauo, two miles northwest Of Medford. ... j . FOR SALE Registered puro bred Rod Polled bull, 4 ',4 years old; spluudid animal. Soo Foreman at Modoc Orchard or. 1). 11. Wood, (ModfuTd. FOR SALE Twelve : milch cows: theso are all selected cows. The best of milkers; also six yearling heifers. Wulsh's place, on Ross Lanu, two miles northwest of Med ford. 333 FOR SALE Hiiro bred Duroc-Jerscy sows with spring litters; nlso bred sows; also a few half grown pigs. Inquire of foreman at fModoo Orch ard or D. R. Wood, Medford. FOR SALE Two goad spring wag ons, suitable for one or two horses Also fino saddle. Walsh's place, . on Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Medford. 231 FOR SALE POUITTRV AND EGGS FOIt SALE S. C. Whilo Leghorn heiiH. 35 young- hens ot superior quality, In splendid condition. Price $1,511 each. 261' Uleiitly streot. Wodl'ord. 14 FOR SALE R. 1. baby chicks. Phono 370-W. 14 FOR SALE White Leghorn, hutch ing oggs. White Wing Poultry : Farm, Phoenix, Oro. 10 FOR SALE Strictly fresh oggs. One mile above Phoenix on Highway. J. W. Watkins. 15 FOR SALE Four pens White Leg horn chickens. W. . J. Warner, Phone 090-M. FOR SALE Ono dollar per setting for oither Whito Loghorn or Plym outh :R&ck eggs from puro bred .' fine laying stock. Ordurs dolivered In Medford. Phono 28-R-l. 12 FOR SALE R. I. Red und White .ueghorn eggs and chicks. Book orders early. Mrs. F. 11. Dressier. Phono 777-L. 332 FOR SALE Superior S. O. White ' Leghorn- eggs. Bigger eggs - and larger birds. 1st cross famous O. A. O. layers with Isaacson's beauti ful prize winners. Trap-nested and 1 raised right. Settings ot 16 eggs, $1.50 and $2.50; $8.00 per hun dred. Cockerels for sale. Gub Brommer, phono B89-J-2. Route 3, Medford.' 318 VOlt EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Iirgo modern heme in Berkeloy, Calif.; near uni versity, for Medford proporly. .11. H. McCurdy. '15 LOST LOST Check signed by Elizabeth Lawrence Return to LVIuil Tribune office. Reward. 18 LOST Amethyst sotting for brooch, with star and diamond In center. Supposed to have been lost In Med ford, Mnrch 30. Suitable reward for return to this office. R. O. (Brown, Eagle Point. 1 LOST Mnrch 2 4, between Rogue 'River and Medford, or March 30, '.Miidford-Euglo Point, unto chains. Finder kindly return to county nurse, Sparta building, Medford. 13 LOST Sack of ground 1 wheat and outs. Answer 120 North Holly. 13 LOST Black Shephord colllo, few white spots, license number' 1490. Reward. Call 505-.M. . 11 LOST Tortoise sticn colored spec tacles with lenses cracked. If found please return to Tribune office, tf Invest or Buy a Home ' NOW An Investment of $800 lias made tlio buyer $.100 In UO days on u smull tract purchased through us. Tlio housing quest ion Is u problem you must prcparo for or be out In the street, even tents Hi'o very high. We have the buys Houses, ' Lots anci Lands Buy Now, While the Buying Is Right ' HTJRD LAND fc INVEST MENT CO. ' Garnctt-Oorcf Lldg., ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors MURRAY BRO'S. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Cuthbnrt Bldg., Rooms 3 and 5, North Central Ave. Auto Supplies.. LAIIER AUTO SPRINQ CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and liost-enulppod plant In the Pa cific, northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under writ ton guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys, W. E. PHIPPS Attorney at Law, 425-420 M. F. & II. Bldg. Office phone 372; residence phone 325-M. ELIJAH II. IIUKD Lawyer. 213-14' Uarnctt-Coroy Bldg. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. 10. HEAMES Lawyer, Garaett-'' Corey Building. Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds ot cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. 269 Export Accountant. WILSON AUDITINO CO. E. M. WllBon, C. P. A. Attention given, to anything In Accounting and In come Tax requlrementa. Look:'' Into our simplified accounting method. M. F. & H. Building... Medford. Phone 157-R. ' Instruction in Music. FRED ALTON HAIOIIT Teacher ol piano and harmony. Halght Musi studio, 318 Qarnett-Corey Bldg.. Phono 72, Mineral ltaths MINERAL BATHS Dr. Hawley, Chi. ropractlc Physician, First National . Bank building.. Enlranco, room 5, Ashland, Oregon. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURKLUND, Chiropractic physician, St. Mark's building, acute and chronic casea. Oftlca hours 10 a. m. to 12 m. 2 to S p. m. Telophouos Otflce 454. ree 750-J. A BURSELL, M. D.; D. C Splnolo- ; gist, Physician and Surgeon. Bp clulty Physiological Methods. 80t ' 10-11 M. F. & H. bldg. Phone 29, Take elevator to 3rd floor. 326. ROBERT W. STEARNS Physician and Surgeon, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Office hours 9-12, 2-4. Obt flee phono 39. Rosldence 933; i! DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician anj surgeon. Practice limited to eyej ear, noso and throat. Eyes sclene tlflcnlly tested and glasses supt. plied. Oculist and Aurlst tor 8. P R. R. Co. Offices M. I & II, Cu Bldg. Phone 607. DR. F. O. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIS PHYSICIANS i 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bids.'" ' Phone 904-L. Residence 20 S. Laurel Street: DR. MoMORRIS M. DOW, Pnysloian-, and Surgoon Practice limited to surgery and hospital obsterlc. , Special attention given to diseases , of women. Offices 306-7 M. F. & II. Bldg.' Residence, the Dow Ho, pltal. - ' Printers and Publishersv MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the. best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO; Offlco 42 North Front St. Phone 215. Prices right. Service guar-i an teed. - -- ' Undertakers 1 JOHN A. PERL ' Undertaker- Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 2 8 South Bartlett. Lady assistant " Auto mobile Hearse Service. Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner. Lodge. I. O. O. K Medford lodge No. 81, ' Meets every Almuluy night at 7:30, C. T. l'urkor, N. O., W. L. Mlllor, Hera ldry. ltoRtis River Encampment No. SO lUo.-tH 21 nml 4lh l'rlduys ut 7:30 p. m.t Kuniuol iluteaiun, C. P., L, O, How ard, scdlm. ' Olive Jll.rknh 1 od ce No. 38 Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Nan nie Hull, N, a., Annie J. Bateman, ecretnry. - Visitors , cordially Invited to all meettnKR. MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estato and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 63-M. 31 NoTtn Grape street. .of M I3CELL ANEOUH JUST ARRIVED r. large shipment ot wool sucks; fleece twine for sale cheap. We oro also In the market for both wool and mohair. -Johnson's, 45 South Front. Phone 302. FOR HERVICE-Jersoy bub. r IT II. Drossier. , , '432