Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 06, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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There promises to Iju u large at
teudance at tho montlily moot in to
night of the Itogue Itiver Fish and
Came association at 8 o'clock at the
public lllirary. Ashland and Grants
PaHs Bportsmen have been invited to
attend. Not only will the tentative
negotiations entered into between the
directors of the association and thf
commercial fishing interests at the
mouth ot Koguo river be discussed,
huti Diana for constructive uctlvlty on
thii part St t he association for the
lienofit of fish and kuiiki reioiircnc
during the coming . Heason will lie
jy mechanically perfect washing
machine made beautiful by an artist's
skill is the Bluebird. 14
Mr; .FlBherman, get that fishing
rod, re-wrapped, etc. Katon, 20 -North
Holly. . 17
American 1-egion bull, Friday. 14
'fh card purty to have been given
Woilnesduy evening at the Masonic
hall has been indefinitely postponed.
See page 89 or this week's Satur
day Kvcnlng Post. 14
You . ought to Insure your auto
with Redden & Canaday, 32 N. Cen
tral. Phone 720.
Carl Jeschke, high grade, wutrh
and loc lirepalrlng. !l Kir stroot.
Irs. Idu 11. Callahan, president of
the Oregon federation ot Women's
clubs,, was ii guest of honor Saturday
ut a luncheon given in Portland by
tho sluto parent-teacher associations.
Mrs. Cullulian is planning a trlp
thruout ths statu :later and will visit
the, Mpdford clubs. The clubs of the
mate have endorsed the mlllage mea
sure, for the muiiitcuuncc of the state
university, agricultural college and
normal school,: .
yith spring and sunshlno comes
tlie'Hluublril und happinoss. 11
Dr. Henry H. Pure, dentist, has
opened an office in Central Point. 1 G
American Legion bull, Friday. I I
At the Hotel Holland uro registered
dir.' und Mrs. V. Stevens of Long
Bench; Calif., Sidney ilarkely of Chi
cago and C. Ij. Scott or Toms Urook,
Va. .
EaBtor cards. Wont Side Pharmacy.
:l tr
Heather wools ror men's nnd boys'
sweaters. Hundlcraft Shop. 15
Hot tamules and chili concarnu ut
Mike llanley returned home today
from a visit In the stnto metropolis.
Shoroleno, a wubIiiiIiIci fast color
material, in vurlous colors, for sum
mer dressos and waists; Handicraft
Bhopj 15
Delco-Llght Electricity for every
farm, . J. 10. Bartlett, Medford Hotel,
Medford, Ore.
Aniorlcan Legion ball, Krlduy. 14
Tlio oloctrlc cookery duniunstru-,
tiohB at the Callfornlu-Orognn l'owor
Co. salosrootn started yosturduy und
are proving most popular. They will
continue all this week. r "
Easter cards. West Side Pharmacy.
, tf
Eoonomlzo by using scratch pads
(or use. Got them at this orflco. tr
Orros, tailors tor melt and women.
High grade only. Ashland, Oro.
J. V. Drown of Haglo Point, was In
Medford today on business, lie says
they are clearing on the Prospoct-
Crater iLnku highway nnd expect to
start grading now in a few days. .Mr.
Brown reports a snowfall neur Pros
pect of 10 Inches lust week.
The Chamhor or Commerce Is a
clearing, house for community
thought and action. Join. tf
Hemstitching 10c por yard, throad
furnished. Singer Shop, 115 West
Main. ,
Anierlcnn I.uglon ball, Friday. 14
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris lUrlih of .lack-
sonvillo, arrived homo this torenoon
from tbulr month's absence at Port
land during which Mr. Ulrjch under
niont a Borious oporutlon in a hospi
tal ot that city. While still quite-
weak he Is reeling well and walked
unasslstod from tho train to1 uu auto
Dolco-Llght Electricity for ovory
farm. J. 10 Bartlott, Medrord Hotel,
Medford, Oro.
Kor Sulu New nnd second-hand
machines. Singer Shop, 115 West
Main, phono 215-H.
Tablets und scratch puds made or
news print, for school and offtcu use
for solo at this orflco. '. tf
A. U illriimwell Is registered ut tin
Hotel Portland, ut I'oilliind, as from
Medford. -
aluchinen rented nnd repnlred
Singer Shop, phone 215-H.
The Hluii I II id Is tho Packard of
Electric clothes washers.
American Legion bull. Friday. 14
.Mrs. Maud Kuhll left lust night
for her homo In Kugenn utter a
week's visit with friends and rela
tives In Applegute.
' ' often follows
Neglected Cold
Standard cold remedy (or 20 years
in tablet lorm -sue, tute, no
opiate breaha up a cold in 24
uouri relieves trip in oav.
Money bath if it (alia. The
genuine box haa a Ked
lop w 1 1 n Mr, Mill
At All Drag Stmt
' J)ay J'hone !K!7
Wight I'lioncn-rK. W. Weeks,
A. E. Orr, 227-J.U.
If . ' w
'Ira Tunguto of Butte Falls, Is a vis.
Itor in the city who arrived yesterday.
Iiardwell Fruit Co. now have a car
loud of mill run which they ure retail
ing at $4 8.00 per ton. . 14
"We have a few garden seeds at
this ofrice to distribute to those who
Mr. and Mrs. Horace I'elton or Cold
Hill and their guest, Mrs. E. M. Berg
man or Oakland, Calif., ure guests ut
the Medford, huving arrived in the
city Monday.
Handicraft Shop. . 15
' American legion ball, Friday. 14
The Uoyul Neighbors will hold an
open meeting en Wednesday after
noon at the home or Mrs. Idu Wood,
on No. 19, Peach street. All inter
ested or contemplating Joining the
order are invited to attend.
Hemstitching and pecoting is an
attractive finish for any summer ma
terial. Handicraft Shop. 15
For eye, eat, nose, throat sec Dr.
Heine, Liberty Hldg. Classes fitted.
V. S. Owinnell of Minneapolis, and
W. A. Carrothers of Seattle, are
guests ut the Medford, as are also
the following Oregonlans: F. E.
Powell of 'Albany and E. .1. Hinkey,
L. 10. Kennulis, and L. W. Josse of
Portland. J
Beautiful new gowns and combina
tions In Pacific Package goods. llan-
dlcrart Shop. 15
Orres, tho ladles' tailor, will be at
Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine
woolens, lutest styles ulwuys. tf
Harry Whitney and II. B. Clark
wore in tho city today from the Argo
mine which is located about four
miles below Calice. They are looking
over the property with tho idea of
purchasing It, If It appears to1 he as
good as they think. They went to
Medrord this afternoon where they
llvu, but will return to the mine the
first of tho week. tlrunts Pass
Expert phonograph repairing. 45
South Central. Phono tilfi-J. 34
Hasliius for health.
American Legion members ure
urged to bo present ut tho meeting of
the post tonight ut the Moose hull.
Election und Installation of officers
will bo the main feature of the ooca-
slon, and It is important that all bo
Drink Lithla Mineral water for
rhoumutism, stomach and kidney
troubles. Ordor from Jackson County
Savo from $3 to $10 on a tire at
tho big sale. C. 15. dates Auto Co. tf
IlOdwln J, 1 1 uu y u ril , tho city market
master, was down today for his first
real outing since his recent ultuck of
pneumonia, looking quite pule and
thlu. He Is still fur from strong but
will bo on partial duty ut tho publie
market tomorrow.
Lithla Mineral water by the case.
JackBon County Creamery.-
IMr. and Mrs, Earl Browne returned
yostortlay from having spent Easter
with Mrs., Brown's parents, Mr. and
.Mrs. J. A. Slover ut Grants Puss.
Broken forgings and castings, all
shupes, all metals, all sizes, welded,
ro-inforced nnd guaranteed. Vulcan
Welding Works, 3 South Front St.
)We writo tiro liisuruncu, Ueddun
& Canaday, 32 N. Central, phono 720
Henry llurckii, the (irauls Pass
moving picture man spent Monday on
buslnoss in this city.
Buforo soloctlng material see our
lino of children's ready-made dresses
priced from two to six dollars. Handi
craft Shop. 16
Christian Endunvorers ot Kr.'guo
Ulver valley will he glad to learn or
tho cuming ot Lloyd Carrick, former
stale president, for a surles of Chris
tian Endeavor rallies, boKlunlng pro
bably May 1, at Medrord or Ashland,
with a May day festival and Institute
suys tho Ashlund Tidings. Plans are
under way now to make this a great
duy for Endeavorors.
'Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlero for
XuHone. Phone 5S5-.I.
Tho .losephlno county grand Jury
convened ut (irunts Pass yostcrday
for the April term of court with
Judge Calkins on the bench. No
cuses aro set for trial except that of
Hoy Pike and Itoburt Tubus, who ure
charged with dynamiting fish In the
Applegute river lust month. It Is not
thought probable that tho men will
reiiuiru a Jury as they have slgniried
their Intention, it Is clnimed, uf plead
ing guilty.
It. I. eggs ut DeVoe's.
Mrs. Lowell Ziinilull nnd Mr. and
Mrs. Kinll (iucuettu returned to this
city Monday from an Faster visit
with Mr. und Mrs. Jaincs Manuel at
tirauts Pass.
Mrs. Clllon. an experienced millin
er or Portland, has recently purchus
ed tlir millinery department at the
M. M. store rrom Mrs. Tinges and will
carry up to date stocks.
Prices cut to the bottom at the big
sale. C. E. Cates Auto Co. tr
llluvo you tried Hie l.ithiu Mineral
wuter from tho .lucksi.ii County
Creainory. It hns great medicinal
Mrs. J. W. Keyes und three chil
dren who has been n guest of her
mother, .Mrs. II. II. Pnttui-Hon for
seven months, leaves Wednesday for
her homo In Trenton, -Mich. Mr.
Keyes has a splendid position with
the Salva tjuiifiy company.
l!et tho habit! Buy shares now In
the Hitildlug and Loan. tf
See 1). U. Wood Co., ltm. '.'ii!i
Liberty lildg.. for fire Insurance, tr
L. Hedgecoth or Portland, and
M. X. Bnlleu or San Fracisco, are
registered at the Holland,
lYesterduy, an error in Henth'sl
Drug Store "ad" read: "Superior
Winer Class 33c a quart." It should
have read, "Superior Wuter Class 30c
a quart. 13
Don't forget to nsk to see those
$7.r0 trimmed hats at Mts. CiUcn's
millinery shop in tho balcony at the
.M. & M. Co. store. H
There will be no dunce at the Med
ford nat tomorrow night because of
the American Legion ball this week.
Have you called at the new mil
linery shop in the M. 4i M. Co. store
Mrs. (jillen will bo pleased to meet
you und show you a smart styled hat
ut from $5.50 to $7.50. I I
Ed and It. it. Charlruw are visitors
In the city from Cold Hill who ar
rived yesterday.
This Is your last chance this year
to lay in a few boxes of good firm
Newtown apples. Price $1.00, packed.
Bear Creek .Orchard. 4-t Itosenberg
Bros., Medford Hotel. . 15
See Mrs. (.alien of millinery dept.
M. & M. Co. stur.!. You will find a
smart line of popular priced millinery
At IherXush ure registered Mr. und
Mrs. ,J. H. Buslineil ot Brookings, S.
D., J. C. Spongier of Twin Kalis, Ida.,
and J. E. Gates of Suu Francisco.
Mr. Flshermun, get that fishing
rod re-wrapped, etc. Eaton, 30
North Holly. 17
Dr. Henry B. Purl, dentist, has
opened an office in Central Point. 10
-Mrs. Paul Hunson who was operat
ed on In u Portland hospital recently
has returned to her home on Orunge
Tho American Legion ball which
will be staged at tho Natatorium Fri
day, April 'J,- promises to bo one of
the big events of the season. Those
in charge of the affair are making
efforts to insure its complete success
in every way. The Imperial orchestra
will be augmented for the occasion
by the addition of two new members.
The lurge hall will be treated with a
scheme of decoration seldom seen out
side of the larger cities. All Indica
tions point to a record attendance for
thls ulfulr.
See page 88 of this week's Satur
day Evunlng Post. 14
Don't let unyono tell you thut other
clothes washers uro mudo on same
prlnclplo of the Blue Bird. '
Calitornlans registered nt the Med
ford include Mr. und Mrs. C. 1). Wut
k ins of Custella, S. W. Dwlnnell or
Macdoel, and tho following San Fran
ciscans: O. M. Preston, E. C. Smith,
T. M. McMnlion, J. M. Putnum, Louis
Dure, II. C. Ferguson und Jos. itosen
burg, See page 89 of this week's Satur
day Evening Post. 14
The Blue Bird electric washor, the
acmo of perfection, Is coming to Med
ford. "
"Miss Helen Philbrook und . Miss
Muiid Anderson loft this morning. for
a visit of a week or so in Portluud.
See Venice and dio. See a Blue
Bird washer and you will want to
Tho city council will hold Its first
moutlng uf tho mouth tonight.
Always Is thero u cheery smile of
welcome In tho Blue Bird homo,
iMrs. 11. B. Puttorson entertuined
Weilnesduy evening ot lust week in
honor of the birthday of her duugh-1
ter, Mrs. J. W. Keyes. Covers were
laid for ten. The house wits heuuti
fully dueorutod with lowers, und a
royul time wus tho result.
For the host Insurance see Holmes
tho 'Insurance Man.
In a peculinr uccldent Monday
ufternoon one of tho Jackson County
Creumury autoB driven by Lylo Plckel
was almost totully destroyed by fire
near Tolo, The gas tubo leading
from the engine to thu spark plug
broke und the gas escaping caught
fire. Buloro the riumes wore extin
guished the body uf tho cur hud been
hurnod away. Tho wheels, engine
and running gear wero. saved, due to
a favorublu wind.
State of Ohio, City ot -.'c;eJo.
Lucas County, bs.
Frank J, Cheney nmkos onth that he
Is senior partner of tho linn of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and thut stfld tli-ui will puv tlio sum of
and every cuso of Cauu-rli thut cutuiot bo
curod by the uno of HALL'S CAT A It KM
Sworn to bofore me nnd subscribed In
my presence, this 6th:ttuy of December,
A. D. 1SS6. A. W. CLKASON,
(Sen!) Notary Public.
Hull's fntal'rh Medtclno is taken lu
tornully un-t acta tho Ulood on
ttte fitticotis Surfaces of the System. 3ond
for testimonials, froo.
F. J. I'llKNUY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by utl ilruitKist. 75c.
Hall's Family rills for constipation.
Broken tonse Accurately Duplicated
Suite 1-2 over May Co.
308 E, Main. Uoitalr.
For exclusive styles and
smartness sec Hie
at the
Vanity Shop
Next Rialto Theater.
Tho catching or several salmon at
Grants Pass on Sunday and Monday
Is reported In the Grants Pass Cour
ier, which says thut G. E. Anderson
caught one Chinook that dressed 2 0
pounds. Trout ure said to be taking
the bait ut present aud steelliead ure
also biting.
This is your last chance this year
to lay in a few boxes of good firm
Newtown apples, price $1,00, packed.
Bear Creek Orchard or Itosenberg
Bros., Medford Hotel. 15
Have you seen those smart crea
tions iu georgette und trunspureul, ut
the new millinery shop conducted by
Mrs. .1. Gilleu on the balcony ut the
l. & M. Co. store
XOGALKS. Ariz.. April 0
I'mIcsk tlio Southern J'lurific; of
.lV.icti mitro;il and ils ntrikin-i
inijves (Miinti to nn arefiiieiit
and truiiiK uro started running
within M'vt'nlv-two hours, thu
Mexican j'cenil irovorument will
sci.u thu railroad and operate
the trains with Koldiers. ui;cord
intx to an ultimatum served on
hoth sides at Nodules, Sonoru,
Such a movement hv the nov
ernincnt will result in u revolu
tion throimhoiiL the statu oL' So
lium, aceordintr to politieal lead
ers of Sonoru. who recently have
oiienlv threatened revolution
should the Carranza forces at
tempt to enter the state and as
sume jurisdiction over statu au
thorities. .
IMulto use of the 'Health Contre,
Saturday mornings, Hoom 7, &pariu
huilding. Watch tho posters.
(Notice to heating and building con
tractors. Bids will be received for
the residence of John Perl, corner
Sixth and Oultdale.
IS FRANK CLARK. Architect.
Achea, pains, nervousness, diffi
culty in urinattaci bften mean
cerious disorders. Tho world's
standard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles -
bring quick rsllof and often ward off
d tiadly disaaoaa. Known as the national
rsmody cf XI ol land for mofo than 200
yea re. All druggists, in three sfsea.
Look for tho nor:t GnM Mcdnltn orary Los
twl accept no Imitation
Tractor and Implement
Salesman Wanted
A good .opening for the
right man; good pay, steady
work, with a good future
Address X L, Tribune
Western Electric Power and Light Plants J
Paul Pumping Systems
Thor Washers and Ironers J
Hotpoint Appliances J
Eureka Vacuum Cleaners J
Hotpoint Ranges. 2
Power and Light Wiring 2
Line Construction
Motor Installations 2
Paul's Electric Store
Main at Central . . Phone 90
The Raster services at the Presby
terian church were such as to be
long remembered in the history of the
local church. A large number were
received in the church at the morning
service, a good indication that this
church is tuoroly ullve to its oppor
tunities In this community. The mu
sic was of exceptional! hiJi order
and thu seating cupaclty of the build
ing was inadequate at either service.
The urilstry cf all thu inusiciuns tak
ing part was of such a high order as
to mention anyone in particular
would he an injustice, but as many
have expressed themselves who havo
recently come from some of our lar
gest cities, "you will find no better
quartet or instrumental support any
where than you will hear here." This
church is certainly fortunate in being
able to obtain this exceptional talent
which is far abevo what Is generally
thought of when the term locul talent
is used, and the general appreciation
of their work and the ability of the
pastor is evidenced by the constantly
increasing number who worship with
this congregation.
HKKL1N, April "j. The Hroirress of
the German troops into thu liulir re
iiion was chronicled in the 1'ollowini
official statement issued today;
Tlu' action of the police forces ii
the' industrial reirion is proceeding
according to plan. Nebular troops
are present north of Bottrop, V-2t-phulia,
which Uuh not vet been occu
pied. The clearin1 action is also pro
irressi?nr east (if Dorlninnd,, which was
the first detachment, has. .just enter
ed and where it advanced airaiust
considerably stronger detachments of
red guards on the Leunen-Kameu
mine. In the lloerde district the
W'iekcdo railwa-y station has been
stormed hv red iruards, as were also
I he Admiriil nnd (iltieekiiuf mines.
WA.VnO-I) An experienced girl for
general housework. Apply 815
'East Main street. Phono 431-X.
t 13
KOIi SALK Al Fresh Jersey heifer.
V. K. Bryson, It. 1, Griffin Creek.
KOR SAL10 'Plymouth Barred Itock
O. A. C. eggs Phone 1 6.1-W or
call !iiy Portlund avenue. 17
WAXTKI) Second-hand entrance
door with glass pane. Box W. J.,
iCare of Mail Tribune. 13
KOR SALIC Poland China weaned
pigs, five dollars each. V. K. Bry
son, Route 1, Griffin Creek. 1
FOR RUNT Room In private h&mei
suitable for two gentlemen.' Hot
and cold water,' otith. Call 503
South Oakdnlo. Phono S72. 1.".
KOR SALK Ono horse six years old
weighing 4ii0. One milk cow.
, Clark & Childers, 127 North River
side. ( 15
WAN'TliiJ Cook. Good wages
right person. J'hone (i3t)-lt.
KOR SALKJIland press drill, size
No. !)8. Rosenberg IJrc'3., Bedford
(Hotel. 13
WANTKU To buy iron storage tank,
U0l gallons or larger. Tel.
19-K-21, It. C. AVtud. 15
"Smooth as silk,
To Your Pocketbook
We can save you from $10 to $25
on aii All-Wool Suit
We can save you from 2 to 5
dollars on a pair of Shoes
We can save you from 1 to 5
dollars on a Hat
Boys' Suits at . . . $9.00
Men's Bib Overalls . . 1.98
Men's Work Shirts . . 1.00
Canvas Gloves ... . .15
House Brooms, good ones .69
Better take a few minutes off and have a
look. It's all to gain and nothing to lose.
Cheapest Store in the West
Will You Save Money Now?
Use WATER GLASS to preserve
; the eggs that you can purchase today,
for 35c a dozen. It will be mighty
J easy later on to use
tiiv- liiainci JJUCC lb I JL UL UCILCI. TV C
have a superior W ATER GLASS at
30c a quart.
Heath's Drug Store
The San Tox Store '. "
YOUR, papers arc removed from such pos
sible iuuioyaiieo ulien safely deposited 1m a,
safe Deposit 15ox here at the First Xatioual.
Yuii have across to Dox when you th
'sire, but no cue else lias unless authorizetl
hy you in writing.
Iank of "A'atioiialized'' Arroiint.s
Vhe First National Bank"
eh? Same here
are "hitting on all
four" smoothness,1
taste, quality and value
What's the good word,' '
everywhere t youjgo ?
They satisfy I -
these 35c eggs when