Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 03, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    wcEnffomy 'mcm rimnfm. iForcn.- 'ortEuow RATtmnAY, "aprtp;i.- ..a,; 1920;
Office, Mall Tribune L-lllllng. 26-27-28
North l'lr street. Phone 75.
A consolidation of tho Democratic
Tlmeg. The Hertford Moll, The Medford
Tribune, the Southern Oregonlan. The
Aahland Tribune.
The Medford Sunday Bun Ib furnished
ubacrlbera desiring a auven-day dally
8. K. SMITH, Manager.
Dally, with Runday Sun, year H.OO
Pally, with Sunday Bun. month.... .6fi
. Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 8.00
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .50
Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 1.50
Sunday Sun, one year 1.50
BT CARRIER In Medford, Ashland,
Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix:
Dally, with Sunday Sun, year....7.50
Dally, with Sundny Sun, month 66
Dally, without Sunday Sun, year- 8.00
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .50
Offlcfnl paper of tho City of Moil ford.
Official paper of Jackson County.
Entered as second-class mntter at
Medford, Oregon, under tho act of March
, 1879.
Sworn dally avornKo circulation for
8lx months ending April 1919 3,074
Pull leased Wire Horvleo. Tho Asso
ciated Press Js exclusively entitled to
tho use for republication of all new
dispatcher) credited to It or not other
wise credited In tliln paper, and alao tho
local news published heroin. All rights
of republication of special dispatches
herein are also reserved.
Ye Smudge Pot
Bjr Artfcw Firry ,'
" Two mora Americans liavo ' been
slnin in Afexioo-. What is two Ainri-
cnnH in 1.10 millions? lSesicles there
is tho spriritunl iiiilift of tho lio
niuhtetl Nyrinns on bund, nnd i'ar
from unfinished.
You nro nssured stendv work
nnd tho opportunity for rtdvnnco
mcnt is splendid; tolncrnpltv
tauL'ht freo to employes who
wish to lenrn.
; Appliennts must hnve whools.
Applv Messcnecr Supervisor,
Wostcrn Union Teh Co., 70 Third
Discovered, nlipped and contributed
by C. E. V. N.
Tho rnnrriuco of Mnrv Pickford tj
Douclns Fairbnnks, nlso gives Owen
Moore, the luto husband, a lot of
Tlin Oirl's fllen club nP thn TTnivnr
sidv of Oregon adorned tho boafds at
tlio I'nifo J'ntlnv nnrnt. As is custo
mary with worthy entertainments, "n
small but appreciative nudienco" at
tended. '
So far in this campaign, no "second
fYbo Lincoln," or "socond Messiah"
has popped mi.
, . -An Espoo froiirllt linccrcd so lone
on tho Main stem crossing Friday
p. m that a rumor started that nn
other railway striko had been called.
Portlnnd rmpcrs chronicle the news
that "wild enthusiasm" greeted the
compromise of'H. H. fish controversy
No enthusiasm, wild or tamo, was
Ezra Pimple lias the nicusels, no
corning 10 tho Moiinlnm Mow cur-
respondent of (ho Klamath Herald
"10.000 Mules Without n Puntduro'
Ad line Marshfiohl Kecord. No kick
(1 no.
If tho pasting of tho Kcnrcliliultt of
Duplicity on Josephtis Daniels seems
surprising, wait till Ihu scarchliu'lil
hits the department of Nootv linker.
(This 01. Mi ll 15)
I The Painfully l'rnpor nre now
nmr the alnful way hair ,1s
dressed, other than strnlRht
back, ono wad, ono hairpin. Ono
of those flno days tho reform hy
torla will backflro whilo tho
cranks are criinklnR.
('orvnllls (jnzottr, Apr 1
Tho Painfully Proper are now
after tho sinful way hair Is
dressed other than stralRht hack,
fno wad, ono hairpin. One of tho
flno tho reform hystarla
will liackflro whilo the cranks
; are cranking.
Tribune's Daily
Health Hint
'' Hy Harriot llm-wln;.
Itulilcs, or hydropholiln, ts a dls
eiiso that has taken such hold of tho
popular ImuKinatiou that tho wllriont
stories aro current reKiirtllnK Us
symptoms In tho human victim. Tho
Pntlont froths at tho mouth, barks
llko a doa. and what not. Indeed
State of Ohio, City oi -Xcioao.
, Jucas County, no.
t Frank J., Cheney mnlcefl oath ttiat he
.la acnlor partner if the Arm of V. J.
Cheney & Co., doing busliH'ad In tho City
at Toledo, County anil tilate ufureimld.
and that raid firm ltll pay tho Bum of
iCNB HUNDRED DoLl.AllS for e.irh
And overy cuso of Catarrh tluit i-unnot bo
cored by the uo of II ALb'8 CATAURII
-. 6worn to before mo and sub.ii-rlbed In
my prcnenco, this Ctll dny of IVromber,
A. r lS8. A. W. ni.KASON
(Scat) i Notary IMMic.
Hnll s Catarrh Medicine I taken in
ternally on acta. thrown trie Wood on
the Mik-ouh Surfueea of the Byeteni. Bond
tor teatlinnnlftlB. frefl. '
K. J. CHUNKY ft CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by all dm(rliit, I5o.
fiall'f uniHy rilla tor ooMtlpaUoa.
OXCE upon a time we saw Douglas Fairbanks roll down
a precipice like a joy riding boulder, land on bis feet,
jump a raging torrent, leap to the back of a polka dot cay and boat it for the horizon witli a baffled group of
Mexican bandits cursing silently on the rim in a comical
close-iip. , , .' ;
Now a man who can do that can do almost anything.
We also saw Mary Pickford many years ago put a rich
ly dressed motor magnate and his haughty daughters to
rout by waving a dead cat in the air by the tail, and then
concluded the performance fifteen minutes later by marry
ing the aforesaid magnate's only son .and heir.
Now a woman who can do that can do almost anything. we wonder if this habit of perfoniing the romanti
cally impossible hasn't rather gone to our hero-heroine's
cranavjosT , ilie trouble with the latest J iurbanks-J.-'jek-ford
reel seems to us, it's reality, unlike all the others, it's
not sik'iit. .' -
The words that pronounced them man and wife were
real words, the deserted Mrs. Fairbanks and Dougy, Jr.,
are real people, Mr. Owen Moore, the disconsolate and out
raged husband, is no longer a celluloid projection of lights
and shades, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug are not to be king and
queen oL' an imaginary kingdom; but two rather conspicu
ous an I over-advertised humans with a genuine domestic
problen) on their hands. .
J lie af tair would be a "knock out at a 1'alace ot iMient
art. But we are very fearful of the outcome at 75(5-Blank
Boulevard, Los Angeles.- Films have a way of twisting and
cracking disconcertingly in real life.
It. W. Iluhl of Medford and Kditor Patterson of Hcppnor came out sim
ultaneously for 'Mr. Hoover In their papers about February l, on tho same
approximuto dato that a score rf Oregon republicans began spreading
Hoover sentiment. 'Portland Orcgoniun.
HIST! Step softly Ilawkshaw, there's a deep and dark
political conspiracy about. The Oregonian consumes
a column of valuable space, constructing a scenario depict
ing the craftily constructed plot just consummated by the
independent liepublican conspirators. All this Hoover
tc-lk was prearranged. .
Listen: '
It Is percolating In some political quarters that tho .Herbert Hoover
presidential boom, instead of being spontaneous, has been carefully and
craftily staged. ' There aro indications In Oregon that the Hocver boom
was stowing for at least throe months before coming to the surface, and
that tho machinery was wound up and Bet to start when word was given.
Wouldn't that titillate your risibilities? Now we have
often read political mystery tales like this and- wondered
if they were true. We have usually dismissed them with
the suspicion that they were, for politics is full of under
currents and subtle maneuveruigs, and the ignorant are
always credulous.
But here at last we have a whispering Willie that we
can scotch. ' There was ho prearranged Hoover boom. We
don't even enjoy tho pleasure of Editor' Patterson's
acquaintance. The scorn of Republican spreading Hoover
sentiment arc as unknown to us as the lost Digainma. Who
ever wrote this romantic pipe dream, is wasting his talents
as a news dispenser, lie should be publicity agent for
Alexander the Great.
As for the date, The Mail Tribune came out for
Hoover January second. That's only a month late. Not
bad for a political sleuth hound. , ,
WITH April comes the feeling that winter's hit the
ceiling, and spring at last is here; we are not,
always freezing, or catching cold aiid sneezing, and flu
germs disappear. The winter's grim and dreary, it
makes us sad,and weary, it fills our bones with aches;
but April is enchanting, and we begin our plant big, and
plying hoes and rakes. The winter's knell is tolling,
and naught is more consoling than is the breath of
sprJng; there's solace in its breezes, and men are simply
cheeses who do not dance and sing. The tumble-bug is -tumbling;
the bumblebees arc bumbling, the grass is
getting green: this fact appeals to reason; there is no
better season for burning gasoline. Oh, April is a hum
mer, she is the cheeiTril comer who gets the welcome
sign; though .sometimes wet and windy, inclined to raise
a shindy, her curves are mostly fine'. She shows that
w inter's ended, for she is not attended by snow and ice
and sleet; with cold she's never sung iis, and so siie
lands among us with both her queenly feet.
(hose have appeal to tho common
sonso of sumo to tho extent of tholr
saying that tho disease in tho human
subject is purely a four disease nn
hysteria. Hut this Is not tho case.
There may ho hystoricul cases, and
there may ho quoer symptoms in
these. Hut thero aro authenticated
cases of true rabies in man where
tho patient was not nwarn ot having
been bitten by n mad dog ami was not
Tho word "hydrophobia" is itself
misleading, meaning us It docs "fenr
of water." Tho dog is not afraid of
water. It has a paralysis of the
throat, and cannot drink because it
cannot swalluw. This paralysis Is
also Hie cause of tho frolh and nf
the cunstnnt snapping of tho Jaws.
The same symptoms to n very limited
degree uro observed in tho human
victim, hut tho throat paralysis Is
very real.
'Wo usually associated rabies with
tho summer time. This Is not accur
ate. Our health laboratory gets as
many rabies cases in winter ns in
summer. Only In tho dog days dogs
are subject to more Illness nnd every
pot.T dog that exhibits any signs, of
allmont Is mistaken for mad and
killed, sometimes in a very cruol
way. n is bettor that several dogs
bo killed than that ono be allowed to
bite people: but let's have them shot
outright by a good marksmiin. Ami
let us havo drinking fountains for
nogs so that thirst will not mnko
tliem suffer and get sick.
People bitten by really mad dogs
get tho Pasteur treatment that usual
ly precludes all development cf the
disease. If the dog hlto is ever so
slight it should be treated hv n dnr-
lor immediately, and the dog observ
ed tor rallies. Tnts can be done with
out killing the dog.
THREADED Rubber" Insula
tion permits the Bone Dry
shipment and storage of batteries,'
so that no matter how long the
dealer keeps them in stock they are
brand new when they go out of
the door on his customers' cars.
Ask us about it
Electric Shop
Medford, Oregon
.t j' -
Whether large or small is
cordially invited by the bank
which for tho past 32 years
has been helping this city
and county to grow and pros
per. V Deposits Over $1,075,000.
Could Not Stand Straight.
It does not take long, when the
kidneys are out ot order and not do
ing their work properly, for poison
oils nrids to accumulate in the system
and cause aches and pains. II. C. Da
tmmd. i'Sfir) W. SO St.. Cleveland. O.
writes: "I ennght cold nntl It settled
In my kidneys. My back and sides
wero sc lame nnd soro I could not
stand straight. 1 used Foley Kidney
IMIt.. I I, .
Jto testify 10 their helping power."
Fifth and North Riverside
Telephone 11
The Dow Hospital
Graduate Nurses Only
Special Attention to": X-Ray Cases.
- Operators of coal properties lu
Utah and Wyoming advise buying
your winter Bupply now. The Idea is
spreading that the coal commission
may award the miners a further ad
vance in wages, as well as to make
ether concessions that, will furthor
materially Increase tho cost of pro-,
'Wo can now fill your orders with
different sizes ot
Dry Wood of All Kinds on
Phono 212
531 So. Front St
Will your chickens lay eggs ir they
aro full of lire mid uiltrs'.'
Got busy with
A powerful dip nml disinfectant, and
rid your house of these frps robbers.
Seed & Feed Co.
317 East Main Strut
Go Anv Where. Any Time
I Mnko Them
12S East Main St.
Sales Stables
Horses bought, sold and
exchanged by D. S. Litts.
Dr. O. A. Gitzeiij former
government veterinarian.
148 No. Riverside, Medford
Phones Office, 810; resi
deiiee, 7J6-R,
SOME people carefully bank their money
and then permit their Notes, Deeds, Bonds,
Warrants, Contracts, Abstracts and Mort
gages to remain where they arc subject to
fire, thaft and forgetfulness.
'A First National SAFE DEPOSIT BOX
will save you from worry and possible loss.
"Nationalized Accounts"
Medford Oregon
always :
At every Giant Powder plant the chemical laboratory con
trols the processes of manufacture. They make continuous
tests that insure the unvarying; high-quality of Giant Powders.
Each pound of Giant Powder is "exactly like every other
pound of the same grade. Such uniformity means economy,
efficiency, safety. Professional risers of Giant Powders
miners, quarrynien, contractors all know that the name
"Giant stands for utmost dependability in explosives.
When you have land to clear, trees to plant, subsoil to be
broken or ditches to be blasted, tell your dealer to get for
you one of the Giant Farm Powders Eureka Stumping or
Giant Stumping. Don't accept any ordinary dynamite, but
insist on genuine Giant Powder, bearing the Giant trade
mark on every box.
A pojialwilt bring you our book. Better Farming with Giant Farm Pow
ders." Its Si pases-arc full of short-cuts and labor-savtnB method. .
"EvcrnlMiif: for Blasting" , .
Fit st National Hank nirfj:., San Frannisro
Branch Offices: Denver, 1'ottUnd, bait Lake City, Seattle, Spokac
Crater LakelHardware Co.
Medford, Oregon. ' "'. '" V'
the "Dry-Charged'l
Eight months addled
to your battery life
IS YOUR battery failing? It may want
attention today without your know
ing it. Why not obtain our expert advice
without cost and add., to your car
economy? , .
We will give you -the kind of battery
service the Golden Rule stands for. We'll
not try to sell you a new battery if your
old one is repairable. And if it is, we'll
guarantee it for eight months on an ad
justment basis.
If it is not repairable we'll sell you a
USL Battery with durable Machine
Pasted Plates. Cur Service is a Good-
v Will Builder.
Auto Electric Equipment Co.
27 No. Grape St. 1 Medford. Ore