PXOE TWO STEDPORD ITKTL TRIBUNE. ftrEPFO'RB, ORFifly. - SaTFTRPAY. A WITT; X mo IocdBie& The TriRonlo. company oil well is now at a depth of over 120 foot and the drill is still going in soft shale. The progress so far made is deemed satisfactory by the -.mpaiiy's offi cers. As the drill go'.a deeper inter est in the -well is increasing daily among the 700 stockholders of the company. A mechanically perfect washing machine made beautiful by an artist's skill is the Bluebird. 14 Brown ft White. Kealtors, have re moved from 10 South Kir street, to the room next south of the hotel lobby in tbe Holland Hotel building. - n American Legion hull, Frl., Apr. th ' 15 The concert given by the Univer sity of Oregon Girls Glee club at the Page theatre last night wm a delight ful one which was much enjoyed by the appreciative audience. .Moat of the varied program was the singing of classical and popular selections by the club. The solos by Miss Mar garet Phelps, violinist and Mr. Engel diuger, were splendid features of the entertainment, and the drainullc aketch ot college life was much en joyed. . . - t See page 89 of this week's Satur day Evening Post. H" lou ought to Insure i your auto with Redden & Canaday, '32 N. Cen tral. Phone 720. Follow the crowds! Medford -Nat. tonight, Apr. 3. A real dance! 11 Appropriate Easter, services with extra features will be the rule In the churches of the city tomorrow. Furniture and household goods carefully packed and crated.., Doug las 101 South Central. Phone CIS-J S19 With spring and sunshine comes the Bluebird and happiness. 14 Bib overalls 1.SS. Will II. Wilson. 11 American Legion ball, Fri., Apr. 9th 15 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas and aon Eugene returned home Friday even ing from southern California where they have spent the winter. They made the trip home from Mexico In their car. Furniture upholstering, mattresses made over. General repairing. Doug las, 101 South Central. Phone 615-J. 319 Week-end party! Medfvrd Nat. Sat. Apr. 3. Everybody's going! 11 Week-end party! Medford Nat. to night, Apr. 3. Imperial orchestra! ,-' 11 It was decided at lost night's meet ing at Ashland of the Mystic Shrine of lllllah temple to hold another cere monial on tbe first Saturday in June at Ashland. This comes Just before the national conclave of the 'Mystic Shrine at Portland. American Legion ball, Frl. Apr. 9. Don't fail to hear "Dardanella" of the new Gold Seal Emerson records. Plays on any machine. Hale's Piano House. Carl Jeachke, high grade watch and clock repairing. 9 Fir street. ' 'PaxBon's "Superb" Duhllas. cata logue for postcard or phone 11, 11. II. Paxson, Central Point. . 11" California visitors In tho city who are registered at tho iModford lire Mrs. J. P. Demi and children of Camas Valley, A. C. Booth of Los An geles. Miss Florence Torum and Miss Bessie McMunus of liosevillo, W. V Boll way of Vallejo, and H. W. 'Mc Lean and F. Jj. Morton ot San Fran Cisco. Week-end party! ModfOrd Nat. to night, Apr. 3. Everybody's going! 11 ,.,lBlb overalls f 1.88. Will 11. Wilson 11 Hot tamalb n(i mm concarna at DeVoe'a. i The public market today was light one, but was very good consid ering the time ot tuo your. Superin tendent Kunyanl was still at home convulescing from his attack of the flu. Easter cards. West Side Pharmacy tf A community servlco organisation does for tho community what an in dividual would like to If ho could. Be one of the four hundred in the Great er Medford organization. Join the Chamber of Commerce. tf People who believe In' homo pro duction and will help boost the pro duct will benefit themselves which will establish a payroll. You can buy Ciold Hill Portland cement at the Medford Cement Brick & Block Wbrks, cor. Fir and Tenth streets Phono 365-J. 11 The V. of O. Girls Glee club left this forenoon for Ashland where the club gives a concert Saturday night. The club sings at Klamath Falls ou Monday night. When you help your town you help yourself. Join the Chamber of Com merce, tt Orrea, tailors for men and women High grade only. Ashland, Ore. ' JUb. overalls J 1.98. Will II. Wilson 11 Flowors for Easier Lilies, roses. hydrangeas, freeslas. carnations, vio lets, sweet peas, heather, cinerarl primroses. Maddox & Bonney. leu." East Main. 1 1 ' The outkok Is for a rainy Easter. The weather prediction of this mor ning was probable rain. See D. ft. Wooo. A Co., Rm. 109 Liberty Bldg., for fire Iccurance. tf McCurdy-Bowne Moior Co., Over land 4 and Republic truck stents, have taken a .temporary location In the Crater Lake Garage. tf Dressmaking ot all kinds. S22 North Central. 12 You are going to want a Corona typewriter sooner or later. Many sold ahead. Get your name on the tit Medford Book Store. 11 ftliss Viola Provost who Is a stu dent at St. Mary's academy Is sDend- ing tho week end with her father in Ashland. For eye, ear, nose, throat see Dr. Heine. Liberty Bldg. Glasses fitted. Your prosperity depends upon that of your neighbor. The Chamber of Commerce works for the welfare of all. Join. tf . Orres, the ladles' tailor, will be at Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine woolens, latest Btylea always. . tf" Heather wools for men's and boys sweaters. Handicraft Shop. . 15 Will Origsby of 531 East Main was operated upon In the Dow hospital this morning, lie will be out in a few days. : Anyone can see It's easier to row with the tide than against it. Join the Chamber of Commerce. tf Brunswick phonograpns on easy terms at Hale's Piano House. tf Sherelene, a washable fast color material, in various colors, for sum mer dresses and waists. Handicraft Shop. if Portland guests at tho Holland In clude O. Wyss, J. I. Lougblin and P. W. Loughlln. ( Just arrived. Car of famous Utah coal. Valley Fuel Co. Big shipment of Brunswick records Just arrived. Don't fall to hear thorn Hale's Piano House. Plays on any machine. Hasklns tor health. W. A. Marshall, stato Industrial accident commissioner was a visitor in the city Friday. Save from IS to 10 en a tire at the big sale. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tt Delco-Llght Electricity for every farm. J. E. Bartlett, Medford Hotel Medford, Ore. We write fire insurance. Redden & Canaday, 32 N. Central. Phone 720 As a fitting climax of the evangel istic campaign, which has been In progress at the First Methodist Epis copal church for the past three weeks the morning service tomorrow will be devoted to a baptlBmnl and reception service. Infants, children, and young people will lie baptized. A large num ber will be received into the church. Easter cards. West Side Pharmacy. tf The best soft shell walnuts on tho market at Warnor, Wormian & Gore. . 11 Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere tor N'uBone. Phone S85-J. Guests at the Nash yesterday and this morning wore Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Cochran of Palo Alto, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drnyfehl of Fairmont, Minn., Mr. and .ys. B. II. Warren of Luke Wilson, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. C. II. lleinke of Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Smith or Seattle, and H. Marshall of Uulte, Mont. Economize by using scratch pads for use. Get them at this office, tf The Chamber or Commerce is a clearing house for community thought and action. Join. tf dlomstltching 10c per yard. throad furnished. Singer Shop, 115 West Main. The University of Oregon Girls Glee club entertained the student body of the high school Friday after noon with several selections during the assembly hour. Follow the crowds! Medford Nat. Sat. Apr. 3. A real dance! . 11 Don't fall to hear "Fast Asleep In Poppy Land" on the new Gold Seal Emerson records. Plays on any ma chine. Hale's Piano House. W. T. Cordor and 1. C. Hurris or the 'United States navy are guests at tho llotol Holland. Dolco-Llght Electricity for every farm. J. E Bartlett, Medford Hotel. Medford, Ore. For Sale New and second-hand machines. Singer Shop, 115 West Main, phone 215-lt. uMuny Knights Templar from Grants Pass and -Medford will attend tbe Ashland Knights Templar Easter services in the Methodist church of that city Sunday aftornoon, -which be gin at i o'clock, and at which the ser mon will be delivered by the grand prelato or tho grand coramandcry of the Knights Templar of Oregon, Rev William Wallace toungsun. 1). D., on the suhoct "Modern Chivalry." The Ashluiid cotimiandery will conduct ritualistic service in connection with the sermon. Machines rented and repaired Singer Shop, phone 215-H. It. I. Reft eggs at Dt oe'a. J. K. Flurry, district supervisor of a well known life Insurance company Is in the city from Roseburg on bus! ness, having arrived last night. Week-end party! Medford Nat. Sat. Apr. 3. Imperial orchestral 11 For tho beat Insurance see Holmes the Insurance Man. American Legion hall. Frl. Apr. 9.' Kenneth McCullocti ot Pittsburg Pa., is a newcomer in Medford. He Is connected with the engineering de partment of the California-Oregon Pcwer company. The Blue Bird Is the Packard of Electric clothes washers. ' House brooms 69c. Will H. Wilson 11' Dr. George Rebec of the University of Oregon who is visiting in Medford this week was an Ashland visitor on Friday. Hardvrell Fruit Co. now have a car load of mill run which -they are retail Ing at HS.O'i per ton. 14 See page S9 or this week's Satur- lar Evening Post. 14 Guests rroin ,a distance registered at the Hotel Medford are H. C. Ado- meit and H. A. Cassaw of Chicago. Theo. Flinch cf Warrensburg, Mo.. C. Spingler of Twin Falls. Ida . W. Volts of Moscow, Ida., and J. T. Karnes of Seattle. Pecoting Hemstitching Handicraft Shop. 15 Moure lirooms 69c. Will 11. Wilson II' Mrs. O. S. Welcher. wife of the Central Point road supervisor, under went a major operation in the Dow hospital Friday morning. She is do ing nicely. Don't let anyone tell you that other clothes washers aro made on same principle or the Blue Bird. 'Hemstitching and peentlng is an attractive finish for any summer ma terial. Handicraft Shop. 15 The week end dancing party at the nat tonight promises to draw a record crowd from all parts of the valley. Tbe large hall is nil in readiness to take care of the throngs and the Im perial orchestra will provide modern dance music.. Dancing will be free till 9:3V p. ru. Tablets and scratch pads made of news print, for school and office use for sale at this office. tf Will pay 12.50 for men's good sec ond hand coats. Will H. Wilson. 10 See page 89 of this week's Satur day Evening Post. 14" 'Mrs. U. K. Rigar of Medford who was recently operated upon In the Dow hospital returned to her home yesterday fully recovered. House brooms 68c. Will II. Wilson. 1 1 Have you seen the used car bar gains that we are offering. McCurdy- Bowne Motor Co. J" rank R. Roberts,-the well known Medford auto man who preparatory to assuming charge of the C. E. Gates Auto company mechanical and repair department took the foreman's and shop management course at the Ford fuclory at Detroit, Mich., arrived home this week from Detroit and has assumed his new position. Earlier in the week he attended the big Ford agents gathering at Portland. Prices cut to the nuttom at the big sale. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tf Have you tried the Llthla Mineral water from the Jackson County Creamery. It has great medicinal value. O. L. Brown and Walter Smith are among the Klumath Falls visiters in the city who are stopping ot the Nash. G. E. Stowell, local engineer for the Oregon Bureau of Mines, leaves this evening for Seattle to attend the International Mining convention. The Bureau of Mines has assembled and will have on display a representative collection of Oregon ores and min erals to show new discoveries and de velopments in the mining industry within the stute. 'Much interest centers In the Jled- rord post of the American Legion ball scheduled Tor Friduy of next week and an affair as successful and brilliant as was the Armistice ball is anticipated.. It will be somewhat In the nature or an Inauguration hull, us the election of officers for tho pom will be Jield Tuesday and prepara tions are being made for unusual dec orations. The music will be furnish-i ed by the Imperial orchestra. Before selecting material see our line of children's ready-made dresses priced from two to six dgllars. Handi craft Shop. 15 Get the habit! Buy shares now In the Building and Loan. tf IF. Gllhoon or California has pur chased the R. F. Bolz ranch near Phoenix of which he will take posses sion about May 1st. The Blue Bird electric washer, the acme of perfection, Is coming to Med ford. Expert phonograph repairing. 4 5 South Central. Phone 615-J. 34 A Medford man now is operating the Patrick's Creek hotel at -Waldo, Oro., In tho person of R. Mcllveen. He Is an ex-service man and In his capacity of landlord expects to look after the comfort of the loval mining men who have frequent business in Josephine county, and tho tourists be tween Grunts Pass and Crescent City this summer. ' American Legion ball, Frl. Apr. 9. Always Is there a cheery smile or welcome in the Blue Bird home. Medford housewives nro looking forward to the electric cookery dem onstration which will take place at the California-Oregon Power com pany office next week. The demon stration will 1e conducted by Miss (ialvin, home economist who Is recog niied as an authority on the modern science of electric cooking. Drink Llthia Mineral water for rheumatism, Btomach and kidney troubles. Order from Jackson County Creamery. American Legion ball, Frl. Apr. 9. F. 11. lxwis of Eugene, traveling agent of the Southern Pacific lines has been in the city the past two days looking after traveling weltare of the V. of O. Girls Glee club, and will accompany the club to Klamath Falls and on their return trip home See Venice and die. See a Blue Bird washer and you will want to live. Patrick Dalley and Ed Walker, "the! deputy fish and game wardens ar rlveu home Friday night from a visit yesterday to Brown's cabin about six miles rrom Union creek. They re port much snow in that high country. abi.it 2 s teot at Union creek and hip deep at Brown's cabin. They hiked it from Union creek to the cabin with much difficulty, report that the snow is too soft for the use of sklis and that it will go away quickly with a few rains. It was still snowing hard when they left Union creek 'ind it took them about four hours to buck thru the snow to Pros pect with their Ford auto. Llthia Mineral water by the case. Jackson County Creamery. Tbe county conference of the Rogue River district in the -Baptist new world moveniunt will be held at Grants Pass at a data to be deter mined later but probably the latlerj part of May. Rev. W. T. S. Sprlggs and II. C. Garnett, both of Medford, will he moderator and vice moderator respectively. . Beautiful new gowns and combina tions in Pacific Package goods. Han dicraft Shop. 15 Portland residents stopping at the Medford yesterday and this morning were T. A. Richardson, P. B. Peter son, T. M. Hicks, L. A. Newton, K. W. Buckets, Anne Vannett, David A. Purkins. H. J. Johanesen and Ted Scandon. Broken forgings and castings, all shapes, all metals, all sizes, welded, re-inforced and guaranteed. Vulcan Welding Works. 39 South Front St. BIG CHICAGO R. R. THREATENS SiGNOR RECEIVES J. C. Siftnor, located in the Kor Inek building on North Fir street, has received a carload of Holder tractors, one of the oldest of standard makes of farm power machinery. Tbe Hei der has been 11 years on the market, and possesses mechanical advantages, it is said, not common. A shipment of plows, etc.. attachable to the Hel per were ulso received. Mr. Signor livewire Implement man. and is MRS. THOMAS' WORD TO WOMEN Tells of the Great Good Lydia E.- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Did For Her. CHICAGO, April 3 Sixteen thous ami live hundred railroad switchmen the I'hicntro terminals will wall; out before Momlav morniiur, cimsint complete suspension of Irehjlit tral- t'lf. unless the demands oi'i seven hun dred striking employes of the Chi- eii'.'o, Milwaukee anil St. J'mil roa'l ire urunted, John (.iriiiuui. lenillr of the strikers, ina:. announced this mora- AND rMnltn Comninndery attend Easter service, day, April 4, 1920, m., t the First will Sun- at 2 p. M. K. I Church, Ashland, Rev. C. A Ldwards, pastor in charge. The ser mon viH e .leMc'toT b$ ,he,Kev. William Wallace? Voungsou." Grand Prelate of the-firnnd t'ommandery of Oregcti, anclr Pot1 Prelate of the Grand Encampment of the United States, K. T. Melita Commandery No. S, of Grants' Pass, has accepted our Invitation, to iinlte with us at this service. . '' ? " I. Memliers ofHhe two Commander ies, with, other. visiting and sojourn ing frutors, together .with their ladies will gather at the Asylum In Masonic Hall. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p. 111. ,-'.- Full Knight Templar uniform. IF. D. -WAGNER, E. C. W. H. DAY, Recorder. iL ' r Morriee, Mieh. "About a year after my second baby was born I suffered vritu dizziness every morning so that I could hardly get around. I had heard from other women about rour medicine and had read letters about it so my bus band pot me Lydia K. lMnkham'g Vege table Compound which I took accord ing to directions and in a short time I was entirUy relwved., I also took the Ve;e table Compound before my last baby came and am thankful to Bay that it re lieved my sufferings very much and I shall never be without it at such times. I have told others of its great worth and Bhall keep on telling it. Mrs. Ed. Thomas, Box 184, ilorrice, Mich. Women should not continue to suffer day in and day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy oi living, when they can find health in Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ' if you would like free confidential ad vice address Lydia E. rinkhaia iicdiciue Co., Lynn, Mass. A. K. & A. M. Special Communication Med- ford Lodge K)3, Saturday evening April 3. 7:I!0 t. m. Work in the E. A. degree. By order or the W.-M. !! L. K. WILLIAMS. Sec. Millinery i and i Blouses For exclusive styles and smartness see the NEW SPRING LINES at the Vanity Shop Next Rialto Theater. STAR TAXI PHONE 300 Cars for hire with or without Driver. JAMES LESLIE . Nash Hotel TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Black Shepherd collie, few white spots, license number 14itt. Keward. Call otSiM. 11 KOU SALE Kresh milk cow. J. 1) Duncan. Old Krench ranch, Phoe nix. 1'hone 16-K-J. 13 WANTED Parties looking fcr cheap land, near a town that has the record of raising the finest berries in the west; also the best veget ables, fruit, nuts,- hay and grain, safe from frosts, snow or floods. Land from (20.00 up to $300 per acre, unimproved. Improved land from $150 to $."00 per acre. rii:ht on canal. For further infLrmation write M. U Southard & Sons, Heal Estate and Loans, Lebanon, Oregon 3. WEEKS & ORR UNDERTAKERS Ijr Phoae 227 XiKUt 3hone K. W. Veck,.227-J-2 A. E. Orr, 227-J-3. J.ADIKfi When irregular or suppressed use Triumph Pills. Safe and alwavs de pendable. Not sold at drug stores. Do not experiment with others; save disappointment. Write for Relief and particulars. It's free. Address: National Medical Institute, .Milwau kee, Wis. DR. RICKERT MEDFORD IRON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP AJiso asent for Fairbanks an4 Morat . Eoeinea. . 17 Snath Rlvonlria rrrs scrEyrrncAt-LT fKSlKlV, AM) tilxAMMM PROPERLY FITTED NO DROPS CSKD Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated none i-a over iiar uo. SOS E. Main. Uoatair Licensed City Scavenger. Ail rtus Immediately removed oa short notice. Weekly visit In resi dence districts. Daily business dis trict. Phonca iCIi-K. Stenography - Multigraphing Circular work of all kinds Mailing List Tunnell & Edwards J06-308 Liberty Building Medford, Oregon. says the farmers of the Rogue River valley are recognizing the value of tractors more every day. Corn Hits Skv. CJIICACjO. Anril a. All future de liveries of eorn, oats, and rve ascend ed todnv to the liiirhent prices - yet Liftimr of war timo restrictions on flour business counted as a new bull-isli-fuctor s lo train. Onenins eorn quotations, which varied from V off to Hi ui with llitv -l.Hi to mid July $1."i4'i to $1.54. were followed by .sunrii uuins ull iironnd, ji ml I lie n n .moderate' reac ting except fur fy The World's Hope of Immortality Easrei' f home of P. E. 'Millard, at 11 :a.' ni. in flip'' First Christian Church . Cor. 9th and Oakdalp-, s , x Near' the Hotels,. Traveling public cordially inyjtC'd . The Easter Message in Special Music. Will be a feature of our services, both morning and evel;;;ig Evening Thwnej 7 :30 p. m. 4 . ' "Each One Win One" Everybody Sing Special music and good fellowship The Home-like Church with Happy .Services First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Bartlett. . . "Tlio Church With u Challenging I'rojfiam" "A Clillicli of Good Music" , . 11 a. m. "THE LIVING CHRIST" itUuuiI Service - Keceution of Members 7:30 p. m. The Chorus Choir Will Kender Tho Great Cuntatn "CROSS AND CROWN" EASTER SERVICES THAT WILL INSPIRE YOU The Lord Is Risen" 2SE Films Developed FREE! tTntll April 15 we will develop all Kodak Films FREE where orders are giveu for prints to he made from the films. Regular prices on all printing. . ' AGENTS FOR THE EASTJLVN KODAKS Ralph Woodford cl QiffiZa ImCtCt Proprietor ' ' ' Specially nice line of Easter Candies CJj Eggs and;Noveltiesg at Southern Oregon's Leading Confectionery JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 427 M.' F. & H. Co. Bldg. 51 ;' ? f f t ? z I z ? I A city of home owners is a much finer and better eommunitv than a city of renters. As a home owner, you will take additional pride and in terest an the welfare and development of your citv. You will share in its prosperity ana growth. You will become more a "stockholder" eitv. . a of your C. M. KIDD, President 0. C. BOGGS, Secretary