wmwurm mm trthunr. mkiwouij. oreoont, frtday, kpiiig 1920. Lift Off Corns! "Freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or Callus right off with fingers No pain! MOTHER! "(California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative LAST CALL FOR PAGE THEATER ONE NIGHT TH0R.Q APR.0 THK Fl'X SHOW OK THE WOHMt; DO.VT MISS IT. SKK JHi: AMVK, THK.V TKV TO STOP IjAL'GHIXU; IT CA.VT HE JK.K. IN ELKS LODGE ARE INSTALLED TAKK THK KIUIHKS TO SKK JKJGS. UK WILL IIMXG JOY TO TIIK1K IJTTI.K HKAHT.S. . vum mum' Accept "California" Syrup of FIrs Mily look for the naino California on tho package, then you aro sure your child is having the best and most harmless phyHlc for tho littlo stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each hottlo. You must Bay "California." RIALTO NOW PLAYING SHOULD A WOMAN iTELL? 1 The story of a woman t&N aonf routed with one of Ufa's greatest problems. U SUNDAY y Basil King's famous story 'THE STREET CALLED STRAIGHT" NEW SHOW TODAY LIBERTY A modern drama Delightful Entertainment "The Trif lers" With Winsome Edith Roberts You'll like it Through and Through LIBERTY NEXT SUNDAY 'APRIL FOLLY' Concluding tho most prosperous year in Hh history under tho uilmin iKtration of George T. Collins ob ex ulted ruler the Meriford lodgo of Klkfl last ninht with one of tho larKe.it at tendances of the year installed Uk new officers, following which there was an enjoyable social session, fea tures of which were two fast boxing bouts, the last of which was one of the best ever seen in the city, a gen eral entertainment and the usual feed. Tho new exalted ruler Is O. O. Alenderfer, one of tho veteran mem bers of the lodge and one of its most activo and untiring workers. Under the administration of Mr. Alenderfer and his fellow officers, both appoin tive and elective, tho lodge looks for ward to continued expansion and prosperity. The installing officer last night was Leroy F. Hucklngham, a past ex alted ruler of tho Salem lodge of lilka. Tho othor now officers be sides Mr. Alonderfor, aro as follows: Esteemed leading knight, Itawles Moore; esteemed loyal knight, Oecrgo Hilton, Jr.; esteemed lecturing knight, Frank P. Farrell; secretary, Leo t. Jacobs (re-elected); treasurer Vernon Vawtor (re-elected); trustee three years lorm, Glenn O. Taylor; tiler, John JI. lleuHclmau; represen tative to grand lodge, Geo. T. Collins, alternate representative to grand lodge, J. J. liuchter. Kxalted Killer Alenderfer appoint ed Floyd Hurt as inner guard and happily all around ro-appolntod Jerry Jorome as esquire, Hev. Vm. 43. Ham ilton as chaplain, and II. G. Luuns pach organist. Edgar Wight was ap pointed assistant organist. Another happy re-appointment was that of N. S. JJennett, whom tho re tiring exalted ruler In his addrews pronounced tho "noblest Ktk In the lodge," as chairman of the sick nnd relief committee. Tho fimmco com mitteo for tho year was appointed as follows: George A. Codding, O. M. Selsby, and Jt. B. Hammond. Splendid addresses wcro made by Geo. T. Collins and Mr. Alenderfer, tho retiring and now exalted rulers, and brief remarks wero made by each of tho now cfficers. Then Gus New bury 011 behalf of tho lodge presented N. S. illennctt with tho lire member ship card recently voted him by the lodgo for his groat services for years past in Hlclc and relief work, and Mr. Hennott mado a characteristically modcHt speech of acknowledgment. Among tho Improvements during the year wero tho installation of shower baths and a well fitted gym nasium in tho clubhouse, the pur chase and installation of the lodge's cxtenslvo picnic nnd cm ting grounds on Hogno river, the installation of a vonl lllulion system In the big lodge room, and tho vecont purchaso of the lot immediately adjoining tho Klks temple on tho north, on which the lodgo will soon build an extension to tho tomplo nnd club houso building to ho'tisQ tho restaurant and other club features. . L The school hoard has notified our committee appointed at the meeting held at the library that their position remaliiH unchanged. Wo feel that somo dccislvo and final action should bo taken by the taxpayers and voters of the district in this matter, so seriously affecting the school Interests of tho cemmu nily, we have therefore decided to pall a meeting not only of the I'arent Tcachors associations but of all the voters and taxpayers of tho district to be held at tho Page theatre on Mon day evening, April ft, commencing promptly at S p. m. Dr. U. AV. Chnicy is requested to again preside as chair man. Wo feel that wo aro being treated unjustly by.tho board, and we urge tho attendance of every taxpay er and v(ter In the district, as we Intend to settle our course of action 'at this meeting. I PAUIONT-TKACIIKKS CorXCIL. V.1. M. COI.YIG. A. C. AU-KN. GKO. A. MANSFlKUr Stenography Multigraphing Circular work of all kind Mailing Lists Tunnell & Edwards 106-308 Liberty Ilulldtng Modtord, Oregon. MEDFORD IRON WORKS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP AlUo Mrent for Fairbanks an Morst Kneinea. ..J 17 South RlYinldi, . GROWING DEAF WITH HEAD NOISES? TRY THIS. If you are .urowInK hard of hearing and fear Catarrhal Pt'iifness or if you have roaring, rumbling, hisstiiR indues In your cars go to your drug gist and get 1 ounce of I'arniint (double strength ), and add to It Vi pint of hot water and n littlo granu lated sugar. Take 1 ublesnoiiifu! four times a day. Thin will often bring quirk relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostril., should open, breath ing become easy nnd the mucus stop dropping lino the throat. It is easy to plepare, costs little and Is pleasant to take. Anyone who is threatened with Catarrhal Peafness or who bus bead ni.ises should give this prescrip tion Irllll, AUv. The demand for seals at the Hoo ver luncheon at the Hotel Meill'oril Saturday noon is much stronger than was anticipated, but accommodations will be made for all those who send their names to The Mail Tribune of fice mi to 0 o'clock this evening I'nknown to the committee the llotci Medford recenllv raised tlic price of their noon-day luncheon .from fifty lo si.xtv cents so (lie tax per person will be sliL'htlv lartrer Hum oriiri nallv announced. This luncheon is open lo all Hoover men and women, but only registered republicans can sisin the petitions which will be circu lated for the immediate work before the organization is to tret Mr. Hoo ver's name on the republican presi dential primary ballot. Mr. Hoover has declined in ritn in the democratic primary. ' No program has been pr rnmred nnd I he meetinsr will be brief and informal. If vou wish to nttm.ii this luncheon, lie unioiur the organ izers of the Jackson County Hoover club, and have not handed in your name, call The Mail. Tribune, 7f), be fore (i o'clock loniiilit and n seat will be provided. LETTER 10 PUBLIC The following letter has been sent to stockholders of tho Trigonia Oil company: 1'loaso bo advised that thoro Is but littlo ever ten thousand shares of the bonus stock loft, and by rcaBon of your loyalty nnd prompt support in assisting us in securing sufficient funds to enable U3 to drill in our first well, tho directors deem It but just that you should ho given an oppor tunity lo Incrcnso your present hold ings in tho bonus allotment befe'ro it is all exhausted by getting your order into tho mail on or before April 10th. Your subscription will Do taken caro of In tho order received, and tho bonus will bo given as long as it lasts, so act promptly. Tho well Ib down over 100 feet, being enscd with 16 Inch plpo. Tho Inst thirty foot is in a stool bluo shalo containing much crudo petroleum asphalt residuum, which Is certainly very gratifying, nnd aro typical with tho producing fields en tho l'aclflc coast. Courteously yours, TltKiONIA Oil, AND UAS CO., K. W. LIUKGRAN, Secretary. The property consisting of two lots on the southwest corner of Front anil Kiirhth streets has been pur chased bv the Jackson Count v Cream ery. The properly is now ocrupici bv Hie said concern with their poultry and eirJT house, nnd in order lo be prepared for Iho urowimr needs of this concern due to the rapidly in crcasinu development and prosperity nf Iho eommnnilv. this purchase was made; The pruu'rossiveness of this cnlcrprisiiiir concern is daily bcoom imr more in evidence bv the rapid ex pansion, nnd successful conduct nnd development of Hie various manul'nc tn rimr and olher lines of business in which Ihcv are en-raijeil. A Breakfast Food In Granular Form Different from the ordinary prepared cereal in many ways GrapeNuts is baked for twenty hours, has a very like able, nut-like flavor, is easily digested and is particularly worth while because of its staunch, health build ing qualities. GrapeNuts needs no stutar KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feel voung to do this you must watch your liver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eves pimples a bilious look in your face (lull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness conies from inactive bowels and liver. Pr. lidw ards, a well-know n physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which lie gave to his patients for vcars. Dr. L'dwards'"OIivc Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, arc gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring alxnit that natural buoyancy which all fhoidd enioy by toning iip the liver and Clearing the system of impurities. IV. Kdwnrds'OliveTablctsare known bv thai ulive color. Wc iiiid oc. MB Drop a littlo Froczond on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurt ing, then you lift at right out. ' It doesn't hurt one bit. Yes, magic 1 Whv wait? Your druggist sells a tiny bottle, of Frcozono for a few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft com, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without sore ness or Irritation. Try It! No humbi'-" Prices 60c, 76c, $1.00, 91.50. plus 10 per cent war tax. Mall orders now. Box office Bale Tuesday, April 6th. SO PKOPI'R. 21 music xisurEits MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED EASTER WAISTS 300 beautiful now Crepe l)e Chine and Georgette Crepe waists distinc tive in style. Priced from $6.75 to $25.00 A he Woman's cstore 14-22 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. MEDFORD. OREGON MAIL OR EXPRESS PREPAID EASTER PETTICOATS Our new stock of Fitrito Jersey and Taffeta Petticoats have arrived. Splendid values $6.75 to $15 each Correct Easter Attire on Sale Saturday H Stunning Suits and Coats, Pretty Waists and Skirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Hosiery and other dainty requisites jj i are here in the widest and most attractive assortments ever presented in this city and in our special pricing of these fresh and beautiful arrivals we again illustrate the matchless economies which this store through alert, s ; wide-awake buying provides for its customers. POLO COATS THE GREAT RAGE No wonder they arc popu lar, for it lias been many a day since there has been created a style more prac tical, so smart and extrem ely becoming-. It is ad visable, however that since the demand is so great it would be well for you to make your selection at once. Priced from $35 to $65 NEW ARRIVALS IN EASTER SUITS AND DRESSES New "La Vogue" Suits from $50 to $100 New Tweed o' Wool Suits at $55.00 New "La Merc" Dresses from $35 to $95 Specials for Saturday. t , 10 new Jersey Coats, Tuxedo styles in Heather mixtures. Very Special.'...$16.48 10 new Jersey Dresses. All wool, new styles, good colors. Special, each $25.00 SPRING- SKIRTS The new styles arc here in great profusion. "We carry the fa mous "Korrcct" line, tho most perfect fit ting skirt made. Priced from $10 to $25 ! PRETTY NECKWEAR j Dainty new collars and ; collar and cuff sets. All new styles. Special (LQn each CHOOSE FROM THESE STOCKINGS Poy's Heavy Ribbed Children's fine Lisle Dainty Neckwear in Or- ; gandie and Net Collars and I Collar and Cuff Sets. Also I Organdie and Lace Point ; Collars for round-ncPk I dresses. ffl HC Special -PI.IJ I Fancy Lace nnd Net Vest ; ingsat 19 25 35 inch NEW JEWELRY. ; Just iii. Our spring styles ; in the famous Merite Jew ! elry. All styles. Priced from 25 to $5.00 New Handkerchiefs I Tosc in Plack only. All sizes. Spec- "ZQr ial, pair: J 71 Boy's "Kant Snag" Hose. All sizes CA Special Women's fine lisle Hose in white, black and col ors. Special . 69C Women's extra fine finality Lisle Hose in black, white and brown. On sale " QO Saturday, pair sOIj Infant's Cotton Hone. All sizes. OCp Special, pair w Women's Fine Lisle Hose in white, black and colors. Spec- ial, pair VJXj Infant's Half Hose at 25$ 35f and 50r pair Hose in black, white and tan. Special 7r Lisle white 50c $1.50 pair Women's fine Hose in black, and brown. Spec ial, pair Women's Silk Hose. Good quality in black, white, grey and brown. All sizes pair Women's extra fine quality Silk Hose in black, white, grey and brown. All sizes CO AO special, pair 0 Kavser's Italian Silk psriiss Men's Hose at 25 35f and 50 pair EASTER GLOVES Kavser's Silk Gloves in black, white, pongee and grey. Good quality. Spec pair $1.50 Women's Strap Wrist Chanioisettc Gloves in white, grey, pongee and tan. All sizes. (tl OC Special, pair Women's White Kid HAND BAGS AVe arc showing a fine line of leather and si'k bags for spring wear. The famous "Colonial" line. Made in the latest style $2.48 to $12.50 SPECIAL SALE CORSETS AND BRAISSIERS Miller Pros. Corsets. New Women's new stvle lra- Women's all-linen Hand kerchiefs, embroidered corner, special each New fancy colored Sport Handkerchiefs in many new colors and stvles. On sale Saturday each 69c 29c Gloves, strap C Aft wrist. Tair J.UU Women's French Kid Gloves in white and white with black and champagne On sale Satur- ff O CA day, pair PJJU Kayser's 10-Button Silk Gloves, white and CA black, pair Pfc. JU Long Kid Gloves 12-Button length $3-98 l5-Button length $4.98 NEW VEILS New Drape Veils. New .styles in black. 7P Special, each New Veiling. By the yard, for Easter 69 to 89 yd. Fancy made-up Veils with wide border. From $1.50 to $3.98 each model. Regular $2.00 val ues. Special pair Complete line of War ner's and Red Fern Cor sets. Priced from $3.00 to $10.00 Agents for the new Cam- issiers, 75c values. Spec- ial 69c pair Miller Bros. Corsets. New model. Regular $3.00 val ue. Very special, pair Gossard Front Lace Cor- oo Corsets for stout fig-J sets in all the new spring ures. . . 'niolels $5 to $12 pair. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN KNIT UNDERWEAR Women's Summer Union Suits. All styles and qua!- 89c $1.98 ities. Verv special. Suit Women's Summer Union Suits in Envelope and loose knit styles, tf 1 .Special, suit $lCJ Women's Silk top Union . suits in white and pink. All sizes, tl 7C suit ?! J Children's Summer weight Union Suits in white. Special ffl Suit P1J7 Women's Summer Union Suits in bodice and band top styles, in white and S;. $1.59 Women's Mercerized Bloomers in flesh onlv. Special. Pair $2.69 IS