Prm six STEDTOTID MATE TRTBTTNT!, MTTDTTOTm, OREGON, THURSDAY, APIilL 1. 1020. fj M g fhan meat but just as nutritious just as appetizing and sustaining and they save labor, time and fuel. You'll have Del Monte Beans often when you know how good they are. It's the inimitable Del. Monte Tomato Sauce and the Del Monte method of prepara tion that make them different from other beans better. Let DelMonte Beans help you cut down the high cost of living. CALIFORNIA PACKING CORPORATION Sin FiutciKO, California Op- I 7TTJJWJ ' Qualitt Goes Clear Through On long, hard liills and through heavy going, i I - Dort exerts mi eager, even-pulling power. II; is . smooth mid quiet in performance "in id it wrings 1 h last; hit of! niil'eag;' from each drop of gasoline. CLARK & CHILDERS 127 No. Riverside, Opp. Nat. Dear Madam: You ai'e illleresled in llie lieKer way to cook "electrically." Ami lliat you may have an opportunity to more thoroughly investigate the possibilities of the electric range, !M iss I!. I '., (lalvin. Home Fcou,' niist. of ihe Kdisoii Electric Appli-iiui-i' 'o., I lie, ( hicago and Ontario, California, cordially invites you (o a special demonstration at our stole each afternoon from April "th t i 10th. CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWF.R CO. 2 to") Med ford, Oregon. DO YOU REALIZE ARE NEAR EAST? Ilitve vuii v.vvv Uiwn litmirrv trnmi- irwlv, ili-iicrittilv, lor want of fiotl Cliancps nre vou liavn nut. Im'v i us have hccii, as a matter of I'.wt. tur lia w wc I'ViM scfii anv one mi that direful comlitinii l;inwn as M:irv iii'r. :i Et hoiitih we talk a xovd tU'ui ahutit iiuvrrlv ami starvatiun "at our vrv flours." ot II is as unknown tu us, in its ai'fiial horror ami mis ery, as tlu- I'lairm; or the (.lack Month, ami the wonl's actual inciiti inir duf not take hold of ns tho. wav it should. When we read that "hun dreds of thousands of children arc starving in Armenia." wti seem o think of it as jut "another drive," and we wonder what we ouht to uive, and wh;it our ueihhors are i:tviiiir. Mat "hundreds nf thousands of starviuir children in A ruifiiia' docs nut mean incrclv "just another drive," which we ean ill-nlfurd to as sist ! It means thai numerous a roups of human boinirs little children in r.II resMM-ts like vour own, are sulferini: horrible tortures and ilvimr like flies in the oldes Christian eounlrv in the world. It means a tremendous nuol of sulTerinir which the civilized world must drv U at all costs, and as soon as possible Km the "slarvinir Ar menians" is not a slogan or a catch phrase: thev are a horrible fact, be comintr less and less numerous, more accusinir to the conscience of the rest of the world, whieh is permit ting them to die. The burden of their sorrow and sufferinir should be upon the soul of Ihe world, which, reduced to its ulti mate division, is vour soul and mine. If we fail to save them, wo who are blessed with the means of their salvation, upon our heads must lie the of their destruction, lfow much have vou iriven to Near East Ifelief? Mow much are vou iroiiitr uive7 Can vou afford to refuse their appeal? Think it over, and act at once ! SHOWS 2,874,82 (IIIC'AIK) Mm-. :i(l Census fitrnrcs I'unvimlcil to Wiisliinirlini for ol'l'ii'iul tiilmlntioii, iicporriim; to nulilislind re imrtN lifiv, reronl tin- imniiliilion of Cciul; fount v, ini'ludini: tin: citv cC Cliii'imii, ill :i,2:t'J,7!lli. Tim cnisiis i'oiiiiI fur Chii'imo, iw I'lirilintr to l'iiiiii'i's niililislii'd aL'venil !ii vs nuo totnlli'd 2,HH-1,H'J7. EAGLE POM EAGLETS . Bt A. C HowUtt Wodnosiliiy urtornaon Dr. W. W. P. Holt, our M. I)., ln-ought Into llie Sunnysldo hotel, (leorKO A. Itollcn bmik to remain for a Tow days while ho In heliiK treated for blood polson iiiK. The doclor wan called hy tele phono Unit niurnliiK to ko lo Mr. llcl leiiheak's, near .lel,eod and wtion lie leached Iho plnee found .Mr. llollen 1cii k surieriuK wllh his rlRht hand and on examination round Hint his hand was- in n very 'had condition, fo afler lanciiiK ll and KivliiR It proper alteulion brought hlni out here, and at tho present writing the hand ullho very ia in l'n I. Is gclllm; as well as could he oxpe- led. hunts Martin of Trail a Iho eamo In lliat WedneKilay evening to spend tile night, lie had an assortment of furK I hill ho hud ruptured Ihe past winter and look I hem to Modlord, sold I hem lo one of Die .Mrdrord buyers at what he considered a kooi! price, relumed lo1 the Suiiyslde Tor the ntKht nnd vvenl up home the next day on Ihe slaKe. Mrs. I.olllo Van Reoy. our nssislant posi mistress and telephone operator slipped off irom her many friends about a week ago and went over to Weed lo visit one of our (.'Id school leachers. Mr. .1. . Ilarnard and wtl'o, who is now MvIiir In thai city In the employ of tho Wood Lumber Co., re turning Wednesday afternoon, and reports having had one of the most enjoyable visits of the season. I.esler Snillh of Jlulie Kails, win: has been attending the stale univer sity. cHinc out on the stage from Medford nnd went out to the Kd Cor don ranch to visit his sister, 'Mrs. Cordon. Thursday. Win. Perry and wifti who have been in Medford and Jacksonville for sev eral days attending court, as Air. Perry was one of the jnn.Ts for (he lerm. returned Thursday to Ihetr home. Thomas It. Singleton, one of our ret li cit farmers, was In town Thurs day. There were unite a number of our (armors, dairymen and ctilcken rais ers in town Thursday and the two trucks of the Jackson County ami I Ihe Independence creameries arrived I here quite parly so ns to meet Ihe early rimers on their way up ttie ! country and several of them were i here ready witti their eggs and cream lo meet them. Among them was .Mrs. Walter Meyer and while here she reported that she had brought off one Incubator of chicks but that the incubator proved to have a leak in it and Ihe result was that the egr. did not hatch well, altlio she hud ninety little thicks almost targe enough to fry, and ancthcr batch that will hutch the last of this week, about yesterday or today. Saturday. The trucks seem to bo loaded both ways, as they bring out almost any thing that Is wanted by tho farmers, even to wire fencing and furniture, grain or mill run. hogs and hides a very great convenience. C. E. Mellows and wife came in and were at the Sunnysidc for dinner. They were accompanied by John H. Hechan cf the Jackson County Cow Testing association. Mr. Beehan has been visiting the various dairies in this section and testing the cows for the owners. James K. Perry of Kiddle was here Thursday night. Mr. Perry remained until after dinner Friday and while here went out to look over some of the agate fields. Ho was looking for largo clear, preferably white, agates hut could net find what he wanted. Mrs. J. Hessler of Lake creek, was in town Friday and went on up home in Die stage. Perry Foster of Lake Crock, who had been to Jacksonville on business returned Friday and spent the night with us. John Foster of Lake creek, came in Friday evening and went on to Medford the same night. Just a short time before supper Friday evening the representatives cf the Untie Falls basket ball team came in for supper, consisting of Glen Al bert, Krnest Albert, Orliia Albert, Kston Ahlstrom, Theodore Frcden burg, Wilson O'flrian and Prof. H. P. Jewett, principal of the Rutte Falls high school, md after eating supper they loaded into two cars with Harry Lewis to drive one and Jud Kdsall the other, Mrs. 'Howlet am! daughter liattie in with Jud, and went to1 Cen tral Point to play against tho Central Puoint basketball team. Jud and Mrs. Ilowlet went on to Medford to see the show at tho Page. The result of the game was the score stood '11 to 12 In favor or Ilutte Falls. On the return trip Jud came by Central Point and picked up tho Butto Falls players and brought them out here fcr the rest or tho night. They came out on a little car on tho track, returning this Saturday morning In tho same way, feeling quite jubilant over their victory. Miss Mildred Tucker of lirowns- boro, came out on the Lake creek stage this morning nnd went up to Hutte Falls on Ihe stage. Mr. and Mrs. I,, n. Howell at Boise, Idaho, uncle and aunt of Mr. II. .1. Dcvancy, our banker, came in yester day to visit Mr. Devanoy and family and tho .McDonald family, relatives, who cimifi in from Idaho last fall. Guy Pructt, one of our farmers, and Clarence Cox of Marysville, Calif, is hero visiting relativos and also visit tils mother, Mrs. A'm. Smith who owns a small farm between McdCord and Central Pc'Int. John Zltnnierty who at one time owned tho Farmors hotel, came in yestorday and was on the streets thisj 1111,1 UIIIH. Italph Peyton of Peyton, passed thru town today on his way to Med ford. ' Thomas Singleton, Jr., drove in this morning to' do somo trading with our merchants. Wm. Von dor Helton, one of the contractors on tho Crator Lako high way, eamo In from the camp and re ports that all of tho old snow was gono, that they had about a dozen men at work anil that as soon ns tho weather settles they expect to put on a Tull rorco and rinish up the job. ("lit Tills Out It Is Worth Money Cut out lliis slip, enclose Avilli ;c and mail II lo Fcley & Co.. 2S:sr, Shef field Avo., Chicago, ill., writing your name and address clearly. You will receivo in return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kid ney Pitts for pain in sides and back: rheiimalisni, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; nnd Foley Cathar tic Tablets, a wholesome and thor oughly cleansing cathartic, for consti pation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. " " Armn Ct.oons comes Scnshintj. ArTKR PRHPOVOF.N'frT COMF.3 JoT. Arrr.R Sickxkss comes Hf.alth. After W'earness comes Strength, In the spring when you're "nil in" fngpred out blood thin, if you will turn to Nature's remedy, n tonic made from wild roots and barks, which has stood fifty years s the best spring tonic you will find strength retrained. No need to toll you it's l)r. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery, put up in tablet or licjiiid form, and sold by every druggist in the land. After a hard winter shut up indoors, your blood needs a temiwranee tonic, a tissue bui Ider and blood-maker such as this "Medical l)iscovery"of Dr. Pierce's. Skattle, Wash. "I was in a general run-down condition. Had bad blood, disordered stomach, kidney trouble and nervousness. I tixik three Ixvttlcs of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and five) or six bottles of ' Favorite Pre scription' nnd was c o m pi e t e 1 y cured. Have never 1een sick n day since." Mrs. Mary Haskins, No. 907 Twenty-seventh Ave, As sure as you are a foot high you will like this Camel Turkish and Domestic blend! YOU never got such cigarette contentment as Camels hand you. Camels quality and expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic Tobaccos make this goodness possible and make you prefer this Camel blend to either kindoftobaccosmokedstraight! Camels mellow-mildness is a revelation! Smoke them with freedom without tiring your taste ! They leave no unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor ! Give Camels every test then compare them puff-lbr-puff with any cigarette in the world ! Doni irust O 1 n jjaKi . The Lorain Oven Heat Regulator Fits on Gas Range and measures and eoiitrol.s the heat. No more guessing at the temperature for cooking and bilking. You select the temperature you want. Set the wheel and your heat will stay at that exact point iig more, no less. Conic in and let us explain this device to you. . Oregon Gas & Electric Co. Medford,Oregon. Have Ford Mechanics Repair Your Car The mechanics in our slup who will adjust (,r repair your Ford car, or Ford truck, arc men who understand the Kurd tneehanisin and who know the Ford way of making repairs and replacements. They are experienced Ford mechanics and because of their familiarily w ith Ford cars can dc your work more intelligently and mere quickly than can other skilled me chanics who lack Ford experience. The work on your car will he dune in a completely equipped shop with time-saving Ford tools and equipment. Whether your car needs an ad justment or a thorough overhauling, we m-c prepared io M-iV(, you careful and prompt service. And nothing but the ( lenuine Ford-made ' parts and replacements will be used. AVhen the work is finished, the charge will be the reasonable, standard Ford pries. Our .stock of Ford parts is always complete. And our Ford garage and Ford mechanics are at your service .-.f ;my time. We arc Authorized Ford Dealers and not only repair Fords, but also sell them. )rive in or 'phone.. Be fair to your car and your pocket lrk. C. E. GATES AUTO CO. MEDFORD, OREGON Insist on Genuine Ford Tarti. 'SyifsS&H ('"""niii(trif. tH?tKSfc3t3at" 1 '"' w" '"onSly re.-omm.nrf WrtSftvVIrtil?'. VaCI r'" caTton th hime or nf- fMir'M R- J- REYNOLDS J&MifffiM TOBACCO CO. RKf ioluckj3 T4D T or,A-r sJ MODERATE r fpp ' '