snrororiT) wxte Trcrcum sttcbpohd. otjf.oow TirnnsnAY. aptul 1, 1020. IN OIL DISPUTE CATTLEMEN WILlT ,: " ' ITEXAS ENJOINED IETINI0F0P jfL f THIS SATURDA" fiiClMmm fit. - JIarketinu' is the iri'catcst i conlrontni!; the fiiriiiiT toilnv meet this situation the farm Amerien arc fast in-rl'vi-tin-r : jranizntii'fn which thcv hone wil this urgent need. This or.-aniiiitic is tho Farm IHireau. Jackson county was one of the fir counties in the state of Orenon fo si mo merits ot this younir oriraiiiziit" and for over a vear now iminv liron ncnt fanners have been niwtinjrea larlv and devoting their tinie ai energies to the iminv molilein-j co i'rontinir the Jackson countv ianm One bv one these men have talk different questions, first hoirfmi' kct, next the fertilizer (inestiim? a in u small way- the breed problem off time with n marked success. F X' thcv have taken hold of the IraV marketing of the countv niiiS c coins to make an exerted uffjort ' yet the cattlemen closer together n' to work out a better iiiarketin: tcm. An intcr-county meeting ccntlv lield between represenlati from Jackson and Klamath i-qiin! 111 Oregon and Teliiima. Shasta u Siskiyou counties in California r the purpose of discussing llieaiier1 of the Australian miction nysti. which is workinsr very success ftill'.fl other places. The Jackson boun' representatives lo this meeting we Geo. On-ens, Ashland: J. J. Jtnrp'. Ashland: Miles Cantrall, liuchj P.!. l.owe, Talent; C. C. Cate, Moilfo :: R. I). Klahcrty. Medford and '. Paul, ifcdford. This committee has called nfniii" meeting at the library, Mjctlford. 0 gon. Saturday. April at 2 j. i Thev urgently request everv eutt man in the county to attend this rac ing so that steps may be takeno better cattle marketing in the eoua'. j Census Returns WASHINGTON. April 1. Por tion -statistics announced today V the census bureau included : j Pine Muff, Ark., lO.USO, an ,. creaso of 4.187, or 27.7 per cent o'r 1!)10. s. ' Manistee. Mich., !),G00, deoreie 2,6!)1 or 21.7 per cent. j I'm glad wheii the cooks 7 on strike n (? It means a breakfast i .-.. Alice Lake in 'Should a Woman Tell ? Kill Tl-l!.'' i- 111,. .1, t f..,.,,..,.lli,,.r vit.ll vivi.l 1,11, I .'.il'llt oil I In- N "Should ;i Wuiinui Ten." is tho dm imitic feature nmv vim: at tho lit nlto. It's theme is universal, it's storv is euiiiiudHmr vital, vivid, liuuinn! Tho uii'torint effects are ns imnros sive and astounding as tho storv. Tho wreck of an ocean vueht at '.iirht on the Now Knuluuil coast, ami the roM-ue of it's passengers is easilv one of the greatest and mo-t thrilling ol' bit scenes ever cauirht hv th. camera. WASHINGTON', April 1. Texas was enjoined today by tho supreme court from issuing any permits af fecting contested oil lands In the Hod river valley pending n final decision on the boundary proceedings institut ed by the state of Oklahoma. Tho court also enjoined both states from removing any of the machinery now used in taking gas or oil from the land and ordered the appointment of Jacob M. Dickinson of Chicago, as receiver to take possession of tho lands and property. aNujoi Fbr Con&lipation A New Method of treating on Old Complaint ALL IS READY FOR El All arrangements have been com pleted for the big Master frolic for Saturday. The cans arc readv. the hand is readv. the Imv scouts arc readv. the militia is readv. Mr. Kind's protrram is readv, all prizes are ready nnd the kiddies are mure than readv. Kverv child in the commtmitv is mired to como to the city park block this Saturday, April ;i, and be on hand at two o'clock sharp. A I that lime the Washington school bell will give the signal for the Kaster hunt to begin. Children of :i. 1. T and (i years should he ini the side lines of the city park block. Those of 7 and 8 years in a line at the library block and the ones that are II and 111 years of nee lined up on the Washington school uroimils. It, will he a beautiful pic ture to see these three lines e.o "over the ton." when the hell of the Wash ington school peals forth its signal. The children above ten years will have to he patient and watch this part of ilic Irolic along with the mown-ups. When tins event is over the hov scouts will admit all gram mer grade pupils from the Medford schools and from all the rural school districts to the grounds. Following is the order of athletic events: 1. Egg rolling contest for boys and for liiils ; open to all. Klig race for hovs and for To be run as a potato race. ' Sack race for hovs. Obstacle race for hovs. Wheel-barrow race for hovs'. Pillow fight for hovs. Indian club race for girls. Twentv-live yard dash. Fifty yard dash. One hundred yard dash. Trizcs For hovs Spalding base ball mask. steel fishing rod, fish hooks, 1 card flics and 1 card spinners: Spiuililings baso ball bats: Spauldings' base hall mits; Spauldings' base balls. For girls Novelty bead necklaces, wild flower baskets. The above prizes are on display in. the window of the Medford Furniture & Hardware store. Itiilcs ot ontcst Two contestants from each coni- girls. ,1. 4. ,r). (i. 7. 8. !l. 10. miinity outside of Medford. and one from each of the four Medford schools niav enter in each event. One contestant may outer not more than two events. Names of coutesfiints and their addresses should be mailed to ('has A. King, High School Hldg.. Medford, Oregon, not later than Friday. How ever, late entries may be made at Hi Voes Saturday between 10 and 'J o'clock. In order to allow the children of the rural districts an even chance with the children of Medford to com pete for the prizes offered for the prettiest and most artistic plate of eggs, the time limit for the entries to this contest has been extended to 1 1 a. in. Saturday. Kules for this con test are as follows: Six eggs to the plate: child's name, age, and school to which they belong, plainly written on slip of paper placed in container for eggs. All eggs taken to M. F. & II. store before 11 o'clock Saturday. Plates on which to display eggs will be fur nished by this store. l'rpcs First Faster basket containing eandv eggs and Faster novelties. Second Chocolate Easter egg in basket. Third Live Easter bunny. Thcso prizes and ninnv entries nrc now on display in the show window of the Medford Furniture & Hard ware company. All exhibits for this contest will bo utilized for the Easter egg hunt. The winners of these prizes will be announced at the park Satur day afternoon and prize winners will call at the store for prizes. The lit tractive posters on display in the various show windows are the work of tho younger children of the Medford public schools. The high school band will plav a number of selections during the after noon. The children will bo well cared for bv a large committee of ladies. We want to make this a gala day for the children and for all who love chil dren. The committee in charge ha worked hard toward this end. hut it cannot be a real success unless every one in the community makes it one. There is still time to bring vour eggs in lo the store, and to get the chil dren ready and bring them lo the park, no mutter how far in the conn Irv you live. "Come one. conic nil: Come large and small: Come with n good will, or t Don't come at all." IS CELEBRATED BY MR., MRS. HAYNES i m An event of interest to a lariro cii ( le of friends in Medford and the sur rnundimr coinmunitv was the celebra tion of the troldcu weddinir anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hnynes al their homo on West Tenth street on Wednesday. March III. On account of Mrs. liavnes health no formal cele bration was planned hut all the after noon and evenintr the home was the scene of an outpouring of tributes ot lovimr friends as a host of acquain tances called to conuratulato the happy couple who have enjoyed fiftv yours of wedded life. Tho house v.'es a bower of beautv and iraurnnce at the close of tin; delightful afternoon as anion",- t ho uifts received wore beautiful lilies and potted plants. Mr. and Mrs, I lavnes were married in Nilcs Citv, Michiiran. March HI. 187" and spent their wedded life in In diana and for ltd years in Iowa. Ten years niro thev removed to this const and lived for a time in Seattle, eom imr to Medford seven vears niro. re siding on their farm on Koss Lane. Just recently thev aeouirod tho pres ent home on West Tenth street. Hotli have for Ions' vears been prominent members of tho Presbyterian church and M.Vs. 1 lavnes was the teacher of the woman's class in tho Sunday school until j'ailiur . health made it necessary to irive up that work. Their lnrire circle of friends ioin in wishing thorn ninnv vears of Impnv life together. Btatfl of Ohio. City or Toledo, iAicns County, no. Frank J. Clioney makes oath that he ts senior partner of tho (Irm of P. J. Cheney & Co., doing buslneFa in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that naid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every cuho of Cutnrrli tlmt ennnot bo cured by the una of HALL'S CATAIIRH MKDICINM. FRANK 3. CHENEY. Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed In my presence, this 6th dav of December, A. D. 188G. A. YV. OLEAHON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taltcn in ternally nnd nets through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Hold by all druKKists. 7Se. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The Samson Iron Horse has arrived Our first carload was unloaded today and can be seen at our salesroom. lrk-j? j 'M If ' mmmmmmmmmmmmfmi'J'&M This tractor uses horse-drawn implements and, is driven with reins. $730 in Medford Come in and see this remarkable machine and arrange for a demonstration. Patton and Robinson, Tel. 150 Everything for the Farm - . 112 So. Riverside t f I GET t f f I t . . 1 MR. CAR OUR U '5 U YJbJv: CAR NOW! Prices will be higher as the season advances. Spring is here and you no doubt have in mind a good buy in a used car Y f t T t t f Y t f f f t We are offering a splendid line of used cars to select from ranging in price from $150 up including Fords, : Dodges, Maxwells Buicks, Mitchell, Chevrolet, Overland, Hudson, Studebakers, Maxwell truck, Buick speed truck jTHESE CARS ARE MECHANICALLY RIGHT AND PRICED RIGHT S Ask about our payment plan. It makes the buying easy. No misrepresentations. A W Walker Go Distributors for Hudson, Essex, Peerless, Chalmers, Maxwell Autos. Maxwell and Atterbury Trucks ? f Y y t t I 4 f 4 4 I I X