PSCUD TWO locdmefe The 192 fishing season opened to day in Oregon and many .Medford unKlers, skilled and amateur, left the city this morning for a day's Hpori along tho river. Bear creek anil var ious other streams of the county. 'Practically no changes have heen made thiR year In the Oregon fish laws. The season is open frcm April 1st to Nov. :IU in all the streams of the state. Trout to ho taken from a stream must ho not less than six inches in length, and the hag limit is fit) fish in one day or itii pounds in one day. Ladies! Your Kusler hat is at Deuel's Millinery Dept. 10 A mechanically perfect washing machine made beautiful by an urliHt's skill Is the Bluebird. 14" The, Ladies' Aid society of the Christian church will hold an apron sale at The Huh Saturday. ID Taxpayers are reminded that April nth Is tho last day for making pay ment for the flrHt half year of the taxes. . Brown & While, Ilealtors, have re moved from 10 South Fir street, to the room next south of tho hotel lobby in tho Holland Hotel building. 14 See pafro SO of this week's Satur day Evening 'Post. 14 Highest cbhIi prlcn paid for men's good. necc'iid-hund suits. Will II. WilROII. 10 n'he advunco guurd of Klks from tho -country sections began arriving In the city this morning to attend the Installation tonight or the new officers of tho Elks lodge and the following big social session with Its enjoyable cntniinlnmont features, livery Klks lodge In the United states Installs Its new officers tonight. You ought to Insure- your auto -with Redden & Cunaduy, 3!! N. Cen tral. Phone 720. . Furniture and. household goods carefully packed and crated. Doug las 101 South Contral. Phono 0115-J. 313 Demand Tru Blu crackers and cookies, handled In Mcdford by De Voe, H. K. Mursh, Hutchinson & Lumsden, J. A. Moffntt, J. K. Sollls, C. A. Hamlin, V. 10. Consor, Iluttor flold's Grocery, Wurnor, Wortinun & Gore. , The eggs exhibit Incidental 16 the big eautor ogg hunt and frolic cf Sat urday afternoon seen in the Mod ford Kurnlturo & Hardware company Htore is attracting much favorable atten tion; Thoro are hundreds of eggs of all colors und designs, and hundreds more of plain eggs. Still nu.'re eggs are hcedod f " Saturday's doings. In tho sinno show window are on dis play! prizes for tho athletic oventH lhat'.wlll follow tho HuHlor-cKK hunt, incltjd'hig baso ball glovcH, huts, halls and jnnoks, and fishing tucklo for the boys', and decorative beads and flow er baskets for the girls. yith spring und sunshino comes tho Bluebird and happiness. 14 'New' consignment of Haster millin ery lust rocolved nt Douel's millinery department, Hiss Taylor. 10 Furniture upholstering, mattresses mnda over. Clonoral repairing. Doug las, 101 South Central. Phono (lir.-.l. 319 lOoneral A. P. Peako of Valley City. North Dakota, Is visiting with his many friends In Modt'ord. (lencrnl Puake Is tho father of Ceo. Pcalte. formerly ol Mcdford. Will pay for mon's good sec ond hand coals. Will II. 'Wilson. 10 Lost In the library block on Sat urday, April 3, a barr-l of ICnster eggs. Children of Rcvii and eight years nro wanted to hunt thum ut 2 o'clock. American Legion ball, I'ri. Apr. 9. JuentB from u distance ut the Mcd ford Include C. B. 'Nourso of 'New York City, W. A. Page of Cleveland. Fred Wl Hall, .1. 10. Douzhuts and W. It. Woodward of Chicago, Mr. und Mrs. F. A. Sto'lzer of Minneapolis and W. 'M. Hunt of Aberdeen, S. I). Don't fnll to hoar "Dardanolla" of tho now Gold Seal Emerson records. 1'lays on any machine. Hale's Piano House. , Carl Joscbko, high grnflo watch and clock repairing. 9 Fir street. Attrnctivo showing of Bpring lints for children nt Bonnet Nook. 10 Hot tamaW mii en III concarno at DoVoe's. illarold Barton left today for Mcd ford where ho will take charge of the drilling of the oil well near there. Mr. Barton and his rumlly will make their homo in Modford. Grunts Pass Courier. A community service organization does for tho community what an in dividual would like to If ho could. Be one of tho four hundred In the Great er Medford organization. Join the Chamber of Conuuerro. tf When you help your town you help yourself. Join tho Chamber of Com merce t f Kaster cards. Wost Sldo Pharmacy. tf Orres, tailors for men and women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. The April l'ol party which was staged at the Nut last night was a big success. An April Fool dunce which chamted rapidly from waltz to one stop, then to fox-trot time caused much nierriipent. Con fell 1 and ser pontlno woro much in evidence A largo crowd from all purls of the val ley was present from oarlv till late. The noxt dunce affair will be tho week-end party Saturday, April i. Soe D. R. Woon & Co., Rm. 209 Liberty Bldg-., for flro Incuranco. tf Be up to date and have your spring dresses hemstitched und peooted at the Handicraft Shop. !) SfcCnrdy-Bowno Motor Co., Over land 4 and Republic truck ngonts. have taken a temporary location in tho Crater Lako GaraEC. tf C. 15. Terrill has taken time out In! tho game of being Kheriff of .luckson county, with headquarters In sight of the county Jail ut Jacksonville, and with Mrs. Terrill Is ut the Imperial for an airing. The business of being sheriff nowadays Is only less exciting than it was a year or so ago because of the fact that the national prohibi tion law enforcement has curtailed tho importations from California und there is less necessity for vigilance in watching the border lino. Portland Journal. Dressmaking of all kinds. S22 North Central. 12 For the best Insurance see Holmes the Insurance Man. American Legion ball, FrI. Apr. U. The Blue Bird is the I'ui hard or lOlectric clot lies washers. CalirornlanH at t ho Mcdford are D. II. Wells and family, ..Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Boyer and Mrs. C. 10. Wolker of Mill Valley, anil L. II. Levy. C. A. Bennett, Samuel Cohn and L. B. Westgate or San Francisco. Other guests are It. A. Frederlch cf Tacoma and Cusli Johnson and 10. C, Deich man of Seattle. Banlwell Fruit '(1. now have a cur loud of mill run which they are retail ing at J.4X. 00 per ton. 14 "The Man or tho Forest," u new novel by tho moHt popular writer to day, Zane Grey. Medford Book Store. 9 If you intend to bo present ut the informal pay-as-you-enter luncheon ut the Hotel LMedfoid Saturday noon when the nucleus of u Republic Hoov er club will bo formed don't fail to call tho Mail Tribune, ?",, and give your name so that proper provision may be made. There will bo no formalities, tho purpose of the luncheon is merely to1 get a Hoover organization stal led and secure signa tures to the Hoover petitions. Tho price of the luncheon will he "id cents. Lurga showing of spring millinery. Millinery Dept., Douel's, Miss Taylor. 10 Seo page XII of this week's Satur day lOvening Post. II Highest cash price paid for inen'H good second-hand suits. Will II. Wilson. 10 Prof. Irving 10. Vining left Ashland this week for u several months busi ness stay In JNk;w York city. Get your Faster bat ut tho Bonnet Nook. Spring opening March 31 and April 1 and 2. 10 Don't lot anyone tell you that other clothes washers uro mudo on' same principle of tho Blue 'Bird. Used curs of all kinds for sale by tho Scely V. J lull Motor Co. 10 Clint Gallatin, tho well known Yreku automobile man, is in tho city, having arrived yesterday and is a guest ut tho 'Holland. C. Brlltan of San Francisco1 is another Califor nia visitor stopping at Hie 'Holland. I have .some exceptionally good bargains on used cars that will pay you to investigate. 10 Lost On tho Washington school grounds on Saturday, April 3, ono thousand or less lOaster eggs. Any hoy or girl of 9 or 10 years finding thorn will receive same for reward. Dainty little, hand-tlntod baskets for IOastur favors. Handicraft Shop. 9 'Medford merchants are much in terested In the si lire closing hour controversy on in lOugene. Tho pro posal or. 75 per .cent of the Eugene morchants to close at fi o'clock and tho refusal of ono prominent firm to lino up with others, Is causing a fight between clerks and owners of stoma. The clerks hopo to forco tho opposing store to get in lino. Ono generul sto-re has advertised that ft will re main open until 7 o'clock in tho even ing until some nioro reasonable hour is decided on. One of the lurgest dry goods stores Is holding out for a r, . -I closing hour. Tablets and scratch pads niado or nows print, for school and oftlco use' for salo at thin office. tf Children's silk stockings and socks to go with your spring drcssos. Han dicraft Shop. 9 Tru Bin Grahams host on earth. Ask your dealer. 9 'A Leonard Wood Hcpublican club was organized In Grants Pass last night witli about 200 members under tho guiding bund r Walter L. Toov.o, Sr., the Wood organizer In this dis trict, and with tho bund out to help arouse enthusiasm. Ralph Cowglll, president or the Leonard Wood club of Medford was present from this city. Will pay $2.50 for men's good sec ond hand coals. Will II. Wilson. 10 See page S9 of this week's Satur day lOvenlng Post. I 4 Kaster bonnets for little folks, In white and colors. Handicraft Shop. 9 TOtLATEJO CLASSIFY I''OlfSAI.K till TltADH Two-ton truck in good running condition, l.'asy terms. Trelchlcr Motor Co. I 1 FOlt SAL10 Tier wood, hard and soft, at old brick yard near Jack sonville, $ per tier, any amount. Ask tho man that lives at brick yard. I I FOlt SAL10 Fairbanks-Morso spray rig. Chester Filch, It. F. D. 1 ' Phone 14-F-12. 1 1 W.MNTEU Gurments lo remodel, new suits $32.00 up: In Medford ill Nash Hotel on Wednesdays. Mr and Mrs. C. 10. Sparks, ladies' and gents' tailors. SI Oak street, Ash land. 34 WAXTIOI) Married man on ranch; orchard experience not necessary. I' 7NS-J-3. 1 1 Clarence Noe, tho well known local skilled fisherman wus ono of the many local anglers whipping Bear creek today for trout, using salmon and Faster eggs, worms and dried prunes for bait like the veriest no vice. He went to Ashland last night with the intention o-f get; lug up early. and fishing Bear creek from that city: to Medford today. The last, heard from him was this afternoon when he j wus sitting on a stump In the rain near Talent waiting for a taxi which! lie had sent for to bring him home. Have you seen the used car bar gains that we are offering. McCurdy liowne Motor Co. Prices cut to the uottom at the big sale. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tf Begin your Faster sew:ng now. Hemstitching and pecotlng 10c per yard. Tho Vanity Shop. 9 The regular monthly meeting or the Woman's Koreign Missionary so ciety of tho First Methodist church will be held at tho homo of Mrs. iOd Steep, 210 Crater Lake avenue, I-'ri-duy afternoon ut 2:30. Your spring suit best woolens, reasonable prices. Klein tho Tailor, least Main, upstairs. 310 Havo yon tried tho Llthia Mineral water trout tho Jackson County Creamery. It has great medicinal value. Get the habit! Buy shares now In the Building nnd Loan. tf L. W. Jacobs, salesman of a well known typewriter and Jack Hansen, automobile man, arrived in the city troni Eugene yesterday In the hitter's car. Attractivo Easter oressea for girls. Handicraft Shop. 9 The Blue Bird electric washer, the acme of perfection, is coming to Med ford. Spring Millinery opening Wednes day, Thursday und Friduy, March 31 and April 1 nnd 2, ut Bonnet Nook. Lutest creations in new styles. 10 Tho Daughters of the American Revolution will meet Saturday after noon at 2:30 with Mrs. 10. N. Vilm. American Loglon ball, Fri. Apr. 9. ' Always Is there a cheery smile ot welcome In tho Blue Bird home. Drink Llthia Mineral water for rheumatism, stomach and kidney troubles. Order from Jackson County Creamery. Mrs. G. L. Dodge of Grants Pass, arrived for a short visit in .Medford yesterday and from hero will go lo Ashland for a visit. American Legion ball, FrI. Apr. 9. Soe Venice and die. See a Blue Bird washer and you will want to live. 10. II. Wise and ('has. Collins were business visitors In tho city yesterday lrom tho "It's-thc-elimnte" city. Broken forgings anil castings, all shapes, all metals, all sizes, welded, re-inforced anil guaranteed. Vulcan Welding Works, 39 South Front St. Expert phonograph repairing. 45 South Contrul. Plicae Oir.-.l. 33 Guaranteed springs for all cars. Billings Carriage & Auto Works, tf Orogoniuns at tho Mcdford nro 1). C. Sutclil'f nnd Ivan Pankey of Klam ath Falls, J. S. Hanson. Lew Jacobs, Chas. LMsyhow nnd L. V. Plggott of 10 ii ge no und C. It. Martin, James II. Martin, G. R. Skidmnre, Geo. N h'l'Qh'b, Wi. B. Hallway, P. S. Drake, 11. B. Mery went her, Malcom L. Gil bert. 11. 1'. Ilnrner and M. Davis ol' Portland. J, (thin Mineral water by the case. Jackson County Creamery. For eye, oar, noso, throat see Dr. Heine, Liberty Bldg. Glasses fitted. Your prosperity depends upon that of your neighbor. Tho Chamber of Commerce works for tho wolfaro of all. Join. tf Orres, tho lndlos' tailor, will bo at Ilotol Holland evory Thursday. Flno woolons, latest styles always. tf ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayer" is on Genuina Aspirin say Bayer Insist on "Rivor Tn'nWU of Aspirin" in a "H;yor piu,kK'iM containing uropei direi'tioiis fur Ht'rulurh.1, CoUta, Pain, Neuralgia, humlmgo, nnd litu'iiimitifttii. Nu mo "Payor" nieann jt'imine Aspiriu prnu'iilii! bv physicians for nineteen yeatri. Hiuuly tin linxvs of 1"J Unlet cunt few cent's. Aspirin in trade murk of Hnyor Manufacture of Monoacetio aeitleter of Sulieylu'tU'id. WANTKI) Luro tout fly. IMiono Ifl-K-i::. 1 WEEKS & ORR UNDERTAKERS ly IMiono 227 Mli( rtmnrn 1 V. Work, 227-J-2 A. Oir, Union Sales Stables and VETERINARY HOSPITAL Horses bought, sold and exchanged by . S. Litts. Dr. G. A. (iitzen, former government veterinarian. 148 No. Riverside, Medford Phones Office, 810; resi dence, 77G-U. At the Xash are registered .T. i. Wostlake of Loh Angeles, A. P. Peake (,t Valley City, N. I., Mr. and Sirs. (. H. Oliver of Aberdeen, Wash., Mr. and Mm. Frank Honey of Jefferson. Ore., M. U Hplker and J. W. Eboi and J. C. Marshall of Portland. Lost In tho city park block on Saturday, April '.i, hundred of Kas ter egtf.s. Kiddies from to fi years please come at t o'clock to find them. Anyone can see It's eaaler to row with the tide than against it. Join the Chamber of Commerce. tf Brunswick phonograpna on eaav terms at Hale's Piano Hnune. tf The Cirls Glee club of tho II. of p. whirh appears at the Pagf tomorrow hiKht, will arrive here tomorrow mor ning from Grants Pass where the or ganization sings tonight. The club appears at Ashland Saturday night, and then goes to Klamath Falls for a concert Monday. Used cars and used Federal trucks for salo by tho Seely V. Hall Motor Co. 0 Tho Chamber wf Commerce Is n clearing house for community thought and action. Join. tf Tfce Hogue River Valley Canning Co. will now contract for 1120 sea son's pack of tomatoes, beans, ber ries and all kinds of fruits. tf Don't forget the Hoover club lunch eon at tho Hotel Medford Saturday noon when a Hoover .Republican club will be formed and primary petitions circulated. The luncheon tickets will cost cents. Another one of those popular dances will be hold at Central Point Friday, April 2nd. Launspach orches tra. 10 K. I. Reft eggs at Dh oe's. Big shipment or Brunswick records just arrived. Don't fail to hear them. Hale's Piano House. Plays on any machine. BLISS NATIVE HERB TABLETS Is your skin spotty, covered with nimnlfs? Is your complexion Hallow? Do you wish a clear, rosy complexion. bright eyes, that appearam-e which j health and vigor brings to you.' If you do take at bedtime a HLISS NA TIVE I1KU1I TABLET. They remtvo lrom the system that waste matter that causes PIMPLES, BAD, BUHATH. HEARTBURN, INDIGES- j TION, CONST 1 PATION. They a t fgenlly but firmly on the STOMACH, LI VER. KI 1 t'K YS Ai.VD -BOW ELS. EAath box contains a GUARANTEE Coupon, and is sealed with a blue seal bearing signature of AIjONO O. BLISS. Fur sale by all leading drug gists in boxes containing 2 00 doses tor $ 1.00 and a smaller size for $r.r,o. Made bv A. O. BLISS CO., WASH INGTON, D. C. Adv. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. Mr. Good Goods Says: Our GOODS are GOOD; our PRICES LOW SPECIAL Friday and Saturday KID GLOVES for EASTER F. K. Deuel & Sons Mcdford DR. RIGKERT A few cents buys "Danderine." After an application of "Danderino" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, .vigor, brightness, inwo c'olbr ami thickness. Adv. EYES SCIKXTmOAIjriT tfKBTKIV, AND GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED . NO DIIOP8 USED Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated Hullo 1-2 over Mat 30H E. Main. Uoctalr. mi Speciallynice line of Easter Candies Eggs and Novelties -at Southern Oregon's Leading Confectionery FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MORE THAN 500 WOMEN'S HATS, READY TO WEAR . Flower huts, feather lmhs, tailor- l ed hats. .Hundreds and hundreds ) and hundreds of 1 hem. Quantities ; Films Developed FREE! Until April 15 wo will devolop nil Kodak Kilnis FltEl? whoro o'rderg uro Klvun for prints to bo mado from tho films. Kegular prices ' on all printing. ACJUNTS l.'Olt T1IH 10ASTMAN' KODAKS ltulpli Woiiilfmil Proprietor Freshness and Smartness Stand out 'All tho youthful chic which that last year's frock once possessed can be restored completely, (lo look at that dress you thought hopeless. There is a chance for it. It is never hopeless to us. Save it! Clean it! Freshen it! "Wear it! This telephone number will do it , 'Jl I. of new models today. Trimmed hats,' $C).7 to $75.00. " Tailored hats, 75' to $25.';; :v Untr'uuiiied hats, to $12.50. (Mrls1 liais, .: lo 15. iss Taylor Deuel Millinery Dept. P0O00CXX5COC300OO0C0CC00C00Cf000000O00GOO000OO0J00O0000O H Your Strength in I mm tfp lip o This cleaner will wash, sterilize and dry the bowl of an Iowa Cream Separator in two minutes One free with every Iowa Separator Hubbard Bros.