WEDFORD 5CCTO TRTBUTTP5. STETTPORD. OKRclOW VF.tKslAY. M.U.vir PXOT? THREW Fa 1 1 Jinlpli Woodford 212 W. Man Silverware For the Easter Bride .Appreciated lieyond adequate expres sion iy tile bride is 1 lie '( of table silvr"--awre. It is a pleasure and a treasure 1c day tomorrow For all 1 ime. TliP Lansduwne lias excellent propor tion and lialam-e and thoudi a fancy de sign, has .just eiiiiu.uh decoration to jrivc it dist iiietion. Also sliowinn' tlie famous Kiruscan am! other exclusive patterns in lioth and hollow ware. Handsome silver lea services to match many of our various patterns. Diamond onjjajjcnieiir rin.ns, in all tin latest desii-ns $10.00 to $3,000.00. Martin J. Reddy Southern Oregon's I.eiMliiiK Jeweler. ' We-hatfe just received box after box of beautiful, new spring goods, and they are now open foryou to see and buy and OWN. Dressing well is one of life's chief de lights. So comeiin now and;tbuy the new, spring things you NEED for comfort and for beauty's sake. You can always rely on the QUALITY, STYLE and PRICE of anything you get from us, because we tell you the TRUTH about what you buy in our store. OurGOODSare GOOD; our PRICES LOW. F. K. DEUEL & SONS Films Developed FREE! Until April 15 we will develop nil Kodnk Films FREE where cTilers are given for print.1! to be made from tho films. Jtegulur prices on all printing. ACiKXTS I'OK Till-: i:.ST.M. KODAKS l'roprletor THE FAMOUS Ery T Washing Machine A mL 1 New Improvements. "B? tfV A Powerful Suction RU1 1 ILL Vacuum Cleaners 1? A "fVCT Si Hot-Point and the SX VJl-vj Westinghouse Automatic It Automatically Cooks Your Meals While You're Away T5 AUTOMATIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS "We Kriiiliter Y"iir Hume." PEOPLE'S ELECTRIC STORE A. B. Cunningham, Prop. A Hoover Republican club will 1e formed in Medford Saturday noon. Wei born Heeson of Asliland, siate coin in it teem an representing Jackson county, made this announcement to day -and all .republicans, men and women, who are for Hoover, are urged to intend a luncheon at the Hotel Medford. The stale committee lias no funds. Therefore each guest will pay fi.r his own luncheon to the amount of fifty cents. There will he no long winded speeches and no formality. Hoover republicans are merely asked to meet together, discuss the situation and form the nucleus of a Jackson Coun ty Hoover organization. All men and women who can at tend the luncheon are requested to call the Mail Tribune ?.", before 4 p in. Friday ho it may be definitely known for how many to provide. ir. Hoover is now a candidate for the presidency, and it is believed that if the desire of the .people is made sufficiently manifest he will be nom inated. At any rate there are a large number cf people who want to see his name on the primary ballot and that is primarily the object of this meeting. Hoover petitions will be presented and signatures secured. It is not believed the meeting will take over an hour. Don't forget the time, Saturday noon, April 3d, at the Hotel Medford. iMr. Ernest Ilollenlieak, who hns been Kpemlimr the winter in Winters, t'ul.. returned Thursdnv. Anionir the week-end visitors in Medt'ord from l'rospeet were Mr. nnd ALrs. Lewis l'niikev. Mr. linv Jlnvis, Mrs. llert Nichols. Mr. X. S. (iood low, Mr. Krnest llollenbeuk mid Misses Eilnn und l.eliii Nichols, Mr. mid Mrs. Lewis I'nnkev nnd X. S. and Mrs. Lewis I'nnkev. Mr. Krnest linllenhenk returned with a new "Bnhv Overland" ear. Mr. Stewart Ditsworth and his sis ter. Hazel, spent Sundav with Mrs. Ilarr and her daughter. In the after noon Mr. Ilitsworth went up to the load eainp. Mir. Chester Havis made a business trip to Hi'i't 1 1 iuinbot ha m's Kriiltiv. Mr. Ilruee (Irieve made n business trip to Medt'ord Knti:;.!av. We have two new scholars in our school now, Mr. I'rcih Vnimhn ami Mr. Dewey Hill lit noon hours. Mr. and Mrs. 10. f. Amedon mad" a business trip to Win. (Irieve's Thursdnv. .Mrs. (lav Davis and daughter, Wn chael. are visitinir relatives at Cen tral Point. Asa llollenbeuk and family have almost entirely recovered from their recent illness and are at home to their friends at Prospect. A wonderful displav of the Nor thern Lights was mm h en joyed bv the people of this community Monday iinrht. The eolorinu.s were much more pronounced nnd the flashes more vivid than appeared last year, when a similar displav was seen. Has Become a Family Remedy , In every homo that has given J-O-T-O a trial for Stomach liellef you will llnd it now on the Faintly .Medicine Shelf Always Ready for Emergencies J-O-T-0 Is tho one Safe. Harmless, Pleasant - to - take Remedy that hringB instant results In moel stom ach troubles it will sweeten a nour stomach, stop belchlug, put a Mop to Heartburn and put out a Btomacn pain In two minutes. You r-hould try It then you will always have It where it Is bandy. Sold by nearly every Druggist, or you ran get a Free Sample by writing BELLINGhAM CHEMICAL CO, ballingham. Washington, Sold in Medford by ii hath's im; stoiik Phone 12 BSS Mk Cf iff mM THERE are so many daily uses for Karo (Blue Label) for pan cakes, cooking, baking candy-making that alert housewives buy it by the dozen cans. This is practicing real economy. HUNGER IN EAST? Nave you pondered tho full mean ing of tho Hlogiin ul' t ho committee lor Near ICast relief? "Hunger Knows No Armistice!" Let Its meaning sink in! There is no armistice in the piti less war which hunger is waging on tho 250,000 orphans, and over 800, 000 destitute udults in the Near Kast. It Is a war to the death! The only ammunition these sufferers can oh tain to carry on the hitter fight against cold and starvaticn, are the supplies which the warm and gener ous heart of American Is furnishing, and will continue to furnish until the next harvest can make these people self-supporting. They are not heg gars, wherever it is possible to open up local Industries, they work early and lato to mako themselves self supporting, over S7,0oo of them toe ing so employed at present under the direction of the Near Kast Relief. Hut the Turks utterly destroyed every house and industrial plant possible when they drove the people from their homes to die. 'Hunger knows no armistice! Have you ever heen so hungry that you were sturving, and knew there was no hopo to obtain any food? Few of us have. Itut picture how you weald feel in such a situation, and out of thankfulness that such a situation has not confronted you, if for no other reason, give liberally to the Near Kast Relief campaign which is now on. i Walter Kraser Brown will be the campaign director for Jackson county in the united campaign of the great Inter-church World Movement oT North America. Mr. -Brown recently received notice of his appointment fri.n Orion K. Goodman of Portland, who Is campaign director lor Oregon. Mr. Brown while not yd in posses sion of the exact details understands that the campaign will be on in the last week of April and the first week of May. The campuign is for a great cooperative movement of the churches of the various denomina tions W.' get non-members into tho churches. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A nni n no n at h A COLD OR CATARRH f Apply Cream ' in Noatrila Open Up Air Passages. To Ah! What relief! Your clipped noi trils open rijrlit up, tho air p.-t-t.-'airps of your head arc clear and you can breathe freely. No more haw kin?. smttQing, mucous dicharffp, headache, dry new no Btrujrjilintf for breath at night, your cold or catarrh i pone. Ion't stay stuffed up!' Oct a'amall bottle of Ely's, Cream Balm from your druzist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos trils, Jet it penetrate thrnngh every air passage of I the head ; i soothe ' and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, piviog you i instant relief. Kly'a Creiiia Balm i just r what every FcoM 1 and ra ta rr h T a uffe rer i h asbeea seek i g ,f l It 'i Just sflvadij. , w n " 4 i ! X I Sacks of All SiM lo-lbM24-lb.,49-lb. n Ac your nearest grocer. Hotcakc Time Is Here We handle Uuclvwlicaf and I'an-f-ako l-'loiir and keep all lands iT Syrnji. .Fancy and Staple ( ! merry. "Olyiiipie" Flour. Warner, Wortman 6 Gore Phones 702-703. Ask your grocer the price per dozen. P.S. Have you ever tried Blue Label Karo on Grape Fruit? Delicious! CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Battery Place New York i 1 A Mf! 'fan. i a f - -n t. n V Mil i -est i ft. - III We carry Olympic Wheat Hearts Pancake Flour ' . and Olympic Flour. High Grade Quality II. E. MARSH Phon9 252 Grocer Phone 252