pxnrc two KTTCDFOPJ) MATE TRTT3TTNTC. AtEPFOTCD, 0!K('iOX, WEDNESDAY. MAHCir .11, 1020. localBriels (More eggs me wanted for tin; big Easter egg hunt and frolic -which will bo held Saturday afternoon in tin1 city park, public library park and "Washington sdionl grounds. The limb for t lie en tries for t ho prize which will be given for the nio-t artistic plate i.f eggs lias ieen extend ed to 11 a. in. Saturday and a niimher of the exhibits entered o far are on display in tin kIiow window of the Bedford Kumiture & Hardware) riiiu pany store. If the weather is at all propitious the, Ka.ster rgg hunt and frolic Saturday will he one of the; greatest juvenile events in the eiiy'.sj history, with all the older folks pr cnt, of course. Broken forcings Jind casting, all shapes, all Met ills, all sizes, welded, ift-inforced and guaranteed. Vtilean Welding Works, South Front St. iDardunella records at Palmer's. X Leonard C. I'eLtit, instructor in Kussian Hchoid of vitv.in. Will open ehiHses at his studio on 'MA Smith Central avenue, riiono s;,r.-!t. n Largo consignment of ladies coals on salo this week. M. Dept. Store. .s Front Export YtVimg and (.'ounty Agent ('ate worn busy today in test ing the smudge thermometers sent in by the orchard itUH of the valley. Most of the thermometers are in, and I he owners of those still out are urged lo bring them in at once. I'axson's "Superb" Dahlias. Cata logue for postcard, or phone II, It. il, Paxson, Central Point. X '' A real "April Fool" party! tonight, foody's going lo (he "April l-Vol" par ty tonight! .Mud ford Nat. N Old King Cole was a merry old soul A merry old soul was ho He called for his fiddlers three To play for the Faster Jubilee. S- Homo baking and orders filled. 3.13 South Hiverslde. Phone 2 1 7-X. S 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark and baby daughter arrived in -.Mud ford to day from Portland and have resumed their residence on their ranch north of the city Export phonograph repairing. South Central. Phcne liKi-.J. :t.t How keen is your "sense of the lit iiohh of things?" Your observance of Passion week will answer. Services at First M. IS. church every night this week. S Largo consignment of ladies' coats on salo this week. .M. M. Dept. Store Waterman Fount aiim Pens, same price, riuulily .and servlco. Mudford BooK Stoio. K Tho i.Medford tdogan 'con test con ducted by tho Chamber (,'f Commerce 1b still open and contributions are Kolleited. The committee will meet next Monday evening to decide the winner of the $-2,", prii.e. Guaranteed springs for all cars. Billings Carrlugo & Auto Works, tf Oh you Blue Bird. 30S Kcouoml.o by using kc witch puds for use. Cot thorn at this offleo. tf Jones' Cash Store. II. K. .Marsh, .1. (I. Hlhhard, Warner, Wort man iV vioro Just received fresh stock PaeiNe Const Biscuit Co.'s Panama ('reams, Chocolate Kclairs, Chocolate Chips the high-class cookies. Try thetn ami bo convinced. S Last night's audienco which crowd ed tho Page at the Kolb & Dill com pany performance did not break the record for paid attendance at a legit i nm to show at this theater but prob ably ociialled it. Over 1 00 people bought standing rot.-m and many were turned away. Tho best record in total receipts taken in fur any legit Inialo show at. the Page was on its opening night of this theater when iMuud Adams, the famous actress and company was the star attraction. Largo consignment of ladies' coats on salo this week. M. M. Dept. Store. S A no tlier one of I ln,e popular dances will bo held at Central Poinl, rrldny, April. 'Jnd. Launspach orches tra. o Pansy, geranium and bcgoiia plants at Monarch Seed & Feed Co. Kutilor cards. West Sido Pharmacy. If There is only one iuUTurbnn line now running between .Medford und Ashland, as the Inlei urban Auto com puny has taken over the V alley Auto lino fixm G. L. Irwin and has merged tho two lines together. The merger was completed last Fridaj . The best s.'l't shell walnuts on the market at Warner, Wormian A.- Cure I 1 Mm. Paul llanaen, corsotloro for NuUnnn. Phono 5S.W. Delco-Ligbt KbMtrii-ity fur eei farm. J. K. Bjirtlett. .Mediurd Motet, .Medford. Ore. -Mr. and Mrs. ciuil .Mubr leh today for a short visit at San Fnun isco from which ciiv they will go to some California springs In a It h an Indefinite siay. where hopes to get i id of I he trouble which has been re...n ur .Mr. Mohr iheiillli lie In iherii'g him for some t hue pas! . Lady Hug, Lady Bug Fl a way home Your house uu lire Your children are gone 'Hunting Faster K.ggs. 1 Largo consignment of ladies' nui' on sale (his wik. M. M. Dept S'nrr s - Wo writo firo insurance, Keddtu & Cannday, X. Central. Phono 70 t .Mrs. I)cna!d Cohig and son left lor their home at Vreka tod.n folhtwlng ft visit with her parents. .Mr. and Mi O. K. iMitrshull. Hig shipment or l.innswl.k record;. jut arrived. J mi '( tall to hear them iiale'n IMnno Hom e. ' Big idiipnient of Brtnoiwfck recouls just arrived. Don't fail to hear them. Hale's Piano House Plays on any ninchino. , Dr. Willfs Rich of Stanford univer sity, who Is to mark tho fish of Rogue river thru the attaching of silver but tons to their fins, spent the morning, in company with with Roderick .Mac bay, cue of the biggest cannerynien j of the Rogue river, discussing t he j proposition with Carl D. Shoemaker, 'state game warden. Dr. Rich is on J his way tf the Rogue liver district. The fish will be "buttoned" as thev go out to determine how nianv conic htack and how far up the various trib utaries i hey go. Portland Journal. Kne. Mene. Mine, Me, Kgg hunting you must go. S4 Large consignment of ladies coats on sale this week. M. .M. Dept. Store. S Another one of those popular dances will be held at Central Point Friday, April Had. Lauirmach orches tra. Jo R. I. Heft eggs at l)t Zoo's. S. L. Kidder of Kosehuig and T. L. lleffron of Kugene are among the Oregon guests at the Holland. Just arrived. Car of famous Utah coal. Valley Fuel Co. Orrcs, tho ladies tailor, will bo at Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine woolens, latest styles always. tf Haaklns tor riealtn. Watch for the Bluo Bird. 308 Miss Klva Biunen of the Wagner ( reek section and .Mrs. C. W. oilers of Talent, are taking the mineral baths treatment at an Ashland rest cure. This is Pasdon week. Nothing more fitting than attendance upon the evangelistic services at First .M . K. church. . s Large consignment of ladies' coats on sale this week. '.M. ,M. Dept. Store. S Savo from ?.1 to $10 on a tiro at tho big sale. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tl Lithia Mineral water by tho case. Jackson County Creamery. Dr. and .Mrs. Chas. T. Sweeney have moved Into their new home at U0(i South Orange street, the fine bungalow having recently been re modeled and repainted. For eye, ear, noso, throat boo Dr. Ilolno, Liberty Bldg. Classes fitted. Your prosperity depends upon that of your neighbor. Tho Chamber of Commerce works for tho wolfaro of alt. .loin. tf Psed cars and used Federal truck tor sale by tho Seely V. Hall .Motor Co. 10 Tho Chamber or Commerce is a clearing houso for community thought and action. Join. tf Another candidate has entered the race for the county school superinten dent nomination on the republican ticket, in the person of Miss Susanne Homes of Ashland, the veteran teach er whr,1 is well known thruout the county. Machines rented and repaired. Singer Shop, phono Slfi-H. Sill Be patient, tho Bluo Bird. IIOS Tho Roguo Ulvor Valley Canning Co. will now contract for lDliO sea son's pack of' tomatoes, boa lis, ber ries and all kinds of fruits. tf Largo consignment of ladies' coats on sale this week. -.M. M. Dept. Store. S Mr. and .Mrs. Ceoige M. Wonzel of Los Angeles aro guests at the Med ford. Other California guests at this hotel are William (Irani of Vacaville, and F. A. Woodward, W. A. Alder man, F. K. Nash and Thomas Hodge man of San Francisco. Lost In the city park block on Saturday, April :t. hundreds of Eas ter eggs. Kiddies Ironi ;i to (I years please come at '2, o'clock to find them. Anyone can seo It's easier to row with the tide than against It. Join the Chamber of Commerce. tf Brunswick phonographs on easy tonus at Halo's Piano Houso. tf Seo 1). R. Vvooci & Co., Rm. 209 Liberty Bldg., for firo Incuranco. tf i.l iss Ca Ivin. home science expert for a nationally known clcrtric appli ance company, will arrive soi.'u in .Medford for a week's denrmst ration at 1 he power company's oft ice of a popular make of electric range. A real "April Fool" party! Wed Med lord Nat. Imperial orchestra! S Be up to date and have your spring dresses hemstitched and pocotcd at Hie Handicraft Shop. ! McCurdy-IJowno Motor Co., Over laud -I and Republic truck agents, have taken a temporary location in tho Crater Lake enrage. tf American Legion hall. Fri. Apr. !. Among t in eastern visitors so journing in the city is Paul A. Cilgcr of New York City. Largo consignment of ladies' coats on sale tbi.s week. M. M. Dept. Store. N Always is there a cheery smile of welcome in the Blue Bird home. Drink Lithia Mineral water for i hen mat ism, stomach and kidney troubles. Order from Jackson County Creamery. FaMer cards to make (he children happ . Swem's Studio. V At the Nash hotel are regii-tered K. K Rim der of M(.;eow, Ida , .1. F Dh-hinger of Salt Lake City and R. V. It old net t( mid Mr. and M rs. Joseph Sha !cr ui San Francisco, and F. II. Bishop ot Klamath Falls. Have you seen tho used car bar gains that wo aro offering. McCurdy Bowno Motor Co. Prices cut to the. bottom at tho big sale. C. F. (iates Auto Co. tf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WASTED -wanes ; A paMry co ."b. I o hours. k ni; his Ke Cafe If LO.- AuioihiM M'ttmg tor brooch diamond in enler e been lo.si m Med- Suitable reward W U M'l' .Hid .S'ippoMMl o h. I !!. Mart'i ; t"r p i ut n lo i his o! fit e. li. Bioimi. I.agle Point. t; FOl UK'NT Two or three room apartment ami Heepim; roi in a ."-10 Fast Main. 1 As has been their custom for sev-! The rehearsal of tho retiring and eral years, the Epworth League of! new officers of the Elks lodge inci tho Methodist church will hold sun- dental to Thursday night's big instal rise prayer meeting Faster morning lation because of tho inclement at ti;;!0. All young people are urged! weather last night was adjourned to attend. Breakfast will be served ; from the aviation field at the foot of immediately following the service. I South Fir street to beneath the Bear' Begin your Faster sewrng now. Creek bridge. At the same lime Carl! Hemstitching and pecoting lUc per! yard. Tho Vanity Shop. Attractive Faster Ci lesson for gills. Handicraft Shop. W The Blue Bird Is coming. ?,0K The Blue Bird electric washer, the acme of perfection, Is coming to Med ford. :Medfon people who were regis tered at the .Medford yesterdav and this forenoon are .Mr. and .Mrs. II. C. Jones, M iss (Irace lye and -Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Moran. Spring Millinery opening Wednes day, Thursday and Friday, March 1 and April I and li, at Bonnet Nook. Latest creations in new styles. lb (lood-bye (Jloom! Hello Joy! Fvery hi.y's going to the "April- Fool" party. Wed. night! Medford '.Vat. S Get the habit! Buy alia res now in tho Building and Loan. tt C,u tinning the evangelistic cam paign. Passion week services are be ing held each night at the First Meth odist Fpiscopal church. The subject announced for this evening is, "The Divine .Mind." American Legion ball, Fri. Apr. Your spring suit best woolens, reasonable prices. Klein tho Tailor, Fast Main, upstairs. 31C Have you tried tho LithEu Mineral water from the Jackson County Creamery. it has great medicinal value. (Irants 'Pass residents here in at lendance at the Kolb & Dill perfor mance last night were Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Van Dyke and Mr. and .Mrs. .Neil Allen. Tablets and scratch pads made of news print, for school and office uso for Halo at Hiis office. tf Children's silk stockings and socks to go with your spring dresses. Han dicraft Shop. It Tru lllu Grahams ho.st on earth. Ask your dealer. It Tho resident alumni and former students oT the V. of O. will meet at the public library at 7:"0 o'clock tonight where Prof. George itebec of the P. of (). extension department will make an address on the state millago tax lull for the elementary schools and three stale institutions of higher learning. Faster bonnets for little folks, in white and colors. Handicraft. Shop.il I have somo exceptionally good bargains on used cars thaL will pay you to investigate. 10 Lost On tho "ashingt(.li school grounds on Saturday, April ;, one thousand or less Faster eggs. Any boy or girl of !l or H years finding them will receive same for reward. Chief of Polieo Timothy received a telegram this morning from Sheriff Humphreys of Klamath Kails stating (hat there had been another jail break in that city last night, 'by which two- prisoners had escaped. Flowers for Faster Lilies, roses, hydrangeas, freesias, carnations, vio lets, sweet peas, heather, ciuerari, primroses. Maddox &, llonney, luu.", Fast Main Ht reet. 1 I Dainty 1 11 1 lo hand-tinted baskets for Faster favors. Handicraft Shop. !l Get your Faster bat at tho Bonnet Nook. Spring opening March HI and April I and 1 0 It was rather an odd sight for this time of year lo see the city park cus todian irrigating the lawn of tho city park Ibis morning with two streams of hose. Don't lei anyone tell you thai other clot lies washers are made on same principle of the Blue .Hint. I'sed cars of all kinds for sale by the Seely V. Hall Motor (V.. in 'Dressmaking of all kinds. NL'i! North Central. '2 Oregonians registered at the Med ford last night were Austin F. Flegel Jr.. .1. A. Ochwig and Win. Prelm of Portland, and C. D. Thompson. L. A Kohlo and L. C. Falkenhageii of Grants Pass. For Salo New and second-hand machines. Singer Shop, 1 1 5 West Main Phono nii-K. H1G Kor tho best Insurance seo Holmes tho insurance Man. American Legion ball, Fri. Apr. !(. The weather was somewhat chillier today than f( r days past, with a min imum temperature of 2S degrees (his morning. Late yesterday afternoon a short storm period set in with alter nate falling of rain and snow last night, but the total precipitation for the day and night was only JM ot an inch. Fan weather is the prediction tor Thursdav. The Blue Bird is the Packard of Fleet rie clothes washers. v A community service organization does for the community what an in dividual would tike to if he could. Be one of the ft.ur hundred in the Great- Mod ford organ tzat ion. Join the Chamber of Commerce. tf The April Fool party at the nat loni(;ht promises to he one of the best affairs yet staged in this popular hall. Many now! teal ores an- planned Special stunts, special prizes .special dance: are announced. and) and' there will tic bits of confetti The h-'Mui will be out in full management stat e t hat imperial ot force. Th iu. admission will be char d An i,st su pplies, brushes, oil and water colors. Swem's Studio. s When you help your town you help yourself. Join the Chamber of Com merce, t? Faster cards. West Side Pharmacy. tf Orro.1, Inilors for men and women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. Uon't fall to hear "Dardanollu" of tho new Gold Seal Fmerson records. Plays on any machine. Hale's Piano House. Bmvinan had his boxers for the two ,ast l,( Bs at the lodge session Thurs day night training behind the Pacific O. Eastern depot. Carl Jcscnke, hign grade watch and clock, repairing. 9 Kir street. j Attractive showing of spring hatp I for children at Bonnet Nook. in Hemstitching 0c per yard, thread furnished. Singer Shop, 113 W. Main. 3 it; j 1). C. Harris, chief electrician in the navy, is hero with a navy recruit ing party who are making their head quarters at tho Hotel Medford. He is giving out information as to the status of the reserve men in the navy, and calls attention to the fact, that there are unusual opportunities ii the a" vocational schools of the navy The recruiting party will bo here until April IMid, and then a follow-up party comes to present a navy mov ing picture show. Hot tumult, and cam con ca roe at DeVoe's. "April Fool" party! Medford nat. Wed. Special stunts! Special prizes! Special dances! Lots of confetti! Don't miss it. S Lost In the library block on Sat urday, April i barrel of Faster eggs. Children of sewn and eight years aro wanted to hunt them at o'clock. C. W. Conkiin arrived home today fro'm Portland where he attended the funeral of an aunt. American Legion ball, Fri. Apr. 9. See Venico and die. See a Blue Bird washer and you will want to live. "April Fool" party! Medford nat tonight. Special stunts! Special prizes! Special dances! Lots of con fetti! Don't miss it. s The Kolb & Dill company which delighted almost a reccrd audience at the Page last night, left for Kugene this morning where the Wet & Dry comedy plays tonight. Messrs. Kolb and Mill arc very popular come dians with Medford theatregoers both because of their own laugh get ting efforts and tho general excellent all around performances their com pany furnishes. Oelco-Light Electricity for every farm.. J. F. Bartlett, Medford Hotel, Medford, Ore. Furniture upholstering, mattresses made over. Gcnoral repairing. Doug las, 101 South Central. Phono C15-.L 3X9 You ought to Insure your auto with Hodden &. Canaday, 32 N. Cen tral. Phono 70. Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Willis have gone to Portland to visit relatives and may remain there. They have lived in Medford 1 I years and still own somo property here. !Mr. Willis is a contractor and built several houses In 'Medford. Furniture and household goods carefully packed and crated. Dong las 101 South Central. Phono Gla-J. 319 Broken castings arid forglngs of caMt iron, steel, aluminum, brass, bronze and malleable, welded and ro eu forced. Vulcan Wolding Works, 33 South Front street. it is interesting to note that Wal ter L. Too.o, Sr., of Salem, the Leon ard Wood organizer in this state and his sou, Walter L. Tcj.er, Jr.. of Mc--Minnville, are apparently divided In their political beliefs as to the best republican candidate for the presi dency. While the father was work ing in Grants Pass Monday in Gen eral Wood's interest, the son was in Portland conferring with C. A. Herbs man of Seattle, manager of the Poin-doxler-for-pre.sidenl campaign in which (he oung MeMinnvillo attor ney is Interested. Demand Tru lllu crackers and oAikies, handled in Medford by Dc Voe, II. F. Marsh. Hutchinson & Luinsden. J. A. Moffatt, J. K. Sollis. C. A. Hamlin. V. F. Censor, Butter field's Grocery, Warner, Wortman & Gore. ! A 'tee prints, framed or unframed make beautiful gifts. Swem's Studio. N I'. G. Phelps, the system auditor of t he California Oregon Power com pany, has returned from a business visit at Klamath Falls. Don't fail to hear "Fast Asleep in Poppy I. and" on the new Gold Seal Fmerson records. Plays on any ma i. ''ie. Hale's Piano House. utomobilo, tractor, truck and im plement parts welded good as now. Vulcan Welding Works. Limber Up With Penetrating Hamlin's Wirard Oil A harmless and effective prepara tion to relieve the pains of Rheuma tism, Sciatica. Lame Back and Lum ha go is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen ct rates quickly, drives out soreness and limbers up still aching joints aiu niniln. You have no idea how useful it will be found in cases of every dav ail ment or mih.ip, when there is need oi an immediate healing, antiseptic ap- Clication, as in cases of sprains, ruises, cuts, burns, bites and stints Get it from druggists for oO cents If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick head ache? lust try Wizard Liver Whips pleasant little pink pills, 60 cents Guaranteed. WEEKS & ORR UNDERTAKERS !:iy riione 7 ninnci 1.-. w. Wooks, 227-.1-S Mgl.t Time to Spray For Scab With favorablo jvoathor conditions pears in many parts of thfl valley will lie In the proper stage fcr what is known as the "Pink Scab Spray. " about the last of. this week, lint most of tho sprayins should be done dur ing the week of April 5 to lb. Anjou and Unwell pears will in all probabil ity be ready before the other var ieties. This sprayinfi should be delayed as lata as possible and still get the spray on before the blossom cpens. The ideal slajse for this scab spray is when the buds In the fruit cluster have sep arated, so that the stems of the fruit buds are exposed, so that this can be coated with spray. It will not do any harm if the spray is applied when one or two of the buds ure open in each cluster. 'Apple scab spraying will be a little later than tho pears, and in sections where scab was last year on either apples or pears, special effort should be made to make this application ut the proper time. f-or pears uso liquid lime and sul phur, one gallon to thirty-five gallons of water. Dry lime and sulphur three to four pounds to fifty gallons of water. To make the spray more ef lectivo use two gatlons c-f oil emul sion to two hundred gallon tank. Kor appleB uso liquid lime and sul Welcome Relief From the Tortures of Rheumatism Can Come Only From the Proper Treatment. Mnny forms of rheumatism are caused by millions of tiny germs that infest the blood, and until the blood is absolutely freed of these germs, there is no leal relief in eight. The most satisfactory remedy for rheumatism, is S. S. S. tic- SPRING AND SUMMER SHOWING- OF MILLINERY at tho BONNET NOOK 111 V. Main St. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Latest modes in straws and braids for women and eliildron. Freshness and Smartness Stand All the youthful rhie which that last year's I'rocl. oiiee possessed can lie restored -omiletelv. (io look at that dress you thought hopeless. There is a chance for it. It is never hopeless to us. Save it! Chan it! Freshen it ! Wear it! This telephone nuinlier will do it . 'J 1 1. phur one to twenty. Dry lime and sulphur four to five pounds to fifty gallons of water. C. C. CATK. County Agent. I.March SI, 1 !'-'". CASES UNTIL FAIL WASHINGTON. Mar. :', 1 A null or postponement until next fall of argu ments in seven anti-trust suits now before tho supreme court has been decided upon. It was said today that the department of justice desired to study tho re;ent decision against the government in the I'nited Slates Steel corporation case and to review the dissolution suits now pending. 'Iiesidos the so-called anthracite coal trust cases, which were argued last fall, appeals in six proceedings instituted hv the government under tho Sherman art are before the court. Californians who are guests at the Holland include .Mr. and -Mrs. Chas Donberg of San .lose, .Mr. and Mrs .lohn Louise of Gazelle, .Mr. and .Mrs Karl K. Ager of Ager, and John .1 Klynn f t San Krancisco. cause it is one of the most thor ough blood purifiers known to med ical science. This fine old remedy cleanses the blood of impurities, and acts as an antidote to the germ of rheumatism. S. S. S. is sold by druggists everywhere. For valuable litera ture and advice address Chief Med ical Adviser, 107 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. out ARRANGE FOR ARRIVAL WonliS i U.K. M'.i., Mur. ;n. Member- of the While limine stall! were here loiiiiv iirran-jini: fur Ihe arrival of I 'resident Wilson anil his nlticial I .i in 1 1 ii Ik ml June 111. ,i the iviiuet of Joseph .Muri'liv and Kiluard W. Smitliers, secret service men who are rei'rc.-enlinir Secretarv Tumulty, real eslale agents an, I other citizens made a survey of the town with a view of oblaininy aecunitno ilaliiuis for several hundred . clerks and ailtninistration nttiielies. THE BATTLE, WON Confidence in your physician or the tonic that he may prescribe, is half the battle won. The consistent use of always begets confidence in those who take it. Scott's is a tonic-nutrient recom mended by physicians everywhere. Let SCOTT'S help againftt weakness. neia.w. I, 19-11 uid Zemo There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itchine; torluro-and relieve skin irritation aufUNiatJnaKes the skin soft, clear J supply you with lv overcomes skin ma. itch, pimples, rashes. in most cases eive wav Yequcntly, minor blemishes frnignt. turning usually (lv. Zcmo is a safe, anti septic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. Il costs onlv 35c: an extra law Ixrttle, S1.0O. It will not stain, is not creasy or sticky and is positively afe for tender, sensitive skins. The H. W . Rose Co., Cleveland. O. Avoid Trouble at Teething Time , by giving baby M R S. WIMSLOW'S SYRUP Tit Infants' and Chttdras'l Rcillator T By causing the stomach to digest food as it should, keeping the bowels open and by giving baby less food, the first teeth never cause trouble. Contains no harmful ingredients formula on every bottle. Use it and note how easy and comfort able baby is when teeth come. At all drugging, DYE THAT SIT, J "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby. Farted Apparel Like New. Don't worry n limit, perfect resulta. Uso "Dinmoml Dyos," puarnntced to frivo n. now, rich, fad'olcss color to any fab ric, whether it, lie wool, silk, lipen, cot ton or mixed goods. Presses, blouses, .stocking?, skirts, children's coats, feath ers, draperies, coverings. The Direction Hook with each packaps tella .o plainly how to diamond dye over 'any- color that you can not make a mis takff. To match any material, hare druggftt ahow you "Diamond Dyo" Color Card. LADIES! SECRET TO DARKEN GRAY HAIR Bring Back its Color and Lustre with Grandma s sage : Tea Recipe. Commnn warden saeo brewed Into heavy tea. with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn pray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux uriant Mixing the sage Tea ana hui phur recipe at homo, though, la troublesome. An easier way is to net the ready-to-use preparation Improved by the addition of other ingredients a largo bottle, at little cost, at druc stores, known as "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair Is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound, no on can tell, berause It does it so natural ly, so evenly. You just dampen a pponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking on small strand at a time; by morning all cray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet requi site It Is not Intended for the cure, I migration or prevention of disease, Scott J BpttacruWio MffiiilRIURE I - i Use Antiseptic LkJ