Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 30, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    wjjuFOKu imn TmmjflE, mrdford. okf;ox. ttesday. mahcti no. i&o.
took' at tongue! Remove poi
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
'AwJflpt "California" Sjnip of Flga
only look fur the numi; t'ulifornia on
the package, then ymi ar Hure your
child is having tiio l't and nmit harm
leas laxative or iihynie. for the little
stomach, liver and bow el a. Children
love ita dclicioiiH fruity taste. Full
directions for child's done on eucli bot
tl. (Jive it without fear.
Mother I You uiurit Buy "Cvlltoruli."
Your vus am worth ;t."r. n down
now. lut theni up In WAT Kit CLASS
irfwcrvr and liavo :fc ikkh 'llt
when tliy aw worth (t." mid 70r K'i
dozen. CostH mr! evnt per down to
ft tore.
Seed & Feed Co.
317 East Main Strati
Operators of coal properties In
Utah and Wyoming advlso buying
your winter supply now. Tho Idea Is
spreading that tho coal commission
may award the mlnerH a further ad
vance In wages, as well as to make
other concessions that will further
materially increase the cost of pro
ducing. Wo can now fill your ordors with
different sizes of
Dry. Wood of All Kinds on
Phono 2.13 5:1 So. Front Kt.
Fur tln-c -nlio love rjltrllV, lilting
iiiflndifo- of tho kind whidi tinier m
oiu'- uit'iiinrv itl't or hcJtrinir tlitm
sim-. Knll i'hd Dill'. liit--t mirth
irovokiiiLr vi'liii'U "Vit ami 'I rv"
-.t vied ji proliiliition ir;tiiiiiti fun-c
in 11 nroluiru and two ;tN. will lihd
thfir rriiviitir niiINHimI to 1 1n- tiilte-t
extent. "Wet nnd lrv" with ill ta
il. mi-. t'iiii-iiiiikir in tin' liicf roles
;ind .surrounded hv a coinpiinv of su
Iterini excellfMioc roiiie-i to the I'ne
tlierttre t'nii.'M.
Jean Ilavez. famed as :i writer ci
oti-.'s and inu-i'-al pnnliM'tinns rul
latn.rated with Max Dill on tin .ind
ent prodiH-t ion. I 'ill wrote the hook
and Ilavez took eare of the h'ries
and nmie. Annum the most appeal
ing new offerini:- are: "Let's f're
teiid," stui' bv Miss M;tv Clov ami
Klurenz (iillette, "Iteaut il'ul (iarden
of Dreams'' hv Mis Lavinia Winn
and Allen Walt its. : :lui (Had I'm
Irish" hv i'atsv 'Allen, one of the
son .'-bird beauties of t he show ;
'Kvervbodv in the Town Is Sober."
a humorous sonj hv Carl liereb and
last but not leat, a speeialtv bv the
famous jazz orehestra entitled It
Ifnincii Kverv Duv Sinee the Coun
try Went Drv."
CIrculnr work of all kinds
Mailing Lists
Tunnell & Edwards
800-308 Llhorty Building
Modford, Oregon.
Licensed City Scavenger.
All refuse Immediately removed on
short nollce. Weekly vlalt in resi
dence uiBtrlcU. Dully bunluesa dl-
trlct. I'hontm M)r-lt.
Oodoe Car. stand corner Main and
Bartlett. Phone 900.
Aliso went for Fairbanks mi Mom
17 Smith Rlvitmlrt
Go Anv Where. Any Time
I Mnko Them
128 KiiNt Main St.
Cars for hire with or without
' '' Driver. j
L Nash Hotel
Mr. Win. Lewis' hroiitdit hfc sheep
over cin tin' Anlioch rutiL'o this wed;
nml his herder is slnviiiir si t t In- ranch
In- recently hnuulit. Hie H. llavmurinl
proper! v.
Mr. Mtivfii'lil, who wintered his
cuttle nl Hie Hour Creek hriduf, ilrnve
tlii'in In) r-lt to the rniiL'c in the mea
dows this week.
Mr. It. Morrison, Mr. ('Iiiiinmin nml
11. Clinimmn went to the".!. Dinkcns
ranch in the meadows Tliursiluv for
Mirs. Morrison mill sons ni'i' spend -inir
this week with Mr. nml Mrs. Doll
Mrs. ('. Conlcv iin.l Mrs. 1(. :.
Mimie siiiut ii lew ihivs willi home
folks this week.
Horn, lo Mr. nml Mis. I'Viink Mvi'R-
nf I'l'iicle. (wins, u liov iinil uir), lit
Mi'ilfonl. Muri'h IH.
Mr. Kreil li-own. from near I'hoe-
nix was out in Anliorh itnd Ih'ticle
Mr. Morris nml Miss Cuwuill wor?
out. to visit the Anliorh school Mon
diiv. Two new scholars entereil the Anli
orh srliool .Mioniluv, Kilnn anil Jess
Hosenlieri; from the Trowhridire
Mrs. Ilurolil Shook, Intelv relurneil
frnin liosehurir, nihl her sister. Miss
Zi'llu Tuvlor, tire1 eookiiur it t the Mo
doe ori'liai'il.
Mr. .less (llnss went to Antileuule
"'uesdnv. mid hroiiulit hui-k Mr. Meikle
nml Mr. (Ireer.
Mr. Meikle ineueheil fiinerul ser
vice III. Alltioell eelneterv Weillll-silil
for Mrs. Monroe Mrown, whose liome
was nt Divide the hoilv heiim' shiiiped
lo Mr. Jerl's uinlei'tiikinir tmrlors.
ller parents ciiuie from Murvsville.
Cul.. anil returned Thursday. Mrs.
Hrown leaves her hushmid mid three
little hovs. hesiiles her mother, fill her
three sisters nml one brother. The
llonil offerings were lieiiuliful. eon
sideriML'' the time of veer.
By A. C Uovlotl
After 1 had written the l''nulets for
The Medford Mail Tribune. Mr. Kdtnr
Whit)', one of Med ford's jeweler
vmuv in lo spend llie niubl and in
terest himself the next dav lumlini:
tivi-r our auale fields for a mites. So
Sunduv moniiiiL;, after eatintr a
beartv brenklast and (jikinu a liinelt
prepared bv the hostess of the Sim
uvhle.. he started in eoinpanv ot
.1. , (loin, tho (mate kin-' of this
ommunitv. (leorye West and William
Jones, two of the forest numers thn
are stopping (it the Sunnvside whili1
putliutr up a telephone tine front Trail
to Medford. tbeV started out to seek
their fortunes, and when tbev re
turned, reported that tbev had bad
ousidrnible sueeess. Mr. Wiuhl
makes a business of e.lilliei'ih!T aiiates.
having them nit and polished and
then mountimr them. Tbev sueeeeded
in MMMirhur sitme tine stones.
Misses Kthel ami Sadie Anderson
of Medford eaine out in eonipnnv nf
If you are tired of
hearing" the clock
strike two or three.
night after night.try
a change from tea
or coffee to
- a wholesome bev-
eraife with a fine fla
vor, but no harmful
Ho raise in price
Mr. A. J. Florev, Jr., and Glen Malev
lo attend the dance (riven in the
dunce hall here, end after the dance
look rooms at the Sunnvnide hotel,
remiiinimr until after dinner Sunduv.
Professor A. I..' iliiselton, who i.-
teachin'r mil annul eis;ht rnileK north-
en't of liutte Kails, came out Sat
erdiiv everiine. rPmnininjr until Tues
dev wiih his feuiilv. He has n smal
school. twr little yirls nnd shvs that
he is eettin" elonir nicely with them.
Thev, the children and teacher, hav,
tr. no down a onarter of mile ti
the M'hnol house, where thev fin 1
an iiii-to-ilnte school with nil modern
conveniences jncltidinrv u fine modern
licntiprr f.irnee w'th olentv of wood
li. P. Patrick. v,-ht is working, car-
..eplcriii" 'in the 'Talent d:ch elimp
in SatnnlMv e' i.t,Jn on the Lewis jit
oev end hnrr-d nn out lo his honv-
in the finithills. intending' to reac!
there hefore .lark. !
Snnilai' moniiiiL'' we had our re!:u
Jar Sunduv school on time, hut our
minister. Mr. Travato. did not show
up and the conseouence was we had
no preaching. On inuuirv I learneil
that he had cone to Medford and
joined the 1'nited Slates' cnvalrv, uni'.
when the Sunduv Orenon Journal
came out it contained unite a notic
of him as heimr an expert eouestrian
and pistul shot, hut he left us un
( eremonionslv and the fir-t that we
knew of it came in a letter to Mr.
nnd Mrs. Morirmi. with whom he had
hoarded while here, statin; that he
had joined the arinv and was on
his wav lo Wyoming to n fort as his
headiiiutrlcrs. He did not seem to
succeed as 11 minister here, us he
could not eet the people inlcrestc;!
enoimh to turn out and hear him. I
ii hi informed thai he tried, durim
the lute war. lo enlist in the annv
mi vv and murines, hut was rejected
on account of his heiirhl, us he was
loo short to fill the standard. We
wish him success in his new under
I iiitine;.
Sunduv was not as pleasant as
could he wished, as it was rather
ehillv March weather, hut we had
unite a numlier of people here for
dinner, heside our rcyulnr hoarders,
iiiiiiuil' whom were Nick voiiul' and
Miss Ituliv llalev of Central Point
Mr. and Mrs. Churles Nunen, diuiL'li
ter Yire.mii!. mid son, Creiir. of Jack
sonville. Mildred . Thompson of Stan,
ford university. Mr, and Mrs. (1. II
Satchartv, Medforil, Mr. (i. M. Host.
San Krancisco, Hernurd Tickrow, of
Mr. and Mrs. fiordon C'hihlreth.
who have heen stotipinr ut the Sun
n.vside for sonut time tuist, have nioveil
and uont'l to Ihoiisekeeiiintr on the
Wilflerv orchard, (lordon iroinsr to
work there for the summer.
Monday inoruinir there was some
stir on the street, as some of the
dairv people came in earlv to hrimi
their creum. and aiuoiur them I no
ticed Mrs. Waller Meyers. She is
makinir a specialty of the dairv and
Poultry hiisiuess and when she. asked
the crcuincrv tint ri the price of eirus
mid he replied 2Hi- a dozen, she re
plied that thev hetter keep tho eirus
ami eat thent than sell at that price.
With wheat at four and five cents
a pound that it would no! puv lo sell.
Kd Cowdon was another who
hronuht in his cream hut the most of
the dairymen are wnitintr until Thurs
day. M'rs. Frank Neil of Derhv was a
passenirer on the Mcdford-Knilc
Point slime MVindav and went on up
home. '
Mrs. Ida l.eo Hush, reprcscntin::
Washington, 1). ('., was nnuiiiu' the
sruests MVindav at dinner. She is one
of those affable characters that seem
to make friends wherever she iroe.
and soon has people interested in
her work.
Mr. W. R. Rutler. who is makim:
his home with his son. W. K. Iiutler,
aliout two miles ahove here, wits also
here for dinner Monday. The old
gentleman is unite feeble, as he is
nearinir his SHth birllidav.
Mr. Mat-shall and his- two hovs of
Itrownsluiro, who Imiiuht the milN
was here also Monday.
Mrs. Kadcliffe was also n husi
ness caller Mundav.
I-;. P. Ilanbv, one of our ex-soldiev
and M5ss Violet (Inthain of Trail
came in Tuesday, and remained until
this Wednesday tnornimi. when thev
went up home on the Faale Point
Persist stime.
(leonie McDonald, foreman on Ihe
Frank Khodes farm, took dinner tin. I
went oii'lo Medl'iird. relurnini this
Tuesday foretiooti I was called lo
the phone bv the sheriff's office anil
notified to be in Jacksonville hv '!
o'clock that afternoon to appear as
it witness in a civil suit between Al
bert Clements and it Mr. Small over
a collision between their two cars, so
alter enitttiriiii; u round. I found that
Frank and H. 11. Urown and S. It.
Holmes were lo mi nl.-o as witnesses
ill the same case, so iiiauai;ed lo
net a ride with them. Otherwise, !
would have had lo walk, as Hie jit
ney does not leave here until two
o'clock and then 1 would have heen
lnniled in Medford nnd could not L'et
there on time nl anv rate. (Sic'ees
tiott: The next time anv one i want
ed, call a little curlier). Hut 1 went
iinvwuv and on the wav I tiotice.l
Unit the irrnm that had heen planted
was looking hetter than 1 expected
and the alfalfa was looking line. I
could not tell very much about I In
ea-e. as there U such an echo in the
court house that it is very hard lot
one to nndei-slaiid what it said, hut
we consult r-elves that when Med
foril ucts out of debt that we will
have a new one. hut how loie that
will be puzzles a prophet to tll.
George l.ooslev of fort Klamath,
and Fred Neil of Ashland came in
after an absence of several dav- nnd
resinned their places at the table in
the Sunnvside. Mr. I.onslev has been
in here off und ou lor bomo timo.
btivinz tin cattle fur shipment to his ;. removed. Mi s. Watkins, our! Mace thU Wedne-da
ali i lur dinner anil so was Mr. R. K. f;r-
ranch in Klamath county, and now;,......,, nei.-bbor. has had her old I went on up to visit hi- br .tlier. I tin of Mcdtnrd. a representativB of
has them turned out on the rttnsie j lmrn ,),, lus Jt.en s,andini: for years j Jom 1.. l.mie and wife of Dcrlo the Portland I'luunmr Mills and so
north and northeast of here and he;,rI1 ,nn um) Ilow ,, i,,t looks itsleame in mid siicnt Tuc-dav nitrht I was t'arlvle Natwick. lie had reeent-
and .Mr. .Neil ure lookiif.' alter tlie-n ' j,i,in.h .somethiuu had been lost. ; with us and Wednc-uav iu,.iiiiiil' iu-.i iv rctiirneii ihuii me t rospeet country
Allison Allen of Spi.knne. a hall- l.ane went on down to A-lilaml. and retmrts a ouaiiiiiy ot snow ou
brother to John M. Allen of Derhv.: O.C.Walker r deputy usso.-or. tin-route of Ine ( rater Lake hiuhwav
erne out on the Medford-Fiil'Ic Point i wn -- M nest t the Smiiiv-i.l.- to'la-. 1 between there mid I Creek.
until he yets ready to take them
toss the mountains to his ranch.
Another of our old landmarks h;
Mother, May Ihave some of flie tfew
ONE of the reasons why housewives
are so delighted to know that the old,
reliable Karo is now to be had with the
flavoring of purest maple sugar is because
it solves the "High Cost of Maple Syrup
The new Karo Maple Flavor has the
delicious taste of new maple syrup ; it also
has the rich body so desirable in a table
Compare the flavor and cost of Karo
Maple Flavor with other
syrups. You'll then know
why it i3 so popular.
Be sure to ask your grocer for Karo Maple
Flavor in the Green Can. It is guaranteed
to please you or your grocer returns your
17 Battery Place New York
' Td them :
on your outtng trip- iMmmJ-
DEL MOMTK Tf.TI witln PnrL- nnrl Tr s- "r
Del Monte Becns with Pork and Tc
inato Sauce are the ideal out-door food-
convenient to carry wholesome, nutri
tious and hunger satisfying. They contain
more real food value than meat, yet they're
much more economical. Ready to serve as
they come from the can good hofr or cold.
No matter what the outing trip camp
ing, hiking, hunting, motoring no matter
where you go take a supply of Del
Monte Beans with you. Their savory
goodness always tempts and they have the
sustaining qualities so essential in an out
door food. Packed in four sizes of cans to
meet all needs.