PXGTl two WTTCPT'OTt'D MATT, TRTRTTNT:, IM'EDFORD, ORKfiOX, Tl'RSDAY, MAT7PI. no, 1920. JjocalBrleB It will bn good nows to the house wives of tho Jackson ci.miiI y l.inn bureau relative to iho pros cut liili price of sugar and the possibility that at canning time the kwci-I stuff will ! session Thursday. KiiK.-ne tJuard. Fred O. .Mahau, formerly cf the Fruit Growers' association, has sold his home at 2'i2 Oak street to K. H. -Milh-r, a farmer of near Kiifjene, and will niov- to .Medford, where he will Im connected with the Oregon C row ers Co-operative associal inn. Mr. Mahau leaves for the south Wednes day and the new owner will take pui- be prohibitive in price, ihat the l irm bureau is planning to pun haw and ship In hero sugar by the car load, which will be sold at cost price to the bureau incniben. This announcement was made yesterday by .Miss Florence Pool, county homo demons! rat ion agent. It is not known yet as to whether the bureau will sell any sugar to households outside the farm bureau Don't fall to hear "Fast Asleep in Poppy Land" on the new Cold Heal Km era on records. Plays on any ma chine: Hale's Piano House. ' Automobile, traetor, truck nnd im plement parts welded good as new. Vulcan Welding Works. Aztec prints, framed or unfiamed make beautiful gifts. Kwem's Studio. s 'Mary had a little hunuie It's hair was white and funny It followed her to the Faster lark And hunted eggs In .Medford's park "Mrs. K. II. I'nrler f .Medford, who has been living at Worcester, Mass. for the past year and a half due to the illness and death of her inothei and tho settlement of tho latter' estate, Is In a serious condition tie r according to a telegram received this morning by Dr. K. JI. Porter, tmm- moning him to come lo Worcester at onco. Ziurs. Porter and children were Just a'bout to. start for Medford to rejoin Dr. Porter two weeks ago nnd had written tho doctor to meet them In Portland last Sunday when Mrs. Porter In an accidental fall brcke her right hip. Then came this morning's alarming telegram. Dr. Porter will start oast as soon an he can obtain railroad transportation, travel to the cast congesting the railroads now and causing delays of a day or so In the selling of thru tickets. Furniture and household goods carefully packed nnd crated. Doug las 101 South Central. Phono G15-.I. ... 3 io Bolco-Light liloctricily for every farm. ,1. K Hurtled, 'Medford Hotel. Modford, Ore. Furniture upholstering, mattresses mado over. General repairing. Doug las, 101 South Central. Phono OKi-.l. Kvorsharp poncils gross case as sortment. Itepalrs and parts. Medford Uook Store 7 (All of the resident Lniversity of Oregon alumni and former U. cf ('. students, are urgently requested to attend a meeting of friends of the . university In the public library to morrow night at 7: 'to o'clock to make arrangements incidental to the iip-i pea ran oo hero at the Page theater Friday night, of the V. of O. girls glee club and to hear an address by Prof, (ieorge llebee of the extension department of Ihe university at Port land oil the slate millagn tax bill. Amorlcau Legion ball, Krl. Apr. !. Thero was an old woman who lived In a shoe She had so many children ahe didn't know what to do. fiho sent them a running on their fsst little legs To 'Medford's city park to hunt 'Knsler eggs. - ! v 7f fin Venice and die. See a lllue Mini washer and you will want to livo. Hot tarn nlt hud colli con came nt DeVoo's. Stale Senator .lulien A. Hurley of Vale, Ore., grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, was a guest al tho .Holland during his slay here. This afternoon Mr. Hurley accompan ied by a number of Medford knlr.hls Including Hen Trowbridge. Marry Wortman, K. K. (.i.rn, W. Y. ( row sou, James Stewart and Frank Mud ley went by auto to (irauts Pass lor his official visitation of the K. of P. lodge In that city tonight. "April Fool" party! Medford ual Wed. Special stunts! Special prizes! Special dances! Lots of confetti! Don't miss it . s Carl Joschko, high k ratio watch and clock repairing. 9 Fir street. Attrnctlve showing of spring hals for children at Hoiuint NonU. in Hemstitching lnc per yard, thread furnished. Singer Shop, 115 W. Main :t l o O. 11. Itrcnuemuu of tho Culilnrnia Oregon Power company, is here for a few days lioin Klainalh Falls where he is now located. Jack be nimble. Jar); lc ojiitU Jack run it; Ihe Kgg hunt Where the children are duck. 7' lArtist supplies, brushes, oil and water colors. Swom's Studio. s When you help your town you help! yourself. Join the Chamber of Com-1 merco. I f i Faster cards. West Side Pharmacy. tt Flaborale pre pa rat ions are being made to usher in the t st of April with a big "April Fool" party at the nut Wednesday night. The regular order of dance will be interspersed with special stunts, songs ad dames, fn keeping with the occasion. Several novel features will welccme the . Ing of April 1st at ! '' p. m., among them being a confetti batile. Tho Pine Hfrd Is the Packard ot Electric clothes washers. ' A community service organization does for the oommunitv what an In dividual would like to it he lould. He ono of tho fcur hundred in the c.reut- Medford orgatii.ai ion. Join the Chamber of Commerco. tr For Salo New and second-hand machines. Singer Shop, 115 We.a Main Phono 215-R. 31G American Legion ball. Fri. Apr. !. Don't let anyone tell you that other eloi lies washers are marie on same principle of the Klin; Mini. v Little Hoy Hlue come play your tune To gather the kiddies for Saturday afternoon. 7 I'sed cars of all kinds for fale by the Seely V. Hall Motor (V. 10 Mrs. K. .11. Lamport who has been encountering trouble again with her shoulder which was operated on two years ago loft Sunday for a well known hospital at. Rochester, Minn., where she will go under observation I Dan W. Hagshaw. Jr., of Jacksonville I left this morning for San Piancii-co j where he will pursue a course in the t Mergenthaler Linotype school, having br'en awarded a scholarship in that school by the iuter-statu V. M. ('. A. 'of Washington and Irlaho. Always is there h clieury smile of welcome in the Hlue Hird home. Drink Lithia Mineral water for rheumatism, . stomach and kidney troubles. Order from Jackson County Creamery. Faster cards to make the children happy. Swem's Studio. s Among Callforuians at the Medford are F. L. Armstrong of Los Angeles. . Heii hert of Dunsmuir. an! S-'ir, I . Van (.elder, A. S. , K. L. Helms and L. Clear- anrl possibly submit !( another op eration. Dressmakiig of all kinds. S2 2 North Central. U' 1'or sale r.'r rent, one of tin- best, small business jo-ojiosi firms in t he city. Kxt ra gooil I raib. good clean stock, fine local ion and good store building. Five living rooms in con nection. If you have a little money and are Icoking for a paying business, one that can lie handled by man and wife, you had better hurry and look this over. It will be sold t u D k ly . Reason for selling, have other busi ness to look alter. Address Hox M. Mail Tribune. 7 Flowers for Faster Lilies, roses, hydrangeas, freosias, carnations, vio lets, sweet peas, heal her, cinerari, primroses. Maddux & Houney, lour. Fast Main street. 1 1- Hutle Falls people slopping at the Medford are Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Raker and Harry D. Mills. Dainty little hand-tinted baskets for Faster favors. Handicraft Shop. !) Gel your Faster hat at the Rennet Nook. Spring opening March :t 1 and April t and 2. 10 Faster bonnets for little folks, hi white and colors. Handicraft Shop.!) I have somo exceptionally good bargains on used cars that will pay you lo investigate. 1 0 .Miss Florence Pool, home demon stration agent, spent today at Jack sonville with a number of women of the county seat in making dress forms at the home of Mrs. Ilarrv Dn.v. Lost On tho Washington school grounds on Saturday, April ;t, one thousand or less Faster eggs. Any boy or girl of !) or 10 years finding Iheiu will reeeivo same for reward. Tablets and scratch pads mado of news print, for school and offico use for salo at this offico. tf Children's silk stockings and socks to go with your spring dresses. Han dicraft. Shop. !' Tru Hlu (iruhums best on earth. Ask your dealer. V 'Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wright, tour ists fnm Kllensburg, Wash., arrived in Ihe city today and are guests at the Holland. Frank J. 'Mmuor of Salrun, of the slate industrial acci dent, commission is also a guest at (his hotel. American Legion ball, Fri. Apr. IK Your spring suit best woolens, reasonable prices. Klein tho Tailor, L'as-t Main, upstairs. 3 I G Have you tried tho Lithia Mineral water from the Jackson County Creamery. It has great medicinal value. Spring M illinery opening Wednes day, Thursday and Friday, March ;i I and April I and 2. at Bonnet Nook. Latest creations in new styles. I " Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Fruit! and chil dren nnd Air. and Mrs. Ray Pruitl arrived Monday from Texas and will re ni ji in in Medford. Roy was for merly owner of what is now the Med ford Auto company and will re engage in business here. Hay Pruitl was in the recent world war and en listed in .Medford. (lood-bye (Room! Hello Joy! Kvery bey's going lo Ihe "April Fool" party. Wed. night ! Meiltord '.Vat. S 4 (Jet the habit! Huy shares now In the Huildiug and Loan. If Hegin your Faster sewing now. Hemstitching and pecotlng Hie per yard. The Vanity Shop. 1 Attractive Faster f.-i esses for girls. Handicraft Shop. ! The lllue Hird is coming. IIUS The sect imi crew of t he Jackson ville railroad came near being run own by a big motor 1 1 'tick at t he -atirel t-treet crossing this morning. but nimbly jumped aside in lime to ive himself. The Hlue Hird electric washer, the me of perfection, is coming to Med lord. Have you seen tho used car bar gains that we are offering. MeCurdy Howuo Motor Co. Broken cast lugs and f org ings of d iron, steel, aluminum, brass. bronze anil malleable, welded and re nfnived. Vulcan Welding Works, ;:;t South Front street. Orres, tailors for mon and women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. Mrs, Ft! win Pierce of I J,: Kenwood underwent a major operation Dew hospital this morning. li.ng as well as can be t -t tin.-, time. Don't Tat! to hear "Dardanella" ot the new Cold Seal Fmorson records. Plajs on any machine. Hale's Piano House. When a buyer is wise And rhooses with care He picks out a Dort Because it's "All there." Clark Childer.- .". t " avenue, in the She is peeled ; WEEKS & ORR UNDERTAKERS Day IMiono 2-7 I'll, mi-; V. W. Wwk, -.. V Oir, !TJ7-.l-:. Mix. .1 T. I.. ( i'hini li, 1,1. A n'iil "April Kool" parly! VI. Mcilfoi-il Xui. Inipr-riiil nii'lK-strii! s " He up lo cl:i ; 1 : have your sprint; dresses heinsl iti lieil anil peroloil al Hm Mamlierart Shop. II .McCunly-llowiiu Motor Co.. Over lanil -1 ami Itepuhlic truc-k iiKenls, have taken a temporary location in tlin Crater Lake (larase. If 'I'he conililion of William KesimM:; is repinleil as favorable to, lay. He was operateil upon .Monday morning in Ihe In.'U- hospital lor uleer of the stomarli. Ameiii-an I.eion hall. Fri. Apr. H. See 1). It. Wood .v. Co., Ilm. SOU I.lherty Illdjf., for firo inruraneu. tr Demand Tru Hlu eraekers and ei. Okies, handled in Medl'iird hy He Voe, II. I). .Marsh, llulohinson ft I.uinsden, .1. A. .Molfall. .1. K. Kollis. A. Hamlin, V. K. (!o.nsor, Hutler tield's (iroeory,. 'ai-nt?r, Wortman ft (lore. i (iiiesls fi'om easlirn alales at the .Meilford ill 111, I, II. K. Khanley of New York. .1. V. Woerner, Jr., of Cin einnali, H. U. Cameron of Huston and !!. 1!. Klrulliei-H of Atlanta. Lost In the city park Mock on .Saturday, April .1, hundreds of Eas ier prks. Kiddies from :: to (i yours please come at '1 o'clock to find them. Anyone can see it's easier to row with Ihe tide than against It. Join the Ohamher of Commerce. tf Mr. and '.Mrs. i,. il. ! ;ynn and .!r.i. I.oraine Cornish were Sunday ;uesls at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. (ieoi'Ke '1'. I'eake at (lianis I'a.ss on Sunday. HruiiHwiclt phonoKrapriM ou easy torms at Hale's I'lano House. tf Machines rented nml repaired. SitiKor'Shop, phono il5-lt. 310 lie patient, Ihe Hlue Illrtl. :! OS ,Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams of Cold Hill arrived in the clly this riM.'rnini; and lire aucsts at the Hol land. Tho Tioguo lllvnr Valley Canning Co. will now contract for 1 !) 'J 0 sea son's pack of tomatoes, beans, ber ries and all kinds ot fruits. tt For eye, ear, norm, throat seo Ur. Heine, Liberty 111,1k. Classes fitted. A. A. I'orler of Crrints Wass, spenl .Monday in this cily on lnisiness. Your prosperity depends upon that of your neiKlihor. Tho Chamber of Commerco works for tho welfare of all. Join. tf I'sed cars nnd used Federal trucks lor sale by the Seely V. Hall Motor Co. Ill Anolher feallll'e of Ihe hi;; enler tainmenl pronram Thursday nif5ht incidental to the iustiUlinK of ;he new iil'l'icers i-r Ihe Klks lodge will be the presence of an orchestra. The atten dance i'f i:lks promises to lie the lar gest, of the year. Tho Chamber cr Commerco is a clearing house for community thought and action, .loin. tf Savo from $.1 to on a tiro t j the big sale. C. K. C.ntea Auto Co. tt lr. o. C. WTic.bt, state pi oaiol ion direclor lor Oregon and the Itaplist New World niovemenl. lias been call ed to Orleans, hi, liana by telegraph Willi Ihe news of Ihe dealh of his mother. Itev. .1. C. Austin, his assis tant, is a, ting director during Hr. Wrighl's absence which will la.-,! two or I lll ee weeks. Lithia Mineral water by the case, .la, -Itsou County Creamery. Just arrived. Car or famous Utnh real. Valley Fuel Co. .Medford post No. i; of the Amer ican Legion will have charge i f the distribution of ihe Oiegon Slate War modal to ex-service men and women in this district. While definite ar i.ingements have not been made, it is expe-ted that Ihe medals will he awarded in the near future. Orres, tho ladies' tailor, will be at Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine woolens, latest styles always. tf . Jlasklns for health. I Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith are now Itit home in their new home at ; West eleventh. ; Watch for tho Hlue Hird. DOS ; It. I. HeO: eggs at lit. o&'i. i Charles Houston Ling of Aleilfoid : was an Ashland visitor yesterday Mr. Ling lias recently been discharg led from the aviation department of , Ihe army and returned to his home front Kelly Fie!i!. Texas, Friday. Ashland Tidings. You ought to Insure your auto with lledden & C'auailay, N. Cen tral, l'hone 720. Prices cut to tlin Tiottom at the big sale. U. K. Gates Auto Co. tf The many friends of Mrs. Ceorge Gales who has -been dangerously ill. will be glad to know that she is u(;w out of danger and will be removed from the hospital in a few days. Hlg shipment of Hrunsvvick records just arrived. Don't fall lo hoar them. Male's Piano1 House. Plays on nny machine. Wo write fire insurance, ltedden & Canaday, 32 N. Central. Phone 720 Mrs. O. I-:. Osborne of .Medford will be re-appi.'intod a member of the board of examination and registra tion of graduate nurses, according to announcement made by Governor Ol ootl. at Salem today. Hig shipment of Ilrunswlck records just arrived. Don't fail to hear them Utile's Piano House. The bcsl scft shell walnuts on the market at Warner, Wortman & Gore 11 At. the Nash are registered K. P. Plans of llllotl.lN. Y.. .1. F. Heritage of St. .Mains. Ida., ). J. Shreeve of Sheridan. Wyo., W. II. McCcnnell of Steamboat, and George 1-!. Armstrong and N. Al. Uagsdalc of Lake Creek. Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlero for NuMono. I'houo RSa-J. Delco-Light Kleetriolty for overy farm. J. K. Hartlett, .Medford Hotel, .Medford, Ore. .Mrs. A. Itiloy, guest of .Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith, leaves tomorrow to join her husband in Portland for a lew days, after which they leave for their home in Wichita, Kansas, l.osl In the library block on Sat urday, April H, a barrel of Faster eggs. Children of seven and eight years are wanted lo hunt them at 'J o'clock. fSSSjjSS . A. M. lfyJK?-! M. 10. M. Degree Wed Vk( Yl nesday, '.March :ilst. All fchM li. A. AL' requested to. be A. F. NOT1I. TOO LATE TO CLASSjFY FOl; SALIC - Sand, gravel, pediment and teaming work of all kinds. Phone 12.'.. . 1 2 W.WTKD Man ami wife for ranch work.. everything furnished. Phone 2"i-F-12. ICagle Po'nl, Ore gon. Call after li:".!! p. m. I 2 CASILr KILLED TODAY BY USINO STEARNS' PASTE Alio HI BK DITtTH (o WATER BUGS. RATS AND MICE lf6j Tnr 1 r. Two all, Itt and il.M. ordis rnoM Youn pcaler "An all-around good shot. That's iis." Chesterfield HAT wc rc nimuif iit. is that it takes both skill precision to 1 tobaccos the Chesterfield way. this is uhv you lind "Satisfy" in Chesterfields and nowhere else. H.t!U Y K .fTa. l-il-TTgB-r - U K' sl'-f-'t et'4 hJm One of tho mc.it onjoyublo limes in (ho history of Talisman loli;e. Knights of I'yihias, was held last nlKht incidontal Iq the officiar visiia tion nf Julf.'n Hnrloy of Va!o, Ore., grand ohancellnr of tin; ordur in tlie state. it was an open meet ing at tended hy about 2 knights and their ladies. There was a musical anil entertainment program and a much appreciated address by Mr. Hurley, after which lifcht refresh ments were served. Tansy, geranium and hegenia plants at Monarch Seed & l-'eed Co. Kaster cards. West Side Pharmacy. tf "When a Kurd meets a Nash, it seems to have the effect of an ele phant stepping on a mouse." says the Crants I'ass Courier. '"This was the result yesterday when a Kord from Medford swung into tin road too soon after passing the Nash car driven by J. 1,. Schwenk. of this city. The Kord was turned over on its side by tho hub catching In one of the wire tspokes of the larger car, but none of the occupants were hurt. Tiie car was later brought into this city." Guaranteed springs for oil cars. Billings Carriage & Auto Works, tf Oh yon Blue Bird. K. I,. Cook man of Klamath 'Kails and Robert H. Leopold of San Fran cisco are guests at the llollnnd. ICconomizo by using scratch pads for use. (let them at this office, tf DIED ICDWA HI S Died at the family heme, 727t Kdward street, UuI'uk Ed wards, native of Tennessee, aged .r." years, ll months and 10 days. He had resided in Medford since 1S7-" and leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Mary Kd wards, two sisters who are Mrs. I.. Austin of Austin, Ore., and M rs. Charles Krickson of Seattle. Also two brothers, .John Kdwards and W. S. Kdwards, both of Austin, Ore. Kuneral notice will appear later. MAN' BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs ; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with GOLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles since 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. AH druggists, three sizes. LooL for ths turns Gold Medal on every bos and accpl no imitation DR. RICKERT KTKS HOIENTrriOAljTiT f KSTK1V, AND GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED No nnoi'S used Broken Tenson Accurately Duplicated Bnltfl 1-8 over Mar Co. 308 E. Main. Uottaira The Man of the Forest A NEW BOOK BY Zane Grey IT S HIS BEST In Ihe ri'ininls wo luivr liis other nil'.-: "Bnttv Zane." '"Hcritane of thn Dcscrl." - Si:rit nf the Border." "Last of the Plainsmen," "Bonier Lcqion," "Lone Star Rainier." "Riders of the Ptirnlc Sacic." "Desert Gold." Medford Book Store cntcr.il : r Films Developed FREE! Knlil April I.". we develop all Kodak Vw KIIKK where r.rders are nien fur prints to be made from the film-;. Keulur priced on all printing,. Al.l.MS ! (ti; T HI-.' i;.S1 KODAKS Dulph Woodf(nd yi'vi &'Ut vftiilMOV I'ropiietor The particular people are all pleas ed with the service we are rendering. Wo call for and detivcr nil goods promptly and our plant is up to dato in every way. If not a customer now try tu:r service. Pantorium Dye Works mm m-m mm awi, and it wasn 3t his crime Just ice sometimes epe wror.g- Men are often punished for crimes they do not commit. And when we thoughtlessly tike purgatives and cathartics to relieve stagnant bowels, wc are committing a similar injustice. When ' lie system is unable to remove food waste at regu lar intervals, it is the food waste, and not the system, that needs correction. Every other form of treatment cither irritates or forces the system. Nujol works on the waste matter instead of on the system. By this entirely new pnnc.ple Nujol will keep the poisonous waste moving out of the body. N.-iol .revruu con-.tipatiou bv kecpini! tlic food, waste soft, thus N-'t .abii:'h thoroug'. lw.vcl evacuation at rcBular iiHcrv''lr i'-.c lx.iltl-.icst hsbil :u Use v.-orW. It i-; pl"lu'.c-lv ll.irnil-.-si unci pleasant to tnkc trj- it. M.jjol I, .-ol !1.-.- V,MJTrnr. raTtey); 5" Broadway, New y Feci c.l Da:z-.r." A New Method of Treating mi Old Complaint York. !r Uciklcl EASTER MILLINERY r OPENING Monday, Tuesday Wednesday March 29-30-31 There's a world of loveli ness and good taste ex pressed in all the five dozen new models which you will find on display at this time. Hats for the "kiddies" too. We have also a nice line of EASTER BLOUSES The Vanity Shop Next Rialto Theatre I Western Electric Power and Lierht Plants I ? Paul Purcmiiiff Systems Z Thor Washers and Ironers Hotpoint Appliances Eureka Vacuum Cleaners f Hotpoint Ranges. Power and Light Wiring Line Construction Motor Installations Paul's Electric Store Main at Central Phone 90 For the best insurance soo Holmes viht the Insurance Man.