Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 25, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    Medford Mail Tsibune
Office, Mnll Tribune IMMiUhg.
North Kir Htreet, Phone 73.
A consolidation of the Democrnttn
Times. Th Medfnrd Mnll. The Medford
Tribune, the Southern Oregonian. The
Ashland Tribune.
The Medford Sunday Sun !s furnlnhed
ubscrlbers desiring a seven-day dally
ROBERT IirHU, Editor
S. K. SMITH, Manager.
Dally, with Sunday Sun, ywr ffl.nO
Dally, with Sundav Sun, month fifl
Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6.00
Dally, wltliuut Sui.-l.'iy Sun, month .f.fJ
Weekly Mull Trihun. or.e ytur 1 SO
Hundav Sun. uno ywir 1.'0
BY CARRIER In Medford. AHhlnnd,
Jacksonville, Ontral Point, Pliot'iilx:
Dally, with Sunday Run, yar IT.r.O
Daily, with Sunday Sun, month 65
Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6.00
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .to
Official papfr of the City of M-dfoid.
Official paper of Jnrkxon County.
Entered an secn-id-class mntter at
Medford, Orejion, under the act of March
8. m.
Bworn daily nvc-rriff.' circulation for
Biz months endJi e April 11119 3.074
Ye Smudge Pot
Br Arthmr Pvrrf
The same lmiK'li oT ciooks wlio
worked on Jlirain .Inlinson In Minni'
sotn Inst week at tin iin-siilenliiil lui
innry. took n crack at him in South
Dakota Tuesday.
Kort llllll'ilrove liis Imv ilown the
Main slrci'l Tuesday. The hrntc !
Tile "kaiser expresses n desire (o
lend "cood (lerman arms iiL'ain.' 'I'he
"war seems to have made liim sadder,
hut no wiser.
"FOR SAI.K .li'ivev cow irivinu;
two gallons milk, also library tnhlo"
'iint ail Knuene lieirislcr. Pur
chaser ean sell the milk for hooks.
. .iiissclvn .7. Kmnions has refnrnel
from New York, where he sjiw koiiic
good shows and had tint flu.
A kind. hearted L'cnttcmau of Los
Ansrclcs left "(I0 hv liis will to a
poor L'irl, who lived next door, and
aeeordinir to the evidence in a law
suit now under wav imreluised kiiuo
nas to the extent of
Politicians shv awav from prohi
bition like a searv eoll from a paner
hair on a. windy dav. Tliev invarinhlv
lirinir the tidiims that their candidate
is elected prcsidcat, despite the fact
that the citv, couutv, stale, and na
tion are proceeding with the plans
i'or the November election.
The drop in the price of coal al
this time is a hlcssiuir in disguise,
us it lessens the chances of freezing
to death in the Ideak and chilly
months of July and Aimust.
The best piece of nnti-Hrilish
prnpou'iindu thai has hen lurned loose
in a lontr time is the story (hereto
fore unpublished) of the sinking of
the Liisitauia.
As once, before staled contributions
to this col. are as welcome, as those
in a ineetinir house, and, so fur, have
come willi the saine reluclance. It
is not necessary to siaii vour name
You ean affix any title, or couihina'
lion of. letters you desire. The only
rcduiroments- is that the nl'IVriiiir he
brief, and not trade. Let. us hear
J'roni you.
CoiiL'i'ss is confused whether I he
conscientious objectors should re
eeivu bonuses for war service. Then'
is not much daimer of the Lrenllemen
with the hrii:hl vellow streak I'cclinir
about money as I Imv did nboiil war.
It is about lime for another rail
road strike or a revolution in Mexico.
l'a.H Hie .Apples!
These lines are attributed to a
eonyicled man v ho recently spent a
short term, out of prison and found
there ha'd been a decided diaiiuc in
women's fashions since he had been
When every poo) in Kdcn was a mir
ror Which upon I-ao her dainly charm
proclaimed, She. jvont uudraped without a simile
Or thouuhl that she hud need lo la
'Twas only when she had eaten of
the apple
That she heeanie inclined to he a
And found that evermore she'd have
to irrapple
With the umch-dchutcd prohlcm of
the nude.
Therefore she, devoted her allention.
Her lime and all her money lo her
And that was the bi"'inniiiM of con
vention And modest v, as well. 1 suppose.
Heaetion's conic about in fashions re
cent, And now the u'irls conceal so little
from the men.
It would seem in the name of all I li:i 1 -decent.
Some one onulit to pass the. apples
round n",-n'n. - 'y
la kMplflf your twwtlt rtiul&r do rmt
lOOfn Uli-ti -1 to wvakriilu rl'((!'i'
or Oiliipril lintlToi; Jui try KOROLAX;
f. (ttltt. !m(Hfm. llit cim-i
ftrUiojt. Obtain tlia ( Iiujt ilniRk-tci. tiuj.
whw. Korolix ! tr'.ltt f'F mny ttlmr-it.
lm-ludlnf r-)t)i J;itioft. htadachrt. dUry
mill, featehfit. . hrutloirn. (, fiirt utr.
Lkil farraiii. tirrtuuaiH-tt. iiitt.ri.ia i.
NEAULYa year we incilii-ti-d the Vilsoiiian or-lips'i
in tlip iiiiilar c.l imat imi. This eclipse is now in its
darkest orlit. IT newspapers reflect pulilic npininn aecii
I'lclv. which is .soniet imes (hiuhi (HI. the general opin
ion is -Mr. Wilson saciil'ced tin- treaty to tin autocratic and
unyielding prid: of opinion.
We are too close lo the event to judge ,'iccupately, lnil
there is reason to helicve. that ihe impartial hand of his
tory will appraise ihe Presidential action in rather a dif
ferent light, President Wilson is essentially a moral ideal
ist". He is a preacher even hefore he is a politician. The
Lcagee of Nations is his decalogue, his covenant of faith,
and as the 1'rr-sidciit admits he is a ( 'ovenanter.
P wits not pride (if opinion that held ihe 'President lo
his t renches, it was tin- power of a moral principle. I 'nlike
former President Uoosevelt. Mr. Wilson, can not temper
his idealism Avith a prael ieal expediency. This is imfortii
nat . it is in a sense a weakness, hut it is not the weakness
of it power-loving potentate, it is the weakness of a cru
sader in a world which has abandoned, for a t ime at least,
the crusading spirit.
President: Wilson's final place in history, therefore, dc
pei ds largely upon the ultimate fate of a Li-ague of Na
tion''. If such a league is never formed as a prominent
working force in world affairs, President Wilson will be
known as an impractical theorist, sacrificed to a vision,
out: o1' harmony with his time, but if such a league is form
ed, the President will ultimately be regarded as its spirit
ual leader, its unswerving champion, who was incapable of
modifying ils moral ibligat.ions for the sake of its
W RipplingRlnimQs'fP
Mf v 6 Wslt Maori u &
TT KKKPK us till deploring, I; nling, anil the like;
-1 for prices st ill are soaring, each day t hey take a hike; .
"I view the situation that now disturbs the nation, and
til my agiialioii 1 breathe the n; if Mike. A suit of
Av.'xilf not shoddy, of handsome color tones, once clothed
my shapely body, and cost me thirty bones; and it
Avuld hang together in every kind of.wcather, as trusty
as the leather the village saddler owns, lint, now a suit
o!"' shoddy my t imeworn system feels; and it is punk and
gaudy and costs me eighty wheels; it shrinks when rain
is reigning, it splits when I am straining, and so 1 am
complaining and raising frenzied spiels. My shoes are.
made of paper, bedizened bright and smart', and when
I waltz or caper the blamed tilings come apart ; to wear
I hem is exhausting, and oh, the price they're costing
would put a layer of frosting upon the warmest heart
If things were worth the money, the prices we might
greet wit h smiles serene and sntp.iy, anil not wit h frozen
,'eet; but goods are made by pikers and prices set bv
hikers, and so I join the strikers and breathe the name
of Pete.
Tribune's Daily
Health Hint
l!v Unmet ltnewi
These rule tor keeping vomit:
were published oriizinnllv lv the I.itV
l!.teusinii Institute, nnd hiive heeii
iiuntetl. Tliev iire worth nuut :;s:n tu :
"1. ltd not cut too niueh, espee
inllv of uieiit, mill oT rieh, jii-lily
sejisnlieil tiidiK.
"2. Kiit pleiilv of I'l-iiit :im! bulky
or creen vei:etiili!t's.
"M. Take tlailv exereie not
hull' hearledlv. l!el lieateii! Vv
vour iiniseles !
".I. Iiet ami relax. Kew people
know how reallv to relax. Stiuh
Ihe eat and see huw she t;ives her
el' up and 1:0 everv nntsele.
"."1. Live elennlv. Live vour best
'and von will not be a vietini ol' viee.
fMiinv degenerative diseases are due
ltd int'e.-tinns t'rom baeteria. Kxer
(eisr, rare of tt-etli, the prevention oi
! eoutiiatioii bv proper f'o )d. are i:renl
helpers to avoiding disease.
"I!. Keep .'-.crette. Live .simplv.''
These are not rules t or pin in.:
sate. We iuut itlwavs dare and :
Strive, work, plav, learn - in
lenselv. Viit eujovnient ol' each
dav, i vimr up evervtbinu1- and re
bixiijtr ea-h ni-lil. Tliat. is the wav
to keep vomitr.
fi vnii iVc i:oii;vn
,t:uihi,iki 1 Milieu -&C;-M
ASjclhI' Rocovcrvf?
At All Orui.ila"l" ',r f
5pKU) IkwkWt on MplStiIkuJ uxl Bb Frra
HRAnHlIP HUA' ATdll ( DiP! P V An iir f..
;L''' jf g
Tax Medeetleiis.
TliciL' is a lu-iivy tax on our incnp.'.e to mrel ihe Gov-
in:,a:.l rr.nnii:;', v :;jn. n.'.cs, i.iic;vst on tl:e pulilii'
debt. Tills lax uc v.W nuist. can, ;r.ul uo inct t.
There is si:io'.1k r tax wl-.ich money will not iHscharnc
ihe tax 0:1 o:.r j'aysie.-il syateni fvoin stagnation of looil
waste. Its nan:e is ConMipat'.on. It burdens us nnd
makes :;h';;t..' h a system otherwise veri'tvt'.y healthy.
Nujol will fu'.iy eiear this lax. Kujol will keep the
poiso.uius wr.ute nuivhiu out ol" the body by r.'is rn
fir. .' n,tv principle it works c:i the waste matter
ii s' el on. tlic system. Kvery otl'.er l"o;in of treat-mt-'.; irritates or forces the systim.
Nujol prei -t'fif.i eons! iprt inn bv keepias tl'.e food waste
!ft,t!ttis helpUu'. Nat me t'stahlisli f.isv.tbotoUK'.. bowet
t' :on a; regular :uteiv.:!s t'.ie b.ealtlnest habit
in the world.
,:w :;:' '. ; leasai'.t to take trv it.
V .1 . in ! :!;!
1 ,1,. .. u -, .!. .
al sobately
It is
Kir.l is r.i',1 ; i.'.i A. in t. s-r o:l!v. !h':iii'k Nll)o! I
1,1 1 r.Kit. Wo'f Ni ! :..K i.-t.-.-.f. St .ml T' Oil Co i New I
.1 -rst-v). ,-n l:r. :.!... ..e.. V !,!.. UvUt " ."iiff 'eel of
A A'ci A.-ikh.' cf Trc.Ki:tf .11 Ohl Ctnu!.l:r.t.
V 1 V ' V -frfi. ' r-srTT'f V-.'.i 'i J.tfl 7 T f . W I I I
iwtoQU !
Uti JfiiSiiK M
I X1- J "h VJ , ''lK fisfK tTy 1 i
fPjL., -LUX,
kmJfW A&$M2 iTiff SJ??- r;"2U
Don't Worry About the Scarcity and
High Price of Maple Syrup.
Lots of Kara Maple at Your Grocers
w;i i K-a-iiiHFi!
n i,,;t!i!n'.w...
M. v t
THE economy of Kara Maple Flavor is not
the real reason for ill popularity.
The delicious flavor of the ncv Karo Maple
Flavor comes from trie finest and purest of
maple sugar. That is why people find it so
delightful for pancakes and waffles.
Karo Maple Flavor ;s absolutely pure and
wholesome. These are important facts, but
they mean little to the average man or boy.
It's gcocl that's all they want to know.
Be sure to aU your grocer for Karo Maple
in the Green Can. ft is guaranteed to olease
yoz, iur your grocer returns your money.
17 Battery Placa New York
Selling Rcprescnlxtivx
J0HNS0:!, UZSER COMPANY, Portland, Ore.
Time to Make Things New
Again With Paints
and Varnish
WE ARE all ready with the best sorts of
Paints and Brushes Varnishes, Stains,
Floor Wax, and ail kinds of Paint Removers
and Cleaners.
Then a whole special collection of Paints,
Cleaners and Polishes for Automobiles.
Come in and let i:s help you stin t the best
kinds for your requirements.
Crater Lake Hardware Co.
Main Near Bartlctt
Baby thicks
!l;iby Chirks iumm! pro tor care ami
fond (o brir.s t hem lo maturity and
develop them into heavy egi; layers.
W'v. liave a rr.'inidotn lino of chick
f-jeds and can furnish you wiih:
CHK'K I Oil).
in:vi:ii(ri(j .m.i;sh.
Mi;. r
Seed & Feed Co.
I7 Faif Mnin Stw
Opurntors of coal properties in
Utah und Wyoming adviso buying
your winter supply now. Tho idea ia
spreading that the coal commission
may award tha miners a further ad
vance in wages, as well as lo make
other concessions that will further
materially increase the cost of pro
ducing. We can now fill your orders wltU
different sizes of
Dry Wood of All Kinds on
I'lioni! 2-12 5;tl So. Front St
Films Developed FREE!
Vntil April we will develop all Kodak Films PHEK where cTders
are iveii for prints to ho made from the films, ltcgulnr prices
on all print i n K.
a(;i:ts von tiu; kastmax kodaks'
. aft , . ,7. , cp
Kalpli Wimilioiil Vv- V ' flilltiXtCi Proprietor
Circular work or all kinds
Mailing Lists
Tunnell & Edwards
306-SOS Uherty Hutldlug
Medford, Oregon.
Licensed City Scavenger.
The straiicr's' first im-ii-ossiin
of ou.r city i.s
1 inert J'nuii our hotels.
s ".-J'vfcr"-?
The Hotel
Is doinp: its i;trf in he'
lmilrt ;i greater Mertforrt
A hold ilceinls.mvatly
on ihe local suiiiort it
The Ilnfxl ilollanrt and
Cafe vill ai'preci:i(o
your patronage.
Management of
Carl Y. Tengwald
Aa rctiiH imiiHMUacly removed oa
short notice. 'c-k!y Tisit in rcal-di-n.-o
disirii-l.i. l:illy busluot dis
trict. 1'Uuiks OOj-li, .
- - O
Old papers for Tiutimng fires and
house clcauiug, 10c buudlo,
1 if ( w
'- i-J
Quality Goes GearTlimugh
'Your appreciation of the Dort will
grow with every mile yon drive it
and every month yon own it. Yon
will find it to he a car that delivers
n ilalile. triiiilile-l'rce travel at low
cl 'St.
No. Riverside Ave., Opp. Nat, Medford