1 ' SOTDFOTITJ TTmnfTlTl. MTnTFrmTl. OT?!v(".oX. SATl'li'TiAY. MARclT 2tl liWO. PTtTJTj FTVfl Ifflsmrjliil Catholic (linrrli ' South Oaltdalo avenue. First mass Sunday ut X a. in. Second mass at 10::tu a. m. Benediction at 4: 3D p. rii. Itev. John Towers. Kviing.-loith. Zion's Church Fourth St. below Oakdale Ave. Rev. Dr. V. K. llorenz-Oeser, Pastor. Ilea. 51 S West Fourth St. V. l.ent: .Indira. Sunday school HI a. in. Divine servico 11 a. m. You and yours are cordially invited Central Point Church HI a. in. Sunday school. 11 a. m. I'reui'hlng. Subject, "Where Art Thou?" 7: HO. "Lot's Wife or the Woman Cod Sailed Down." ; ::!!. Young People's meeting. Special singing. Welcome. 10. A. Kdgar, pastor. J'hoeniv Presbyterian Church lir. Dalllie, Pastor. 10 a. in. Sunday school and Hihle classes for men und women. 11a. in. Public worship. Subject of sermon: "Cleansing, Abiding, Obe dience." Hood singing led by quartet choir. 7::i0. Young people's meeting. Leader, Mario Morton. Old and young invited. The only religious meeting in Phoenix. All invited to take part. l'irst Christian Church Cor. Ninth and Oakdale. lliblo school II: 1.1. Preaching II a. m. Subject, "Di vine Providence." Speciul music will ho an anthem, baritone soli,1 by Mr. A. C. lientley, with chorus. (i:.'IO. Christian Endeavor. Young people are especially Invited. 7:30. Evening service. Subject, "Paying the Price." A happy song service and a vocal duet by Mr. lient ley and Millard. Everybody welcome. You will find this service practical and helpful. 15. E. Millard, minister. Methodist Episcopal Church, South Dr. .louett V. Bray, pastor. Hes. 23 North Oakdale street. Snndav school at 10 a. m., under tho leadership of Dr. Frank Roberts. We havo classes for all. Preaching at' II a. in. and 7:.".l p. in. by the pastor. You will enjoy -worshipping in a homelike church. AVe have it. Special music by Mr Holder. We have congregational hinging also. "You are always wel come." First Presbyterian Church Morning service at 11 a. m., sub ject, "The City With Foundations,' ly J. E. Uhoon. Evening service at 7:30 p. m., ser mon, "The Peril of Procrastination." Sunday school at II: 4 a a. in., Carl Brommer, supt. Morning music will he, a quartet and a solo by William Vuwler. Speciul music rn tho evening. An atmosphere of worship and rev erence will greet you in these ser vices. William Vawter, director or music. Mrs. Marsh, organist. L. Myron Boozer, minister. First Methodist Episcopal Churrli Fourth and Burtlett. J. Randalph Sasnett, minister. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Magic ally Illustrated talk on "The Fruitful Life," by the pastor. i.Morning worship. 11 a. m. Ser mon, "The Luminous Life." Young People's social hour, 5:30. , Kpworlh League devotional meet ing, fi:1'i. Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block SMALL AVERAGE Look these over. Every one is a good buy A4fi acres. 5-room house 28 acres alfalfa, irrigated, on paved highway, $9,uuu, B 50 Acres. New house, big barn, 15 acres in alfalta, ir- rigated. un pavea mgn way, $10,000.00. C 10 Acres, 3 acres in 8- vear Bartlett Pears, acres for alfalfa, all under water. House and barn $3,500.00. D 10 Acres, under water, three acres pears, family orchard, 6 acres alfalfa Tive-room bungalow, barn $4,750. E 15 Acres, 7 acres alfalfa modern bungalow, garage fine barn. A line place $7,500. The Best Fire Insurance If you wish to buy or sell any kind of real estate. Evening service 7:?.o. I'ivie Sunday program. Short ad dresses by .Mayor dates, .Mr. Iielroy Oet'chell, and .Mr. Clieen. Sermon subject, "The Children's Uty Beautiful." I'il-t Baptist t hlllvh The church is God's instrument of kingdom advance. Never before has the church had such a clear vision of her mission and her duty. The pro gress or the lnter-Churvh World Movement is her Ulster to the chal lenge of world need. iNow is the time for every one to step In and help and none to step aside. II: 4.1 a. in. Bible school. F. W. Mears, supt. . 1 1 public worship. Subject. "Our Own Interest in Our Own City." ti:1.1 p. in. II. Y. P. I'. 7::iu p. in. Uev. .1. C. Austin, state director of promotion will speak. W. T. S. Spriggs. minister. 1'lrst Church or ClnKI, Scientist Hranch of the mother church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Services ure held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject, Matter." ' Sunday school at 9 : -I r. . All under the age of twenty are -welcome. Wednesday evening meetings, at which testimonies i.f Christian Sci ence healing are given, tit 7::'.e. church edifice, 21 2 North Oakdale. The reading room, which is in the M. F. & II. building, is open from 1 .1 daily except Sundnjs and lioll- davs. All authorized literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public is cordially invtt d to the attend the services, and visit reading room. Free Methodist Chlli'cli Cor. Tenth and Ivy streets. David says, "I was glad when they said unto mi;, let us go into the liouse of the Lord." GiM is pleased when his people meet together to worship Mini, therefore let us not lorsake Hie ;issembling of ourselves together, as POU'J'IC.U, CAKKS. District Attorney. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, on the republican ticket, subject to the wish of the voters ut tho coining primary election. If nominated and eleSted I will see thai ttte laws are iustlv and honestly enforced. Re spectfully yours. Adv. H. A. CANADA x. Boliovlng that my successful mar. agemont of the office of District At torney has shown mo thoroughly nu.ilified. and that 1 can serve the neiinln of Jackson county, in that capacity best, I announce my candl dacy for re-election on the republican ticket at tho Hay primaries. Adv. G. M. ROBERTS, I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected I pledge myself to an impartial enforcement 01 inn law. K. P. FARRELL. Adv. Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomlnation for the office of sherirf on the republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel that my record as a public official during the' first tsrm entitles me to re-nomination and re-election. Adv. C. E. TERRILL. I hereby announce myself a repub lican candidate tor sheriff of Jackson countv. at the May primaries. boV' eral years experience in this line of work, including last six montns 01 1919 in the tax collection oepan ment. thoroughly Qualifies me to ad minister the duti s of the office in an efficient manner. Adv. JOHN 13. WIMKR. County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re nomination for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion of tho people at the coming pri maries, and hope my record In this office the first term is such thai l am entitled to your support this year. Adv. CHAUNCEY FLOREY County Assessor. T hereby announce my candidacy for the re-ncminatlon to tho office of County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by the Republican party at tho primary election May 21st, 1920. Adv. J- B- COLEMAN, School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination lor count School Superintendent on tho repub lican ticket. G. W. fJODWAKD. Adv. I hereby announce myself as candi date for County School Superinten dent, on the republican ticket, at the primary election. May 21st. I am for progressive education, tne education that prepares for life, and for giving the rural schools tho very best ad vantages possible. 1 favor more nor mal schools for Oregon. Adv. A. J. HANDY. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of County Cor oner, ir elected 1 promise ect.nom ical management of tho Coroner's of fice JOHN A. PERL. Adv. ' RAWLF.S MOORE for democratic Nomination District Attorney May Trlmary, 192 0. the manner of some is. We invite you to worship with us. Sunday school at 10 a. ni. Mrs. Cynthia Schmidt, supt. Preaching service at I I a. in. and 7:30 p. 111. Young people and chil dren's meeting ti:3n p. m. .Mrs. II Ilelle l.colllis, leader. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. A special service this Sunday at 2:. ".o p. til. Subject. "Stewardship Campaign and Interchuiih World Movement." "lluy that feared the Lord spoke often one to another, the Lord heark ened and heard it and a book of re membrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and thought upon his name." Miss Ithoda Burnett, pastor. 337 West Tenth street. Phone 421. A I'riemi ltecomnictidcil Them A person often does more good 'lian he realizes when ho tells a suf fering friend how to get well. .1. N. Tobill, clerk Lottie Hotel, Kvansville. hid., writes: "For weeks I suffered constantly with pains in tho muscles of my Ihlgh. 1 was treated by the doctor for rheumatism but found no relief, l'pon leci.iumendat ion of a friend. 1 tried Foley Kidney Pills and began to get relief almoit immedi ately." Good Tor hackache, rheuma tic painsi stiff joints. For salo by Medford Pharmacy." Stato -if Ohio. City or oieOo, Aliens Ouunty, ss. Frank J. Cheney mcken oath that he Is sel-.iur pui'lner of Hie ltim ut 1. J. Chciu-y & Co.. ttofny business In tti:i City of Toltdo. County anil State ulitr.'sitid. and Hint said (Inn will jjay tile sunt uf IJMC UfMlltliP DOUI-AllS. for uacll and every cube of Ouls.wh tltal cannot be rurerl l.v too U'Jc of HAl.IS CAl.MtKU mi:'.j!cin.'".. frank j. iniKNKV. Sjwoiu to before inc. and subscribed in my presence, tills (Jtli iluv of December. A. D. lssu. A. W. (11.HASON, (Seal) Notary I'ublic. Hall s Patorrh Meillclno Is tiikuu In ternally ii'i't acts through the Illooil on the Min ims Surfaces of the System, Scud for tt'Stiinoniats. I'lvr . J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Rnlii tiy all ilrugglsts. 71e. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. WANTlfl) SITUATIONS WANTED-By two men, work as la- borers, or one would accept job as cook. Box S3, -Mail Tribune'. 307 W ANTED A position as private chauffeur; references. Age 20. 103 South Oakdale. Phone -171. 31 1 AUTOMOBILES FOIt SALIC Chevrolet in good order, good tires. Will sell or trade for Ford in good order. Ans. Box SI. Mail Tribune. 307 FOR SALE At a sacrifice, roomy five passenger car, new top, cord 1 tires, runs and looks like new: self starter of course. McCurdy-llowiie j iMotor Co., temporary location Cm-1 ter Lake Garage, IS South Kir street. FOIt RALE Classy Ford bug. Hue shape, good tires, $3.75. Phone 010-.I-2. FOR SALE One brand new 1920 Chalmers ,1-passenger louring car. rhone evenings 5S5-R. 307 FOR SALE OR TRADli- -One-ton 30 7 Ford truck. Phone 31a. 'OR SALE Bulclt runabout, four cylinder with self-starter; excel lent condition mechanically; prac tically new tires and a new top, at a sacrifice. McCurdy llowne Mo tor Co., temporary location Crntor Lake Oarage. on easy terms. C.larrk ,fc Chiltlers, 127 North Riverside, opposite Nat. 32 ! USED CAR clearing house, buy tor cash, sell on terms. f-icKens-jiermi Motor Co.. IS North Crape. tf BROWN & WHITE EEALTORS MEDFORD. OREGOV 4 0 acres all fine free soil, 20 In alfalfa. 10 in grain, 5 acre wood lot, about 30 fruit trees, there are now j 2h acres under the ditch and the bal ance will he; a fine house, all modern convenlen es, a beautiful view of the valley, good barn and all necessary outbuildings, close to good schools j and only mile from paved high-1 way. This wi" bear close investiga- tir.n. Price $ 10,000. I 30 acres, all fine free soil, all In I cultivation, 20 now under tho ditch and being seeded to alfalfa, 7 acres best varieties pears 8 years old and in tine condition with a splendid crop set for this season, a fine large home with all modern conveniences; the improvements alone would cost you more than the price now asked. Let us show you this and explain why it can e bought at the price and the very liberal terms offered. All we ask of any honest and sin cere buyer is a chance to show what we believe to he some of the very best values ever offered In this valley whether a small cottage in town or an Orchard, Grain, Alfalfa or Stock ranch. BKOWN& WHITE WHY 20 ACRES FALFA LAND PRICE $4700 PEAR ORCHARD A I ONLY Jjii 1(10.00 CASH 10 acres pears 9 vears old. One ncre family orchard. alance al falfa land. Under Rogttelands ditch. Fair house In grove of nice shade trees. On good country road. Good neighborhood. This ran be made a beautiful place and a money maker. It is for sale cheap because it is owned by a non-resident. One crop when orchard is a little oltler, will pay for the place. J. C. BARNES Sen nie now. Phono 7K1-L II KU WANTKI) FEMALE WANTED Lawyer's Klamath Falls. s lector. .Medford i stenographer " liinness it, int.-. Ctilh'-t' WANTKI -ieni-ed Holland. -Waitress at on r ino-V't-riencc cper Ca fe 3io; WANTED F.xpe maid at Hotel H d chamber- land. WANTED Young lady t.i attend eiiiar stand. Call in person, do not phone. Hotel -Mrdtord. WANTED An exp ienced laundress , tie. Will wash ! erne and live in j wants washing to anything. Will your home for $ 3c a week thereat iitnev fare. Phoi Mrs. Thor Washi aim wages ut , j., f! . .Ml tneais in :Hi and ask for WANTED Cook, wages Sin In $i'.u 01 cording to qualit icai inns. Tele phone 3X11. 3 0 7 ' HELP WANTEIl MALE W.VXTKl) Teamsters in driv luur mules to a Fresiui scraper. Only men who know how to build ditches. Wages . 1 . r. fi.T '.' hours. board $1.2.1 per day. Blankets necessary; live in camp. Apply Sbattuck Const. Co., Itoolil -I . Schmidt llldg.. Grants l'a-s. Tel. 1 1 ti Grams Pass. ' WANTED Special representative--for pleasant and pi ol'ita hie employ ment, to look after our interest in your section. I lot ; man Coopera tive Investment Co., Hoffman llldg Houston, Tex. 3u7 WANTED Junllor for St. Mark's Episcopal church. Applv at Mann's. 307 WANTED Yard and vegetable man Call, do not phone. Hotel Meilfi.Td. WANTED Man for Gootl board. I'liotie 11 er. ranch work, ill, Guy Con- WANTED -- Men, Phone 0M-.I-3. $3.(10 and board 3II7-" WANTED Teams and men, Moon Co'., near Port Orford. Curry conn ty. Teams Jin.titi per day; Cali fornia hay and grain, hay $31.00 per ton, grain $72. Good men $.1.0 0 per day; board $1.10; work road construction. Moon & Co. 320 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED HOO lawn mowers to sharpen on our big new Ideal grin der. Liberty Repair Shop, 22 South Grupe street.. WANTED Large rang oven. Phone 91 0-N. with double 307 WANTED Carpet weaving ami cleaning. 201 South Riverside. Phono 3.1t;-.l. Fluff Rug Factory. WAINTED Automobile for repair by expert auto mechanic. Clark 6 Chiltlers, opp. iNat. Phone 20. 231!" WANTED A self propelling reclin ing wheel chair; must be In good order. Phone 5 19-.1, afternoons. or seo Rav Blackburn. 300 WANTED White Leghorn or White Wyandotto hens; Three or four good milch cows; Mersey or llol stein. 11. J. Oden, Talent, Ore., R. F. D. 1. 30S WANTED-SliH-Y. -Good disc harrow. Phone WANTKI) Six or seven room mod ern house, furnished or unfurnish ed. Phono 021-L. 307 WANTED To tiny Phono -K1S-R-1. smudge pots. WANTED O'.d huls to clean and block. Apparol Cleanors and Hat ters. 309 WANTED St. Louis prices for furs at Johnson's, 4 5 Front street. WANTED To buy good clean cotton rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED Y'our Ltae r -worth roal money at Johnson's, 45 Front street. WANTED Houue moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf l'OR REXT HOUSES FOR RENT -Nice five room modern bungalow, garden, lawn. S20 West Twelfth street. 3 1 I i'OR REN i1 Three room bungalow, garage, chicken houue and garden. 01 11 Plum street. 307 FOIt RENT Six room house, barn, chicken house and fc'ur lots. 120 . Hamilton. " FOR RENT Five-room modern boost! with burn and four-room modern furnished house; no chil dren. Inquire 731 West Second. 30S FOR RENT Six room modern bun galow, till newlv done over, Inside and .'iil: garage, woodshed find chicken house; small garden spot on paved street. Inouire 819 Tay lor si reet. 3 I 0 FOR KENT Furnished Boven-room modern house one block from post office: fine lawn and Bhrubbery. Call at Room 207 Fruitgrowers Hank Bide. Phono 301-L. tf WORTH $10,000 NICE COUNTRY HOME EASY TERMS 20 North Pencil ML MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. II Andrews loans 1 money on real estate and buya mortgages rmd Liberty bonds. Phone 53-M. 31 North Grupe street. 1" lit K EXT A r A It'I'M ENTS KENT Furnished two-mom v :iiiartnient. I. it rli.uctte anil nai-i. Cnti:le witliii::! t-: ; ; 1 -.1 1't-ti . K. .Mail Triliuuc. 3 1 1 FOli KENT - I'uin room aparl ui.-ni . -lie IWO 1 1 r ldevelilll. I'll lie Full KENT Two and three room furnished housekeeping apartments The Riverside Apartments. 2 17 South Riverside, telephono 4.77-.1. 307 KOU SALE Mist T-.LLAN EOl'S FOIt SAL!'' I .egborn Phone 3M1-.M FOR SALE l.ar wood. Phone Realty. ' KOU S M.E -Niei Phone '.i-F-.l. FOR SALE -W the ground on Phone I4-F-3. FOR SALE - Ontv six horse upright boiler. Snider's Phone 7.1.1-R. FOR SALE Long stem sw Phono 3.13-.I. et violets 3 OS Kill! SAI.E -One sewing machine, one (ncvchiiieilin Britanica, lltli edition. Telephone 1 I l-W. 3 it 7 FOR S.u.i: but' v:--gtu lank tor oil. Also one water tank, ISO gallons. I.. L. Lane, Central Point. Phone 13-3. 30S FOR SALE Obi manure, JI..1U and $2.00 per load. City Scavenger. Phone .1i',.1-lt. 310 FOR SALE I l-incl Kimball weeder. Foothills Orchard. sulky plow and Phono 01 l-.l-J, 313 '() It SALE lli.se llartzell, lt',S-.I-l. FOR SALE Uanu, gravel, sediment and dirt, l-'owlng and teaming work dono. Phone H12-J. KOIt SALE POULTRY- AM) IKKiS KllR SALE Pullets; also geese. It. I. box ill. Mt'dlord. 3ns KOI! SALE Hatching eggs from pure bred While Leghorns or O'lyinoutll llocks. carefully select ed, 100 per cent layers. Either variety $1.00 per setting. Phone 2S-R-1. 2,10 FOR SALI setting. Black .Minorca eggs for Phone 411-.I-1. 307 FOR SALE It. I. Red and White j. egborn eggs anil chicks. Hook orders early. Mrs. F. II. Dressier. Phone 777-L. 332 'OR SALIC Barrel Rock hatching eggs, O. A. O. strain, $1.10 per setting. Phone S-lt-2. 3 10 FOIt SALE Thoroughbred nun Rock eggs for selling. Phone S10-.I. '' FOR SALE Bnnttims. Ii cltolco I. ol den Seabright hens and one roos ter, winners In Pasadena show. If you want fine bantams, opportun ity at half price, us 110 renin and must sell, $10.00 for the 0. 31 Union St., Ashland. 307 FOR SALE It. I. Red eggs for hatching. R. 4, Medford, Ore.. Mrs. A. XL Wright. 30S FOR-SALE Superior S. C. While Leghorn eggs. Bigger eggs and larger birds. 1st cross famous O. A. C. layers with Isaacson's beauti ful prize winners. Trap-nested and ralsutl right. Settings of 1.1 eggs, $ I ..Ml and $2.50; $S.(0 per hun dred. Cockerels fur stile. Jus Jlrommer, phone 5S9-.1-2. Roule 3, Medford. KOR SALE Hutching eggs, Tuncrcd Whito Leghorns, regular pens 200 and bettor bens $1.50 per set ting. Special pen 2.1(1 and 2S7 egg grade, $3.00 per setting. Phone 597-R-l. R. V. Crutn. 314 FOR SALE It. 1. Red hutching eggs. Thorough bred stock. Phone 370-W. " MONEY TO LOAN On farm or orchard land, 0 per cent interest five to forty years. McCurdy Insurance Agency Pear Orchard Olie t.'lioifl! in foothills eight acres Siiburhiiii Tract near Medi'oJ'u. in pears, three acres Tokay (i rapes. Fine Bungalow One of the hest fruit seclioiif For details see Rogue River Land Co. Since 1902 t Office Hotel Nash Corner -Goat mill. : tan y line ( eggs, and barley straw ) range, coal orj d.lit I. or call mi I bacon, llariloy.i 3 11 i I, delivered nr on 1 I'nl 1 t re.'k. i 33 1 i FOR power I (; Dai i v. I 311:1 1 KOIl SALE LIVESTOCK l; SALE- I I'lire bred I Hint. - lei -1 1 1-1 n u lilleis; a!-n lir a Ji-'.v iial! i-.it'iin pn reican al Mndnc tin St 'W s s it II s miv; at. n Inquire i:' '' ard or li. 1: I'lIK SALE -and nanny ur dume 3 FOIt SALE Bliss Heme. Medford. . Wood, Medfoid. i Fresh Tiiggt-n berg 1:0a! 1 e.'u Nert !i t en! ral. ', X. Fine Belgian hares. ! Ii I ti w.-j 'i'emb s! reel . ( FOR S 1.E- Ten ni'lk cows. Als "I'l ers. 'alsh-:i pl.n e mi two miles ntntbwest FOR SALE A I li't-E-13. Fill! SALE Register I'd Shorthorn, bulls, five head. Those bulls a re 1 royally bred and will be sold cheap, ' iualit- cnusitlereil. 1'. 11. Eagle Point. Telephone 22-F-I2. Eaule I'oint. Hulls can be seen at to ' place on upper Hrophy. Rogue river. S A 1 . -Two teams, one 4 and 1 years old, weight about 23uit: tine 3 atitl 1 years old, weight about 2i'.n0. Al Musty, Central Point. Oregon. 3n7 SALE Two cows, one fresh; st.. small horse. Inquire Phoenix irage, Phoenix, Ore. 3 1 0 FOR SALE- -Two go(M spring wag ons, suitable for one or two horia's. Also fine nuddlf. Walsh's place. on Rin-s I .nut, two miles northwest of Medford. 23 1 KOIt SALE Coats. Very choice grade Toggenliuri': doe, hornless, perfect marked, heavy ntilLer, very heavy with kid, freshens lust of -March, line doe; if sold at oi be fore kidding price $1011.00. Fine yearling doe, hornless, from above dam, makings i.'f fine milker, breil to pure bred registered buck, mak ing kitls eligible for registration, Price $71.0(1. Very large handsome grade Toggenhurg doe. dehorned, bred lo my registered buck, fresh ens May loth, heavy milker, great period of lactation, price $1 00.00. Have few registered doe kids, one not registered, but from registered doe, can offer at right, price espec ially, ituality considered. At stud - Wasatch No. .129S pure bred reg istered Toggenhurg buck, perfect coiifi.'rnial ion ami markings, of best, imported blood and extra heavy milt; strain, limited service fee $10.00 lo grades, $ I Lull , In pure broils. Lou (1. Itiederstatll, 2 1 I'nion street, Ashland, breeder of Toggenburg niilch gouts. . 307 TOR SALE REAL ESTATE l'OR SALE Modem five-room bun galow; many advantages, MMsl. tie sold. 315 Haven street. 307 FOR SALE Aro you looking for a gootl farm homo with plenty of water for Irrigation and the very best of soil'.' 315 Haven street. 307 FOR SALE Good five-room bunga low, sleeping pt.trtdi, sloue founda tion, lights, water, toilet, fruit, garden, wood and chicken house, lawn, paved street. Cheap If lllken at once. Leaving town. tllSlleal ty si reet. 3 10 KOR SALE Eighteen acres of land opposite Oak tirovo school house on Jacksonville road. For Informa tion wrilo D. V. Turner, Genesee Kansas. 330 FOR SALE 170 acre ranch. 100 acres In cullivullon. flood build ings; 0110 111II0 from town and rail road a bargain. J. B. Andrews, Room 31 'North Grapo street. Phone 53-M. 310 FOR SALE A fine IS acre tract, gcutl buildings, I ', miles from city limits, west on Main. Fine shade trees, "4 mile from school. Cannol be duplicated III Jackson county as to locution and price. $0710.00, part cash, balance time. Jus. Bowling, 20 South Peach street. Phone 313-.I or 370-.I. 307 FOR KALE A beautiful bungalow with grounds 110 by 110. Fine in appointments and detail. Large Living room and dining romii, cab inet kitchen and liuih room in white enamel, two sleeping rooris, large screened In porch, fireplace. 'argo cooling closet tor fruit. frigerator, etc., built in buffet and chlnu closed; extra large and spec ially built windows. Good garage antl chicken house. Grounds well kept; flno garden and berries; rltj assessments paid. Investigate this. See Bennett Investment Co. FOR SALE at acre ranch near Tahlo Itock; good alfalfa and pola- ton land; fair buildings; electric light; fruit; near school. Price reasonable. Mrs. A. Reese, Central Point. Route 2. 327 FOR SALE Nice ntlracllvo little liiingalow: four rooms, large screen porch, bath, toilet; flro place; garage, chicken house; lot 50x140 Price $22.10.00. Bennott Invest ment Co. FOR SALE If you are looking for a home, and finality, price ami terms interest you call at 820 West Twelfth street. P. E. Wynkoop. 32 LOST LOST--Small milch gout, brown while spots on side. Reward fm notifying I). E. Patterson, Talent Ore. . : LOST Tortoise sl,r! colored spec tacles with lenses cr.n-ketl. If found please return to Tribune office, tf MISCKIXAXBOU8 FOR SERVICI'. Dressier. -Jersey hull. F. II I .,, msii:-.s ntisEcTOKY. Ah- MI'ltltAY I Ab.,ti:ie ltinini.s BKOS s of T ', and ." '.: : von is tie. Cuthbert llldg.. Ninth l.'entrjtl Ave. Auto Supitlivs. LAMER IPfliNt.iCC;. J.AIIKR Al'TO SPUING CO. We are upernt in the' largest, oldest M and best -eiui'Iied plant In tho Pa- 1 cific 11m : liw 1 .-.t. I'se our sprlnga when others fail. Sold under writ ten I'tiai-it'.ilee. 34 North Fifteenth 1 St.. Portland, Oregon. ,' J Attorneys. !V. 10. Pllll'PS Attorney at Law, ' 1 42.1-421', M. !'. ft II. Bldfr. Office phone 372; resilience phono 32S--M. ELIJAH K. II Garnett-Cort- PI) Lawyer, y Bids. 213-U POUTER .1. NEFK tti,Tney-,it-law. rooms X ami ti, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMFS Corey Bulbllng. Lawyer, llarnett- Biiiltling Materlnls. MEDFORD CEMENT RIllCK & BLOCK WORKS specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Kir and Tenth streets. 2511 Expert Accountant. vTlson lCvDnT-Tl() ivT Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in Accounting und In come Tax requirements. Logic into our simplified accounting method. M. K. & 11. Building, Medford. Phone 15 7-R. Instruction in Music. Kit ED ALTON I1AIC111T Teacher of piano nnd harmony. Haight Muslt? studio, 318 Garnctt-Corey Bldg, Phono 72. Physicians and Surgeons. Dl(. A. BURKLUND, Chlropractlo physician, St. Mark's building, ncuto and chronic cases. Office hours 10 a. 111. to 1 2 111. 2 to 5 p. m. Telephones Office 454, res. 750-.!. A BURSKLL, M. 1).; D. C. Splnolo glst. Physician and Surgeon, Spe cially Physiological Methods. 30w 10-1 1 M. F. 11. bldg. Phone 29. Take elevator to 3rd floor. 321 ROBERT W. STEARNS Physician and Surgeon, Jackson County Baul Bldg. Officii hours 9-12, 2-4. ON flee phono 39. Residence 933. ! DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eyo, onr, noso and throat. EyoB scien tifically tested and glasses supi piled. Oculist and Aurlst far S. P, R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Ct, Bldg. Phono 507. Dlt. K. (1. CAltLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATI1IS PHYSICIANS 416-117 C.urnott-Corey Bldg. Phono 904-L-. Rosldonco 2 0 S. Lnurel Stroot BR. MeMORRIS M. DOW, Physician und Surgoon Practice limited to surgery and hospital ohsterics. Special attention given to diseases of women, ori'lcos 800-7 M. F. & 11. Bldg. Residence, the Dew Hos pital. Printers nnd Publishers. MEDFORD PR1NTINU CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leuf ledgers, hilling systems, etc.. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. T Transfer. EADS THANSf-'IClt & STOHAG10 CO. Offico 4 2 North Front St. Phone 3 1 r. Prices right. Service guar a ii toed. Unclertjikers JOHN A. pi:ul Undertaker Phone M 47 und 47-J-2. 28 Bouth Bartlett. Lady assistant. Auto mobile Hearse Service. Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner. Lodges. I. O. O. I- M'-dfnrd IchIro No. 83. MeH evfrv Mmnliiy night at 7:30. C. T. I'urkur, N. O., W. U Miller, Hecre turv. ItuKun IIIvit Enciimpmpnt No. 30 MiM'tH 1M ami Uh Kriiluys at 7:30 p. in. h'atiiui'l itutcmuu, C. P., I. O. How ard, ncriht', OHv' ittM-Hiih tolKO No. 28 Mett lut n ml Ilnl TucHtluyH at 8 p. m. Nnn ntn Hull, N. Annlo J. Bateman, Mt-fiviiiry. Virmms cordlully invited to all You Can Buy Thesa NOW, EIGHT. S room moiliM-n lioust, close in, pavement, corner 2 lots, worth $:150U, buyer iiHsunie pavement $12 48, to run 1 1 years ti pel cent, payable any time, tint busy, today, $100(1. 5 nxnns, modern, plastered, stone foundation, 1 1'-.0. r rooms, modern, plastered, 2 lots and furniture, I i.i. ;i roomsmodern, new, 2 lots, pave ment, $roo. M acres, well improved, only $3500 40 acren.' improved, joina town of r.lHH), IIO(). 1C0 acres, improved, only $3300. See uh for (lertcripitou ttf those anil ol hers. HUED LAND b INVEST MENT CO. Garnctl-lxircy Lldg. i i