STETTFOTm MATH TRIMMNFl. TFnFORD. OUnriOX. FRIDAY. MAT7CTT 10. 10'jn. pa urn THKKR A ONLY TWO DAYS MORE RIALTQ Slnro the beginning of Miss Youuk's gn-uti'si anil meat lavish production, "Kyes of Youth,'' at the Rialto, the most iritii-al liave left the theater entirely sat isfied, claimiiif; it to he "nothing short of Marvelous." kW$b SJ Clara Kimball Young USE WATER EARLY IS ADVICE STATE 1M ''Eyes of Youth" Don't miss it you sim ply can't afford to tnisH this wonderful play. Come early in order to avoid standin;.;. Next Attraction JACK PICKFORD in "Bill Apperson's Boy" GOOD CLOTI1ES I Make Tltcm KLEIN The Tailor 12H Knst Main St. REX TAXI PHONE 96 Go Anv Where. Any Time FOSTER & INGRAM SAI.KM, Mar. 1 rr!.L;ut i-n ist s are vai'm".l to prepare to face "the dryest season of record" during the .:ni:! summer, in a statement is sued today by Percy A. Cupper, state engineer. "The supply of water for irrigation according to tin; present indications, will lie tar ImWjw normal," (.'upper states. "The heavy snows of early Hecember seem not to have reached to any marked decree the higher alti tudes and most of the snow seems to have already disappeared. In some sections it fell on unfrt 'en ground and was almost entirely absoilunl by the soil while in other sections the reverse was true and unusual floods followed the n:e4tini? of the snow. "Keports from various sections of lite state indicate a very liht snow fall in the higher mountains upon which we must reply to maintain our irrigation streams and fill our reser voirs. It seems, therefore, not too early to chock up on our available supply and to take such practical pre cautions as we may to avoid undue shortage for tin- irrigation crops. The use of water early in the reason serves a double it saturates the soil, much of which remains to supply the plants, and also serves as a reservoir, the water gradually re turning to the stream as seepage and maintaining its flow for the benefit of those below, which in turn enables the upper approprtator to longer di vert water without infringing upon prior rights. Pointing out that cnly the irriga tor in each particular locality can know the best time to begin irrigat ing his crops Cupper advises irriga tionists, especially those with the lat er rights, to make the best possible use of all available water while it is yet to be hud. Ditches should be cleaned out and prepared for use as early as possible so that water may be applied as soon as conditions in the respective local ities will permit of the beneficial use of water. Calling attention to the lad that the distribution of water is left in the bands of the wafer masters who must jwt in accordance with the decree of the slate water board. Cupper urges that any differences rising over iheso rights be referred to him as stafe engineer for settlement before carry ing the dispute into court. "Even though tho water supply should be as short as present condi tions indicate." he concludes, "much can be done to relieve the situation by foresight, precaution and coopera tion." Seals Flvimi High. STOCKTON. Cal.. Mar. 1!. -The San Francisco Seals, here tor 1 min im; preliniinurv to the openinir of the 'ont League season, a re one at. a t imo lieinir taken aloft I'or airplane rides hv Aviator K. V. Karris of Storktnn. ,1 ornsi "Freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or right off with fingers No pain ! Calius -if vv r n :t 'i'.. 1 . Drop ft littlo Freezone on tin nrhintr corn, instantly tlmt corn stops liurt jjig, Uicn you lift it ripht out. It doesn't hirrt one bit: Yes, magic! Why wait! Your druggist cdls a tiny hottlo of Freezone for a few rente, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft com, or corn between tho tots, and calluses, without 'sore ncu or irritation. Trv 11! Xo hunitm-' MOORE "30" The Biggest Little Car in America WE ARE NOW Alloting Territory IMMEDIATE DELIVERY mi k. THE VOICE OF THE WRITE OR WIRE J. H. Graham Motors Co. ' loth Near Stark Portland, Oregon amcqrj Jl iMPWB Mil IjUf 1 " it iiiiii i V r ' -a OF GOD IS THEME "There are two motives which must dominate human life the one the pleasing of the world, the other, the approval of tloil," said Itev. .1 . Itaudolph Sasnett last niizht in the evangelistic service at First Merlm dist church. Con! inning be said. "The thing which has made some heads loom high above all t ihers is that they refused to compromise with the lower motive of catering to the wishes of the world, but had tho ap proval of (ioil as the eternal star of righteousness guiding them on to im mortal fame. "It is in ; an easy thing to follow that star always. The voices of the world are a constant din in our ears, while the voice of (iod is most often the "still small voice. Moreover the devil does not come (o us in his pro verbial hoofs und horns, lie cc'mes deceivingly incarnate. In example, the black sin of adultery is repulsive to t he mind of every red-blooded young man. but let the temptation come alluringly incarnate in feminine beauty and how many young men fall! Agnes Nielsen Skartvedt i;ang "More Love to Thee" with ni( .;t tell ing effect. The congregational sing ing under her leadership is proving a popular feature of these services. Tonight is young people's night. Judging from the audiences of the week it is expected that "standing room only" will be the order tonight and Sunday. . BESSIE BARRISCALE OPENS TODAY AT THE LIBERTY Admirers of Bessie Barrix-ale to dav on the screen of the Lihert theatre, will find her in a new fea ture, made in her own studios. Thi piet ure, which is renin intnir for jim engagement of fwo davs, w called "I'eekoning- litunU," and is based on "The ('all of Life," Jeanne .ludsnn's serial which unpen red in t ho lied Book Magazine. "Beckoning1 liouds" has wide diver sity of action, ranging from the wheat lands id" the Canadian North west to the Moor of the stock ex change in New York Citv. Kyes of Youth Life's turning point is depleted as the moment when the girl tr boy changes into the woman or the man, according to the pict ure, " Kyes of Youth." which is showing at the Kialto theater. Clara Kimball Young is the star of "Kyes of Youth,' and in it she finds the most pretentious role of her career. I lor past experience in films has prepared her to take the role of universal appeal which she has in "ICyes of Youth," and make of it an exceptionally wonderful portrayal. KEEP INSURANCE SLIPS .Former service men, holders l I nelc Sam's War Kisk In.Miniinv. have received from the Bureau. .! War liisk Insurance nn identification ard bearing their name and insur ance number, for readv reference, -itch as thev carried while in 111. service, slates Ihrecior li. Ci. Choi -melev-.lone of the bureau. Tin- card will-enable the men to give their correct insurance number when eommunicntinr with (he Bu reau of War lii.-k Insurance and also -erves f-r identification in ease oi -.ickiicss or accident. Manv of thee cards arc being re turned to the bureau hv former serv ice men in-teuil of being" retained. Tiie director miuests all former ser vice men who received these, identili cation cards to keep them. TALENT TALK Mr. unci Mrs. Adam.son have gum to California and Mr. and Mr-. Mm' ligaii have moved inlo the hou-e va cated hv them. Mr-, vi j- Briscoe i spending a few dav- with her mother. Mr-. Bobbin-, in Med lord. Mr. II. K. Bowman ha- been on the -jck ii-t for a few dav- niid ln sot,. Itnlph, been tjikne.' c;ne of hi Mail route during hi- illne--. Mr. .1. T. Ander-rui ami wife arc -pending- a few daws with Iht pa t at-. Mr. am Mrs. .1. N. Face. Mr. F. S. B wman died i(t t!ie tiome of hi- father. Mr. A. .1. Bow man Tuc-da v und wa.s hnried in the I. . O. F. eemeterv Thur-dav. Mrs. Charles (iardn-r and Mrv I-'oir! Barrcit vi-ited.Miv. Wm. Cms. bv at llie .s.o red Hei(i t iio -pit;:l Kn -l;i v atid report Mr. I'ruiiv fioiiU' nicel. a 1 1 it h r oi n-r.! t ion. Several Tab-n! imoi:i- i-itei tin oil ui-lfs Sundav al'rno'.n io -ee them iart drilling. M rs. ( 'a rt cr ret urned from Fort land last Saturday and hr mghl her dauirliter to spend a few month - with her. ELKS H010 OPEN USE FOR THE At lust .Marines gave tlnv the Medi'ord KlUs immediately cami lusty theers for : band t hen played lianner, and t he the uniformed vis ,;i:ht the Roving li-'ari y cheers for dge. and the Klks Km-!; with i hree e aKiriues. w hose. he Star Spangled ! men ainnieut for j 'is and local men alike was ended. H was .to of thei most enjoyable oc .i-ioas in the his-! tory of the lotlge. Hi'iause the It. (. K. order is a patriotic one ii was peculiarly fitting that the local Klks entertain the large marine corps coin in g em visit in g in the city, and hence by agreement alter the Roving Marines show at the Fage theater, the Clks and their guests at once hasieiud to the Klks building, where a fe;i -t await ed the marines, after which hosts and guests went, to the big lodge ivom and the en ten ainment feu l ures were begun iiuluding clever, bewildering magic performed by Jay Core, and equally clever vocal imitat ions by "Chick" Weiss. The Medford boy was a com plete and welcome surprise with his sleight of hand or ledgerdemain feals his confident and eay stage presence and accompanying lingo lending much eclat to his mystery tricks. Mr. Weiss gave la ug liable imitations ranging from a pig caught in a fence to a grand opera prima dcana. Rut the marines in turn furnished enjcyable artistic entertainment con sisting of a number of selections by the band, the vocal quartet anil the saxa phone (pi a net . Sergeant Billy Hanea of the Salt Lake City lodge of Klks told a humorous story and Ser geant .1. Howard Ranson of tho Mil waukee lodge (,f Klks and Captain C. T. Rhodes, who is in command of the ivoving Marines, made short ad dresses thanking the Klks for their hospitality. "We have been pleasantly enter tained In many places during our t ravels" said the capta in, "but no where have we encountered such wholehearted hospitality as the Klks have extended. V! need not tell you anyt hing about the marines. They speak for themselves I waving his hand to ihe large contingent I. The Klks had extended the privil eges .'f their club house to the ma rines during the hitters' sojourn bore which were taken advantage of and much appreciated. MEET TALENT H MAY The annual county field meet has been arranged to take place on the Talent school grounds the first Fri day in !May. Mr. Robinson, principal of tho Talent high, is manager of the meet, while the committee on events is composed of Supt. Agcr, Principal Hardich of Central Point, and Princi pal (Jodward of Jacksonville. The contests are t o he arranged as fol lows : A 111 years or under. It t:: and I I. C 1 f years, up to 2 1 . .In order to give more time to ten nis and baseball the association de cided t:.' have those events at Central Point May lf. The size of the base ball should bo I I Vii inches outside of seams. The distance between the diamonds to be thirty-eight feet. The teams are to consist of ten players, and to. play three innings to each game. The sugar-saving" cereal GrapeNuts finds a Handy place in homes where the cost of living" is' considered. "There's a Reaspn " SEE OLD, FADED DRESSJP NEW "Diamond Dyes" Add Years of Wear to Discarded Garments. Don't worry nbmifc perfect rpuUu. I'm "Diamond Dye's" pnnnintefd to give r new, rich, fadek-f color to any fab ric, wite'hrr it bo wool, ilk, linrn, cot ton or muted goofis. dresses, blour, (t.ockini', skirt, rldtdren'8 coat, feath er, flrnpcrifp, covoring. The D.roction Book with each package ttlla so plainly how to diamond dyo ovr ny color that you tan not rauke u mis take. To match any tuaturittl, bavu druggUt bow you "Diamond lye" olI Is p- ,m huh Rough Roads for Wheels Are Smooth Roads for Passengers WATCH Overland 4 0:1 rough cobbles or mi paved roads. The wheels fol low siirfaec inequalities, the new T riplex Spring:; p.ivc car and passengers remarkable riding steadiness. They give 130-inch Spring base to a car of 100-inch . wheelbase. This makes for the gently buoyant road action of a large, heavy car with the economy in upkei.p, fuel and tires, and convenience of handling of a scientifically designed li&htcar. Auto-Lite startingandlight ing, door -opening curtains and dash light give but a hint of the completeness and qual ity which characterize every thing about Overland 4. McCURDY-BOWNF. MOTOR CO. TKMrdKAKY Ol'AICTKHS ( KAI'l:!: I.AKK (i.l!A(i IO6O jpssz ANNOUNCING 'I'HE APPOINTMENT OF Crater Lake 1 avdware Co. TO REPRESENT A FAMOUS MANUFACTURER INTBODUCING NEW PRODUCTS TI10 t'raicr Lake I lardwaic Co. Lns hecoiiic "'J'!k- Wincfiectkii Store" for this eommunily. Our Ix'ing selected for llii.s association makes us solcdistritmtors in this territory for the 7WW WlNCllJiSTEJi product.?. We believe you will find the new WlNCriESTEIl Tools, Cliliery, I Tackle, riashlights, uud WiNCUiisTiiU J5iinic-y & lierry, have the same ' mcn'L as the famous WINCHESTER Guns and Ammunition, which wc also sell. We are making a special exhibition this week, of all these new and interest ing Winchester goods. Come in and see them. Tlioy give to our store a new interest for men, women and children. Crater Lake Hardware Co. p, JT out Explosives 'J'lic line sold at a price that includes SERVICE Put your blasting problems up to the DuPoiit man. Daily Delivery by the Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. Distributors.