Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 19, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    PA'tlE TWO
The Roving Marines have in ;tI t'
themselves very jojiii1;i r wit li i he
people of Medtoni during their stay
here Thursday ami today limit by
their soldierly appearance and a -lioiiH,
entertaining versatility and
gentlemanly demeanor while mixing
with the puhlii' tfunerully. Their vinil
prom f Be (o be productive in gainim
recruits as one oiuik .ldlord m up
ha already enlisted as
the marine band, and
parents and prospective
made pointed iuiuiries.
Kavo another short piir;
noon, inarchiiu; to the
a musician in
a number '.
recruits have
The marines
ide ibis after
i hiKh rehool
when; the hand played a nuinuer oi
selections for the .student body. They
leave at 7 o'clock tonight for Kitene
A. K. Carroll, formerly with
'Paul's Klectric storo, has relurned to
Medfonl for a few weeks to CMiduct a
Thor wash inn inachine (ampniKii for
the ma n u fact urer, 1 he 1 1 u rley .Ma
chine (.'o. The campaign will be con
ducted from haul's Klert i ic. Htore.
Prices cut to tho bottom at tho big
eale. C. E. Gates Auto Co. ti
Drink Lit bin M inei al waler foi
rh nu mat ism, stomach and kidney
troubles. Jackson (!ounty Creamery.
It Is very much desired thai th
young ladies class of the Methodist
Sunday sehcol taught by .Mrs. S. 1
Leonard meet at the church tonight
lo attend the evangelistic meeting
They will be glad lo meet oi her
young ladies at this time.
The sensational trial of Lark
Evans on (he charge of kidnaping
and robbing W. ('. White of (Irani
Tubs last September was begun ii
circuit court al Jacksonville todaj
"Willi the court room crowded with
Bueclators. The entire fi.'renoon was
spent in selecting the jury and tin
taking of testimony began early thh-
aftenioon. K vans is ' fief ended by
Cus Newbury, and his lather from
La (Jrande, Ore., and wife are seated
at his Hide during the trial. Then
are 2i) witnesses in the case includ
lug a number from Grunts Pass and
Klamath Kails. Sheriff Lewis of Jo
sephiae county and Sheriff Mum
phreyH of Klamath county are anions
the witnesses. Tho case will prol
ably he on trial seeral days. District
Attorney George M. Roberts repre
souls (he state.
R. I. Red eggs at Dt oe'fl.
Hand concert, and dance, Central
Point Saturday night. (J. A, C. band
: www
Palmer Piano House ordered a full
.carload of VictroluH this week lo In
nhipped direct I'n.'m the factory lr.
Alodford. This shows the popularity
of this make of Instrument in the
Rogue River valley. Place your or
ders now. Palmer Piano House. 'tilt
Mr. and Mrs. Krank It. .Myers art
Die happy parents of twins, a boy and
a girl, who were born last night.
3 lh. can Eolger's coffee $1,110 nt
Trnnx Store. , 30 0
Hand concert and fiance. Central
Point Saturday night. O. A. C. band
Cars washed and polished. I line;
& Snider's Garage, Hti-10 South Fir
'houe 2 1. :to;
Californlaus registered at the Med
ford Thursday and today Include Air
find Mrs. E, DelU.ii, Mrs. John Crow
ley and .Mrs. Keffallnos of Weed. J
A. AVUttic of Cazadero, .1. II. Kim h ol
Sacramento and (he following Iron
Sun Francisco: .Mrs. Ella Coleman
Win, Adalino Coleman. Hyron Cold
man, 1. S. Wood, James L. Wright
V. IX. Ostramler. V. Crift'li, T. L
Seer, A. 1. llonjninln. Jack Fishet.
Harry Snyder. II. J. Arouson.aiul Air
and Airs. Fran. Lhevinnc.
Got the habit! Buy shares now in
tho Building and Loan. tf
Drink LKhia .Mineral water foi
rheumatism, stomach and kid net
troubles. Order from Jackson County
Hemstitching 1 tic per yard, thread
furnished. Singer Shop, 115 W. Alain
I' I ii
The Greater Medfonl club has is
sued a call for the services t.'f tAhiV
to sell lags for the park improve
ment. Those who will offer t licit
services will receive insl ructions in
Weeks & Orr's or The llulib at U1
o'clock Saturday.
Jiasklna for health.
Dressmaking and plain sewing To;
Sherman street. Phone :tii!'. " 1 l
Through seme misunderstanding it
has been reported that the blouses at
the Vanity Shop are locally made
This is a mistake. The are all ea: !
ern models and are of I lie' f ine -t
workmanship from ihe best design
ers. We carry Max ine and A mow
blouses. The Vanity Shop. :io;i
L. .1. Orres of Ashland spent Thui
flay In tin city on one of his period
leal business vb its.
Don't fail to hear "Dardamdla" ot
the new Gobi Seal Einersi.ii records
Hale's Piano House.
Real moonlight walizes! Medi'.ml
Nat. Sat. I mperial or. best vu ' :;n
Soe D. R. Wood & Co., Kin. any
Liberty Hide, fur fire Inrur.mee. if
Air. and Mrs. G. W. Jt.'iics ot Grants
Pass arrived here Thursday for
visit of several days.
Try our merchants' lunch. The
Rhnsta. tf
WANTKD Tea mst ers lo drive four
mules to a FreMio scraper. Only
men who know how to build
ditches. Wages $l.:.ti fur hours,
board $ I .!!." per day. itlankets
necessary; live in tamp Apply
Shut tuck Const. Co.. Lin. I.
Schmidt Hldg.. Giants Pa-.. Tel.
1 lti Giants Pass.
LOST At Page theatre last night,
purse containing iiM,my and keys.
Finder please leave at Wc.dern
X' nl on office.
In order to facilitate the handling
of govern m put insurance by Amer
ican Legh.n posts, a meeting has
been arranged in Portland for .March
-2 at which will be present Uradley
D. Fowl kes, represent at i ve of t he
war risk Insu ranee bureau. Air.
Fowlkes will have with him about
thirty minutes of moving pict ore
lilms describing the activities of the
bureau and the channels thru which
the insurance goes. He will also be
prepared lo answer any and all ques
tion. -? on insu ra nee mat t ers. Slate
headquarters of the American Legion
request s t hat every post in Oregon
send a representative ir Portland t.
be present at ibis meeting.
Havo you seen the used car bar
gains that we are offering. AlcCurdy
Howne .Motor Co.
7 lot tumult. and cnlli concarno at
DeVoe'a, '
Real dance! Alediord -Vat. Sat
Speeial feature; '" hick eiss, en-
terminer! ::n
I-:. II. Whit alter of Port land and
F. K. Walters of Seattle, are among
today's arrivals in the city who art'
st tipping at (tie Holland.
Faster cards. West Side Pharmacy.
Furniture upholstering, mattresses
made over. General repairing, Doug
las, Jul South Central. Phono (il'.-J.
Have your car overhauled by Cal
Itrainnrd. All work guaranteed. 127
North Riversid.;, upp. Nat. :n7
Among Ihe speakers at the get
tt)gether meeting and social of Talent
Farmers club al Talent tonight will
lie County Agent Gate. Prof. F. C
Iteimer, George A. Mansfield and
Miss Florence pool.
Dig shipment of lirnnswl k records
u. si arrived. Don't fail to hear them.
Hale's Piano House.
Come to Centra! Point. Saturday
night, O. A. C. band concert and
dance. .'!li(i
The Truax store Tor novelties and
variety goods. '''Hi
Members of Company D, the local
unit in l be Third Oregon regimen! ,
are planning to take their annual va
cations front July lilh to July iu now
ihat Ibti annual encampment of the
Drcgin National Guard at Camp
Lewis has been set for that period. '
Dig dance, Hagte Point, Sat. March
Gooti lloor, good music, good
time. "7
Automobile, tractor, truck and im
plement parts welded good as now.
Vulcan Welding Works.
I-' urn it tire and household goods
arefully packed and crated. Doug
las 101 South Central. Phono Cla-J.
iM is. W. J . Wa rnor is in G ra n U
Pass enjoying a visit with Airs. Ohm
A rnspiger.
Hand concert and dance. Central
Point Saturday night. A. O. C. band.
For Sale New ant! Becond-hand
machines. Singer Shop, 115 West
Main Phonu 1M5-R. 31C
Savo from ?3 to $10 on a tiro at
fho big sale. C. 13. Oatoa Auto Co. tl
.Mr. ami Airs. H. O. Frobach are
now at home at lil South Newtown.
Mr. Frohbach will assume the duties
of secretary of the Chamber of Com
merce April 1st, but is ill the office
every day now lo gel acquainted with
the work.
For the best Insurance- seo Hoi met
ihu Insurance Man.
Hemstitching and pccotlng. Tho
Vanity Shop. "
Handkerchiefs Ti, 10, la, 20 ami
line at Truax Store. UOli
At their trials in circuit ct.'urt yes
terday at Jacksonville on the charge
of the larceny of a horse Harold Pey
ton and George Summers were found
not guilty by the jury, which was
inly out a few minutes. The testi
mony indicated that ihe young men
some lime ago borrowed a horse from
the burn tf Pert 1 1 iginbot ham at
Prospect without his permission, but
had no intention of stealing ihe ani
mal. Airs. Paul Hansen, corsotloro for
N'uHono. Phono riKa-.L
Cakes, French pastry and cream
puffs al tho Shasta.
Plight knives. Get them at Alerri
man's Shop. II I U
Hotel Holland guests include H. P.
Wellington of San Francisco, G. W.
Zang ol Sacramento, J. J. Downs of
Portland and Frank J. i.Nciiner of
Machines rented and repaired.
Singer Shop, plume 1M5-K. illtl
The famous Suasta tamules on eale
now. Shasta.
Hae you tried Ihe l.ilhia Mineral
w ater from t he Jackson Count
Creamery. It has great medicinal j
aiue. :
Through the efforts of (lie A;h-I
land I i; h and rauie asst -iat ion the
-tale ;;.inie commission has sent j
twelve pairs of China pliea.-anl s,
which weie re.eived and libeiatctl
March J in the icinity of A.-hland
Ii i luqied there will be poi!sman
like eo opeiatfon tin the part of all
ilia! thee birds may increase and
adit to the altrachvcius td this re
uion Ahlanl Tidings.
Orres. the ladies tailor, will be nt
Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine
woolens. latest styles always. tf
For eye, ear, nose., Throat see Dr.
Heine. Liberty Pldg, Glasses fitted.
Mrs. Chas K, Angle has been the
mle! ot h'T p.uvnt..
I). 1 1. Hi for i In.
llil.ini l -llns
for. noun inm
lo IV, I l.ilol.
j K'-'Olt opfnill". !.
bookkeeper and 1 pis:
Ulreetor, Medfoid Hi
M is
p.tM week
10:111 e.e.l home1
I i'll-lllr-:; Hip!
tr 'Miun lad j
See Utisiness
i-illo-M I'olli'Ke I
Pay IMinne j
MKh! Plionos I'. W. UV.'ki, L-JT-.I-o
A. K. tin-, .J7J.;.
Many Med ford women wit nessed
! heir first boxing contests at t he
Page theater last night in the two
fast bouts that were given aa a part
of the Roving Marines entertainment.
These women enjoyed the bonis and
changed their opinion entirely about
the "brutality of prize fighting. The
bouts were not only fast and clever
but were at (ended with st.aie bard
blows exchanged. "Why t hat was
fun," said one old gray haired woman
who '' hud seen boxing for I he
rime. "The boys didn't hurt each
oilier at all with those pillows they
wore on their hands. I always
thought such affairs wen? cruel."
When a buyer Is wise
And chooses with care
He picks out a Dort.
Hecause it's "All there."
Clark & Childers. ': 1 V;
Carl .loschke, hlgn grade watch
and clock repairing. 9 Fir street.
I want two or three good bear
skulls. F. W. Hartlett, 115 West
.Main street. lieu
Sam San dry of Rogue River, is a
visitor in the city who arrived Thurs
day. Fresh beef at public market Sat
urday. ::m;
Guaranteed springs for all cars.
Hillings Carriage & Auto Works, tf
Tablets and scratch pads made of
news print, for school and office use
tor sale at this office. tf
Among Oregoiiians stopping at the
Med ford a re Helen Cowgill of "or
vallis, W. 'N. Reimer ot" Klamath
Falls, C. V. Loosley of Ft. Klamath.
Harry A. Congle and Air. and Airs.
C. K. McLatie of Grants Pass, and K.
L. Gray, N. L. Sander, A. L. P.rnmwell
W. J. LaCasse, W. L. Harmon, K. L.
Melber and F. Al. Phillips r.f Port
Hig dance, Fugle Point, Sat. March
:'.i. Good flour, good music, gi.od
time. :U)7
Srim and easement cloth, at Truax
store. :;ut;
You ought to Insure your auto
with Redden & Canaday, 22 N. Cen
tral. Phone 7l!0.
The concert that was to have been
given by the Itoving Marines al Ash
land this afternoon was called off be
cause of the inability of the manage
ment to find sufficient aultis to take
l tie marines to that city and re
in ni.
Granite ware, aluminum ware and
dishes. Truax Store. Shli
lust arrived. Car of famous Utah
coal. Valley Fuel Co.
The Roguo River Valley Canning
Co. will now contract for 11)110 sea
son's pack of tomatoes, beans, ber
ries and all kinds of fruits. tf
Al.the Nash are registered Airs.
Chas. Roberts of Norl h Henri, Wash.,
Arthur Austin of San Francisco, and
A. A. Davis and A. L. HuUey of Klam
ath Falls.
Hrunswich phonographs on easy
teruiB at Hale's Piano House. tf
Tho famous Shasta tain ales on sale
now. Shasta.
Year spring suit best woolens,
reasonable prices. Klein tho Tailor,
Fast Alain, upstairs. 31.(1
Olen A rnspiger, the ft.'rmer well
known Med ford man, was here -last
night from Grants Pass helping the
Flits lodge to entertain the marines.
Sweater hooks. Handicraft Shop.
Tissue paper In colors at Truax
Store. ItOfi
Wo writo fire insurance. Redden
Sc. Canaday, ill! X. Central. Plume 7-0
Rev. Joseph Trovato of Hutto Falls
was a visitor here last, night and
this forenoon.
JOaster cards. West Sldo Pharmacy.
Women's work aprons, fudge
aprons and children's play aprons.
Handicraft Shop. HOT
Ones, tailors for men and women.
High grade only. Ashland, Oro.
Sore Throat, Colds
Quickly Relieved Dy Hamlln'j
Wizard Oil
Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a simple anil
effective treatment for sore throat and
ehest colds. Used as a garble for sore
throat it brings ijuic.k relief. Rubbed
on the chest it will often loosen up a
hard, deep seated cold in one nisht.
How often sprains, bruises, cuts
nnd hums occur in every family, as
well as little troubles like earache,
toothache, cold sores, canker sores,
stilt neck, and tired aching feet.
Soothing, healing i.'.ard Oil will al
ways hrinv; quick relief.
Oct it from drun.e.ists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
t;et your money back. i
Ever constipated or liave sick head
ache? Just try Wizard l.iver Whips,
pleasant little pink pills, JO cents.
Guaranteed. t
T'or t'Xi liisivt- stylt-s ;iml
siiKirtiu'ss sin- tho
at (ho
Vanity Shop
Noxt Rialto Theater.
A special feature of the nat dance
on Saturday evening will be the ap
pearance of "Chick" Weiss, entertain
er, who is an iniitn'or of no mean
anility and keeps his audience in a
euntinuous uproar. !! has just com
pleted a "hitch" In tint navy where
he was leader of the famous "Hard
war; Hand" which entertained thou
sands of "gobs", marines and
"dough noys tiering the war. The
nat management announces t hat
there will he nu charge for this atided
at t ruction.
Hats, hair ribbons, s w ea t ers a t
Truax Store. liOli
Litbia .MineVai waie- by the case.
Jackson County Creamery.
We repair all makes 'phonographs
and Victrolas. Palmer Piano,
KaM Main street. :ilof
The .Medfoid antoi;;ts are warned
in In; careful about hpet-ding in Ash
Ian tl as t he first of t his Week t he
officials or that city began to strictly
enforce the new Ashland speed ordi
nance which prohibits driving faster
than o miles an hour. A number of
arrests have been made and the of
fenders fined, including S. I. P.nllis,
I.. Zundell, M. It. Creer, K. lieeKon
ami Prof. F. Iteimer.
Hand concert and dance, Central
Point Saturday night. A. O. C. band.
Two hemstitching machines in op
eration at Handicraft Sbtp. Prompt
and satisfactory work. "07
Among guests at the .Mt-dford are
(). .M. Wildman and I). W. I. amies of
St. I-otils, Ira I-.eeman and F. I). .Mil
ler of New York city, V. H. Colby of
Chicago, T. N. Welsh of Denver, C.
Don ken of Cleveland, and M r. and
Mrs. A. Larsen and Alfred I.aren of
Mitchell, S. I).
New Minerva yarns in floss,
heather wools and silk mixed. Han
dicraft Shop, :i()7
Broken east lngs and forgings of
cast Iron, stetd, aluminum, bran:,,
bronze and malleable, welded and re-1
enforced. Vulcan Wlding Works, ;
Z'.l South Front street.
The Creator club will con
tinue sidling tags tomorrow to ral.e
funds for the improvement of the
auto camp grounds. All girls willing
to sell tags Saturday are requested to
meet at Weeks &. Orr's or The Hubb
stores at Hi a. m. and I p. m. to re
ceive instructions?
McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co., Over
land 4 and Republic truck agents,
have taken a temporary location in
tho Crater Lake Clara go, tf
If a cold has
on your
Or if j-ou have rheuma
tism, ulcers, swelling or
other forms of inflamma
ni. '- UAiiK
will tend to reuuee the inflam
mation 'juickly and eliec
1 1 vely. ft cunt a ins a silti; ious
ea rlh, with bo ric ac id, giy
tcrine m.d antisfrptii-e of kauwn
value, it vorks quickly ancf
does nut blister.
You should have n anuill can
of PU.'tOLA Medicated Plastrr
in the house ut all timet). I iciit
in the can and apply it is
always ready.
P part J
ttid i
Hy the
Save Over
on your used razor blades by
having them resharpened.
Many oeople tell us that the
resharpened blades are better
than the new ones.
Heath's Drug Store
The San Tox Store
Among the 0 rants Pass witnesses
in the l.ark Kvans trial in circuit
court are Mr. and Mrs. C. K. .McClane,
Andrew Shade and Harry Ceugle.
"Mee Too Rompers," stamped to
work. Handicraft Shop. "07
Captain C. II. Brooks who is in
command of the Roving Marines has
been a guest at the Medfonl during
their stay in the city.
Don't fail lo hear "Fast ArOecp in
Ilappv Land" on the new Cold Seal
t Kmerson records. Hale's Piano
A real fiance: Medfonl Xat. Sat.
Iteal music! Wonderful floor! Fine
crowd! Atitl-d attraction! "Chic I:"
Weiss, entertainer! 1107
Before burning the rubbish pile,
phone lioli, Rag Company. We pay
f l.r.u up for old rags. Destroy noth
The public dedication and christen
ing of the Trigonia Oi! and Cas com
pany well, which was prevented last
Sunday because t.'f inclement weather
and postponed until next Sunday
afternoon, has again been postponed
lo a week from Sunday because of
the Inability of A. C. Allen to take
moving pictures at that time and also
to give the muddy grounds in the
vicinity of the well time to dry out.
The exercises as planned now will in
fill tit; 1 he raising of a large I'm' ed
States flag to the tf.a of the derrick,
1 he christening anil an address by
i hat popular well known orator. Prof.
Irving Vining of Ashland.
LAMBKIN Mis. .Minnie Pavne
Laiiikin. wife ol' II. l. i.amkin nf
A-hliind died et the bome of her
mother, Mrs. C. I'. I'avne. niter a
lom: illne-.-.. in Ibal eitv. Thiu-lti
noon, March 1H, at the ago of .iH
Mrs. I.amkin was born in Linn
eouiilv ami bail re-itled in Kiamatii
count v lor 17 vears sin'-e when .-he
bad made her home in Jackson, al
Metlfonl ami Ashiaiul. the mot ol the
time at t be latter ilaee. She was
married three time-, the la-t rnar-rin-je
heimj to II. Ii. Lamkin about
! i! I
"';'! I! i ii'i ! ft,
4J 1 1. AiW
-P'l Wil l
it t'.tr ;)'. i. in- v.;-- :i rr'-irtHT
tin l'rt-i, i;in !i,ir. !i in A-ltl.tli'i.
-Mr-. I.itn.kiii li'iiv,- Dr.
I.. Helms in .M'tiit'itnl. tmir sHlf"
ji ii-l iwii l,ii,; uhi, Mr-., vl
v l.-r l'!,tl.T-..n. Mr-, i:. H. H: -rr-iii'il
Mr.-. I. X. Sh.M.I; r A -i:!.:r. I.
Mr-. I .-. AIT..1-.I ,.: I'ii..-itis-. r.
i'ltviii i,!" A -lihill-1 iitui T;ii.'- I'ilMl.
. ( N'..ttti.. Aln-!,;t.
-'llll(-!-il ! -fl-vii-CS M ill III- lll-l.i il! Ji.,'
l'rt'-li'.ti-l-iiili ..luii-fli ;,! A-!t!;tn,l til
, mamwn nTtn r i"mrm-rr"rvi it hi mm
Elks9 Masp
$1.50 Per Couple.
FilFiflei5 Soldiers and Sailors Find Civil Life?
Too Tame. They Arc Joining the
Marine Corps. Combines ihe Desirable
F eatures of Both Armv -and Navv
5 f (roiihlft stnrfs ovrr tti" bnr.Ior,
IT n Hnittan rob wants n. B'-r:ip,
ShoiiM any one Fturt a ilisorik-r
Whcrn Undo Sam's bossing tho
It bad littlf bamltls or plratofT
Insist upon pullintr bu: ncnni'S
Jion't worry or fret or not in a
Just r:iii up antl tell tho Ma
rines. Just t"M tho MaHnos, just toll tho
Thoy-n is-x on tho job In their
:icr:ippinf: Joans;
.Aslc V-ni for trouIls and troubld
you tfotn,
Vor tlioy'vo i:ot sharp points on
thf-Ir bayonots.
Thoy land on th--ir fct and thoy'vo
pot nino livcf,
'And they pack a punch In their
"Two hattaJlonn of Marines
for immediate r.crvloo in TTaili."
Mot lonK afro that call wont out
from the 1. S. Marino Ft- oni i! imr
lluroau. Wl:!:in ton days tlioso
two battalions .voro roortiitod,
eqiilppod n:id! ready to fh-.v- off.
And cv--ry man ::i tho.o oat fit? was
a fonr.or noldtor, sailor or Afr-rin".
They found civil iif- ton t:::-i".
TIio "i;prvi'-o" v:is in th.'tr Iiload,
and they omild no! pot It out.
HtranpoV Not a bit of it. Ask
any ono of ".In.. '." ! Vrshin'f' Pfintr.
As!c any ox-ma:i-'-warfi ninn.
Oh, yes, wo aii ::rowlod at
Hrmtimn in
iiupb-r. Wo all "prousod" at the
chow and whetted our bayonets for
the cooks. Oh. yes. full parks
rubbed the skin off our uliouldcrii.
Itomembor those dnys when wo
were lit a fidillos, could e;:t tho
hind lop off a table and enjy it.
could lick our woipht in wildcats,
and weren't afraid to pay so'.' And
remember the buddies who bunked
with us, hiked with us. scrapped
with us, took all our minify, bum
med our tobaiou, called us bad
names and would pivo us t he
chirts off their backs if wo asked
'em? Somehow civil life doesn't
often plvo us rrit-nd.- like that. The
man who has never done a hitch
in the service has missed a lot.
ln't that fo?
And for am man who Is looking
for service all sorts, kinds, con
ditions and varieties of service
the Marine Corps is the one In:.'! bet.
The Marino is "soldier and saibc.
too." When the hie: ships po to
sea the Marines cn with them. TV
fore tho Marine has a oh a nee to
pet tired of sea-poimr he Is lauded
at Haiti or IIor.o!:;!u. China or the
Opportunity for travel and r.l-wnTur-o
is onlv one of the thincn the Marino Corps affords, la
I '.-anon of the ri rvioe a man
:;m;ua! facilities for
into a r a! "!:.uky "
' all nf
travs that n:a' be learned the
corp.!. Tvery d.-.v f-M:irI".'s .ire.
a dip
f. n:.. StiHtniiiv. l.-ll I'll. Tlie
it, It;., will I:.. Ill lit.- I. . (). F.
,, : !
Cnly raasqued couples al
lowed on the floor between
9 and 10 o'clock.
Supper at Midnight.
Extra Ladies, 50c.
for tlio Marino Corps wore pro
nmtod from tho ranks. Thcso offl-i-i-i-s.
by thoir ctMciop.oy and valor.
ha vf po amply demonstrated tltff
wisdom of dovolopln tho officer
mat')'ial am on it the enlisted morlr
that tho system lias been adopted1
as a permanent feature of thtf
service. Any man who has t h;?
makings of an officer In Mnf
rtnr.da an oxcfllont ohnnco of rts '
inp rapidly thronph tlio non-com-mlsnioned
jrrados of corporal and
serpen nt and "L'raduat i np" into a.
second lieutenant. After that ha
has the samo opportnnity of at
laininp stilt hfph'-r rank as any
praduato of the Naval Academy.
In addition, some Marines nre
solectod o;i'-li car to take til a
f on r-year con me at A nnapolis.
upon completion of which they ar
immodlat ol y commissioned second!
In uton.'inU of or ensipna
in the Navy.
"When wo remember that: thorn
is one non-commissioned officer t'
every seven men no one who is of
average ability and applies himself
cm 0x7101 t to remain a private for
very Icmvj-.
The Marine nt Work and Play
Many people have the Idea that
Ihe fjervice is a life of hard work,
lonp hours and harsh discipline.
Nothing was ever further from this
t ruth.
Tlo re rt work to be done in the
Marine Ccrps. Hut It is poodV
if ? J
.WU 'njg -4 ,
llaiunn Had Men
healthful, outdoor work. Thero
are short, snappy drills that makei
a man alert and "on the job" int
mind and bndv. There are setting
up exercises that take inches off :t
man's waif'-tlino and put them ot
his chest. There's shootinp on thn
riflo rap.Ke every Marino Ift
trained to le a crack shot; there
work with wireless teletrraphy nnd
:-omethfnp of reamanshlp. It'
work, but it '3 t lie sort of worlc
men like.
There must bo discipline, just
as there must b Taws in a com
munity or rub s In an office or
factory. Tint tho Marine discipltno
in of a sort that no reasonable!
man would object to.
T-ife Is not alt work for the Ma
rine Tb- re ;iro baseball, football,
b o x n p and s w i m m i n p f o r t h a
devotees of these sports. No post
is without lis pool tables. Thera
is fi sh i u p arid h u n t i n p. For M a -rires.
It: iheir travels, po wherei
pame, I!tr and little, is plentiful
and panic laws nre few.
Men not on puard may, as a rule1,
leave their station after 2 or :6
o'clock in the afternoon and r.iay
rermin away until reveille (! or T
o'clock ) tho following morn In p.
Whenever a man may be con
veniently spared, his commanding
officer has authority to prant him
a ten-day furlouch, plus the tlma
rerjuired to travel to and returni1
from his home town. J
Thp Marine Corp dentre n nlve
yonnar men from nil pnrtn of the
oouniry nn opportunity of enllaf
irtu In Ihe Krrvirc for two, three
or font- year. The toeiil rrcrulf
Inc olilce has nmp vnrnnelrn In Urn
(jtioto for rnnt'clnlly cood-mcn. If
may hp that yon nre the sort of
man tliey are looMnir for. Don't
heitate to oall nnd talk thin"
over. It itI1 put you under no
obllpntlna. You will not he tinted
t enlltt. Fut you C.W leam thr
truth nhoiit the Murine Cornw from
Oien Mho know the !lfp nnd l'ke It
icl! ciiiiurIi to may In. Send for
V. S. Marine Corps Rocruitlnc Office
Main Street at Bartlett.