The Weather Maximum yesterday .in Minimum todny jh Sat. and Hun- prec'l :tl MEDFO RD MAE Predictions u Haiti nml warmer tonight. naitr Fourieenu ..Fourteenth Tui, MEDFORD, OIJKCOX, MONDAY, MARCH" 1"). 1)J0. NO. ;?u2 - es is IBt. l .iaaiip m Inn . - : ! UK: AMJ " . RFSFPIIITinM OppjOU JBINJMN REDS AQTIPIf If GERM L ..... . I III I ULL I U i 2BSB FOR 01 Rj;TT j I-ONIMIX. .Mm-. ,.-,...A ,,.Vljt J A has broken out nine, ii- several "iiits o' ,. ,,.,.., tnM . ... Berlin Dispatch Declares Minister of Defense in Ebert Govt. Reaches Agreement With Head of Reaction ary Forces New Govt, to Be Formed Revolution Met With Sliflht Support 9 Killed in Clash at Leinsic. HKRWN, aim'. 15. (Itv Wirclcss lo LoihUiii ) It is reported here Ilia!, Ibe south Gernuui ircuerals and the Saxon troops have iriven their ad herence to (Justav Noske. minister K of defense in the 'Chert 'overnment. PARIS, Mar. 1.3. A Hcrlin dis patch received this evenim: states that nn mrrccmeut has been reached between Chancellor Kam of the now ovemmeut and (iustav Noske, minis ttt of defense in the Kbert trbvorn incnt and tliat llic government crisis inOenuanv has ended. A new L'uvenimenl for Germany ill be constituted under the iiL'iee uent between the old government and the new a t lavas iiU'eney unnoiiiice- imt states, (By tlio Associated .1'rc-ss) Ger und's new irovornmc-ut in lierlin is liecd with extensive strike, move We're off at lust. Thai first well of the Trigonia company which every body is hoping will bring undreamed of prosperity to Medfc'rd and the en tire valley, was started yesterday and the heavy drill is at Its unceasing 8 Kits at inunv ooints throughout the work of l'Mruting deeper and deep- lation, but as vet. serious outbreaks 1 lave been averted in Dcrlin and oilier 1 hhec centers: ' A clash nt Leipsic bu- va :.. ' . 1 acciirdinr to a wireless dispatch seal on! IV . svi,,t government at ,,. The sul ""''' ripped oil their .-boulder sirups and substituted red stl s Hie di-patch savs. Growth r tH. revolutionary movement in Korea also is re Ported bv the dispatch which "us mat the Japanese aulb lies nave made manv arre ill the same ti t,e message asserts, the Japanese novoni incnt is takin- special asm-es io injur the eiininiuni-t incut at home. llCI'l- sts. move- IS ADOPTED 4. 500 PEOPLE SEE OF j Inch troops of the, tiunl'd and a rad Jwl mob in"" Wlilo.h nine men were blled, wits reported through Vienna, Wlius not been confirmed hv'di net advices. " ", "too nalioim'l' lisscmlilv, which the "tat rciriino counts; iipon for sup Mrt, has been culled to meet tomor mr al Ntnttaort. Where the old itov- (niment's headquarters now are. $ llieh troverninent officials in I,on j ion refer to the possibilities of civil !nrresultiniri'roni the present con- The new German trovei niuent is re torted as niiikintr overture's to the JiH eovcrninent to prevent stoppa'.'c transportation throuuh a ticnerul ;liikc on the railways had already n called after the Kami novorn--'thad failed to tuiike concessions the labor leaders reirardiin.' the uleni) of (be new cabinet. Jbc situation in Bavaria is inicer '" The socialist sovuriiiuent there Snorted to have resigned. A mes to a Paris newspaper declares the restoration of the Havarian :narciv has been Droidaiined. In iU'ral, however, it is declared ill of- '! advices to London that the new wtrniuenl is not receiving a urefit ,!iint of support outside of I'rus- Kvcn in n,.,.i; ,ii,-....( i. tbere appears to be little popu- irr nolitieal support for it. Kaiser Is Nervous MEIiONGP.N, Mar. II. (Itv the 'oriateil l'ress) Kornier Knipcr '"illiinn ,,i II... ........i ,-t ;-ai- i II i .... . , n . it "'c u-aroen 01 isenuncK casue j-re he naced up and down with 1 "v evidence of heintr under area l jous tension. KeliL'ious services i.'t omitted to.lav. The strain of j.nents of the last few davs seems eildi so lii'ii viTv tmoii his mind '! lie eaniiot tolerate the conipanv "Ihers, Wl)ON M'iir. l.-). l'reniicr l.lovi -'e. relerrincr in the house ot ;ons t,av to the German revo . said the allied L'overnnients "feimid with nnxietv anv move J 'Wcsontinir 11 momirehial or react ion. hut that it was well it developments before taking er into the earth and bringing nearer the lime when all doubt of whether oil exists here in commercial nuan- titles will he dissipated one way the other. Without any fuss or feathers drill ing was begun Sunday afternoon at t! o'clock, the seliedulcd hoiir, and when wt.'rk was discontinued for the day the drill hail penetrated l."i feet into the earlh. The cold stormy weather and a driving snow and rain storm in tlio afternoon not only prevented a great crowd of people from Medford. Ashland and other parts of the valley from witnessing the "spudding In" of the well, hut als(,' the christening and taking of moving pictures. The chris tening and moving picture, taking was postponed until next Sunday after noon. As it was only a comparatively few people who had braved the storm were present when the drilling was begun at ,"t o'clock, but more arrived every monieiu. iieiweeu uiu nuiu-i i 1 and ! o'clock probably not less than ,ilil neople who came in I till automo biles had visited tell well and watch ed the drilling with eager interest. I'hcy did not stay long because ol inc inclement wcainci. .Most of tho visitors, many ot whom were stockholders, looked at the derrick and drilling sniiaieu in urn midst of tho beautiful I'ern vaiio with awe. Here it was ai iasi, n; much talked of well was being bf.Ted for oil after months of preparation, years of speculation and education as io the rosy possibilities. Drilling was resumed mis d continued all day. The night drillhiK will not be begun uniii un well is down a couple of hundred tcel and that long expected Hi-Inch cas ing is on Ihegn.'uiui. inn ... ing lias arrived and the casing Is on freight train somen ion here and Sacramento. S-clal Music ltialto A special musical feature ltialto during tho "cek of .i. :.. ..rrnrpi ine""i I" . .. Mi- er ny tne iiLHms- 14 Democrats Vote With G. 0. P Leaders for Reservation Denying Obligations of Article 10 Last November Only 4 Democrats Voted for Similar Measure Taft Com promise Reservation Is Rejected by 45 to 31. at the Man h of this Hunnarians Kejolce '"'-W. Mar. .U-Bohind the .'""ditto overthrow the Ebert unv- of (;..., i ,.iwiiii.. "".''tive miiiistrv stiind well ; '"muarv leaders. ineludiiiL' ( ot iL. "l!r' nl has the reputation "'L' Ilu. ...... I 1 1 VJ i C"I,B ir-v. Hii-s tJfUo Ki' i,ls "ro reioieimr over the r uernianv and claim it is pis fet, ",' -thc'ir anmuicnt thut so- ucs are incapable ot sur . elever staff officer in vQiintrjes where for ccntur- Kussian Violinist Isaacs at in" nunibe.s by rnu llerioi t popular the Hunt. Leonard C. I'ettit -iili Irene Hampton ..!..., will render ............ Mnenet. Ch. l (llirig th evening Irene Hampton l-'8 '- dn a''She tto misiress of tho keyho. I Ihi l,e-iuty of her art reveals Itsttr along all emnracMis - which is as rare and an trealmcni refreshing. have hei ie the pcol io miniarcliifs. S"frs from Germanv. s. ., i;.. ii.enilicrs "I ""' me ir"i.i. ;,, n.valisl partv -i rules the allies wroinr track m ral inelinni " , ., " ,,, .V1 dool.l todav. are Koin: uiipre-siie of PO'l'lc Inter the (ierinim i" i., restore the here it lew lid one ol n the the natii-Sn'iliel" WASIII-NtiTO.V, Mar. tr, The new reservation drafted by republican leaders lo deny the obligations of ar ticle ten of the peace treaty was sub stituted in the senate today for the reservation which was adopted last November. The vote by which the substitution was made was SB to 21, with Mi dem ocrats voting ror it and ono republi can against it. The sulistituto was then adopted by the senate, j tr,' 2(i, fourteen demo crats voting wllh the republicans. Tho original reservation was adopted last November 10 to 31!, with only four democrats supporting It. Without a record vote tho senate rejected Senator King's substitute. declaring that no obligation would be lssumed m advance by the United Slates but that congress would con sider recommendations of the loague council to protect territorial integrity of any league membor. Hy a vote of as to -15 tho senate refused to strike out on motion of Senator Walsh; deiiir.'rral.. Montana. the proviso inserted in the rQpuillcaji' substitute Saturday. at the suggestion or the irrecohcllahles, detailing. thai all controversies relating to question ol political independence and torri toriat Intergrlty are included in the ,1ni-,l ..I.II.T..II.... All tho republicans and four, dem ocrats voted against Senator Walsh's mot ton. Walsh Amendment Hilled Another amendment by Senator Wash, democrat, Montana, declaring this nation would deplore any exter nal territorial aggression menacing the peace of the world and would as sure American co-operation to "end such threat," was .voted, down 4 1 to :t-l. .Mr. Walsh said it fallowed declaration by Senator Knox of Amer ican policy. A substitute by Senator King, do claring that advice given by the league under article ton should bo considered "only advice "which each member nation is free to uccept or icjcct." was defeated 17 to 31. Six democrats voteil with the republicans against the King substitute. ALLIES FLATLY REFUSE lONDON, -Mar. 1.1. One of the first acts of tlio new govern ment in Herlin was to request recognition from the.allied com missions in Germany, according to an official ltritish message today. The request was Ignored, the commissioners taking the attitude that they would not ex tend recognition 'even to the extent of answering tho communication. 10 ARRAIGN 1EI.M. NEW CHARGE Tnf't'H Measure Itejtten WASHINGTON, Mar. la. Paving I he way for a final vote on tho roser- ation to urticle ten, tho senate to day rejected, 5!l to 17 Senator l're- linghuysen's substitute proposing summary disavowal of all obligations. The senato also promptly rejected, Hi to 30 tho substitute reservation drafted by former I'residont Taft, which was offered in the bi-partisan conference by Senator Hitchcock and presented to the senato tcilay hy Sen ator Kirby. The Taft draft disavow ed any legal obligation but gave con gress power to act under a moral ob ligation. The reservation worked out but not agreed to In the bi-partisan confer ence was offered by Senator Kirby. democrat, Arkansas, and was rejected l.'i tc 3 1. All the republicans and Senators Gore, need, Shields, Wil liams and Harrison, democrats, voted ugainst It. Another substitute, by Senator Simmons, democrat, of North (aro- lina. was rejected a I to 27. It pro posed an obligation for use o"f Amer ica's "friendly offices," to' protect na tions against external aggression hut disclaimed any liability for use of American military or economic forces "unless In any particular congress should so provide." ilvnastv t" bflou'.':. the phici lltokell lllllleifly at IJIieily The llroken Butterfly." a master piece ot IOVO ana pauios, auapicn from tho great story by Penelope Knapi), produced under the direction of the great master of screen drama. Maurice Tournoiir. is the attractu.n now playing at the Liberty theatre. The settings are sumptuous, ine photoplay superlative, and the cast riir above tho average. Pauline Starke and Atay Alden giving Cody excellent support. , . , v I! LEFT N. DAKOTA BISMARCK, N. 1)., Mar. 13. North Dakota faces tho unique sit uation of a presidential preference primary on March Hi with but ono candidate. Senator Hiram W. son, entered. Intra-party delegation contests, pivoting about the Non-Pu-tisan league, constitute tho chief barbed wire entanglements on the voter battlefield. .Major Cicnoral Leonard Wood and Governor Frank O. Lowduu of Illi nois, refrained from filing nomina tions after a second republican state convention had voted that delegates to the national convention should go uninstructed. , . William Jennings Bryan withdrew his name as demo cratic candidate. ' -i !lll'!1 Tho : primary is to elect, foe leach parly a: national committeeman; fivp prosideat-ial electors and ton: national. convention delqgatcs. ' "" ::i-, Political observers deelarn both rq publieuns and domr.Truts have 'been divided'on Lho issue of tho non-parti san leugue. There is consideraldo speculation as to whether republican- delegates will ho bound to voto for Senator Johnson ift tho Chicago convention Under tlio state law the dologalc takes an oath that ho will faithfully carry out tho wishos of his party as expressed by the primary. For tho first time in this state, women will veto for presidential elec tors but cannot vote for delegates to the national conventions, altho the state may bo represented in those conventions by women delegates, two of whom have been nominated by the republican party. 6hechan and Smith Freed From Mur der Charge by Jury Saturday Night Taken to Chehalis for Ar- rniqiiinsnt on Charge of Murder ing McElfresli Vandcrvcer to File Motion for New Trial Crowds Leave. l.i LATEST NEWS OF THE STATE PORTLAND, tMar. 13. Campaign plans for tho teachers' part in sup porting the two mill tax levy to In crease stato funds for educational purposes have been outlined by the executive committee of the Oregon State Teachers' association, in the courthouse, it was announced today. HOOD ItlVKIl. Ore., Slar. 13. it Is not likely that Hood River will hold a celebration of blossom festival this year, acccrding to an announce ment totlay. Indications at present point to the Columbia river highway being closed entirely to traffic nt the blooming period. Citizens, however. are planning on a strawberry festival in honor of visiting Slirincrs in June. PORTLAND, Mar. 13. IMiss Mil dred Johnson of Corvallln is the first woman to make application for civil service examination for tlio position of grazing assistant In tho forestry service, it was announced today. MOXTKIIANO. Wash.. Mar Nine ol' the ten aliened I. W. V. mem bers, whose trial lor the murder ol' Warren O. Grimm at Centralia on Ar mistice tlav. ended at M-iulcsnno Sut nrdav niaht. will be niTniuncd on u eharue of murdering Arthur McF.I fresh, a second Armistice dav pa rail.1 victim, it was aiiuouuccil here todav. F.linor Smith. 1. V. W. attdrnev iiud Mike Shccbaii. who were uciiiiillid ol" tlu' murder ol" Grimm, have been taken to Cbebalis and probablv will be arraiuiicil todnv. Arraiunmenl of Hie other seven men will nut Like place until nl'lcr sentence has been passed mi their first conviction. Altoi-ncv Geiirc Vanileivccr. lor the defense, has mil vet tiled lion for a new trial, anil Ihoiiuh the lime for filinir such a million exirres to dav. an extension of time likelv will be liiven him. Considerable. Icewnv also is iriven in the matter of lilin.' affidavits L'iviiiL' reason for the new trial apid'calion. which liccoidimr to law must ho presented within two dnvs"itlter applicaliou lor new In'iil ' ' Sentence on the seven Vonviclcjl men- win noi ne passcit until arii ilifnts iiit the new trial million hhvj bt'eit'liearil." Ft'lini ol" motion, of fltj suppol'lllur :i I (nil) vit and nlunieills upon mem are expected to occupy ten davs lo two weeks. nionlesano is descried todav hv the hundreds who attended ami look pari ill the trial proceed ns. .Indue Wil son. attorneys for the stale anil do icnse, an, i must ol the newspaper men have loll (be cilv. CF.NTIUI.IA. Wash.. Mar. V. Miner Smith and Mike Sheehnn. al leged Industrial Workers of tin World, went lo hi. arrnitMiod nt file lialis. Hush., todav on a ohnnre of murdcrim.' Arthur McKlfresh, Cell triilia Armistice dav parade victim. tsmilli and Micchan were found not iliillv at Muntesano Suliiriliiv nitlit of the murder ol' Warren (). Grimiii, another parade victim. I lie Iw-i dclendauls were (nken troni Alontesano lo Chohnl's vesler dav. Seven other alle-cd I. V. W. I'' 'I cuillv ol' second decree unit der al Montesauii, remained in ini there, pcnilniir Ibe presenliiiL' of an application lor a new trial. 10 INVESTIGATE INTO STATE TREAS'RS OFFICE S.U.U.M, Mar. 13. Drawing a : grand jury to investigate the handling of public funds took place hel'ore Judge Percy O. Kelly in the circuit court hero today. Without mentioning any department, the court said Cov- ernor Hen W. Olcott had called upon the attorney general to iu- vestigate thru a grand jury charges of mishandling of slate money. Judge Kelly cited a supremo court interprolalion to the Mt- feet that intent of a public of- ficial Is not materia! if violation i.'f (lie statute can be shown lu that the state has been injured ill tile bundling of public funds. . ASTORIA. Mar. 13. .Mrs. Kva It. Pcntilla died today from injuries sus tained Saturday night when she was struck hy an automobile driven by Corporal Mauritzen of Fort Stevens. .Maurltzen is being held pending the result of the coroner's Inquest. U-Boat Wrecked. SAN I l Will. Cel.. Mar. 1.'..-Nn t art her radio advices from warships tandin' bv the sidtmurine ll-l which went ashore at Maudalena Itav. Low er California Sitturdav mill on wlii'di Lieutenant Commander James It. Webb. Machinist's Mate II. N. Gilc. anil Seamen Joseph Kaiil't'man and M. II. IJelainariiic were either drown ed or asphyxiated, had been received bv navy officers here up to !l o'clock this morning. . . L LARGER VESSELS WAKMIXGTd.V. Mnr. 1.3. Heavy I ra ft ships 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 k i ii passu"-c of the Panama Canal probablv will Ik. itbieot to occasional delay ol a day or to as the result ol' i-oliliniiinir landslides al Ciiearneha. the war de partment has been ndvised bv Gov ernor llardiliL' of the I'uiiaiiiii j allni zone. Ibe ileparltucnl announced today that ( lie L'overnor had cabled that the lirsl spile occurred Friday iruht, ru siiltinu' in holilniu up six ships of. n draft of 2r, leel or more, but that six olher vessels of a draft of ''2 feet or less passed throin;li. j'tin iielaved ships wcic .-Tpcoterl to pass IhroiiL'b yeslerdav. "Governor llnrdimr reports,'' said the nmiouiicctuciit, "Hint I'l-oni a per soiiul iiispeclion i," the slide, lie an lieipales ititeruiillent inovemenl lor few weeks with Hi., possibility of an occasional delay of a dav or I wo lor heavy dealt ships. The ('ucarn. ilia slide is on the east side of Ibe canal immediately -.atlli ol' Gold Hill.'' KKATTI.F, ;,r. 1.3. - llii-h M. Cnldwell. former iinnv inaior. became niavor ol" Seattle todav noon. No ceremony of any kind was held when ( aldwell look over the office from C'. II. J'itzu'cruld, rctiriii" uiavor. i s AS CO. TREASURER It was wllh cnnsiiieralili! surprise in court lioutso circles and antoiiK uur many friends turnout tho county (hat it. bmiamu known today that. Mrn. Myrtlu Hlaludcy vt Modford, the county trcatiuror, oxpectod to louder hor formal resiKnation Konmtime to day to thu county ourt to take offuct iiH aoon ih pnsHihln, and that she has acceittf'd a position with tho I'nrtland Heaver (Yineut company at (iold Hill and will asst'liiio cliai'Kt! of the com pHhy'H Cfficn 'the latter part of thfs week. ' :i '" "J " '' '. ."Urn. Klakeloy who 1h now Ke.rvlhfc hor Hocond elei'tlvo lenn of two yean; nn county ''rrohfiircr, ,Knif today she Wim Influenced to make I ho r hanRU heeaitHn of Increased remuneration tiho would receive in the hew position in privale life. Iter term doiH not expfro until next!' January, and her roHiKDalion can not ho formally acted on until the next meeting of the c.Onn ty court, the first WodneHday In April at whlt h timo hIio will ho rcleaHcd hy hor hondsmen.' Hut kIio expects to usKiimo tho position with lho cement company the latter part of this week while still carrying on the responsf hillty of tho county treasurer's offico, which sho will placo in charge of hor assistants. Mrs. Ulakeley's resignation will he received with much regret on tho part of tho general puhlic, an during her over three years' incumheucy ns county treasurer she pn-Ved an aide and courteous puhlie . official and made many new friends with those of tlio puhllc who had dealings with tho county treasurer office. 3 FRENCH CORPS SENT TO R1E France Plans to Double Forces on German Frontier. Occuiiyinq Wies uoden. Ncustadtt and Bnun U. S. Troops Numlicriiiii 13.000. Will Not Take Part in Advance Without Specific Directions From Presi dent Failure to Ratify Treaty Complicates Situation, WASHINGTON. Mar. 1.3. Two members of lite American expedition ary forces al Vladivostok were burn cd to death in n lire which dest roved the American barracks al that plaec Miireh (j, and two others are inissiiitr. the wur depnrtiueiil was advised in a cnolcurain reocivetl loilav Inuii Ma jor tieiieral Graves. The men were rrivates Alexander V. I.uhcnii. iiiinrleriuaster corps. Oakland, t'al.; Merrill I). Martin. Coinpaiiv ML illsl infuuti'v, Tulsa. Okla.: Julius W. Mor ris. Conipanv l, .'list infantiv. Kim;- lord, N. J.: James A. lirantlev. a7tli in I n nt rv. Filz''cral(l. (in. ine Homes ol two ol the men were found in the ruins, bid were so baillv burned that identification was not possible. COI'IJSIIACK.V, .Mar. 1.3. Latest unofficial figures rnlatlvo to the pleb- osclto held yesterday In lho second zone in Sehlcswlg shi.w that 13.02.3 votes -wero cast for llenmark, while 4H.14S wore in favor of (icrman con trol. The districts of doling. Ilede husuin and Uterstin show Ilunlsh ma jorities. Itusulls In four districts huve not been learned. PAItIS, .Mar. 13 (llavas). Franco conlemplales seniling three more army corps to Wiesbaden, -Noustadt and -Honn, thus douliling iior forces along tlio Uhlne, according to tho Petit Parlsien. Iteports reaching: hero stale overy step has been tuken to maintain order in occupied dis tricts of (lermany. InrormuHf.ii would seem to Indi cate the utmost calm Is prevailing In (lermany, altho severo censorship in Iteriin may he responslhlo for a lack of detailed news from Glut city. Advices from other sources, how ever, indicate the reactionary, move ment begun Saturday morning Is con fined lo Herjln, and that mobs nro busy looting stores In scnio quartors of lho city. . i ' Military forces at Leipzig appear lo ravor the now regime, while u. con trary view of the situation is taken by lho pooplo generally, It Is report ed,, ,,Thn,, iiatloiiiI, aHsftrnly has been-suminonod to iniiot, (It Stutt gart Tuesday. ,; i ..',,,... ,-,.,1,, ' : n d.,1.1 lie- WASHINGTON, ,tar. l.3,7-(iUyiA- soclnlod. Press.) .White,,,, toclnnlilly slill under lho direction, of-Marshal Foch, American troops (.'n thqlhlno would not parllclpato In any,, allied advance into (iermany wltllpiit. spe cific directions from I'residont .Wil son, il was sahl totlay at tho war de partment. 'Officials said the situation so far as lho American forces wero concern ed was a complex one. Tho Unltod Slates is tho only nation having troops en tho Rhino which has not become a parly to tho treaty of Vor salllos, 11 was explained, and conse quently tho American dolirchmont Is governed -by tho terms of tho armts tlco. Under those forms thoy still wero subject technically to tho orders of .Marshal Foch as tho supremo al lied commander. , , , Slops being taken overseas for pos sible military action against Germany as a result of tho revolution .wore Do ing clcnely followed hero. Interest centered in Marsha 'Foeh'a confer ence today with lho ulllod comman ders at Mayenco and in the ropoi'ts from Paris that after this cohroronco he would cull a meeting of tho su premo war council. Tho United States Is not now represented on that council. Tho American forces on the Rhino consist or about 1 ;i,000 troops under Mujc'r General Henry T. Allen. The latest, big orchard siilo report ed Is tho purchase of lho Alberta orchard, one-liulf mile east ot Central Pc'Jtit, formerly owned by Mrs. Fioro, mother of A. Conro Fliiro, by Llou- tonant Paul Seherer of tho U. S. navy, whoso homo is at Pasadonu. Calif., for a $:!:, mil) consideration, Tho placo consists of 7 7 acres, 4'J of which are in bearing apples and pears, and has a nice cottago, a pack ing house and a burn. The property was purchased of tho Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company, and tho suto was made thru tho real cstuto drill ot Itrt.twn &. White. Lieutenant Seherer will reside on . tho properly and develop and Im prove It, as soon as ho rocutves his discharge from tho navy sometime in May. He has been hero several times in the past month and It Is under stood that ho only mado tho purchase after looking ovor the other orchard sections of tho state,