Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 12, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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'SIEDFOTTO MAIL! TRTTTTnTE. KirrnTTJ'R'n. 'Oftr.floV. "FTtTTVAY. MAftCTT 12. 1020.
fostering of domestic business and
world commerce was advanced by
Major General Leonard Wood, candi
date for the republican nomination
for president, as wie of the para
mount obligations of the American
people and government, in an address
before Indiana republican leaders at
a luncheon at the Columbia club here
General Wood advocated careful
training of consul officers for all for
eign countries, to the offices of which
will be attached trained commercial
agents. In this connection he men
tioned particularly the South and
Central American and Far Eastern
countries. In which he declared the
United States lias never had such an
opportunity to advance its trade re
lations. The sale or lease or American ships
built during the war, to American in
terests only in order that the mer
chant marine built up might be kept
under the American flag also was
urged hy the speaker.
General Wood reiterated that he
favored adoption of the treaty of
peace and the League of Nations co
venant with reservations "which
would absolutely Americanize it,"
and a "strong courteous foreign pol
icy," which would Include a trado
Kaatern guests at the Medford in
clude Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Levy,
Mrs. M. Kriedentlial, O. Netter and 11.
M. Schuman of New York City, Ida
M. Irvlno tf St. Louis, and ('has.
Dasle and G. II. Harris of Cincinnati.
Among the northwestern guests at
thlB hotel uro C. II. Kllte, Oscur Carl
Ben and J; It. Hanrln of Litchfield, N.
I),, and C. A. Ileur of Seattle.
Agnes Nielson Skartvedt.
Brunswick phonograpns on easy
terms at Hale's Piano House. tf
Karle ltoynolds pleaded guilty in
Justice Taylor's court yesterday
afternoon to being Intoxicated Wed
nesday night In his taxi, which ho
had ' parked ' In front of the Crater
Lako Hardware company ntoro on
Kast'JIain Btruet. Ho was given a
Hentenco'CGHslnting of n fino of J.'iO
6nd thirty duy in jail. The jail sen
tence was suspended Willi the under
Dtnndlng It automatically goes Into
fcrfoct the first tlluo he in ever uguin
f btiil d' 1 n toxlcn'l
' We have added a truck to our de
livery eorvlce and will do all klndB of
hauling. "Kclzur Hros. Phono 407-Y.
' ' '" , 304
1 ' See Warner, Wortmun & Gore for
Upoteial on lard. ' 303
Horace J.'Geppart and N. It. Zim
merman of Kutto Fulls, arrived in
the city Thursday and aro guestR at
thelNash. Other guests at the same
hotel are Sir. M. A. Petersen of
Entorprlso, Ore., and It. B. Gordon
and Archie Murruy of Klamath Falls.
McCurdy-Uowno Motor Co., Over
land 4 and Itopubllo trflck agents,
have taken a temporary location In
the Crater Lako Garago. tf
Ladles' and children's new spring
bats at Triiax Storo. 300
K. L. Hoffron of Hugcno and Mrs
f,T. West of Hornbrook, aro guests
at tho Holland.
YuruB In all colors for embroidery
blesses. Ten cents per skein. Hundl-
raft Shop. 00
fUroken castings and forglngs of
cast iron, steel, aluminum, brass,
bronze and malleable, welded and re-
enforwd. Vulcan Welding Works,
3S South Front street. ,
Agnes Nielsen Skartvedt.
IMrs. K, .1. Luwrenco of Merrill,
passed thru Klanialh on her wuy to
Medford to visit her daughter, Har
riet, who is 111. Klaniuth Fulls Her
ald. For eye, ear,, thronl see Dr.
Heine, Liberty Itldg. Glassos fitted.
Among Cullforiiinns registered at
the Medford are Mrs. M. II. drover.
Jr., Mrs. H. Flcddennan. .Mrs. Knscllu
Qulgley ami G. 10. Tuiiinn of Yreku.
SI. J. Kohlmer ct Los Angeles, and
V. Itccb, K. C. Mack, L. 11. Simon and
Jl. P. l.arsen of San Frunclsco.
Carl Joschke, high grade watch
and clock repairing. 9 Fir street.
The Greater Medford club will
, have a tag day tomorrow (or the pur.
loso of raining funds for the unto
Jiurk grounds.
. Fluff Hug Factory. Carpet weav
lug. Hug and carpet cleaning u spec
laity. Sol South Riverside. Phoiu
A young man with u vision wanted
One who believes in livinu for hi
country so that it may never be nee
esBury to dlo for It who will grasp
Iho main Idea and put into it the
uplrit of a 100 percent Aiuer-i can-
Ism for the work s sake. Must havi
a working knowledge of bookkeeping
and a determination lm resolve nspira
tlon, Inspiration, anil perspiration
into the priceless Joy of achievement
Salary $100 first month, unlimited
opportunity for advancement. Ail
dress written application to Husiness
Director, iMedford lluslness College.
'A. F. A. M.
J Special coinmunlcaliili Med
ford Lodge 1U3, Friday even
Ing, March 12, 7:30 p. m
Work in F. C. degree.
200)4 L. K. WILLIAMS, Secy.
WASIir.VGTON. Mar. 12. High
retail prices in 1119 reduced tin per
capita consumption of hoof in Amer
ica almost eight pounds, and caused
the' consumer to turn to veal und
mutton, according to u statement to
day by the department of aKrkulture.
Slightly less pork was eat-n but the
total consumption of pork products
was much larger than in li17 and
the exports of pork and lard were
greater than ever shown in the rec
ords ct the department. The meat
consumption was less than in 1918,
the per capita for 1 1 1 H being
ar.d that In 1919, 141. Its.
Beef exports were shown to have
fallen off SC.S per cent, but the ship
ments of pork and lard to foreinn
ports showed a great im rease. The
exports were equivalent to lH.Ooo,
000 hogs weighing 20ii pounds apiece
The number of hogs slaughtered was
a m ill id) more than in 1918.
IlUMXUINOTON, 111.. Mar. 1.
Deputy Sheriff Kyle l. Balbach, of
.McLean county, will use his airplane
in summoning prospective jurymen
for the trial of Krigur Ktrause, charg
ed with the murder of Berne 1.
A venire including men finiu re-
mo to parts of the county lias been
ordered and roads :tro In such condi
tion as to make travel difficult, hence
Sheriff Spafford appointed liulbach.
army aviator, deputy, in order to
summon the men.
I have retired from the Medford
Auto Co. All bills due the compuny
are to be paid them and the company
is responsible for all outstanding
indebtedness. J. K. 1IITT80N.
- Reward of 1 0.00 , . ; ,
I will pay a reward of $'10. 00 for
any Information leading to the loca
tion of piy brother, John K. Bnink.
300 Redding, Calif., Box 22C.
Yellow Mustard
For Rheumatism
A gocd hot mustard plaster or
poultice is pretty sure to overcome
most rhoumalic
pains and even
sciatica and gout
but it's a mussy
affair and gener
ally blisters.
Meat is abso
lutely necessary
if you want per
manent ru I i o f .
liegy's Mustarine
made of pure
yellow mustard
with pain reliev
ing ingredients
added is just as
hot, is cheaper,
cleaner and more
effective than the
old fash i o n e d
poultico or plaster and cannot blister.
Besides rheumatic pains and swel
lings Begy's Mustarine is speedily
effective for lumbago, backache, neu
ritis, pleurisy, bronchitis, sore throat,
chest colds and all aches and pains
because heat eases pain ;t0 and 00
cents at druggists or by mail. S. C.
WellH & Co., Leltoy, N. Y.
March Brings Out I'nsiglitly Spots.
How to Hemovc lOa.sily.
The woman with tender skin dreads
March because it is likely to cover
her face with ugly freckles. No mat
ter howthick her veil, the sun and
winds have a st rung tendency to
inaUe her freckle.
Inordinately lor her peace of mind.
Olhine double strength, makes it
possible for even those most suscept
ible to freckles to keep their skin
clear and white. No matter how stub
born a caMi of freckles you have, (he
double strength tHhine should remove
(Jet an ounce from your druggist
and banish the frerkles. Monev back
if It fails.
T.WI ( ll.Wl.i;
I am ni.w connected w;tii the Dally
Taxi Co., and will bo glad to accom
modate all my former cusocert us
well as the general public.
Ben Siverisin,
Thono l.'i. Brown & Brown
Go Anv Where. Any Time
VASHIXOTO.V. Mar. 12. An ef
fort to compose ihe differences be
tween tiie niajc-rlty and minority of
the bituminous coal strike commis
sion will be made by rresident "Wil
son, it was said today at the White
Officials said that neither the ma
jority or minority report would be
made public if there was a probabil
ity of bringing the members of the
commission to an agreement on their
principal differences the amount cf
the wage advance and the hours of
John L. Lewis, president of the
I'niled Mine Workers of America,
who hurried here last night from
New York, where he has been attend
ing the anthracite wage conference,
conferred today with .Mr. White and
William Green, secretary of the min
ers union, familiarizing himself with
the facts.
The failure of the majority to rec
ommend improved working condi
tions proved a disappointment to the
miners, it was said, as this had been
MANN'S The Best Goods for
I It Is Not Such a Long Way
Hundreds of women are purchasing now the things they intend to wear on that occasion, and we are setting them aside until they are j
ready to slip them on. Why not do likewise? Our large stock of apparel and furnishings are well equippel to supply you with the ne- S
i ceBsities you require; and, what is more conspicuous with economies to make immediate purchase well worth the while of every woman. M'
Dashing New Spring Suits
H The iissortincnts include models suitable fur all ce
ll rations of wear, fashioned with the richest lookinjr ma
ss . ; ' i '""I " i '
terials yon evei'nsaw.:'-'' ,.Vl.' . ! ; ' O. j : i.f ; '
. Navy Blue Serge Suits $35.00 to $50.00
fl Navy Blue Trfcotine Suits $50.00 to $100.00
"Tweed o' Wool" Suits in the popular Heathei'Tiiix
H tvires. all sines,-each , :.....:.::.:.l...i.'.......,:$55.00
H Xew Tan and- Hrown Sivits-$5O.j0O to $85.00
250 New Spring Coats
H Xew Sport Coats on sale Saturday ..$16.50
H Xew Polo Coats from $30-00 to $75.00
H Some very exclusive style in women's long coats in
H all of the very best materials, from $25.00 to $75.00
New Spring Wash Fabrics
H On sale Saturday at less than what they are worth
H today. J t will pay you to Imy now at these prices.
H -10-inch I'icardie Voiles, fine imported quality in plain
clors, such as rose
ami cream. This is the finest grade of voie
made. On sale Saturday, yard ;.'
.,0-iiich 'Fancy Flaxous, .'SO new patterns to
choose from. Special, yard
Verline Voile in a great
dark shades. Suitable lor dresses. Cheap at
$1.00 a yard. On sale Saturday, yard
Extra Special ,")() pieces of fine Zephyr
Worth today "0c. On sale Saturday
Pongee Silk
oJ-inch fine imported
Pongee Silk " Foo
chow" in natural col
or, good heavy qual
ity. Special Saturday
$2.25 vard
one of the chief demands of the men.
Officials said today that John P.
White, the miners' representative had
held out for a six hour day thruout
the negotiations between the com
missioners in an effort to reach an
unanimcus agreement. The miners
originally demanded a six hour day
and five days a week.
llroadwav cbareN stir lu'tv in the
liL'lit of the Kaielv of a aood old Ken
tucky sliindii; as shown in "Heart ()'
the Hills," adapted from the story
bv John t'ux. Jr., Marv l'ickford's
latest production from her own stu-i
din.-- and which is now ulavimr at the
Kialto theatre.
As Mavis Hawn. the hardworking
nnd unlucky daughter of a Kentucky
mountain family. Mi-s I'ickford is
siven an mipreccd.-nted opportunity
to display her unexcelled ability to
produce laimhs and tears.
L'nwilliiiL' to see her rustic Ro
meo defeated in iiiifimr honors by
an aristicrat from the lowlands. Miss
I'ickford dashes into the circle and
makes a noble effort to keep Ihe
lerpischorean laurels nimuiL' the
mountain folk. The dance is sudden.
Iv interrupted when I ni le Zcke. "oiiisr
on Id vears old, orders Ihe dunce !o
slop. He has lost hi l.-t-lh.
C'OIfVALLIS. Ore, Mar. 12. The
baseball name scheduled with the
Salem Senators on the 0. A. ('. cam
pus toilav has ben culled oil'. Con.
pink, tan, grey, yellow, apricot
e new
variety of patterns in the new
Women's Cliamoisette
(ilovi's. .strap wrist stvle.
Very Special,
!on Doe-
Women's 1ti-15utton Doe-
Skin Cloves in
white. On! v, pair
h Kill
lit v Mo-
Women's French Kid
Cloves in white.
Special, pair
Women's fine quality Mo
cha Cloves, brown
and grey, pair
Boy's Waists
"0 fine quality Doy's
Ulouses, made of good
Tercale. Cheap today
at !rl.-J,"). On sale Sat
urday, 9Sc each
.Iilioii ! tin- fii-M. and Hie I'ai-t that
the rains fur the !ast two weeks have
prevented irartiv are the reasons
lor the caneeil.iti.m.
(Continued from Page One)
ate modification had a weakening' ef
fect and that he would not support
anv reservation which did not u'o ns
far as the original. He offered a
The irreconcilable opponents of
ratification also indicated thev
would Vote to sub-titute the new draft
for the old one. but leaders insisted
thev would hold close to thirty votes,
t 'ompromise advocates union1 the
democrats predicted that about the
same number of tlicir side would vote
for the substitute. It takes sixtv
four votes to ratifv. however.
Be Better Looking Take
. Olive Tablets
To have a clear, pink skin, bright
eyes, no pimples, a feeling ol buoyancy
like childhood days, you must keep
your body free from poisonous wastes.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege
table compound mixed with olive oil)
act on the liver and bowels like calomel
yet have no dangerous alter etfect.
Take one nightly and note results.
They start the bile and overcome
constipation. That's why millions of
boxes are sold annually. 10c and 23c.
the Price, No Matter What the Price M ANN' S
Off The 4th
Fancy Pearl Buttons
'AH sizes for dresses and
and skirts, extra good
quality, dozen
39 to $4.00
Just received a lot of
li'ew beads for beading,
in cut steel, gold, jet and
colors 50 ai id 69
Fancy Pearl Buttons for
trimming waists. Odd
shapes. Special, card
Small trimming buttons
in jet. All sizes, dozen
Shaving lirushed. !ood
iiuality. 30 and 50f
Stii-keri ?raid in white
and colors, bolt 10'
Complete line of .Mel
ba toilet preparations.
Kayser-'s Silk Cloves, good
quality, in white and
black. .l.'.- val
ues, pair
Kayser's Silk Cloves,
heavy quality, in black,
white, grey, and pongee,
All sizes. Spec
ial, pair
mi Silk
id black.
Kayser's Ki-lJutton Silk
Cloves in white and black.
heavy quality,
TheWoman's Store
worry, over-work or imperfect nourishment, all
in a measure contribute to and are the be
ginnings of nervous prostration.
is a decided help to those who are nervous, in that it
provides an easily assimilated food that quickly builds up
the general health by nourishing the whole body. Give
.. onmu rpcritlar Test and slfpn
less attention iu vu..j,
-j .Lo c-r'. Emulsion regularly alter meals.
aiiu iciivi- - -
Scott's never fails to nourish and strengthen.
Th, -Kimire rradc (.f cod liver oil uKst in Scott't Emubion is tlie lm.
"5 J I piScr ' mJc in Norway und r.uisi in on . American
liioreterul It fa t cuao.ul.cof pnn.y "d wluubil.l, u.W.W.
Scott a liowae. Bloomueld. N. 1. 19-2C
Correct English
$2.50 the Year
Send 10 Cents for Sample Copy
Correct Enqlish Publishina Co.
Evanston. Illinois.
of Next Month is the Day 1
Beautifiul Dresses for AH Occasions m
The prettiest we have ever had the pleasure of ask-
ing you to come to see. .!
New Serge Dresses from $25.00 to $85.00
New Jersey Dresses, beautiful styles $25,00 up
New Taffeta Silk Dresses" $35.00 1 to' $85.00
New Satin Dresses, reasonably priced. M
New Tricotine and Tricolette Dresses.
The New Spring' Blouses
'Arc hei"e in great profusion. We adxdse early, purchas- S
ing. as the prices of all materials used in the making
of waists have taken another sharp advance.
Xew Voile Waists $1.50 to $10.00 j
Silk Waists $5.00 to $35.00 1
Women's "Everwear" Silk and Lisle
J lose m black white and brown. Alt
sizes. On sale Saturday
pair , '..
" Fvci wear" Silk Hose-in a great va
riety of colors, also black and white.
This hose is cheap today at $2.00.
On sale Saturday
Women's Drop-Stitch Silk Hose in
black, white and brown. VcrvtfO OC . ''
special Saturday, pair ....
1 Joy's " Kant Siiag" Stockings, worth
!::,:'::...s::,:l:i:::: ' 50c
f Women's Fiber Traveling Hags, (iood (iialitv, verv
special at. cad, $2.98 to" $-1.75 S
"omen s I raveling Hags, made of good leather, brass
inilslllliiK vi-in-.., 1 it- -. .... r
. ,- ......i.u l uriiers, hoiki nnillff.
special, cadi
Men's high grade Half
J lose, superior (iiality
Conies in black and brown
cry special
Saturday, pair ...
Men's Cashmere
Hose in
natural and black.
Special, pair
Men's K-Z Hose Support
ers, the best made. QQA
Special, pair .
Bungalow Aprons
Made of good IVrcalo.
Fast colors, all sizes.
Cheap at sl.-5. q
sale Saturday, each
' 9SO
Circular work of all kinds
Mailing Lists
Tunnell & Edwards
30C-308 Liberty Building
Medford, Oregon.
lining. cry
..$7.98 f
Afcns fine mi...liH' TTni.m
Suits, closed crotch, spring j
needle knit. Very (50 HQ. 3
special, suit .....
Mien's Cotton Hose in S
black and tan, 3
M'en's high grade Lis'0 E2
1 lalf Hose in taujie, brown, s
black and white. Cood
quality. Special,
55c I
Hose Supporters
Children's Hose sup-
porters in black and
white. Cheap today
at 2oc. On sale Satur- S
dav. mir 15 S