STCDTOTTn WTTC TTTrBUFF!, rFTTOTlT5. OTIFiOK. TTTT"RSDAY. MAltf-TT 11. 1020. 4 ! ' NEGRO DIES WITH PRAYER FOR VICTIM EDDYVILLE, Ky., Mar. 11 Petrie Kimbrough, alias Will Lo.-kett convicted sluyer of Geneva Hnrdinau and confessed sluyer of four oilier women, died in the electric chair ui Eddysville prison at 4:32 this morn ing. There were slight signs of emotion In his face as ho was placed in the electric chair and the black can low ered over his head. Two brothers of the llardman Kid and seventeen Lexington citizens, to gether with eight soldiers and twelve prison guards witnessed the execu tion. Continually during the night the negro was heard praying and singing hymns. Ho declared yesterday that he was ready to die and that he pray ed for the little ten year old llardman girl whom ho killed, and the entire llardman family. ' f ' Livestock PORTLAXT), Ore., Mar tie steady : receipts 1 .":. . ll.Cnr (irain and pulp fed steers, $1 1 .!() TJ:. ''bub' $ll(all.')0: u'nnd to choice, $ll((ill; inedpim to eood. 10: lair to me dium. 7.fil)(u tS.'ill : comninn to l air, $li.!0ii 7,'jll: choice cows and heifers. $9..r)U(u)10.;'0; good to choice, S(it!; liieditlm to niioil, .$(i.""i7.fiU : fair to medium, .$i.f(lf (i.5ll: oanuers. tf-Kit' fi.fnl: linlls. '(! ".fid ; prime liulit calves. $ir.')ll(( 17; medium liulit. $1" (iiilfi.50: lienvv, T(ii'll): stockers mid feeders. $7.0(16 8.0II. Hogs steadvt receipts 170. Prime mixed, $15.75f(i 111. 'Jo; medium $l")."i0 M.7.ri rnmrli lienvc llll 1 iti 1 fi ' piirs, $l'J(3 1 it. Slieep steady, no reccipls. cm luiubs. $17(nUS: liuht valley. -til! Oil'; lieavv, $14."j(l( lo.oO; feeder lambs, $1 SffDlfl j venrliims, $ir(ul jfi.fil); wethers, .$1 Ma y.i.M; ewes.- $1012. ' Butter PORTLAND. Ore.. Mar. 11. But ter stonily. Cubes, extra. (i'Je; parch merit wrapped, box. lots. (ifc; car tons,, fitic; half boxes, half cent more less than half boxes, 1c more. Hut- tcrfat (i-HuGoc 1'. o. b. station: (i'.)c Portland. KKIW Bnvintr prices cairn, il""'. Out $59.00 bid; corn. Soil.oO bid. Only changes. Poultry Hens 32(S3Gc : lb. broilers, 3"(S 40c: old roosters, J8fr20c: turkeys pressed, D2("53c; ducks y540e. Grain and liny Oats, $50.00 bid: corn. No. 3, yel low. $58.00 bid. . lTnv lluviiiir price, timothv, $2(5 nlfalt'n. $3U(i32: eiaiii. $2ti, deliver ed in Portland. (Furnished by the Jackson .County Abstract Co.) , Circuit urt Jackson County Bank vs. V. N Campbell, et ill. Slllllinolis. Geoi-'c Andrews vs. John Arnold Order. Probate Court Stewart Patterson, estate. Deere Proof of publication. .lonathan I). Parker, estate. Order. linvnioiwl C. Feikert. et al. estate 2nd report of niinrilinn. Col. II. II. Stirtrenl registers 10 SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, difn cnltv in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, fcladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL ferine l"lck rtHrf rii ofton wrd off deadly diaeuiis. Known as lb national lemady of Holland for mora than 200 yaati. All dmsgista, in three aitea. Lnh far tk. Cold Mtd.l i e.erT boa end accept no Imitation You Can Buy These NOW. RIGHT. 112 acres Improved, head of Elk Creek, rich and. team, tools, etc and crop goes, some stock, water for irrigation, cheapest and best stock range in county for its size, price 53500 nart exchange: all cash $: ISO acres for rent, on Crater Lake Highway and Rcgue River. 10 acres, fine location, close high school, free soil, irrigation, 6 acres bearing orchard, fenced, well and buildings. Worth $3000, cash J20H0. 120 acres, well improved, near Pa cific Highway, mostly rich creek bot tom, $6500. See us for other bargains city and farm lists. HUED LAND & CTVIST MINT CO. QurtWews Jarkstinx ille Surah S. Moore, and appraisement. Mute Inventim tate. In- .Cr. M. .. Undue, e Ventorv nnd appraisement. Heal F.stnle Transfers John n. Palmer et ux to II. II. Short, lots 1, 2, 11, 12. hlk. 21, Dekums-Amended Add. to Cold Mill $ .1. S. K. James et ux to Jackson Co. HUlg. & Loan Assn., lot 12. hlk. 4 s. Medford Kthelind Hades et al to Elva Stone et al, land in sec. 17, tp. 3x, It. IW A. .1. Hitter et al to John J. Hitter, 'land in sec. 22, tp. 21'.. H. :iw C. H. Carlton et al to Isabel M. ,.luee, land in Enoch Walker Place George Kury et ux to (ieo. W. Hammond, land in -Mediord. in Broback's Reserve ordon S. Stout et al to Ruby (!. Stent, WIVi of XW. WVj of SW sec. 12, twp. Hi;, It. 1H Edward II. French et ux lo Joseph O. Grey et ux, lot 4, hlk. 1. Hoanoko Add. to Medford Thomas 10. Had field Jr. et ux to J. II. Ilersey et ux, land in Ashland Jefferson Howard et ux to Win. Yeo et ux, land in Ashland . Otto Dente et ux to T. .1. Elliott N 10 of NW of sec. 30, tp. 3a, H. 1 10 E. Terrill to .lacoh Halm, N i ot NW of sec. 3 1, tp. 40, H. 1 W lilies A. Karlon to T. II. iMunk, all int. In mining claim de scribed In 2u-r, 13. 10 Vi of SE of sec. 32, WVi of SW sec. 23, tp. 31'.. It. 1 10 Jules A. Karlon to T. 11. Munck all int. in mining claim de scribed In 2U-r.ll. 1-s int. in S V. of SE and Eli of SW sec. 2H, tp. 2i;. H. 1 10 lilies A. Karlon to T. 11. .l illicit XW nor. of sec. !i. tp. 3li, K. 2W, known as Pleasar View TOLD BY "BAYER" Bayer Company,' who introduced Aspirin 18 years ago, give advice. When the Driver Company introduced Aspirin over eighteen years tigo, physi cians soon proved it a marvelous help in relieving Rheumatism, Colils, Itend- che. Neuntlina. Karaclie. Toothache, Lumbago, Neuritis, Aching Joints, and Pain in general. To get this flame genuine, worm- famous Asnirin. vou must ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," marked with the "Bayer Cross." You will iind safe and proper directions in every un broken package. Handy tin boxes ot ii laoiois cost only a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Buyer" packages. Aspirin ie the trade mark of Buyer Manufacture of Monoaeeticacidestcr of Salicylicucid. A Sound, Safe Investment 80 Acres Bearing Orchard Under Irrigation Best of Orchard Soil Nicely Located , Fair Buildings . The owner does not live here and has told us to place a price on this that will move it. We cannot give it away, but will almost do even this We are ashamed to mention the price, but have agreed to do it. So here goes ARE YOU LISTENING? $250 per Acre And say, on top of this Easy Terms Page-Dressier Co. Nash Block Phone 282 acres i Giande." See us . For Fire Insurance If You Wisli to Sell If You Wish to Buy Any Kind of Real Estate. claim ..: -. tiordon C. tiiffen el ux lo W. A. Stewart et al, S'i of XK, XVi of SIO. SW of SE, BE of SW sec. 32, S',-i i.'.' XW. X'-i of SW sec. 33, tp. 33. K. 1 K. Louise MrC. .Norton et vir to T. 1.. Taylor et al, land in Knoch Walker Ptue W. I', ltempel et ux to Kmil It. Pech et ux. lot 23. (ilk. I, Amended I'lnt of Blocks one l 1 I and 4, Crowell's Add. lo ..leil.'ord Hickeison O. S. Hodge et ux to T. I,. Tuylor, land in Knoch (Walker I'lnco n Rub Pain right out with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil.' " Stop "dosind" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. nun uuothiuK, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" ric-ht on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson out conies the rheumatic pain and distress. St. Jacobs Oil is a harmless rheu matism liniment which never disnp- noints and doesn t burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles ami oonea; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Limber up! Uet a small trial Dome of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and in a mo ment, you'll be free from pains, aches and etinncss. uon I suneri uui rheumatism awav. VA NTPI) SITUATION'S WANTED Position as steam engi neer liy married man of steady habits. Address A. K. 1... Mail Tribune. 2:ia WANTKI I by a first class combination steiiographer-b o o k keeper. .Married man. Experienc ed in lumber business and general merchandise lines. At present em ployed. High grado references. bond if reiniired. Address 1'. O. Ilia, t'orvallis, Oregon. 2'.t'J WANTED Plain sewing or will go out and sew by the day. 01 N West Fourth or phone 7;s:i-J. iilH omticaij cAitns. District Attorney. I hereby announce myself ns a can didate fur tho office of Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon on the republican ticket, subject to the wish of the voters at the coming primary election. If nominated and elected I will see that tho laws are Justly and honestly- enforced. Re spectfully yours. Adv. II. A. CAN'ADAY. Believing that my successful man agement ot the office of District At torney has shewn me thoroughly Qualified, and that I can servo the people of Jackson county, in that capacity best, I announce my enndi dacy for re-election on the republican ticket at tho May primaries. Adv. G. M. ROBERTS. ' I hereby announce- my candidacy for nomination on tho republican ticket for the office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected I pledge myself to an impartial enforcement of the law. Jj 1'. PARRELL. Adv. Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the offico of sheriff on the republican ticket, Bub ject to tho May primaries. I feel that my record ns a public official during the first tsrm entitles ma to re-nomlnation and re-election. Adv. C. E. TERRILL. I hereby announce myself a repub lican candldato for sheriff of Jackson county, at tho May primaries. Sev eral years experienco in tills line of work. Including last six months of 1919 In the tax collection depart ment, thoroughly qualifies me to ad minister tho dull a of the offico in an efficient manner. Adv. JOHN B. WIMER. County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re- nomlnatlon for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion of the people at tho coming pri maries, and hope my record in this office tho first term is such that I am entitled to your support this year. Adv. CHAU.NCEY FLOREY. County Assessor. I hereby announce my candidacy for the re-nomination to the office of County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by tho Republican party at the primary election May 21st, 1920. Adv. J. B. COLEMAN, School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candl date for nomination for County School Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. O. V. GODWARD Adv, I hereby announce myself as candi date for County School Superinten dent, on the republican ticket, at the primary election. May 21st. I am for progressive education, the education that prepares for life, and for giving the rural schools Ille very heal ad vantages possible. I favor moro nor mal schools for Oregon. Adv. A. J. HANUY. KAWI.ES MOORE for Democratic Nomination District Attorney May Trimary, 1920. WARNING I Is kMBlna your Dowclt rcailar do Dot i tweets KldU-1,4 to vcAkoi.Dj rum.tlira or mlnrral lkiaK.t.: J Inr KOKOIJiX: I I afs. (rink1. wt,ole,,B-i--. ti.J cof n.-nnL taiainiLu, i u.y u u:cuu, tin KtfrP. KorolBK II fi'Irt r-r r.rr alliE-rtU, lir'.ujln i-oiiiUi-.uun. tiradittiet. dl:rj lt.ll. b.lehlne, lutiud L,rr. Lf.tll. l.rrUUUlt. Jt.Ulatl. lll.llr. HELP WA.NTKIl I LMALl- WLVXTKli Woman lor cookinK and housework, two in lainib ; no chil- I ilren; no laundry; wane:- $!o.imi to i $"" accoidini: lo experience. 4 1 Hoss Court or call t;;t;t. it i j WA-NTK1) Cook one who can lake ! lull charge of liies house on ranch. ' lli.od waj:es to light party. llo A.! ,-Mail Tribune. ;:o 1 ; WANTKI) Kxpcr I -chain I" e r- maid al Hotel Holland WANTKI) An experienced laundress wauls washing lo do. Will wash anything. Will come and live in your home for $K.u and wages ofj Mc a week thereafter. No meals or ; iitnev fare. I'lione nil and ask fori INIrs. The Wushe WANTKI) t'ook for well appointed ranch bouse. .Must have exper ience cooking for twenty men or moro. Hox S. Tribune. li" 1IKIP WANTF.n MAI.K WANTED Mall lor ranch work. liood board. Phone t:-l, liny Con ner. " WANTED Machine tool sharpener for mine, wages jr.. mi, board f l.iiu. War Kagle .Mining Co., Beagle, Ore. Phone 1, Mcdforil. tf WANTED Mi $::.itti and board. I Phone (;s."i-.l ::u7 WANTED Dishwasher. Call, not phone. Hotel Medford. WANTKI) Teams and men, .Moon Hi Ci.'., near Port Oi-tonl, Carry coun ty. Teams fld.iMi p.-r day; Cali fornia bay and grain, bay $:!-!. (in per ton, grain tf-72. Hood men $r.(ii) per day; board $l.ln; work road construction. .Moon & Co. II-" WANTED Orchard. -Ranch I'hone Help. -.'.I7-.I- Miravista VAXTKI MLSCKLLANKorS WANTED Truck hauling by job cr contract. Thone MS. day. WANTED To buy for cash ! or I room luodern cottage on pavement. Slate locution, price and when va cated. 'Hox 11, -Mail Tribune. Hill WANTED To rent, two i.'r three room house, furnished for house keeping; by Hie aiith of March. A. E. I... .Mail Tribune. 2!i:i WANTED Kill acres of lomuloes grown for. Knight Packing Co. plant nt 'Meilford; will pay jail. nil per ton. Call phone Xo. Slt-.L IF-LJ WANTED To buy aiiotit mill feet second hand chicken netting. Al bert Daugherty, Rout if, -Medford. 300 WANTED Dozen little It. chicks tf at once. Phone 51S-.I. WANTED To buy smudge pots. 'hone 46S-K-1. WANTED O'.d hats to clean nnd block. Apparol Cleaners and Hat ters. 30!) WANTED When you have building or repairing, see Gillette, 103 South Oakdale. He does tho work right, quick, and reasonable. By the day or contract. Phone 471. 301 WANTED St. Louis prices for furs at Johnson's, 4 5 Front street. WANTED To buy good clean cotton rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED Your liide i worth real money at Johnson's, 45 Front street. WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf FOR KENT APAftTM EXTS FOR RENT Two anil- tureo room furnished housekeeping apartments Tho Riverside Apartments, 217 South Riverside, telephone 457-. I. 307 VOn ItEXT HOUSES FOR RENT OR SALE Three room house. SOS Plum street. Inquire 412 King street. 299 FOR RENT Six-room houso ut 20i South Central. John A. Perl. ' FOR RENT Furnished soven-room modern house ono block from post offico; fine lawn and shrubbery. .Call ut Room 207 Fruitgrowers Bunk Bldg. l'hono 301-L. tf I'OR KKNT MISCELLAXEOVS FOR RENT llavo exceptionally good location and opportunity for auto repair, paint or other kinds of shop. Good light und floors. We have largo floor space given to auto sti.'rage. This should aid in securing good lmsiness. John C. Signor, 221-2 11 North Fir, former ly Kurlnek Bldg. --3 ill WHY Mr. Business Man, Do You Want a Country Home? $6000 $6000 28 Acres Alfalfa and Grain Best of land nciir Mn(li'oi'(l. Improvements would eost nearly price asked for place. Deligll'ul country home on trood road. Beautiful grounds. Plenty of shade. Will Rive terms. On account of ill health of owner this juiec is offered at this bargain price. Invest now. Rog'ue Kivcr Land Co. Phone 781-L Nash Hotel Corner . a I I" a-ii I . . i ... i, ,m, FOlt ltlOVT 1 TIIXISIIKIl KOOMS l'OU KKNT with bath. lai-iie front Apartments room ;;tni Nvi FOR HENT bath. very 211 South -Sli epiCK room Wlllr convenient, close ill. Laurel, l'hono t :in:: i . .(run SAl.K Hunch of FOlt UI0NT Furnished rooms, up- catlle. W. H. lioliiiaa slairs. will' halll. slt-eninil Hit h and caraKc. Care Ti ioune Ni.-. a. FOlt KKXT close 111. i-piiii; rooms; -Nnrlli Crape. balh: l'Olt INT lint SI IU I.I-INI.' Ill MINIS rsfr" '' olt ''--N1 llims - Fu t liished liiiuseket $lt'. iio a month. 7 Jlealtv si reel. FOlt KENT IIoiisi lii and sleeping rooms. '.M'J South Riverside. 'cping rooms, Sieatll heat. Phono JHL'-IL ! FOK SAl.K .MISC'HLLANKOrS Flllt SAl.K Alfalfa anil grain hay. Spray rig. Gang plow. r.!il-lt-l. C. II. lirown. :'' FOR SAL I-:---One -haliy lied, sewing machine and one box couch, lilivarx able. .".17 Pari; or phone 7SH-X. FOR SALIC linn baby bed. sewing niachiiie and one box couch, lihrary table. ' FOR SALE At Ibi Urn IJuli-k Lunch grown by W. W. Oct your i.'ider in pulilic marliet, need potaloes Wlllits, I'ersisl. ally. Uim FOlt SALE as new. Wicker l.aby cab, :: Nort b orange. FOU SALK Inn pounds alfalfa seed. HT.c a pound. Phono 7XK-R-1 . 2HU l-'OR SALE Furniture consisting in liart i.T mahogany dining room set, mahogany library table and chair, two wicker chairs, American wal nut bed room set, bed room chairs and While cabinet sewing lnuchino. Phonu KiS, ask lor engineering de partment fur appointment. 'I'1 FOR SALIC Hay. Phono'. ;ini FOU SALIC Wagons, farming implements. horsoB nnd Call 71-F-2. 301 l-'lllt SALIC Alral.a seed, sweet clo ver seed, red cloVer hoimI, rye grass seed (cheap). Sen grain and feed. Jesse L. Richardson, Central Point Feud Store. "0'1 FOR SALE Heating stove and small l.nikrase. 1!5 Jllslletoe. Plume Sior.-M. ""0 "OR SALE 3 Vi ton dump truck, working on long contract. Terms or cash. P. O. box DO, Grants Pass, or phono Llfi-L uftur (J p. in. 297 FOR. SALE Hay. Phone 842-J. FOU SALE fcranit, Krarel, sediment and dirt. Flowing and teaming work done. Phone 812-J. FOR SALK rOUlTHY AXI) KCitiS FOR SALE-: O. A. C. strain of 'Burred Ruck hatching eggs. Tel. sr. 0. .I. G. (.lore. 3U I FOR SALE A lew thorough bred Ancona cockerels of the Sheppards famous Ancona strain. Also hatching e:;gs. Frank Houston, Eagle Point, Oregon. :I01 FOlt SALE Buff Rock eggs for set ting. Cull at 219 South Holly, be tween 5 and G p. in. 301 FOR SALE . C. selling eggs. 1 Hal Point. Rhode Island Red Jrnest Webli, Cen 300 FOR SALE Superior S. C. White Leghorn eggs. Bigger eggs and turgor birds. 1st cross famous O. A. C. layers wilh Isaacson's beauti ful prlzo winners. Trap-neslnd and raised right. Settings of 15 eggs. $ I . r, 0 and $2.50; $s.oo per hun dred. Cockerels fo'r sale. Gils Bromnier, phono 58D-J-2. Route 3, Medford. 318 FOR SALE Hatching eggs, Tancred Whlto Leghorns, regular pens 200 and better bens $1.50 per set ting. Special pen 250 and 287 egg grnde, $3.00 per Bolting. Phone, 597-R-l. It. V. Cruiu. 311 FOR SALE Thorough 370-W. -R. I. Red hatching eggs, bred stock. Phone tf FOR SALE Booking orders eggs and chicks, heavy laying strain White Leghorns, R. I. Reds. Price reasonable. Cockerels cheap Mrs. F. II. Drossier, phone 777-L. MONEY TO LOAN On farm or orclinnl land, O per cent Interest five to forty years. McCurdy Insurance Agency I.IVKSTOl Iv KUU SAI.K lllollt hs o!-l. i a roc I'hone Fl'lt SAl.K I'hle ness and waiton ard Hi.uie. H. I lu- 1 horse: Wolf I. ;. bar-1 I iridi um lt. I. Ilov '.i. laioil Mr I Fllli SAl.K 'I'w. le ij;,n to i ."on ii 1 id. .ilil worlv :ailille Noli It I lliusi poll V 1 -Al Ml anil a ii.alle V inson ll.uii, 1 1 s I'honii slo. liiv erslile. 'l-'OI! SALE Tell except ionally good ! milch cows: also six yearling j heifers. Walsh's place on Itiiss Lane, two miles lloiihw est ot .Ued- ! ford. : : it:. Hi SM.K -line h;hii-IIi. mare, one learliug colt, single and double work harness, low iron ivli;-"l wag on, two teii-ini-h plows, two single Cllltivatois, i;. of harroi w, one rid ing allachmenl for walking plow, line l."it'-lb. shoat. Pholiu ;lll-W. ;:tir. KOIt SAL1-: ItlCAl, KSTATK FOR SALE A fine Inline sile. Jlillll, adjoining Cent ral Point, Oregon. Is 1 '..j acre Iracl wilh 10 year old pear trees, Tokay grapes and shin it iNou-i esidenl owner; will sacrifice lor ?Jnu cash, balance easy lenns. Address W. W. Carvin, LL: .Mar r.uerile avenue, Portland, Ore. :!((". l'OU SALE llav relinquish inciiti lands wilh wati eminent Iniys. liiiniesl ends anil , bench and liutttilil r. Also suiue gnv- Kiix mki. :;u:i l-'OR SALK Twenly-two ueres, rich soil one mile I'rinn city limits, due half in fifteen year old apples and pears, balance guml alfalfa laud. Si.x room modern bungalow. Coot! barn and oillliuildiims. Price only $05110. On lenns f'.'-MHi will han dle Ibis. Address P. O. Bn.x 1115 I. .Medford, Oregon. :llll l-'OR SALE Cottage four riiiims nnd one acre. Can bo made five rooms. Cheap. Apply -I0S East Fourteenth. 3 ill! FOR SALE Xico attractive little bungalow; four rooms, large screen porch, balh, toilet; fire place; garage, chicken house; lot 50x1 -I II. Prico $L,350.00. Bennett Invest -inenl Co. FOR SALE If you are looking for a home, and quaiily, price and lenns interest you call al sat) West Twelfth street. P. E. Wynkoop. :I2I FOR SALE Si) acres, six room plus tered bungalow, good well of water Price $2111)11. Phone R-13-X. HOO FOR SALE Two acres land, all - fenced, threo houses on sumo, two wells, and ono spring, $1 200. Mrs Louise Sclieplen, Jacksonville, Ore V, 00 FOR SALE Five room house with four lots fenced In for garden. West Eicventh and Plum streets. Call 121-R. Al-TOMOBILES FOlt SALE Hi IS .Maxwell O. K. con dition; new tiros. Reasons for selling. Rev. E. II. Edgar. 31)2 FOR SALE Used cars of all kinds on easy terms. Clank & Childers, 127 North Riverside, opposite Nat. 321 FOR SALE Mils Chovrolet, now rubber. In rirst class shape; a good buy. Clark & Childers, 127 Norlb Riverside. 31)1 FOR SALE 1917 ono-ton Blllck truck in tho very best o'f shape, at a bargain. Clark & Chllilers, 1ZV North Riverside. 301 FOR SALE 1917 Overland. Looks good, runs good, has good rubber and Is good buy. Clark & Childers 301" FOR SALE -Ford delivery, new rub ber, a real bargain. Clark & Chil ders. 30 1 FOR SALE Bulck Four in fino con dition. It. A. Holmes, the Insur ance Man. tf USED CAR clearing house, buy for cash, sell on terms. Pickens-Morrill Motor Co., 18 North Grapn. tf BROWNS WHITE REALTORS MEDl'Oltl), OREGON 40 acres all fine free soil, 20 In alfalfa, 10 In grain, 5 acre, wood lot, about 30 fruit trees, thoro are now acres miller tho ditch and tho bal ance will be; a fine houso, ull modern convenlen es, a beautiful view of tho valley, good barn und ull necessary outbuildings, closo lo good schoolB and only 'A milo from paved high way. This wi" bear closo investiga tion. Prico $10,000. 30 acres, all fine free soli, nil In cultivation, 20 now undor tho ditch and being seeded to ulfulfa, 7 acres best varieties pears 8 years old and in fine condition with a splendid crop set for this season, a fine large home with all modern conveniences; the improvements alono would' cost you more than the prico now asked. Let us show you this and explain why it can c bought at tho price and the vory liberal terms offered. Ail we ask of any honest and sin cere buyer is a chance to show what We believe to bo some of the very best values ever offered in this valley whether a small cottage In town or an Orchard, Grain, Alfalla or Stock ranch. BROWN & WHITE Foil S A I.I LOST lilllral pair am I'oiiit, Friday Klovt-s. l-'inder k;hl. pi- iisi- n-l urn t liewai -1. lloiel Holland. l.( LST - Tortoise shell colored spec-lacli-s wilh lenses cracked. If found Iilea-.e irtuni to Triloiite office, tf l.i 1ST- Hay laddie hack. Liuiwn a sa.ldle horse. I' l.i-Y. pony wli h scar on l-'ri-d llarnelmrsT ('. Hoover, phono i nr. i'.cii N; I'D Tit I iK - -Kii;lit room modern hm;:;ii with hiive screen porches, on p.tvini-'.. fur five cr six ronni bllliga Inw. Box In. Mail Tribune. 2'J!i MOXKY TO WAX TO LOAN J, II. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty honds. Phono 53-M. 31 North Grape si rent. " iii siM'.ss mm-xToiiY. Alist lactors MI'RRAY BROS. to. VAN VOUIS Abstracts ni' Title. I'ullibert Bldg., Rooms M anil a, North Central Ave. Auto Supplies. LAIIER AUTO RPRINO CO. We aro operating 1 lie largest, oldest and best-equipped plant in the Pa cific northwest. Vse our springs when others fall. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 3 I North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. W. E. PIIIPPS Attorney at Law, 425-12(1 M. F. & 11. Bldg. Office phone 372; residence phone 32P-M. ELIJAH II. HURD Lawyer. 213-14 Garnett-Corey Bldg. PORTER .1. NEFK Attoxney-at-law, rooms S and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Corcy Building. -Lawyer, Garnett- Building; Mtiturluls-. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS specialize in ail kinds of content building products. Cor. Fir nnd Tenth streets. 259 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attontion given to anything in Accounting and In come Tax roqulroments. Look Into our simplified accounting mothod. M. F. & II. Building. Medford. Phone 157-R. Instruction In Music. FRED ALTON I1AIG1IT Teacher of piano and harmony. Ilnlght Mtlslu studio, 21U Garnett-Oorey Bldg. Phono 72. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURKLUND, Chiroprnctlo physician, St, Mark's building, acute apd chronic enscs. Offico hours II) a. in. to 12 in. 2 to 5 p. in. Telephones Offico 4G4, res. 75 0-.!. A BURSELL, M. I).; D. C. Spinolo- glst, Physician and Surgeon. Spe cialty Physiological Methods. 301-10-11 M. F. & H. bldg. Phone 29. ROBERT W. STEARNS Physician nnd Surgeon, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Offico hours 9-12, 2-4. Ot. flco phono 39. Residence 933. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician ana Burgeon.- Practice limited to oyo, oar, nose nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. H. R. Co. Officos M. F. & II. Co. Bldg. Phono 007. - DR. F. G. CAR LOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIS PHYSICIANS 416-417 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Phono. 904-L-. Residence 2(1 S. Laurel Street DR. McMORRlS M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon Practice limited to surgery nnd bospitul obsterics. Special attention given to dlsoases of women. Offices 300-7 M. F. & II. Bldg. Residence, the Dow Hos pital. Printers pnd Publishers, MEDFORD PRLNTrNG CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf lcdgerB, hilling systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. . Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO". Offico 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Sorvlce guar anteed. 'Undertakers JOHN A. PI.UI Undertaker Phone M 47 and 47-J-2. 28 8outh Bartlott. Lady assistant. Auto mobllo Hearse Service. Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner. Lodges. . o. O. P. ,t. ilroril lo.Iga No. 83, Meets every aiomlny nlKht at 7:30, C. T. Parker, N. U.. W. L. Miller, secre tary. - It'iRiic Blver Knenmpment No. 30 M.-.-ii 2,1 nnil 4lh l'rliliiya at 7:30 p. Ml. Katmit't llateili.ill, C. P., 1 O. How aril, scribe. Olive Itlx-kiih IoiIko No. 28 Meets 1st anil 3rd Tuesdays at 8 p. in. Nan nlii Hull. N. U Annie J, llatematt. Bc-ci't-liiry. visit,,,, cordially Invited to alt nieelifigs, , . .