Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 11, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    psxm TOUR
PUiiLi.sMi:i) kvi-:i:y ai tkrnuon
Office. Mail Tribune Building, 26-7-2
Korth Fir street. Plione 75.
A consolidation of the Pemocratlc
TlmeH. The Medford Mall. The Medford
Tribune, tho Southern Onb'onlau. The
Ashland Tribuuo.
The Md ford Sunday Sun In furnished
subscribers desiring a ituven-day dally
. newBpnper.
H. H. SMITH. Manner.
Pally, with Sumltiy Sun, year fd.OO
Dally, with Sunday Sun, month 6r i
Pally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6.00
Daily, without Sunday Sun. month .50 !
Weekly Mall Tribune, ony year 1.S0 j
hunnnv Mm, one year l.ou
BY CAttKIKIi - In Medford. Ashland.
Jacksonville, Central Point, Pho'-nlx:
Dally, with Sunday Sun, year $7.5)
Daily, with Sunday Sun. month 6"
Dully, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6.00
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .50
Official pap.-r of the city of Medford.
Official papf-T of J;icknon County.
Entered an s.-cond-elaHH matter at
Medford, Oregon, under thu act of March
8, 1879.
Bworn dally average cfreulatlem for
Mix months ending April 11)10 3074
W f?ipplingRhimQS
Full Tinned wire; Scrvlpo. The Anso
dated J'rt;HH Is exclll.sivHy rtidtlcil to
the use lor rcpnhllcii I Ion or all m-WH
dispatches credited to It or not other
Winn credited hi thin paper, anil alKO the
local neu-H ptitdlshcd herein. All rlKtits
of republication of Hpeclul dittpatchea
Herein are iiihu reserved.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthar Vmrrj
Tito. Siilvittion Arniv drive for
funds lust sninnicr. niM'oriliiiLr to the
i'intil J'itrnrs just issued, nniuiiutct
to a near fizzle. Amen! No drive
i'or the rrlit't' (if fnr-iiwiiv limits ever
lulls, lliillcliiiuh!
Mnrdi issue of the Mot. Jliur. lms
nn article im "Iit'otiiinl Wund llu
iiwih Heinir." This will lie rcsid cnecr
lv h v ll iniliilii'r of souls, who never
suspected then! wiis unv (luulil nhuiit
(i;i (;t;.i'; iii:(;isti:h)
Heciiuse of tin- fialit Ihiil is
riminir with increiisiiii: bit
terness, tlui Nfliiiiil sitiinlion
in Eutri'iic', heroines more tint'or
tiinutt! (inch diiv.
(Jt seems thnt lleitven iiml Knrlli
mid a lillle hit (if hell is licinir raised
The ImrniiiLT ul' the liuilier slion ul
Stnvtelle, Cal.. where the whisker
eiittini; was tlone bv women, is a sad
and interesting storv. The ladv bur
lier is the most deaillv of the vam
pire species, heeaiise the verv nature
til" her craft affords iior(uuilics
fur the practice of flirtatious wiles.
A pat tun mauv under the chin with
the. talcum, a linu'eriiiV hold on the
ears of the natrons, a sly twist of
the nose, and hi! a romance rides
un the lionim.' strap.
The L'cutlciuanlv printer who lias
charge of the Mil!) edition of (lie
S Mi; I lOU I'OT alleges soleinnlv that
it will he ready for distribution bv
next Miinilnv. and it looks like il.
This volume has been in the. coarse
of preparation since last. December,
and is of a higher urade than the
daily ration. Due aliiriu will he civen
iust before the eilitioa is turned
loose and those who panuled up on
the spur of the moment, will ucl a
copy of the l!Hli edition heaved in
i'or L'ooil measure.
Ociii'iro (iatcs, ho fought in the
war. and is .M cnoicih to vote the
republican ticket, culls lYinin 1'nll
Males, I'ncle Will.
''.lazz Music I vtnii" - 1 1 lenilliii"
Sacraincnlo I tec) And by the .sound
of it. bard.
A wnl who wrote a press indie;
J'or Hob Stanfichl, the Kastein Ore
Hon wheal kid, who will endeavor to
defeat "Our deoi;;e," pushes ilia!
Koberl is in "lull manly vior nu I
streimth.'' This will not help him
much, as the routes! is an election,
is not a calch-as-calch-cun rasshie,-mulch.
riMiSllNAI, -To js! (Mad to
hear of gracious compliment paid on
.vour ability. Compliments. ,v.
ever, cannot be cxchunuiil for pau
eakes tit any hennery.
Sam b'icliardson's l'a. who has been
visitiuu' him all winter, will hit on!
I'or Missouri April I.
America will lend the Kiiropcan
countries in) more money, ami from
the size of s ,, mi, a,- s, ii was
tlbollt tiluc.
Cut This Out Is Worth Slmcy
('lit out tills slip, enclose Willi ,'ic
and mall It to Foley Co . Hlirl
fleld Ave., Chieami, III., wiitint: your
niimo ami address clearly. You will
receive In return a trial package eon
talllinK I oley's Honey and Tar, r, r
r.oiiKlm, colds and croup: l'olcy Kid
ney rills for lutia in sides and hack:
rUouniatisni, liai kaelie, kldip.y and
Madder ailments: and l'olcy Cathar
tic Tah'.eta, a wholesome and thor
oughly cleansluK catlianie. for con
stipation, biliousness, headache, ami
fduKKlsh bowels, for sale by .Medtonl
T'VK rcftivcrcd 1'rniii the Tin, Imt I'm fci-liiifj worn ami
weak, and inv nusc and lips art; blue, anil nty hinges
LTii.Tii and creak. K'aeked and lirtiken down I am. ami
so I nil" have I kercltooed lltat my jirieeless diii)lii'iif;ni
from Hs niooriiis is unscrewed; and my ribs are l'lai
pin.? loose, I liavu ptiins't liroii?liout my trunk, and I 'm
f"elinr lil(. illf. deuce, if Hie deuce is feel in? punk.
Soon ;t?;iin I may lie sti'on?, hut no cheerful thoughts I
think; sonicthin? else will ctune a Ion? that will put me
on the Mink. And the learned physician says, "Von
will soon he strini? and hide;" hut he's talkin? t.hi'oii?h
liis foz, and he oti?ht to he in jail ; for he knows diseases
wait around the corner, just ahead, and they'll ?ct me
soon or late, and they'll ride me till I'm dead. In this
happy frame of mind are the victims of the flu, when cinvjilesceiits find that some years of life tire due.
They should dance around it heap, hut they mourn a
?hastly lot, as old Rachel used to weep for her children
who were not. I am lyin? on my couch, sin?in? sonts
of broken hearts, for I have the ?risly ?rouch that the
diid-blamed flu imparls.
O KVKItAIj days a,?o we re(iiesled an explanation from
the President, re?ardiii? his precise reasons for op
posing the compromise, reservations. The first of the week
his reasons for opposin? reservations to Article Ten were
?iven in a letter to Senator Hitchcock. The promptness
of the response is almost enibaiTassin?!
Like till of Hie .President's pronouncements, this roni
liiunicalion was a model of literary style, lofty feel in?, and
flawless diction l.ul after a careful iiernsiil we cohI'ck's
still to a certain doubt.
On the assertion that Article Ten is the heart of the
covenant we ilTcc. but we can find no e vi ihi ii.-itimi in 1 1
letter as to just why the proposed reservation destroys the
As we understand the reserval ion. that is (lie last one
wo saw, there is lU'obahlv another one now. it siinnlv
states in effect, that the United Slates will not join in op
posin? external a?ressioii attainst a leatnte member either
).v armed force or hvthovcolt. unless such action is .-in-
proved by congress.
( onsiderin? the gravity of such action, and the far
eachin? conscmiciiccs involved. comrressLonal satielion
would seetti to he merelv a matter of course. .In' fact, in
Hie same letter, the President says there can be no objec
tions to explainiu? a?ain what our constitutional methods
are and that con?rcss alone can declare war or determine
the cause or occasions for war.
lTsin? armed forces in war. and declarine- a bovcott we
should suppose, would be considered an occasion for war.
"The enemies of Ihe lca?ue of nations have bv evcrv
true instinct centered their efforts atrainst. Article Ten for
it is undoubtedly the Inundation of the whole structure ''
Quite Irue. As is evcrvlhin? the President savs about the
old onler .and militarism and what we foti?lit for.
Hut we repeal, we fail to see wherein this reservation
destroys the article. If it does destroy if. we are a?ainsl
it. Hut we find nolhin? iu the President's letter, 'which
establishes the tact.
We don't be'ieve we are alone in this. There must he
others ouitallv stuiut who won t ike to know Imw lln-
trlicle. as modified, would nullifv the treat v. I'mhalilv
our former success has ?one to our head, bttl we are ?oin?
io ask for just one little note of further illumination on
the subject.
We 'thank vou!
A Ix'KCAI.L is a nasty thin? under Ihe best circinu-f-
stances, t is part icitlarly nasty in a small cotniuu
nily Jile this, where Ihe pressin? need is civic unity de
voled to constructive and productive ends.
We have been asked to support a recall a?ainst the
school board ami have refused because we believe it would
be a bad thin? for the schools anil a bad thin? for the com
munity. We don't believe conditions have conic to such a
Hie onlv rcniedv is to phuiL'c the cilv into a bitter
itntl irotracted fi?ht. There must be a midille ?i'ouud of
mutual accommodation, ami our appeal is for all public
spirited cit izeits to unite in at la in in? such ?round.
Toward that end concessions must he made by both
sides-. The welfare of the schools is the supreme issue, ami
oil this issue a vast maiorit v of the neonle are imitcil 'I'll,.
ill effects of a recall election, regardless of its outcome,
would far overbalance any possible benefits. It's a time
for cool heads and low speed. Onlv when the patients arc
I ' ill" win ih I He I'mvoI'ii i i II V 1 1 1 1,! li,,i. .,1' I-,. si
, .- . , . ......I. ., ii ii mi . 1 1' 'i ii i i 1,1 i nun
and common sense there is every reason to believe all tin
local patients will recover.
liewartl of $10. (Ill
I will pay a reward of for
any Information leadlr.K to the loca
tion of mj brother. John K. Ilnink.
:mn ttetidint!, Calif., itox ::'.i.
(Tim Mail-Trittimr vrli-iinirM rom
inuniralions on miy Mibjo t of jtrniT. 1
ul Inlcrt'st Inn Is in im way rcNinsi.
hit' for tin siMit iinrntM riri's.((l. Only
Iti rrptina riiM-s will nmitmiim-n
litms of orr 12tM woiils Ih irintiil. '
All roimniinlmtimiM iniit U intMl
liy tin w r Iter's iitinio, a hit h may ,
ii(mhi tlio writer's rtMjuoM lo wiih". '
hrlil.) j
I lunr Itntl , luliln-n :itlrniniL' tin
v I'm mi mki r aiiil Iul:Ii -.I'linnl, ul' Meil
tonl. hmitiu' ill! lliiit lime I linw'
lit jii'tl im ctimiiliiiiil livm in rili! -iiri'ii
ai:ain-l llu-ir tc;M-!ifis. Ami I
II ir Iutii ucll ati-Iic(l with tin
.n-r,'- llirv hail
ll appears In me I hat to hritii: in
the t'fv ul" iiteiiiMpeiiie:' iiD luh'i h
l'avriioit Should Kettii
To the
Duriiiir the pa-I nine vear. with;
the esei'pl ifii ul' one ami ;i hah' vcurs '
ExpcKndnt Mothers
'L'iotl liy Thrvo Ciotiorntions
Al 411 Ov.alii.
Vl BwLIh W.rtiw.., uJ U, Pn.
(tillMO .0.01 to. rxi All.,1.
' virtuallv uluit has been done by
j Siiiici'inlendent liaveiiport and t!ie
cliool board I is rather tar-t'etelted.
1 1 am inclined to the opinion that there
j is spite and animus in this matter.
Certain it is fmit there can be no
I i-ontidence and liarmonv exitin be-
tween Snper.uteud(.nt llavenport and
. the imlilii after what bus iu-t trans-
pired, and I, I'or one. sav it is up to
Mr. Davenport to resign. If he de
I (dines so to do, then he should be
I (li.iaised in the intcre.-t of x hool
v-: i Ilea'' nottm .,- ...-..mmfi rcn
u;aoutli of ttie city afutr aa absenee of
in ten years.
at Shoe repairing t..;iop. 5. l'istoa
in bias remLved'his Kline roiairini; shop
i k ! f ttjtti Main and liarileit to Sixth and
i Cent ra I, between marble works and
ad 'Japanese restaurant. Let us do vour
I leiiairing. All work will receive
t; j pi-omnl attention. We have all kinds
ot .:.;;;;, .... ...'.'':: ....
atiou in reuard to her schools, to
Sin.!, -in Soppons Diiveiiport
To ihe editor: A ureal manv of
the si udentii exulted to hear that -Mr.
llavenport said he was here to hotter
ine .Meuiord schools and meant to
stay here till his contract expired.
.Inst why do you want Mr. llaven
port In reslKii? lie has worked night
and day tc put the schools on a high
er standard. Tip; work is somewhat
harder Tor the students Inn what is
an ('duration worth if you don't have
to work ror it? lie Is a man of the
highest standards, principles, morals
and el'ticient to his tinner tips. What
more can you ask?
Tire trntihlo Is, Mr. llavenport is a
superintendent, and I'd like to see a
superintendent who could got along
Willi these imitative peeplo in Mod
fold if he tried to bring up the stan
dards of the schools. I've lived hoiv
ten years and each siipeiintenden'.
lias similar troubles, going away al
most heart broken. I'm certain il
would lie impossible for an angel to
satisfy such people.
I, a member of the high school
student body, am glad we have a man
who's working for the betterment cf
the schools and not pampering a few
of the teachers' "tvants, and I's sure
I have more than a few behind me to
back him up. A .Medford High
School Student.
A'-. . v-zjrpy
MMXtf"- A ''III
J'l.flu '
CllAltl.KKTON, W. Va., Mar. 22.
Preparations were being made by the
West Virginia legislature when house
and senate convened today to bring
the extra session to a close, the prin
cipal purpose' having been accom
plished by ratification of the Anthony
suffrage atnehdinent. There still re
mained the enactment of legislation
allowing wo'iiiea to veto In West Virginia.
Old Fashioned Herb Tea Often
Relieves Chronic Cases
You ejin'tnlTonl to be oonsttmteri.
If your ktdnevH. liver nnd boweln full
to rarry olT the wnste matter it hi ton
imidona ynnr entire system. It. lowers
your ivslstnnee ntniust. dtmvi&.
At this time it yeiir, when the nir Is
filled with influeiiMi, coliN nnd ptrip,
you should keep in the liest condition.
Any plivsielnu will tell you that most
ills could be avoided If ' people would
keen their livers, kldnevs
and Ik i we Is in frrn work
inp oitler.
Aie you ronpt ipnted r
bilious nnd sluKfrish? Urn's
your head nehef Don't neir
li'et Nat in-e's wartiintri.
Just, jret fi jvieUnpe of I,in
floln Ten nnd take a eup
neioro retiniiK- Jt soon
Menus you out nnd nmkes vou foul line.
Does not erento the physio linbit.
This fniuous herb tea ii an unpx
pelled remedy for ntlds, frrippo, in
lluenji. ehronie eoiistijvitlon, rheuniii
tistn. et. Nothing is better to keep the
rhildtvn in tine condition. e5 cents nt
n'l tlnij.'ffists. l.iiu-oln Troprietary
Co., Kt. AVayno, Jnd.
yy ( hw Miti'tNiA
A nwv: mza
9W5MS3S 'te,W '' 'i H lit VAWn,
i -'-
I am new mnnectcil ;fu the Dally
Taxi t'o., and will bo glad to accora-
modato all my former cus'oircrs. as
well as the general public
Hen Siverlseil.
Phono lirown & Brown.
Operators of coal properties in
ft ah and Wyoming advise buying
your winter supply now. The Idea is
preatlini: that ttt" coal commission
may award (lie miners a further ad
vance in wages, as well as to make
ither concessions that will further
materially increase the cost of pro-ilucing.
Wo can now fill your orders with
different sizes of
Dry Wood of All Kinds on
Phono '2 I- .";(! So. l-'ront St.
Go Any Where. Any Time,
The harder you pull, the harder you hit'.
Phi That Back of Mine!
It is many a woman's com
' plaint for it seems as though it
would break, feet swell too
sometimes and head buzzes.
,This is often due to the uric aoid
which accumulates in the sys
tem. Naturally T when- the' kid
neys are deranged the blood
is filled with poisonous wast
matter, which settles in the
feet, ankles and wrists; or tinder
the eyes in bag-like formations.
Often there is pain in back or limbs. ....
As a remedy for those easily reoognized symptoms of in
flammation caused by uric acid as scalding urine, backache and
frequent urination, as well as sediment in the urine, or if uric acid
in the blood has caused rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gout, it is
simply wonderful how quickly Dr. Pierce's Anuric acts; when you
take thi. new kidney remedy of Dr. Pierce's the pains and stiffness
rapidly disappear, for "Anuric" (anti-uric-acid) is 'many times more
potent than lithia and often eliminates uric acid as hot water melt
sugar, thus removing rheumatism and lumbago.
San Francisco, Calif. "I have used Dr. Pierce's remedies in my
family for fifteon years and have found on every occasion that they
gave satisfactory results. I have recommended them to dozens of
relatives and friends, and each one praised them very highly. Re
' cently I was troubled with my kidneys and my back constantly
pained mo. I took three packages of Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets
which removed all pain and cleared up conditions. I advise every
one to give Dr. Pierce's remedies a fair trial."
422 Brannon St.
All Kinds of
Sea Food
For the Lenten Season
Crabs, Clams and, Others
The Smelt Season Is On
Medford Fish Market
Phone 362
sl !' i feij r ij jSfe
Look at tongue! Pemove poi
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Acept "Cnlifornm" Syrup of Firs
onv i0(,k for the name California on
tlie' irark.-ijie. then you nrc sure your
child is having the hest and mont harm
less laxative or physio for the littlo
stomach, liver and bowel". Children
love its delicious fruity tanto. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot
tle, (iivo it without fenr.
Mother! You must say "California."
Cafe Holland
Special Club Breakfasts
No. 1 33c No. B 33o
(1) Egg ..Breakfast Steak-
Ham Toast
Hot Cake Coffee
No. S 3o No. 0 35o
(1) Egg (i) Pork Chop
Bacon " (2) Corn Cakes
Hot Cakoi Coffee
No. 3 35c No. 7 35c
(3) Wheat Cakos Country Sausage
Stripped Bacon orBuckwhoat Cakes
Ham Coffee
No. 48Sc No-
Fried Mush with Plain Omelette
, Bacon Wheat Cakes
Coffee - Coffee :
-VXD iif course tlie reverse would' also lie
(rue. We believe one of the strongest fea
tures of service and of safety afforded tlie
Kirst National llank is its Meinlievship in
the Federal Keservo System.
riterefore tlie benefits arc also automatically
accorded customers as well.
St rt'iiu t li. Size Service
vhe First National Bank
hedford Oregon
Our mill in Jacksonville is running
full rapacity and the mill In South
east Medford will bo ready for opera
tion soon. Wo employ homo labor
and use lioiiH'-jji'own timber. Patron,
izo homo industry and help maintain
a pay-roll for .Medford.
City Offico 113 S. Fir Phono 850
Schedule from Octxroer 1, 1010.
Daily (Except Sunday)
Leave Medford lieave AshUnd
7:111 a.m.
, 8:00 a.m.
. 8:25 a.m.
9:10 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:40 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:45 p.m.
1:25 p.m.
2:10 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
8:45 p.m.
4:25 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:40 p.m.
7:10 a.m.
7:66 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:25 ajn.
10:10 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:00 m.
i:00 p.m.
1:25 p.m.
2:10 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
4:26 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:40 p.m.
8:40 p.m.
Sat.only 9:30 p.m. Bat. only 9:30 p.m.
oat. oniy iu;du p.m. iz:ibp.m.
midnight Sat. only
Leave Modford L eave Anhlaad
10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
(:30 p.m. :!0p.m.
Office and waiting room No. 6 South
f ront. Nash Hotel Building.
Phone 309
Jacksonville Medford
Schedule from Jan. 16. 1920, Dally
fc.xc.ept Sunday.
Leave Medford: 7:10 a. m., 8:00
m., 9:00 a. m 10:00 a. m., 11:00
m., 12:00 noon, 1:30 p. m., 2:30
p. m., 3:30 n. m.. 4:30 n. m.. R:il0
p. m., Sat. only 7:30 p. m., 9:30 p.m.,
oat. only iu:30 p. m.
Leave Jacksonville: 7:30 . m..
S:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m., 10:30 a. m.,
11:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 2:00 p. m.,
3:00 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m
7:00 p. m.. Sat. only 8:00 o. m.. SaL
only 9:50 p. m.
Sunday Only
Leave Medford: 9-nn n m
a. m., 12:00 noon, 2:30 p. m., 4:00
p. m., o.ju p. m., 7:00 p. m.,
p. m., tu:oU p. m.
J.eave Jacksonville: 9:30 a.
11:30 a. m.. 2:00 n. m.. 3:30 n. m..
5:00 p. m.. 6:30 D. m.. 7:30 n. m..
9:50 p. m.
Office and -waittni
FrcBt. Nash Hnti
ville waiting room at Reter'a Confec