Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 10, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    wmrmrn mxtc trtbuttt!. wtxfctrd. oin-.aox. tfr:nT.srAY. M.vnm in. iren.
Please Read This Letter And
See What Normal Health
Will Do For You.
- - '
Lanc.istor, Pa. "I was wonlc nnd
rundown, had pains in my head, Imrk
ami sf.ornacii all tw
I nine, and bearing
down pains. J had
t:(J JiV'lia K i'mk-
h a tn'tt VH'otnhir
Compound and it
liclw?iJ ni t;o my
mother go, nie to
try it aj'.'in, and I
am now lm-I'm; ttvt-
j ttT than f have fir
I years. Wo w r r u
lin a r r i o i sixiocn
J years and had no
children, but now we havi a lino liif
loy and we always call him our 'I'ink
ham boy. I he doctor was afraid of
my case as I was 41 years old whon tins
boy was born, but I came through all
right. You can use this as a testimon
ial if you wish and I will certainly writes
to any orus who writes to me about it."
Mrs. Makgakkt G. Havkrcamj, &23
Howard Avenue, Lancaster, l'a.
If you have the slightest doubt that
Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Com-
1ound will hHp you, write to Lydia K.
'inkham Medicine Co. (confidential)
Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter
will be opened, read and answered by u
woman and held in strict confidence.
Licensed City Scavenger.
All roruso Immodlatcly removed on
short notico. Weekly visit in resi
dences districts. Daily business dis
trict. Phonos 277-.1
China Herb Store
Tlorli euro for naracho, headacho,
catarrh, diphtheria, soro throat
lung trouble, kidnoy trouble, utoin
ach trouble, heart trouble, chills and
fever, cramps, coughs, poor circula
tion, carbuiH-lcs, tumors, cracked
breast, cures all kinds of goltora. NO
Mcdford, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1917
This Is to certify- that I, tho tindor
nlgnod, had very sovero stomach
trouble and had been bothered for
Beveral yours and last August was no'
expected to live, ana honring of Ulir
Chung (whoso Herb Storo is at 2 14
Bouth Front Btroot, Mcdford) , I de
cided to1 got herbs for inv atomacb
trouble, and I started to fooling' hot
ter as soon as 1 used them nnd today
am a well man and can heartily rec
ommend anyone afflicted as 1 was to
Beo Oim Chung and try his Herbs.
(Signed) W. It. JOHNSON.
Win. Lewis, Eaglo Point.
V. L. Chlldreth, Hnglo Point.
M. A. Anderson, Mcdford.
S. H. llolmos, Kaglo Point.
C. K. Mooro, Kaglo Point.
.1. V. Mclntyro, Kaglo Point.
Geo. Von dor Hollou, Kaglo Point.
Thna. 15. Nichols, Kagln Point.
. Belied u l from Oct otic r 1, 11)10.
Leave Modrord Umivo Ash! a ml .
7: l a.m. 7:10 a.m.
8:00 a.m. 7:55 a.m.
8:25 a m. 9:00 a.m.
:10 a.m. U:2o a.m.
10:00 a.m. 10:10 a.m.
30:40 a.m. 1 1:00 a.m.
11:30 a. m. 12:00 m.
3 2:45 p.m. : :00 p.m.
1 : a r p.m. 1 : a 5 p.m.
2:10 p.m. 2:10 p.m.
8:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
4:25 p.m. 4: 2d p.m.
, f : :t 0 p.m. C.30 p.m.
7:00 p.m. (1:40 p.m.
8:40 p.m. 8:40 p.m.
Bat. only U: 30 p.m. Bat. only ;i:3tt p. in
Hat. only 10. 30 p.m. 13: Id p.m.
midnight Sat. onl)
liOavo MinI ford L vo ANhlimtl
10:00 a.m. i:0U a.m.
11:00 n.m. 11:00am.
1:00 p.m. 1 :00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. 4:(it) p.m.
6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. :30 p.m.
n.m -30 n.m
Office and wiiltlng room No. 5 Suutb
Front, Nash Hotel LliilMlnc.
1'hmio 30M
Jacksonville Medford
Schoduto from Jan. 10. UH!0, Dally
Kxcept Sunday.
I.oavo Mcdford: 7:10 a. m., 8:00
a. in., DMM) a. m., 1 t:no u. m , 1 1 :00
a. in., 12:00 noon, 1:110 p. m.f 2:30
p. in , 3::!0 p. m , 4:::o p. m.. 6:30
p. m., Sat. i.nly 7:30 p. m., '.:o0 p.m..
Sat. only 1 0:30 p. in.
Leavn .lacksonvilie: 7:30 a. m.,
K:3(i n. m., U:30 a. m., 10:30 n. m.(
ll:3u a. m., 1 : m p. m., 2: no p. m.,
3:00 p. m., 4:00 p. in., 6:00 p. in..
7:00 p. m., Siit. only 8:00 p. iu.,Sat.
only it; 50 p. in.
Sunday Only
Leave Modford: 0:00 a. in., 10:30
a. m., I2:oo noon, 2:30 p. m., 4:00
p. m., D:3n p. in., 7 : 1' U p. m., 0:0
p. m., 1 0 : 30 . in.
i I.eavo Jacksonville: 0:30 a. m.,
11:30 a. in., 2:o p. in., 3:30 p. in.,
5:00 p. m., ti;30 p. in., 7:30 p. iu.(
If.oQ p. in.
Office and waiting room No. 5 S
Front. Nash Hotel Hulldlns. Jackson
ville waiting room at lifter's Confec
f fnnpry,
AKIiUMi, Mar. 10. Thetirotical
infaiis for .suppli'mcnting Ihe inunicj
y.i: wati-r supply is biting reinforced
by prar-fical methods already under
way. Tli cm- apjily not only lo Inventi
on ion of add it ioiiii 1 ires, hut to
nfjni'eriiig work as applied to d;im
c fin: t rile1 M.n, local inn. etc. Water
Nit'asureiJienIs i,,. i.ilicii ;it inter
val:; near jiropot'd sites for
t ion work, and also surveys, plans,
and cost estimates will be submitted
as soon as praeiicable this season, no
more delays lo be ((derated in con
nection vit!i an imperative demand
lor relief from water sbc'rtage which
threatens (o prevail the coming sum
mer. Citizens may differ on other
'luestions, bill they are united on any
equitable proposit ion which will en
larKc t he scope of the city's chief
utility. There in no problem as to
supply; the water is available, the
necessity beiiiK to conserve it. lake
the fuel supply, there Is plenty of it
rit:lit at our very dt.ors If wo would
only mo after It. Hence, the council
proposes to deal quickly and effec
tively with the water question,
Three reniovnls aro involved by the
leaving of the Kalph Hurkhardt fam
ily for California, who will locate
lenipnrarily in I.oor Deach. Harry
Mat lies moves into thfs vacated prop
erty ih Pine street, and Irving Kinley
just home from the south, will move
into his own premises vacated by
The Wednesday Afternoon club
was entertained this week by Mrs. I,.
.1. llaruerat her home on Nob Hill.
M iss Florence Pool, home demon
sfralor, who was an Ashland visitor
on Tuesday, will repeat her call here
(n Friday of this week, givinK In
structions in making dress forms.
Tho old Willie Sulphur Springs
hotel building, one of tho ancient
structures of the lown. is being de
molished, preliminary to extending
(he warehouse facilities of the local
Fruit & Produce association.
Mountain avenue is teeming with
activity incidenl to the installation of
tho Standard Oil service slatbn near
the S. I, tracks, quite a spur connect
ing the plant with the railroad hav
ing lately been laid. In the railroad
y;i rds proper a new roof is being
placed on the roundhouse.
I lillah Temple, Myslic Kb liners,
gained 1 Hi accessions to membership
at the recent ceremonial held at Ku
gene. The big armory in that city
afforded an Ideal place for tho cere
monies. Among prominent initiates
were Judges Skipworlh and Coke, of
tho Lane and Coos circuit courts re
spectively. Ringleaders at Kugene,
in affording every courtesy t the
visitors, included l-Yank Hard, Aleck
Sims, Doc llnnielt, also K. C. Sim
mons, and Lark Hilycu, all patriarchs
In the Masonic order from tho Itluc
lodge up to the Scottish Kite pinnacle
of affiliation. Twd Pullmans accom
modated the visitors from Ashland,
Med ford, Jacksonville and (I rants
I'ass, and Ihe comfort of these travel
lers was looked alter by Henry l.
Morse, district freight and passenger
agent of tho S. I'. with headquarters
at Kugone, and II. P. HHnker, of
Portland, representative of the Pull
man Co. The trip was "personally
conducted" by these Cfficials wearing
the fez., and seldom does one find
more genial and accommodating men
outside nf Hugeno, Worth Harvey ot
Collage 1 1 rove, IJ. I. William of
llnschurc,, and .lacl Kimball of Kl;i
nialh Kill Is, rounded up bunches l'
ia ml Ida tea from their res peel ive
towns. These recent additions to-the
shrine roster hero place llillah Tem
ple well uigh Into Ihe ,Mio member
ship classification.
Tho municipal campaign, as con
ducted under American City Dureau
auspices, is progressing steadily, ral
lies and community gatherings being
the order of the hour. A specific
phase of the work has been a series
of fuestiounaires propounded to high
school students tc determine choice
as to vocation, residence, etc. These
were I 1 in number, C3 boys and
IIM girls responding to the invitation
lo reply, of whom 1 s plan to leave
home upon graduation. 01 propose In
slick by ibe home ti.wn. with eight in
the indeterminate "watchful wait
iim" classification. As to choice of a
life's work, the replies embraced a
wide rango of business and profes
sional callings. , The Intent of this
questionnaire is to have the student,
in a way, express an opinion of his
home environment, in older that con
clusions it suggest he inferences may
be drawn it cordingly in order to form
estimates for a basis of a survey ot
the city's slat us in izriieral.
I h" Applegale prupert.v on (iranite
str.'-t. adjacent to Fmil Peil's. will
tie occupied In the H. S. Paltnerlee
tamily. who recently sold their home
place in ihe same neighborhood.
The b.wltelball tourney at Salem
recently was won by Ashland as far
as s( 'in hern Oregon Is concerned, the
score having been 2 1 to 11 in favor
of the homo team in its game with
Medlord. Coach Moore had for his
plaers Clyde and I'ale Young. I're
ost. llrant. lieer. duthrie and Mc
Millan, Schiierman having been de
lamed at homo on account of illness.
A reminder I o at t mueys. juixrs
and clients is that the circuit court,
adjourned temporarily a tew dav
ago. will reconvene at .la. ksouville,
Monday. March I .".
The i ollecr ion of city taxes, also
several other mutters which minht hej
expedited, were uuestious placed be-'
j fore the county court for disposal
t lately by a deputation of A.shland cit
izens, including .!. r . Hillings. .1. W.
McCoy and V. O. N. Smith, alert busi
ness men who wish progresslveness
applied in tho expedition of public
as well as private business matters.
Dr. and Mm. .1. U. Webst. r have
moved from Ashland lo their subur
ban ranch property near Phoenix lo
remain there indefinitely.
Among those helping cut the cam
paign locally, us now being conduct
ed by the American City Pureau,
have been Kd Staple?. A. O. N. Smith.
Frank Jordan, . H. (inwdy, limner
Hillings and others, in the capacity of
minute men giving short pithy ad
dresses in pultlic gathering'.
Mrs. Homer Payne's return to Sac
ramento, and the depart ure m' M iss
Helen Walker on an extended eastern
i-onstriic-' l rip, was made the occasion for a re-1
allien and farewell party of mutual.
friends at tho F. H. Walker home, on
Liberty street, recently. It developed
hint the date of leave-taking was aNo
Mrs. Payne's birthday, a circumstance
which gave rise to additional inlerest
to the jolly event, congratulations be
ing specially in order.
There were 2 I clear days in Febru
ary, most of them cool with frosty
mornings, hut delightful and invigor
ating. The maximum warmth was
0 1. and the minimum 19. Onlv .10
itinnt !i,
on one
t:ch was the raiafall for the
practically all of this falling
date only.
I'OKTI.AN'H, On'.. Miir. 1- -A
nrii-i-rtiil ili.M':ni.l hv s !til 1 "ill'' inl'T-
HKI.KXA. Mi.r. Hi.-Si.h-! . ., ... .,.,.. i,
1 1 v : i n i ! oil-..- n-.-l ; r.-i t m ,. i i , ,
. ,-..!.!. lin-,-, mI.Imi.-Iv ,,ro-I ,!"' -
-.1 i:i i.-nl:in:i liv .I.-f.siwil ut i ln-onii.s.-s tn divert :it -'J
!.-:! i li.-ii.-.l .. 1 . . 1 ; 1 1 ThU in--! ,,jn!r vc-Hi-l- I'riini tin- Alhiiili.- t
ii. hi whs i.ik,-,, 1 ii i-. ult "T tlK-l,,, ,,.vil.(. ,, ,, ii.-. ii.i-i.r.liii--
!:. ! i I .-I live r.-til i :il .Inv;., Mull- ,. . ,, , ,
, . ,,- , , In il t i-ii'U III Ml J"i"'l-I Veil liv tin- I iilllilllil
t:ni:i, I nun li,i'-illi I ... I mini! -.1 .
In Hi.- invi--li:-ii!i.,ii-. mull.- l.v l!i,- t'liiiiiiln-r .-I' C.111111M p i- iniiii Liuti-.l
-l.-it.- liinir.l nf lniiltli hili.initnrv -it SI nl is Si-nutm- ( .'Imrlcs 1,. Sli-S'i-rv.
i :init..l .,111- i.r tin- , nit:. in. -rs iii wiiiit n,,rii.,.i ,,l llii iMimii--.- will
'ciiiic from th'- Athmtii- tn III.- I'.-n ilic
! will In- .-.vnihilil.- fr I'mtliinil l.if
,.f the v'-l
Piv-um.-.l tl.Mt nt l.-:ist thivo Sliipijinir .-nmpanv fur tin- establish.
t,p Cnl-nnt'in-l ii'-itif -11111:1 mi.-.
u a-
il tnr sale iii
Ii 11 1 : 1 1 1 1 i -
LONDON, .riu-. in.- The!
('nii!'t-ri'ii'-c nl' 'o il .Mini-i-:- at its sc..
-inn t-i'lav .l.'.-l-; r.'.l in Livrn- .it' .1
ji-iu-i'nl sti-ikc as a ni.-ans nl' .-iilni
inir tin- 'h-inan.l I'nr the imtinniilia
'in.i nf Ih.- iniii.-s.
mil stat.-il. llioiuli it i-
iTi since i IB70 -iia-!l "
"I'll Tell the World"
says the Good Judge
The man who doesn't
chew this class of to
bacco is not getting
real satisfaction out of
his chewing.
A small chew. It holds
its rich taste. You don't
have to take so many
fresh chews. Any man
who uses the Real To
bacco Chew will tell
you that.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Jlie Chance that the Army Offers'
J ' .
mm -
74 Wl 4
Hit Ft wmptk
As a corporal I was drawing
down $38.10 a month every time
the bugles blew 'Pay Day'.
"And when I read in the papers
about the big civilian pay envel
opes, civil life opportunities looked
'pretty good to me!-
"I took up my old job when I
got back and when then they raised
my pay to $35.00 a week almost
as much as I got every month in
the Army well. I thought I was
sitting on the world.
"But times have certainly
changed! Thirty-five a week today
goes like a breeze. Food has ad
vanced, shoes cost more, and every
time I buy a suit I think I'm paying
for the war as well as fighting it
. I'm classed, I guess, as just an
; unskilled worker, I left school too
early and I'm sorry for
it now.
A tttIk-.'H T 4- C
now? Answermethat! Workingfor
day wages, fnakinga living and nothing more?
I guess not for I'm going back! to join the
Army !
'I'm going to take a job that will give me
mors free cash than I get today a job that'll
mean all my expenses paid a training that',
will make me the kind of man who succeeds
and a life that'll keep me feeling fit and fine."
'Health, Travel and Training;
"Congress has appropriated $2,000,000.0010
oe used in'the Army Schools. In many schools
and posts you will have the .opportunity of
h?in trained in tho skilled trades and at prac
tically all Army stations, schools are in opera
tion in which you can improve your education.
You'll have enough out-door work to keep
you in perfect trim. You'll learn the sort of
discipline that makes a man able to handle
other men. You'll have a fine crowd of bud
dies. You'll live a fine healthy life no soft
snap about it, but it will be a life that will make
you a reiulor man.
You'll learn how to hold np'your end in any
company. You'll have an increased ability
a sure self-confidence on your return.
You'll be a part of America one of its
fighting- men its bulwarks of defense. If
there's any trouble that the Army has to settle
you'll have a red-blooded man's chance to do
your share of the settling.
And three years from now, when the men
who are working besides you now are still
working for day wages, you will step out with
a training that will command real money.
Think it over. The next three years at
home; and no further along at the end.
Or the next three years in the Army, and a
training that you can cash in on for the rest of
your life. It's worth investigating, isn't it?
Worth stopping in at t2.e recruiting office to
talk to the man in chai'trc,
Tho Recruiting Sergeant can give
you the information that will help
you decide which branch fits you
best. In all of them you will get
the fine training as a soldier that
the United States offers all its men
in many branches you can get
highly specialized training.
INFANTRY The men who have niadatha natni
of "doughboy" feared end respected throughout
tho world welcome you to tho comradeship. Fine
fellows good fun and good training In any cchool
at the post you go to.
CAVALRY When the horses are champing ot
tha bit and the "yellow legs" mount up and th
troop rides forth, thera is a thrill that no old cav
alryman can ever forge- A horse cf your own
a good outdoor life and training for future success.
FIELD ARTILLERY "Action Front" cornea
tho command then wach tho boys with the red
hat cord snap into it. A happy outfit with the
da oh of mounted service added to interesting work
that calls for hoed and hand. Motors if you wish.
CORPS OF ENGINEERS Army engineering
known the world over for its excellence and an en
listment In the engineers can bo the start of at
young man's training in tho various branches of
engincsring and In the mechanical and building
COAST ARTILLERY Living on the sea coasts,
guarding big cities with big guna, getting time for
study and a wide and good technical training, the
C. A. C. man is preparing for a useful life and good
pay and is having a good time while he's learning.
The C A. C. also mans tho mobilo big gun regi
ments throughout the country.
The mnn who ceta the early edgo in experience
v.-ith aeroplanes and balloons has a chance to cash
in b'g on hi3 army trainir.. For flying is only in
its infancy and it's going to be a profitable business
for men with the right experience.
to the 3tudious young American. To wide oppor
tunities for stiK'.y, it ciia a business as well as a
technical training,
SIGNAL CORPS WhMhr It's laying a wire
f'om a rel-nrt at o g"!bp or Inatellmtva wirclncs
ntr.tion t!:at v.!l flrch iis message hc'.f around the
world, thg Corps 13 tUrrn, and a man vho
lrarn3 radio tlgTonh and telephono vork in the
bif;nal Corp? is always valuable.
MEDICAL DEPT. Good experience, gocd pay,
and traininginall branches of hospital woik. Excel
lent opportunity for future succers. Tho Veter
inary Corps tenches the car of horses as well ua
meat and milk inspection.
TANK CORPS The man who knov.'G gas motors
and tractors or who wants to know them is in
vited to Join tlio TankB. Radio, machine gun and
ordnance vork tra all parts of the Tank Corps
feeds and clottns the Army offers a valuable train
ing for future business. Interesting work for the
man who likca horses in tho Remount Service.
in the many trades is part of tha every clay life of the
Construction Division. Many opportunities to
learn tho trades of highly paid specialists.
with a little knowledge. of chemistry or for any
ambitious ycur.g man vv'.io would lio to get that
knowledg-3, there is interesting vcrU and rapid
advancement in the C. W. 0.
practical training in motors f.nd their accessories,
nd in driving as well, is given in the well-equipped
ochools cf ;Lo Motor Trsnrport Corpo.
The Nearest U.S. Army Recruiting StationsAre
123 West MainfStreet
Medford, Oregon
f I '
Where the U. 5. Army Serves
t Amtrlcio trocps ra e.-vir.j ir. Panama. Hawaii.
y fry- A. l..u i:e.TfLi.r..,i Sc.-ccaut will I
5 S'-" ' '- t-J te Utfta:Is. I
u Lil ' -"--i- ::i ie n-T.y, from Gtnrral to. F
K nna Pri y -tr fJor orrt-r. and vour ou:M I
" y"' "c-Jt 'c:i5:--''."-ir Juij-tatoso 3
i IfiTi'iiTfUii 'tfufr'nTmrr'-i TmnTi uiiiiimn aiiawij