flraiE TTvTTmNT;. SnFOTlTl. OT?F.."!OX. TUESDAY. 'MA'ROII 0. 1920. PXO"E SEVEN E HONOLULU, T. H.. Mar. 9. The Japanese foreign office intimates an early resumption of commercial rela tions with the soviet government of Russia, preliminary to a fc.-mal rec ognition of the Hoviet an a (le facto government, according to a Toklo cable dispatch to the Japanese news paper Nippu Jiji here. MOSCOW, Mar. 7. All co-operative societies thru which soviet Rus sia will do business with tile outside world will be represented on the cc'.n mission appointed to go to London by Vladimir Kinchoul, first chairman of the 'workers co-operative organiza tion. M. Kinchoul is a man of remarkable- personality and is little known Outside of Russia, He was formerly a menshevist and until re cently was an opponent of commun ism. He played a part in the revolu tion of ! 90S and spent twelve years in exllo in Siberia. "It is no secret to the entente that our economic position is bad," M. Kinchoul said, "but it is not helpless. In spite of four years of war against Germany and two years of civil war we have fed the people somehow and the co-operative societies have been the source of provisions for the civil Ian population. They are now operat ing as a government activity thru' the central unic'n of) co-operative soci eties. "We do not want charity from western-Europe but desire trado on a .basis of exchange which can be estab lished in a comparatively short time. A return to normal conditions of sup ulv and demand will result in an enormously increased business." 5 Livestock J'OKTLANI), Ore.. Mar. !). Cut tie steady, no receipts, drain and pint) fed steers, $1 l.fiIKi 1 1 .75 : choice $11(511.. 'ill; ooil to choice. $1(( 11 : medium to trood, WlfX.III: fair to me dium. 7..'i(l((i)H.r() : common lo fair. .Wi.SOftr'T.fil) : choice cows and heifer $!)..r()((i'l."i': stood to choice. .Word; inediuni to good. $ti.-"it)((i 7.50 : fair to medium. .". "tl((i ."( : I'anners. $'.t(t r."0: hulls, f."i((i)7..'0: prime li'.'ht calves. $lfi.:i(l('17; niedium liaht. 1 (S'-15.50; heavy, $7(1? 10: Blockers and feeders. 7.5l(ii 8.50. Hosts steady; no receipts. Prime mixed, $15..ri0((fll(i.'J5; medium $15((f. 15.50: rough heavy, $1. 15; pins. $l'J(ffil4. Sheep steady: no receipts. Kast- crn lambs. $17(S18; Unlit vallev, ll (S17: licavv. $14.50(a 15.50 : feeder lambs, $1'2((115; ve:irlinu's, Sft(d 15.50: wethers, $i:i(i:i.;i(); ewes.- Hotter ': PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. !). But ter steady. Cubes, extra. (i!ic: parch ment wrapped, box lots, Ii5c: ear tons,, (iGe; half boxes, half cent more : less than half boxes, le. more. Hut terl'nt ll4(ffli.c f. o. b. station: (!!)( Portland. liuvinc prices men, 3f Oafs $59.00 bid; corn, $50.50 hid. Only changes. Poultry Hens 32(u3uc; lb. broilers, 35 40c: old roosters, 18(o".'0e: turkeys, dressed. 5''(i'5'tc: ducks 35(qM0c , ' alii and Hay OnlsX-iiUH) bid: corn. No. 3, vel low. $58.00 bid. Hnv Biivinsr price, timothy. $21! nlfalfa. $.Uf H2; ernin, $2o, deliver eil in Portland. Marriage Licenses Kted Y. Weeks and Mae M. Pick ens. Probate Court Wm. (iarrclt. X. W. Ilordeii. l!i.-h Just Yellow Mustard for Backache, Lumbago Grandmother's old hiussy mustard plaster or poultice generally brought r e 1 l.o r aungni even in the sever est cases, lint it burned and blis tered like blazes "Heat eases pain" reduces the inflammation and scatters conges tion, but you'll find that while Begy's Mustarine, made of true yel low, mustard and other pain destroy era is iust as hot as the old fashioned nlaster it is much quicker, cleaner and more effective and cannot blister, It's a great external remedy Just ruh it on wherever aches, pains, in Humiliation, congestion or swelling exists and in a very few minutes the relief you have longed for surely ar rives because "Heat eases pain." 30 and 60 cents at druggists or by mail S. C. Wells & Co,, LeHoy, . i. LldifctNewi QmtWews anl ( 'aider, tru-tee. TncoriMirnte :i "Medford I'amn Number !Mi, Wimi.1 luen oi the World." Jonathan I. Barker, estate. Vu:n li i r-. Final account. John A. l.ewniall, l'.-t:ile. Proof m luiiilicnt ion. Circuit Court Citv ill' Ashland Vs. S. I'cnnixtun. et ai. Stmimtins. (I. A. Nichols vs. 10. ('. Kocnisch. Ai lidavit. I nilci t:ikm''. F. .1. .Mi-Carvel, et al vs. John Winders, et al. Motion, licplv. Otis O. Heimati vs. Dasederiu Wer eu, ei al. i'mnl' til publication. !. A. Nichols vs. K. V. Itoenisclt. 'Certificate uf attachment. Jackson Count v Hank vs. W. N. CatniJieil, et al, acceptance oi" serv ice. Jackson Count v Hank vs. A. Nve, et al. Acceptance Stephen ill' serv- ice. (ieori:e W. Soranson vs. W. 1" Schmidt. Amended complaint. Heal Estate Transfers (Furnished liy ihe Jackson County Abstract Co.) Itculah Jeldness et vir to .1. S. K. James, lot 12, blk. 4 si. 'Medford ..$ 10 Mrs. Surah 'Martin et vir to Hen L. Kingery, lots 5-0, ,blk. 75, Poole and Klippe! Add. to Jacksonvillo Hi .Minor A. Foster to W. J. Tes ter, trustee, S',4 or NV- of sec. 34, tp. .'ji, ii. 3W K. 'i'crrill to Central Point Stale Hank, lot 7, blk. 4!), Central Point 10 15.83 L. .Main to Southern Oregon Oil & Gas Co., N10 and SW of sec. 25, S'A of SIC sec. 14 X. of N10, SW of seo. 23, tp. 30, It. IF E. Nichols et ux to (1. II. Richmond, trustee, laud in sec. 20, twp. mi, it. :w 2 si;:: K..McClaren et ux to Oscar Gustufson et ux, land in Ash land -to 10 Nellie Van Leer et vir to O. I. J. Po'i'ter et ux, land in Ash land W. Haley et ux to Will. C. Johnson et al, land in see. s, tp. 3li, R. 1W W. Hirdseye et ux to Jack son County, right of way over sec. 37, tp. 30, 1(. 4W.. in 10 ',00 Mary McCrossin et vir to Vic- itor W. Hirdseye, land in Jackson county .... 10. Roberts et al Haley, land in sec. 800 to P. w. 30, S, tp. It. 1W C. 10. Ten-ill to Fred Stocker, lot 4. blk. 24, Unite Falls:... 7.2 0 Amos O. Whitwoith to John Burton, S Vis of NW or INK of sec. 2S, tp. 3!1, it. 3W Jackson County vs. Mary Jose phine ltussell, lots 11-12, Iblk. 13. Hold Hill Jackson County to 'I). J. Trow bridge et al, INW of SW' of sec. 13, tp. 3a, H. 2W. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accent "California"' Svrun ' of FI onlv look for tlie name California on the package, then you ar sure your child is bavin? the best and mowt harm less laxative or physic for the little Btoinnch, liver and bowel. Children love ita delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child'a doe on each bot tle. Olvo it without fear. Mother! You munt Bay "California," BROWN & WHITE REALTORS MI0I)FOItl, OKKGON 40 acres all fine free soil, 20 In alfalfa, 10 In grain, 5 acre wood lot about 30 fruit trees, there are now 26 acres under the ditch and the bal ance will be; a fine house, all modern convenlen es, a beautiful view of the valley, good barn and all necessary outbuildings, close to good schools and only mile from paved high way. This wi bear close investiga tion. 1'rice $10,000. 30 acres, all fine free soil, all in cultivation, 20 now under the ditch and being seeded to alfalfa, 7 acres best varieties pears 8 years old and in tine condition with a splendid crop set for this season, a fine large home with all modern conveniences: the Improvements alone would cost you more than the price now asked. Let us show you this and explain why it can e bought at the price and the very liberal terms offered. All we ask of any honest and sin- cere buyer is a chaucc to show what we believe to be Bome of the very best values ever offered In this valley whether a small cottage in town or an Orchard, Grain, Alfalfa or Stock 'ranch. BROWN 6c WHITE DANDRUFF SOON GETS YOUR HAIR Let "Damlerinc" check nasty scurf and stop hair falling out To stop falling hair at once and rid Hie scalp of every particle of dandrulf, get a euiall liollle oi iauucriuH ui. uy drug or toika counter for a few cents, pour a little in your lmml and rub it into the scalp. Alter several applications the hair usually stops rmiiinx out anu can t and anv ilamlrun. ."sihiii every hair oa your scalp show nuw life, vigor, brightness, thickness and moro- culor. WA XTCl) SIT I' AT I OX S WANT 101) Position by a first class combination stenographer-l) o o k koeuer. .Married man. Experienc ed in lumber business and general merchandise linos. At present em ployed. High grndn referencos. bond if required. Address 1 O. lMfi, Corvullis, Oregon. 2!ts WANTKU Plain sowiiiK or will go out and sew by the day. CIS West Fourth or phono 7N3-.1. 2!t!i niOLl' WAXTIOD KE.AL4IJ WANTFl) Fxpeiienccd chamber mailt at Hotel Htillaud. 2IIS' WANTED tiirl for general house work. Mrs. J. 10. Stewart, 70S West Tenth. Phone H37-L. 2!KS WA.NTKll Cook for well appointed ranch house. Must have exper ience cooking for tweiuy men oi anore. Hox S, Tribune. tf POLITICAL CAHD.S. District Attorney. I hereby announce myself as a can dldnte for the office of 1'rosecutlng Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon on the republican ticket, subject to the wish of the voters at the coming primary election. If nominated and elected 1 will see that the laws arc justly and honestly - enforced, lie- spectfully yours, Adv. II. A. CANADAY. Believing that my successful man agement of the office of District At torney has shown mo thoroughly qualified, and that I can Berve tho people of Jackson county, In that capacity best, I announce my candi dacy for re-election on the republican ticket at the May primaries. Adv. Q. M. KOEERTS. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on tho republican ticket for the office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected I pledge myself to an Impartial enforcement of the law. F. 1. FARkELL. Adv. Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomlnntlon for the office of sheriff on tho republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel that my record as a public official during tho first tsrm entitles me to re-nomlnatlon and re-election. Adv. C. E. TERRILL. I hereby announce myself a repub lican candlduto for sheriff of Jackson county, nt the May primaries. Sev eral years experience in .this line of work, including last six months 01 1919 in the tax collection depart ment, thoroughly qualifies me to ad minister the dtiti s of the office In an efficient manner. Adr. JOHN B. WIMER. County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re- nomlnatlon for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion of the people at the coming pri maries, and hope my record in this office the first term is such that 1 am entitled to your support this year. Adv.. CHAUNCEY FLOR.EY. County Assessor.. I hereby announce my candldncy for the re-nomlnatlon to the office of County Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by the Republican party at the primary election May 21st, 1921). Adv. J. 13. COLEMAN, School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination tor County School Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. O. W. GODWAUD Adv. I hereby announce myself as candi date for County School Superinton-1 dent, on the republican ticket, at the primary election. May 21st. I am forj progressive education, the education that prepares for lire, and for giving the rural schools the very best ad-j vantages possible. I favor more nor mal schools for Oregon. Adv. A. J. HANBY. ItAWLIOS SIOORE for Democratic Nomination District Attorney May Primary, 1920. II KtiP WA T10t MA I.I? WANT Kb -Machine lool sharpener for mine, wages $."i.oo, board $1.00. AVur Fai;le Milling Co., Hcagle, Ore. 1'hone 1, Medford. If WANT 1011 -Men. l'hone 0S.'i-.l-3. ami Ii oard. :t o t WANTKI) ..Men. steady Meilfoi-il Ice and Stoiai;e. position. WANTFIl Dish washer. Call, not phone. Hotel Medford. ll" j ! WANTFIl Teams anu men. Moon i Cc:., luar Tort On'oid, Curry coun ty. Teams $10.00 per. day: Cali fornia hay and grain, hay -$34.00 per ton, grain $72. Hood men $,1.00 per day: hoard $1.1": work road construction. Moon X- Co. 320 W ANT 101) Orchurd. Hanch l'hone help. r.UT-.l- Miruvista WA XTIOI) M ISCIO I. LA X lOOl'S VANTiOli I'uinp or automatic Win chester or Remington shotgun. An swer Hox 2S. State jiii.-e. 2'.l.s WAXTIOU-- Four loads of niantiri' at once. SI 7 West Tenth street, .Med ford. 2!tx! WANTKI I TO HI' Y Second hand -Mail Tribune. bath tub. Hox 2!l W A NT 101)- -Hay. Vinson barn. 'hone 2US WANTUD-sTo buy about 200 feet second hand chicken netting. Al bert liaagherty, ltout 3, Medford. 300 WANTKI) Spray rig in good run ning order. 1!00 gallon tank. A. '... Mail Tribuno. 2117 WANTKI) Hozen little 11. I. chicks: at oiuo. I'liono iiis-.l. tf WANTI01) Iidy roomers, 100-1 Fast .Main. 2!M.i yV.V'NTKIl 'F'lowinB to do with trac tor. Hal Wright, Medford, H. F. 1). 4, Hox G.S. 2UX WA.NTIOD Team work: ploui.hing by day or contract. 4 17 South King street. 2!)! WANTIOII To rent alfalfa ranch from 4 0 to lOO acres, den. Del., or see us at camp ground. F. L. Sample and 1J. W. Lohr. 2 MX WANTKI) To buy Phono 40S-R-1. smudge pots. WANTIOII Several stands of Inquire Box C, .Mail Tribune. bees. 2 33 WANTKI) Old hats to clean nnd block. Apparel Cleanora aud Hal ters. 301) WANTIOII When you have building or repairing, boo (lilletto, 103 South Oakdale. He doeo the work right, quick, nnd reasonable. By the day or contract. Phone 471. 301 WANTED St. Louis prices for furs at Johnson's, 45 Front street. WANTED To buy good clean cotton rags. Medford Printing Co. WANTED Your. Hide ;I worth real money at Johnson's, 45 Front street. ' WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf M.OXET TO IXA.S TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone S3-M. 31 North Grape street. ' FOR HUNT FUHXISHEI) HOOMS FOR KFjNT Furnished rooms, up stairs, with bath, sleeping porch and garage. Caro Tribune No1, a. FOR KENT Furnished rooms with 'board If desired. 113 East Elev enth. ,297 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms; hath ; 300 close in. 245 iNorth Grape. FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms to -cottier, downstairs, with outside. entrance, bath, close in. 103 South Oakdalo and - Eighth streets. Phone 471. Price $1.00. One block from Hotel Medford. 1 29S FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT OR HALK Threo room bouse. 50S Plum street. Inquire 4 12 King street. 2!i!) FOR RENT Furnished six-room bungalow one block from Main street, to right party for limited period, $35.00 per month. Rogue River Lund Co'inpany, Nash Hotel corner. 297 FOR RENT Six-room house at 205 South Central. John A. Perl. " FOR RENT Furnished seven-room modern house one block from post office; fine luwn and shrubbery. Call at Room 207 Fruitgrowers Hank Hldg. Phone 361-L tf MONEY TO LOAN On fnrm or orchard, land, 0 per cent - interest five to forty yearB. McCurdy Insurance Agency WHY Mr. Business Man, Do You Want a Country Home? . $6000 " $6000 28 Acres Alfalfa and Grain Ucst of land near Medford. Improvements would post iienrlv priee asked for place. Deligtful country home 011 (i'ood road. Beautiful grounds. Plenty of shade. Will give -terms. On account of ill health of owner this pace is offered at this bargain price. Invest now. Rog'ue River Land Co. Phone 784-L . Nash Hotel Corner 1H)K im:xt ArYim.M 10XTS KOIt ItFNT Housekeeping meat, furnished. Adults apart only ;:it North Central avenue. FOIt KFN'T Two and threo room 1 furnished housekeeping apartments The Itiverside Apartments, 217 South Hiverside, telephone 4,"i7-J. 307 l'Olt ltlONT HOI SlOMOlOIMXd lt (O.MS FtUt ltlONT Furnished housekeep ing roi.ins. 322 South Central. 20S FOIt UK. NT Housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms; Steam heat. 24!l South Itiverside. l'llt.'lle 2'.i2-ll. 2'.I0 FOIt ltlONT Four housekeeping ri.-onis. Furnished or unlurnislied. l'hone iiOO-lt. 407 Healty .street. 4!lS VOW SALK MISCIOI.LAN lOOl'S FOR SAI.IO loo pounds alfalfa seed 3.c a pound. Rhone 7SS-R-1 . 20: FOR SAI.IO Furniture consisting in part of mahogany dining room set, mahogany library table and chair, two wicker chairs. American wal nut bed room set. bed room chairs and White cabinet sewing machine, l'hone ION, ask for engineering de partment lor appointment. 32 FOR SALIO llel.avel separator ill good running order, with power at tachment. Rhone S.'iS. 2!l.s FOR SALIO Hay. Phono 1OO-R-2. 301 FOR SALIO First cut ull'all'a with some grass: also fine barley straw. H. 10. Morrison, phone Ti30-.l-3. 2i)S FOR SALIO Oak and laurel wood. 207 I'liono mill-It.- FOR SALIO Wagons, farming implements. horses and Call 71-F-2. 301 OR SALIO Alfalra seed, sweet clo ver seed, red clovor seed, rye grass seed I cheap I. See grain und feed. Jesse L. Richardson, Central Point J'eed Store. 30-1 FOR SALF Singer canary birds $2.ri0 each. .Mrs. C. I). .Morgan, Hold Hill. . 2'J7 FOR SALIO Heating stove aud small lnAikcase. 1!5 .Mistletoe. Phone 005-.M. 3110 FOR SALE One dining room set. one oak dresser, one iron bed, two nnk rockers, one set springs, one library table. Phono 7S0-X or call 517 Park. FOR SALE 3 V4 tt11 dump truck. working on long contract. Terms or cash. P. O. box it II . Grunts Pnss, or phono 145-L after C p. 111. 297 FOR SALE Hay. Phone 842-J. FOR SALE toanu, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone JIM. FOR BALF POULTRY AND 10GGS FOR SALIO A few thorough bred Ancona cockerels of the Sheppards famous Ancona strain. Also hatching eggs. Frank Houston, Eagle Point, Oregon. 301 FOR SALIO Huff Rock eggs for set ting. Call at 219 South Holly, be . tween 5 and ti p. in. 301 FOR SALENS. C. Rhodo Island Rod setting eggs. Ernest Webb, Cen tral Point. 300 FOR SALE Superior S. C. White Leghorn eggs. Digger- eggs anil larger birds. 1st cross famous O. A. C. layers with Isaacson's bounti ful prize winners. Trnp-nested and raised rigltt. Settings of 15 eggs, $1.50 and $2.50; $8.00 per hun dred. Cockerels fur sale. Gus Hromnior, phone 6S9-.I-2. Route 3, Medford. 318 FOR SALE Burred Rock hutching eggs. O. A. C. strain. Phono O-F-2. 297 FOR SALE Hatching eggs, Tancred Whito Leghorns, regular pons 200 and better hens $1.50 per set ting. Speclul pen 250 and 287 egg grade, $3.00 per sotting, l'hono 5U7-R-1. R. V. Criuu. 314 FOR SALE It. I. Red hatching eggs. Thorough bred stock. Phono 370-W. tf FOR SALE O. A. C. White Leghorn cockerels $3.00 each, worth dou ble. For cheaper and better hntcn Ing eggs see Gus Brommer, R. 3 Phone 689-.I-2. 301 FOR SALE Booking orders eggs nnd chicks, heavy laying struiu White Leghorns, R. I. Reds. Price reasonable. Cockerels cheap Mrs. F. II. Dressier, phone 777-L. MVKKTOCK ; I'till sai.i: ! cattle. W. Ore. - I'liui-h of good It. Iloluiau, Lake si oi K Creek. 2 ii :i !''Olt SA 1. 10 Two good work teams. I 2.' 111 I ..III) Mis. ; two' odd work horse, potty. River . 12.:.o and a gentle saddle. At Vinson Itain. ll.s North ! ide. I'liono s 1 0. ".i!l I FOR SA1.10 Ten exceptionally good! milch cows: also six veai-ling I heifers. Walsh's place ,ii Ross Lane, two miles northwest of Med-1 ford. 30 FOR SAI.IO One ICUii-lli. mare, one yearling coll, single and double work harness, low iron wh:".l wag- ; on. two ten-inch plows, two siiiejej ctillivalois, I- of harronv, one rid- t ing altacliiuent for walking plow, 0110 l.Ml-lb. shoat. I'liono 3-1 l-W. 30a FOR SAI.IO Two good work tennis. I2a0 to l.",00 lbs., two odd work horses I2,'.0. and a gentle saddle pony. At Vinson Harn, l is Norih Riverside, l'hone MO. 2DN FOR SAI.IO One good Jersey, lteddy avenue. Phono 1-1 S-X. 133 1 2 1 7 ' 'OR SALIO Fresh I'liono .".OO-lt-2. .1 ersey heifer. 2 Si 7 FOR SALIO Shouts, big and little, good 3 '.4 .Mitchell wagon. lOxtra good steel wagon tank. John Cam eron, route 2, Cent nil l'oint. l'hone 11-1. 2!LS KOK SALIO HIOAL liSTATH FOR SAI.IO If you are looking for a home, ami quality, price ami terms Interest you call al S2U Weil Twelfth street. P. 10. Wynkoop. 321 FOR SALIO SO acres, six room plas tered bungalow, good well of water Price $21100. I'liono R-13-X. 300 FOR SALIO Two acres land, all fenced, three houses on same, two wells, and one spring, $1200. Mrs. Louise S.'hcplcn, Jacksonville, Ore. 300 FOR SALIO Cottage bargain: six rooms, hath, toilet, pantry, store room, garage, good garden. Price $1200.00. Hennelt Investment Co. tf FOR SALIO Furnished six-room house. 122 Cottago street. 2 IIS FOR SALIO KeliutluiBllinont 120 acres, good hind, well of good water, house, harn and outbuild ings; 20 acres under the new irri gation system; near railroad and school; seven miles from Grants Pass, price $350.00. Address Mur I in Conger, 707 South Fifth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. 2!)7 FOR SALE Soiling qui. Following still unsold: Our 51 nero "Home" (just north of tho Tahlo Rock Store). Rich free soil, part orch ard, irrigated, fino alfalfa land, modern buildings, water system, lights, telephone, school, fino loca tion, 7 miles out, gooil roads. Would sell all or part. Also farm wllh barn, fences and well, 4 0 acres. And 4 0 acres woodland pasture In Sams Valley. Induce ment prices. John Cameron, ronto 2, Central Pitnl. Phono I l-l. 2!ts FOR SALE Flvo room house with rour lots fenced in for garden. West Eloventh und Plum streets. Call 121-R. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1!18 Maxwell O. K. con dition; new tires. Reasons lor selling. Rev. E. II. Edgar. 302 FOR SALE Used cars of all kinds on easy terms. Clarrk & Chllders, 127tNortli Riverside, opposite Nat. 321 FOR SALE l'.UX Chevrolet, new rubber, in first class shape; a good 'buy. Clark & Guilders, 127 North Itlvursldo. 30 1 FOR SALE 1017 one-Ion Hulck truck in the very best OI shape, at a bargain". Chirk & Chllders, 127 North Riverside. 301 FOR SALE 11117 Overland. Looks good, runs good, has good rubber und Is good buy. Clark & Chllders 30 1 FOR SALIO Ford cell very, new rub ber, a roal bargain. Clark & Chil ilers. 30 ! FOR SALE Hulck Four in fino con dition. R. A. Holmes, tho Insur ance Man. tf USED CAR clearing house, buy for cash, sell on terms. Pickens-Merrlll Motor Co., 18 North Grapo. 11 FOR SALE A light delivery Reo truck, new express body and top, four new tires. Price $350. Terns or cash. Tumy Motor Co., l South Krnnt. f You Can Buy These NOW, RIGHT. 112 acres Improved, head of Elk Creek, rich lund, team, tools, etc and crop goes, somo stock, water for irrigation, cheapest and best stock range in county for its sizo, price $3500 part exchange; all cash $3200 Hid acres for rent, on Crater Lake Highway and Ruguo River. 10 acres, fine location, close to high school, free soil, Irrigation, fi acres bearing orchard, mured, well and buildings. Worth $3000, cash $2000. 120 acres, well Improved, near Pa cific Highway, mostly rich creek bot tom, $0500. See us for other bargalus city and farm lists. HUED LAND k INVEST MENT CO. Garnctt-Corcy Lldg. , l'VlIt SAI.IO- LOST I.UST -Al C.-nuai i'oiiil, Friday ii It t . one pair auto gloves. Kinder phase return t.. Ilolel Holland, (toward. l.tlST - Ci-uerator for I'hoiio s'.s. Maxwell truck. 2S LOST Tortoise slu-ll colored spec tacles with lenses cracked. II found please return to Tribune office, tt FOR SAI.IO flood heifer calf. Fast Ninth. X 4 1; 2SS I LOST Hay saddle pony with scar on ' hack, known as Fred Harnebur saddle horse. C. C. Hoover, phone 4.12-V. IHSI.MOSS OHI'OltTllNITIlOS FOR SAt.lO -- Restaurant doing good business. Cull al 2 1 tlenesee street, Meilti.nl. 2!l HVsixKss runiocTouY. Auto Supplies. LAHF.R AUTO SPIUNO CO. We are operating the largest, oldest nnd best-equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Fse our springs when others fail. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 31 North Fifteenth. St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. W. E. PHI PI'S Attorney at Law, 425-4211 M. F. & H. Hldg. Office, phono 372; residence phono 32f-M. ELIJAH II. HUTU) Lawyer, Garnott-Corey Hldg. 213-14 PORTER J. NIOFF Altorney-at-law, rooms S and 'J, Medford National Bunk Building. A. E. REAM10S Corey Untitling. -Lawyer, Garnott- linUdlng Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kindB of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. 269 Kxpert Accountunt. WILSON AUDITING CO. H. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Loolc Into our simplified accounting mothod. M. F. ft II. Building. Medford. Phone 157-R. Instruction in Music, FRED ALTON HAIG1IT Teacher ot piano and harmony. .Hatght Musla studio, 3 IS Garnctt-Corey Bldg. Phono 72.. Planing MIU. THOMAS MOFFAT General mill work, sash, doors, mouldings and ncreons. Shop 437 S. Fir. Phone 1S4. Physicians and Surgeons. 1)11. A. 111IRKLUNI), Chlropractla physician, St. Murk's building, acute and chronic casoa. Office hours 10 a. 111. to 12 tn. 2 to 5 p. 111. Telephones Office 454, res. 750-J. A HURSELL, M. D.; 1). C. Splnolo- glst, Physician and Surgeon, spe cialty Physiological Methods; 30W 10-11 M. F. & 11. bldg. Phone 29. ROBERT W. STEAUNS Physician and Surgeon, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Office hours 9-12, 2-4. Ob flee phono 39. Residence 933'. DR. J. J. EM1MENS Physician ami surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, oar, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co, Bldg. Phono 567. DR. F. G. CARLOW DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OSTEOPATHIS PHYSICIANS 416-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 904-L. Rosldence 26 S. Laurel Street DR. McMORRIS M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon Practice limited to surgery and hospital obsterlcs. Speclul attention given to diseases, of women, orflces 306-7 M. F. II. Bldg. Residence, the Dorw Hon? , pltnl. Printers nnd Publishers. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North FlrSt. Transfer. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO: Office 4 2 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PERL Undertaker Phone M 47 and 4 7-J-2. 28 South Bartlctt. Lady assistant. Auto mobile Hearse Service. Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner. Lodges. I. i). o. 1'. Medford louge No. II, McpIs evpry Mondev night at 7:30, C. T. Parker, N.. G.. W. L. Miller, secr- "itnirue River Rncampment No. 80 Meets I'd and till Fridays at 7:30 p. m. Kamuel liateiuau. C. P., 1 O. How-. aril NRrltjf. Olive Itbckah lodue No. II Meet! 1st and 3rd Tuesdays nt 8 p. m. Nan nie Hull, N. . Q. Annlo J. Batemin, secretary. Visitors cordially Invited to 4 mentions. . .. . , o