STEDFOftD miL TRBJTI3TE. MEDFORD, (TRiyiOX, Tt'ESDAV, MARCH ). W20. This Pretty Girl Defies Age By Using Ordinary Buttermilk To Beautify Her Complexion TeUa DruKKlsts Not to Take Anyone's Money liiless This IMInlitful ,. Vanishing Crwim Ouii lily Shows ft DccUlCNl IlllH-OV(!U'llt. Try II Today at Our Kvpense. Buttermilk Cream creates beaut v almost like magic. The nmsi won derful thing abi-'ut it is the Tan that whilst it turns the dullest, innt lite less complexion to radiant heantv and makes red or rough hands or 'arms snowy white, yet there is not the slightest sign of its use alter applica tion. It actually vanishes from sight and the most heated atmosphere will ynot produce the least shininess or grensiness of the skin. w ."u matter wneincr you an: bled with a poor complexion, kles, puffiness around the ireckles. crows feet or lines around tho-mouth, ugly finger nails, or iust simple roughness of the face, hands or arms caused by wind or sun. von will find that any or all of these troubles will quickly disappear with the use cf Howard's Buttermilk Cream. To prove this to your complete sat isfaction, get a small ciuantlty today with the understanding that the pur chase money will he cheerfully re I muled to any dissatisfied usert eyes, l 5 y Itoant f f ul actress says. "A short masHUKu with Howard's Huttormilk Cream at night before retiring is all thai is necessary. ' Adv. t "I p 113 IS ) pj dry, nil Qualify Goes1 Clear Through Tin; Dort drivos easily and travels smoothly and evenly. It registers the same high mileage per gallon of. gasoline and quart of oil month after month, and it stays "tuned up" and sweet running- in spite of hard usage. $1215 f. o. b., Medford CLARK & CHILDERS 127 N. Riverside, Medford. TOM KAY IS FOR GOVERNOR L ON G. 0. P. 1 ICKET SAI.KM -At an enlliusiuM ic meet inir of republicans in Salem on r'ri ilav niulit. March .". followins: n stroie iircsentattou of the merits of Governor I'rank O. I.owik-n of IHi no s, as a candidate for the irei ilencv. Iiv Thomas K. Kav, with reus, inir eniloi'seiueiits liv Maior t'. II. (lies iif l'ot'tland, and others, a Ma rion count v orainiatiun was I'onecl to further the Lowden i-aiididacv. Thomas II. Kav was elected chair-r..- n and tionloii H. Walt sccrelar of the new Marion countv orL-ani;-.a-tion, and il was announced thai an executive committee will be appoint- I ed within the next lew davs. with members from practically evcrv town in the count v. Frank Ihivev and Honald (Hover were elected vice presidents. In preseutiiiL' the merits of r'rnmi O. l.owdcn as presidential candidate. Mr. Kav laid special stress on the need of a practical business man nl the head of the government at this lime, lie spoke of the thinners eon -I'rontiiitr llie eountrv and the manv rroblems that must be met within the next four years, and said that if these are to be satisfaetorih solved, Ihe country's chief execu tive must be a man of wide business experience and exeat practical abil ity, ns well as of lovaltv and public spirit. In Frank (). I.owdcu. with his outstanding record of practical anil public-spirited achievement, he said, the republican party now has such a man available. A point emphasized bv the speak ers was the reduction throuuh Governor Lowden's efforts, of the taxes in Illinois, which was the only state to reduce taxes under war con ditions, durinir the past two vears. Through reform inaugurated bv Gov. l.owdeii, taxes in Illinois have been reduced 110 per cent, nt n savimr of 10,000,011(1 to the people of that state. Cfrf FEDERAL RESERVE MEMBERSHIP THAT, font tiro of the First National Bank enhances its value and advantages as a banking HKAIKJUARTEUX for business concerns and farmers. A Reservoir of Resources is behind such member banks as this for the upbuilding; of agricultural and commercial interests. Xcw Accounts Welcome First National Bank: Medford Oregon Everything Electric for Automobiles Trucks and Tractors Guarantee Battery Service Auto Electric Equipment Co. 27 North Grape Street. Telephone II N. Riverside. Apple and E. Fifth StreeU The Dow Hospital Special attention given to surgical and obstretical cases. No extra charge for graduate nurses services. The most important person in this hospital is the SeDFORD OREGON WASHINGTON', Mar. 0. Prosenl-inj- a petition from -fi Iowa, cattk' iiroductM's and feeders opposing "anv lctrislatioii against the packers,'' .1. S. Hlackwell of MiiM-ntiiic. told th house agricultural committee totlnv that those lie represented were "airainst vmi gentlemen throwinir a monkey wrench into the packer ma chinery in anv wav." Voll admit the hiir packers liave heen pretty irood tho last three vears since this imitation bcnan," interiec'. ed Representative Anderson, republi can, Minnesota, author of the control bill before the committee. "Jt .strikes me that they've been pretty izovd all alonir. considerimr our prosperous condition," Hlackwell re plied, eitinir many state packing Iowa which he said bad prospered in competition with the 'bir five." 1 FREIGHTERS SHIP BD. SOLD FOR $200 A ION WASHINGTON". Mar. !).& l sevi'n rriiiuhti'rs of nhoiit H.OIK) tuns Ciicli to foreign corporations was an nonnrcil today liv the shiiinin'.' Imanl. The vessels hroui:hl if'JUII a dead weight Ion. Four, the Lake Forest, Lake Capens, Lake Clear' and Iiiiku Port, went to the I.lovd lioval Heine and Ihree, the Lake Felieitv, La If! Charles and l.ake Dnane, went to the Soeiete Maritime Franeais. The hoard also nnnouneed 'the sale of the Lake r'v-tus. II.OIKI tons tn the Intentional .Maritime eoriioralion. New York at MfllJ a deadweiudit ton. Cut This Oat Tit Is Worth luoncy Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail It to Foley & Co., Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive, in return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar, foT coughs, colds and rronp; Foley Kid ney Pills for pain In Bides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and Madder ailments; and Foloy Cathar tic Tablets, a wholesome and thor oughly cleansing cathartic, for con stipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. For salo by Medford Pharmacy. I tew anl of 810.0(1 I will pay a reward of $10.00 for any information leading to the loca tion of my brother, John K. Drunk. THOMAS BKUNK, 300 Redding, Calif., Box 226 POSTS INCREASING s.'il posts heads fue li t. Illinois onl ine siMiind with PHI P"sts; IVntisvl vania. third, .VJJ p -!., Iowa, t'oiu'th, li:i; Mimie-ot.i. tilth. Ill: (iliio. rs.,.,.. i;o; Tea. l.M: I'tah, 101; X'ermoiit. 71' ; Ynuiira. lllti; Washini.' ton, l '.'.i; Yc-t iru.nia, SI: Wiscun siii, 'J'Ji1; " v.miiiiL . 'M? POirfl.AND, Ore.. Mar. !. lu ereasiuir at ihe rate o!' a thousand posts a month, the AiM't'iean l.euiop passed the S.tllMI marl, tin- middle oi' Feliruarx'. In addition to po-ts in the 1 lilted Stales, a report ju-t issi:,.,i shows one in Canada, one in Fin land, three ill Fianee. on- in Meviec. one in l'aiiamn. three in Ihe Phillip- pines, one in ijawau'aiui M in ( una. New York stai wil h al of sixth, oV: .Mi--oiin. seventh, '-'70'. I M i.'lliau. eiL'h'iii. "J"'ii; iilil::'!!:1. ninth. 'J'io: and New ,1, r-e tenth. 'J I . , The namlier of posts in the other! states on l i hiii. !'V 17. when Anieri-j I ean l.ruion report -la. wed S.lH.'i posts, were as follow s : .Vahama, :IS ; Ala - ! ka. (1; .ri;:ena. L's; Arkansas. 10."i: i CaPiornia. 'Jo I ; t oloradn. !l I ; Con- j lieetellt, He's Ware. PI; Kistriet I ; oi' t oliiailna. 'Jo ; I 'iorala. P 1 ; ( ienrum. I s"i; Idaho. '.; K.IIM-. :JJ1 : KentneUv . !sli: Louisiana. M.oe.e. ".: Marv- i land. 77; Mo --a. i.a .'II; Mi-s ji-sippi. T'.h,. i7; Nehra-ka. 1 !hl N.-w Hampshire. 7i; New Mexi- L o, 111; North Caiolm .. 7'.!; North Pa- J Kola. Hi; Ol.lahou a. M'J; Oregon, j st.l; lilaule tsiaiMt, o i : .soiitn lai'o- al; ,ia. IP.'i: Tenn- ' SUPHEi COURT SAI-i:.M. Mar. 1 day in tbe car-e of I., fuiardian of William ajipcilani . vs. 1 1mh 1 i-,i;.n;. 7i: Mr N.-w Ha!:-! kola, lo; Oklalioir; SO; libode I.-bmd. :i i lina . ""' : Simtb I V i a decision to M. Murjihy, us W. Wheistone, i-' ram is Whet-, Istoiu-. ct at. appealr'il iiom Jackson icipuniy, the supreincf ourt held that I .Murphy was entitled to compensation for providing liome and niainn'ttanre lor William M . WlHMstone. and r-inandi-d the case si.1 that the eourt mlnht arrive at a reaonahln flKure. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by takin COLD MEDAL The world' standard rem stir for kidney. liver, bladder and uric acid troubUa Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. la three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. Look for the nuna Cold Mdl on orr box and accept u kmitatiaa SflBnsjMBfJBlaaaaaaaaalJfJaMr aaBWttMMlallMViiii-a'ai WWNJWnMmdrJMIKBUBHnnRBBDHnBnBBKBRKKHKtHMMSKHKi B . 1 I TralnlnK Sehool to Itesiiino The faculty of ShtcJ Heart hos. pltal, Medford. Oregon, annonncn1 that thuy will rosumo their Training I School for iN'ursos on May Int, 1920.1 Young ladies wishing to qualify themselves In the art of nursing Willi please apply in person or writing to Sister Superior for necessary tnfor- ANNOUNCEMENT We have secured the agency for Jackson County for Samson Tractors and Farm Trucks I it! i si r-', 9'A 'rkd i J TV EflO.S. Model M 2-Plow Tractor $940.00 f. o. b. llfonl Complete, with l'lntform. Fenders, iovoi'nor and Power Take-Off. A ixnverful Niiuill tractor wonderful ly built to ttlvo tlio best of smlco on any orchanl or fann The Iron Horse $730.00 f. o. 1. .Medfonl A fourwhoel Irtvv trftctor ilriven with rin. My bo used with any horstxlrnuii Implement. Thrce-Quarter Ton Farm Truck $775.00 f. o. I). Mcdrnrd A truck built wltli nxton sion lmsos for iiho in soft ground. Alm built In 1 )4 ton size, $1105,00. ai,i, oi-- tin; ,tiiovi-: a iti-; m am i aci i iu;i iiy thk General Motors Corporation . lU'lhlHvliS (!' llill) l A.MOI .S MOTDKS, TRI CKS AM) A L'TO.HOIUIr'S. We have shipments cf these Tractors and Trucks on the way to us now and they will reach us some time this month. If you intend to buy a Tractor or Light Truck, see the Samson before deciding. Patton and Robinson, Inc. 112 So. Riverside Medford, Oregon Tel. 150 Jr'matjou. 397