Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 06, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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MTflTFOTCT) irsm TnrBwrc. wttofotto. ot?t:iok. Saturday, marcii c. mo.
PIDjLikiikd HvrcitY ajtrhnoon
Offleo, Mall Tribune Hill 111 km,-.
North J'ir street,' i'lione 75.
A conRolltlntlon of tho Democratic
Times. The .Mi'ilrortl Mull. Tlie .MbUroril
Tribune, the Southern Ori-Kuniau. The
Ashland Tribune.
The Medford Sunday Sun Is furnished
BUhHc-rlbors deKlrlng a seven-day dally
K. K. SMITH. MuuaKer.
I MlollKMl
in furtii"!! lit-lit lie will 1 j t)ii. mrmiins- mid went on to Modl'ur-! J Win. Von dcr (Mien one otf our lijin'-
ilown n "tin-.niri"iiii on lls wav '"Hin. (ware men ami .Mr. -Ji's .ii-iii ot Al
ltfU T) AVS turn llio (Wii-mmi n i n-iiif ril mi .I i aim al I ' NlM'ukhitr ttbout work
i i i t i ' .I a , .and on the rouds in particular. 1 heart
nt a mlnnm and a hair explaining that at is notl,. nvm ,1;.,., m.p ..rm.n.
Dally, with Sunduy Sun, year..... .J6. 00
Dally, with .Sunday Sun, month r,.'i
Dully, without Sunday Sun. yar.. 6.00
iJnlly, wit hunt Sunday Sun. rnnnth -."
Wc-kly Mall Tribune, one year I.f.o
Sundav Sun, arm yoar 1-f.O
BY L'ARniKIt In .Medfonl. Ashland.
Jacksonville, Central 1'nint, Plnx-nlx:
Tmlly, with Sunday Sun. vnr $7.r1
Dully, with Sunday Sun, month...
Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 0 00
Dully, without Sunday Sun, month .60
Official paper of thn City of Medford.
Official paper of Jaekfmn County.
Entered an second-clasn matter nt
Medford, Oregon, under the at of .March
8, JH79.
Bwnrn daily avrajm olrculalhtn for
Mix monthR finding April .! 3.074
Full I.en.ieil Wire Ki',rvlc. The Arho
rlated l'r'HM 1h I'xcl ust vol y entitled to
the, utw for republication of all newH
riitmalnheH credited to It or not othr-
wim credited In thin paper, and nlno the newH published herein. All rihtR
of republication of Hpeclul dinpaluhes
Herein are uiho renerveu.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthu Pmry
' Sprint; is lien. (")n knows it In
rintse voimir men IniV a sprinvr lint ,
cock il ovit oiu car, antl endeavor
to be the lenditiLT iiHor in an unto
wnudc nt Alain sh'ia and -I'til. lioii-
levardi. It is not sate lo proine
rhui'Lrinir Atlornev
mer with eoiinivanee
priee fixing seaiidal,
(lis! iniiiMlicd fit izen's
nspiralions three iVel
(ielieral I'al
in the s u car
knocks thai
Hi rt he r limn
Jack Denipsev's puuilislie andiitioiis
Jt! tilt! aeeiisntions against the Cahi-
nel. incinber nnt true the publie has
been iiit in the head with n fence
maul. '.t i
lly pravinir 1'or a continuation o''
the present weather conditions, those
who want ruin will uut it in such
quantities as to cutistt (tie religious
ItVKtflrieal - to predict another Tlooil
likrt 'tin; I'irst one. I'ravers, : like
dre'iUns, yo the oIIiit wav.' ':
-. Admiral Kolchak, the ant i-Wed
leader who was killed twice in one
dtiv a mouth auo. lias recovered ami
JilNfc Tuesday tlefenteil tho ltolshe
viks,1' th'ns 'ueltiiu; revenire Tor tioin.-
The uv who .stole $5,000.0(1(1 h:i
lcen located bv the New York po
lice, through a woman. She is a
Vtrotidwuv beautv, and ln-mitv cannot
keep its mouth shut.
lliram Johnson savs he. has "no
chance to be president. . which is
exactly the number ol' chances he
started with.
, ,
KliKO:Al-To I). L. ( Yreka.
Cnl. Thank. Name ol' unit does
not sound as bad as it looks.
What has become ol' the old-fashioned
siim "l-Yesh I'ainl ! Don't
Touch!" that, used lo bamr in front
of business houses this time of the
A lmrlv "In i-uiiim-isc all ini-n nml
wmiicii who ln not nimnn'c ol' I lu
nicscnl. I'onii nl' mivi'innii'iil" lin
lici'ii oiiriiiii.i'il hv (li'riiitin rovulils,
i" '(lini; lo ii llcrliii iIimuiIi'Ii.
ltolivia's rcplv In llic nu'cnl 1'i'iu
vian not- coiii-ci uiiii: llu Aiira ours
lion, renl'tii-liK llml "Itolivm must
have an oulli'l to llic si'a." arroiiliiii;
to a (lispali-li li-oai Santiago, Chile.
A joint rcsolation inlroiliin'.J hv
lilt' i-olisi'r-alivt' ami national lihfral
partus ileiuanils 111,' iliss,,ui,,n ,,
llu (ii'riiian national a.sscialilv on
Alav I.
Kri'ili-rifk I'Vaill.ln nul inast.T
of the Hostou sMuphonv on-lu'stia.
w as clisuiisseil nivhl I'ollou int.
)lis I'n j lure to stand in m-kiinn I l: -mt'iit
ol' aiiplausc alter I In' plavin.'
til' a symphony.
Tin1 ilt'i'laralion ii'mtnliii'; Hit' tvo
noinii' .situalion ol Kurmu' which tin'
iillicrl siipi'imiii' l ouneil has inomi-i'.l
to ninkf. has mullier Iktm smnt.l nor
npprovt'il hv 1'iimi'o, il was iliM'Inr
ill J'aris vostt'itlav.
wicked to licluii' tit a jmlit iciil party. This is a govern incut
of Miu tics, ever lia.s liecn, always will lie, and the Oregonian
eoni '.'ssed to a'tain impatience with the growing spirit
ot' revolt toward a time-honored American tradition.
Of eoursts, there is nothing wicked in lielonging to a
political partv, but at the present moment it is alniightv
difficult. For parties don't make principles, principles
make parties, and todav there is no jnvat principle
upon which the two old parties are divided.
Take the treaty and league of nations, for example. If
the Republican party follows Korah, .Johnson, et al, thous
ands of republicans will be democrats; if the Democratic
part;- follows Senator Weed or the President's dictation,
thousands ol Democrats will lie republicans., Aot even tin
Oiuja board can tell how either partv will stand on this
important ipiest 'on in t he campaign, so no 1 hinking person
w ho really takes politics seriously, can know unt il the plat
I onus are written, whether he belongs to one party or the
Then there is the prohibition question.,. Here is another
great principle. Hut the parlies are hopelessly divided
again. ( inventor l4owlen ol Illinois, lor example, a repub
lican, agrees with William .Jennings Bryan, a Democrat
while (Jovernor ImI wards of .New .Jersey, a Democrat,
agrees with Senator Wadsworth ol New York, a republi
can. Uoth parlies will lie forced to take a stand on this
question, but no one knows whether the drys or damps will
control at the party convention.
A similar nebulous condition exists all down the line.
Kor those individuals who are officially committed to on"
parly or the other, a certain perplexity is removed. And
yet they must have their moments of embarrassment. For
while they know how they will vote, ihey haven't, the
vaguest; notion what they will he voting 'for. It, may he
for treaty reservation or treaty annihilation, it may lie
near-beer or grape juice, it may be for a cent ralized or de
centralized government, it; may be for Turkish mandates
or Turkish Trophies, it, may be every! hing or nolhing.
For such, there is only one slogan, "We don't know
where we're going, but we're on the way." ot hing crim
inal in that, but there's nothing criminal in voluntary ser
t'liiuh, 'Pli,. ....;.,f IT....)., t! .
iii.i:f. .i.m. in, iMinii, in vih n; oiini uiit-t; uroit: ail
eleventh commandment against it.
WE FIND the following references to. "President, W il
son in the last, issue of llavvev's W'ci.l.-1 v 1
"Any American regardless of politics, would unhcsi-
hUiiigly support t he 'President against auy iiffeuaive alight-!
ing or discourteous treatment ny'any rnveign iiower.
iicieri -nig i.o a siaiemeiu ol i ue cresKient, Tliese were
true and noiile wonts." ,. , , . ,, , , . .
"Is it, either proper or courteous to the:Presideut for
the senate to continue discussion of the treaty. The sen
ate! ought to act or quit." ' " , ,
'A program Ol duty, .nislice and hunianitv. as the
President well described.
"To say that is not to reproach or condemn the Presi
(.'an it be the Colonel is suffering a softeniiio- of the.
Wilsonphobia arteries
Br A. a IlowlotL
Last Saluiilav niahl llcni'V Trust v
ol' Klk Cit'ck mill Sain ('ourlai'V of
li'tM'si! CriM'k, spent the ni'iht at I lit'
Sumlav niorniiit;
ttli'iulaiii'c nl Siiuilav si-liool, lint ili-1 1
not havt1 auv prt'iii'liinir. as our minis- I
up ami iloiii','. Carlvlf N'olwit-k nml
-lack Florcv were hero for ImmIs also
Sunday nilit and lircakl'tist Monday
Mis. Frt'd Stci-cs of Klk Creek
ami (leortre Strom.', also of Klk Creek
ami Mrs. Knrnest I'oachev, ciune out
on the M'edt'onl-Kimle Point sliisrc
Mrs. Slurut's and M.r. Stromr went
mi home on the Kit ale I'oinl-I'rospect
we had on,- usual j ''''"''IP" "" '"
... i ni'iiir in iiuiii- I'illls,
1'. W. Haley, into of our enleipris-
ler. liev. Joseph Trevato. insteml of I J 'm ,'. '. "'?". '
, ........ ., .,, , . i "is I nun and is mtivint: into Centra
coining mil from Unite Kails to fill
his reuiilar appointments at llrowns
linrn mid Kau-le I'oinl, remained in
I'ntte Kails helping lo take cure of
the sick and needy. There lias heeu
ular epidemic of llu in that city
and Mr. Trevato volunteered his ser
vices to help the needy. Tin- result
was that there was no prcachim- in
Urownshoro or this place either. 1
mi mil prepared to ,nv whclher there
will he prcachiiiir Sunday or not. I
I harilly think Hint I line will lie.
if Mir. Trcvalo should decide to come,
out and pleach, the people here would
llv venture out lo hear him for
I en r of Inkiie,- the disease then;
ltesllul llesulls for Men
Only a Demon w ho has cxpt rleneetl
that awful 'all iiIkIu" couch that
HOinoilincs follows iiimieu'a can ap
preciate what a Kood night's Bleep
can bo. Mm. Annie Davison, 2uM
Myrtle St., I.Cni; lleaeh. Oil., writes:
"The- result of u.siiiK Foley's llonev
and Tar was a restful one for me."
Foley's Honey ami Tar checks liursh.
1 racking coubIis: eases wheeyy hreath
lug; stops tlekllnn In llirnat; covers
raw, Irritated surfaces with a sooth
ing, lieallnR feeliiiK. Kor sale hy
Mcdford I'liamiacy.
I'oinl. We iloii'l like the idea much
of Inn iitir our old fclnnd-hv fanners
selliinr out nml innviiu; awuv hut
it has come to that point where an
old num. like Mr. Ilalev, for he is
" ' nl lid or years, is mil nhle
lo do the work on n farm nml to at
tempt to hire Ihe ordinary lahorer.
who is in the market for hire ami
depend on him for heln when he will
"'I lav in lied im I i iust tin,,, to wash his
'" i face and eal his hreakfast hefore S
o cluck, and it the loam is led Ihe
employer will have to an out In
harn mid Iced it and act il ready
lo ao to work or els,, the hired man
puts in a aod part of his eiaht hours
thai he is i.i,.,te, to work aettina
Ihe team ready ami then if . is h'lt
lo himself -well, he won't hurt him
self workiiia. ami he will he sure lo
ue in in plcnlv of tunc for
I Out is ah, ml llic wav that it
resented liy th who have to depcml
on liirina men to work on the farms.
:.iul Ihe farmer has to k up his
teams and have litem do only ahou!
half Ihe work Ihev should have dune,
so Ihe oiler ones are leaving the
latins and the nevvi icrs are intro
ducilt'- the tractor mii.I . -. i .....11.... i..
Krnueis,-,,; p. 1. Woisou of I'orlland. ' 'in the farm work nistc,,,! ,,f ,..,. I
Oii'aon: Win. on dcr llelh-n. wilciii-- so much on hire, I hclo ,.. ...i
ml son lluao. and dauahler. .lovce- if an employer savs m ...,.! ..I..,, ,
A. .1 .Klorev, ,lr n Miss lit li.-l An- j ' :
.lei'son: (ileilll Ilalev and Miss Sadie .,, ,, , . . ,
ii. ! hi 'I'l i i , Btntj Olilo. cits- or io;e,lo,
All'lilsou. lie lun ladies are i-nni I l.ucn. r-n,...i.- .
Sunday noon we did not have very
many here lor dinner, as we had ha.l
little snow nml rain, with a pros-
el for more. Alii ah it proved
he a fairly nice day on-i.lcnii"
thai il was Ihe tilth Sunday in Kelt.
rmirv, si Ihina that does not hap
pen m rv ollen and will uol occiif
laam mil il Kcln na rv. lll.'IS. if I am
irivelly uil'oi'incd. Hut we did hate
lilu a nmiiher as it was. allium.
whom was Mr. ami Mrs. M.dill of
Seattle, Wash: MisS 1 1 imciiimii ..r s,,..
silion ns to usinsr the traitor enter
pillcr to do a -.'rent ileal of the srniil-ina-,
lcvtflintf stfrapintr mid ditchinir on
our eountv roatls instead of iisina'
horses. When the horses are used, ns
a rule, thev are stopped every short
distance to rest, and the owners are
careful not lo over work them, and
(he. Mian who handles the plow or
arader is careful not. to set it foo
deep, hut wilh the iron horse, one
can hitch onto the plow or arader.
set them ns dee pas desired andfit
will walk riaht ulom and do more
work in one duv than, thev can in
two davs with the tenuis and at a
area! deal less expense.
Miiss Mae (Ireh came out on the
Medforil-Knale l'oiut staae inondav
.). I". McAulilTe of I-'ort Klamat'i
and S. S. Mitchell of Ashland, two
cattle havers, C. W. Walton of l'orl
luml and Hamilton Wntkins. on the
Krce Kerry ronTl. C. V. I.ooslifv. Fort
Klamath ami Kred Neil of Aslilaini.
Mrs. S. A. Wheeler of Medl'ord. who
went up to lluttti I'alls ns u trained
nurse, ciune out on the staae Mon
day. All look dinner here.
. S. M. Hulk of Untie Kalis eaim;
out on the slnae Monday nml went
on lo Meilfortl.
W. II. Crniidull nml "I'.ria" Whet
stone were also business callers Mon
day. Thomas Cinaende came in with his
wood sawinir luiichine to have it
shariMuied up n little hv our black
smith nml machines), W. K. CliiM
reth. It. If. AVillison, ' reprcsenliinr I..
Diukelspiel, Sun Krancisco; II. II. Ste
phenson, jitney chuul'fctir nml K. Ii.
Kotts of Medford were here for din
ner Tuesday.
Mi's. Kd M'nrslcrson nml Mrs. K.l
in liolierls of Pilfer. Oreaoll, sisters
of W. I'. Moraun, who huve been here
visitiue: their sister, started for their
home Tuesday.
(ireeu Malliew'sf. one of our pros
perous cattlemen, mnde a business
trip lo Mcdl'oi'd Tuesday.
.James Pervis, Jr., one of the dep
uty eounlv usscssnrs, who is appoint
ed to assess Ihe I'.rownshoro, Lake
( reek and Climax districts, was with
is 1 iiesduv niaht on-his way to his
II. i. Tlnvse mid wife were in town
this Wednesday ' inornimr .on their
wav home,, near the Kree Kerry. t They
had been visit ino her pan-nts. Mr.
and MtmJ Joe. Kilev. n . i.i i -.
Curl T.-iylor of I'lnlliulI. a soil of
Mrs. II. (I. l'rotvn wlio isi'ii isti'r oi'
Mrs. W,..l. lirown,. is here yisitin
hi.s inothnt'i iintl d'uiiiilv. ; " ,
' ,1. Ml ripened idf Kerliv,i-Ore.. who
has been visitina- his eousiu,; A. C.
S,pense b'' Hrorfiisboro, t'an)e - out 'on
Ihe Kaale l'oint-laike (reek- staae
lit. liruaaemun of .Spattle. Wash., i meda, Calif., were here for dinner lo-
eame out on the Medford-Katile Point I day. Mr. McNeil was solieitins sub
staae today ami went up to Hrowns-I seriliers for some twenty different
boro on the Luke Ctcek staae. I inaa.izines ami by that means work-
( . II. Nordwiek and son Carlvl".
John flreb. Jr., Irvin firey mid his
brothers (teniae 11. mid Otto, ami A.
C. Killer of l.uke Creek and Mis
inif for a free pass to eolleae. II
served over two years in Krance and
W'as missed which incapacitates him
from heavy work, lie seemed to be
Lorraine Amies of Ashland were in meetina with success in his undertak
lown today. The live lust named i ina. He seems to be a briaht vouna
were on their way to Mciltord. mail and has undertaken a laudable
-Mr. I-.. Szuaacr ot lieani;na. Calif., project, trvina to finish his edu,
mule huve--: Krjink Ne'l of Perbv : I lion.
Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank
At Medford, in the Slate of Oregon, al tho close of business Feb. 2S, 1!i
ltKSoriM;j.;s .
I oans anil discounts
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured...
llonds and warrunts
I'lirnlture and fixtures
Inie from approved reserve hanks ..
Checks and other cash items
Exchanges for clearing house
Cash o;t hand
as, 41).-,. a:!
rii, 1 1 :-:
-ViSitM i
i .s t.:::i
i.iAitn.i rii;s
( apital slock paW In
Surplus fund '
Cndivided profits, lees expenses and taxes paid....!..!..!!"!!."."
iiivitlends unpaid
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates t.'i' deposit
Cashier checks .outstanding .
Certine.l checks
Time and .Savings Deposits
Iteserved for interest and taxes 3
Contingent Account L7U5.72
4X1. (ill
10!" $4U!,3.-i3.rt3
Stale of Oregon, County of .lac I; sou. ss.
I. It. K. Antle, Cashier of Hie above-named bunk, do solemnly awcar
that the above statement is true to tho best of mv knowledge and belief.
It. K. AN'TLK. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me. this day of Mar h, 1920.
HKX.I. TltOWUItllKilO, iXotary Public.
My commission expires December 14, 11121.
Correct Attest C. K. Oales. Delroy Oetchnll, Directors.
: ''
No. Sil.
liepoit of Hie Condition of The
First State Bank'
At EaHle Point, in the State of Ore
gon, at the close, of business Febru
ary 2S, 1 Still. " ' ''
Loans and discounts 7S,3SC.!i.'l
Overdrafts, secured and
unsecured 1.16.09
Bonds and warrants 14,842.67
Stocks, securities, judg
ments, etc 540.00
Banking house 4,090.61
Furniture and fixtures.... 2,200.00
Other real estate owned.. 831.43
Due from approved re
serve banks , 1 0,084. ?S,
Checks and other cash
items 10.72
Cash on hand 4,9il2.6S
Capital stock paid in lii.OOO.uo
Surplus fund ,. 2,730.011
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes paid , 1,140.8s
Intliyidtial deposits sub-
; Ject to check : 74,959.44
Demand certificates of
deposit 4.14
Cashier checks outstand
ing : 043.20
Time and Savings De
posits 14,750.32
Hills payable for money
borrowed 4,500.00
Babies Smile"
. vvhen stomachs .do their
work and buWels itaove naturally.
Fretfuk crying babies need
to make the stomach digest food.
and bowels to move aa they
should. Contains no alcohol,
nniatM. nnrrntica nrnlhnr
hlmtfid l,r.d;...l. II
' At your draggit Ai J-J
With each Non-Skid Tire, we will give vcu .1jso
lutely trvb a suuruntttd p?ue gum inuer tub of the
same sia aa tlie tire you order.
With Tire Prices AdvanciriK Apnhi, cki nrtrmirit ot
greatly increased cost of raw material and labor con
ditions, these prlcea for Immediate orders only.
This is our way of advertislnff to net new cus
tomers wg will gut all of your tire business after you .
Order; once. '
30x3 Non-Rrtld-.,?14.95 , 34.U i,Kon-Skid..i.J.6D
30x3 Non-Skid :5.'.'5 MxVA Non-Skid 3.".. 20
31!x:t Non-Mkid.v-U. 11.20 ' 3&K4W N'on-.SkldA..i.. '
31x4 NcnSk.M , ,.,.23.75. T. SfixJW Xori-.ikkl,....-..
3L'x4 No-.-?kid 2li.l'0 35x5 Non-Skid.'.T 4r.20
33x4 Non-Skid, 28.45 37x5 Non-KUid 47.95'
In -orderftiK. -bp surq. and state whether you use
Clincher, Hlrai,;ht-s1rhV or' tnick Detiiehahkl Hms. Send'
J5'.0ir dpoMit 'for, each tire- and 'Ujlie' Qtil-rtdi bwlanoe'i'
v pri tein vusu ; umi-utim, it inn aniouni a ceo
oraer. J M ( ,i. ;.; , i ;. :
, Agents for the -; 1 '
Eastman Kodak Company
.ueillonl and euioy coining out here
and 1'arlal.uiL' of a vend cha ken dm-
'r. I.aur c l.ny ot Wcllcn: Art
Smith, who i a narl owner m the
old ,1. W. Smith
iiiitt l;ttor in llic ihn Mr. ;imt Mi. .I.i
C.-i-cv rnl two n-i :n,i Mr. an. I Mr.,,
(jurdmi Cliiltlrotli nt" Talcnl.
.Mondav nioniitii: whvn I -jot up 1
t'outnl ,i. W. Sunders, tin- -iMM iititcn
dcni of tin ( '(inttncn iii! utvluml. was
Iuth tnr lnciilJ'nsi. and supiuisf t lift t
lie had rtiine t'roin honu lliat inmii-in-
;tb Ijc ia a iu;ui that it uenoialli'
r rank J. I'liatiev nmh tli.t h
Is senior partner of the nrn of K. J.
riieriev & doing bu-iinvs In th Olty
of Toledo, t'ouaty und Slate aforesaid,
anil thai uid tlnn will pav the sum of
UNK HUM)HL:i iHtLLAHS fur each
and every euso of Caturih that cannot
tUM'.l hy (he uso of UM.IVS t'A'l'AltKH
Mi:iHMN':. Kit AN K J. C11KNKV.
Sinii o before mo and subscribed In
ti;y presence, this 6th d.iv of IVcemoer.
A. 1- IMMi. A W til.KASON,
,,?,l Notary Public.
tlnlV Calnrrh Meltcine I taken in
ter it. I Ly ami acts throuprh the nbwd on
Ihe Mucous Surfnren of the System. Send
for lesilnionmN. free.
K. .1. rilKNKY A CO.. Toledo. O.
SM by all drirKKt Tbc.
llall'i Kamlly I'Uls (yr constipation.
i 'r v- f r it-
I i " 7-
Kitchen First
Why continue to put up witlvdirt, soot, muss and smoke
ol' an old cook stove ol' a type used ly our ,",Teat uraiul
.U'lvc! Tatlieis .' Start yi ur spring cleanup in tlie kitclicn.
.We have ordered a carload of Hotpoiiit Electric Ranges
to lie delivered aiuiut April 1. We can save you money or.
these. Don't let this opportunityslip by: enjoy a clean
kitchen and clean cooking from now on.
California -Oregon Power Company
Pkone 168. 216 West Main Street, Medford, Ore
Total $1 13, 747. 9K
State ct Oregon, County of Jack
son, ss.
1, II. J. Devaney, Cashier of tho
above-named bank, 'do solemnly
swear that tho above- statement is
true to tlie best of mv knowledge and
belief. II. J.- UKVANBY... '
Subscribed and sworn to lieforo me
this day of Jlaieh. 192H.
A. .1. FLOHKY;
Notary Public.
iMy cnmtnisidon expires On-. 24,
13211. v . '.''" .' .
.. Correct Attest: Win. Von' tier
ilellen. .1. R lirown, llirectors.
I am new connected with the Daily-.
Taxi Co., and will bo glad to accom
modate nil my formor cus'oirors, as
well as the general publio. . ,
lieu SIvcrlKon. . t
Phone IS. Jtrown & lirown. . ...
Schedule from Oetimer 1, 1810.
. . Dully (bxcepi. Sunday) i i
Leave Medford Ijfiavo AsbUnd-
7 : 1 0 a.m.
': 8:00 a.m.
8:26 a.m.
. : 8:10 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:40 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
. 1:25 p.m. i
,, 2:10 p.m. .
8:00 p.m.
: 8:4B p.m. '
4:25 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:40 p.m.
7:10 a.m.
7:66 a.mi '
9:00 a.m.
9:26 a.m.:
10:10 a.m.. :
11:00 a m, ,
1:00 p.m.r'
1:25 p.m.
2: to
8:00 p.m.,
4:00 p.m..
4:2b p.m.'
6:30 p.m.''
6:40 p.m.
8:40 p.m.
Sat.only 8:30 p.m. Bat. only 9:3b p.m.
Sat. only 10:30 p.m. 12:15 p.m.i
midnight Sat. only
Leave Medford L eave Ashland-
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:80 p.m.
:30 o.m.
'9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.'
1:00 p.m. 1
2:00 p.m.'
8:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
:30 p.m.
K:K0 o.m.
Office and waiting room No. 5 South
Front. Nash Hotel Building.
' Phone 309.
J acksonville Medford -
Schedule from Jan. 10, 1920, Dally
Except Sunday. ' '
- Leave Medford: 7:10 a. m., 8:00
a. m., 9:00 a. m., 10:00 a. m., 11:00
a. m., 12:00 noon, 1:30 p. m., 2:30
p. m., 3:30 p. m., 4:30 p. m 6:80.
p. m Sat. only 7; 30 p. m., 9:30 p.m.. .
Sat. only 10:30 p. m. ,
Leave Jacksonville: 7:30 a. m..
8:30 a. m 9:30 a. m.. 10:30 a. m..
11:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 2:00 p. m.,
3:00 p. m., 4:00 p. n., 5:00 p. m
7:00 p. m., Sat. only 8:00 p. m.. Sat.
only 9:50 p. m.
Sunday Only
Leavo Medford: 9:00 a. m.( 10:30
m., 12:00 noon, 2:30 p. m., 4:00
p. in., 5:30 p. m., 7:00 p. m., 9:30
p. m., iu:au p. m.
Leave Jacksonville: 9:30 a. . m.,
11:30 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 3:30 p. m.,
5:00 p. m., 6:30 p. m., 7:30 p. m.,
9:50 p. in.
Office and waiting room No. 6 S.
Front, Nash Hotel Building. Jackson
ville waiting room at Reter'a Confectionery.
San Francisco.
This excellent hotel is
headquarters in San Fran
cisco i'or Oregoniaus.
Rooms with Bath, $2.00
per day upwards.
A. T. LUNDBURG, ; ' ? '
?v ' '" Manager
t --,a'y"