PXCE FTOTTT OBFCON. TTJTDAY. MAT?CTT 5. 1020. E 10 CLUB HOUSE; ALENDERFER IS ELECTED EXALTED RULER Tho Elks lodge at the annual meet, laltod rulurft of peveral years past, but ing lust night In addition to electing ' at ,hat htJ is Kood l) look at thru smoked kIuhhph and because of the Koul within him. There was a very large attendance of members from all parts of the officers for the ensuing year, voted to purchase the fifty-foot lot adjoin ing the Elk temple on which they will build a Htruclure at a probable cost of $7000 to enlarge the club quurtcrn, and decided to enlist the State Elks association at lis annual meeting at Salem next June to take ateps to cooperate with the govern ment to save the fifst decreasing Elk herds of the Jackson Holo country from extinction. O. O. Alenderfor is the new exalted ruler of the lodge, and in choosing him the menihers decided to switch from the nude cranium Htyle c.t beauty in vofcuo the past year to the partially Elk still has a couple uC hundred halra loft. The Elks, which the past year dur ing the administration of Ceorge T. Collins enjoyed a wonderfully pros perous and growing condition, under the leadership of .Mr. Aleuderfer look forward to at least a (onllnualh.ii of 1his and a bettor record, if that were possible. Two hundred new mem bers were admitted during the 12 montliH past and much property and improvements were accumulated by tho lodge. Alemlerfer un Able; Elk The new exalted ruler Is one of tho original members of the lodgo and has for years been one of Us hardest workers and ablest meinbeiH. Ho earns his livelihood! by assisting Harry Walthcr In en-lighteniug the people of Med ford and the valley. IM'ore power to him. He is of the quiet, conservative type, but is full of flro'und energy, as one can easily learn by stepping on one of his corim. In handsomeness lie does not stand out conspicuously over the ex- Milk For Infant & Invalids No Cookiof A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitations and Substitutes valley and tho hill dlHtrk-tB at last night's inwtlhB. The election paused off without excitement and with de fipatch. Two offices only were really contested for. Tho Xewly KlwH-)! Olflrers Tho followiiiR officers were elect ed: Kxalted ruler, O. O. Aleuderfer; esteemed leading knight. HhwIoh -Moore; esteemed loyal knight, (Jim. Hilton, Jr.;esteemcd lecturing knight Frank Kan-ell; secretary, Leo I. Ja cobs; treasurer, V. II. Vawter; tiler, .1. II. llenselman; trustee (three-year term), (ileiin (J. Taylor; representa tive to grand lodge, leo. T. Collins', alternate representative to grand lodge. .1. .1. Hiichter. The veterun uhle secretary, I.eo I.. .lacohs, who was here when the Lewis and (.'lark expedition passed thru the valley hunting the Columbia river, was if course re-elected, as was Ver non Vawter and John II. ilenselman. New ('lull Building Planned The proposition to purchase tho rn-root lot adjoining the Klks temple on the north for $2i)0 was unanim ously passed. All option hail been previously obtained on the lot from Mrs. IJull, its owner, as the lodgo is growing so fast and Its club and din ing room features have 'become ho popular that room Is needed for ex pansion. I'laus now on foot contem plate the construction i.'f un adilitou al club building at a probable cost or $'iiiliu to $7111111, which will bouse tho Klks restaurant and other club features. The subject of the II. P. O. K. of the United States taking Kteps to pro tect the Klk herds of tho Jackson Hole country was brought tip by Lewis IMrlch, and ho was ably sec onded by Alex Sparrow, and C. A. Wlnetrout cf (Irants Pass. These men I were appointed u committee to bring the mutter before the state Klks asso. elation at Salem. LuiioIii'h ulinolute hunetv lie com bined with vour invincible nttnek. "Would not n iiliototrrnph of tho burned and buttered condition of the former raided ball be heluful as nn exhibit .' lielicvo it could vet be taken some brk'lit duv on First avenue. Cen tralia I believe the buililini; lias not changed since. "With heart v congratulations for Vour victories alreadv. "Sincerely Yours, (SiL-ncd) . "TIMOTHY." The letter, accoriliiiL' to state coun sel, was found in a hotel in Cen tralia. Prosecution counsel, e.xain iniiur Kilmouds iibout the contents of the letter secured from him, it de clares an admission that on .Innuuiv 4, after ll.'i duvs of investigation by him of I he Ccnlruliu shoot inL's, lie liuil found Warren' (). (iriinm blame less o f ii ii v onrlicioutioii in the Armis tice dav affair. The Rtute ittornevs assert that the letter anil Kubsoouont answers to crofiw-examination nuestions clear MKI)IX)KI SLOGAN' CON'TKST Have you sent Id a slogan for .Medford. If net, do it now. If your sugggestion is accepted by the Budget Award Committee to be named by President Vernon H. Vawter. of the chamber of com merce, you will receive $25 in cash. This prize is being offered by tho chamber of commerce in conjunction with the American City Bureau. Something that will be In keeping with tho significance of tho city of .Medford, and Its needs; not t(-o long, will be cho sen as a slogan for the metropolis of Jackson county. Act today: don't wait until tomorrow. Remember, that procrastination is the thief of time. Address all suggestions to Slogan Award committee. Chamber iA Commerce Campaign, corner Front and .Main streets, Medford. ,. This contest Is open to ull person residing in -Medford, or In tho Immediate vicinity. The winner will be announced at the Civic Dinner, March 22. -! uwuv once and for all lliti defense contention that Grimm met his den'h while eoniiiiiliiiu! the ilcfenilsnts. an overt act against WAKE UP "FIDDLE FIT" Take "Cascarets" for Your Liver and Bowels and Feel Fresh as a Daisy Constipation Gone! "Caseareta" tonight ure! Your sys tem is tilled with liver and bowel poi son which keepB your akin sallow, your stomach upnt't, your head dull and ach ing and yuiir system full of cold. Your nii'iils uru turning into poitmns, gftdifs nd acida. You can not fed rijrht. Don't fitav bilious or conutipatHl. Fw;l splendid 'iihvuvs hv tukint; Cascarets occasionally. Tlmy'act without tfnping or inconvinicnw. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh I'ills. Tiny cost so littlii too Cascarets work while vou sletp. GRIMM'S INNOCENCE PROVEN (Continued from Tago One) I RI ALTO ONLY TWO MORE DAYS I Nazimova In Her Masterpiece Of Emotion "Stronger Than Death" SUNDAY Constance Talmadge "Virtuous Vamp" ilMllLlilmlllf I'erncitY of pulllii' Bi'llli mcnt, lui'ul and ireneral. loltll Itl'OHIl'K AIl'llllllI "Anil the wav in which John ltrmvn nvoided the nuli-climu.x uroiiosed liv his friends and attoruevs tiicailiii' insanitv uiul sivuii" svmiiatliv lo lii eause. "If interested I will lie ulntl to send it and other John llrown hooks to vou. "N'ow the two cases. Loveiov, who died dcfeniliii!; himself and John Hrou'ii, who lioldlv faced the issue and was convicted, had tremendous historical seiiucnces which no iiirv should liuhllv wish to assume. Oratorical Possibilities ''II strikes nie tlicre lire some most interest inir leitnl as well as oratorical liossihilities alone: this line i. c, eouM not one or two others involved, as a soldiers' attempt to defend theii riulit pri'linns as Icl-mMv inilefensililc as John Itriiwn. With Uritt Smith defendinu' his home, and all of them actuated hv fear for hodilv liann from threats. Anil Khner Smith and the others mil cnuuliinl of imv hut slrictlv defensive war measures. And while eviilcullv Warren (Irimui was not this time involved in the raidini:, the western law of reachiii!.' for a gun or motions like it. should nmilv. "And surelv here is a ease for con structive murder indictments for the casual connection is positive, 'and logical rriirliiui; lo the Commercial Cluh. "In oilier words eouhl not Alie RIALTO THIS NURSE &z KNOWS REMEDIES A nractli-itl Nurse surely hiitt hccohs tu (he. host skill of umny 1'hvrilc Inna, hut Mrs. S. M. Kde. a prucllo. ul nursti In Cam us, Washington, s u ff e r o d from Ktoiuai'h Troublo for a long. long time heforo sho found J-O-T-O. Keatl what she says: "I have experienced such won derful relief after taking only two doses of J-O-T-0 that I am fully convinced of Its wonderful qualifi cations as a remedy. I shall pass my opinion along to other sufferers from stomach trouble." Ljko thousands uf other Testi monials, this camo entirely unso licited, but it Is a great tribute to the curative powers of J-O-T-O. tho Himple, elToctlvu remedy that bring relief to Stomach Sufferers In two intnutes. If you arc troubled with Indica tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Itelchlug or other Stomach Tum bles, you should try J-O-T O at once. J-O-T-0 IS SOLD BY NEARLY ALL DRUGGISTS. If unable to find It at your drug wfst's, write for Free Sample to the 6ELLINGH AM CHEMICAL CO., Belhngham, Washington. Sold In Medford by llKATirs lKMi STOKK MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Price MANN'S A Wonderful Display of New Spring Apparel WE WANT YOU TO COME NOW AND SEE THESE HANDSOMJUITS, ,COATS AND DRESSES THERE ARE MODES HERE FOR EVERY TYPE OF FIGURE AND NO MATTER WHAT ONES CLOTHES REQUIREMENTS ARE, THE CORRECT STYLES ARE HERE, AND AT PRICES THAT ARE SURPRISING FOR THEIR LOWNESS. WOMEN'S NEW SPRING SUITS Stylos that are now all tho vago. Yoy will surely find among our stock of suits one' that, you know will become you. We have them at ju ices to suit every purse. New Navy Blue Suits $35.00 up to $75.00 Now Tricot ino Suits $45.00 up to $100.00 New "Tweed o' Wool" Suits $55.00 THE NEW SEPARATE SKIRTS An inspection of them is respectfully requested. They comprise only stylos that have come to stay. )ocoratod with plaits, full gathered and tucked, panels, overskirts, drapes, belts and poekets..These few will give you a good idea of what they are like. Xorroct Skirts, priced from $10.00 up See our New Line of Sweaters.' ' Handkerchiefs Women's fine embroide red handkerchiefs. New stvles. Special Saturday 35 3 for $1.00 NEW VEILS Vanity ..SJip:oij ,,,, Veils. Regular price 25'v Comes in all colors. 'On, sale Saturday 19 Fancy Veiling by the yard, in white and colors. Up to Toe values. On sale Saturday, yard 59 mm HONEST HOSIERY 'Are at a premium. Tho other kind- you wouldn't want at any price. If you did you couldn't buv them Women's Silk Hose in black, white and brown, all sizes. Very special Safurdav pair $2.48 Misses' Silk Hose in white, black and brown. All sizes. Yorv special Saturday pair $2.00 Children's fine Lisle hose in black and white. Special Satur day, pair 75c Hoy's Heavy Bibbed OOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO Easter Comes Early April 4tb oocxxioooooooooooooooooocoooooooooa WOMEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR Affording a very ex ceptional opportunity to procure splendid garments of the high est merit. Women's Summer Union Suits in pink only. All sizes, on sale Sat urday, suit Women's Knit Envelopes, fine grade, in white (inly. All sizes. Q-i Or very special, suit vl.i J Women's fine, Mercerized Knit Vests in flesh only. Ail sizes. On fij An sale Saturday, each Vw.vU Women's Silk Tup Union Suits in Jlesli and white. All sizes. Cheap ronay at !fL'..)U. un sale Sat urday, suit iiiii'tJlii .$1.75 ! H0UEDRC7 pair .hero, because we don't them. Those ill of the honest kind and variety. carry M1'( Very special at, Women's Lisle Hose in black, white and brown, pair 50 Womons extra fine Lisle Hose in black, white and solore. All And APRON DAY $3.48 Made of sizes, pair I Women's extra fine Lisle Hose in black, white and brown. Special.... (La France Silk Hose in all colors. IVery Special, pair 69c 98c omen's House Dresses, made of good (iinghams, fast colors. Cheap today at .?4.;U Un sale Sat urday Women's House Dresses, fine Gingham. Up to values. On sale Saturday Women's Bungalow Aprons. quality. Cheap at ?!.'!.'". QO On sale Saturday, each 70C Children's Aprons. Made of good 1 ercale, ,o values. On sale Saturday at Cood 48c $25.00 SALE OF SPRING COATS HQ boauti'iil new spring coats in sport styles. Come in a full range of colors, strictly all wool. Some with narrow leather belts and others with self- bolts. These coats could not be duplicatl ed at this price today. On sale Saturday- See Display of These Coats in Window WINSOME DRESSES FOR SPRING. Our collections of new modes in dresses for spring wear arc most attractive. They are evolved from the finest fabrics of the season. Distinctive trim ming' touches endows them with individuality. Their moderate prices will be a joyful revelation to you. Jersey Dresses at $25.00 Silk and Wool Dresses $25.00 up to $100.00 We Invite Your Inspection. SOME STUNNING NEW WAISTS. NEW PURSES Women's Envelope Pur ses, up to $1.50 values. Saturday $1.19 Some new ideas in fine Silk and leather purses from $3.50 up to $10 Lingere Ribbon 5-yard bolts in all colors. Cheap today at, 25c. On sale Saturday, bolt, 15c a yard . Long Gloves 16-button Kid Gloves in white and black. Very special at $4.98 32-buiton Kid Cloves. Special $3.98 Kaysor's Silk Gloves in black and while. Worth today $1.25. On sale Saturday, pair $1.00 Kayser's Silk Gloves in black, white, grey and pongee. All sizes very special, at $1.50 Women's Strap Wrist Chamoisette Gloves in white, tan, grey and pongee, all sizes, spec ialpair $1.25 Kayser's Long Silk Gloves is black, white and colors. Good qual ity. Verv special, pair $3.50 FILET LACES and insertions to match Fine quality, 35c values. Saturday's sale 9Qf UJj MM CORSET SALE Women's Corsets. All good models. Cheap at' $2.00. On sale d- 40 Saturday, pair vl"0 Women's Corsets, War- nor's. Cheap today at $3.00. Saturday, pair Women's Braisscrs. quality, 85c grade. Saturday Fine 69c Women's Envelope Chem ise, made of fine 5 -fQ' lingere cloth Vll7j New line of fancy Brais- sers, in flesh and white, all: sizes. On sale Saturday, $2.00 to $5.00 each SATURDAY SALE OF GOOD NOTIONS Colgate's Toilet soap. Cheap at I V. On sale Sat urday, 10c cake Melba Talcum powder, best made special Saturday 25 Melba Love Me Face Powder. Best made. On sale Saturday, 75 box ManrCs TheWoman's iSton 14-22 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. MEDFORD. OREGON SATURDAY SALE OF GOOD NOTIONS New Vestings Children's Gar- Shavine- Ur,ish- ters in black and es, $1.00 values white, 20c val- nes. Special, y.al,'os 39 and ruffled nets by the yard $6.9S to $12.50