TlTTDTORTl MKTT, TTITRTTNT!. MPTDFOTiD. ' OTfF.nON".- T.'TffDAY. MAL'PTT W20. i. H. FULLER 10 BE LEADER ASHLAND P30E SIX ASHLAND, Mar. 11. Fuller is permanent chairman of the execu tive committee (MroctinR Hie munici pal campaign lioro as outlined ly t)m American City Ilurcau, and lifs ef forttt will receive the cooperation of Vi. V. Carter, Itev. (. A. Kihvartls, Supt. (J. A. Briscoo, Prof. Irving Vln ins and V. 04 N. Smith. TJie advisory ctmmittec of S.", heri'tofore appoint ed, made the selection of this com mittee, all keen and alert businesji and professional men. Tho commercial rlub'H expansion program ImplioH I hat every person assuming active membership in the organization will he euiitled to e(tial votinK privileRcs with the nwniber liip in general In conducting i t h af fairs. Sooner or later tho present management of the eluh will prnetic ally retire, nominally at least, tho re-cleeti(.n8 to position may and doubtless will occur. The major aim, In a financial way, 1b steadfastly kept in view, the ob ject being to enroll ?,)Q members in the club's organization, who will be pledged to contribute an annua! membership fee of each for three, years, that being the period implied ns tho length of time the American City Bureau will conduct operations hero, either directly, for a stipulated time, or indirectly in an ndviscry ca pacity, evon should its active agentH ho, not personally in tho local field during this entire period. Tho $7.r00 will lio matched on a ftO-ftO basbsniK by a working fund of $7.riOO addition al, to be rnised by subscription from those who will derive moro direct benefits Trom specific activities which are to be developed. The field staff of tho American City Bureau has "been reinforced hero fljy Robert Leopold, former secretary of tho chamber of commerco at AthoiiH, Ohio. .. Director Cheen, in line with a policy of the bureau to interest and secure tho aid of every possible influence In behalf of ideal municipal government, addressed the pupils of the high school on Thurs day mcTuing. A big civic conference will be held at headquarters on Mon- ! tiny night, March X, when field teams j for actlvo duty will bo named. This I demand involves lu'bors for two hours ! during four days, beginning March i 10, following a civic meeting tho day previous. Tho town will bo divided Into ton districts In order to expedite tho canvass, and provided (Mto ro- spond to the invitation W engage in tho work as outlined in a prospect card schedule, this arrangement, will imply that each cnnvansor will be called upon 1o Holleit only I en per sons In behalf of tbn expansion pro ject to Bocuro tho required member ships. Recognizing tho benefils lo bo de rived thru co-operaltnn if tho clergy as well as the laity in the campaign, "Civic Sunday," to bo observed Mar. I'l, has been suggested by Director (ihcen as a date when tho ministers of Asbinnd, at tho morning service, will bo asked to dwell upon tho topic of civic righteousness as a text, defin ing tho duty of churchmen to their community. Air. ami Mrs, ieom I, mice came ilown I'min Ashland Sunday nud spent Hie dav it t their home on Fool.-. Creek. Messrs. Charlie, and Fred Chainp lili were Med ford visitors Tnesdiiv, and altemleii the meeting M the Fruit (i rowers Association at I he li bra rv. Messrs. (ieo. W. Jacobs and Iteil Corlev were in Metllord Weilnesdav, on business, Mrs. W. V. Ilittle and Mrs. Chas. (trav attended the niechiii; in (iohl Hill Mnudnv held bv Miss Florence Toole ol Med lord. Mi.s I'oole den oiwtrated the makimr of dress forms. -Mr. and .Mrs. (ieo. It. Allien were down from Medi'nrd Wednesday and spent the day at their ranch home on Riverside. Thev were accoiupan iod h- F. K. Mattesou. Ttmipson Ditrsev of Rosehurir was a L'uest nt the Ruzalis ranch the first of the week. Mr. nud Mis. I . Wnolvertor. were shopping in (iotd Hill Tuesdav. A unodlv number nt" riuicli owners under Die irrigation dilHi wvro pres ent at the rcu'iihir liiisincs-. meeting' TiH'.sdav evening at the Fools Creek store. ,1. T. Cjillijtr rcsimicd u-, member of tin- hoard of directors :iu-l .1. It. Porter wa- iiioiii1cd a ilircclor. Mr. Carstcns of Rni:ue Uiver was ap pointed president of the Imuril. Mr. and Mrs. M.-Honald and Miss Woodsouie M.-Uonald were week end cui'Ms nt Uv F. C. Pu-kcti bom-,-. A. C. lira-henr v;is a Imimiu" visitor in Medlord Wcdnestla . Mrs. (iraiil Matlitcus entertained nt dinner Tuesdav, Mrs. Uosiner and Mrs. Farmer, the occasion hemir the birlhdav anni rr-nrv of Mr. Mat thews. Mr. and Mis. M;m,.n Kance cainc down from and ex rjeet to spend about three weeks nt their nunc n F..ot Creek. The Kiver-idc IiV.-ivjiImn Club will bo entertained Tliursdav. March 11, bv Mtv. I.vnn Smith at her home in Col, I Hill. Wltfe Modforu" trad U Medford made Don't worry, about the high price of jams, jellies and preserves. Serve Karo, the Great American Sweet. Buy it by the dozen cans. An important message. Read it! 1 tern pel m FREE Write today for beauti fully illus trated 64 page Corn Products Cook Book. lMONG the twenty odd million American Homes there is probably not a single one where Karo is not served in some manner for breakfast, for dinner or for supper. During these days of high prices, Karo has become another word for economy. Thou sands of thoughtful housewives have learned that Blue Label Karo is not only a delicious spread for pancakes, but answers every pur pose where a sweet is needed. Instead of paying the present high prices for jams, jellies and preserves serve Blue Label Karo on sliced bread, toast, pancakes or waffles. Do as the wise cooks are now doing : Use Karo o stew dried fruit, prunes; use it for candied sweet potatoes, brown bread, muffins, coffee cake and puddings. Karo Home-made Candy is the best for children. It is wholesome, easy to make, costs much less than store candy. Mothers give children Blue Label Karo and sliced bread because it satisfies Nature's craving for sweets and takes the place of candy. IMPORTANT 'hH""" There never wag such a demand for Blue Label Karo as today. Housewives everywhere are buying: it by the dozen cans. Ask your grocer the price per dozen. For economy's sake buy it this way. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Battery Place New York jiluiiiTOiimllTOililillM Telephone II N. Riverside. Apple and E. Fifth Streets The Dow Hospital Special attention jjiven to surgical and nhstretical cases. No extra charge fur graduate nurses services. The most, important person in this hospital ia the patient. MEDFORP OREGON Correct English NOW TO USE IT . M'iNTlll.Y MAliAZlNT. $2.53 the Year Scud 10 Cents (or Sample Copy in Collect Enojish Piiulishlnu Co. Evanston.0 Illinois, i For Spring Canyon j Utah Coal ' AND I Dry Wood j PHONE 242 ! WISEMAN ti SCHEFFFL I 631 S. Front fit. j Gasoline Engine! I A XI) SPIS AY OI TFITS I i i:xpi:i!Tixi and r.Kp.uitixo 1 j We have added to our force men who. am Ihoroly capable In ropairins and adjusting KaMilmo engines. Tractors, spray outfits, pumps and other farm' machinery. Phono :'o3-K. John C. Sipor liriiick Itltlic. .':n x. pir se. Stenography Multigraphing Circular work or all klndj -Mailing Lists Tunnell & Edwards 306-sns Mherty rtnlldlng Medford, Oregon.