Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 05, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    5 REGIMENTS 10
HEii2Q Your FrecklesJAMERlCAN CITY
,JM JaitlOrf (If MH1.. I..:...
I;..1-.;".! " "r SL"MK assistant
. . " 1 III'I'IH. IS tllO
' . "'KKaK.'iniin for the. s. I. at
""in. Ik' :in v...l l,
hi' Keck.
itu early
According- to ioi,.;,;,,,, frnI1, v ,
Jor (ienenil I', c. IL.r.i.s. adjutam 1
Renerul of the army. the,,.,- (li
recruits wanleil for n. armv hl '
I'niteil Slates helore March i j. -
moo. The Orenon distri, t is .-x p.'u'tV-'.t !
to furnish T 1 :t of this inimi.,..,- i
KecruitinB officers wi n.' iiisi'i u, t,.,! !
.... , ,,,, laiiiiiaica. w.'. i noting
tlio citizens of tho nation, who ..... lest finish
3 to J 10 on a tiro at
C. 10. (Jate.i Auto Co. tt
seen trie used
euner permanently or iporarilv hi
Its military service, shuild ,'.iVe
homo to our civilian associates in
that citizenship, the .system f ,i;j.
-tary, educational, vocational and re
creational traiuin oifeied i,y u.
army to all desirinx and qualified lo
miderKO it. it is imperative, thcre-
iore, mat civilian communities, ,..
Kanizutlons, and individuals he made
.to realize absolutely not enly the
initial and individual benefit to the
man himself but also the lasting ben
efit to the nation and to the commu
nity to which he returns upon dis
charge." Permanent plans for the localiza
tion of regiments for recruiting pur
poses are now under consideration
but cannct be completed until con
gress, by legislation, fixes the size
and character of the permanent
nrmy. Meantime, in order that men
from the same section may. if they
desire, be associated together anil
that each stato may have an estab
lished point of contact with the army,
each regiment in the 1'nited States
has been allocated to a state or group
of states so that the authorized
strength of these regiments may lie
completed from the states to which I
The regiments nllocated'lo Oregon
are the infantry, 7Mh field artil
lery, r.Tth coast artillery, sth engi
neers, and lr.lh cavalry. Oregon men
aro inviled to enlist In these regi
ments, but arc not reiiuircd to do so.
If they choose, they may enlist for
any branch of the army, and may us
ually obtain special assignments in
the part of the country that most ap
peals tc them.
Save from
tbo big sale.
Have you
h.iins mat we are offer,,,.. ,,.r-...,,.
l!owne Motor Co. " ,
I'. O. Crawfor.l ..f ...... .
".in riancis-
tlie Califnriiia-Orn,-,,.,
ceinpanv ;-n..iu Ti...,....i.... ...
Meili'oi d on nl"l'i-i:.l i ; ' '
is the nean
for ruffles
Xtvil Attention in Jlarch or Face
.May Stay Covered.
Now is the time to take special
(are of the complexion if you wisli to
look well the rest of the year. The
March winds have a stronii tendency
to bring out freckles that may stay
all summer unless removed. Now is
t lie lime to use Othiue double
ear bar- (strength.
I his preparation for the removal
The namine of three committers
of freckles was written by a prom-. membership, budget and weeding.-
eo otiice
inent physician and is usually so sue
cessful that it is sold by druggists
under guarantee to refund the money
if it fails. an ounce of Othine
double strength, and even a few ap-
an.i quick- i Plications should show a wonderful
Han. Her-. rt I improvement, some of the smaller
Shop. ...u' freckles even vanishing eniireiy. Adv
When a easting or forging of anv ! """" "
commercial metal break i.ri.,o. I Among corporations filing articles
lliuro for satisfaction. Vulcan Weld- of incorporation with the state cor
ing Works. ., ,. - , pornticn department this week
Vulcan Weld-
-Mayor dates says that from all the
'"ports he has received the flu ill
ness in iho city is ranidlv decrensine
IflVKKSIDK. f'al.. Mar. ). Lieu
tenant liavmoiiil I', l'enrson, n I'niteil
States nrmv aviator, was killed to
day at .Miirch ImoIiI. near here. when
his nirplaue went into a tail spin too
near Hie urouml lo recover. Lieu
tenant Pearson had been I'lvim.- here
live or-six months.
m fact is going away alnnvst
u came, while there has been no
I ban on public dancing the mavor has
! informed the Klks lodge Dial hegin
,nmg next week they can hold their
ii.isiiueracie nail, which was volun
tarily postponed sometime ago be
cause of the prevalence of flu, with
perfect safety.
Silk dresses for girls from ten to
sixteen in rose, blue and brown.
Handicraft Shop. gfJU
Carl Jeschke, htgti grade watch
and clock repairing. 9 Kir street.
I lean Kawcett, of the O. A. C, who
spoke here earlier in the week, ad
dressed a largely attended meeting of
the Parent-Teachers association at
Ashland en Wednesday evening.
Slab wood for sale by tier or cord
Valley Kuel Co.
Try our merchants' lunch. The
Shasta. tf
M. T. Martin of Grants Pass, -was!
a business visitor in Medford yester
day seeking building materials which
he had been unable to secure in his
home city.
For eye, car, nose, throal seo Dr.
Heine, Liberty Bids. Glasses fitted.
Get tlio habit! Buy shares now in
ll)e Iluilding and Loan. tf
.Miss .land Smith, who has been
organizing V. M. c. A. chapters in
.tosophine and Jackson counties with
Medford as a center, is speaking to
the girls at the I'nlversity of Oregon
who are interested in organizing
county Y. M. C. A.'s in their own
communities. Miss Smith is also to
be one of the leaders at the council
of cabinets of the universities of the
state to be lipid at the O. A. C. April
:i-(i. At this council the same ques
tion will bo discussed.
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for
NulJono. Phono 58D-.T.
Prices cut to the tiottom at the big
sale. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tf
lie, Woodmen of
for J . "id n. The
William Garrett
Medford Camp No.
the World, this city
incorporators were
and others.
llaskins for health.
Hemstitching and pecotmg.
Vanity Shop.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. It. lirown of
Seattle are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George M. Ksterly at Waldo.
BrunswicK phonographs on easy
terms at Halo's Piano House. tf
Cakes, French pastry and cream
puffs at the Shasta.
The army retail store did another
rushing day's business today and the
stock cf some of tlio supplies is rap
idly decreasing. The army store does
not cash checks.
See D. R. Wood & Co., Urn. 209
Liberty Bldg., for flro incurance. tf
urres, tne lames tailor, will be at
Hotel Holland every Thursday. Fine
woolens, latest styles always. tf
The chamber of commerce received
u message from Senator Chas. L. Mc
Nary today stating that the senate
agricultural committee today accept
ed the amendment appropriating
5G0.0O0 for airplane patrol for forest
fire prevention and detection. One
of the stations for this service is lo
cated in Medford and the grounds
are being prepared for the landing
and equipment.
Flour Un Attain.
jriXXEAI'OLJS. Mar. fi. An ad
vance in i'lour of ''." cents a harrel
was minted here toduv. Flour of
standard nmihtv sold at $1:1.50 a har
rel in UK-pound cotton sacks.
Drink?- ?
Taste may satisfy yon, but
how about your &fter comfort?
are a coffee drinker
and find a h ef or e -no on let
down, quit coffee and try
This table beverage with its
snappy, coffee -like flavor is
pure and drug-free.
If coffee disagrees, better
health will follow a ten-day
trial of Post ism.
"There's a Reason"
Made by.Postum Cereal Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
will be considered by the chamber of
commerce campaign's executive com
iniilee at a imvtiiif; called lor 7::t0
o'chnk loniulit at campaign head
quarters, corner .Main and 1-Yoiit
streets. This committee is composed
of Harry L. Waltlier, chairman; A.
L. Hill, C. M. Kidd. 11. (. Harriott,
.Mrs. C. L. Si'hiei'ielin and Mrs. .lap
Andrews. The twt.- majors to direct
ten captains of field learns during the
membership drive will also be named
this evening by the executive committee.
Officials of the chamber of corn
el metre thinking the information may
Thei 1,0 r Pncr!l1 interest to the public of
-Modtoru. today made public a num
ber of telegrams they have received
from chambers of commeive in fif
teen different cities. These telegrams
were received in reply to other wires
sent by the chamber body requesting
information regarding the American
City Bureau's success in conducting
membership campaigns elsewhere.
Kadi reply proved entirely satisfac
tory to the Medford board of direc
tors and they promptly contracted
with the bureau for its service. Ap
pended aro copies of several of the
telegrams referred to above:
Missoula, Montana. "American
City Bureau ended -campaign here
February first, results very satisfac
tory and they have made goc-d on
every promise; you cannot do better
than to engage bureau for a cam
paign; results better thiui our expec
tations. Wo have letters from cham
bers of commerce who have had cam
paigns. All endorse the bureau.
Twenty organizations written to by
us reported satisfaction. We haven't
fcand a knocker of the bureau cam
paigns put on as far back as
iitill getting results. Bureau pays for
itself many many times."
Iteno, Nevada. "Heno chamber of
rommerce strongly indorse work
American City Bureau. Heno cam
paign increased membership from
five hundred to thirteen hundred, in
creased funds from nine thousand to
thirty-two, thousand, introduced real
program of work; just what ltcno
Boise, Idaho. "Cannot recommend
American City Bureau too highly for
general permanent J results. Have
made good all promises."
Spokane, Washington. -"Amor lean
City Bureau conducted campaign for
us and altho campaign had' to be put
on during holidays it was made sue
cess and increased cur revenue from
fifty-five thousand dollars to ninety-
two thousand dollars. Their installs
lion work following campaign is val
uable in cementing new members to
commercial club and developing
workers. American City Bureau is
strong concern and entirely reliable
in every way."
Kresno. "Understand Bedford
contemplating chamber of commerce
membership campaign. January 1910
after failing signally in self-attempted
campaign here we had the Amer
ican City 'Bureau take charge. We
then had five hundred two members
with annual income six thousand
eight hundred thirteen dollars. Now
have sixteen hundred four members
and annual income of forty thousand
ono hundred dollars. We can con
scientiously recommend the Amer
ican City Bureau,".- . :,
Licensed City Scavenger.
kjr. -------,: '!
All reiuse immediately removed on j
short notice. Weekly visit In real-i
dence districts. Daily business dls-l
rct. - Ehonea 2 7 7-J, ,
Temporary Location
Overland 4 Willys-Knight Republic TrucRs
McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co.
Front End Crater Lake Garage
J'robate 'ouit
Kst. Annie H. KtrcmminR. Receipt
anil final dlschargo.
Kst. Chus. I. Sehlerrelln. Troor of
publication anil order.
Est. Clydo A. Mlnour (minor). Re
port of sale.
Kst. .Margaret McCarvel. Bond.
Kst. Itobert llruco Wilson, l-'lnal
account and order.
Kst. Francis Marion Ilailey. Order.
' Kst. James V. Wells. 1'rt.of of
publication, amended final account,
receipt and decree.
Kst. W. .1. T). Anderson. Citation.
Kst. David I'lnamoro. Order.
Kst. Eva Roberta. Inventory and
Kst. Caroline HelllnKor. Dond,
oalh, order, petition, report.
.Mrs. V, Uljcli, who was eonl'mod
to her lied a lew days last week,
aide to sit un some auain.
.Mrs. ('. I-;. Mellows is t-raduallv im
l'roviii!." since lier operation.
Mrs. l-'rauk Johnson is still eon
lined to her bed from the effects
of the I in. hut i indu-ovum slowlv.
Mr. and Mis. ,e Noonan and lil
tle dauuhler snent Sunday at .Mr.
.Mr. I!, t'laino has been spciidinu
a few days wuh her daughter. Mi-..
W. II. Crandall.
Mr. and Mr,. II. Walkins visited
at the Stilh-s' laM week.
Mr. Ora Mellows am! family expect
to move to Weed. California in a few
II. Walkins htis a lliornimlilired
I'lvniouth b'ock lieu weiuhiii-j about
ten pound,, which he prizes vcrv
highly, lie has trained her (o sine,
while he carries licr in his arm-.
Tin' lir-t dav of March tin- year
was hluMorv, havinir -nowed ihe mo,:
of the dav. but it melted a, test as it
I'KXIH.K'iOX, Ore., Mar. ::.
lni-Kost fum-nil ever held on the res
ervation toiAi place today when the
late Yum I'rnkin buried at the
reservation, lb was asphyxiated at
Chicago while on bis way to V ash
in u I on, D. C, on business for his
trilie. He was a famous Cayuso lu
(ibm and leaves an $so.muu esinte.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
n iirr wnim iiraiui t- s --
How About Your Catarrh?
Do You Want Real Relief?
Then Throw Away Your Sprays
and Other Makeshift Treat
ment. Why? Simply because you have
overlooked the cause of catarrh,
and all of your treatment has been
misdirected. Kemovc the causo of
the clogged-up accumulations that
choke up your air passages, and
they will naturally disappear for
good. But no matter how many
local application!! you use to tem.
porarily clear them away, they
will promptly re-appear until their
cause is removed.
S. S. S. is an antidote to the mil
lions of tiny Catarrh germs with
which your blood is infested. A
thorough course of this remedy
will cleanse and purify your blood,
and remove the disease gcrma
which cause Cntarrh.
For fi-ee medical advice write to
Chief Medicnl Adviser, 101 Swift
Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
"Diamond Dyes" Make All H?
Faded, Shabby Apparel
Turn New.
Don't worry nbout perfect result.
Use "Diamund Dyes," jrunranteed to pivo
a now. rich, fmli'lcss t-nlor lo any fab
ric, whether it he wool, silk, linen, cot
ton or mixed jjoods, dresses, blouses,
stockinp, skirts, children's coats, feath
er?, draperies, cove " jnps.
The Direction Hook with each package
tells so plainly how to diamond dye oyer
auv color that you not make a mis
take. To miiteh any material, have dnipfiUt
Bhow you "Diamond Dye"Color Card.
f7&m iOi g
fThe man
who shaves
If you are one of the men who prefer to
shave themselves, you will find your
razor speeded on its way by using
Shaving Cream
It lathers quickly and profusely and it softening
qualities make shaving delighttul. Furthermore, it
will not dry on the face. PUROLA Shovirfg Cream is
scientifically prepared and possesses antiseptic
properties which tend to prevent inlection.
After-Shave Luxury
will put the finishing touches to
the race. It is a refreshing, in
vigorating, healing lotion
PVIiOLA S A o t'i 9 'Jretnn like. t!l ither
I'UIiOLA Prrpnriihons, is vunmnlttd 0 (fire
.truuah iatutnrtton, rtr the price you paid
xctll bt cheerfully re'undtd.
Prepared and Guaranteed
By the
ClrcijM. four!
C. A. KnlKht vs. K. .Mv liiidnvan.
Crater l,:iko Motor Co. vh. (!. W.
CropH. Chattel Hon.
Krl M. Andrews vh. Utyd White nt.
al. To recover property.
T. .1. Hall et nl to M. Hadovan.
.Vellie W'lthearl va. Henry Wlthearl
Order and affidavit.
Ora A. .Morse) vs. Mt. Vernon Nat.
Hank. Demurrer and motion.
KHz. A. Troutfcther vs. Chas. A.
Trautfether. Answer.
Why suffer? Hub Turpo, the only
Turpentine eintment. where tho pain
is. Continue till ralievod. . Try It.
To the Public
Tin; owners of the. People's Elocirii' 8lorc have sold their entire busi
ness to A. M. (Jiiiiniiif(hiim. Ir. (Junniiiliaiu has specialized in .Klcctrio
IJaiiRe and. Water Heating Systems and has been in tin; electrical con
tractiii"; work for this past ') years with the California-Oregon Power Co..
and Paul's Electric Store.
Mr. Cunningham's business will operate under the name of "People's
Electric Store."
The Store Will Specialize in
House Wiring ; Electrical Contracting
Motor Installations
Electrical Appliances and Fixtures
Farm Lighting and Pumping Plants
People's Electric Store
212 W. Main St.
Phone 12