1 jprnromi m.yie rRTnrmT;. wrrnpoim. OTiF.oow Tnrnsn.vv. matc. "tt i. 1020. TWIT! SEVEN fiUE ;J.. Mi-i-ker iiml (in-i-r nr.' r ni-rvi'-e-: at 1'M' Airato si'limd " ,. AH st" invited to utti-nil am' jioiiu'thiiJ!: I" their tidvan- , ciiitiiiM.-.l cold frcezim: wcntli . f;i-f.l tin- !-ti"-l;t""'ii in fee-1 jiiial amount i'l' Itsi V this win ' .1 r:i.-S freezes iluwu lllli! tte n Hi'""'''' while il is mi . a,ui Mrs. Itolnuil l'lalinrlv nii'l ter visited t I lie Kim-aul home iiniiiv- ...... K. K. MinnicK is icveiii,,' in, 'inil iiiiitinir it in line couilitiun rijatio". Inivinir sinned im I'm- from I ii' li. 1 1111:11 " mid Mrs. Ii. ('. .M.-Cnv n.i :iCl.frs. T. K. M'd'rnw mill sinali 'luio, retiirncil .ATuimI;! v frem ; villi Mr. iiml Jli. II- K. IVvti.ii nower plant near iTus-poct. t(, (.s ilnwii tu llfii; per dozen i- uf tlio runners ulun to reduce forks :is there Is mi i iru tit in oultrv hn-iness when J'eeil is ,i, ,s Fv Heelie mill Miss l'enrl ul)S art' rei'iiverinir I'l'imi sick ivhicli Inis kept tlieni from nt j; hiuli school nt Central i'oinl ..line ti t is the time to feed the (liirtrcr r(. n mess of poisoned linrlev. .iiiiirrel now melius a dozen Inter It Heche's slleep hold the record jmbiiiu' in this viein.it V with a credit incrense up to this. time Marriage Licenses Herd. Kurd to Ivv Keeton. ' Circuit. Court ' .r.v Andrews vs. .lulm Arnold, rrer.' C. Foster vs. ('lias K. Woh-ott. SlllllllIOllS. M. Kinisnii vs. f'nrl V. Alier- f'lii'.ct al. ('onrirmation of Sale. . E. Foster vs. A. I". Kello-'.', i i Summons. ulttralc l.iunlier Co.. vs. ('alifor- KiVkini; ('uriioralion. Notice. . ,. uance vs. ..uoino .u. v rancc. :ec. :!atoiinm Aniiisetnent Co.. vs. Oreniliel'f, et nl. Tu iinicl. A. Kniulil vs. J. Al. Radovan. Unlll'V. .Benson vs. Aliliie .1. Chamiilin. it'iiiiiation it-iiiooiliii',!s.. uiiler Lewis vs. 1. L. K'avlor, e! Siitisl'nctiun of iuilmneiil. . S. Iliidsnn. et nx, vs. llnrrv 'nan, et nl. Affidavit. IV. litiilev vs. Security Insurance an v. Answer. J. M'cCawel, et. ill, vs. Juhn YVin , et nx. Answer. S. Ash vs. Medl'ord liealtv Co. ttions to findings. Probate Court -orrc K. Silver, eslnte. Invcn . Appraisement. infarct Woolev. estale. l'elitioii. r. Final report. Order. i I'. .M'ealev. estate. Inventory, aisi-meiit. lis Woolev. estate. Order. -mil F. Ilcdst. estate. Admitted rnliate. fON'T PUT OFF s the neglected cold, cough, nder throat or tonsils, that Militate and leave the body sposed to serious germ iseases. wv.. ...... i SCOTT'S EMULSION Ikould be taken at the first sign I lowered resistance, cold or fugh. The energizing virtues Scott's bring essential j . purishmentandhelpto le weakened system. Y f dine Scott's a trial. Jm, Scott & Jlowiie, IlluomQcld, H. J. 19-1 Used automobiles for Sale tf Ford Touriiif,' Car ii. d running order, gooo s. Lii-cnsc Paid. Trice $450.00 .e Saxon Six Touring Car. t iMiiniilctcly ovcrliaiik"! 1 lii.wK- luiinti'd. liiiM-nsi" ;id. A bargain., l'rii-c $735 o r.uick Four touring fai li 1ti.... s-,.lf-st:irtcr ii in t dv ti,-,.. l'rirt- $500.00 e I?.... 'Pioi,.!.- .v liotlv 1 trond tires. Powerful ,'inc. Price $350.00 mns; pv.mterl if desired. lumv Motor Co. Iw 125 South Front Street loini a. r.i to pr.il.i.,!.-. A-it. Trali-fi-i- -m i inn.; 1 urm.-li.-,! l,y -1 rai i I'd i .la. '. I .1. i'oi-t.-r- ci , I'ort. r al. hind in li. !.. 'I'. :. It. I !:.. My run Shaver ei i; i ri. Itainlolitli IJ y I.COIf": I'll I.'. .-Mi.-iuiai.. .v , i. , A.,ii;,i l-llly li. .Mm.-ar l William I. nllar e! ia. Icml in P. It. "aiv.-y ii. i.caiiiart c :-crf.. S. iiai,, I. ,!,,!, UK Id lam in .iihunl ICninia 'I hiirnlnii . t u so Cailr eriee Iticjcrs. lanil in i. . '" 4-. Ip. :;!. H. 1 K .Manila I.. Smi-li in 1.. 1.. l.me land in ;:, ip. It. -y James Aichiliald i.i ltosroi liaise i nx. twp. :;i;. it. i. Klmer II. Sleiiht-iisim i i at in (leu. S. Sleiilmi;,iiii. land ih scrihcit in lno-sii, iwp il. li: .lames Archiliald et al In 1((.,.' Ilnlse el nx, hind dcsciil.cd in 1 ii!i-:;j!i-:i::n in ip. :;7, It. 1 1: Kalhrena I'. Daniels el vir lo Will II. Wilson, SW of SW see. 112, Ip. i;. .v lien. ri. Sli'lihi'llson et al li.' ttosrue ilnlse et ux, land in sec I, tp. ::c, It. 1 K l-'red L. llcalh et ux to Itti.scou Hitlse et nx. land in sec. tp. it. ik "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Pemove poi sons from little stomach, liver and bowels AwiMit "C'aliferniii" Syrup of Fijli. onlv leek (or the name l ulilornui en the inickiiL'c. then yen are nure your eliihl is huvillK the licit mid miwt hiirm- k'ns laxative or iiliysie lor in" i'"- ntomaeh, liver anil tiowels. I lnlilrer. love iu ih'lieiotw fruity tnslc. 1'ini direct iona for chihl' close on each hot- tie, (live it without tear. Mother! . ion must nay "uuuorein. Thousand Dollars Profit in 1919 That is the Net Result for This Orchard IT CAN BE BOUGHT ON EASY TERMS AND THE PRICE IS RIGHT ANY ONE WHO HAS MONEY TO INVEST CAN WELL AFFORD TO INVESTIGATE. IT IS A GOING MONEY MAKING BUSINESS AND THE PRICE IS $25,000 UNDER CONSERVATIVE VALUATION FULLY EQUIPPED EASY TERMS Page-Dressier Co If You Wish to Sell or Buy Any Kind of Real Estate! Forty I' "FIDDLE-FIT" Keep Liver and Bowels Clean and Active with"Cascarets" '".ol: laM.hiche, lKhoii-iu'ss, coated liT-jii,., urt .l;-v toin.uli always I'-'v. lid lo toipi.t'i.vcr; ilehiveJ. le'r-lin-iit.re! food in tin. h.mo'.s. ' I'oimiiiiiiis mat tt-r ih.'cl in the in-t"-lines, in-ti-ad m" liem ci.t nut of 'he ysiein is ri-.ih.othe,l into the hloo.l. "iieu this .,.is0 reiielu-i the ilela-ate hr.iai ti-?nc it c.iii-es cen'cstioii and t!ut i!u:i. iliroMiinp. sickenini; hc.nhuhe. ' a-imcis iininidiatt'ly clean-e tin' Kli.rnac h. rt-inove the sour, iiniliestcd food uhJ. foul LM-t-s, take the exie-s hdt from ti,,. lii,.r and carry out all tlie euiit:nuti,I waste imtter ninl poi-ton- in the liowels. A t':ist..ir,.t tonight wilt have vou feel in)! ch-ar, i.i-y ami as lit ns a iMille hy illuming 'J'hcy work while you sleep. LOST l.OST Ainlaie pup with oollai. Kiu ih;r jilt-at! rt'turn to lit Itose avo tuu ami roouivt! reward, or plmm1 l.OST Hay saddle hark, known us saddle horse. C. pony with sear on Fred Itarnehurf!. C. Hoover, pliom MON'KT TO LOAN TO LOAN J. 11. Andrews loanfl money on real estate and buya TiiortKagea and Liberty bonds. Phono 53-M. 31 NoTth Grape Btrrjot. IOMTIOAh CAItDS. JUstriet Attorney. 1 herel)y announce myself as a can didate for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, on the republican ticket, subject to the wish of the voters at the coining primary election. If nominated and eh'i'ted I will seo that the laws are justly and honestly enforced. Ite rnuctfully your. Adv. H. A. CAN A DAY. IlelievlnR that my successful man augment of the office of District At torney has shewn me thoroughly qualified, and that I can serve the people of Jackson county, In that capacity best, I announce my candi dacy for ro-election on the republican ticket at the May primaries. Adv. C. M. HO WORTS, 1 hereby nnnounco my candidacy for nomination on the republican ticket for the office of Prosecuting Attorney. If elected I pledge myself to an impartial enforcement of the law. F. 1 FAHUKLIj, Adv. Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office or sheriff on the republican ticket, sub ject to the May primaries. I feel that my record as a public official during the first tsrm entitles me to re-nomination and re-election. Adv. C. 13. TKRRILL. I licreliv nnnoniics myself a repub- liean candidate for sheriff of Jackson onnty. at the May primaries. Sev eral years experience in this line of work, Including last six months 01 1919 in the tax collection depart ment, thoroughly qualifies mo to ad minister the duti s of the office in an efficient manner. Adv. JOHN D. WI-MEIl. County Clerk I announce my candidacy for re- noininntion for County Clerk on the republican ticket subject to the decis ion of the peoplo at the coming pri maries, and hopo my record in this office the first term is such that 1 urn entitled to your support this year. Adv. CHAUNCEY 1-LUltfcY. County Assessor. I hereby announce my candidacy for the re-nomination to tho offlco or Cohnty Assessor for Jackson coun ty, by tho Republican party at the primary election May 21st, 1921). Adv. J. II. COLEMAN, School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for county Schi.01 Superintendent on the repub lican ticket. G. V. GOIJWARl). Adv. K.YWLKS MOOltK for Democratic Nomination District Attorney May Primary, 1920. You Can Buy These NOW, RIGHT. 1 1 2 acres improved, head or Elk Creek, rich land, team, tools, etc and crop goes, some stock, water for irrigation, cheapest and best stock ranue in county for its size, price $:.",in part exchange; all cash $:;2"0. Hill acres lor rem. on v.raier i.iiiu Highway and Rogue River. 10 acres, fine location, close to high school, free soil, irrigation, ti acres bearing orchard, fenced, well and buildings. Worth $300U, cash $2000. 120 acres, well Improved, near Pa cific Highway, mostly rich creel; bot tom, $1,500. See us tor other bargains city and farm lists. HURD LAND b INVEST MENT CO. Carnett-CorcF Uliitf. HELP WANTED FI3UI.E WANTKIl YounK lady to iittud cisar store. Hotel .Medford. Don't I-lione. call yourself. WAXTKO Kxperieneed mailt at Ootid itoltand. ehaiiiber WAXTKI) Cook fi.T ranch, average six to tdi;ltt men. Ouy Conner, dlone tl-t. I!!!' 1 1 1 : i .p w. x x v.t Ji a i . i : WANTKIl lly lied Cross employ inent office, men for Keneral farm work and cleariiiK hunt. $;:.oo per) day and lioard. Apply at Iteil Cross I headquarters. 1! WANTKIl Orchard. ltamti l'hone iielp. iV.iT-J- Miravista WAN'I'Kl) Married man who thor oughly understamls the orchard business. A steady job. to the rifcht party. Court llail. WANT MH Saw mill men ami luK 2 14 .M. J. Lunihor Co., Oru. U KliV 1VAXTKD Malo mid I'emalo WANTIOD Man work, imiudiny ninl Witt1, nim-ti ruokiiiK. Itox Al, L".i l rrihnno. VANTi:i MlSdCIJiAXKOrS WANT 10 11 Team work; plnti.uliiuK liy tiny or contract. -117 Sunt Ii Kimk street. t!!ix WANTKI) To rent altalin nun li from 10 to Uln acres. it'll. Del., or see us at camp Kruiiiul. ' I Sample and 1). W. l.olir. it's WANTKI) To buy Hinmlc liots. 1 I I'hoiio -ins-lt-l. WANTKI) To rem 11 or more moms house with garage or barn. Also space for garden. No children. Wauled April first or berure. Ans. Hex A. II. S., cure Mail Tribune. WANTKI) Several stands of bees. Inquire llox C. Mail Tribune. !.:.: WANTKI) 1'luwing to do with trac-ti.-r. l'hone 2U1-M. 2!" WANTKIl Have your carpets ami rugs cleaned by the l-lutt i:ug Factory, the. only scientific carpet cleaner in southern Oregon, mil South Riverside. I'hi.ne litiii-M. -9U WANTKI) G'.d hats to clean and block. Apparel Cleaners and Hat ters. 30!) WANTKI) When you have building or repairing, seo Gillette, iu,. South Onkdnlo. He does the work right, quick, nDil reasonable. Hy the day or contract, l'hono 171. 301 WANTKI) St. at Johnson's, Louis prices for furs 45 Front street. WANTKI) To buy good clean cotton rags, iledfoid Printing Co. WANTED Your liido a worth real money at Johnson's, 45 Front streot. WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf FOR RF,XT HOUSES OR RUN' garage. ' Seven room house and Phone 419-M. ,'.!! 3 OR HI- NT bungalow; I I9-.M. Two room furnished no children. Phone OR It 10 NT Furnished uix-room bungalow one block from Main street, to right party ror limited period, $:;5.0U per month. Itogue River Land Company, Nash Hotel coiner. '' FOR RENT Six-room house at 20. South Central. John A. Perl. FOR RENT Furnished seven-room modern house one block from post. office: fine lawn and shrubbery. Call at Room 207 Fruitgrowers Hank lllilg. Phone 3C1-L. tt FOR RENT OR SALE Nico five- room modem bungalow. t20 West Twelfth. 293 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished rooms wltn lioard if desired. 113 East Elev enth. 297 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms; bath: 300" close in. 245 iNorth Grape. 'OR RENT Sleeping room. Close In. 211 South Laurel. Phone 2 97-L. 2 93 FOR RENT Ar-AUTM ENTS FOR RKNT Furnished ! South Central. apartment. 291 FOR RENT Two and throe room furnished housekeeping apartments The Riverside Apartments, 217 South Rlversido, telephone 457-.I. S07 for 1 1 1 ; x ti i o t s i : k i : i: i m ( j ROOMS FOR RENT Four housekeeping reams. Furnished or unuirnished .Khnnx r.'iu-U. 407 lieatty street 49K WHY Mr. Business Man, Do You Want a Country Home? $6000 $6000 28 Acres Alfalfa and Grain slof'l;inl lmiir Medford. improvements would cost nearly pri-' asUed for plaee. Delitful eoimtry !,.,.. .mod mad. P.eaut il'ul -'rounds. Plenty of Will cive terms. of owner this pace is of ft Invest now. Rogue River Land Co. Phone 784-L Nash Hotel Corner 1'ott sai.k Misoia.i.AXi:ois j ron sai.i-: i.ivkstocic aitomoi:ii.ks I-Olt SAI.i: A lot of canned fruil i ' "l( riAl.l". neap cine yoilliK cheap. Also a nood vii lin. how i nine hied rot-'lstered Llewellyn set and care. Iiuiuire al :::::: South "'r 1K. No ronveuicnees lor keep Itiverside or pulilic market. Sat- inR doc. Itood home more jinpoi urt)av I taut lliau cash. Aildress I'. t. Itox li Olt SAI.K- too eK electric men- hater. W. .1. Warner. L'tl -I ' . , . KOU SAI.K- KviTtiearint; rawluirry ; plants rnc r (hi.. Apply I'ori. la ml avt'inii'. IM'." l COlt SAI.K X-ray I I't'tt'rsoii, Capiinl ::7o-V. iiituliatiT. .1. Hill. I'll. .ii.' KOlt SA1.K-- Iron Ai Rardeii nilti vator ami .sM-tl'r. pra-t ii ally uew. Also child's Ko-cart. l'honu L'N-U-t. 1 h'Olt SAI.K -:t"i t .-ii dump trm-k . working mi limn cunt ract . Terms or cash. P. (1. liox !H1, tlrnnts Puss, or phono 1-Ii-Ij after tl p. in. 1117 l-"Oll SAI.K Hark ruined oak buffet and china closet; also small licnlcr and kiis raiiKe. 91- North t'l'lllrnl. lMionu FOR SAI.K liinini; room set and . other househoid goods. rinine i-,:,-H. s:i:t FOR SAI.K ftU iiano. Call RRNT- lii;h gradi FOR SAI.K $:ir,i).liii mortgage 11 per cent three years. Medl'ord town lot. Discount jriii.uii. No agents or brokers. Address 0li9 Junior street, I'oi-tland, Ore. -'9 1 FOR SAI.K Wood: pine and fir in -ar lead lilts. Two miles down the highway from Itogue Hiver. W. (lalbreath, Charlevoix Jtancli, liogiie Itiver, Oregon. 91 FOR SAI.K Mnchinery for completo brick and tile plant including clay bank for immediate operation. Will give terms on part and take brick In part payment, his I'lnes Lumber Co. tf FOR SAI.K Seventeen tons haled al falfa hay. Phono 105. FOR SALE liny. Phono 842-J. FOR SALE! ifflnu, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone S12-J. "OK SALK l'OUliTHY AND IXifiS FOR SAI.K Superior S. C. White Leghorn eggs. Digger eggs and larger birds. 1st cross famous O. A. C. layers with Isaacson's beautiful-prize winners. Trnp-nested and raised right. Settings of l." eggs, $1.50 and $2.50; IfS.OO per hun dred. Cockerels fi,'r sale, tins Hrommer, phone 5S9-.I-2. Roulu 3. Sledrord. 3lt FOR SALE White Leghorn pullets. Phono R-lll-M. 2!M FOR SALE Or exchange lor hens, Rh'odo Inland and While Leghorn cockerels. ,1. P. Rucker, R. F. I). 1, Medford. 291! FOR BALK Rarred Rock hatching eggs. O. A. C. strain, l'hono 5-F-2. 297 FOR SALE llurr Rock eggs lor set ting. Phono 930-Y. 29(i FOR SALE 150 egg incubator and brooder, $12; 5 horsepower boiler $30; O. A. C. White Leghorn eggs for hatching $1 a setting. Peram bulator $12. Leonard Oorlhuys, Talent. 293 FOR SALE R. I. Red cgg3 for hatching. Route 4, Medford, Ore., Mrs. A. N. Wright. 2 95 'OR SALK Hatching eggs, Tancred White Leghorns, regular pens 200 and belter hens $1.50 per set ting. Special pen 250 and 2S7 egg grade, $3.no per setting. Phone 597-R-l. R. V. Cruin. 314 FOR SALE- -R. I. Rod hatching egga. bred stock. Phone tf Thoroiigh 370-W. FOR SALE O. A. C. While Leghorn cockerels $3.00 each, worth dou ble. For choapor and hotter hatch ing eggs seo Ciiis Rrornmor, R. 3, Phone 589-.I-2. 301 FOR SALE Hooking orders eggs and chicks, heavy laying strain White Leghorns, R. I. Reds. Price reasonable. Cockerels cheap. Mrs. F. II. Dressier, phono 777-L. FOR SALE S. C. Whlto Leghorn eggs for hatching. I am also hook- lmt orders ror baby chicks. Come and seo my stock. 72 4 South Cen tral avenue. Medford, Ore. B." JI Ilutterfield. 2 94 FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn eggs rrom my hred-to-lay pens, also R. C. White Wyandotte eggs or highest quality, W. J. Wnrnor, 519 8outh Oakdalo avenue. Phone 69H-.M. - On iccoiint of ill health etl at I Mis oai-gam price. . , i i - 1 . . . in z. -in FOR SAI.K Milk noiit. frt-sh. l n i re Vi'l Sout li Crape. In- KOU SAI.K Kresh l'hone :.oU-U-2. Jersey heifer. ! KOU sai.i-: harness. iavy work t"am in I i !i West Ninth stit -i. l-'Olt SAI.K Sliuats. liiK and lilllc. Kuiid Mili-ln-ll wiiKiin. KUa iioil sti-i-1 wai;tiu tank. .Iiilin Cnlii' I'l-iin, ruute '2, t'cntral I'oinl. I'lioni' 11-1. L'H-i FOR SAI.K One team of horses, geldings, weight ;!lllll) liis., age seven years this spring. Also har ness and wagon. Inquire W. M. Downing, Central I'oinl, Ore. 29;! FOR SAI.K Three heifers, l'hone -l' street. two r.-l.. year old 2 10 Laurel 211 1 FOR SAI.K Two teams of work horses, one spray rig, one gang plow, one hack and oilier farm equipment. C. 11. llrown, phono f.91-R-l. 291 FOR SAI.K Hood rresh Jersey cow. Call cu:i South Riverside, or phone 1-.9II. 2!K! FOR SAI.K U-agcus, farming implements. liorses Call 71 and VOll SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Relinquishment 120 acres, gum! laud, well of good water, house, barn and outbuild ings; 20 acres, under the new irri gation system; near railroad and :chovl; seven miles from Grants Pass, price $:',50.no. Address Mar tin Conger, 707 South Fifth street. Grants Pass, Oregon. 297 FOR SALE Selling out. Following .still unsold: Our 51 acre "Home I just north of the Table Ruck Store). Rich free soil, part orch ard, irrigated, lino alfalfa land, modern buildings, water system, lights, telephone, school, fine loca tion, 7 miles out, good roads. Would sell all or part. Also farm witli barn, fences and well, -in acres. And 10 acres woodland pasture in Sams Valley. Induce ment prices. John Cameron, route 2. Central I'l.-int. l'hone I 1-1. 29!i FOR SALK OK-TltADE -1 III) acres, two miles from Eagle Point. Culdn, barn partly built, lit t lo fruit, seven acres cleared, rour acres in cultiva tion, heavy and light li.'am. 100 acres big man'.anita, scattered oak, laurel and pine; will cut over 10011 cords wood. Down grado to Eagle Point. Want 10-20 acres near '.Medfonl. Good terms. II. I). 'Powell, 212 i.Norlh llartlett, phone 030-Y. 290 FOR SAI.K Nico bungalow with six rooms, sleeping porch, bath, toilet, lavatory; largo woCilshod; lot. 50x 150; assessments paid. Price $1.SOO.OO. llennett Investment Co. FOR SALK Ranch, hundred and fifty dollars an acre. Close In to Ashland. with Improvements, 'fenced and cleared, llox H. 296 FOR SALE Modern suburban home 2 1& acres set to pears and fa in lly orchard. Also ten acres planted to alfalfa, not adjoining tho above. Will sell togothcr or separately. Phono 3 4 4-W. 315 'Oil SALE Go look at tho property at 1107 Niantlc street and inako mo an offer. Mrs. ("has. Rohr, 1199 East Salmon street, Portland, Oregon. 294 FOR SALE Five room houso with four lots fenced In for garden, wesi Eleventh and Plum atroeta. Call 121-R. WANTED SITUATION'S WANTKI) Clerical position; refer ences, llox I). Mail Trillium. 293 MONEY TO LOAN On farm or orchnrtl land, 0 pe' cnt Interest five to forty years. McCurdy Insurance Agency BROWNS WHITE REALTORS MEDFORD, OREdO.V 40 acres all flno froo soil, 20 in airalla, 10 In grain, G aero wood lot, about 30 rrult trees, lliero aro now 2b acres under the ditch and the bal ance will be; a rino houso, all modern convenlen cs, a beautiful view or the valley, good barn and all necessary outbuildings, close to good schools and only 14 mile rrom paved high way. This wji" bear closo lnvestlga tlo-n. Price $10,000. 30 acres, all fine free soil, all In cultivation, 20 now under tho ditch and being Seeded to alfalfa, 7 acres best varieties pears 8 years old and in rine condition with a splendid crop set ror this season, a fine largo homo with all modern conveniences; the improvements alone would cost you more than the price now asked. Let us show you this and explain why it can o bought at the price ana the very liberal terms offered. All wo ask of any honest and sin cere buyer is a chance to show what wo believe to bo some of tho very beat values ever ofrered In this valley whether a small cottage In town or an Orchard, Grain, Alfalfa or Stock ranch. BROWN&WHITE l'St':n CAll clearing house, buy for cash, sell on terms. l'ickens-Merrill Motor Co., IS North Grape. tf KOIl SAI.K A light delivery Heo truck, new express boily and lop, four new tires. 1'rh-u $:i."0. Torna or cash. Tumy Motor Co., 12f South Krant. tf l-'Dlt SAI.K At a sacrifice. Rood five passenger car, upholstery and paint first class, nood tires, bar gain. Mi-rurily-liiiwiie Mntnr t'o. -! l-'OUIJ at a price you cannot overlook first-class tup. tirt'S upholster ing, plenty of power. t'ome ntiil look it over. .McCiirdy-liuwiio -Motor :. lU SlXKSS IMRKCTOItY. Auto Supplies. LAHKIt AUTO SPRING CO. Wa are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant in the Pa cific northwest. Vso our springs when others fall. Sold under writ ten guarantee. 3 4 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. f. K. I'llli'l'S Attorney at Law. 42ri-!2G M. F. It II. Rldg. Office phone 372; resldenco phono 32G-.M. ELIJAH II. 1IURD 1 -nwyor, 813-14 Garnett-Corey llldg, PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms S and 9, MeiUord National Rank Huililing. A. E. RKAMES- -Lawyer, (larnett- Corey Huililing. Hullilliig Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT HR1CK & BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds or cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. 259 Kxiert Accountant, WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Lootc into our simpliried accounting lnothod. M. F. & II. Building, Medford. Phone 157-R. Instruction In Music FRED ALTON I1A1GI1T Toachor ot pluno and harmony. Ilnlght Music studio, 318 Garuett-Coroy Hldg. Phono 72. I'lanlng Mill. THOMAS MOFFAT General mill work, sash, doors, mouldings and screens. Shop 437 S. Fir. Phono 184. Physicians mill Surgeons. DR. A. HURKLUND, Chlropractla physician, St. Murk's buildlim, acjifo and chronic eases. -Offii- hours 10 a. in. to 12 in. 2 to 5 p. m. Telephones Office 404, res, 750-J. A HIIRSELL, M. D.; D. C. Sonolo gist, Physician and Surgeon. Spe cialty Physiological Methods. 309-10-11 M. F. & 11. bldg. Phone 29. ROBERT W. STEARNS Physician and Surgeon, Jackson County Hank Hldg. orrice hours 9-12, 2-4. ON flee phono 39. Residence 933. DR. J. J. EM.MENS Physician ana surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes sclKt tirirally tested and glasses sup. piled. Oculist and Aurist, Jot S. P. R. R. Co. Orflces M, & II, Co. Bldg. Phono 507. DR. P. C. CARLOW DR. EVA ilAINS CARLOW OSTEOI'ATHIS PHYSICIANS 410-417 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel Street DR. McMORRIS M. DOW, Physician and Surgeon Practice limited to surgery and hospital ohsterlcs. Special attention given to diseases of women, orfices 306-7 M. P. & II. Hldg. Residence, tho Dow Hos pital. -Printers and Pllblbdiors. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. lias the boat equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Rook, binding, loose leaf ledgers, hilling systems, etc. Portland fcrlcos. 27 North. Fir St. Transfer. EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO". Office 42 North Front St. Phone, 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Undertakers JOHN A. l'ERli Undertjiker Phono M 47 and 47-J-2. 28 South llartlett. Lady assistant. Auto mobile Hearse Service. . Auto Am bulance Service. Coroner, Lodges. I. O. O. F. MiMlfonl IoiIko No. 83, Meets every Monday- night nt 7:30, G. T. l'urkor. N. G . W. L. Miller, secre tary. Homie Itiver Encampment No. 30 MoulH 2,1 unit 4lli Frliluyu at 7:30 p. in. Samti'l Bateman, C. P., J O. How ard, Htirllie. Oltvu Ittiekah lodge No. IS Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Mt 8 p. m. Nan nie. Hull. N. U., Annie J. Butenian. Bi crelftry. VKiiors conllully Invited to alt ueuUnfc. . . , I