PAGE TWO BTEPFORD WATT. TRIBUNE, ftrTCDFORD, OTtKOON. sATTkDAV. FiniR'UARV 23. IffiM. "JuCKHOii rcMuty litis Uih bent net of HportHiiici) that I know of anywhere" flays I'alrfck If. Duflfy, tin; drnuty Katun and fish warden, iir .'.p'-akiiiK of the prospects for next fall's deer hunting "Thuiiktt to the great ma jority of our hunters being real hport.smeii and having observed the law fully last fall in the number of bucks killed t ho hills and mountains are full or door und the hunting pros pects for next fall are great." Hot tainalt nnd cnlll con earn o at DeVop's. liodRO, Velle, 'hovrolet used earn. These earn an. in good condition at tho right prices. Itrown .Motor .'o., :tG-40 Kn,UL J'honc JOU. liiKt Among lh recent real enlate sales was the Kale thin weik of tho Major Malc'no property, ui ner of Dakota and Park Htreets, formerly the Hiram Mfiedox rosidene. to .1. .1. Htuhter, who will move, in this wick. On und after January 12 tho ft Snider garage will be open day and night. tf (Inarantned springs for at) urs . Hillings Carriage & Auto Vorkn. tf tA treat i.s in store for the ineniheiv of Talisman lodge, Knighta of Pyth ias, nt their meeting .Monday night in the vIhU of Walter li. (lleeson of Portland, grand keeper of the records and seals of tho grand lodge. There will also bo a class In the page rank following which u light lunch will h served. All Pythians are requested to be present. Mr. (ieeson will arrive In. the city Monday morning with his family. Reliable- used raw. lirown Motor .Co., 30-40 North Front. Phone 4 Oil. ' i y si :j JiiHt arrived. Car of famous Utah coal. Valley Fuel Co. George Carstens arrived home this morning 'frum his week's visit at Han Francisco and uL once resumed duty behind the desk al the Medford, having decided to take the day clerk bhip us a change from his having served us night clerk for so long. A. (J. l.umbie, the new clerk who kuc ceeried Walter Dunlap will serve as night clerk. The Koguo Hiver Valley Canning Co. will now contract for 1920 sea eon's pack of tomatoes, beans, ber ries and all kinds of fruits. tf A real dance! Medford Nat. To night! Hear that new melody saxo phone! Some music, boys, some jmi Me! Admission free! liSH The local republican presidential campaign is beginning to warm up. A representative tt Governor Frank Low den has been here all week boost ing his White House aspirations, and it is roported thut Wulter L. Tooe, .Sr., who is a General Leonard Wood organizer for tho state will soon he here. Owuors of cars must not park in front of fire plugs. Subject to fine. Uy. order of Chief of Police. 2M The famous Shasta tamules on sale now. Shasta. M r. a n d Mm. (Sum No w b u ry a r among the flu victims. They are ill at their home in charge of a trained nurse Dry oak wood $ per tier. Dry rails $1.00. Phono 4U-.I. A real night. Imperial Dancing free till H::tU p. m. l!N!i Court Hall and Walter Hc'wuu wen among the local auto merchants In return today from the Portland auto show. Weak conditions rolk.'iving the "flu" successfully treated. .Reliable local references. Dr. Hatstead, Phlpps Hldg. as Orros, tho ladies' tailor, will bo at Hotel Holland every Thursday. Kino woolens, latent styles at ways. tf Jtay F. Moran returned Friday from a business visit at Portland and with his family is stopping al t lu ll ol land. For salo Buck shot gravel. Phone 912-J. Dance Ashland Nat tonight. Launs- paoh's orchestra. Have you beard that accordion? "Sit Tho flu is still playing havoc among the people who sell products lit the public market, and hence at tho market tUlay there were only ineagor offerings. A dozen dressed chickens which were placed on sale earlv in the morning were sold in ubout five minutes. There was goodly supply of eating and seed po tatoes on hand Tho Medford Trlntlng company hns tho Do Mixo Multiplex cash books and other ruled books, looso leaf sys tem, also1 Inventory sheets. If you iiood these or any other blank books or hills to fit any binder seo thip office and patronize home Industries tt Pythians meet Wulter tlleeson at the Castle ball. Mar. h 1st. ' :!!" Guests at the Medl'onl include H. II. Cinnamon of Sioux City. Osrnr Sponbeim of Thief Uiver Falls. Minn., and Waiter M. Murphy of New York city, A. P. (NAm or Pyallup, Wa-h und T. .1. Shea of Seattle. Jlaaklus for health. ' Dance Ashland Nat tonight. Latins nach's orchestra. Have you heard that accordean. L'Sif W. M. Shepnrd of the California Oregon Power company is here from San Fram biro conferring with local oi n iiUi is. , Ji. I. Hod eggs at DrVoo's. Save from $3 to J 10 on n tire at the big B.1I0. C. K. Gates Auto Co tt Jack K. Hudson, .secretary of the American City Hunan which is put ting on the expansion and member ship campaign lor the chamber of commerce here, was taken sick at Ashland yesterday with ymtoms in dicHting flu He will be rennned to Medford today. Have you seen the used car bar gains that we are ottering .MtCurdv iiowno Motor Co. After predicting rain or snow two days ago and probable rain yesterday the weather bureau at Kan Francisto took a different tack this morning in Its efforts to bring on much needed precipitation here by predicting prob able showers lor tonight and Sunday. The only consolation the local alumni of the I'niversity of Oregon find in the two overwhelming defeats of their alinu mater this week by the basket ball team of Stanford univer sity is that an Kagle Point-Medford athlete is vn the Stanford team in the person of Hubert Peloue. New spring Pacific Package go(Als, models on display at the Handicraft Shop. aUG , Orres, tailors for men and women. High grade only. Ashland, Ore. Among the Portland people stop ping at tho Medford are John . L I'nderwood, W. F. Miller, Air. and Mrs. li. II. Williams, H. A. Mickel, A. It. Junes, A. A. Cairnes, It. ' Dudley, O. li. Morrow, A. L. Bram well, James li. Shea, W. H. Phillips and Alex Nibley. Prices cut to the bottom at the big sale. C. K. Gates Auto Co. If Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for N'ullono. Phone fiSft-J. The Gem concert orchestra will play at the Methodist church, corner Hartlett and Fourth, Sunday evening. Feb. 2 0: Silk dresses for girls from ten to sixteen in rose, blue and lirown. Handicraft Shop. 2!Hi (iet the habit! Huy shares now Jn the Building and Loun. tf O. O. Alenderfer returned yester day from a business trip of severul days duration. Used Fords nnd Chevrolets at tho right prices. McCurdy-Howne Motor Co. Messrs. lioyle, Leavitt and Plymale of the California-Orogui Power com pany lelt today by auto for Klamath Falls. They expect to be gone for several weeks on engineering busi ness in that, vicinity. L(,'ttie Howard invites you to see the spring hats at her old stand, 1 fit North Cenlrul uvenue. 1IN1I See I). H. Wood & Co., Rm. 209 Liberty Hldg., for fire Insurance, tf The usual Sunday crowd of sight seers Is expected al the oil well site near Phoenix of the Trigonia com pany tomorrow. K. It. Norris, the head driller of the company will re side at Phoenix. , Hand-made wash bonnets for ba bies. Handicraft Shop. 2!Hi Carl Jeschke, hlgb grade watch and clock repairing. 9 Kir street. One of tho finest musical instru ments in Mod ford Is on exhibition In the window of Palmer's piano store. This instrument is a melody saxo phone of wonderful tone and will be played by Raymond Miksche of tho new Imperial orchestra, which will be held in all the latest dance music at the natatorlum loulght. iHeautlful new spring designs In bronze, cut steel, rhlnestone shoe buckles. Heads, hand-carved ivory pendants. Martin J. Reddy, Jeweler The big dance at he Medford Nata torium tonight promises to be well attended from all over the valley. Ray Miksche and his new meljrly saxoph'Tie will be .featured by the Imperial orchestra in several num bers. A varied program of the latest popular hits has been prepared. Ad mission will be free. We weld any old thing but the "lireak o' Day." Vulcan Welding Works. 2&'i All members of Medford post Amer ican Legion ure urgently requested to be present at the regular monthly meeting of the post to be held in the Mgoko hall on Front street, Tuesday, March '1, at S p. in. Nominations for officers for the yepr 1H20 will be made at this time, und the matter of extra compensation for ex-service men and women will be voted on und n-;ommendutlons made tohe Oregon members of congress. A big enter tainment has been planned by the committee in charge. Hemstitching and pecoting. The Vanity Shop. Californians nt the Medford In clude Mr. and .Mrs. A. R. Morris of Sun Jose, A. G. Nelson of Orland and W. M. Shepurd. Harry R. heel er and C. M. Turner of San Fran cisco. Cakes, French pastry and cream puffs at the Shasta. A. W. Walker, the auto merchant who had been attending the Portland auto show will make the trip home by auto, departing from the state metropolis this afternoon. Try our merchants' lunch. The Shasta. tf Wilson F. Wiley of Klamath Falls, the district deputy for Oregon south of the It. P. O, F., who officially visited the Med lord lodge last Thurs day night, will visit the Ashland lodge tonight and the Roseburg lodge on Monoay night. Slab wood for sale by tier or cord. Valley Fuel Co. A number of high school girts und boys enjoyed a hike und picnic lunch today to the top of Itoxy Anne, and the number would have been larger had not just before they started a senior remarked that the snakes were bad up then this time of year. . Brunswick phonographs on easy terms at Dale's Piano House. it L. ,l::Luin of Portland, J. Lowther of Kugene and Klwood W. Roberts of Glendule are among the guests ut the Nasi i. ,1. Frank WcTtman Is reported as being siek with the flu at his home on the Pacific highway. INCREASE 10. Phono 4U-.I. 8!e. dance! .Meill'onl Nut. tA mporiitl i-pk'cu ort'lieslrii WASIIIVfiTOW lit. 1' i. I sl",'s,i''s l"r lll'JH. iiiiiiiiiiin-t'd OV Ult! IH'llsu.s llliroilli loony iiii-ium-u: J.iitui, Ohio, -ll.KIHi. mi iinn;nse ol A meiuiriK of unusual Interest to tho inoinlierH of Moiit'onl camp V.'ooil miin of Die World was held hist Wed nesday evening, the annual roll call t'i" members. Tho hall was well filled and nearly every member, who by reason of distance was unalde to at tend, wrote u fotler. whieh was read to the neighbors. According to reports read Medford nantp hat paid over $:':. tttiO .10 rela tives of deceased members; the TO BE SETTLED PANAMA. Kcb. US.-- Indienli.'n earlv todav were thr.l the strike ol approximately 1'i.ODO maintenance ol wav Worker in the Panama canal xune was over i'tr the time Item: at leu-d. It wii- niiuoum-t'd bv Phti-h Minister lienuelt that the lender-, of llie strikinif union members had ne eeided diis offer to nd us mediator between the men ami (lovermu' Ihml int: of the eanal zone nnd the wa: oeiartinent u Wabin'n'loii. and that mum iiicii in orju iiiivt uYur : , . , , , ei-..i. t .. . 1 w tr 1 1 '"(' liieanliine hud iiiiieed io re $Le,i)0U Invested in Medford audi. , ... .1 .lackscn county, und $1,958,840 in vested in Oregon in h hool and mu nicipal bonds. A committee reported the Hulley property, corner Fifth and drape. suited to the wants of the camp, und the committee wus authorized to close the deul. A club and reuding room, will be muintuined on the lower tloor ctf the promises, with lodge rooms above. District Manager Pitts paid Med ford camp his first ofucial visit on this occasion, and a campaign to put fifty new members into .Medford camp was launched, with twelve upplica lions on the clerk's desk. Medford eump will visit Phoenix camp on the evening of -March S. As Phoenix -rump is nt.Ved for its hospi tnlily, an enjoyable time is antleiput-ed. EDGAR PIPER PLEASED WITH G. 0. P. SPIRIT ; :resl--- I he iim! of poison I :iiMim Hi,. r,.,,ni;,.i I , I,, is not ,ro,M,se, except in rct'itliati."-'"" !"' ''''"1 ''.'!""- : A statement to this cl'lcel was ma ' lz,'l'. ''. WUi. mi tnereas: in the I se .,f e,,. s' lsl ,,lf O.Hl.i. ,of liti.:i per cent. en beloill- of II ,,v nt I'ii.lmiili. Kv., -'l.TII.'i, tin increase I I' 1.II7H or H.7 per cent. I' TROOPS NOT f)r?DERFn AWA I''"''1 ''''''' I in. is ' li, aecordinir to Tinnl returns Croin .lie ,1-lth niinual decennial census as itiven in tt cnljlcurnm t'roin Sun Juan todav at the census bureau here. This is an increase ol 177,fM, or per cent over llllll. A new liroom''BV)f)tJil8'''eieiin. "'1'ry tin on broken parts. Vulcan Weld hiK Works, till South Pront. 20 I-:. .Meyers and ,1. A. Sninlley of tho l'. S. navy are Ktiesls at the Hol land, and U. S. army KticHtK at the saiuo hotel are K. S. .lentiliiKs, Wit Hani Healths and 11. T. Nelson. 1'lcothiK Is the neatest and quick en t llnlsh for ruffles. Handicraft Shop. 2!ltic Alex Sparrow, stiperintendent of Crater Lake national park, is some what peeved as is Indicated by the followiiiK Item he handed an innocent .Mall Trillium reporter this nioniiiig "In reply to numerous Inquiries as to who Is superintendent of Crater Lake national park. Alex Sparrow says that as all the hell and salary that boos with the position seemed to he comitiK his way, he was not interested In who carried the title The above explosion was broiiKht on bv this newspaper having wrciiKly handed the title recently to Will Steel, who is commissioner of Crater l.akc park. Iion't throw It away. It weld ed. Vulcan Welding Works. 2 SO liov. I.. .Myron lioozer arrived home this nioruiiiK from .l'ortland whore he nllonclcd the stale meetini; of i ho synodical home missions of the Presbyterian church. l'or eye. ear, nosn, throat neo Dr. Heine, Liberty HlilB. lllasses fitted. ' niacksti.'ne. the uniKlcian, and com pany who appeared here the past two lliKllls at the 1'nuo left for Ashland this morntiiK where they Kive an ex hlbition touiKht. l'"ur the best Insurance- seo Holmes the Insurance Man. Mrs. K. It. Harnett arrived home yesterday from an extended visit at l'ortland and a several days visit at ItoselnirK. If von are looking fi'r a used car we have li. van net It or It can't be had. I'l.kens-.Mencll .Motor Co. '.'S9' Auioiii; the miosis at the Holland arc l. YVyss and Henry 1,. Krnslroni of I V ii l lo ii it . K. li Crawford of Mon tague ami K. If yjiii of luinsmulr. Alexamler Nlbli-y, of l'ortland, for mer local maunder of the t'tall-ldaho lleet Simar coinpany is here on a sev. eral da s visit . The famous Snntita tainales on pale now. Shasta. " T WEEKS & McQOWAN CO. UNDERTAKERS Day l'lione: Pclftc tt7. VlKht PboDc: F. W. Weekj, ltfl-Jt. VLADIVOSTOK. Keh. 1H. - (Bv llie Assoeialed Press! Oemuml will he made upon ,Iatau for the return ol (ieneral KozanotT, former trovernor- ueneral of the maritime inovinee, to I nee trial on eliariies of erim while exeeutive f the provinee of whieh 'hnIivo.tnk i capital, tiei-unlntir to an annoiineemenl bv the ol'fieinl new:' auenev of the revolut ionarv emtvo uovernment here. Oemund nls( wiU be made lor the return of the steamer-; Orel und Vakut. lieeenl 'lailivostik udviees report ed (ieneral It'o.anotf with a number of lit-ititi oftieers ;tnd their rumilie-; I. at! arrived in Tsnniua. J apati lo' Imvimr the revolutittu itt 'lailivo-tnk .lannarv IM. I. W. W. Leader Convidcd. Oi:iAI liAl'IOS. In.. IVb. JS. A liirv tod:iv returned 11 verdiet ot '.mltv nuaint llenrv Toiin. Oliieai-'o I V. W. oriianier. Totin was in i iir ted I or r rim inn 1 conspiracy nnd vndiijili-m nnd wa-. tried on tlu1 'iiisiMi'Mev indictment. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOlt sSAl.K OK ItKNT- piano, fail ;;rL'. i,ihi s When irroKutar or suppressed use Triumph Pills. Safe anil ulwavy de pendable. Not sold ut drip; stores. 1H not experiment with others; save disuppointment. Write tor "lielier" and particulars, it's free. Address. National Medical Institute. Milwau kee. Wis. After pnyhiK a hitfh tribute to the splendid Hpeoc:i of Mrs. A. .1. Klocker delivered at. the Leonard Wood meet ing in honor of Washington's birth duy at Portlund recently, Ednr K t'iper net only expresses li is own opinions, hut conveys the sentiments of his futher, Edgar H. Piper, editor of the OreKonian, in the following letter to a Medford friend: "We urn all anxious to acknow ledge our indebtedness to Medford lor the clarity of its political think ing und the generosity cf Its senti ineulK, both of whieh seemed repre sented by Mrs. Klocker. Medford bus always been respected here be- aitHo of the type of people you send us on various occasions, nnd I am sure thut during the coming cum- puign you can send us much In the way of encouragement and inspira tion. "With sincere thanks for your ef fective support, which ull of the Leon ard Wood organization have appreci ated, 1 beg to remain, "K1KJAU E. PIPEIt." WASIUXOTOX. Keb. 8 Produc tion of potash in Oermauv last month rencbed the record total of f."0,m0 tons, tin official , dispateh received here todav said. The ureatlv " iu ereused out put wus ascribed lnruelv to improved industrial conditions out! tit the fact that u larL!e number id' ictni riiiiir prisoners of war have uoiic lo work in this industrv. A project is under wjiv, (be dis patch .said, to import anthracite coat from the I'liilcd Stutes u- this fuel is urucntlv needed in the potash industrv. Htgheit quality jewelry repairing Diamond setting, watch repairing Jatiifaotlon aaiared Id taaJttj and prlo. MARTIN J. RKPPT Mall oj yaur wata. Anything in Your Eye? .Many people who come to us for eye culmination imagine there i some foreign substance in their eyes. It Is luml to convince them, somr (iuu".t rlmt these gritty, sandy. set niching, it ritming conditions ni e s.mpttnns and eftecis due to refrac tory errors whit h usually ean be cor rected lv t earing of properly fitted lueses. Let us take the "grit" out of your Dr. Rickert OPTOMETRIST Deuel UiiihliiiK, Meilloi'il, Oregon I urn to work nt noon todav. 'I'ln -rent intijorifv ol' llie striiiers nri U'e-t liidiiiiis, hrruelv li'oin r.riti-!i Iiosessions. to lti est, France and from there to Antwerp, Helciiim. was reported ,,, have arrived at Trieste. Austria. 1-Vl,-ritai'y 2". Tin- slenuiers Asienhji 1 Kakiki which earried rullro.i lies to the I nit i'l KiiiKdinn, were re ported enrollte respeel Ively to Harry Itoails, Wales, anil Antwerp. SHIPS PLACED IN A1UNTIC IMKbaOOOPHHEATMini PANAMA. I'riilav. i'eli. '.'7. In williii'jness on the liart of the I'alia man iroveriiuient to reeeive 1,11'Mi Mrikine; inaintellnnee ol' wav work lilen 1'l'oin tlie eiiutll zone, is exiieeteil here to end the strike whieh lieueii lew ilavs tiio. . Iioiernor llanline- of tile ennai zone was informed todnv thai there was n no.-sihilil v that tlie slrikei . would liei-ouie inihlie ehari". in fu ture. -Men who are idle heeause of the strike, do not favonililv eontemiilale leiialriiition to the West Indies. The Ciilish niiiiister is attempt inir to hi in llllollt a settlement. POUTI.AXn. Keb. S.- The H ' tioll "whul heirone s of OreK'-'.t ships alter ttiey leave here," is an swered hy reports aliliouneed toda by the Coliiiiiliia-I'aciiie rtliiptiini! -onipauy on t'itteeii shiptou--: lio;uil steamirs, which lie- loci company is operntini; in other p. iris ol' Hie world, All of these vessels have been loaded here and dispatched to tile Atlantic ccjst or Knitcd Kingdom with th-il initial cai'Koes anil a htrs.e proportion of them, alter dlschui'Kinr. 'he ear Koes loadi;d here, have been placed ill the AtlauUc-Kiiropean tramp :eri.c. lleporls were received hy cable in the olli.e of the Oihiinbin I'acilic company, iellini; ol' new assir.nmenls i tor four wooden shiii.- under ilieir ojieratiin. I he sleaiuer l apuo s was reported io have been iied l'or a royiiKo from the 1'niled Khmdion to Serbonico, Austria. The wooik-n steamer i'.lue la 'le, whiell curried ties from I'oiilanil lo l.'ardil'f. Wales, and sailed tr-itn there Rain on Weilnesdav Perhaus. WASHIXtlTtlN. Keb. L'K. Wcuthei iireilielions for the week liciniiini: Mondav, are: I aeilje slates Indications noint lo a short period of ruin ubout Weilues l" v und u'jniii ulioiit Sntiiriluv. Nor mal temperature. The Danish financial council luo decided to (Icuuiiul from the novem ment sole control of nil iinnorls. TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking COLD MEDAL The world's Standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troublus tho Notional Remedy of Holland since 3696. Guaranteed. Threo sizes, ail druggists. Look fcr tha nmna Cold Modal on vcry box. mad accept do imitation ANTI-URIC FOR RHEUMATISM willing to allow their names to lie used stating they have been relieved and enroll of rlieunia tism bv using Aiiti-Urie it must be that this remedy lias merit. M iss 'lOmelia 1 lance, 21!) Harrison Street, San Frain-i.seo, is willing to answer any (iies tioiis about her experi ence with this great herbal remedy. Aid i-l'ric is guaranteed lo give results or the money spent for it will be returned. J-'or sale by Heath's Drug Store I'()lt'l'i.AN!. 1V1. I!. TllW V:k :1k- final d;iy d" I'ort tnnd'H plevuni u iiiiNiiiil jtuioTiiotfil)' show and of i; firm scjjiii ;at n truck tdiow. Hoi h cvcnls will (dosu ill 1 1 o'clock -ln-liini. This year's auloniohilu show h;i. surpitssud any itrtivinus .anltj evmit in-n; in tin miinliLT of eurs Hliown, i he v;ui iy ol' now niod ls on display, hcaui.v of t!i st'ttint? in whidh tlw how was ht'ld and in aLtondanic. uiumduiirn iiKiuv.-t, it was nadl, an.1 ci'i'tain to show a total of clone to :!n,niHi, wh;-:-h is an avoraso oT 501)'. lor each dav. Millinery All tho newest ami smartest Spring Models now on display. "We shall take pleasure in having you call and seo them. The Vanity Shop Next Eialto Theater. W'illioni S. ,leiiiiini;s, former :ov ernor of I' loriilu unit n cousin of Willinni .1. I'.rviin, ilieil vestonlav n! St. Ani:iiNlinc. l-'l;i. .. t. I Mm mm IF YOU ORDKR IMMEDIATELY V BEFORE PKICES GO UP With a.h Non-Skid Tiry, we will yau Abso lut fly irvi' a Kiiuianti-t?d pure tt'ni inner tube cf tlie BariiJ as tin- lire j'uu ordt-r. Willi '1'irc l'rki-s Advam-inj; AK.hi, .-ti aewniit ot Kreatlv jiii i-at li cui;t if inw n:::K fial and lalnir fon UilhuiH. tlu-i I'i ices lir iJiatt; uiddH only. This i.s mil' wav i.f iMv-ri islns to net new cilM-t(tnn-i we will et all of uur ti:t buslnesa utter you cruer once. 30x:j X.m-Sktd S14.!'.". Nii-ski.i Ni-:i-Sk,d :iJ;4 .N ;.!.-.-:, I 1 Nun-.':Knt I'b.ii In onii riiu:. he sum riiii.-her. Straiiilit-si'h- ur Sr(.(Jil i!''io."U tin- i.aeli lire and tul. u. i).. Hiiitjf -i lt rxiiiiiiiiaiiiHi Six! Kon-Skid $20.65 :f4pi: Non-Skid ?.7xV Nun-Skid 3y.65 'Jt;4 Nun-Skid ii.'iu :;r.x.r. Non-skul -t.L'O a:5 Mun-.skid 47.yr nnd state whether you una Mih-lc 1 )et ueh.'i I'le ninn. heiul oiU'.'ieu, uaiaii'jis llOW a liteulul 5 per ttiit (.ash discount, if full amount a ceo in pan let ot ilur. TOBIAS TIME CO. Dt-pt. n. 309 Van Ncss'Ave,, San Francisco, California First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth inl Hartlett. "The ( 'hurt h with a visiouaii'l cliallenging prograin' "A ( 'liuri-h ol' ( iooil Music.'' 11 A.M. "THE MEASURE OF LIFE" A message with a "lift" 7::: I. M. JT.-3 'Trlfl f?TTT?.SOTT. TWi,. SnTTT.' 1 JL'STt r.'s WaM! I,, !,.,( ,.i; i 1 ....:t in "inn, i iiuiair iiuw mi- nit rying lo develop your I'ae Tliesr two sermons on vital themes hv REV. J. RANDOLPH SASNETT CP'grTmjQ ' i '; . i'.i' Vaf"-v-' .a . ,'.:-'.-' .- j ' " " if LET US ADD OUR INTEREST TO YOUR INTEREST TWO kinds of I uteres! are neeessary for the Thriflor. I'"irst. one lias lo lake an Interest in saving. Set-ond, if he earries his tliril'l, money in a Savings Aeeoiutt here at the 'I'irst National we add our I u! crest w hich is the actual "dollar-: and cents' kind. "We are going lo keep mi hammering away nittil ever.y parent in Medford provides his or hei-youngsters with Savings Accounts. eh? First National Bank' Medford Oregon Mineral Oil as a Laxative is a sane and seiwihle rente.dv for it n-ts purelv as a luhricaiit. Tlfe SAN TON A M Kl.'K 'AN Oil, seems to he the l.c st. At Heath's Drug' Store only The San Tox Store